i V- Vp-1 - pBRIA FREEMAN. KTTTjULY 11, 1867. tiicAL AND PERSONAL; vtrrlS, LOCAL AND UENERAL- rv has already departed from his el L r.loniD2 several convicts. lSa ib r - . . , . tha names of 11 enueJi fa- - - - " -.v nmfvra.tie Countv Com- '"Lersoi vu h the next Freeman. -I rmdidates on the Demo of whom are the- Christian fill WfC i.k.. - wy Ticket, seven f John. ri..l1U,1vVnrT Tlrrrixtr ,ntfcd with a strawberry. -.or that place, meaiu uigmwn rtuerable and eitecraed townsman, X. Storm, was. we regret to say, J with covp uc . - " .it fW - , aiicide in Uurjtirjgnon, a. coupiw 01 1 4-1- in ' . 1 lAVAtt0n t Vr in. icity is suppuw.- "Sle horws belonging to Major B. t f this place. Lad one of its legs V Friday morning last, by becom- in the LrKl'e rem, l ne own Vinrse compelled to have him shot. Attempting to 6ubdue a fire which -U . Bask BallJ In the return, game of base ball tetweeu the Mountaineer Clubf this place and the Mountain Club of Altoona, oiv the groan tb of the tetter on the 4th of July, the Mountaineers were again victori ous, beating their competitors 11 points. The score stood: Mountaineers, o, .l Mountain. o. v.i o. P. C. Robert?. 1 b F. Barker, r. f., 5 Z A. Jones, c, 3 4 E. Dunegan, 3 b., 7 1 Q. KobinsoD, s,R 2 6 T.IIutchinson.Sb. 3 S H. Darrach, c f 2 6 V. Barker, L. f., 1 7 W.IIatcLinaon.p. 1 6 Mountain. D Caldwell, c.. QalbraitU, r. f J. Milliken. 1 b., M'Donald, L f., . W. Humes, e. a., ' Worrell, p., -M. Howe, 3 b., Snyder, 1. f., -Pettit, 2 b., 0. 843. 832. -ce. a man named Wm. Fenteman Werely injuTetl by-an tsplobion of a J that hin life w despaired of. i. Hail, impoiterof fiaudulant Co h, who was recently found Ruilty 'tand battery and wntenced to ix mix'ootnent in Allegheny county, a parJtoed by Gov. Geary, at the UHVI -w-. j i t countv. t who is one on phrenohy. U of -n flii with tha vocne lilies of 41 Aay tli KTU.t organs predomi tho intellectual. iWoxrly the rl their bonnets ttudcr the chins T irecompellel,' in order to keep u' their plsfcen, to tie than behind f il Ta. Iw R. C.. tiamed -r. lal attempting to cross the fn.ntof an appmacliin tram, at on Friday week last, tXruck his foot iirturp piece of partially de wai cm -f the rxih. tt iron pasinK v f.n.t mJ inilictiim a fcjvere an4 c wound. " ' r Itnnert. voinc ladv Tcsiding near - iine ttirce weens at . ..ich had been accidentally broken cm e was taken in her food, and lodging trout, caused her death in a week l weurrence. Fourth of July, with Us attendant a and cetemotiws, was tbe "Liggett tver witnessed in Altocma. What, :nen, uddicis. benevok-nt associa- ::zene.aud viiOorsof all cUsses, mere y;e been ten thousand pcrsoas yxefr- ?. sokliera' monument was dedicated Axasion. A Catholic pic-nic was Ri sen r the town, and wai this best at iad niotit enjoyable ever given there. . 27 4t - BUK8 EACH IKNIKO. - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Mountain, 7 0 4 11 210 0-1 Mouutain. 1 0 2 10 10 10 0 Fly catches Mountaineer, 16; Mountain, 8. Out on fouls Mountaineer, 4; Moun tain, 14.- Home runs Mountaineer, 3j Mountain, 1. Time of game 3 b,., 15 m. Ummre L. L. Christy. Juniata Club of Hollidaysburg ; Scorers Lew. Kodgera for Mountaineer;. J. M. Erb for Mountain. The Mountaineer Club received a chal lenge from the Juniata Club, Hollidaysburg, on Friday evening last, and on Saturday the first nine of the latter Club visited this place for the purpose of playing a match game with' the first nine of the Club here. Dur ing the progress of the second inuing, how ever, the game was called, owing to the in clemency of the weather the Mountaineers (first) at the bat. On the one inning puyeu the game titoott ; Mountaineer. 