The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, July 18, 1867, Image 3

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. , aY, ; : : JULY 18, 1SG7.
,t ib-suu of the Freeman concludes
i'C .'f vuar of its publication, and in
"e villi promise our paper will next
,r enlarged by four additional
.''aJcciisiJr'y extended in length.
.' I vcrv handsome head, from the
S'uudry of Messrs.
Collins & M'Lees-
nml other new features will
1""t-"i.o i ro nosed improvement. As
'"" ''"tunny things to be done consequent
enlargement, we did not design ;s
raptr next week, but as there are
Val advertisements which must ap-
n i - r. .s.o.l ti- rrt. if nut. aa 1ip!.
. -e Win v by
Ti.e lullOWtng wa, uuwevtr, we
i. v,,t m scums jui -uou in uiuu,
, " r,f,-(reuo paper will be published dur-
t wi'lik Alter lUiil Lima mc x
ni'i appear reguiany, as nerciyiuic, uuu
yp-vrly subscriber will be furnished
the 'full complement (fifty copies;,
if ! that iu entering upon the second
, eir L0 now promises are requisite. Ia
!.;.' our papr we secure much addi
"ri om Kr more general variety, and wc
. our readers that they shall have the
:; ,,( u.U extension. We trust, how-
it th.'t-e who have not j'et paid thetr
... - ) l 1 1
r;. i;-:u -a '.!. near in minu mat. m mas
e in rT' TCment3 proposed we have been
i t t ) .vnMderable outlay at present and
: ".!r nv.u.-h additional expense and la-
t'i lii"!''. We therefore hope that
v - ;:t i"n yet unpaid and fully one
, i:r r-tit'.-crit'crs are of th.t class will
. :1 v :i month longer. Those of our
- i!i liave paid lor halt a year, or
vi !. wo trust, remit the balance with-
;.'-.v. Aiid if any there be who wish
; f " the paper, now is the time to
; 1 1 t';" ir.aitcr.
?A !.. r design increasing thesubscrip
; .!;." iA the Freeman, but certainly have
! to increasing its subscription
V, ill those of our readers who wish to
: ' 'leemau succeed lend a helping hand
!:: .ii-ig its c'.rcnkti n ? The Freeman,
. tnv.rcd, be ttie cheapest paper
!;t l in Cambria couuty, and no effort
rs will he wanting to make it the best.
-. t
T;-.:. njl.VARY EOGS-CITEMF.NT A extraordinary eggs-citement
'.:s jus: :iov,- among the grrndly people
A'-.imre, this county, occasioned by a
!K::!'irtr. in shape of a hen's egg bearing
y .!.. vices an-. I figures, whhh was pro
.J;a that village sa Tuesday of last week,
re informed by a gentleman who saw it,
hi vh.-se veracity we place the utrat
: ! th.rt tL-J -egg in question bears in
:"i vrf-cily formed semblance of a leaf,
i a j'-.rj beneath it bearing a string te
lar. e t.i a terpent, and aWj the figures
! iH'fiidos a rrthcT indistinct ou.tlice
c litter A ar.-! L, sad 4 crc of t99
,.;'..'T ilevicts which csimi bea?nl to
'I.- a ivthuig. Hundreds of persons,
c t'.'. '., have visited the house where
-r !i 1 fijJH is un exhibition, butwe
r. I !'. ax-c i t!t?t my one has been able
f r this efrs-traordiuar3' fieak of
U:,!.ss the hn gnW.kjd up a leaf,
. i! ' Iiij-licaviou table, tlx? alphabet,
- .-. s wc arc at a loss to determine
. -.M:;ce 1 t-H ' inguhir ilevieti, but ad
. . 'i i to pre-li-.-t ti:j-thing from thecir
; t u ttriblo 1. 1 contemplate. We
L't " Anthrojxju " Cor cluci-
:Ar;nc. We neglected t- nM,ice
rriiptof a well executed 8x10
EirroiuUTiEs, Local and Gknerau
Eddie, son of E. J. Keenan, Esq., Greens
burg, was severely scalded, on the 3d inst.,
by pulling a teakettle of boiling water upon
An old man named Jacob Ilubler, of Gra
ham township, Clearfield county, fell dead
while at work in one of hi6 fields, on the 4th
Lena Miller, lately convicted of poisoninc
her husband in Clearfield county, haa been
sentenced to death. She received her doom
without manifesting any emotion.
