The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, September 12, 1867, Image 2

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: : : Skit. 12, 18G7.
j . '. Of Fhllndflph'.
;. , ri'R ssriir.Lv :
; Icn. JOHN T. LINTON, Jobnetown.
V-5 ruK snFr.:FF :
y JOHN A. BLAIR, Ebensburg.
, .' JOHN COX, Conemaugh.
! F.n COi!IiSI0NEB :
JOHN A. KENNEDY, Carrolltown.
? JOHN BUCK, Curroiltown.
' :.. ' rcF. l'OOR HuUsE riUECT-R :
JOHN D. THOMAS, Ebeneburg.
t FDU'. I). EVANS, Crovle, 3 years,
f , JOHN F. ALLEN, Yod'er, 1 year.
Yvi corns i. r ;
J' J. A. 1IAEROLD, Johnstown.
- Kndicul County Convention.
7 This auejxut body assembled on the fec--
nd of Stj't-jinlci'. Some tix distticts were
lureprescr.ted, vet there was much talent
f, n the body. Among the names we re
'l ornizo those of John J. Gin??, Esq , late
, i idionl member from this county, Juhn
; J'lincy Adam?', Aleck M'Yicker, former-
, radical Sheriff and would-be Treasurer,
-:' V". A. M'Dermitt, of the Grand Army
j.'f the Republic, Samuel Singleton, late
district Attorney and prospective Eepre-
r.tative, Jo?!ah 31. Christ, C. O. U. S.,
VI. Jacob M. Campbell, Surveyor Gen
eral nod one of the Chiefs of G. A. li ,
i. :.Jf. S. Strayer, J. 1, J. S. Ogdon, G. A.
L, Capt. James Quir.n, do., do., Henry
y Valfers, Fort man of Grand Inquest, J,
'.J. Gillej-pie, G. A. 11., James Cooper,
- yl rmei ly County Commissioner, radical
t ember, and next radical Jury Commia--mrr,
Wiliken of Washington, as the
-' 'fthlllit if. Pflr.f V. W Vlnt-irtrron CI
.., - . '"'-o""!
if . late radical Sheriff and embryo
uieal Commissioner, J. D. Hamiiton,
te Sheriff, E. Crura, and Wo. Ream,
I r many j-ears Constable of ene of the
ost respectable districts in the county.
Dr. iVil, one of the .v'.'ars of the party,
.as elevated to the chair, supported, right
fid lefr, by his numerous Vices, and
.jnted by Slick. and Singleton, SS.
f Ths members of the Convention then
yccccdc-d to nnniioate each olher as can
.daies, but failed in part, ns one or two
the nominees were, by mistake, out-
lers. IJut they nominated, neverthe
jiUi clover ticket.
Singleton, formerly of Indiana
'tmty, but who has resided several years
nsburg, was nominated for Assem
. q'Hc served in the Union array, is a
r.of very respectable attainments,
. .s of irreproachable character,
j Msg. Richard Kyckinari was nominated
jr Sheriff. He is, we understand, a Ca
Ldian by birth, but presume, if so, he
r s since naturalized. He also has
:eral years in Cambria county.
ii ved in the army, is chief of police in
; ', and is, we believe, a compe
';' nt, as we know ha is a clever, man.
i.; Lieut.-Ccl. Wni. A. M'Dermitt, candi
ite fur Tieufuier, Las nho been in the
j, r ice of his country, and is a respectable
?: J"n man.
i, Caj.t. F. Flanean, tho nominee for
'i ommii .r,rr, i a clever man and a gal-
a tolditr, hut h - lost Lis ircatije three
oars since'. 1 1 I.a.l been nominated by
a ra:'.icals fjr Sl,crin, and was running
. r a s-irunj- current of popular favor,
J hen !.e withdrew and irave l.Ia r,t;i t,.
I I 'urlni Kail il,)ad locofoco of tho
;!'l Dalgclty f-lripe, and thereby
amed bnd disappointed what democratic
-. ien.N lie had.
i Cot. Jumcs Ci.pcr is tbo candidate for
.-ry Commiioncr. Ila never was in
4 e 6C"', but he is nominated fur the
A ( ily ctlico the radicals can get iu Cambria
aury, and of course tiie soldiers were not
'tended to be fcleeted.' Mr. (not Col.)
."ooper is a worthy and competent man,
. ll,J v,iI1 waiea good officer from hisgen-
if al acpaintance with the peoj.Ie.
Sorgtant J. S. Ogden was nominated
I j-r Foor House Director. Vo understand Mr.. William Glass, of Monster, had
en agreed upon in caucus for this posi
.. 'n, as a reward for trading F,arker for
.rrcd last year, but the secret organiza-
; :n defeated Lin. in convention. Mr. Og-
i'i " is a J-ing young man, and wouhl
, dyubt a good offieer if he had a
a ice.
