MlV : : : AUG. 22, 1SG7. oCAL AND PERSONAL rc CorxTV Committee. The "A t'.,mn)ittec of Cambria county '"C, ' to meet at l'ie ffice f ii-7-i rriiKin. in Ebensburg, on ,'; . J!' f September next, at 7 ,'.t - ' .. i.i ...mi i .. r ii If la in pea inert' ,,f the will be a full inemoers no suusuiuies The following gentlemen "'.'7e-rnmitte : ,"v0rge Detar.ey. VJ,..-ep!i S. M.trdis. Lc.Mr-'e C. K. Z.dim. V, Wiiliiun A. Krise. ,'.). A. Luther. u K'-r. John Buck. Jv.-Lola. Helfrich. XV:n.- I'.or. John M'Feely. ull.r-c M'blongh. ,.: .Thomas Kg in. '"-'7 l-r , ltt W. John Campbell. 1 Y. M. McXamara. .;!. n Kncpper. .;r, i;. V Ueea J- Lloyd. W. V. J.'hn H. So.iuliia. h-UiavUs 0llan. - TL"i:i;s Kirsi.t-y. v, n. L-t Ward OVo. W. Osborn. j.l " James Potts. ;; 1 . M. v. Dickey. 4 tii 1). M'Ciclhm. -:! " J. K. Hite. j. ,,r.p. II. Shields, v , . IVut M'Doi mitt. :A. I. CiMe. ;: ; . I'atrick !oj !e. lit-urv Topper. . .. .;:.h"-!,.u-l Ddcy. .: -..I .S.l.iI!y roe. ,:i.v Kr. Reich. -.:iV'!t Fill iOi;g. .; !: ( uvea Swemy. .AVi::;.u: c. Fleming. . j; ,r Lawrence Cas.-.iday. -J. s O.-l oru. '.i. C:..:v. Ai.. Monday List was :. , 1 a vt'i v interesting an. I cxiit- ! . J 'J :. j .-!;!: I r tl:e contest here. .i .ifViT. are proficient kni- biili between the Mull of Young men, principally s j uiniug at tl.t! Mountain ami thu "Mountaineer! . played on the grounds of 'Mi.fiin.V were aecompa- . .; v: deVgatiou of ladies mid jjen .it L'nvs' ii, and were preceded - l,.-.'.1., .:. dctlng their visit one of r. st 1 1 . i:r citb'.ens. It is hut just i :f!:.''S, " who were worsted iu . the .:y : they had little or no prac-';'.-. i. -iving been extemporized in Many hts of I in!! n! tht-m are "entlf- ' ...... .... - - o . a:i hoiior t meet ir. triemlly Ym-v lot the g.iii.e, but won .laud ,r p iit:e:nau!y bcaiiu; and isocia , We give the cwre : .!-, c, I - 'Vili ii, ;-, i Irwin, 7 jjM'ClMitock, lb 7 ll.f. Lan'.i'.hi, e. 7 C llutchinsun, If.. 2 4 j Inr-hiii. Cb., 1 r, ::! 4 a " .".I I.Liiigliliii, vf. , 4 1 : i. ?, t'Ornu-hy, ef., 2 4 ".: -7j 27 V. IKNTNf?. 1. 2. :j. 4. o. ;. 7. 8. 0. '.. 7 10 14 2 4 4 8 0 453. 01 G 7 2 2 9 1 2S .1. T. lItitc!, of Mutitain ;;.e: Seoirrs V. .S. Jhuker (or -r, II. Chihls. jr., for Mufibi. ". was j.Iayed on pat t of the Moun V f it of the first and five of the r. Jh. -f.. I'.p. R. 4 4 4 .-0,ir friend. J. C. Caldwell, Y:.!.'.vlpliia. paid Kberssbur a tly ii ' it:n-'hiy. lie is every iueh a . any of our merchajtts who ' '."J fortune to deal with him K. Stack, traveling agent and : nt :f the Cfthlo- (Juirerxc, Thil 'I r:.t a fev days in our town la.t Uxw- him a genial companion, !vi:i(ii and a worthy represen ts'': j ''irnal. Success ba hia a-i.-h Couoh, at one time a rcsi t vn, l.v. fr the pa.t seven ears :i n.'j oil rciri.ii5, visitot tils , n:!: ace'.ttnpatded by his fain- j r'iresunta busi -iu , 'y du'i ab..ut Oil City, and ; 11 "l u r.uc; r.p t..kts ere looj;. ii V'ili;;;!iin, of lioilidaysbl!!, 'ir to.viiMiian, Win. J. Williams,--'-ciics of his l;t,'yh'jud days on A'l. l.ei.'us week) for the i the past nine yeara. EDrroKiALrrrEs, Local ant General. A little girl fell from a porch in Hunting don, on Saturday week, acd had her lower jaw broken. A Howe truss bridge is to be erected over the Oonemaugh river at Nineveh, Indiana county, at a cost of $6,000. Some seventy or eighty eheen belonging to Mr. Feter Oaks, of Indiana county, have recently been killed by dogs, inside of a week's time. The Alhyhnnian admits the election of Mr. John Thomas as Director of the Tour. Why riot admit the election of the rest of our ticket "just as easy." A horse thief named Levi Lowrie, took French leave of the Huntingdon jail, on Fri day week, but was captured the next day and returned to his old quarters. A Mr. Flasher, of Hill Valley, Hunting don county, was caught in the cog wheels of a thrashing machine, on the Cth inst., and his foot and ankle was literally ground to pieces. Calvin Cyphers, employed on the Droad Top" Rail road, was caught between the bump ers of two cars, near Huntingdon, on Friday week, and so severely crushed that he died the same ni.uht. Christian Lehman, a farmer of Richland towuship. this county, has on his farm a stalk of the common raspberry, which, a few weeks ago, measured 111 feet and 8 inches iu length, and is still growing. A domestic named Anne Nolan, employed in the family cf liv. W. I, lludolph, Hunt ingdon, decamped on Saturday week, taking with her a quantity c f clothing, etc., belong ing to Mrs. 1L She has been arretted and committed to j ul. An ol 1 man named Patrick Leonard died very suddenly at the Poor I louse, on Sun day last. He was taken ill at the dinner table, and died before medical or spiritual aid reached him. His disease is said to have had'all