9;. juniaw, ; and oa the second inuing tne Mountain eer! bad eight men In, one on third base, and but one out, when game was called. The resular monthly meeting of the Moun taineer Club will be held in the Grand Jury room, in the Court House, cn Friday even- 9 a. ing cex. -A full attendance of tne memoers is retnt tcd. , . McB-uca is Indiana Cocsty. An atro cious murder was committed in Canoo town ship, Indiana Ccunty, on Monday of hut week. Aa old man named Nicholas Vande vinder pome time ago divided hia property between bis two sous-iu law. one of them named John B. Bowers receiving tho home farm on condition that he would provide for the old mau during hi lifetime. Latterly Vaodeviuder became dissatibfitd with the treatment given him by Bowers and his fam ily, alleging that he was persecuted and harshly treated by them. This conviction so preyed upon his mind that he determined at Ut to kill B wer. and nt the time stated provided himself with a rille, and having loaded it, waylaid and shot his victim, tha ball entering his leftie and killing him in btantly. Vandevinder, after committing the crime, repaired to the house, and packing several articles of clothing in his saddle baS; started, with the ride still in uis pos . . .. .. . v.. i session, iu luo airecun m muiaua, out w overtaken at I'lumviile, some twenty miles distant, where he was arrested and from thence conveyed to Jail. Jsucn are tne lacw as we condense tbem from last week's issue cf the Indiana Democrat . . .. ' ins. We had the pleasure of a idiake ith Traush. of tie Hullidaysburg hi who visited our town on Saturday the t.urnose cf witnessing the match letwetn-the Jurjiataand Mountaineer !l cluli, upon which, however, the ucJci.'y put a damper. lie. HKe nis in "tray and iucomparablo" as ever. :.ior of the Register was also in town, filled to meet him. Juhn WKcarre. IiCDiiblicau ctnd! Y Slserifl of Plair county, also came ake of the Juniata, cud called upon ;U a soldier toA a reutleruan. albeit ns to the wrons vchool of politics. irlist friend. Getrire Storm, of Wheel- a, with his family, is at present in our a a visit to his parents. Ucorge is welcome to hi old home. ; Lrallier we also observe in town. ku hale and handsome as ever. He presents the heavy drug house of 4 Smith, Third street, I'hiU." Normal Sewf h. A Normal School, td be taught by Miss GJumtia A. Home, un der the supervision of the County Superin tendent, will be opened in the Public School llouse.-flbensburg, on Monday, Juty 15th, 1367. Instructions will be given in echo graphy. Beading, Penmanship, Mental and Practical Arithmetic, Physical and Descrip tive Geography, Grammar, History, Com position, and the Theory of Teaching. " Miss Home is a lady of thorough educa tion and large experience in schools of this character, and she has been selected with special reference to her fitness as an instruct tor of thewe designing to prepare for teaching. This school, In addition to offering peculiar facilities to teachers and those designing, to become teachers, will afford au excellent op portunity for superior instructions to omers ... r 1 1 ,Kt1. r, A - Johnstowk, July 8, 1867. Dear FreeMan--Uhe 91st anniversary commemorative of the Declaration of Inde pendence, passed off here without any ticu sual demonstration.- - A number of pic-ntcs were held in the various. groves. adjoining town, and also one at Conemaugh. The annual Catholic pic-niG was tha largest-gathering of the kind that ever took placo in this locality, and a quieter or more harmonious social reunion never convened in Johnstown. There was n,o unusual stir on our streets during the day. or evening, and the lock-up secured but one tenant. : : y. . During the progress of the .pio-nio at Conemaugh, a white man and a negro got into aa altercation, which .resulted disas trously for the latter, he being abused in a most