A lad named Frank Gar lock died in Hun
tingdon , on Thursday, from the effects of
eating cherries, which he had partaken of in
quantity, stones aud all, a week previous.
A Southern paper says that Jefferson Da
vis once owned seven hundred slaves, but
the only one of his bondmen who ever dis
tinguished himself was HSrace Greely.
Brother Traugh, of the Ilollidaysburg
C t 7 3 .11 1 a i ii r. .
ommiuru, whs an vue way to lJeiietonte. a
few days ago, in pursuit of his favorite recre
ation, trout fishing, but got "nary bite."
Mr. George Bigelow, of Orwell, Ohio, was
drowned in the river near Blairsville, on the
evening of the Gth inst., while bathing. He
was a young man and was engaged in the
lightning rou business.
There can bo no doubt of the success of
the Democratic ticket in Bedford county,
but if there be anything in a name the can
didate for Auditor will Whip his opponent
worse than any other nominee on the ticket.
Our thanks are due our friend and towns
man, John D. Thomas, for a mess of new
potatoes, grown in his own garden. They
were rather "small potatoes," it is true, tut
none the less palatable on that account.
Who's next 1
A Mr. John Rupert, of Centre county,
died not long since from the effects of eating
a portion of the root of a plant known as
wild parsnip, which he had pulled up and
partaken of under the impression tl at it was
swpet myrrh.
Mr. James F. Campbell, formerly editor
of the Johustown Democrat, but more recent
ly foreman on the Pittsburgh Post, has pur
chased the Genius of Liberty establishment
at L'niontown, Pa., and will shortly assume
control of that journal.
That true soldier, steadfast democrat and
much esteemed personal friecd, Capt. John
S. M'Kiornan, of Clearfield county, is about
removing with bis family to Pittsburgh, for
tTio purpose of accepting a lucrative position
tendered h'tin by the Pa. 11. R. Co. Success
attend him.
The Cambria county radicals, after semir
ing the D-.-mocratic party from Dan to Ber-
sheba to get a bolting democrat to take the
lull tor bhenff, are likely, we are told, to
get a Bolton radical at Dan. If so, the rad
ical train will be under the charge of an' ex
perienced conductor.
The firtt nine of the Mountaineer base
ball club of Ebensburg measure, fifty-four
teet, an average oi hx leet to each man.
The Mountaineer is one of the best clubs in
the State. -Patriot and Uulm. The Moun
taiLcers are Lot only tall in ftature, but men
tally and morally tlia "tallest ' tellows in
this part of Pennaylvan'a and unconquer
able on their own base.
T5i "Motmtaineets" were defeated by tho
"Kicks." in the return match game f base
ball at Johnstown, on Saturday last. The
genre stood: Kicks, 20; Mountaineers, 27.
Much money is said to havo changed hands
among outsiders ia ccnsequcnce. A colli
tiou betvreen two of tie Wst players in the
Mc-jiitukieerciub, wln'e endeavoring to catch
a ball friv.ii the bat, whereby one of them
had an eye bunged pp, it Is fair to presume,
bad much to d i with the defeat of our boys.
As the g.irncs between these clubs stand, in
grur.bler'd parlance,.. "horse and horse," it is
intended to have the "uar" gAJiic ore long
o-i neutral around.
ijtmertt of nur attentive and
v.! .fuh'istowu correspondent, "Sku
wiiic'i. w are free to say, is one of
t !.; like and accurate photographs
. i v.rwn. At a specimen of the
G. Triece, an artist who has
in Joh'jstown, it evinces an
rrl that cannot fail t make
HI i
v.rrs s ntjht after by al! who wish to
the bhadow ere the substance fades."
I see eur young friend's picture, and
appreciate artistic excellence and de
a Si i irs--P rf yourself, you. will not fail
i-it Mr. Tiiece's trallerv. corner of Main
ir'raaU'iu streets, third tloor.
A Scgsstion-. Doubtless many of the
r us of the Frctifin fail to file their, pa
jsiinp'y because many of the copies, in
through the hands of those who ivatl
r., ar? -itlier mislakl or become ucfit for
vrvaii' n. To such we would suggest
t.r.-j-.riety of sr.bscribiug for an additional
?'. w iiicli we will agree to die each week
yur ff:;cc, and keep in good condition.
will ordy require an outlay of two dol-
per 3 ar, and in the distant future, if so
ih, they will find no difficulty ia get
? t ir money back with compound inter
tr tue salts of these files.