: The other candidates John Van Scoj
(, Jr., of VvLite township, for Auditor
j- 3 years, Charles Luxton, of Jackson
WnhLip, for Auditor for 1 year, and G.
, Stineman, of IiicLIand township-we
not know nor do many of our reader.,
, wc agree with the Alleghuniua that it
- V utuc M available ticket" they
ht h.-lve nominated.
5 ; r- lWi is Chairman cf the Radical
; y Committee. We' suppose they
"li hy called together by this
and wLo arQ .a
'Si;' U i!l t!itli' 0Wl v-av.
Rcmocrafic Governor and Two
Congressmen lSecled.
The election in California on Thursday
1:11 resulted in" an overwhelming Demo
cratic victory. Henry II. 1 1 night, the
Democratic candidate for Governor of that
State, has been elected by not loss than
ten thousand majority, two of the three
Congressmen chosen arc Democrats, and
the Legislature is Democratic, thus secu
ring thc election of a United States Sena
tor in place of Conness, thi present Jiadi
cnl incumbent. The entire State has been
thoroughly redeemed from the blighting
curse of radicalism, and the tyrannical
and disunion policy of Congress has been
rebuked in terms that cannot be mistaken
or gainsayrd. The wild waves of fanati
cism have been broken upon the Facific
coast, and the corruption and disregard of
constitutional obligations which have so
long marked the career of the dominant
party will ere long be checked all over the
land by the voice of a free people, who are
not willing to bo degraded to the level of
the ignorant and indolent negroes who are
sought to be made their efu:l. The De
mocracy of thc Golden State, have won a
glorious victory, which will foot up a gain
of not less than twenty-four thousand since
the latt Gubernatorial election. This is
certainly tidings of great joy" to the
true men of the Keystone State, and can
Hot fail to nerve them for the comin
etrugple in our own good old Commou
weahh. As The Aye truly remarks, Cal
ifornia only takes the position a short time
in advance of Pennsylvania, New York,
and other States on this side of the At
lantic slope of that chain of mountains
which backbone the continent in this de
partment of the New World. The same
causes which affected the people of Cali
fornia will change the opinions of men in
this State. The only thing to be done is
to keep the Puritan and the Negro prom
inently before the masses, and they will
redeem the Old Keystone State at the
coming election.
The result in California has sent a thrill
of joy to the heart of every man who loves
his country and seeks to re-estabiUu the
Constitution as tho chart by which the
Mnp of btate is to be steered in the future,
and hence all will join in the jubilations
of the New York World when it savs:
California is an epitome cf the Uuiou.
Her soil is peopled by the sons of everv
State in the Uuiou, from Mai :e to Texas,
and from Florida to Minnesota. The verdict
of condemnation prououuced upou the lte
publiciiu party and all its works by Califor
nia has therefore a deeper significance ihau
if it were renounced by auy brate vvhe.e
M'Ctional or local iulueutos. have gi eater
weight. It signifies nothing les than the
approachiug Ui.-sclution of the paity which
has ruled and nearly ruiLed the nation dur
ing the Just six years, and the spte ly
lad of the Lau who were fast tran;!.rinin
our republican sy.-tem of self-government ii
to a military despotism.
Welcome! thrice welcome ! this news from
the galhmt l'ac:tic Sute. whLh comes like a
lulcj Aui of tiiumph aLd the cheers of
victorious troops from one wihj of a j;re;it
army, pealing ahn the, and neivih;
ti..:; lcllow-hol dicrs to a final and over
whelming OU.-mC.
Do vol. the call, mn of Mdir o ? The
Pacific to the far Atlantic puks: Th
victory w havo won. you, too, m .y w in
The od.hi with us were as e'e.-peiate as'yours.
Tom-tLtr all, and charge t'.r victory."
Do y.u hear the shout, Ohioui.s, nud n.en
cf the Kevbione State, which comes fi om the
Goieieu C.ites ? "Wo have redeemed Cali
fornia. Your odds are yet more desperate
than curs, l'.ut the line is Lroken. On. on
w ith a'l your troops, aud charge for victory."
Later returns from the California
election give the Democrats a gain of one
LT. S. Senator, three members of Congress,
besides thc Governor, Lieutenant Gover
nor, Secretary of State, Controller, Treas
urer, Surveyor General, Attorney Gencr.--',
Harbor Commissioner, Clerk of Supreme
Court, State Pi inter, a majority in the
Legislature and several hundred minor
officers. Very good.