shocking manner. Another negro was badly bsaten at tho depot here by a white man, but as I did not hear the particulars of the affair I have no comments to make. On Friday still another negro was ''flattened put" at a German . beer calooon ia Cone maugh borough.' " - Sku Bal was "on the wing" on the 4th. and in company with our worthy' Sheriff, left Ebensburg at 8 o'clock, arriving in Lo retto an hour lateT, and after a refreshing drink of water at the Shields' house pump A3 the aloresaiu oaeria is Jthe owner ot a very fast horse, and is withal an excellent driver, we were not long reaching our desti nation, which was a pic-nic in the neighbor hood of St. Augustice, gotten up by -Rev. Burns. For real old fashioned enjoyment I would ask no better placo to co to than a pic-nic at the "Loop," and I think the many strangers present will bear roe out in the assertion that a pleasanter affair-could not transpire anywhere than was the celebration on this occasion. . Everything went oa car raoniously, and variety was given to the various pleasures by hearing your eloquent pastor, liev. K. U. Christy read the Declara tiou which 91 years ago thrilled tho hearts, ard kindled a fire in the bosoms of the band assembled in Independence Square a fire which was not quenched until . tyranny and oppression were overcome, and the last act in tho drama closed with the scene"AHEBi- ca is Fuee." After a few appropriate com ments by Father Christy, F. A. Shoemaker, Esq.. wa3 called upon the stand and deiiv cred an eloquent oration suitable for the oc casion, which was received with, gicat ap- rlause. : , The rapidly galbering clouds now threat ened ram, and your correspondent Was Jam to leave, go looking tip the Sheriff, . who was posted in the neighborhood of a spruce beer stand, we regretfully tore ourselves away from this- pleasant gathering, and after a brief bait for supper with our old friend Callan, of the Shields House," Loretto, we reached Ebensburs. well satisfied with bur trip to tlie 'r Loop." ' : . . Now to rettlm to local matters. A man named Josenli Shorthill was last week ar rested for alleged stealing 'of a horse from D. Strayer. of Conemaugh township, and after acknowledging before Justice Flattery the fact jf taken the horse on the 15th of June lat.: white under the influence of liquor, and leaving him at Wilmore, be was to-dav sent no in default of bail to answer -S A - . the charge of horse stealing.' A number cf petty thefts have recently occurred in the neighborhood of-Whisky Spring, and r.o ejus to the perpetrator there of could Tjo found until last week, wh5n, as three ladies were returning late in the even ing from town, they saw a light in house, the occupants of which they knew were ab sent.. Their suspicions being aroused, two of the ladies went on. to notify their hus bands, while the other remained on watcn. When the men arrived the light had "been put out, aud the depredator was passing through the lot, and as they had their sus picions as to who the thif- was, they con cealed themselves iu the vicinity, and shortly afterwards a woman whom they had long suspected came along, having taken a cir- . . - Dd in ncr: TiotSEession was informed me that it frequently got mZJ. I inquired whether those who drank: it did not often imbibe a like disposition to wildness, and ho replied that that was altogether a question of quantity. . It is exceedingly ex- hilerating to see them drins ima oeverage. It ( seeing) has quite a'rejuvinatmg effect on tnose wno are waxing eiucuj. ncr tnrnin? from the 'pen" to the daucins ground I experienced a sweet 'obliviousness of all that had deterred me from taking a hand, or foot rather, in the fantastic per formances, and in a few minutes I found mvself as vigorously; grurrg