A w; piin irt a balloon wi9 nmonjt the
novelties at Pittsburgh on the 4th of July.
The happy couple went up in an extacy cf
delight, and if they comedown in this neigh
borhood it is more than likely that the cheap
store of J. M. Thompson, on High street,
will be the first place they will "go for" to
buy their housekeeping outfit. Jim keeps
a tine assortment, which be sells as cheap as
the cheapest, but peop'e needn't go up in. a
balloon to get there, if it is on High street.
iHK Latest. John D. Thomas has just
-e l I) his fctock a very fine .assortment of
y, shoes, gaiters, etc., for ladies, gents
ic'uil.'ron's wear, of the latest styles aud
manufacture. We never saw anything
"r or better finished than tho handsome
"'j of t imes and gaiters embraced in his
ir.v'ice. Nothing like them have ever
" :;Vred in this market. Mr.T.
' uo goods but fiuch as he will warrant
' repair, if need be, free cf eharge, and
' .e can Fell this class of work at lower
: - than he offers, them.'
'KiUTcuz. C. T. Roberts las just re
at his jewelry and notion store a se-
"isrtmrut of the choicest' literature,
"li the rrading public would do xell to
ct'f- Standard works of acknowledged
"t, a-; well as novels of tho most exciting
-a -fcr, will be found comprised in hisas-y"-;
t. . A;60, .Echool books, stationery.
- a great variety of toy books and notions.
LIVE with in your means if you would within which to. live, and about
( '-rest raoile of doing this' is to buy all
;el in the mercantile lino from II. A.
'mukcr 5; Co., whose stock comprises
wytaing, from a row of pins to any arti-
uiusehol l furniture. Ilarrv will bo
attentive and bis prices low."
Gkis & Rkuth, at their new book bindery
on Clinton street, Johnstown, have now fa
cilities for executing all kinds of binding on
most liberal terms. Pamphlets, music, etc.,
sent them by Express or otherwise will be
neatly and ncourely bound, and returned to
their owners in the shortest space of time.
A large selection of books, wall papers, fan
cy articles and bijou ornaments, kept con
stantly on hand and t old cheap. Remember
the place Clinton street, opposite Foster
House. ;;. ;
Johnstown-, July 15, 1807.
Dear Freeman An attemnt wna
week made to resuscitate the "new countv"
dodge, but it resulted in disastrous failure to
the project and a considerable deal of amuse
ment to outside observers. ' Several written
hand-bills had been posted in conspicuous
positions, calling upon the "N.?w Couuty
league - to "re orgnnze," and all "anty-
Ebensburgers" to meet in Council chambers
on Thursday, July 11th, to devise ways and
means for the. formation of a new county.
In anticipation, methought I saw numerous
rides to Scalp Level, Perkinsville, and other
important villages in the south of the coun
ty, and of course at the expense of the new
countyites, but alas for human expectation !
some wag had written out a burlesque call
of citizens irrespective of color, to assemble
on the same night, and suggested a number
of reasons why the New County scheme
should succeed. These "reasons" ran up as
high as 12thly, and being posted in a con
spicuous position on the P. O. building,
wtro of course geuerally read. The night of
meeting, like all other anticipated periods
of time, at length arrived, but the new coun
ty men didn't appear to "orginize," and
"Sku B." and a couple of friends had to
take the whole business upon their own
shoulders. After a lengthy debate 'twixt
the three (fortunate number) we concluded
, to adjourn for a glass of lager, and thus.
through the seductive influence of malt fluid.
the new county was lost, and posterity must
blame it all on beer. It is not necessarv to
advert to the littla game which had been
mapped out, but I had thought the dodge
was stale, and would not be asrain attempted.
Sic transit new countv.
The dead body of a female infant, not
more than twenty-foui hours old, was found
iu a bucket in the house of Mrs. Susannah
Yttter, on Tuesday of last week, and a Coro
nei's jury, which was summoned, decided
that it had been born alive, and afterwards
killed by its unnatural mother, the woman
named above, who is a widow of two years'
standing. As soon as her condition permits
of it, she will be sent to your to answer
ior the crime oi lntaniu i;:e.
I notice by the Iribune that a little child
oi Mr. J nomas Parutt. residing near the
"First Lock" below town, was recently so
severely scalded by the upsetting of a ves
sel filled with boiling starch that its life is
endangered. The little sufferer is not a
year old.