A Siuam.e Fui-.ak. A fe w days since
a woman went to East Saginaw, in this
Stae, and issued handbills announcing
that Mile. Ellanora Shoudon would walk
a rope stretched across Genessee street at
G o'clock v. r., Tuesday. A great crowd
assembled, but for some reason she failed
to walk, postponing it until thc next day.
At the appointed hour about2,0U0 peo
ple assembled to witness the performance.
The lady appeared in a robe de ballet, but
seemed very timid, and after a while, see
ing her awkwardness, the authorities in
terposed and stopped the performance. On
Thursday an old gentleman came to town
in a state of great excitement, inquiring
for a missing daughter who answered the
description of the rope walker, and stated
that she had left home suddenly a few
days previous, and that her people feared
foul play. The father who is well known
to parties in this city, is a wealthy busi
ness man, residing in Flint. The youir
lady is twenty-four years old, is handsome"
and engaged to be married to a wealthy
Eastern man soon, and moves in tl
circles ot society. She had never walked
a rope before, and what induced her to
undertake such a rash adventure is beyond
conception. She was induced to go home
by a party who was acquainted with her
father aud family, and started about an
hour before her father came. Detroit Ad
vertiser, September 2.
Hon. I. W. Hall, was defeated for
the nomination for State .Senator in the
Radical Conference at Lewistown, on Fri
day last..
The Englishmen who were held as
prisoners by the King of Abj'ssini.i have
been released.
A manTtamed George Finonoff the
other day killed four wild turkeys at oze
shot, near M'Connellburg, Fulton county.
There was frost near Springfield,
Massachusetts, on the 30th ult., and snow
fed on Mount Washington tne same day
c- j
liev. Windt has been sentenced to !
fifteen years in the eastern penitentiary.
About twenty girls ot the asylum were
suij cted to his lusts.
A stick of logwood that was lost over
board at Union wharf, Portland, about
forty years ago, was found in the mud,
last week, quite sound.
A New Haven minister of twenty
five years" standing, 1ms been obliged to
abandon the pulpit and go to work as a
carpenter, in order to earn enough to sup
port his family.
Eli Kirabcrly, of Guilford. Ct., was
kicked by a rooster on Saturday last, and
was so badly hurt that he is in danger of
lockjaw ! The fiisky bird hit him with a
spur in the knee.
A water spout, over one h-.mdred
feet in diameter, came across the Dela
ware north of New Cas:!e, on the ."th
instant, and upon touching land swept
fences and trees away like ch.uK
A t-ix year old boy, at Trenton, N.
., who was IocKed up in a uark closet
Wfol;- h.'ia f i-.'r.Vinf. I ,r.- ... . !
from fright, continued to scream at inter-
Vila 1 ,.., -,. tl.-. ".,1 ;.., U.,
Four boys, the jourget only fi ft ce:i
years oi l, swam the Niagara Liver m
Square Island recently, : t a point v. here
the current is full of eddies and wi!iih:ok.
m 1 roes towards ti
ie i-uiss ill
rate o!
seven runes per iiou
On Sunday last, a crazy rx-iiro enter
ed a colored Baptist church in Savannah.
and mounting tho lvi'nir r-l.wi.l o lirt.-F
harangue by flingiug spittoons at the con-
greg.ntion. The poor wretch when finally
seized became rav ing mad
Mr. James Fleming, of New London,
Missouri, grew a crop of wheat on bis
farm this season which averaged forty
bushels to I lie acre. He sowed fourteen
acres, and gathered live humhed and
sixty bushels of piime wheat.
Mr. Jacob Gallagher, of London-
derrv tuwnvhin. D.-mnliin cuimti' wlih
at work in a fieid hist Thursday was
j , 7, ........
olJ. It is said that Diaz has come to
an open rupture with him because of his
determination to execute more prisoners.
Miramon's brother is in arms against
Juarez with 2,500 men.
The reservoir which supplies the city
of Hartford, Connecticut, with water (six
mnes distant) gave way on the Cth instant,
!Pn TllifT fliui n million - ..r a
upon the surrounding farms and sweeping
fences, house-, mills, &c, into n com-.Icte
i, 1
...11 uv.M, untiivil L..1LO S ( I VV lU'I
According to the latest revelatier.3 of
New England political opinion. Senator
Wilson crucliy savs: "We owe a debt of
jiiHiiiu'jo io .-anton wiiielt wo will Lr n
hmz time in paving." It looks ko : that
debt, even with no bankrupt act, can be
' bought at a very low ra'e just now.
i At Columbus. Ohio. Wednesday
' evenii-.r, two boys named Jacob Penncr
j and William Schwartz, aged ropcctively
fii'ieen and twelve years, got into a quir- '
red, when LVnner drew a pocket knife and '
tabbed Schwartz to the heart ohum." 1
' Lall. almost inslanlly. Eenncr is in :
jail. . !