the symptoms of Asiatic cholera. The wearing apparel of the man Uennett, confined in the llollidaysburg jail on the charge of having robbtd the tailor shop of Jonathan Stoufier, save and except his hat and shirt, has been recognized as the pro pel ty of vaiious visitors who have called up on him. The. Lei'ler, a temperance organ publish', cd at Ilollidaysburg, after an cxisteuceof ten months, during which time tlio editor, John II. Kcatley, Isq., has tun the machine at a dead, has been forced to go under for want of pair. mage. The press and type are offered tor sala. A your sen of. Mr. Thomas Gray was thrown from a hore near Rochester's Mills, Indiana county, a couple of weeks since, and dragged a considerable distance, his foot hav ing caught in the harness. His clothes were literally torn from his person and he sus tained severe iujuiics. The beautiful tr-'tting mare, 4Monntaiii Maid, "once the property of Mr. Henry Gore, Johnstown, at present owned by Mr. II. S. Uitner. of Montgomery county, won a purse of $1,000 at Rochester, N. Y.. week before last. Her time was 2 3fi, 2.33 and 2.32 in the second, third and fourth heats. A woman named I'age and two named Reuner, residing m Altoona, were l.K-t on the mountain north of th.-.t place, while in quest of whortleberries, a few days since, and after wandering about all night, were met the next day on their way home (having been put on the right road) by a p.-.rty of men who vere seeking for them. Wm. Johnston, of Altoona, is at present on trial before the II. S. District Court at Pittsburgh en the charge of dealing in coun terfeit fractional currency. A number of highly respectable witnesses from IJUir and Cambria counties, among them our towns man. Col. Wm. K. Piper, have testified to Mr. Johnston's honesty, upright dealing, etc. The Johnstown Ti iLuiie floats at its head, in glaring capitals, the sentence from the Declaration of Independence: "Wo hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are creatcJ equal." The same paper justi fies tlte negro government of Tennessee, by which the negroes vote, but those who have the iuifortune to be born white are denied the right of fu'i'rage. Change your motto. The Steward of the Poor House in his letter of resignation, heretofore published, states that the action of the Convention has "probably deprived this institution of the services of a director in Johnstown." This eeems to be a mistake. Mr. Orris, the wor thy out-going director, resides some six or eight miles from Johnstown, and he is the nearest director to that place. The election of Mr. Tnomas will leave the matter pre cisely r.s it has been in this respect. We learn from the Johnstown I'ribune that the proposed colony from that place to East- Kentucky is assuming shape. girls o tiik Cau. A young man m ;a.-':s of consumption, on his way to vi-it a friend in Philadelphia, ii'-ired to fee btf-re he died, wa3 a .-'.coping car at Pittsburgh, a few - aiid everv lirovision made for bis hen the train reached Johns- i't he frit eav at Altoona ne was II .-.-aid he was alone in the world, tives h iving fallen victims to the His remains were forwarded jihi.i for interment, inesday last a child on board the 'a Express west, died in the arms 'it, who was on her way home to a -hort di.-tancc below Johns '.' hdy was also very ill when she "f iestination, and her recovery is ' v'iltful. LOCAL, CORRESI'OXDESCE. . Johxstown Ave. 19, 18C7. Dear P reeman One of the most exciting events which has transpired here for a long time, was a foot race which came off on the old tow-path, about two miles below town, on Saturday last. The contestant were a Welshmau named Davis and an Irishman named Redmond, and as the friends of either party were sanguine of the success of their man, it was presumed that the race would be very closely contested. Ycur correspond ent repairad to the ground a few minutes be fore time was called, and taking a position near the 'home stretch," awaited with con siderable anxiety for the race to begin. Probably 2,000 persons had by this time ai rived upon the ground, and had located at different points alng the course, the greater number, however, remaining at the winning post. The arrangements lor keeping the track clear and preserving order were of the most perfect kind, and consequently the runners had a fair field on which to display their powers of locomotion. At 5 P. 11. the contestants appeared at the staitiug point, and the choice of position falling by toss to Redmond, they took their respective places. Davis was dressed something similar to a ring performer iu a circus, the prevailing color being red j his competitor was dressed in light clothes. A few momeuts after five the word was given, and a fair start kaviug been made, the contestants pulled out, but ere they haJ ran one-fourth thediotance it became evident that Davis would win au easy viotoiy over his opponent, as he led him the tntue Course from 0 to 40 yards, and coming in about 30 yaids iu advance, won the race. every person upon the ground was deceived iu the result, as it was expected that it would be a sharp iuu, and closely contested, whilst on the contrary Davis occupied 3 miu. 24 ec. iu running the half iniie. Of cour.