A man named Patrick Moore, who com
mitted larceny in Pittsburgh a short time
ago, was last week arrested in Ilarrisburg
by a police officer from the former place.
Whilst returning in custody of the officer to
Pittsburgh, and when in the neighborhood
of the "Pack-Saddle," near Bolivar, the un
fortuuate Moore jumped from the train, 'and
asit was running on schedule speed, he was
instantly killed.
A uva.u named George Iloever, residing at
Larimer's station, was struck by the engine
of the Phil a. Express east, on Saturday even
ing, .near Irwiu's station, aud so severely
injured that his life is despaired of.
Work upon the new water works haa been
commenced, aud as it is the intention to
push their erection to a rarrtd completion.
our citizens will ere long be supplied with
pure water in abundance. The reservoir
will be located ou Solomon's run, in Cone
maugh township, and tjie water will be con
veyed through a 16 inch main to town,
from whence pipes will lea.d through all our
streets. The elevation of the reservoir will
be about 150 feet above the level of the cor
ner of Main and Franklin streets, giving
buQxek-nt fall to supply the highest building
ia the town. At some future time I will
give your readers a more extended account
of this much needed improvement.
Thre was a considerable amount of base
ball here last week, and as hxiSh matcrs ap
pear to be ot general interest I append tie
game the Somerset and ' Kick"
clubs, and the score played ou Saturday be
tween the Mountaineer and Kickenepawling
ciuos, on return game. lhe Somerset boys,
on 5 innings, succeeded in running up a
tcore for themselves of 16, whilst the Kicks
only made 73 scores in the same, number of
iniiius. The Somerset club conclude! that
it was rather one-sided, and gracefully yield
ed the bat. They are all "good fellows,"
and with 8 or 10 years' practice will make
passable players.
. The Mountaineer club came to time on
Saturday, and ad considerable interest is felt
here both in the Ebensburg club and the
"Kicks," a Inrge crowd, including "many
ladies, were present to witness the game.
The following is a correct repoit of this
game :
ti. Mountaineers, o.
4 J A. Y. Jones, c 4
oG. Robinson, s,i,, 4
2!li. Dunegan, 2 b., 7
re-union. The game was plaj'ed, however,
and the Junior Independents fared in Indi
ana about like the Somerset club did here,
only more so. ' Sku Eal. .
Chest Springs, July 15, 1867,
Dear Freeman I was fortunate enough
to be of the number who received an invita
tion, and had the pleasure of attending a
Tic-Nic, given by the ladies of Loretto, on
the 11th inst. Reached the snot selected
for tho occasion, which, was a delightful
grove a short distance from town, about
noon. Found assembled there quite a num
ber of botu sexes, who had already been en
joying themselves in a very agreeable man
ner, as was manifest from their cheerful
looks and lively dispositions. All seated
themselves to partake of refreshments, which
were bountifully provided and elegantly
server! up by the fair ones, consisting of all
the delicacies of the season, not even omit
ting ice cream, wine and lager beer. Din
ner over, the party divided in groups some
lor a stroll through the grove, others to par
ticipate in a game of euchre, swinging &c.
and others seeking enjoyment in "tripping
the light fantastic toe" to the strains of
music produced on that instrument whose
tones are ever sweet to all true lovers of
music the violin.
At length the hour arrived when we were
to leave the spot, made dear by tho associa
tions ot the few previous hours, for a new
scene of action.
Met according to agreement at the Hotel
of J. B. Myers, Esq., who by the way, keeps
a model house, as any of the readers of the
freeman can testify who have ever stopper!
with him. Partook of a hearty supper, and
again all were soon whirling around the
111 i .1 1 M.l
can room to tne lively strains ot the same
instrument whose company we parted at
tne grove.
It may not b? out of place to give the
names of the ladies who took a leading part
m tne management ot uie attur, ana contri
buted so much to the enjoyment of those
present : Miss Kate Christy, Mias Ellen
Pfoff, Miss C. Adelsberger, Miss Maggie
Bradley, Miss M. Conrad, Miss McAvoy,
and others, whose names I cannot recaU.
It would bo doing injustice not to mention
me names oi several gentlemen who so
nobly seconded the efforts of the ladies by
rendering much valuable assistance. The
names arc no doubt familiar to most of your
readers, aud to those of the fair sex particu
larly. Here they are: Mr. J. Fairborn,
Air. k. Shields and Mr. J. Null.