through "the labyrinthian windings of. the mazy daDce" as if there was not a gray hair on my head. I also noticed the same effect from the same cause on several other veterans. Very pleas-' antly did the day pats away, and when all had got their till, they moveu aown tne mil, past Conrad's mill, with joyous exultation, toward Lilly's Station. jmoi one upon tne road had too big; a load, except the horsff that hatded the empty lager kegs and about three cords of empty sarsaparitla and min eral water bottle. All appeared exceedingly well pleased, including the getter-up of the entertainment. - IhrmeniaL Married, on Sunday.-June 30th. bv liev. T. llvan, Summit, Mr. Geo. - - ... .. ... . . Leibold and JVlrs. iilary, react 01 wicnaei Murphy, dee'd.- At the same place, by tho same, on Tuesday, 2d insU, Mr. John O' Neill and Mi Kate Biglin. - All lesideata of this township. . Accidental. On the 4th ;nst.,as iir. John Kelly, residing at Foot qX Four, was endeavr onns to head a cow, he suddenly leu, h;v ing tripped his foot upon some object, and was so unfortunate as to break ons of his arms. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. as he is a very kind and obliging man. and had the misfortune to meet with an accident about a year ago. Mrs. Jo. Sellers, while walking on the Pa. B. B., a few days ago. became frightened at an approaching train, and springing from the track, lell among some tis. inflicting a severe injury upon one of her arms. No bones were broken, how ever, and she is now doing well. Obituary. Died, at her residence In the west end of this township, on the morning of the 6th inst.., Mrs. . wife of Mr. Philip Biter. Her remains were interred in flu if! 1 ,J w in 11 STILL-MEAD OF ILL 11 1 li 1 J r 5 JUST RECEIVED AT the Catholio cemetery at Wilmore yesterday. ' jilOBPECAI. PFifAP XmM Thk Latest and BrsT Nkws is that B. II. Singer, who, upon his entree mto our town, reduced the price of horse-shoeing one- third, has determined still to lead the Tan; and offers to work 10 per cent.-lower than the lowest for cash, and insures satisfaction. Persons needing tire on their wagons or car riaeB, can save dollars by giving him their work. "A dollar saved is a dollar gamed," and the way to save many of them is to. get your blacksmithing done. with. Mr. Singer," at the west end cf town. . Jilr. 5i. is also sell ing I. C. Singer's unequalled Tire and Band Bender a machine which saves a great amount of time and labor and bends theTire- round and.true of which "Win. Myers,, of Altoona, says he would not take "4100 and do without. Any amount of testimony just like that can be shown, but the machine .is its own best recommendations to a mechanic Persons, wishing to purchase should call on or add.re- , R- H.Sisgek, Ebensburg. Territory for sale- For terms addrsss I. 0. Sisobb. Bo 85a Altoona, Pa.: On High. Street. the; largest iocfi THE BEST VARIETY ! U""AST KOTICE. Tlio ' subscri- ber regret the neoesslly which compel . him to leave all bis notes. b'ks, etc., inclu ding the books of E. Ghiss & Co., np to April 1st, 1885, with a Justice for collection. Af ter the first day of September next thin will bo done. . t - l. L. JOUNSTCN. ? Eberisburg. July 11, 1867. ' . : CAUTION. Whereas my wife, Tueeesa. has left my bed and bosrJ without just cause or provocation, I hereby notify all persons pot to trust or harbor her "on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contractirg. . -LAWRENCE STITZ ELBERG EH- Carroll Tp-, July 11, 18G7.-St. A TTTYPrriTVQ -m',TF, ArA now. 12th JniiP. 