The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, September 05, 1867, Image 3

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Jr USD AT, : :
SEPT. 5, 1SC7.
- hi rBi:EDI'sc;3- Court convened at
Vxk on Monday last, ami after the usual
. rcrv business was attended to pro
tl.e trial of Commonwealth caes.
Ac'-Ii ..-..) 1 1 vrw r. F n rv til! Hiiou-
:ji va. Fet?r Keelan. Indictment
"end hft'tery. The Commonwealth
-1 . .
and no defence being
f'-c"". --. u 1
- the J lry a,iei u mhmi swrnii, re-l'-'
' ,- . r NT 1
(Vi'th vs. Marshall Lindscy.
iau!i aii'l battery with i'
intent to com-
i rr,8- 1" ueiciiu;u is mio itc "in
nIT negro, a,K as ne U' no co,m8e' tn
V-V appointed J. C. Easty, Esq., to act in
Uliiif- testimony of the plaintiff.
i V.' ;rbrth Baldwin, of Johnstown, was
Vct that she was returning from her
.i-'h residence iu tne country, on me z.ju
Oune last, and while passing alorg th-i
" ' h confronted by the prisoner who
r.e out of a fence corner with his person
and threatened to kill her if she did
t submit to his hellish purposes. Being a
-j',jte woman, she picked up a atone and
.;. i.ini, but he still continued to ap-
r"ic!i her, and after several strategic ma-
uvre hy which she managed to evade his
-a-p. si e started to iun, when he in turu
Kl"1' 1 n-OUC UUll PMIILIV , UMti rue
t(;r coiid her escape. The jury returned a
,,H-t of guilty without leaving tho box,
-1 tho prisonor was remanded to jail to
,.,t sentence.
('. lii'lh vs. John Wolff alias Jacob Weir.
!i tin'-tit Larceny. Jury find defendant
.1 ... - .. ...ilr I,,... .lm
( , m'th
h vs. John Brimm. Indictinrnt-
v.i!'.i!i"-try in.insiaugiuer in causing
i:'n of Leopold Gier, a fellow workman
the ruling mill at Johnstown, on the Cth
Mur.c hit, by pushing him against a fly
ieil in rapid motion, whereby hin head
v severed from hi body. Jury, after an
r;,.c (if a fc.v aiinutes, returned with a
''wt of iz'ulty as in manner and form in
R manded f r sentence.
(n.':h v?. Jas. F. Howard. Indictment
-!.,-(! r.v. The defendant krpt a grocery
rein J. hnptown, and was charged with
,. visited his own house during tho ab
,;,re ' f his family, s me time in July !?.st,
:i! jil !-!rni t d from"tle work la?.krt 6f a
!.? vis't m CO Umd and a 52 greenback i
u;:d F-'.i'.iy. Not sentenced.
In tl.e C)Uit T Gimmon Pleas, on Tu s-
u r::or:::r.G
fallowing civil suit was
i-n'T'i! of :
II. Tiernan.
endorsee of G. X. Smith.
A. J. Haws
:t. al. Verdict for plaintiff
;v trembled in the Town Hall in this
..m.v, ou .n-'livioy iiiic;u'j'ii nity uivw
ifiniricg proceeded t the nomination of a
riiy ticket, which hey succeeded in ae
.'.isliing in a very brief space cf time,
m ing doubt to the fact that the pleasure
:'U;:.g defeated is rather too empty an hon-
to he eu-jght after with inuch avidity.
..o ticket for the most part, however, is
i :o rp of the btbt men in the radical party,
. ! the soldiers nre complimented in being
: fur two-tl.!rd of the ctlices, not be-:-i
thrre is uny hrpo cf electing them,
. l'("2i.i'- there H a chauc'o thm ffjrdsd
.k ct.i of the apviarc-nt
&n';;e'frtd f?r : the country's defenders,
r'.'O.ov oiosnects of the ticket bein I
-. nl, the Uet of a hiving been a
"'. !d LTpr-9 mi""!, weight, r.s it has
r :-td"c"d ffnuiehold.- w!;?h ain't
-.:, !:-.'' But U lh- ticket,
iirv we shall "sty our say" about
f ihe respective car.didaes
:b!y Lieut
Samuel Fin;
sheriff- Licr.t; Col. Richard Byckman, of
: : I'vn .
'f:r;is:irer Lieut. Col. Wm. A. McDer-
tt. 1 f Oearfi, Id towns.hip.
C- m. dpt. Frsnrii Jt. Flanegaa, of
h'.te tiwnship.
er.ry Com. James Cooper. Taylor twp.
I' ,r House Director Serg't John Ogdcn,
' ri.-t iffn. John Van Scovoc, Jr., While
'iviid.'p, 3 ye.irs) Charles Buxtorij Jackson
wntiiip, 1 year.
Coroner Cart. Geo. B. Stiheman, luch-
i.d totvaship.
