IJ x Jt.1 i i! $ V: C'Ceko, XAsnrri;, BktsY Anx, akb tna Rest tus FAJiar. We fell in duri?! a chance journa cf ours, a few ; months ego, . with cn, old Kansas man, vho had moved his numerous family frcrn "Varmount" to the Western wilds. It being late, wo tarried with lura all eight. We were surprised at the progeny which he owned. One was named Demosthenes, another Cicero, another Pericles, another Aristophanes, another Euripedes, another Phidias, and another Praxitiiea. Still another was named Appollo Belvidirus, and ho, as he told us, was the "humblest on s of the lot," and sure enough, he was a scraggy-looking specimen. These were the boys. The girb came ia with such names as Aspasia, .Phryne, Melpomene, ' Xantippe, Massalina, Ckopatra, Agrippi n, and the last one was named Betsy Ann. We asked the old man why he happened to give the children such unu sual names, and iaiesd we were astonish jects ed at the extent cf what seemed to be his classical learning, lie Informed us that it happened like this : A showman cape along with wax figures ca exhibition, and the' names of the figures were so "nice" that he "writ them down, and named his children according to the list afterwardJ. "But, how came it, we inquired, " "that yoa named one of your girls Betsy Ann 7" 44 Well," bo replied, "the wax figures run out, and I had to fall back and do the best I could out of my own head." Hur rah for Varmountl Grass Vallty Na Ttav. Peteu Jamksos, while attending a camp meeting near Pontile, at a time when the territory of Michigan was com "prised of two circuits, the reverend, pos sessing quite as much zeal as physical strength, late at night nought' in vain ia tho preachers' tent for a place to lay his mortal remains to rest. Slightly piqued that no place had been reserved for him, having borne the burden and heat of the 4y, the reverend had recourse to strata gem. Retiring to the woods a convenient distance for effect, mounting 'a large log he poured forth upon the night air one of those mazmficent strains of music for which the early Methodist tunes were so justly celebrated. The effect was elec trical. The sleepers half awakened hy the music, rssbicg- out, pursued the sound to the woods. listing collected the crowd, Jameson called, upon a brother to prayt slid ohTthe log, and retiring to the vacant tent, appropriated the best place and most blankets, and quietly resigned himself to silence and moditation. . . - - Taa boarders in a fashionable house were assembled in the public parlor one evening, when a rather antiquated caiden lady. who - never seeded. J? i tavo any j femployment but admiring her jewelry and, J cresses, lisped cut the remark that she loved a rainy day, "and always availed herself of it to arrange her drawers. ; "So do I," crowled cat an 'old sea captain. ! overhaul my drawers, and shirts too, sometimes, and eew on a button or a string where it ia needed.' Madcmoiselia did not faint ; but there was an angry rustle of silks as she swept out of the room, leaving all to exchange a suppressed titter for, a good, hearty laugh. - ' ,BANi? NOTICES. VM. Jt. liOTD, , I D. . CA LEW ELL, . President. Cashier. IT? I R S T NATIONAL BANK JL OI? ALTOOKA. " " asd :' ; DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY OF THE UNITED STATES.- Comer Virginia and Annie Streets, Nor(h . . Ward, Altoona, Ta. Autkorized Capital, - - - - - $500,000 'Cash Capital paid in, - - - - 150,000 " All business pertaining to Banking done on favorable terms . Internal Rovcnuo Stamps of all denomi BaticAS, always on hand. To purchasers of Stamps, percentage, in stamps, wilt be allowed, as follows : . ilO to $100, 2 per cent.j $100 to $200, S per cent. ; t'200 and upwards, 4 per cent. Jfia. 31, l8G7-tf. ihst national t$at;h . . OS on'STOWS, CAMBRIA CO., A. CpltalCOO,000-PrlvllegtoIncreafe t $100,000, Inland and Foreign Drafts furnished. Gold and Silver bought and sold. Collections made, at home and abroad. U. S. Bonds snd Securities cf all kind cb-taioed.