A few weeks ago. a small child of!
! Alexander Taylor, icsi ling in Joiferson .
township, Fayette county, while in the i
woods, with other children, gathering !
wood, ran in pursuit of a kitten, and trip-
inn-, fell, .irl'b. r ! , .. .. I.......
struck by lightning and instantly "killed, j thickest kind, in mid August, and the !
He was a laboring man about forty-five i v"lJl-,"'S closed ind the key-holes stopped,
years of age, and leaves a wife and three a!1L' C:tc'1 11Iocr with an old lie skunk in '
childron. j his arms, before he would sit on a jury !
The murderer and usurper, Juarez. ! Wltil t!:c whitest and docentest of thes'c I
has had himself crowned w i'h :i irmvn .! Democrats." Well. Jay has the renuta- i
stone, cut tins it swcrelv, frotn the effect- ! , l,i,K;u 111 Congrot-s want to re
: of which sbo died a feu- davs a ' . " i l,Jil,:Ue lIie Lxccutive Department of the
I , . : government.
I .i. young sea s:rp3nf, strayed away
; from Its psmntal r.est in Lake Michigan,
i . . t- i , , . . .
mm cMincmy capture-1 in i;etroit nvcr.
T . .
j He was tive ami a half feet long, and car-iL-d
a villainous mouth. TV-.,'-.- .., .m
! saw him, and a well directed 1 ,e.v with an
oar caused him to turn around its L-!:d-
! whi he was Limled in and killed. The
I I.h.Tt. I.oa 1 . .. "V A- i
! -Eenj imin Shyers took Robert Ma- !
! singili's girl fro,, him, on the way to
churc!,, in St. Paul. Deeatur Cnnie- Tn. !
! ' i , , . J
naitv werp. re. n: n.o-T Mt.r.., r l. ,..,.
J .
I J "irHl llll c V V il
ftone at his rival, which struck him on
the hca't. and caused death in a few
days. The mur lerer was arrested at
Gieehiburg, and taken to St. Paul for j
trial. i
The boat race between Ifaraill and j
Lrown, for tlie champions'iip of Ameisca, I
came of at New burg, N. Y., on Monday
last. Ilamill was ahead when they turn
ed tho stake boat, and Drown ran into
him, in consequence of which the referee
declared Ilamill the winner of the race.
Another contest will likely take place
between them before the championship is
awarded to either of them.
During the afternoon of the Gtli instr
a flightful accident occurred at the Chit
tenden county fair, at Burlington, Vt.
The seat?, arranged in the form of an am
phitheatre, and all densely crowded with
spectators, fell to the ground with a ter
rible crash, bringing down with them over
3.000 people. More than 50 are injured,
some fatally, and many have broken limbs.
The struct nre was SO feet hizh. and it ;
miraculous that more vcrc not injured.
Governor Helm, recently elected by
the Democracy of Kentucky, died at his
residence near Elizabethtown, on the
Sth inst. His funeral took place on Tues
day, just one week from the day cf his
inauguration. His death having ocenrred
during the first year of Lis term, the law
makes it the duty of the Chief Justice to
order another election for Governor, to be
held on the first Monday of August next.
Meantime, all the powers and duties ap
pertaining to the olHce must be exercised
by Lieutenant Governor Stevenson.
At a meeting of negroes in Manches
ter, Va., on Saturday night, a speaker,
who suggested "that Grant and Johnson
should be hung as high as Ilaman if
the wheels of reconstruction could not
otherwise be unclogged," was loudly ap
plauded. 1 lie Buffalo Krnrcsj avs: "The
j j
removal of Stanton shows conclusively
" - ' lutiuui rLJO 1 3 OJMOU.-imjr
t'mit Mr- Johnson has determined to sever
all tics between himself and the Kcpubli-
can party. ."I ics between Johnson and
the Kepubliean party" is good about
equal to ttie rope between the mob and its
The Chicago T!,ms says that how
ever Gen. Grant's lata letter to the Presi
dent, protesting against the removal of
Sheridan, many improve his chances for
tho Presidency, that it will hardly add to
his reputation for understanding the na
ture of a republican form of government,
or for knowing how to write good English.
Speaking of that nasty subject, negro
suffrage, the Cincinnati Knqiurer says:
"Every State in the North to which it has
been submitted has voted it down. Con
necticut voted it down last year by G,000
majority; Illinois voted it down in 18G'2
by Fj;,000 majority In Pennsylvania
and Indnnia no p::r:v bus the courage to
suomit it. Ohio ;-.-;il vote it down by a
Ir.rje majority this fall."