A democratic friend rcmaiked in
r hearing, cfter the above nominations
er- :..;;iij. that Col. Linton cou!il Carrv a
:,'e .' ft, and go 1000 or 1200 better In the
y u a n;aj.;iity, just "as easy as rolling
llAr;TlT HoiiE at St. Aiocstime We
"-i il:e pleasure of Leing present at the
iJ.H.p" pnicoci Wetlnesday last. 11 waa,
thitik, dee largest aSTair of the kind ever
id in CauibtU county. The participants
''ere not confined to the ltnnsediato nein-
.!-:!., but every portion of the ccunty,
-i evxi tltt iiir-Aiung counttes, were vepre-
tel. The mommi? waa as loveiy a coui-i
detiTed. "but before noon the party was
itI bv several successive showers, iue
cere, however, returned to the charge,
tLeiiav ris. off very pleasantly. Xot
single eHsacrrecible circumstance occurrdl the iiaienjie crowd in attendance.
l every alteiidant preparation was so per
tt that all wore h-Jgh'.y gratiiied.
The day did not seem long enough, how-
"?t. for after nishtfa! a cotillion iiarty
;r.t a few pleasant hours at M'Gough's
i'.lel. while a lare miruber assembled at
Mr. GK.per's, at Chest Springs, aux! passed
" 1'iglit m "tripping it ou the light fautas
c tc."
oLservad our correspondent, MacShane,
' ''-e ground, and expect from him a fur-
account of the proceedings.
Vntleasant Accident. On the moro-
fif the St. Augustice pic-nic, Lieut. E.
Lune 'nn t.h wf.rlhv President of the
'Wd of Cotiaty Commissioners, while driv-
lr a restive horse m a busrzv. attempted to
b'ss x wagon on t.he road, and was thrown
; m liig vehicle, and his left arm Etrikipg
ti fiv.R . : - r.
u-. wnvci, resuueu iu sevcio nac
);ro j' below the elbows Dr. Doyle was
"lediaudy summoned and reduced the
i'Ue' Lieu'"'iant is-doing well, and
Lone nothing more serious than confine-;u-i.t
Lr a few days will result from the in
! ry. Lieut. D.'s lady was with him in the
eSy at the time of the accident. They
,; e cu their way to the pic-nic grouuda.
r Sl"f PoSKD Laucekt.
,',ruy.of Muuster tov
Our friend, John
tjvrnsliin. Rohl tit.vk at
r r,.;. . - . .' " : :
w- "J1 A'twna, one day last week, and re
to niney for ths same, amounting
He hal the amount in hii poc
mediately before he took the train for
v ' Ut or his arrival at Cresson the raon
4&8. His pocket had doubtless
: a picked at Altoona or on the cars. Peo
. tannot be too careful when they go
P;'lkiU,iaa tlie country-H Bivarining with
EDrroui.Lmta, Local axi General.
Ellen Williams, colored. John Cline and'
Charles Tohle were sent to the Penitentiary
from Westmoreland county, week before last,
for one, five and nix years, respectively, for
larcery and burglary.
A land turtle was recently found "alive
and kicking" by Mr. Jacob Burley.near Ty
rone, which bore upon ita shell the initials
of Elisha Davi$; 1811, J. Builey, 1840. and
J. II. Burlcy, IS 12. He seemed to be a
hurley chap.
S. T. Shugert, cf Centre county, and C.
J. T. Mclntyre, of Perry county, have been
nominated as the Democratic candidates for
the State Senate in the district composed
of Blair, Huntingdon, Centre, Mifilin, Juni
ata and Perry counti.-s.
Adam Beach, a tenant of one of the Spring
field Furnace farms, says the Blair County
Radical of last week, ws kicked in the
fctomach by a vicious horse, on Saturday
morning, from the effects of which he died
in a few hours. He leaves a wife and ten
An old colored man named Gates fell dead
on the street in Hollidnysborc, on Thursday
hist. He resided on Brush mountain, near
the town, and had brought in a load of chips
arul.was about entering the residence of the
purchaser to inquire where he should unload
thotn. whfcu he fell dead. Heart diees'sC was
the cause.
Michael Gilmartin.a most worthy and re-
sf ectable citizen, wan instantly killed in the
Pa. R. R. fouudrj- at Altoona, on Wednes
day morning last, in consequence of a crane
on which .a heavy casting was boinc raised,
giving way and falling upon him. We will
insert resolutions of condolence sent us next
A disgraceful affray occurred i our town
n Monday night last, and resulted in tho
brut il beating of a citizen from the northern
part of the county. It is sa!d that the un
fortunate man was set upon by quite a num
ber of tlits belligerents, and when he finally
escaped their clutches he was scarcely recog
nizable as a human Wing. The afiraj- waa
not in the interests of the temperance cause.
On Thursdiy afternonn last the Muffins"
and 'Knockemstifi" had a return match
game of base ball, in which the "Muffins,"
who were the victors in the first game, came
out -10 runs behind, the game standing
Knockuistiffs," til; "Mufhns," 21. On
Friday nine cf the Mountaineer club from
the Yt Ward played nine of the same club
from the East Ward, defeating them by the
following score: W. W., .54; E. W., '2
On Tuesday afternoon of this week the sec
ot'.d nine of (h Mountaineer played the first
nine of the Etar, wiih the result given below:
Mountaineer, 20 Star, 32.