-e it was not ntcesai. ry to run faer, as from the outset he had a Mire thing of it. and there was no necessity to exert himself. 1 have been informed that botii parties, whilst in training, rau the dis tance in less than 2. 30. The only way I can account for the discrepancy iu timuj is that Redmond was physically unlit to run on that day, and at present writing he is ly ing iu a very eiitical condition from nervous prostration. The stake at issue was $115, but piobably over $5,000 changed hands iu bets, which were fieely offered and taken, even alter the start was made. A consid erable amount of ill feeling has been engen dered by the result, between the fiicnus of either party, as it was, ot course, considered by many as a kind of national affair, and a The Kick. B. B. Gub want on a pilgrim age last week for the purpose of playing the "Star" club of Altoona and the "Juniata" of Hollidaj'sburg. The game with the Stais stood on the 8th inning 71 for Kicks and 25 for Stars. The Stars concluded they couldu't shine, and had to yield the bat. The Juniata played the Kicks on the fol lowing day, the score standing on the 9th innniug : Kick 34. Juniata 60. Th e pre vious week our Independent, Jr., went to Hollidaysburg to play with the Juniata, Jr. The Ind.Jrs., were beaten 1 9 scores. A match game will be plaj'cd on Friday between the Irons and Kicks. I had the pleasure of greeting quite a number of your citizens in our town last week. Among the number I make particu lar mention of Messrs. FJair, Zahm, Oatmau and Dauiel" all of them belonging to class A. D. F. Kenly is with us on a brief visit, accompanied by his lady. Dave looks as if Chicago agreed with him, 8 ml his many friends here will be glad to kn;w that he is succeeding well in business. Sku I3al. Orn T.ooK Tablb. We have before xis "Beyond the Mississippi," by Albert 1). Richardson, of the corps of the New York Tribune. It is written with a republican leaning, but is not as rabid as mauy pro ductions of that character. Its author speaks from perianal knowledge, having travelled all through the Countrj' whereof he writes. His style is graphic and agreeable, and the volume contains a vast fond of ubju1 infor mation of that portion of our country which is to be the future governing power. It contains 572 pages, and is embellished by over 200 engravings. It is sold wily by subscription, and tho people of Cambria county will be waited upon by an agent within a few days. "A Sketch of Beula and its Suburbs, with ft slight account of Ebcnsburg and Cambria county ; to which is sdded a view of the Wealth of Nations. Jiy Cormac M'Samuel, F. F. J., author ol sundry papers about let ters and words." Tin's pamphlet, which, like an inverted pollywog, has the thinnest end of the title foremost, should be in the hands of every capitalist. It is ironical in style, urging government to take care of the rich that the rich may take care of the poor. Doing It Handsomely. Onr generous friends, Messrs. Harshberger & Co., thrive in the world, as they are not forget ful of the printer. The other day we were the recipient of a very handsome little box by Express, ami as we could not divine where a present could come from, we feared that it variety of knock downs have already occur- ! might be an "irftrnal machine" to kill us red. Qne of tLc mo&t t-erious of the latter eame off on Wood vale bridge yesterday even ing, by which two meu succeeded iu com ing from a wordy dispute to blows, and then damaging each other's faces iu a serious manner. Excited groups were gathered at every corner yesterday talking ot the result, and manifesting more feeling than they probably did since each individual enjoyed a social attack of the measles, or had his first affections nipped in the bud. Another foot race came off later in the evening of Saturday, for a stake of $10, between two amateur runners. The course ou this occasion was located on Locust stieet, from the Catholic to the Methodist off, to prevent us from going to Congress some diy. Judge of our pleasant surprise wheu we found, safely imbedded iu saw dust, a pair of nice btaek bottles, labelled in the finest style-. But "appearances are often deceitful," so we "inquired within," and found the one to contain a liqueur that the gods of old would have delighted to quaff "Angelica," or the nectar of angels ; the other composed of "sterner stuff." being the highest brand of California brandy for medical purposes. After this, we need scarcely inform olir country friends what Johnstown DrUg Store to call in if they want a good and pure articlo for their money. By conning the advertisement of D. W. churches. This race was a close contested HarsbergCr & Co., in another column, they one, and resulted, I believe, iu favor of the I fin(1 place, and wc advi-e them to w.nno.