f r pin i 1! v The eoec-ch cf Hon. George II. Pkn iiKiT5Jf, of Cincinnati, delivered recently at St. Paul, iliznesota, is one of reniark kUu power and eloquence. He met the cry ui" l he Radicals that the Democratic party id wedded to "dead issues,'' by a iiiHstcrly vindication of our political policy in stitu ling firmly by the fundamental pi ii.cipli'3 of Republican government. We invite the close attention of our readers to the annexed extract from the conclusion of Mr. Pendleton's speech on this very j'.iiiit : They tell us we Democrats will cling to 'Mead isbues." The integrity of the 1'epuLlican government, the preservation ut liberty, the maintenance of our Consti tution and government, the happiness of mankind! Are these dead issues f Our love for them may be dead, our fidelity may bo dead, our worthiness for them and vir enjoyment may be dead, but the issues .vill live tiH they are settled in their full fruition aud the principles which underlie i Leui are as durable as the eternal throne, l'hey tell us that, like the Hourbon?, we will forget nothing, and learn nothing ; will not submit to accomplibhed facts. It is a mistake. It were wicked folly to ruit tke inevitable, We would bow rev tr.ntly in its presence. Hut who shall open the book of late aud say of any course of events, or of any condition of things, it is fixed forever. Who shall with pro phetic power read the secrets of the Al mighty, and repeat in another connection the w ords w hich only once uttered through out all ages reverberate along the course of eighteen centuries : "It is jinished." The human rni:ul has no power to discern the unehnngeubl. The decrees of destiny are hidden from its view, that its aspirations may not be checked, its efforts may not W pb-:ied. When William l'itt came bncii to (ho ministry, hu formed with in credible energy and exertion the Continent al AtHanre, It required the labor of two years. Napolpon broke up his camp at Ikmtogne, marched his heroic legions to the Danube, and in one hundred days captured an army nt Ulm, and shattered th coalition on the bloody field of Aus twtha. The great statesman was bowed to the earth his hope was gone his courngw breken his efforts at an end. Broken licni ted be exclaimed, ''Roll up the map of Europe for lutlf a century," aod divil, belreviog that Napoleon had at tained to universal dominion. Austria wtt di.poiled of her fairest possessions. Jtua followed, and Prufia was humbled t th duiit ; Friedland followed, and the monarch of the north bowed his haughty head before the imperial eagles. Napoleon vvi mrJfLty. His fiat vacated the throne of NuptoB. He pronounced the aeuteuce, "The House of iiragunza has ceased to riis" and that family went fugitive from Portugal to Brazil. Louis was King of Holland, Joeph whs King of Spain Murat was King of Naples. The confed eration of tire Ifhioe guarded Lis frontier. TLti Dukedom of Warsuw and the King dom of Wrttphalia were the props of his throiw. HeTe teemed to b an accom--;vJ.-9-i fact. Hut Ei.cland refuBe.l tr, o acwpt the eituntion," and in less than throe years Austria was in arms, Prussia wag recuperated, Russia had become hos tile, and in lew thau three years the em- 6 -pi re of Napoleon had passed away the tHl.iic of his power had been dissolved Eurup was M-eetablidhed within its ori ginal limits, and he himself languished a prisoner in the Inland of St. Helena. In lMO the compromise measures were pass, fed. They consisted of the admission of California, tha amendment of the Fugitive .Slave Law, the establishment of govern ment in the territories. They command ed the support of the leading statesmen of both great political parties. They were d-. !ared to be an honest, honorable, final He'.iiement of the issues of slavery as con nected with the Federal government. The national conventions of 1852 both ap proved them. 