Considerable excitement was occasioned in
IIoHidaysburg, a few days a'o, by the find
ing of what seemed to Vie the bones of a hu
man hand, which were fiVhcd out of a pond
near the town by a man w ho was endeavor
ing to lure some of the tinny tiibefrom their
native chmeut. Tho bones were exhibited
to an M. 1)., who pronounced them those of
a child's hand, whereupon a Coroner's jury
was summoned, and accompanied by the
aforesaid medical gentleman and a Urge con
course of excited citizens, they proceeded to
tho sceno of ths upposed tragedy, and after
considerable time spent in dragging the
pond the rake caught on a huge stone, w hich
was soon overturned, and slowly'and stead
ily there arose to the surface of the still pla
cid waters the remains of a large spaniel
doj. The fiehe had stripped the flesh from
the fore paws, and the bones of one of them
became detached when caught by the ho -k.
SfiriDK or a CaJieriax. J. S. Kirby. ai
one time telegraph operator at Concmuugh
station, this countv. tut mote recently ern-
plovcd as agent of the Union Pacific Rail-
way at i opeka, Kansas, committed suictoe
at "Americus. iu that State, on Thursday
List. He. is sai 1 to have been a defaulter to
the company that employed him in the sum j
of about S5.000, and as arrangements had j
becu made to have him apprehended, he com
mitted suicide in order to avoid bcin ar- j
...i f . lTiiKi 11- m a viiini. mm. of !
ll'aicu Aiii. mi " ' J
iTi od address and iir.e talents, and the son of
I respectable parents who reside in this coun-
tv. His brief but unfori unata career and
h.s tragic death houU! deter others irom
treading the fatal path that leads to a dis
honored life or a shameful death. His strick
en parents should have the sympathy of ev
ery feeling heart;
Accipkxt. Little Jimmy M'Brcen, son
of our townsman, Mr; Thomas M'Breen, had
one of his les fevereiy sprained, and the
fienh on the ether one considerably lacerated,
on Monday evening last; while attempting
to get off .1 wagon in motion by crawling
down over one of the wheels. Se complete
ly entwined about the spokes of the wheel
were bis les that it was fotmd necessary to
remote the -.vhec! from the hub in order to
extricate him. How h5 escaped without a
fractured limb or two is certainly a miracle..
This is tha second accident that Ins occurred
in Mr. M'Breen's family within' a few weeks
another little son haviug falku frtfoi 11
fence and broken one of hi legs.
Homb Aoais. Harry Shoemaker, the in
vincible, haa found his way back from the
Eastern cities to his store-room on Main st.,
and be got home just in time to welcome
-blathers and gobs'' of new goods which
were following closely in bis wake. Boxes
and barrels, bales aud budgets, have been
the older of the day about his establishment
the present week, aod if you take a peep in
to his Etore you will find that he has every
thing to 6upply thb wants of his customers.
Harry's motto is "cheaper than ever," and
his prices are in keeping with hts motto;
Tinware, ic-Mr. Thos. W. WillJania
has taken possession of the store room cn
Main street lecently vacated by Messrs. Mills
& Dtvis. upon the shelves of which are now
displayed a brilliant array of different uten
sils of his own manufacture. Mr. W. is also
receiving a full line of cooking and heating
stoves, as well as-a complete stock of other
articles pertaining to his branch of business.
He is a competent workman, an honest and
liberal dealer, and we bespeak for his enter
prise an encouraging approval from each and
all our friends.
Wei.t- Fixed. Messrs. Mills & Davis have
removed to their new store room on
stre-t, adjoining the Post Office building,
and the long array of weil filled shelves pro
claim their intention to make things "get
up and get." Messrs. M. & D. have now
one of the finest store-rooni9 in this part of
the State, and as their stock is fully in keep
ing with their store, and their prices dowu
to the lowett notch, we predict for them a
larger share ot patronage than ever.
The Plce. On High street, almost op
posite the Mouutaiu House, we beg leave to
inform bargain seekeis, ie situated the store
of J. M. Thompson, who will be fouud one
of our cleverest dealers aud the proprietor
of as well stocked a store as Northern Cam
bria can boast. Attendants at Court should
make a note of " this, and not return home
.without carrying with them a package of
goods from this cheap and extensive Uicr-
caatile emporium.
1 O
Joiinstuws, Sept. 2, 1SC7.
Dear Freeman Another foot race cam a
off here on Saturday last for a stake of $100
a side, between the champion, David C.
Davis, and a man named hobert B. Way,
whose native locality has so far been kept a
profound secret. The race took place in
Woodvale, and the distance was one hundred
yards. Way won an easy victory over his
opponent, coming, iu about four yards in
advance. The sporting gentry of our town
indulged iu a considerable amount of betting
on the result of the race, and quite a large
sum of money changed hands. From what
I can understand Way has been about Pitts
burgh for the past seven oi eight y ears, and
is a professional runner and jumper. The
game played by his backers was a deep one,
they representing that he was an innocent
country youth who didn't know nuioli about
Another race came off on the same even
ing between Paifitt and liendy, two amateur
runners, for 510 a side. This race was close
ly contested distance 100 yards and won
by Paifitt, by about seven leet. Another
lace has been arranged between the latter
parties, to come off on Saturday next.