M'gro.s vote in Mexico, and during
lh nrf f. .r: v-c - i....t--. ', 1... . K ......
j ern-.-d by jio loss than twenty-six different
I 1 V. i . t J o't.-. T Y,.-r-..-. t .. 1 I."
President?, eight Directors and two Era-
l Most of ihcc havo been rl:ici'd
v.. .
.7 ;
' Hi
bloodiest and most
is. Such is sh-! co'i-
-n of ar!
r." wi,-'n ih ..s arc poiiuit
voioe i.i iho control cf the
it is revolution ; it is war.
ted to h-ive
murder, rr.pine and plunder.
hen the E- gisters woro in a certain
bout in Alabama, the negroes wanted to
jw the cans? of there having ,;to pnf
i down their names;' t'.iey were informed bv
I :l nU:.:r smart individual that it wiss lor
the purpose of ascertaining their numbers
preparatory to sendiim thorn to Brazil t0
flight to free their brethren in bondage
there. The idea to A ; that night they
skedaddled to the swamp;--, and did not
return tmtil the E.-gisters had left,
A nasty bird, by the name of Jav,
w ho edits a filthy Mongrol sheet at Now-
i ton, -. ,J., says lie had rather sit on a jury
- U
! wun eleven luggers, and all of the
tion cf bcinz iust the nasty wrete.h h A.
scribes himself to be.
1 1 1 :rr i iation For some time past it
has b.-en evident to the close observer of
events that the Padieals would be the
advocates of repudiation. We have
charged this as the coming agitation in the
country, created bv the se!li-,!meas of the
. . - - ' "
5?jverilIn, ,,it! t"e New England
I mc'ui ln, ll:C Congress-policy party.
i v e proceed now to m-ir L- ?fo rv..i.
The Supieme Court tf Massacliusctfs
h.ts repudi;:ied the "1 yal bonds of the
: fjvciniut;nt ,l'-' t?eci,,I,i? 't they mut
tb.c solemn pledge lhat-they were too loyal
for tho sncrtligious hands of mure Stale
The ILidical City Convention, I.rro in
l'hiladelj.hia, has leptspiatcd tho "Boys in
' eay to rep;,-Hat "green-
'h.','"" , i
1 1,e I'-'J-l aristocrat lC the old
wumr,n 0:1 liT";il ",rccl' Il iS rejaidialed
lh'-'':"n l5"" 1;
"iecns and his fi lends, so he says in
'l' Iiltc k'lter t! 'Sc,!0t!. i,av repudiated
'C 5''""'": f the United States.
, " repudm ted Stan!
"V;m -Sha V "
, U tM"K '! 1 ':lH'f- thc JJ J1
fopudialed Gmv.t.
imo iiy.r.njicn oiamon an l aci i-
dical fugleman,
The Radicals of l?enn jylvania, in the
Legic-lature, repudiated so much of the in
terest of the State debt as was payable in
gold and silver.
If "straws show which way the wind
blows," the Radical wind wilf soon blow
a gale for repudiation ! ruhuhphia Aye.
Y T l?" 1P
tfif x-S.nator
' . Ll"a.J tho State of
e.miiornia, uu, at Albany New V...-1.
on the ..J ni-f. ! m r.nt!.-.r.i. ,...,.., t
" e-uui n
in Reth'.ehem, Albany county. New Yin-k
in 1S17, and received his education in the
Alb my Grammar School. On tlie ex
piration of his school term ho studied law,
.nd bein-.; milled to practice removed to
Pike county, Illinois, of w'a-.-h State he
was chosen Attorney General iu 1842
and rechosen to the same ofiice in 1811.
In 1319 Mr. McDougall originated and
accompanied an exploring expedition to
Rio Del Norte, the Gila and Colorado.
From thence he extended his visit to Cali
fornia, where he fixed his permanent resi
dence. In 1850 be was elected Attorney
General of (ho State of California, and
also served in Congress from that State
from 1S53 to 1855. Declining a renomi
nation, he remained in private life until
18G1, when he was elected a Senator of
the United States, and served a full term
in that body. The ex-Senator was also a
delegate to the Chicago Convention in
1SG4, which nominated Gen. McClellan
for tlie Presidency. Mr. McD. was a
man of extensive readmgand information,
and an orator of point and brilliancy. '
Practical Miscegenation-. One of"
tlie fussiest Radicals that infcst this part
of Urownlow'd vineyard a big liht in
the G. A..R. and Ihe Loyal league i8
Mr. John Rhum, the editor of the Radi
cal German paper in this city, called the
Slants Ztitung. Ho 13 an active little per
son, and turned up yesterday before Esq.