'Ilio people thoroughly en dorsed them. Put Chase, and Sumner, and (J hidings, refused to "accept the tiUiuti' ii," and on the repeal of the Mis souri Compromise they recommenced the imitation, which ended in war, and has obliterated from the stutute book not only those laws but the very principle on which those laws were based. Who ehall dare to nay what facts are accomplibhed? Who shall predict the "way which are pat finding out." To "accept the situa tion," if it be wrong, is the cowardice of a timid spirit, or the weakness of a wearied i i.e. Error i3 never fixed, wrong is never i-MauJhcd, the courses of evil are never accomplished. Truth wages against them perpetual war. It never wearies. Its pirit never flags, aud it is immortal. "The rternal years of God are her's." Ix;t us be her foldiers and emulate her virtue. It us accept nothing as accomplished unless our judgmanta and consciences approve the result as right. Let us stand by our Constitution w hich we .believe to be right, and maintain our form of gov ernment which we have found to be bene ficient. Lot us accept no result as' final w hieh accomplished their overthrow. Let ns be unwearied in this contest, and I bdieve we shall save our institutions to Mees our child -a our fathers. If we fail, wc shall at kast have deserved well of our country men, and thall Lave done that which, like the seed after being hidden in the frosts and snows, and darkness of winter, hali bear ft uit ; and if this land and gyvcrn mcnt must follow the footsteps of the nast, we than be able to comfort ourselves'with lhc reiloction that if nations, like individu- K are not destined to immortality, and i in their virtues equally as their vices, " their grandeur as in their weakness, l"-y bear m their bosoms the seeds of ortality, nevertheless, "in the passions "Men elevate tlitua to greatness equally i" those which batten their decav, is to , dirucd the unceasing operation of 'oe principles at once of corruption and rf.surrec,ln Wch are combined in hu Mianity, and which universal in cornmu i.iius as ,n nngle men compensate the iacessH,y dt.tIlfieoflia(ion3 by v.(al wLich hasp.ven undecaying youth to t 1 Kra. fl An U no ext Cask. The Poughkeepsie Jxtfjle tells a story about a clergyman in that city who was recently aroused from his slumbers, a few moments before mid night, by a vigorous tapping at the front window of his residence, liaising the window sash, he inquired who was there. A gruff voice replied in the broken dialect of h Yorkshireman that he wanted the dominie to come down to his house and marry a couple. The dominie wondered that he should be called on such business at such a late hour of the night, and asked for an explanation. The Yorkshireman replied that "a young couple had just ar rived at his boarding house and wished to stay all night, saying that they were going to be married in the morning." That was all well enough, but the Yorkshire man didn't have but one spare bed, and as he didn't wish to turn the strangers out of doors, and didn't wish to lose the price of their lodgings, he concluded that they had better be married that riishr, rather than take any risks. The good-natured dominie proceeded to the house, and in presence of the household made the lovers one. At the conclusion of the ceremony, the Yorkshireman stepped up to the reve rend gentleman, and placing a live dollar greenback in his hand, said : "There, dominie, if she makes a good wife for her husband, at the end of the year 1 will give you five dollars more." The dominie then returned to the parsonage, and the newly married couple were allowed the "spare room." MISCELLANEOUS. 'MPORTAXT to EVERYBODY. 1 .ilJ JOIIX 1. TII031.4S Takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Ebenbburg aud the n-.irth of the county generally, that he has recently added to his tock a large and complete assortment of SHOES, BUSKINS, GAITEKS, &c, For Ladies' and Children" s Wear, from the celebrated wholesale manufacturing ettublii-hment of Ziegler & Sutton, Philadel phia. This btock comprises everything that is desirable and serviceable in the way of cuxlom-htade sewed trork, and every article is warranted of the best material and' most per fect manufacture. In tUe sale of t hose goods the subscriber pledges himself to repair free of charge any article that may give way af ter a reasonable time and reasonable usage. The ladies are specially invited to call and examine the stock. TLe subscriber also keeps on hand and is prepared to manufacture to order BOOTS aud SHOES for Gent's and Youth's wear, of the very best material and workmanship, and at prices as reasonable as like work can Le obtained anywhere. French Calf, Com mon Calf, Morocco and all ctLtr kinds of Leather constantly on hand. Ct7" fit ere on Main street, next door to Crawford's Hotel. feb21-tf. J- O