The members of the G. A. it. Lodge of
this place, gave a pic-nic in Woodvale, on
Saturday, which was largely attended.
A pic-nic will be given by the Tumverein
on Tuesday, which will doubtless be the
grandest allair of the season. A convention
of the aforesaid Society assembles to-day, and
a large number of delegates from Cleveland,
Wheeling Pittsburgh, and other points,
have already arrived.
1 noticed, a lew weeks ago, the fact of a
man having been arrested lor burglary and
biDg bailed for his appearance, and as he
has been playing quite an important part in
our local history since, his performances de
serve more than a. passing notice. A few
nights after the allair alluded to he was ar
rested at the depot by hi bailees, in the act
of vamosiDg, aud was brought to the lock
up, his surety surrendering him. The uext
day the young man performed a gymnastic
leat by clambering up through a trap door
in the ceiling, and, punching a hole through
the shingles, made his escape. He then
went some distance below town aud started
back oil a right train. It is supposed he
fell partially asleep, and waking suddenly,
jumped from the train undr the impression
that it was passing this place, and incurred
several severe contusiois. He recovered
sufficiently to be able to proceed to the house
of a lady fiieud, and it is said they were
married the next morning both leaving be
fore tho olficers could arrest them.
Since luy hist an interesting aud well con
tested game of base ball was played between
the Irous and Kicks of this place, resulting
for the Irons to 11 for Kicks each club ;
hviog whitewashed three times. I Ihiuk I ,
am safe in asserting that the first nine of ,
the Irons have no superior iu Western I'enn-
sylvania. They leave here on Monday next j
to play match games at Huntingdon, Al-
toona, Hollidaysburg and Ebensburg. j
The Junior Juuiata, of Hollidaysburg, and j
Junior Independent, of this place, played a I
match g-.ine en the grounds of the latter, ou j
Fri.lay last, in an awlul boat to '
the Independents more so, in fact, than the i
Somerset Club met with at the hands of tho j
Kicks the sore standing.: Juuiatas, TO ;
Ir-depen cents, 15. i
Mr. Abraham Good, at one time a resident i
of C .inemaugh station, this county, where j
I he held the position of dispatcher on the Pa. ;
IL K., was nm over tins morning, as I learn ;
1.,- ti.turrrfj t.K Vi n r.n i v).ili n 1 1 1 -i 1 1 1 .1 in ?r ti-, i
J -"-r" "2 " v-i - I o "
get on m wijiiw at v Ji!iair.sjHrt, la., ami ;
lniareu m such a mui.nir as to cause ijjs
death in a few-
is after. He leaves
wife and family. !
An elopement occurred here this morning ;
which 1 as cieatf-d no little excitement. A
pay lotbario, who is the 6ole prorietor of a !
wito ami two ci.iitlien, conceived a violent
or some other kind of an affection for a some
what ancient spinster in this locality, and as
t-ie teiin was reciprocal, the t-sin couclu
1 . -i......t. . . l ... v: t.
iy deserves the high estimation iu which he
is held by his employers.
A poloyising to your readers for non-appearing
htst week, and bievity this, I will
conclude with the promise of "lots of news"
next week. b'su BaL.
State Fair. The Peana. State Fair will
be held at P.ttsburgh from Sept. 24th to
27th, inclusive. Premiums are offered for
live stock and all useful articles in husband
ry, housewifery, manufactures and farm pro
ducts. The premiums are must liberal in
ev&ry department, exceeding $10,000 in the
aggregate. The principal Railroads will is- j
sue excursion tickets, and return all articles
which are exhibited, if they remaiu unsold,
freight free.
We are informed that the Ileydrick Steam
Plow, lately patented, will be exhibited and
operated durin? the Fair. For premium
lists address A. B. Longaker, Pittsburgh, Pa.
See advertisement in this issue.
Hold Up. Before you mike up your
mind to buy your fall or winter toggery,
wait until you see the fine new stock of dress
goods, dry goods, clothing, etc., which V.
S. Barker will have in store in courBe of a
few days. If there is anything particularly
pretty or desirable that y'.ti would like to
have, you will be very apt to find it, as cheap
as Any man can sell it, in Mr. Barker's
coming stock. So wait and watch.
Almost Complete. The extension of C.
T. Roberts' watch and jewelry store is al
most complete, aud the enterprising pro
prietor will soon be better prepared than
ever to supply the wants of his patrons.
Clocks, watches, jewelry, books, stationery,
fancy goods and notions are Cham's stock
in trade, and he knows how to win custom
by selling at fair prices. His assortment is
the best in this rtgion.
The Harvest Home Festival in aid of
the new Catholic church in this place, is
now in tho full tide of successful operation,
and everybody should lend a helping hand
in making it a source of handsome revenue
for the good cause. The best of enjoyment
and the choicest of viands are at the com
mand of all buyers. "Go in" while tho fair
Opemed Up. Mr. Joseph Zolncr, as will
be seen by his card, has opened up a fine
stock of clocks, watches aud jewelry, at his
establishment on High street, opposite Moun
tain House. Hi3 assortment embraces a
choice variety of goods in his line, and Mr.