Cassety, as a miscegenator. Thc unfor
tunate sharer of his guilt was a negrcss,
whose complaint, and subsequent proceed
ings thareon, appear in the papers of Esq.
Casjcty's Court. Xdshvilk Union.
. A Misnomkr. The Associated Press
dispatch announcing the Democratic vic
tory in California, says : "Thc entire
Union Slate ticket is defeated, and it is
doubtful if one Union man is elected."
This is a gross abuse of language, of truth,
and of thc papers to which the Associa
ted Press agency furnishes telegraphic
news. The party that was defeated in
California, so far from being the Union
party, is, and has been since the surrender
of Lee's forces, the dis -union party, and
to name it otherwise is as false as to call
a mule a horse or a traitor a lo-alist. Wc
hope this abominable lying will be hence
forth discontinued. The political lideha3
turned. Suadui Mercury.
Proofs of tlie Superior Quality
A M E li I C A N AV A T C II
TVAtiTEE A33, 32A5S.
The American Watch Company, of Wal
thaui, Mass., respectfully eubmit'that their
Watches are cheaper, more accurate, Uss
complex, more durable, better adapted for
general use, and mcre easily kept in order
and repaired than any other watches in the
market. They are simpler in structure and
therefore stronger and less likely to he injured
than the majority of foreign watches, w hich
aro compo-ed or fr-.m 123 to 300 pieces,
while tn an old En?!i.-,h watch there areLmre
than 700 parts How they run under t lie
hardest trill watches can Lave, is tbown by
the following letter :
pi:nn. railroad company.
Ofkice'of Tin-: General St rt rintkni kst,
Altoona, Pa., 15 Dec, 1506.
Gentlemen : The watchi s mnrjiif.ictu'.-d by
you have been in use tin this, railroad fr. -ever.
d yi-iirs by our cnini-mtn, to wdnm we
fuimrh wr.tclies as part of imr equipment.
There are now wme three lmn.bcd of ihem
carried m our lino, and we consider them
goo.l an ! reliable time keepers. Indeed, I
have gre:t. ratisfuction in saying your watch
r.3 give us less trouble, and have worn and
do" wear much longer without repairs than
any watches we have ever had iu u -e on this
roa 1. As yi u are aware, we formerly trust
ed to those of English manufacture, of ac
knowledged good reputation; but as a class
they i. ever kept tin.e as correctly, nor have
ih'jy dor.e as good tcrvjee, as yours.
u these btatements T am sustained by my
predecessor, Mr. Lewis, whose experience
extended over a series of years.
General Superintendent.
American Watch O)., Walthum.
We make now five different grades of
watches, mimed respectively as follows :
Apj'leion, Tracy If Co., U'alttiam, Mass.
U'aWiam Wa'.ch Company, Waltham, Miss.
P. S. Darlltlt, Waltham. Muss.
Win. Kllery, Boston, Mats.
Hume Watch Comjiuny, Huston, Mass.
All if tht'se, with thc exception of the
Home Watch Company, are warranted by
the American Watch Company to be of the
best material, on the most approved princi
pie. and to possess every requisite for a reli
able lime keeper. Every dealer ne! lint,' these
watches is supplied with the Company's
printed card of guarantee, wiiirh should ac
company each watch soid, so that buyers
may feel su;e thai they are purehasing the
genuioe article. There are numerous coun
terfeits and iinit.ith i.s of S ?ld
throughout the country, and we would cau
tion purchasers to be ou their guard against
Any gravies of Walt'iam Watches may be
purchased of Watch Dealers throughout the
H.lj. AVic Yak.
G'N-.-i-MrTiON- Cl'iiaei.k r.v Dr Sciifni k's
Mkiuciniiv-To cure CONSUMPTION the
system rru-t be prepare 1 so that the lui:gs
will heal. To accomplish this, the liver and
ston.ach mut iir.-t be clean.-ed and an appe
tite create I f.r goi w!. .!. .mo food, w hich,
by th-e medic-mes will ledige-ted properly,
and g .d Lcalthv blood made ; thus building
,:; the con,t:tution. SCilKNCK'S MAN
DRAKE PILLS ch-ansc the stomach of all
bilious or nmcti'Mis accumulations; and, bv
lining the Sea Weed Tonic in connection,
the appetite is re.-torod.
Sehenck's Iul:i;o;.ic Syrup is niitricous as
w ell as me lieinal, and by using tlie thiee
remedies, all impurities are expelled from tli3
system, and good, wholesome Lhxd made,
which will repel all diseases. If patients
will take the : medicines according to direc
tions, Consumption very frequently iu it
last stage yields readily to their action.