-. The next most interesting affair last week was a temperance meeting, which was held go iu. "P L E M. IIOLLIDAY, with GRAFf, WATKIXS & CO,, Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES, 42G MARKET STREET, Aug. 22, 1807. PHILADELPHIA glX CENTS RE WAR D. Pat- kick Connklly, an indentured appren tice, ran away from the resilience of the sub scriber, in Allegheny township, Cambria couuty, and I hereby caution all persons against harboring or trusting him on my ac count, as I will not bo responsible for any of his acts. The above reward and no thanks will be paid for his returu to ERHART FARAEAUGU. August 22. 18ti7.-3t. SAW MILL FOll SALE. The Mib scriber offers for sale his STEAM SAW MILL, known as "Gimbria Mill," two and a half miles north of GalliUin. Cambria co. The Mill is in perfect working order, and will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply ou me premises to August 15, 1807 JEROME DAWSON. 3 m. A SSIGNEES'ACCOUXT.-The -ca- Gnal account of Robert A. M'Coy and George C. K. Zahm, Assignees of John M' Coy, has been filed iu the Prothonotary'h Of fice of Cambria county, and will Ins present ed to the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of said county for confirmation, on the first Monday of September next. GEO- C. K. ZAHM. ProthV. Prothy's Office, Ebcn&burg, July 29, 1807 "fICEXSE NOTICE. Petitions for Eating House licenses have been filed in th Office of the Clerk of Quarter Sessions of Cambria County by the following persons, to be pret-cnted to the Judges of said Court on the first Monday of-September next: Johnstown Bor. Adam Biershank, 3d Ward ; Jacob Fend. 4th Ward. Millville Bor. Thomas Downs. GEO. C. K ZAHM, rroth'y. Prothj's Office, Ebcnsburg, Aug. 15, 1807. &3 A Nfcw IsstE. We desire to see the liquor on the Public Square, on Wduesdiy even- j traffic placed under proper restrictions, but ing. Delegations were present from differ- j must admit that the following resolve, being ent localities, the usual numlerof anecdotes tDe nrst one adopted .by tbe Cainbria Coun were rehearsed, the n;ni fiend" got the 1 y Temperance Society, sounds a little queer regular amount ot anathematising, some ex- I io us commences ttiUs t. ' Ext'inmoN. An "American cit--I descent" has been giving free Si,f the great spectacular drama ; i' k Crook," with a slight modiQ '"h.e s-.tyle of costume, during the ar.-.cng the goodly citizens of ;'.-i..Lip. The "Black" is said to "- 'e.-cnted in all Its naked deforra '8e '"Crook" part of the perform- -t r.xrth Adam. The Jackson ,'u l ire the idea of such proceed -;-; r tuidst, and on Friday the model a captured and an outfit a la scare upon him. after which be was town and taken before Esquire y "-'re a permit was made out for J'e ''s now'rusticating at the Poor Re is doubtless deranged. ern Kentuciiy is assuming shape, lwcnty eight thousand acres of land iu Morgan and Vi!!:' counties have been subscribed nr, and a committee consisting of Geo. W. O.Yborn, Caleb IJutler and James M. rton, has gone to lo 'k at. the country and report upon its ad vantages. The land is to cost fifty cents an acre, and is located near Licking river, from forty to sixty miles from Cincinnati. If the prospects are encouraging, sonm seventy families design emigrating and engaging iu agricultural pursuits in that region, Tho Johnstown Tribune is in luck. It is one of the two papers in this Congressional district paid for publishing the very im portant laws passed by the Rump Congress ! We congratulate our contemporary, and pre sume that the Freeman is the other one. Accordingly we extract one of the laws, "By Authority," from the Tribune, Xfaiticly because ot its immense importance to th people of Cambri.t county, and which is published in two papers in every Congres sional district in the United States, includ ing the Southern Provinces, and paid for out of our taxes : f Pltlic No. G. i Ax Act to establish certain post roads. Bj it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following be established as post routes : . MAINE. From Kennebunk, via Kennebunkport, to Cape Neddick. From Biddeford to Saco Pool. Approved, July 19, 18T;7. cellent singing was indulged iu by a bevy