L L I D AYS13U11G ! JACOB PriTpiRCHER, FASHIOXALLE CLOTHIEPt, & TAILOE, Has just opened a full assortment of well se lected and most d:irahJo mm & mm goods. Gents and IJots furnished with CLOTH ING, HATS, SHOES, &c, of the latest styles and best material, at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. A VAISICTY OF PI ECU GOODS, which will be sold by the yard or made to order in the most approved manner. Having given full satisfaction to his cus tomers fjr more than tvvk.nty-kivk tears, he guarantees the same to a!l who may favor him with their patronage in the future. fc-Stre on the west side of Montgomery street, below Iilair. next door to Masonic Hall, Ilollidaysburg, Ta. my'-S. ly.J OBERT E. J ONES. Ebensburg, Cambria co., IV, Dealer in Lumber. The highest pricos in Ca.vA, paid for CHERItY, POPLAtt.ASH aud LIND LUMBER. BANK NOTICES. WM. M. IXOYD, President. JOHS LI.OYD, Ctishicr. J? Ill ST NATIONAL BANK OK ALTOO.VA. GOVCU A M U AT A EX C Y Axn DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY OF THE UNITED STATES. Comer Virginia awl Annie Sheets, North Ward, Altoona, Pa. Authorized Capital, $300,000 Cash Capital paid iu, .... 150,000 All business pertaining to Banking done on favorable terms Internal Revenue Stamps of all denomi nations, always on hand. To purchasers of tJiamps, percentage, in stamps, will be allowed, as follows : $50 to $100, 2 per cent.; $100 to $200, 3 per cent ; $200 and upwards, 4 per cent. Jan. 31, 18U7 -tf. . ilRST IVATIOXAI. HtXK Of JOHSsIOH-X, CAMLRIA CO.. PA. Cniltl,f00,000 PilTlItgtlolncrensc to $100,000. Inland and Foreign Drafts furnished. Gold and Silver bought and sold. Collections ma.le, at home and abroad. U. S. Ponds and Securities of all kind ob tained. Deposits received aud money Ioaued. A general Ranking business transacted. lIRECTOB3. D. J. Morrell, Itaac Kauflman George Fritz, John Dibert, E. Y. Townsend. Jacob M. Campbell, dacou Levergood. D. .7. MORRELL, Prrt't. II. J. Robekts, Cashier. jan31'i7. iLOYD & CO., EtankcrN, Er.ESKBfno, Pa. Gold, Silver, Government Loans, and other Srcurities, bought and k Id. Interest allowed on Time Leposits. Collections made on all accessible points in the United Statew, and a general Ranking business transacted January 81, 1867. WM, LLOYU & CO., Pankkks, Altoona. Pa. Drafts on the principal cities and Silver and Gold for sale. Collections made. Moneys receive! on deposit, payable on de mand, without iutsrest, or upon time wifh at , interest at fair tat&i. anSl. : rrrri: r TINWARE, HARDWARE, &c. 1867 srU1AG Tit A OK. I am now prepared to offer SUrEMOR INDUCEMENTS TO CASn FUUCIIASKR3 OF TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE ! EITHER AT WHOLESALE Oil KETAIL, My stock consists in part of every variety of Tin, Miect-Iron. COrrER AND BRASS "WARES, BSAMtlXEI) AXI) I'l.AIS SAUCE-PANS. BOILERS. Etc., COAL SHOVELS, MINE LAMPS, OIL CANS, IIOUSEFURNISIIING HARD WARE OF EVERY KIND. Speai's Anti-Diut HEATING and COOKING STOVES, EXCELSIOR COOKING STOVES, NOBLE, TRIUMPH am. PARLOR COOK ING STOVES, And any Cooking Stove desired I will get when ordered at manufacturer's prices. Odd Stove Plates and Grates, &c, for re pairs, on hand for the Stoves 1 sell; others will be ordered when wanted. Particular attention given to Spouting, Valleys and Conductors, all of which will be made out of best mate rials and put up by competent workmen. Lamp Burners, Wick and Chimneys M'HOI-ES.vr.E OK K ETA 1 1.. I would call particular attention to the Lijrht House Burner, with Glass Cone, for giving more litiht than any other in use. Also, the Paragon Burner, fur Ciude Oil. SPCXCER'g SIFTER ! It recemmends itself. SUGAR KETTLES AND CAULDRONS of all sizes constantly vii bund. Special attention given to Jobbing in Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron. at lowest possible rates. Witor.rSAi.K Mei:chaxt' Lkts now ready, and will I sent on ajp.ication by mail or in person. Hoping to see all my old customers and many new ones this Spring, I return m most sincere thanks for the very liberal pa" tronage I have already received, mid will endeavor to pleasj ail who may call, wheth er thev bay or not. FPANCIS V. II AY. Johnstown, March 7, lbo7.-Cm. GREAT REnrcTioN ix Pititxs ! TO CASH BLYERS ! AT TIIC i:iti:SIILRG IIOlSE-FlfllMSlMG STORE. 