Take the pills frequently, to cleanse the liver
and stomach. It does not follow that be
cause the bowels are not costive they are
not required, for sometimes in diarrkooa they
are necessary. The stomach must be kept
healthy, and an apt etite cre.-.ted to allow
the Pulmonic syrup to acton the respiratory
organs, properly and allay any irritation.
Then all that id required to perform a per
manent, cure is. to prevent taking cold.
Exercise about tlie rooms as much as possi
Lie, eat all the richest food fat meat, game,
and, in fact, anything the appetite craves j
but be particular and masticate well.
fusions of.yoltth.
A gentleman who suffered for years from
Neivous Debility, Premature Decay, and
all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will,
for the sake of suffering humanity-, send free
to all who need it, the lecipe and directions
for making ihe simple remedy by which he.
was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by
the advertiser's experience, can do so by
addressing, in perfect confidence, JOI1N B.
OGDEN. 42 Cedar street N. Y.
To Conscmptivks. Rev. EDWARD A.
WILSON will tend (free of charge) to all
who desire if, the prescription with the direc
tions for making aDd using the simple rem
edy by w hich he was cured of a lung affec
tion and that dread disease, Consumption.
His only ol joct is to benefit the afilicted. and
be hopes that every sufferer will try this
prescription, as it will cost them notking
and may piove a blessing. Please address
No. 1C5 S. Second St., Williamsburg, N. Y.
A Stiml-i.atisg Tonic Life Bittehs-
Good health is a blessing. The way to
enjoy such is to take a wine glass full of
Strickland's Life Bitters two or three times
a day. They create a good appetite ; they
strengthen the stomach ; they cure habitual
Gonsiipr.tion, Nervousness, and Headache;
they make the old feel young. If you wish
long life and good health, use Strickland's
Life Bitters. F,ir sale in bottles by Drug
gists, and by the drink at all saloons and
Citizeus of Cambria County : I offer
m;i self as an Independent candidate for JU
RY COMMISSIONER at the approaching
election. JOHN TORTER
Susquehanna Tp., August 8, 1SCT,
Lowest Prices !
and Invite tho
Ckeap CSoods
! n m it t at n
U 1 ii 1 i u
The new system of Advertisi,.,,
by Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Acvcrt; 7 .
No. 40 Park Row, New york, u.,7
a gocxl deal of attention.
The following extract from a Ep.. ,,
livered before the N. Y. State Rdiv ,j :tl! 0.
vention, (lately bolden at Perm Yan ) "'
prominent Advertising Agent cf N
goes to show that he at least a.1, !
its advantages.
From Jumcsioirn, X. Y.. Jim-il , f A
Edited by C. E 15;n v. Chain't..',.' .
hiiilee on ArvsitT;i::a Act:;cn "
u.stomers or others equally as j r r t -
soil customeis : that tbev -crn "t"
o -
. : . r 1 1 . : . .
f.i .... r . . . y t,. ., ..- ,
with and underbid the other r.,h n,n7- '
the owner cf the ppnee th':sohl t .. l,
right in and beat the public' -i V p -; -7
take his LiiHne.-s away f.-.-tn h i ; i:
the publishers, fully tii.ders,ar.d:.-.; ;. .
w ishenl to continue so iireguh.r a ..!
ness like a sy.-tcm, he (IV iter ,z ; ,
should f comj cease Sr irjg to gr ..
ing for thc papers at their regular r .7S :.
go into the other syMem of eon;r ,- 7
which he could stanel if the printer.- f - '
The anxiety on account of the tciv---.; ....
is uncalled f.r. Tlicre h not rr.e i: t,-...
which would not prefer to receive tl..
foreign patronage on this j hr., w'...n it N
fu'U' understrHHl. It is too per.r-r.vlv ric
nized as thorougiily b'.::f-f:' i i! (;.,.' ;
C'-nccrned to Yk iowned jj, th-- !
thing which may be t-ai.l ftg.imt . . -.
cted parties.
Arlvtitiscs t-hmjld fend for a c'rcuhu l" .
ing full explanati-ns.
class Bonrdir-.g fSoiiool f..r I'.rv-, m V -.
Held, Mass. Fall Term of 20 w-: --:.
Oct. 4, 1?C7. Tor part ichiri adr:-- hr
W. C. LICIIAI.D3, Principal.
Have yorr sera trie -J2NN b!;TTiil;
liOOIv," for copying letters,i.t tbc
of either press or water ? It sive :!::, i -hor,
and thc erjiense of a copyiua n : -.