of. gooil ami handsome lady lemplars, who have "cus--cd a cuss" never to drink any more, and the meeting wound ui by a gtn- eral invitation being extended to that por iion oi Li.e auuieuee wno sometimes indulge in "whiekey straight,5' or malt lluid, as the case may be, to step Up and sigu a document which set forth, expressively and elegantly, that fur all time to come they wouldn't touch, taste, handle or drink any c f the aforesaid stimulating beverages. Several persons signed the pledge, and the meeting adjourn ed to re-assemble in Ebcnsburg during Court week. Methinks these apostles of temper anco will have a fair field to operate in when they visit your town A man named Thomas M'Cauby met with a very serious accident at the depot iu this place on Tuesday lat. He was engaged in the LusiiHss of switch-tending, and on that evening au engine wita a train of cars was just starting from the depot, when Mr. M'Cauloy discovered that the pipe leading from the sand box to the track had by some m-.-ans become displaced, and he attempted to kick it back to its proper position, but missing the pipe, his foot was caughi by the driving wheel ere he had time to withdraw It, and was crushed in such a manner that amputation at the ankle was necessary. This operation was performed, but it- was afterwards discovered that the bone was not taken off high enough up, and re-amputation j Resolved, that, as there is bo great ques tion of public interest at stake nt this hour before the national ttjind (except the Christ ian religion) equal. in magnitude and import ance to that of the constiraaiation of the tem perance reform, etc. Now, it is entirely news to Us that the Christian religion is "at take" before the "national mind.-4' We thought that if there was any subject upon Which our people were agreed, it was the truths of the Christ ian religion. Can any of our temperance friends inform Us wheu this question was put at stake ? A Sri.ENDiO MoNcMEN-r. There lias re cently been erected in the Catholic cemetery at mis piace, in memory of the deceased members of the Noon family, one of the uitwt imposing and elaborate monuments within j the llmitsof Cambria county, and one that j will compare favorably in design and execu j tion with any similar work of art in the ! country. The monument is some fourteen j feet from base to pinnacle, and ia surmount , ed by a beautiful cross, encircled with a j wreath of flowers in las relief, exquisite in ' conception and unsurpassed in workman- shut. 1 ue monument is the handiwork of I Mr. John Parke, of Johnstown, and stamps him as an artizan of fine taste and high rne ; chanical talent. Gay Si'Ort. L "Muffin" camonf ....... ...,v. J :.. .i.i -it. i I. ----- "' f "f i j;- ueiuw me Knee, uiuier base ball will be played this (Thursday) af- this accumulated suffering the man is now I ternocu between two picked nines. Total Fair. The fifteenth fair of the A Plifllltlinl H.trwtv null! 1il burgh on the 24th, 25th, 2Cth aYs of Si ptember next. Through P., we are put fGeo. Rhey,V .'" of tLe iVemh , . T ! '. . 1. .V.n . - ... A ICU11UUI IjlSl, WILU IU i'V-s, upon the last of which we ob- LUar"C3 of several Cambrians, to "jttdy on Horses. J. G. Stew- iV!ri;&c'; 1L D- Woodruff on Farm -t JuK Lmu d 00 Knitting. ... ":es Wa see, are all furnished ' admission nn.1 alan Cnr vi. 'i.'t ! . " Keep It Going. The Harvest Home fes tival in aid of the new Catholic church in this place, which is to be held in the Town Hall on the 3d of September next, is meet ing with merited encouragement, and the probabilities are that it will be a complete success. A nnmber of attractive prizes, con sisting of a valuable little mute, a fine Amer ican silver watch, a handsome black silk dress pattern, and a fresh milk Durham cow, are offered for competition, and on behalf of a Christian enterprise we solicit a liberal co operation in the coming festival on part of all classes of our citizens. No man will be any poorer for the few dollars he may invest in so worthy a cause. Jury Commissioner. Our advertising columns will t-how that John Torter, Esq., of Susquehanna Township, is a candidate for Jury Commissioner. We hope the rads will nominate him, or let him run, for not withstanding he is a bitter radical, be is an honest man, and as well qualified by a knowledge of the people to perform his du- the " We t hint- nrA i .,; . r.M . ; - county. lying m rather a critical condition, at bis residence at Conenuugh station A little son of Mr. D, Bolton had his Arm badly broken lust week by a fall. The boy had attempted to crawl from th'j window of an unfinished house cn Washington strCGt to the projection over the store front, about three feet below, and missing his footiug he fell to the pavement, breaking