The whole affair was one of the most social
I have ever had the pleasure of attending.
and all present expressed themselves delight
ed beyond measure. The ladies of Loretto
have maintained the reputation which they
6o justly deservo lor their hospitality and
Kindness. one who was theke.
f w
Davis' Panorama of tiik Gbsat Rebel
lion, a work of art which Las uo equal in
its way on this continent, will be exhibited
at the Court House in this place, on Tuesday
and Wednesday evenings of next week, July
23d and 24th., The Panorama embraces ac
curate scenes of tne great struggle, from tho
evacuation of Fort Moultrie to the battle of
Chicamauga.- Admission priee, CO cents :
children, 25 cents. See programmes.
Still IS Town. Messrs. MUs & Davis
are still Vin town'! with a full and .'exceed
ingly handsome stock of merchandise of all
descriptions, and their store has Lecome or.e
of the pemtanent institutions of - the place,
where no one own go amiss who wishes to
get the full worth of h'sntonry. New goods
are belngalmost .constantly received by this
firm, and thoy appear deteruiined not to bo
KkkenepaxcVg. o.
Hunt, c. t., 4
Cramer, 3 b., 0
Young, r. f., 4
Ramsey, lb.,' 2 5
Farrcn, p., 8 4
ltoberts, 2 b., 4 3
Oshorne, c, 3 3
White, s. k., 2 C
Tittle, 1. f , 5 1
W .IIutchinson,p. 0
F. Barker, r. f., 3
V. Barker, 1. f., 4
Q. Koberts, 2
T. Hutchinson, C.f-!2
O. Robert?, 1 b., 2 3
27 27
S 30.
The happiest man in the world ia the
man with just wealth enough to keep him
in spirits, and jut children enough to make
him industrious, and just economy enough
to induce him to purchase his dry goods,
groceries, etc., from V. S. Barker, on High
street, who fa ever ready and willing tq give
all comers full value for their stamps. '
A Good Investment. A vety valuable !
property for a public resort can be purchased
on the most BatUfactory terms, by making
application to the editor of the Freeman.--We
are satisfied that no property more suit- j
able f it the purpo can be purchased here
or elsewhere. '
' ''- . 27 30
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. G. 7.
Kicks, 2 7 0 4 4. 0 10
Mountaln'r. 113 0 C 41
- "Umpire W. R.' Jones, of the Iron Club
Scorers Hr-W' Reed, for Kickenepawling ;
S. Wi Davis, ' for Mountaineer. Time of
game 2 hours and SO mini.' .. : 1 . . :
borne fi&e playing was done by the Moun
taineers, and in particular by our friend, W.
Hutchinson. As battists the Hutchinson
boys are hard to beat. ' . ' V.
Several Ebensburg ladies were in town on
Saturday to witness the game, but "Sku
Bal" promised one of them he wouldn't
mention names, so she will please observe he
didn't. . . ;
Quite a good joke is told In connection
with the recent visit of the Independent, Jr.,
to Indiana, and their match game in that
place. It appears the Monitor club, with
whom they played, are all grown men, and
seeing many familiar! names, as former
schoolmates, business friends, &c, among
our yorang Independents, they sent them a
challenge! Great preparations were made
to receive themy and imagine their ;'pheo
links" when, instead 'of seeing their old
friends, they saw tho second edition thereof
sons of the fathers they had known, an.1
with whom they anticipated a grand social
On High Street.
as. certain unreliable and unprincipled indi- Till? I, AlifiUOT OTfifW 1
viduals have been visiting my patrons, 1 Ilii MliUlliij 1 OlUUiV!
representing themselves as partners of mine,
or sent by me to tune pianos. I hereby
give notice that all such are "linkers" and
imposters. The undersigned will visit Eb
ersburg regularly, in the months of Novem
ber. December, and Juno or July of each
year, and endeavor to maintain his reputa
tmn in person. Those who may desire
reference as to my capability in tuning and
repairing pianos are referred to ail the celo-
bratini piano manufacturers in the United
States. John Ftaszyk.