Z. himsolf will be found a clever dealer and
a good workman. Give birn a "fair shake,"
Evre fe Landeli, Fourth and Arch Sts.,
Philadelphia, are 'now offering a large stock
of Fall Goods to purchasers. This is an old
, Tl . . 1 tT
j cuUfclisiieu ana renaoie ury uooaj, -uoumj.
V-ead advertisement. '
lieu "J ai'Sii uaiuiHic i,iLiuiiier, wiiitu mcy ac- t I , , , ,
cordingly did e.s above stf.ted. ! V. thau the-v n,lf r -
I noticed Mr. J. Doran, the i.opular e. ci- e)v lf e a, 8Pltr"luJ lu , f V'X
neer of the Day Express, -bobbing around" : Ss"" 'wScH FSV f
here on yesterday. Jim bears the enviable ; C " ' ' " .t-';
reputation of being one of the n.cst cartful V.v- J ''t''-'-uui.v.uj.oio.,-
ou the road, and lul- ' . . ' " ". . . , - '
Going 'Vert Fast. This is an age of
wondeiful inventions. The minds of inge
nious men have brought forth' machinery fa
cilitating and making labor easy. And
amona: the rest the Blacksmith hss'not been
forgotten, for I. C. Singer has invented a
machine which makes the process of bending
light or heavy tires, bands, etc., an easy and
very pleasant task. This machine is gauged
and numbered so as to tell exactly where to
place the rollers in order to bend any desired
diameter. Hundreds i. cf references can be
given. To get the machine, address R. H.
Singer, Ebensburg, Pa.
X. B. A few State rights remain to be
dispofed of. None need apply for Pennsyl
vania, as the inventor intends holding it for
the purpose of selling machines.
P. S. The place to get your horse well
shod, your wagon tire made and general
blacksmithing dne. is .it R. H. Singer's
shop, near Isaac Evans' tannery.
The great importance of Ive Stock Insu
rance is well exemplified by the following
IIastkord, Conn., Feb. 1, 1867.
On the 22d day of January I insured my
entire stock of. horses (twenty-five in num
ber ,) in the Hartford Live Stock Insurance
Company. Yesterday, one of my most val
uable horses was kicked by his mate, and a
leg broken, and as an act of humanity, was
killed last evening. To-day I received a
check from said Company in full payment
of said horse. I have fully realized the im
portance of Live Stock Insurance, and re
commend al! stock owners to insure in the
Hartford Live Stock Insurance Com pan v.
The Xatiohal Asikhican. The Ameri
can Industrial League, of which Peter Coop
er is President. I. D. Russell Treasurer, and
John Williams Secretary, will publish about
the 8th of the present month The National
America n, a monthly j 'urnal, devoted to the
interests of home production and domestic
commerce. The best editorial ability of the
country has been secured. Price, 5 cents a
copy. Orders may be sent bi John Williams,
S'-cretary. Xo. 9 and 1 1 Park Place, New
York, or'to D. J. Morre'J, Johnstown, Pa.
Information Wanted. Left the home
of hi parents, in Knox township, C'eai field
eoiinty, on Sunday, August 11th, Edward
C. Haley, a boy ncaily 14 years of ago, of
light complexion, blue eyes, dark brown
hair, and s -me freckles in bis face. A large
scar is upon hie right shoulder. He had on
a light tweed suit and liht hat. The pa
rents will feel under lasting obligations for
any information concerning him. Address,
James Haley, Ansonville, Clearfield Co., Pa.
Ctrf. yoi-r Coughs and 0e's
Cough Balsam, will be found a ready and effi
cient remedy for hard Colds. Croup, Coughs,
and all lung difficulties. It is sold by ail
druggists. The cheapest and best mediciue
in the voi Id.
Piincipals of Academies. Seminaries. Arc,
should consult us in regard to advertising.
No charge for information. GEO. P. BOW
ELL ifc CO., Advertising Agents, X". Y.
If you wish to advertise you should con
sult GEO. P. KOWELL & CO., 40 Park
Row, X. Y.
-J- Having been appointed by the Reg
ister of Cambria count v-Administrator ruui
fcsfamnlt attntxo c?"Gerrge Snyder, late of
Carroil township, dee'd, the under.-;
hereby notifies ail pen-.-u? indebted to s-aid
decedent to make settlement without delay,
and those having claims against the same
will present them properly probated for pay-
Sejit. 5, 18G7.-Ct.
ien:iing ol Uocas, V atclies. ami an Kinds
of Jewelry, done on short notice ami most
reasonable terms. All work warranted.
Call at his shop, High street, opposite Moun
tain House, E'oeusburg. npp,5,'67.
Y It E & L A N D E L L ,
JPoii-lli n.11 tl ArcW Streets,
Are offering a XEW STOCK of
Staple dry goods.