For sale by a 1 firi-t c'ass staM.n es. :.
the ( f;:ce of "Perm MaLuf-cturit!. V -.. '
702 Chestnut St., Phiiadtlphi.-i. Pi.
A few mre go..d Aer.ts i -
L C. inker's' IllSTOHY UFTiii. :
SEUV1CE." Increased cot n;i.-:. r. . 1
r.nd gratr itidiicenients e7.:c i. -
P. GARRETT & CO., Ijt 2 1 7, Pi
ACiENTS wanted, to s;!
Ii.vt-i.ti-..::s -f grea' va'n-- t- ! ....
all pay great pr;-:':ts. ien-i ct. .
pages an-1 saoiph- gr'.ti-. : t 1 r. . ;
$100. CC0. F i.i..i:o Prowr:, !. v !.
.1 Treatise en D -nets. C-:'::.;-
snmpti n and Cancer. '1 i i- . .
rr.cii.s ef re'i:-f a !'v ui-e.
Sen ! particah:s to Dr! TW.W K!
South Cth Street, Wiiihur.-L u. I,
Corset Skirt S
' i -!.e io
j :-i kk: t vi" r -
!ers ! -.
imrnivts tl.e f-rm wiri.. .-.
gi ves ease and eleg-im-e i- ...
commended bv ph". si.-i.r:-.
by ix P. sauni?;::
0 Sa;:
2iiTs r
i orilEi'.s.-
OR H' i5! i . r
Tin: t.i. i
fact tiring the best , c7te i: et .i
V iii ul in tise; two wei' .
with pure Linseed Oil. wi1:
years; i is of a liuhl I
chocolate CiI r, and Can be r .(. .
lead, stone, olive, drab or ci-.
taste cf the consumer. It : v
Houses, Darns, Fences, Am
ments. Carriages and Car-m;.ke.,
Wooden-ware. Canvas, Met:.: .h
Roofs, (it being fire and w.-.ter i-r
es, Rurial C'ases. Canal B i.t.-, -Ships'
P.ottoms, Floor On C'.-ths. (;
ufacturer having used f000 bids, t!
year,) and as a taint for any purp-e .-! '
surpassed for body, durahi'itv, elastic-it -t
adliesiveness. Price $C per bbl. ( f SOii !' .
which w ill supply a fanner for years m c
Warranted in all cases as ab.ive. "
a circular, which gives full j artievdnr
genuine tmlcps branded in a 1 1 r. !
Grafton ilinerai Pair.t. Ad.Iress PA'-iF.
BID WELL, Proprietor, 2-31 Pearl-st.. '
Agents, holh male and fema'e.
everywhere to sell the Patent IrnprorfJ
Reservoir, (by which from one to nvjpv
can be written without replenish'..' "
ink,) and our Fancy and Dry Go-xi.
Can ciear from $3 to J10 a day. N 1 ci, -
required. Price, 10 cents, whh an adver
tisement describing an artic le fr ;i!" n ;u"
Dollar I'urcliaslug- .gcncj- ,;r"
culars sent fre-e.
C5 Ilacover St., Beaton, -'
brator tits into the ear, is not percfi-"''
and enables deaf persons to hear iii'i;- '.
at church ami at public asse oiMi. S :';
particulars to Dr. STILWELL No. 43 S-a:s
Cth St., Williamsburg, N. Y.
And will present to auv person seinlii-i; 115
club in our Great Ouo Price S de of IVys"1
Fancy Goods. &c. a Siik Dres, P-t", '
Piece of Sheeting, Watcb. &c . free -f c
Catalogue of goods, and sample, sen' Tl' i11'
address free. Address J. S. HAWKS
CO-, .0 Hanover St., Boston. Mass. T
Box 5125.
Dr. Lor is. of Providence, 11. I., ch. ' 'vr:
Remedies with which he has cured I n
of cases of Paralysis, Fits, and 1 r
Nervous Diseases. Send two -u-" :
Pamphlet and Certificate.
XJL ver P. Watch Given Gratis to :
i.e r-
chaser of Every 100 of Kennedy's M;i
Prize Stationery Packages, the lar an inducement to havo tli
dueetl. Agents sell tlie packages
they cap. reoch them cut. 30 h
day bure. We have agents that
average 1000 per week. Price per
15 Dollars. Retail at 25 cents
Watch in the bargain that will ret u'
more. For full particulars f P- ? y '
and other salfihle grds, a hire s R
ROE KENNEDY, Cr. 6th &uU V. v
Pittsburgb, Pa.
"Mr. Pettcogill i-p.-ke f,-, rj.
that plan from the pvbHhtr-n u . '
alone, lie showed the pubo.-he-rs't',,'!'"''''
this system of contracting th v . -erc'";v:'-
lower rates than they gave their (.- ."i
W t "f'be
7 MZ7-CuTOrF