'I he undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Ebensburg aud the puhlic gener ally that he has made a great reduction in prices to CASH BUYERS. My btock will consi.-t, in part, of Cooking, Parlor and Heat- ir.fj Stoves, of the mot popular kinds ; Tin urure of every description, of my own man ufacture ; Hardware of all kind, buch as L-jcks, Saews, Putt Hinges, TaUie llingts, Shutter Hingis, Bolts, Iron and Nails. Win dow Glass. Putty, Table Knives and Forks, Carving Knives and Forks, Meat Cutters. Apple Parens, Pea and Pocket Knives in great variety, Scissors. Shears, Pazors and Strops. Axes, Hatchets, Hammers, Boring Machines, Augers. Chissels, Planes, Gorn passes, Squares, Files. Rasps. Anvils, Vises, Wrenches, Rip, Panel and Cro.ss-Cut Saws, Chains cf all kinds. Shovels, Spades, Set thes and Snaths, Hakes. Forks, Sleigh Bells, Shoe Lasts, Pegs. Wax Bristles, Clothes Wringers, Grind Stonc-s, Patent Molasses Gales and Measures. Lumber Sticks, Horse Nails, Horfe Shoes. Cast Steel. Pifles, Shot Guns, Kevolvers. Pist-ds, Cartridges. Pow; der. Caps. Lead, &c.. Odd Stove Plates' Grates and Fire Bricks, Well and Cistern Pumps and Tuhing; Harness and Saddlery Ware of all kind ; Wooden and Willow Ware in great variety ; Carbon Oil and Oil Lamps, Fish Oil, Lard Oil, Linseed Oil, Lubricating Oil, lioHii, Tar, Glassware, Paints, Varnish" ts, Turpentine, Alcohol, &c. FAMILY GROCERIES, such as Tea, Coffee, Sugars, Molasses, Syr ups, Spices, Dried Peaches. Dried Apples, Fish, Hominy, Crackers, Pice and Pearl Barley: Soaps, Candles; TOBACCO and CIGARS; Paint. Whitewa.sh. Scrub, Horse, Shoe, Dusting, Varnish, Store. Clothes and Tooth Brushes, all kinds and sizes; Bod Cords and Manilla Hopes, aud many other articles at the lowest rates for CASH. C3-House Spoulinj made, painted and pui up at low rateh tor cash. A liberal discount made to country dea'ers buving Tinware wholesale. GEO. HUNTLEY Kbttcsburg, Feb,. 23, IStJT.-tf. URTA1F fllXTURE! Has no superior &i in the World!! It is pronounced Ji faultless bv all who have used it. and it is predicted that it will supersede all other Curtain Fixtures now in use. For sale by GEO. HUNTLEY. j&j'OTICE. All persons knowing themselves indebted to me by note or book account of over six months standing, are requested to pay u within thirty davs of this date, or they will find their accounts in the hands of an iCicer for immediate col lection. A strict compliance with this notice will save costs. GEO. HUNTLEY. Ebensburg, June 20, 1807- FliANK V. 1 1 AY, f HOLES ALE an.l RETAI L Manufact urer, wl'LV- COPPER and SHEET-IRON U ALL .Canal street, Lelow Clinton, Johns ha' A larc locj5 C0UstilntIy rjlIIE HLSING SUN STOVE POL loll. Fur beauty of polish, saving &f labor and cheapness, this preparation is tru ly unrivalled. Bug no other. For sale by June 13. 18G7. GEO. HUNTLEY. POCKET KNIVES, Table Kmvks - and Forks, Spoons. &c., can be bought cheap for cash at GKO. HUNTLEY'S? F you want to buy goods on long credit and pay big prices, don't eo to Feb. 28. GEO. HUNTLEY'S. 12 DOZ. Wooden Ucttkk Howls just received and for sale low for eash lfb.28. GEO. HUNTLEY'S. ROPE for Patent Hay Forks ean be had low for cash at IITTNTr v.vc G OOD TKUNKS AND VALISEK, lor sale low at G. UUNTLEY'S. ALTOONA ADVERTISEMENTS. HARTFORD LIVE STOCK ISSMIE HIPMY. CASH CAPITAL $500,000. "We are now prepared to insure LIVE STOCK against both Dcalh and Theft; in this live and reliable Company. Owners of stock have now the opportunity, by insur ing with this Company, of obtaining securi ty aud remuneration for the loss of their an imals in oase of heath or theft. OWNEKS OF HOUSES, Manufacturers, Farmers, Teamsters. Ex pressmen, Phvsicians, nnd in tact all who are to any extent dependant upon the vervi ces of their horses in their daily vocations, should insure iu this Company, and thus derive a protection against the loss of their animals, which are in many cafes the sole means of support to their owners. FARM STOCK. Farmers and others owning cattle should avail themselves of this m?ans of saving the value of their stock, and secure an equiva lent for the loss which would otherwise fall heavily upon them it) being deprived of their Cattle.'bv insuring in this, the PIONEER COMPANY OF AMERICA ! By insuring in this Company you ex change a certain ty for an uncertainty. No man can tell whether his animals may not be ttoleu or die through tome unforsen calamity. fc Conictcil Ayaifs wanted, to tcJwm a literal compensation trill be jjaid. Apply to KERK & CO., General Ageuis, April 4, 1867.