N. B. Job Lois cf GOODS Received Daily.
Sept. 6, 18G7.-6t.
ryo whom it may concern
Xotice is hereby given that the follow
ing articles, sold by the Sheriff of Cambria
County oh the 20th day of July last cs the
property of Edward M'GIade, were purchas
ed by me, and that I have left the same in
the possession of the said McGlade during
my pleasure, viz. : 2 Horses, 1 Waqon, 1
Threshing Machine, 1 Wind Mill, 1 Double
Sett Harness, a lot of Hay and a lot of Rye
in the barn, a lot of Cord Wood and a lot of
Hemlock Bark in the woods, S Cows and 2
Ploughs. Also, the interest of the 6aid Mo
Glade in the growing crop of Oats, Buck
wheat and Potatoes on the farm now occu
pied by him. All persons are notified not to
interfere with said property.
Sonman, Aug. 20, l8G7.-St.
ISSOLUTION. The partner
ship heretofore existing between the
undersigned in the mercantile and lumber
business has been dissolved by mutt'al con
sent. The stcr's accounts' will be fettled by
Jacob Leib, and Recounts for lumber sold,
etc., will be settled bv either of the tinder
signed. JACOB LEIB.
f .f.All T. i.r OO -lfcl-7 Oil ft O
m o m
Imjxtrters and Dealers in
No. 32 North Focktu St.,
Four doors below Merchants' Hotel, PHI LA.-
1 L E 31. II O L It I D A Y ,
Wholesale Dealers in
Aug. -2, 1SCT. Til
tt m rr n rt r I
. I TJT AS iu.-t onened. and ofiers for sale lower
The new system of Ad veitising adopted
by Geo. P. Bowel! & Co., Advertising Agents,
Xo. 40 Paik Bow, Xe v York, is attracting
a good de d of attention.
The following extract fr m a speech do.
livered before the N. Y. State Edit -rial Con
vention, (lately hidden at Penn Yan.) by a
prominent Advertising Agent of X. Y. city,
goes to ihow that be at leatt acknowledges
its advantages
Ft run Jamestown, N. Y., Journal of Aug. 2d,
Edited by C. E Bisn"r, Chairman t.f Com
mittee in Advertising Ajkncies.
"Mr. Pettergill spoke in opposition to
that plan fron the publisher's stand point
alone. He showed the publishers that by
this system of contracting they were giving
lower rates than they gave their own home
customers or others equally as prompt and
good customers ; that they were selling one
portion of their papr to be used to compete
with and underbid tho other column's; that
the owner of the space thus sold could come
right in ami beat the publisher's prices anil
take his busiuess away from him; that if
the publishers, fully understanding this, still
wished to continue so irregular and unbusi
nesslike a system, he (Pettengill & Co.)
should of course cease trying to get advertis
ing for the papers at their regular rates and
go into tiie other system of contracting
which he could stand if the printers could."
The anxiety on account of the newspapers
is uncalled for. There is not one in twenty
which would not prefer to receive all their
foreign patronage on this plan, wheu it is
fully understood. It is too generally recog
nized as thoroughly beneficial to all parties
concerned to be injured in the least by any
thing which may be said against it by inter
ested parties.
Advertises t-hould send for a circular giv
ing full explanations.
class Boarding School for Boys, at Pitts
field, Mass. Fall Term of '20 weeks begins
Oct. 4, 1817. For partidars address Bkv.
W. C. RICHARDS, Principal.
Have you seen the "PENX LETTER
BOOK," for copy ing letttrs without the use
of either press or water ? It saves time, la
bor, and the expense of a copying press.
For sale by all first class stationers, and at
the rCice of "Penn Manufacturing Works,"
702 Chestnut St., Philadilphia, Pa.
A few more good Agents wanted for Ger.
L C. Baker's ' HISTORY O F T 11 E S EC H ET
SERVICE." Increased commission allowed
and greater inducements offered. Address,
P. GARRETT & CO., Box 217, Philadelphia.
rnflfj AGENTS wanted, to sell Six Xew j
DUUll Inventions of gteat value to families:
all pay great profits. Send 23 cts. and get SO
pages and sample gratis. Agents have made
$100,000. Ephraim Brown, Lowell, Mass.
A Treatise on Deaj'iicss. Catarrh, Coa
. sumption and Cancer. Their causes and
meaLs of relie and speed v cure, sent fiee.
SomI particulars to Dr. STILWELL, No. 40
Suth 6th Street, Williamsburg, L. 1.
Madam Foj'k'
Corset Skirt Supporter!
Combines in one garment a
rtBFKLT nrrj.Mi Coksbt,
and the niot desirable Skirt
Supporter ever offered the
public H places the weight
of the skills upm the sLuid
ders instead of (be bins; it
improves the form without tiht lacing
gives ease and elegance is approved and re
commended by physicians. Manufactured
by D. B. SAUNDERS & CO..
06 Summer St., Bosto'i.
ERAL PAINT COMPANY am r.ow n ai.u
factoring the best.cJicnj -i' and :no?l durahU !