his arm near the elbow. Although a very severe fracture the boy is getting aloug finely. An employee at t!ie Mechanical Works, named Robert Fin ley, met with an accident on Thursday which might have resulted fa tally. He was engaged in ripping a piece of door casing on a circular saw, and after pushing it through it was caught by the saw and thrown back with great force, striking Mr F. in the breast and incapacitating liim from work for several day. A man was last week arrested in Cambria borough. for alleged burglarious entrance into the house of a resident of that place. He was held in the sum of $500 to answer the charge. A man named GalJaber was sent up on Saturday ,in default of bail, for stealing a hat. Mr. Dale, whom itwill be recollected was accidently thrown from a trdn a few weeks ago, convalesced sufficiently to bo able to take his departure for his home in New York last week. Prior to leaving he pre sented Capt. Row, the popular landlord of tho Scott House, with a valuable gold head- ed cane, as a testimonial of his gratitude for the kind treatment he had received at the hands of that gentleman. The head of the cane bears the inscription; "To Capt. A. Row, from T. N. fJale, July 21, 1867," being the date at which the accident occurred. Capt. Jas. H. Gageby, U. S. A., left New York on the 10th of last month, with 200 recruits, for San Francisco. Jim is a Johns town boy. and has by meritorious conduct gradually worked himself from the ranks to bis present position. J. U. Lcnhart, more familiarly known as "Dad," has been promoted from the tanks to tho position oL. Sergeant In the regular ignorance of tho rules of the came is the on ly accomplishment required on part of the players. Suitable prises are to bo awarded the best and worst plavers. The occasion promises to be one replete with fun second only to a greased pig race. A DMIXISTRATOliS NOTJCK. Letters ofAdmrnrstration on the es tate of Joseph W. Myers, late of Croylc township, dee'd, having been granted to the undersigued by the Register of Cambria County, all persons having claims against said estate are requested to present them properly authenticated for settlement, and those indebted to the same will make pay ment without delay. SARAH MYERS. 1 , . JOS EP1I CRO YLE Admrs- Aug. e, 1807-bt. TJXECUTOIVS NOTICE. Let- ters Testamentary on the estate of ThoSi O'Brien, late of Munster township, dee'd, having been granted to the undersigned by the Register of Cambria county, persous having claims agaiust said estate are hereby requested to present them in prope- shape for settlement, and those indebted are urged to prompt payment. Patrick owens. v JAMES FARREN, Ecutors. Munster Tp., Aug. 15, 13G7.-Gt. T OOK OUT FOR BARGAINS 1 -m-J Being desirous of retiring from biui- nens, I offer for 6ale the Ebensburg Foundry, . r . t. .. o .... i i - . . . wuii au us appurtenances, inciuuing ail tee real and personal property thereto belong ing, the engine, patterns, flasks, etc. Also, all the stock, manufactured and Unmanufac tured, consisting of Threshing 'Machines, Cooking Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Plows and Castings of various kinds; As I am deter mined to sell, purchasers'may rely upon get- j trng any or au the above named articles cheaper than they can be had anywhere els in Pennsylvania; The public are invited to call and judge for themselves. July 4, 1867.-Gm. E. GLASS. T RIAL LIST. List of Causes set down for trial at a Court of Common 1'leas of Cambria (Joilnty, to be held at Eb ertsburg, commencing Monday j the 3d day of September next : First irceA:. Tiernan, endorsee, vs Haws et al G uckenheimer & Bro vs Sweeny Hall & Co vs Moore Brown vs Gallaher Second Week. vs Pringle vs Johnston et al Vs S wires et al Vs Colclesser ct Al Vs Patton Vs Mcllugh ct al Vs Delange & Dean vs Zimmerman Duncan vs Burgoons Vs Noel ct al Vs Nod et al Vs Cooper vs Christy vs Davis et al vs Moore & l iner Pringle's adm'x Jackson et el . Brothcrlino Hoffuan Lntiis Shriver for tied Higgins A CHaxce or an IkyestmSnt. M. J. Smith offers for sale his well known hotel property at GiUiiiiD, this county, besides a lot of ground and sixteen acres of land in the same locality The property is eligibly lo cated in a prosperous neighborhcodj and will be sold on fair terms. ArfritOACiiiKG. The time for the removal of Mills & Davis to their new store fooni is coming on apace, and the clearing out sale at greatly reduced prices at their present es tablishment should induce erery person to 'pitch in' while the chance to eave money . : 1 n- . 