-ly. Altoona. Pa. Col. VM. K. PIPEP, Ehensburg. has I ecu appointed local as:ent for the Hartford Live Stock Insurance Company. ? o it i: i g s n irn x g AND EXCHANGE OFFICE. We are now selling Exchange (at New York Pates on England Ireland, Germany Bavaria, H est, en, Belgium, Scotland, Prusfia, Wurlembcrg, Saxony, ales, Austria, linden , Hanover, Holland. r witzerland, Norway and France. And Tickets to and from any Poit in England, Ireland, Scotland, Germany, France, California, New South Wales or Australia. KEIIK & CO. JOHN' l; UK KIT. F. J. 6TOIIM. J-JOUSE and SIGN PAINTING. JOISX ROCELSITT &. CO. Desire to inform the public generally that thev are now prepared to execute Huii.se. Sign and Ornamental Painting, Glazinj, I'a' pzr Hinging. Graining and Culceminiiig, vi ther in Cambria. Bl.a'r or Huntingdon (Joitn tiot , on the shortest notice, in the very best style, end at prices as reasonable as anv other firm or individual in the country. Call at their room iu Lowther's bufldin". under Polish's Drug Store, or address John K ckltt & Co., Altoona, Pa. April 1G7.-Gm. 01 IX IIICK1;Y Altoona Pa., ' Dealer Iu all kinds Household Furniture! srcn A3 LOUNGES, I TABLES, I BEDSTEADS SOFAS. J LUREAUS, WHAT-NOTS CUSHIONED. O.t NE-BO I'TOMED AND COMMON CHAIRS, &c. NEW FURNITURE WARER00M, JL'LIA STREET, NEAK IIAI'.IUET, Opposite the Protestant Episcopal Church, March 7, 1SG7.-Iy.. EAST ALTOONA. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. qiriCK. SALES, JI ICK SILLS, LICIi S ALLS, AND SMALL PROFITS, AND SMALL PROFITS, AND SMALL PPOFITS, GUR LEY'S NBW CHEAP STORE GURLEV'S NEW CHEAP STORE, GUHLEY'S NEW CHEAP STORE, EBENSBURG. PA. EBENSBURG, PA. EBENSBURG, PA. The Largest Stock of Goods. The Best Selected and the Greatest Variety ever brought to Town. LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST, LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST. LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST, GO AND SEE. GO AND SHE. GO AND SEE. The subscriber calls the attention of the public to the fac., that he has just received aud opened out iu his New Store, a laro stock of goods, consialing of FLOUR, CORN MEAL, CHOP FEED, Bran. Fish. Paeon and Cheese; Sugar, Cof fee, Tea, Molas?es, Spices, Tobacco Cigars, Can. lies, Soap, Vinegar, &c &c. NOTIONS, DRUGS, PERFUMERY, Stoneware an.l Earthenware. ALSO, a fine assortment of the best and latest style of Hats, lie always keeps constantly on hand liolo-na Sausages, Sardines, Fresh and Spiced Oysters in can, or half cans, an.l al most everything in the eating or dunking line. Ail of which will be sold at iinail profit. GEO! GURLEY, Main Street, Ebcnsijuuu, Pa. January 31, lfc-157. ' DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, Faucy Soaps, Leon's aud Hall's Hair Resto ratives, Pills, Ointments. Plasters, Lini ments, (all kinds J Davis' Pain Killer. Rail ways Ready Relief, lirown's Ess. Jamaica Ginger. Citrate Magnesia, Flavoring Ex tracts and Essences, Lemon Syrup, Soothing Syrup, Spiced Syrup, Rhubarb, PURE SPICES, Ac. CIGARS AND TOUACCOS, Plank Rooks. Deeds, Notes and Ponds, Cap, Post and all kinds of Note Paper. Envelopes, Pens. Pencils, Arnold's Writing Fluid, Plack and RM Iukf Pocket and Pass Rooks, Maga zines, Newspapers, Novels, Histories. Pibles, Religions Prayer and Toy Rooks, Penkaives, Pipes, itc. Medicine for the body and food for the mind. Call and see. Main Street, Ebeksbceg. July 25, 1867. ANY PERSON intending to build a House or Barn, can buy Nails and Hardware cheap by paying cash at Pvb.23. GEO. HUNTLEY'S, MISCELLANEOUS. PHOTOGRAPHIC. dO. & II. T. AXTHOXY, - Manufacturers of PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS WHOLKSALK AND RETAIL. 601 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Tn addition to our main business of PHO TOGRAPHIC MATERIALS we are Head quarters for the following, viz : Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views of American and Foreigu Cities aud Land scapes, Groups, Statuary, &c. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS OF THE WAR, From negatives made in the various cam paigns, and forming a complete Photo graphic history of the great contest. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS ON-GLASS, Adapted for either the Magic Lantern or the Stereoscope. Our Catalogue will bo sent to any address on receipt of Stamp. PHOTO GRAPHIC ALBUMS.' We manufacture more largely than any other bouse, about 200 varieties, from 50 cents to $50 each. Our ALBUMS have the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to any others. Card Photographs of Ocnernls, States men, Actors, &,c, fcc. Our Catalogue embraces over five thous and different subjects, iucludirg reproduc tions of the most celebrated Engravings, Paiutings, Statues, &c. Catalogues sent cu receipt of stamp. Photographers and others ordering goods C. O. D., will please remit 23 per cent, of the amount with their rder. &j- The prices and quality of our goods cannot fail to satisfy. apr23-Iy.J MANUFACTORY. JOH.VSTOWX ALL KINDS OF CHAIRS, such as common 'W insor Chairs, Fret Back Chairs, Vienna Chairs, Bustle Chairs. Rim Backed Chairs, Sociable Chairs, (Cane rat Shi, ROCKING CHAIRS. OF EVERY KT7F. mm SEAT CHAIRS Settees, Lounpes, Ac, &c. CABINET FURNITURE of every description and of latest STYLES, WITH PRICES TO SUIT Tilt Tastes of all. Thankful for past favors, he respect tully tolicits a liberal .share of public .patron age. Clinton Strict, Johnstown Cambria (:- Va J Jan. 31. 1807. YOKD from JOIIX,STOVX! 3. MLISI-IIY &. tO., At their Stores in the Scott Hottxe, Main St., and on Cliidon Street, Johnstown, Have constantly on hand a large and well selected stock uf seasonable Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Groceries. an. l a general variety of NOTIONS, !tc. Their stock consists of almost everv article usually kept in a retail store, all o"f which have been selected with cre and are offered at prices which cannot fail to prove satisfac tory. Call and examine for yourselves. Feb. 28. 16G7.-tf. " J5. HARVEY CHILDS. . . . I.OVVRIE CUILDS. VV. C. MUKrilEY. H CHILDS & CO., Wholesale Dealers In BOOTS. Mil AID SOLE LEATHER 1SU WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. Agents for the sale of 4 -Hope Mill" Cotton Yam. Bags, Ratting and Carpet Cha;n. Feb. US, 18ti7.-tf. JOHS GAY. O A Y WM. WELSH. W E LTS II . Successors to Uay &. Palultr, WHOLESALE Grocers and Coramission Merchants AND DEALELS IN FLOUR, PRODUCE. FISH, SALT, CAR PON OILS, etc., &c, Corner Penn and Canal Sts , opposite Grain Elevator. feb2S Pittsburgh. Pa. II. CHESS WELL, E. T. SLACK, JOHN A. RYI EK, WM. 1). OEM MILL. M. CRESSWELL &, CO., linjortcrs and Jobbers of ill Lb 11. 511 Market Street, Jiine 20. 16o7-lyT PHILADELPHIA. jj; n couraOTqmFI ! F. SIIiKRClTS Dl'SKRT. House, Sign and Ornamental Painter. Graining, Glazing, Paper Hanging, aud all other work in his line, promptlv executed, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shop in the basement of the Town Hall. Ebensburg, May 9, 1867. Cm. JOSEPH ZOLXER, Jr., Watchmaker and Jeweler Has taken the roomo:i High street, opposite th'.' Mountain House, recently occupied by R. J. Lloyd as a Drug Store. Watches aud Jewelry repaired on short notice and at the lowest rates, and all work warranted. Ebensburg, May 23, 18G7. T AM E S II. I) A VIS, v litaler in nil kladt of POPLAR, CHERRY & ASH LUMBER. 1 ard Xos. 2 1 4 and SIC X. Broad St., PHILADELPHIA. C3-Rusiness attended to ia Ebensburg by U m. J. Williams. f mylo-ly f)H. T. F. M'CLUJiE, Surgeon , Dkntist, Carrolltown. Cambria Co., I a. leeth inserted on Gold, Silver, Vulcan ite, Cheoplastio. Arc. C3-ProfesMonal visits maue to Chest Springs the first week and to Lore t to the second week of each month. Carrolltown, July 4. 18J7.-fim..i.2a j a sFeTs c o nITor It'liuIONale Grocer, I'EALK.a IN' FLOUR, BACON, FISH AND SALT, Xo. 333 Liberty ktreet, June 27, 18C7. PITTSBURGH, PA. OAHGA1NS can be had by buyin - your goods for ceh at Pcb. 2 5 CTEO. HITvtt.W'q IM. M H i I I 11 K II I I V I L II U I I'll I! 1 in m. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JAMES J. OATMAN, 21. D., tenders his professional services as Phy sioian and Surgeon to the citizens of Carroll tewn and vicinity. Office in rear of build iug occupied by J. Buck & Co. as a tore. Night calls can" be made at the hotel cf Law rence Schroth. fMay . 18C7.