1R7. f. A. Shopra. ker appointed Auditor to report dtttributioa of funds in thehands of Catharine Douberty , Adm'x of John Dougherty, late cf Chest tp., dee'd. as shown in her first and final account. By the Court. Extract from the Record, f seal. J JAMES GRIFFIN, Clerk, j In pursuance of the above appointment, I will attend to the duties thereof at my cfHca in Ebeusburg, on Monday ,the ith day of August next, at 1 o'clock p. jx., when and where those interested can attend. F. A. SHOEMAKER, Auditor. . July 11, lSC7-3t. . SHERIFFS SALES. By virtuo ot a writ of Vend. Erjton. issued out cf the Court cf Common Pleas of Cambria coun ty, and to me directed, there will be exposed to Public Sale, at the Court House, ia Ehens burg, on Saturday the 27th day of July, inst., at 1 o'cluck r. sl, tha following Esal Estate, to wit : AM the. tight, title and interest of John M'Eatyre, of, in and to a piece or parctsl of land situate in Clearfield township, Cambria county, adjoining lands of Thomas Adams. John Carl, and otherscontainiDg 5ty-eight acres, more or less, about twenty-five acres of which are cleared, having thereon erected a one ctory log house and log burn, now iu tha occupancy of the said John M'Entyre. Taken into execution and to be cold at tha suit of John H. Douglass, f"r nse" of John Wagner. - JAMES MYERS, Sheriff. -.... Sheriff's Office, Ebensburg, July 9, 1867, ORDINANCE of the Borough of Carrolltown, passed at a meeting of the Town Council, held July 6th. 1867 :L - Sec. I.' Beit enacted by Vie Council of the Borough of CarroUtown, and it is hereby ''en acted by authority of the same. That from and after the aate of this Ordinance any per son or persons fighting within the limits of said Borough, shall, upon conviction thereof before the Uurgess or ' acting ' IJurgess, be fined in a sum not less than five nor mora than ten dollars eachrand tho costs of such conviction.- -. . ; ,. -. ..... : SC. 2. And be it further, enacted,, That any person guilt!of drunkenness, disorder ly. boisterous or unruly conduct,, or: gross misbehavior, shall bo subject to a penalty. upon conviction thereof before the Burgess or acting Burgess, of not less than one dol lar nor more than ten dollars, and the osta of such convictior. . And any person guilty of swearing, or using loud blasphemous or obscene language in public, within the una- c, rati BER ' A Rare Cbasqe. Dr. S. 3. Christy offers for sale the fine property owned by hun, located on Centre street, in this borough. The property consists of a larga three story brick building, containing fourteen commo dious rooms, with excellant cellar," furnace and all modern conveniences). stable out houses, two acres of ground, fruit trees, shrubbery, &c. It 13 beyond question one of the most complete and desirable residen ces in Cambria county, and will be 'sold on fair terms, Application should be mado to. Dr. S. S. Christy, at. this place, or to G. V. '.Mull in, Cresson. .ml HAV-iIfl OFMREB-HIi isiL. We tender oar thanks to the ttic County Convention for the com- they paid us in making us their pre--Eccr, as well as for the further cx i of confidence in making us Chair- the County Committee for the cur We did endeavor to do our duty rst position, and shall try to do it in i (a-Uuib, Esq., was not a candidate fgate to the next estate wayeuuou ie County Convention, but was named eai, without his knowledge or con Cavor of Mr. Wood- Id it ia nn more than truth to eay of lit whilft he :a always willing to labor f pod cause, neither his business nor i amake him desirous of party honors. All will be received who are sufficiently ad vanced to enter the elates. Terms reason able. : J- Fbasc Coxdox, Co. Supt. - IIaeby SuoEMAXF.a says if he did drive a ,,tia th 4th fit" Julv he is none the less IMU1U VM ww j fit. prepared to drive business now, ami all; he asks is a conxtaut drovo of customer?, who will bo welcomed at all hour of day or even in. Harrv stands iu.front of a long row ofwell filldl shelves, and deals out merchan dise of all descriptions with a lavish hand at -.. mntntn Tiricts. and with a fmile of complacency really bewitching. Go and see. FixsivExsABY. The glorious Fourth pbratcd hereabouts by a pic-nic in !'oods. in which the various Protes- i-itbath Schools, their teachers ana Participated.