-' Deposits received and money loaned. . A general Ranking business transacted. DIUECTOES. ' " D.J. Morrell, Isaac KarzfTmsn. George Fritz, : John Dibert, E. Y. Townsend, : Jacob II. Campbell, J.icob Lever pood. , , D. J. M011IIELL, Presyt. n. J. ROEEUT3, Cashier. janSl'67. ft LOD &'CO., Hatters, - Jj J ... ; -Eeeksbueq, Pa. Gold. Silver, Government Loans, and other Securities, bought and Bold. Interest allowe-don Time Ecpot,it3. Collections on all accessible points in the United States, and a general Landing Lusmeis uaniacted. January 21, 1G7. T"T -' 11. ILIorO ii CO., , V V Bankees, Altooka, Pa. Drafts on the principal cities end Silver and Go-1 for tale. .Collections made.- Moueys received on deposit, payable on de mand, without inUiest,' or Hpon time, with interest at fait 1 atrsi eaSl; :ou3. GETTYSBURG ASYLXT-X 1 Wi i'OR INVALID ; S, Incorporated ly Act of Asscnillj tf &e Con monictalth of Pennsylvania, March 6, 1867. The Board of Supervisors appointed by the above Corporation to carry out the ob of the act of incorporation, respectfully announce to tua puLac that the Legislature of Pennsylvania has authorized the raising of funds for the erection, establishment and maintenance of an Asylam far Invalid Sol diers of the late war, to be built on the bat tlefield of Gettysburg, and as inducement to patriotic citizens to contribute to this benev olent object, nave empowered the Corpora tion to distribute amongst the subscribers such articles of value and interest, from as sociation with the late war, or any moneys, effects, property or estate, real or personal, whatever, in the State or elsewhere, at such time or upon such terms, and in such way and manner whatsoever, as to them, shall seem fit, any laws of this Commonwealth to the contrary notwithstanding. The enterprise is cordially Tecommended by the following named well-known gentle men : ; . Ex-Governor Andrew G. Cartla, " r Major General George H. Meade, Major General Galusba Pennypackeiv : Major General E. M. Gregory, ' ; Major General John R. Brooke, : Major General Charles H.T. Collis, : Major General Henry. J. Madill, Major General James L. Selfridge. -. Brigadier General James A. Beaver, Brigadier General Horatio G. Sickles, Brigadier General Joseph F. Knipe, Brigadier General William J. Bolton, Brigadier General Samuel Zulick, ' Brigadier General John K. Murphy, Brigadier General John P. Ballier, Brigadier General T. F. McCoy, Brigadier General R. E. Winslow, Brigadier General Henry Pleasants, Brigadier General J. P. S. Gobin, Brigadier General J. M. Campbell . Brigadier General Thomas Walker, Brigadier General W. Cooper Tally, Brigadier General D. M. M. Gregg, fVilnnfel F. Stambauerk. '" ' f '' : 4 The site for the institution (thirty acres) has already been purchased, and it is hoped that the good work may commence before midsummer. Subscriptions will be received at the ofSce of the Association, No. 1126 Chestnut street. Philadelphia, on and after Monday, the 6th dav of Mav. 1867 ' - For each subscription of five dollars a certificate" will be issued which will entitle the holder to such article of value as may be awarded to its numberr The first distribution of awards will be made Immediately upon the receipt of 80, 000 subscriptions of $5 each. The distribution will be public and under the direct supervision of .the Corporation. Persons at a distance are requested to rei mit their subscriptions (when practicable; icable) red let- "Wt a" by Post ofSce money order, or registered lettera to RAt HrfM Box 148T. P. O., Philadelphia. The. following is a schedule of awards tol be made under the first distribution. The j items of Diamonds and other precious stones - wefo purchased from citizens of the South during the war, and Uieir genuineness is certified to by Henle & Bros., the most ex tensive diamond importers in the country, and by J. Hermann, diamond setter, New York. -- GETTYSBURG ASYLUM FOR INVALID SOLDIERS. Incorporated by Act of Assembly of Common- tcealih of Pennsylvania, March 6,1867. OSes 112S Chestnut Street,' Philadelphia, FIEST DisrosinoH. f . . . . Eighty Thousand Subscribers at Five Dol lars eacn. 1 1 Diamond Necklace, 43 c - r. , -Brilliantfl,-valuea at - $20 000 4 - 2 . 