By virtue of an Alias order of the Or
phans' Court of Gimbria county, to me di
rected, I will espose to sale by public vendue
or outcry, at the Court House in the Borough
of Kbt nsburg, on Saturday, Aug. 107u IS67,
at 1 o'clock p. m., the following Real Estate,
of which J-hn C. M'Guire. late of Carroll
tawtieHr. died seized, 'to wit: A TRACT;
ate in Carroll township, Cambria county, ad
joining lands of Cbas. Auoa. Win. M'Kiuzir,
Michael Horn, and otherf, containing about
88 ACRES, and allowance, about four acres
being cleared and having thereon' erected a
two story Plauk nous. a Frame Stable, a
Grist Mill and a Saw Mill. -
Terms of Sale One-third to be paid on
confirmation of sale; one other third ia one
year thereafter, with interest, to be secured
by the judgment bond and mortgage of tha
purchaser ; and the other third to remain a
lien on the premises, legal interest thereon
to be paid annually to the widow of the said
John C. M'Guire, to wit : Sarah J., now iu
termarried with Francis Inlow.from the data
of confirmation of said sale, by the purcha
ser, during her lifetime, and the principal,
at her decease, to the heirs and legal repre
sentatives cf the said John C. M'Guire, or to
parties who may then be legally entitled to
ti e sims. FRANCIS J. CHRISTY,
July 13, 1867.-8t. Trustee.
of sundry writs of Vend. Lxpon. and
Fieri Facias, issued out of the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Cambria county, and to me di
rected, there will be exposed to Public Sale,
at the rscott House, n Jountown, on Satur
day, the 3d day of August next, at 1 o'clock
p. M., the following Real Estate, to wit : "
All the right, title and interest of Hannah
Fudge, of, iu and to a lot or piece of ground
situate in Millville boroush. Cambria coun
ty, marked and numbered on the plan of
lots of said borough as Lot No. 8, being 41
feet and 3 Inches on Gordon alley, and ex
tending back 71 feet, bounded on one side
by Lot No. 9, and on the other side by
Spruce alley, having thereon erected a two
story frame house, now in the occupancy of
Hannah r odge.
Taken into execution and to be sold at the
suit of C. B. Ellis.
All the right; title and interest of Adam
Collar, of, in and to a lot of ground situate
in the 5th ward, Johnstown borough, Cam
bria county, fronting 73 feet on Benson st..
and extending back 96 feet to land of Cam
bria Iron Company, adjoining an alley on
the north aud lot of John F. and Charles
Barnes on the south, having thereon rected
a two story plank house and frame stable,
and other outbuildings, now" in the occupan
cy of the said Adam Gollar. ......
Taken into execution and to be sold at the
suit of Phillson & Brubaker.
All the right, title and interest of John
W. Miller, of, in and to a lot of ground sit
uate in Conemaugh township, Cambria coun
ty, adjoining lands of Kibler Parks on the
south and a road on the north, containing
half an acre, more or lesa, having theieon
erected a one and a half ttory frame house,
not now occupied. .
Taken into execution and to be sold at the
suit of A. Kopelin, Esq.
Sheriff's Office, Ebensburg. July 18, 1867.
Ilarrisburg, Pa.
A Li DT i UK'S NOTICE. The under-
signed Auditor, appointed by the Court
ot Common I leas ot Cambria countv to dis
tribute the funds in the hands of the Sheriff,
arising Irom tho sale of the real estate of
Samuel Rinnle, in No.0, June Term. 18C7.
hereby notifies all persons interested that he
wi!l attend to the duties of said appointment
at his cftice in Ebensburg, on Wednesday
tne I4tu ot August, 1G7, at 1 o'clock p. m.
R. L. JOHNSTON, Auditor.
July 18, 18C7.-3t.
A UDITOirS NOTICE The under-
signed Auditor, appointed by the Or
phans' Court of Cambria county to repert
the distribution of the funds in the hands of
George J. Rodgers and William Kittell, Ex
ecutors of Jane Wherry, dee'd, hereby noti
fies all persons interested that he will attend
to the duties of said arpotntment. at his office
in Ebensburg, on Thursday the 15th day of
August, icq, at l o'clock p. m.