1 " is so temptingly onerea. Horuberger Truby Calvin et a! Kriso Calvin Altimus Christy Litzinger Moore's adni're Campbell Gillis Good Miller Mclntyro PLick Walters Rosenstccl ran 111 Ml YOtT WERE THIS WAY!! For Bargains! JUST RECEIVED AT THOMPSON'S AP STORE ! On High Street. IE Tlin URfiET STOCK! THE BEST VARIETY ! THE GREATEST BARGAINS AND MORE Of THEM! MI. FOR A LONG TIME 1 CiTtWARns. Harry Shoetnakef cteslscns going to the city on Monday for the purpose of laying in his fall stock of new goods, and calls on au persons indebted to the firm to pay tip immediately. Give Harry a helping hand, and then look out for his new stock. Remember that the improvements flow in progress at C. T. Roberts' Watch and jewel ry emporium do not prevent him from at tending to the Wants of his customers. Fail not to give Cham a call if in quest of any thing in bis line. Vs McKcnzie et al vs Feuna R R Co vs Same vs Carle vs llartzog vs Demeree ct al vs Pa R R Co vs Same GEO. C. K. ZAHM. Frothy Trothy's Office, Ebensburg, Aug. 8, 1867. IN THE ORPHANS" COURT OF CAMBRIA COUNTY. Notice is hereby given that the following appraisements of certain personal property of decedents, select cd and set apart for the widows of intes tates, under Act of Assembly of theHth of April. 1851, havo been filed in the Register's office al Ebensburg, and will be presented to tho Orphans' Court for approval, on Wed nesday the 7th of September next, to wit : Appraisement of certain personal proper ty of Jos. W. Myers, lusq., late ol Croyle said deceased. Armraisement of certain personal proper ty set anart for the widow of Et an Evans, ! ueceasea. Appraisement of certain personal proper ty set apart for tho widow of Abraham Mor rison, aeceai-eu. Appraisement of certain personal proper ty set apart for the widow of Iltnry Krise, deceased. Appraisement of certain personal proper ty set apart for the widow of Jacob llubritr, deceased. Fine DRESS GOODS Standard Dry Goods, Don't Forget. When on a shopping ex cursion for the purchase of dry goods, gro ceries, etc. i don't forget that J. M. Thomp son keeps a general assortment at bis store on High street, and sells at as reasonable figures us any other dealer in the county. Tus MIIlebites are arain excited in re gard to the expected dissolution of sublnna ry things, and expect to "go up" about the ikbt of October. In the meantime there is . . . . . . . , ... -A 1 - 1 1 , army, aergcant ii. is at present on detailed no 'g up" in puces at me cneap casa store duty at Vrojfrpor'i island, K. X, 1 Q . o. artcr? cv) AND ALL OTHER GOODS IN GREAT PROFUSION I ty Appraisement of certain personal proper- ! set apart for the widow of Emauual N COME ami MS Grumbling, deceased Appraisement of certain personal proper ty set apart for the widow of Christian Bur key, deceased. Appraisement of certain personal proper ty set apart for the widow of Thomas John son, deceased. Appraisement of certain personal proper ty set apart fof the wMovr of Frederick Maf bourg, deceased Appraisement of certain personal proper ty set apart for the widow of Levi R. Hunt, QorV Office, EbeuburS, Au. 15? 1557, 1 1 U IJ Jt Kll V.l AN TELL ALL GIIERLFFS SALES By virtue ot sundry writs of Vend. Export, and Le vari Facias issued out of the Court of Com mon Pleas of Cambria county, and to me di rected, there will be exposed to Public Sale, at the Court House, in Ebensburg, on Moo day the 2d day of September next, at 1 o' clock r. M., the following Real Estate, to wit: All the right, title and interest of William McDonald of, in and to a piece or parcel of land situated in Susquehanna township. Cambria county, adjoining lands of Barbara O'Connor, Sarah Collincy, and othera, con taining thirty-five acres, more or less, about twenty-five acres of which are cleared, bav iug thereon erected a log house and log bam, now in the occupancy of the said William McDonald. Also, all the right, title and Interest tf William McDonald, of, in and to a piece rr parcel of land situated in Susquehanna to n ship, Cambria county, adjoining lands of Ja cob Good, Joseph McDonald, and others, containing ninety-seven acres, more or leas, about two acres of which are cleared, having thereon erected a lg house,not now occupied. Takeu into execution and to be sold at the suit of R. L. Johnston. ALSO, All the right, title and intereet of James E. Southworth, of. in and to all that certain tract and parcel of laud fcituated in Jackson township, Cambria couuty, adjoining lands now or late the property of S. Dormyer and L. Dormyer on the wst, lands of Joseph Burkhart on the south, lands now or late of Simon Dunmire on the north, and lands now or late of Peter Ber" and Jacob Arnold on the east, and others, containing one hundred aud eighteen acres, more or less, excepting, nevertheless, the surface of eighteen acres of said tract, together with the hereditaments and appurteuances. Taken into execution and to be sold at tha suit