- The procession, as it fom the church to the ground, pre tnost phasing spectacle, and .was i occurred to mar their enjoyment, j5 partaking of the good thiDgs pro- them and indulging in innocent re- . the children returned in the even ly pleased with Independence Day. . I4-Railroad Accidxxts. James Ar I jo old man sixty vears of age, was P freight train at Boll's Mills, on R.. on Wednesday of last week, Pt instantly killed. ... I "Jy morning last, Thomas Dorsey, pending Borne masons who were em repairing a culvert belcw Ellza Vare, oa the bame road, was aiso r?i i Tallin? Trnicrh irntn. and killed He w-u, n naH-ve -f IrcUnd, tod r-i nTWTvr.. Ebensburg has no establish ment exclusively devoted to the 6ale of clothing, but so long as J. M. Thompson keeps the complete stock he does no person of the sterner sex will have room to com plain that he has "nothing to wear." Jim ia at all times prepared to deck his custom ers from "top to toe" in seasonable wearing apparel, and makes the least possible exca vations in their pocket-books in so doing. - Knowledge and wisdom are diamonds that flash along the pathway of life, and to know that Mills & Davis' keep a handsome Btock of merchandise, and to be wiseenough to buy from them, are not the smallest dia monds in- the heap, titber. ... Dry goods, dress mwk lntVinT. notions, groceries, etc.. are comprised in the assortment for sale at' this .tahHshment. and all tastes can be satisfied at the lowest prices. ; " ! I 'd ;'v'-' fv-T tllna' through the, fingers like watermelon seeds, travels without legs and flics without wings, and the best place that we know of to set it going on its journey u at the cheap dry goods and grocery estab lishment of V. S. Barker, on High street. Every day brings something new to Mr. Barker's store, thus constantly keeping his stock up to tha full standard of excellence and variety. . cr.itmia route. found a number of articles which 6he had just purloined. ... Numerous Vmysterious dis : appearances" were thus accounted for, and the burglarious female will doubtless be sent where she will have time to ruminate upon the ba l policy of purloining other peo ple's goods.' " ' ' " ' r V" . - ' v Eight cases, were confined iu tha borough lock-up List week, and as only five appeared to be able to raise "three dollars and costs," ihfl other three, had to settle down for the wind of 72 hours. - 'v " " A firemen's parade came ofif -on -Wednesday evening last. . The engine and hose car- ria.crn A-aa tastefully decorated, and.present- r nuite a fine appearance. On the return of the company to their hall, occasion was taken RoEaEBYi The store of J. .Q. Alams, at Belsano, this county, was entered on the night ol the 3d inst., and a quantity 01 tick ing, mushn, prints, shoes; hosiery, udcct a lot of letters designed for the mail, and a number of other articles, stolen therefrom. The supposed thief i3 describe! as about 5 xeet 10 inches high, rather lair compiecteu, with black moustache and poatee. and hod on a short tailed black coat, yellowish pants and black wool hat. Twenty dollars reward is offered-for his apprehension. A New Fkatl-be. The "eatabUthtne it of A first-class drug store at Loretto is certainly an epoch in the history of the place, and convenience to he surrounding country that we trust will be duty appreciated, vve commend the enterprise to the patronage have business in- liiU UiliiJ I iilll JJiillUilliliJ AND MORE OF THEM ! 