-tf. S. BELFOHD, DEXTIStS CONTINUES to visit Ebensburg: personally on the 4th Monday of each month. During his absence Lewis N. Snyder, who studied with the Doctor, will remain in the office and attend to all business entrusted to him. Jan31,'G7. EXT;STKY. Dr. D. W. Zeig ler, having opened an office in looms over R. R. Thomas' Store, offers his profes sional services to the citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity. ap.l8.5m. T DEVEREAUX, M. D.Phy- -' t-iciAK ajd Scbgeon, Summit, Pa. Office east end of Mansion House, oh Rail Road street. Night calls may be made at the office. fmy23.tf K. L JOUNSTOX, J. E. SCAHLXS. JOHNSTON SCANLAN, Attorneys at Law, Ebensburg, Cambria co., Pa. Office opposite the Gnrt House. Ebensburg, Jan. 31, 18C7.-tf. D. M'LAUGIILIX; ATTORNEY AT LAW, Johnstown, Pa. l Office in the Exchange building, on the Corner of Clinton and Locust streets up stairs. Will attend to all business connect ed with his profession. Jan. 31, 18C7.-tf. JOHN 1. LINTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Johnstoirn. Pa. II Office in building on corner of Main and Franklin street, opposite Mansion House, second lloor. Entrance on Franklin street. Johnstown, Jan. Si, 1867. tf. F. A. SIIOEMAKEH, I TTORNEY AT LAW. Ebensburg, Pa ll Office on High street, one door East of the Banking House of Lloyd & Co. January Si, lS67.-tf. W. II. SECIILEK, A' TTORNEY AT LAW. Ebenshura. Pa. Office in the ComrrdsBioners' R kim. Gurt House. Jan. 31. 'C7-tf. F. V TTEHNEY, II TTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa. 11 Office in Colon adc Row. Jan. 5, lSG7-tf. JaSEPII M'DONALD, JTTORNET AT LAW, Ebensburg. Pa li Office on Centre btreet, opposite. Moore' Hotel. Jan. 31, l8S7-tf JOHN I'ENLON, I TTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg Pa II Oftice on High street, adjoining hi resi dence Jau 3 i8G7.-tf. G EORGE M. UKKD, I TTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa. II OGice on Main street, three doors East ot Julian. Jau. 31.18G7. GEORGE V. O ATM AN, I TTORNEY AT LA W, Ebensburg, Pa. il Office in Colonade Row, Centre street. January 31, lSG7.-tf. WILLIAM KITTELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ebentburg. Pa. Office in Colonade Row, Centre btrcot. Jau. 31. l8C7.-tf. ft L. TEliSIIING, Attokney-at- y Law, Johnstown, Pa. Office on tfrauk lin street, up-stairs, over John Bentou's Hardware Store. Jan. 31, 1867. AMES C. EASLY, Attoknet- at-Law, Carrolltou-n, Cambria Co.. Pa. Collections and all legal business promptlv attended to. Jan. 31. IStiT. TT KINKEAD, Justhy; of the Peace -B--B- and Claim Agent. OlTice removed to the office formerly occupied by M. 11 as son Eq dee'd, ou High St., Ebens-burg. j3l HOTELS. fJKA'T HOUSE, Hemlock, Cambria Co., Pa. JO IIS W1LKIS, Puprietor. This House has been refit red. aud offers accommodations superior to any other House in the vicinity. The Proprietor, after Jong experience iu the business, feels confident he nndertaud.s the wants of the public. His TARLE will be supplied with the delicacies of the season and bis BAR with the choicest wines aud liquors. By constant attention and due care for the comfort of his guests the Proprietor hopes to merit a liberal share of patronage. f may 16-ly.J SCOTT HOUSE, " Main Street, Johnstown, Cambria Co., Pa., A. ROW & CO., Proprietors. ipiIIS HOUSE having beeD refitted and leiegautly furnished, is now open for the reception and entertainment of guests. The proprieors by long expsrience in hotel keep ing foel confideut they can satisfy a dis ci iminating public. Their Par is supplied with the choicest brands of liquors and wines. Jan. 31, 18G7. UNION HOUSE, JBENSBUIIG, Ta.. JOHN A. BLAIR, 1j Propietor, spares no pains to render this hotel worthy of a continuation of the liberal patronage it has heretofore received. His Uble will alwavs be furnislvi ivoi l best the market affords; his bar with the best cl liquors His stable is large, and will be attended by an attentive and obliging lKKstler- Jan 31, 1867.-tf. "MOUNTAIN HOUSE, Ebenskckg. 7 L, IX TON A, CO., Frop'ri. The Taelk is always supplied with the choicest delicacies ; the Bab is supplied with choice bquorf, and the Stable attended by caretul hostlers. Transient visitors accom modated and bo-.rders taken by the week month or year, ou reasonable terms. feb21 Sim-LDS HOUSE, LOFiETTO, CAMBRIA COUNTY Pi THOMAS CALLEN, Proprietor. " THIS house is now open for the accommo dation of the public. Accommodations as good as the country will afford, and charge, moderate. Jau 81, 1867 -tf MERCHANTS' HOTEL. J. & W. C. M'KIBBIN, Proprietors. fourth St., between Market and Arch May 9. 