Paint in use.; two coats well put on, mixed j
witn pure ljioseevl Uu, will lat It! or 15
years; it is of a liht brown or beautiful
chocolate col'ir, Dnd enn be changed to green,
lead, stone, olive, diab or crcsm, to suit the
taste of the consumer. It is valuable for
Houses, Barns, Fences. Agricultural Imple
ments, Carriages and Car-makers, Pails and
Wooden-waic, Cauvas, Metal and Shingle
Roofs, (it being Cre and water proof. Bridg
es, Burial Cases, Canal Bats, Ships and
Ships' Bottoms, Floor Oil Cloths, (one Man
ufacturer having used uf'OO bbls. the past
year.) aud as a paint for any purpose is un
surpassed for body, durability, elasticity and
adhesiveness. Price $0 per bbl. of S00 lbs.,
which will supply a farmer for years to come.
Warranted in all cases as above. Send for
a circular, which gives full particulars. Xoue
genuine unless branded in a trade mark
Grafton Mineral Paint. Address DANIEL
BID WELL, Proprietor, 251 Peail-st., X. Y.
I'OIT'KC: WA5ir,I! Luoli Here!
Agents, both male and female, wanted
everywhere to sell the Patent Improved lid:
Reservoir, (by which from one to two pages
can be written without replenishing with
ink,) and our Fancy and Dry Goods, kc.
Can ciear from $3 to $10 a day. Xo capital
required. Piice, 10 cents, wiih an adver
tisement describing an article for sale in our
Dollar Purchasing'. 4 gencj. Cir
culars sent free.
tio Ilauover St., Boston, Mass.
brator fits into the ear, is not perceptible,
and enables deaf persons to hear distinctly
at church and at public assemblies. Send
nnrtieiiJars to Dr. STILWELL, Xo. -1 South
Cth St., Williamsburg, X. Y.
ivk A 11 12 emails ,
And will present to any person sending us a
club in our Great One Price Sale oi Dry aud
Fancy Goods, fcc., a Si'k Dress Pattern,
Piece of Sheeting, Watch. Sec , free of cost.
Catalogue of goods, and sample, sent to any
address free. Address J. S. HAWES fc
CO-, 30 Hanover St., Boston, Mass. P. O.
Box 5125.
Dr. Louis, of Providence, lb L, dison-ered
Remedies with which he has cured hundreds
of cases of Paralysis, Fits, and all forms of
Xervous Diseases. Send two stamps for
Pamphlet aud Certificate.
ver P. Watch Given Gratis to the Pur
chaser of Every 100 of Kennedy's Mammoth
Prize Stationery Packages, the largest iu the
world, as an inducement to have them intro
duced. Agents sell the packages as fast as
they can rerch them out. SO Dollars pet
day sure. We have agents that sell on an
average 1000 per week. Price per huudr,
15 Dollars. Retail at' 25 cents. - Aut a
Watch in the bargain that will retail for M5
more. For full particulars of I'.iye Package
and other saleable goods, iclr".s R. Mu-
ROE KENNEDY. Cor. ad Yoe4 Sti..
Pitlsburgti, Ta,
!argains !
oJEt S3D 1322
it? n
On Eigli Street.
Standard Dry Goods,
isr; ss -7 m
jr 1 tsT
ur w t x f, i rut :.!r
b ni. tad!
ma m
mid SEE
STATE -FA IK wi!I be
hr! l i t Pt't5:.r.rih. una th .grow
of the IrcE CitV l aik, feMPlLilBfi 2-i.lh,
25th, -J 5th and :T;h. lo-iT.fcr tbJfJ
exhibition af'Uo--:-.Cau:.S'iwp. "V
Swite, &c. Agricu'.turi. Imple-
meuts. Machinery, Ijver.tions. :
ducts fruits. Fiowers, HonshoM of,
ritEIttiUMS OVEIt sic.c
competition crrr "o 11:
Some of the prtc.uxs in tho
as follow?: :
premiums from $5t t .20 ; a'.i
of Cattle, eO. from $30 to 10 ; -i- "
lO Jj
; best herd, etc., :e,t less t! iw -.
; 2d best, .'-o ; bt-st 10 H'ir .
premium to be p.iii A si .
the Cnmty tending tteia, $ ;';C, - - '
HORDES. Best imported, t.
from i50 to $20; tho.01.fch r r -!C, : :..
ISO to $10; Speed, 1 e-f $10u. 1 t. i'.l. i it
MATCHED HOL.-nES. 1 of $60. 1 .
i3'; best draught, gei.iing. anl sir:.eb :;
es12.froni $30 to $10. STALLIONS
MA RES. 15, f: oUi $- 0 to 1 0 J A Ca .i ....
MULES, 7. from -5 to 10. L-.,: 1" -team
of 4, $S0 : 2d Lest. $'10.
SHEEP & WOOL. r.-r .i lT-r :: -
12 1 premiums, IVom ;.'0 to 5.r.
15, from $25 to $5. lOCLTUi,
lection, $15, and no praiao !c.:-. r
For Agricultural Imp'eme -, Sif.' . : Scales, &c, lew prrr.iiu:..
fered. The Judges, b., n.
complimentary notice of tho parti-.' w. -. - -
its of each machine exhibited.