'II' FOR A LOMG TIIV1E I its of said Borough, shall be subject, upon conviction, to a like penalty.. ' Ssc. 3. On any day of publio excitement, or on any day likely to attract large cr un-. usual crowes or unruly persons to the Uor ougb, the Burgess shall have full power to appoint as. many policemen, for the preser vation of the peace, as he aaa3- deem neces sarysuch policemen to receive such com- -pen sat ion as may be allowed in the discre tion of the Burgess. And, further, any inn, tavern or saloon keeper- making a publio dance or ball, shall, at his request, have a policeman stationed at such public dance or ball, for the preservation of peace and good order said policeman to be paid by the par ty or parties making such dance or ball, and to receive two dollars and fifty cents for tho day and three dollars for each night so.eoa- ployed.- , D. C WETZEL, Rurgesa. L-ith o Keantiful silvpr horn I commend 1 j 1 1)1 mnim llicui ku w vv" - - - 1 1 v. 1 1 . I--- cw .Vrif. 1 of such of our readers as Two match games of here last week the first between the Greens burg and Independent clubs, which resulted in victory for the latter, the score stand ing: Independent, 0 ; Greensburg, 29. The second was a return game between the irons ana laueucuucuto, iuo ; . f. 1 . M. . - .i I with the irons, alter a cioseiy coDits.ww game. .' The score stood in this game Irons, 49 ; Independents, 88. - As you apologized last week for a lack of variety, Sku ESal must do the same this week, as absence in pursuit of the4th, .and noD arrival here until too late to hunt up local items for your issue this week, must be his excuse. - ?-''' : Setj Bal,' : HEMLOCK, JULY 8 j 1887.' ! MS. Editor Tha Fourth ' wa3 celebrated at this point in excellent style."" The Pic Nic gotten up by "mine hosfpetling.of the "Miners' Inn,", came . off splendidly. I re paired to the grounds about the hour of 10 a. m., from which time until about 4 p. m. the neighbors kept regularly arriving, all with smiling countenances, and joined m the festivities, -A bountifully furnished table in the prove was surrounded by well, pleased and (when they left) well fed guests, whilst the "merry danco" and the invigorating u-in-r were enfoved to the full extent. . My ""O - ... ..,..,- Mor.f mn was so occupied in watcning rne advertisement elsewhere. Attest J. E. Maucheb, Clerk. ju.ll-3t OOK OUT FOR BARGAINS! - Being desirous of retiring from busl--ness, I offer for sale the Ebensbitrg Foundry, 2 1 1 m!1 a m .AA n lnnliilt v r nil (Vi all the stock, manufactured and unmanufac tured, consisting of Threshing Machines,"1 Cooking Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Plows and Castings of various kinds." As I am deter mined to sell, purchasers"may rely upon get ting any or all the above named articles, cheaper than they can be had anywhere else . in Pennsylvania, The public are invited to call and judge for themselves. July 4, 18G7.-Cm. . ' E. GLASa. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. Tito , tinderfci?ned Auditor, annointed bv tb tJ - "" ' A, nT pv Cham. Roberts ia sole agent t.' ... r,w tha Kalficf Morton's uuequalled gold ; UCIO - .- , ; pe, nd c .umS - - " cartons m6nU &S on ,roa?d, thM can oe oouub uj v.-, - - , ? The. People's Vebdict.- No one need suffer with the Piles. W, W. Bebee, farm er, near Kalamazoo, Mich., says "After suf fering intensely with Piles for thirty years. one bottle of Dr. Strickland's Pile Remedy cured me." C. L, Glass. Janesville, V is., says one bottle cured him and his brother. A, H. Kose, i'ostmaster, rem, u., says it cured him in a few days. ' , I.'. tc v ; T-r' (s pleasant to recommend a really mer itorious article, hence we ask those suffering from ;Dyspepsia.