18G7.-ly. PniLADELPITT MEDICAL PREPARATION TIOLAND'S Magic Ililioiis iv,. . Ibis ru-,,ttrti,J " very of Rev. .1 - ,l - i forrr.er'.y Pastor of i l'- " ut'il?:on V man dearly be!llVed normnati, throughout U land. He was, .b',.,.' k! study ttedicin'iV' " his Magic Pou , .,." ' the pulpit anr own lite, and Ins Ihfiir l., . times. It is the GREAT LlYn- " ui.-l iJVCr;( s f JUUS RE-MLin , w hich c..n; i'fltlv." 10 the bhale all otl.er d l r. , ,:j i;.n; they receive the unanimous at'.,!'' ; all who have tested them. 'J l e V ' : ious Powderf are a POSIT I VP n-n ': LIVER COMPLAINT in iu tecl torm. and an immediate c.rr . BILIOUS DER ANG EM ENTS f ' for Headache, Constipation, I'h,, es. Sullcno Skin, Drowsiness. Bi't " ' " pilation, llcanlurn, and a m.,?' Cure and Preventative of Fever & i (We advise all who are tioulLi " fearful malady to always kc-p C p'" on band ready for imu'diate u-tl Here are a few in.j.ortant '?v , 1st. They are the great spec ;' r Affections. 2d. They are the o-' i" remedies that will cure Llvir C''" 3d. They are the only known r.-. i',1 will cure Constipation, j.j, ; are so thorough in their ormtv'n ' package will be id! that the riii.',r;,vv using them will require tj tlhct'ac;'- -They are a mild an.l pleasant ve effectual cathartic know a. Ctl T ' the cheapest and best medic inr.'ts. " : they can be sent by mail to anv Va.-: globe for the price. GO cents. ' ' Circulars, containing c. rtificate' jr tion, etc., t,t to any part .,f tl.ew -'u of charge. E7S.,ld by ail Dru-.-.-.' mail on application to '"ec ": C. G. CLARK 4 CO.. Gea'M n ice, i,u is. per jjox. Ntvr I QOES DYSI'El'SIA CUP. This great rcmedv f.r all DISF.J-; THE STOMACH is" the disc.mvofs ventor of Coe's valuable C.u;l E-. while experimenting for his uvnLw;:. " cured Cramp in the Stomach fr Lia it had before yielded to nothing In: L'L. ; f. The almost daily teotimoi y hz iv: parts of the country CDCouna bay there is no disease cai;'d by a d:.--: stomach it will uot speedily mre. F cians endure and use it. MiL::tr5:;-. timony of its efficacy ; ami fr.. :n all 1 we receive tidings of eures perfvrrr-!. Dyspepsia it is sure to rrre. H r' i one dose will cure. Sick II ad-irt ; cured in hundreds of cases. 7 a.;.j "... j Dizziness it stops in thirty rr.;n:::(-. ''. ff the fc7.,ach it correv.fi at L U.t. I i tj'the Food it stops'rnmev'uu-ly. j a fter Eating one doe will retuvr?. C:. ! Mrbus rapidly yields to a few f Breath will be changed with half a b r IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS Its unprecedented success is owing: fact that it cures by assisting Nafuri.. assert her sway in the tystrm. . Nearly every dealer i.i the Unit-i Sells it at ONE DOLLAit FtR B TTI.E. C. G. CLARK d: CO., i:.;:.r: March 14.-cowJy. New Ha . ,:., C . MARBLE WORKS. UICES GKEATLY KEL'TiT-" AT THE JOHNSTOWN MARBLE The subscriber lias just received a large and handsome invoice i 'L. & t Italian and American Prr MARBLE, ! comprising the largest ami fi::e!-tw stock of the kind ever brought t 'L Johnstown, at his establi.-h::.cr.t C ou Franklin Street, where he : J-'-t; with an adequate forc of esperitr-.t-; skilful workmen, to execnt.' 'l : MONUMENTS. Mantels. Toinbsto-.' ble and Bureau Tops, &c, as cheap can be purchased in any of the c'.;e- w A large stock of Gui5rsT0"Ea t! and for sale low. A room has been opened in EVr:- few doors west of Dr. S. S. ChrL-ty Store, where articles of my inaia:'-2'-'' ( ; kept constautly on hand, to which tention of purchasers is invited- , f..-1 OCT" Prompt attention paid to cr-K wi.--in,i. auu rv v'l a. uti"v,v sired. JOHN Loretto MarblTWo THE U N DERS1 0 NED begs have:-;- . the citizens of Cambiia ai-J f''j. counties, that he has jutt received . of the finest Italian andvtltcr Establishment in Loretto CJi'brni co., ;;. Monuments, Tonbs, Grace u(f: 'J'. atid Bureau tops, manufacttired ef ue' beautiful and finest quality ci F' r", Domestic marble, always on harJ to order as cheap as they can It rj".'. in the city, in-a neat" and "ri" manner, and on the shortest D"IK'e (,; The jublic are respectfully isv:,";e ? me a call before purchasing e'!?tW.,;t.'rf 1 am coufideut that my work and satisfy any person desiring any i-'iV' ' line of business. . . ( Now is. the titae to get a chenpj- s .TAMPS Wll.r.. WHOLESALE