For Leather and its nianufrtciure
noil IndiauMeal, Grain and Seeds, Yetfete
bies, Fiuits, Grapis, Cider, Flower and. D.
signs, X'eedle Work. Einbioidery , Ac Ac ,
Bread, Cakes, &C.. Piesii vfes, J-llios and A:;
Trghi Fruits and Wgetabbs, Mcrcmitile Dis
plays, &c.f lihrfrel premiumB uro cHirtd,
rangina from $10 to $1.
STEAM PLOW. The neydrick S'rn
Plow will be exhibited and operated dtuirj.
the Fair.
by nearly all the, and a'.l go. is . x
hibited and unsold will be relumed i: ;
For particulars, or premium lists. :
A. B. LOXGAKER. Sec'y. Pitts!-,:. - T
Single Admission Tickets. 25 eei-ta.
Sept. 5, 1807. Ct.
From the Great River to the Great Ocean
Orer 20,000 Copies Sola li One ElcntU.
Lij'eand Adventure on Prairies. Mount a hi j
and'tfte Pacific (Xaat. With over 2oO D -nvriptive
and FLotgrapas Vines rf the Sce
nery, CititSi Lands. AUkcj, Pc i c
liosilics cfUie New States and 2tr..
To prot-ptctive ciuigrauis ui:C :'.
the "Far West," this History of r
and fertile rtgion will prov an' '
ss:starce, supplying a it be, a want
felt of a full, autbeutic and re'iib.e guiii
climate, products, means ui tiavd. &t
Send for Circulars aud see cur tco. and
a fed! description of th? work. Addrs- ".i :.
Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
A chance for a bargain.
owned and occupied i the t.ub-Crr
ated in Munr-U-r towu-.hip. Cambria Co
four miles s. utL-rt;L of EVr.s! org a;
fourth mile from S.imucl O'Ha.a'-i ;L:"
taising 121 ACBES at;d alio wau.-, i -'
for sale on reasonable terras and e u
mect3 Eighty acres of the above hi
cleared, under good fence, ard i:i X'
farming coudilicn. TL? ioipvovenn nt
sist cf ii two-story PLANK HOUSE ;
large FRAME BARN, both in go :
vation, as well as all olhe.- i,:;.ir An extensive orcha-d rf'
fruit trees ar.d never-failing springs t -f ,
lent water are tti the premises. Vw:
formation can be obtained bv imk
cation to DAXIKLO' iJ:
Munster Tp., May l0, 1807.-1:2''
Peina desin us of retiring ; - ,
ness, I offer for sale the EbemLuru F :
with all its appurtenances, inch - :
real and property tb-r,. ,
ini, the engine, patterns,. faL;s. Av
all the fctock, manufactured and a,-.:
turrd, consisting of Threshing At ,
Cocking Stoves, Parlor Stoves. P,.v,
mined to sell, purchase ?' may r.-lv r.n
ting an' or all tiie al bve named f.r-; '
cheaper than they can be had anrwuce f '
in Pennsylvania. The public are inv.,.. l
call and j.idiie for theuiselves.
July 4, lS67.-Cra. E. CLASS.
Letters of Administration or, ti e es
tate Of Joseph W. Myers, te of Or..v:,;
township, doe'd, having bsen. grant ; tc t
undersigned by the Register of C.mtj.
County, all persons having: c'uima ,t
a'.-J estate are requested to prex-ui : ..
properiy authenticated for setth ic,:--thiwe
indebted to the same will make
ment without del?.r.
Aug. 8, l8G7-6t.
"ixecutor Notice. il
ters Testamentary on the est at--f T r.
O'Brien, late of Munsier townsbir .
having been granted to the underwent"
the Register of Cambria coujty, j er. u.-,
having claims against said estate are Lcr. 1 1
requested to present them in Tope- sh -j"
for settlement, and those indebted are or
to prompt pKTment.
JAMES FAUREX. J"tcut.-s.
Mnnster Tp., Aug. 15, 1SG7.-Ct.
A A i -
kick indentured a-t j . u
tice,au away from the residence of th- m:' -scriber,
in Allegheny township, rat. :-'.
county, and I hereby cautiu all or- : r
against barln.ring or trusting him on'r- a.'
count, as I will not le responsible for any f
bis acts. The above reward and no thank
will be raid for his return to
August 22. l$t7.-3t,
ber rejrrets tho necessity which c --y
him to leave all bis notes, he-.', ?., r.; ' j
ding the books of E Glass it Gj , up ? j t-.-r
1st, 1S65, with a Justice forer,-ctio".
ter the first day of Septnber next ti is
bo done. R. L. JOHXSTv N
TlfOXEY WANTED! All p4r. ;
sons who know themselves to i
debt to the subscriber, either bv not- r- ."r!
account, are requested to call and vjrji
. 1: - . . ,i ; y S
lucuiaia ua uicuv, uiuerwiM VUeir
vill be left for cclicctivn. , 1 X
' 1
Lit. " T.
. .... .
, ' ec- i
- : '
. . V
1 " TO -
ti 1 1