-' Nervousness, or Debility, to trv Dr. Strickland's Tunic. Dr. E. M. Sums ordered M worth for J. C Hays. Deca tur: Ala. T. Hart.,New York City, says "It cured me; where can I get it for my friends?" Thus they write from all quarters. . im. f A Good Isvestmesit. A veTy valuable nmnertv for a rjublic resort can be purchased on the most satisfactory terms, by making application to the editor of the Veeman.- We are satisfied that no property more suit able for the nuroosa can be purchased here 4. A or elsewhere. '. ' " ; ; Wm. Doants, a prominent citizen oT Eiiat ingdon, died on the 1st inst., aged 75 years. Mi M fdir; in Alotc. . v.f;i a luta l.ntir T visited, at tha ,8 no so. - - rcve"rtbe!eS8 kccpg a 8licitatIon of a friend, the "pen- wnere tne useful articles, cut Leveriieie- ; -a disneused to Ihirstv applicants, varied assortment in the jewelry QZllleZS hy they had tokeep this lin. which cannot be ,tHrP.d m bca.ty or . pen JJJ Jrf y kud undc-rsold to puce. . - - ?'''"' . : ; , . -; l ' fin. Wednesday . 8d inst.. Mrs. A kka M Noel, wife, of Samuel Noel, cf Munste township, a;? years- , v v Standard Dry , Goods, SUPERB LINE OF NOTIONS, mm AKD ALL OTHER GC011S IN GREAT PROFUSION I -T1 f i iUI TELL ALL I YOUR FRIENDS! tribute the fund in the hands of John' A. Blair, Adm'r of the estate of Mary Clementa, dec d, hereby notifies all persons interested that he will attend to the duties of said ap; pointrnent, at his office in -Ebeusburg, oa1 Saturday, tho 3d day of August next, at 3 o'clock p. M., when and where they rnust -present their claims, or bo debarred frora coming in for a share of the fund. : GEO. W. O ATM AN Auditor : July 4, 18S7.-3t. ' - ' . - A UDITOR'S NOTICE. Tho undersirrned AudrT ennr.;n)o.4 U tlm Orphans' Court of Cambria county to report the distribution ihe funds in the hands of Robert II. Slater, Trustee to sell the real es tate of Denrus Dougherty, late of Allegheny', township, dee'd, hereby notices all peraona' iatercp'vel that he will attendto tha duties, of aid appointment, at Lis office ia Ebens burg, on Friday, the 2d day of Aagustnext. at 2 o'clock p.m., when and where they must present their claims, , or b.e deb.vred:frcra". com'ag V for a share of the futiuv - ' ' GEO. W. OATMAN, Auditor.--"-: July 4, 18C7.-at. " - ' - - -' : 1. T. V. jI.CI-iURE, Sckmh DiiHTiST. CarroUtown,: Cambria Co' Pa, Teeth inserted on Gold, Silver, Vulcan-" lie, Cheopiastic. S:c, ' CcJ-P'ofbtsiona) visit' made to Cheat Springs the first week sud t Loretto the second week of each nK nth -(am-ltovm, Jaly.4. l8C7.rra4' f '., Lij A A jTLaycr wj ay teveaiits which 'the; fwLich ever havo fo J i rr . f pectoiorj, s : cnC cent sc3 were jxlitUt llt.3 ks. Tlio r " r.nd ncli' b of their i f the II on 3 ntractable. fall confid. cm, cntcrct 1bciran to r ICS. All pi at length actfnr r.r.t White stru n-whip. p. t-pring nnc Ider with hi would a cr his back u; rill of horn kgo of sjc. pted; miiny ablishrncnt tntenancca r ethers rus vainly hoj lion tame htly awaite booly awai for the n fo paws u; i Kvn and r bse t rriblc ia fercciou jhe was c most of 1 one oft I hppened fu: i ping nn ir iinst the lio; j B'anim.l w ! hold.' ; In ; gained Lis i v pants of t! Kted blow, i suprcma ting of her It would br such aii lid bj d'i5j b dancrG; able, but L naterial to y injured, t flesh in jshinp; the almost :nd the oh rocceded i Luckily lionesses had only . tnpellcd th with their y feeding landing th p turn. Id not till t the erio lr. .White iur contcr 0 after Icr fcl to tha id now lie; lo 13 undo: has rcC pcs to. re I vely sour ; counter a.3 dread the clav nimal i3 fn, and 1 ipi'na hi lasions. ifG. ; : I ' 13 celeb: flaris, b I Inusu.-ii ; presents Utwo bat; ; r. n-: corrict?, f alio curs ! . i Karrowa i Iar3 r ii bIx x' 'jld into ti jtcket, it ether sir ui.-j wi-.c-: j'shS i. -A. i - . y 1 n n