R. L. JOHNSTON. Auditor.
July 18, 18G7.-3t.
undersigned Auditor, appointed by the
urpnans Court ot Cambria county to hear
aud report upon the exceptions filed to the
ac'count of John Richards, guardian of the
minor children of George Richards, deceased,
noreoy notiaes all persons interested that he
will attend to the duties of his annointment.
at his office iu Ebensburg, on Tuesday the
13th day of August, 1867, when and where
all parties interested may attend.' "
July 18,.'18S7.-3t. ;
A UDITOli'S NOTICE The nnder-
eigned Auditor, appointed by the Court
or iornmon l leas of Cambria countv, to dis
tribute thfl money in the hands of tha rhrr-
iff, arising". from the sale of the real estate of
Patrick M'Grtrk, in No. 26, June Term, '67,
jox. Doc., hereby give.,-notice to all parties
Interested, that he will attend to the duties
of Jus appointment. -at his office in Ebens
burg, ou Friday, Aug. D. 1S67, at 2 o'clock
p. M., when tuid where they must attend. or
1m nliri rr-nrV Fr.m r . r.i 1
,.r,..Ki&v. VV. UATMAN, Auditor.
July; 18, 1867.-3t. ; , ' '
- the matter 6f the Petition of Wm. T.
Dayis for leave to prove contract with Rob't
Davis, deceased. .
The undersigned, -having been appointed
Commissioner by the Orphans' Court of Gatn
bna county, to take' testimony in the above
stated case, hereby gives ndtico that ho will
attend to the duties of said appointment, &t
his office In Ebensburg, on Monday, August
12, 18C7, at 2b1clock p. m' when and where
they may attend if they think proper.
GEO. W. OATMAN Commissuuer.
July 18, 1867.-31.
mi have ii mm mi
Standard Dry Goods,
m hi mnrn nnniw
WmE and SEE
jPcDINANCE of the Borough of
Carroll town, passed at a meeting of
the Town Council, held July eth. 1867 :
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Council of ike
Borovgh of Carrulltou-n, and it is lereb'j en
acted by authority of the same. That from
and after the date of this Ordinance any per
son or persons fighting -within the limits of
said Borough, shall, "upon- conviction thereof
before the Rurges3 or acting Burgess, be
fined in a rum not less than five nor mor
than ten dollars each, aud the cots of euch
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted. That
any person guiltyVrf drunkenness, disorder
ly, uoisterous or unruly conduct, or gross
misbehavior, shall be subject to a peraltv,
upon conviction thereof before the Barges
or acting Burgess, of not less than cne dol
lar nor more than ten dollars, and the costs
of such conviction. And auy person guilty
of swearing, or using loud blasphemous or
Obscene language in public, within the lim
its of ?aid Borouph, shall be subject, upon
conviction, to a like penalty.
Sec. 3. On any day of public excitement,
or on any day likely to attract large or un
usual crowds or unruly persons to the Bor
ough, tho Burgess shall have full power to
appoint as many policemen, for the preser
vation of the peace, as he may deera neces
sary such policemen to receive such com
pensation as may bo allowed in tho discre
tion of the Burgess. And, farther, arv inn,
tavern or saloon keeper making a public
dance or ball, shall, a hh request, have a
policeman stationed at such public dance "or
ball, for the preservation of peace and good
order said pol.lCCmaa to be paid by the par
ty or parties, mating such dance or ball, &d4
to receiv- tvco dollars and fifty cents fox the
day ad three dollars for each night so em
ployed. D. C. WETZEL, Burgess. -;
Attest J. E. MAvensR, Clerk, jn. 1 1 -3 1
-T ot a writ of Vend. Erpon. issued out of
the Court of Common. Pleas cf Cbmhria couu
ty, and to me directed, there will be exposed
' to Public Sa!e,"at the Court House; in TCben's
burg, on Saturday the. 27th day iof July,
inst.,.at 1 o'clock p. m., the following Real
Estate, to wit :. ; ; . .. -. .-
All the right, title and! interest of John
M'Entyre, of, in and to a piece or parcel cf
land situate in ClesuGeld township, Cambria
county, adjoining lands of Thomas Adams.
John Carl, and others, containing fifty-eight
acres, more or less, about twenty-five arrer;
of which are cleared, having thereon erecteu
a one story log bouse and log barn, now in
tha occupancy of the said John M'Entyre.
Taken into execution and to be sold at trje
suit of John II. Douglass, for nae of John
Wagner. : JAMS MYERS, Sheriffs-
Sheriff s Office. Ebensburg. July 9, 1867
: nR- T- F- irCLTJRE, Sltoteox
Dxntist, Carrolltown,. Cambria Co
Pa. Teeth inserted Gold, Silver. Vulcan
ito, Cheoplastic, .Src. $3rrofesional visiu
made to Chest Sprinr the 6rvt wek'snd
Loretto tho second week of each mouth.
t t