of Elizabeth Slonaker. ALSO, All the right, title and interest of Dennis McLaughlin, of, in aud to a lot of ground situated in Cambria borough, Cambria conn tyt adjoining lot of John Ryan on the east and the Pennsylvania Rail Road on the west, having thereon erected a one-and-a-half story plank house, now in the occupancy of tho said Dennis McLaughlin. Takeu into execution aud to be sold at the suit of Samuel M. ltainey. ALSO, A.U the rlcht, title and interest of Jacob Burgoonj of, in and to a piece or parcel of land situated in ashmgton township, Cam bria county, adjoining lands of the heirs of Philip rxooni dee'd, heirs of Edward Donald- sonj dee'd, and others, containing cne h'in- urea aua fixtj -eight acres, more or less, about seventy acres of which are cleared, having thereon erected a two story plank house and frame barn, with a coal bank on the premises, now in the occupancy of said Jacob Burgoon. Taken mto execution and to be sold at the suit of Cambria County ALsot All the right, title and interest of Michael Snyder, of, in and to a piece or parcel of land situated in Carroll township. Cambria county, adjoining lands of Michael Hoover, fjmauuel Dishatt, and others, containing one hundred and ninety-six acres, more or less, about seventy-five acres 01 which are cleared, having thereon erected a two etory plank house and bauk barn, now in the oc cupancy of the said Michael Snyder. Taken into execution and to bo sold at th9 suit of A At Barker, ALSO, All the right, title and interest of Edward Hudson, of, in and to a piece or parcel of land situated in Susquehanna township, Cambria county, adjoining lands of Jacobs Good, William McDonald, and others, con taining twenty acres, more cf less, about four acres of which ate cleared, having there on erected a ohe-and-a-half etory plank hoUse and log stable, not now occupied. Taken into execution and to be sold at the suit of George M'Creery and Jane M'Creery, his wife ALsd, All the right, title and interest, of Peter Dunn, of, in and to a piece or parcel of land situated in Munster township, Cambria coun ty, adjoining lands of the heirs of James Smith, dee'd, heirs of David O'Hara, dee'd, and others, containing one hundred and twenty acres, more or less, about fifty acres of which are tleared, having thereon erected a log house and log barn, not now occupied. Taken into execution and to be sold at the Buit of Mary E. and Annie F. Downey. ALSO All the right, title and interest of Robert M. Lemon, of, in and to a piece ot parcel of land situate iu Washington township, Cam bria county, adjoining lands of Mi M. Adams, heirs cf Edward Donaldson, and others, con talning three hundred and fifty acres, more, or less, having thereon a good eoal bank, hoppers lateral railroad, and other improve ments: Tak.en into execution and to be sold at the suit of Henr3' Scanlan, administrator of An drew Stuppy, dee'd. ALso, AU the right, title and interest of Daniel J. Evans, of, in and to a piece ot parcel of land situated in Cambria township, Cambria county, adj in;.rg lands of John T. Evans, Elias Jones, atid others, containing one huu dred acres, more or less, unimproved. Taken into execution and ty be sold at tha suit of R. L. Johnston. ALSO, Will be sold the property of William It. Hughes, advertised for sale on the 6th of July last, aDd adjourned at tkat time.' JAMEB MI JillS. Sheriff. SLQ's Office, Ebensburg, Aug. 15, 18GT, Knrniri -ritr ftiiPCMPPinni.n DLiuiNu inc. miodiaairnr A COMPLETE 11 IS TOR V OF TUB NEW STATES and TERRIT0RIE3 From the Great River to the Great Ocean, BY ALBERT D. RICHARDSON. Offer ad, 000 Copies Sold in One Mnttt Life and Adventure on Prairies, Mountains and Vie Pacific Coast. With over 200 J)e- striphre and rhouHjra'phis V tews erf the Sce nery, Cities, Lands, Alines, People and Cu riosities of the riew States and lemtoru. lo prospective emigrants ana settlers in the "I'ar West," this History of that vast and fertile region will prove an invaluabla assistance, supplying as it does a want lon felt of a full, authentic and reliable guide to climatRi soil, products, means of travel. &c. Send for Circulars and see our terms, and. a full description of the work. Address NA TIONAL PUBLISHING CO., 607 Street, Philadelphia, Pa. MONEY WANTED 1 All per sons who know themselves to be iu debt to the subscribe, either by note or book account, ate requested to-call and make im mediate payment, otherwise their Accounts will Dts ieit lor collection. Aug. 15.-lm. Y. S. BARKER. IOUNCEMENT To Citizens of Cambria County : I offer myself as an Independent candidate for JTJ-BV-COMMISSIONEU at the approaching election. JOHN PORTER. SuenuehaaAa Tp. August 8, 1867, IS f t A t T IV 1 i . - ' .. '- d-5- ' ; ; 'or i - if ec- f H 1 1