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch and Ear ltines. 15 000 - 8 1 Award 10-40 Govcrma't Bonds, 10 000 4 1 Diamond Cross set 'in SUver, 7 000 5 1 Diamond Clutter Brooch, C 000 tt 1 Award 10-40 Gorernia't Donds, 6 000 T 1 Diam'd Single ftone Ring , -4 600 8 1 Diam'd Cluster Uracelet,, 4 CUU 9 1 Diam'dSingle Stone Scarf Pin, 4 000 10 II 12 1 Diam'd Cluster Brooch, 4 000 1 Diam'd Cluster Bracelet, 4 000 1 Pair Cixsgle Stone Diam'd ? Bar Rings, - j - - - o 6001 13 14 .15 16 17 18 19 20 21 00 23. 1 Diam'd Cluster Brooch, 1 Award 10-30 GoTenua't Bond3, 1 Diam'd Single Stone Pin, 1 Diam'd " I Stnd 1 Diam'd Cluster Brooch, 1 Diam'd Single Stone Ring 1 Diam'd .Emerald Brpocb, 1 Diam'd Single Stone Ring 1 Diam'd Cluster Ring, 1 Long India Camel's Hah? ... . Shawl, v.. - - W V WW lifiU 3 000 3 000 8 000 2 500 2 600 2 500 2 000 1 500 1 00 1 Choice Emerald Stud, 1 Single Stone Diam'd Ring 600 000 24 25 to 31 10 Awards of 10-40 GoT'nt -. ( . . . -Bands, each y . I f : 5 "1 Threr-stone Diam'd and I :- i' Ruby half-hoop Ring,- coo 00 ; S3 ; 87 I ,33 f t ; so 40 41 to 50 61 t . - 62 1 Diam'd Single"Stono ilar Knobs, 1 PairDiam'd Cluster Stud 1 Diam'd single stone Ring, . ' - ' star' setting, "" ' V ' ' 1 Diasa'd single Stone Pin,' ' 1 Diam'd Cluster Bracelet, 10 Awards 10-40 Goveram't Bonds, each 1 Lady's Diam'd eet Watch 1 Diam'd single'stone Ring 1 Diam'd and Opal Cluster Ring, 1 Diam'd single stone Ring 1 Pair Emerald Scarf Pins, 1 Diam'd single'stone Risg 1 Diam'd CUtcr Pin, 1 Cameo and Pearl Brooch 800 COO 500 500 500 500 400 50 63 1 54 65 : ca 57 ' 63' 59 to 153 250 200 200 100 and Ear Rings, 100 Awards 10-49 Ciov'nt 100 100 ? . Bonds, each ISO to 253 - 1C0 Awards Government -Legal Tenders, each - 3,000 Awards Government Bonds, each ,50 ' , The distribution, of-the above awards frijU'ls pads in .pabJ:-5 i;st as tooti. esthQ F v 1 3 w l L L subscription is full, cf which' due notice will be given through the papers. On rdcI after May etb. the diamonds "will be cn exhibition at the cllco of the. Association. The public can confidently rely on everything being conducted ia the most honorable manner., All the awards will be handed to certificate holders, immediate! v after the distribution," frea of ail cost, at the ofSce of the Company, No. 1126 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. - CERTIFICATE. " We hereby certify that we have examined the Diamond Goods. Pearls, Emeralds, Bu bies, and other precious Stones, as described in the above list, and find them all genuine.' liENLE & BnCT8f Diamond Importers, 24 Maiden Lane, New York. J. HERMANN, Diamond Setter. or 31 Broome Street, New XorH. . AGENTS WANTED. : Books can be had containing Twenty Cer ticate8, One Hundred Dollars. All orders forCertificates must be addressed to ' J. D. HOFFMAN, Secretary, -Box 1481, Post Office, Phila. - May 16, T867.-6t. V - QUICIL SAI.ES, " - v quici sal.es, v- '':;; I't'Z. . Qicit sales,;: ; ;; ' : . , AND SMALL PROFITS. AND SMALL PROFITS, AND SMALL PROFITS, GURLEY'S NEW CHEAP STORE, GURLEY'S NEW CHEAP STORE, GURLEY'S NEW CHEAP STORE, ; . ' , EBENSBURG, PA. , :,. EBENSBURG, PA. - -; , ... EBENSBURG, PA. .The Largest Stock of Goods. The Best Selected and the; Greatest Variety ever brought to Town. LARGEST; CHEAPEST AND BEST, , LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST, . LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST, GO AND SEE. ' v. - GO AND SEE.' '? ' ' ' ' ' GO AND SEE. The subscriber calls the' attention of the public to the fact that he has just leceived and -.opened out in his riew b tore, a large stock of goods consisting of J " :. flour;corn meab, chop feed, , Bran. Fish. Bacon and Cheese; Sugar, Cof. fee, Tea, Molasfes, Spices, Tobacco, Cigars, Candles, Soap, Vinegar, &c &c, , ; : NOTIONS, DRUGS, PERFUMERY, Stoneware and Earthenware. ; ALSO, a fine assortment of the best and latest style cf Hats; -He ' always keeps constantly on hand Bologna Sausages, Sardines, Fresh and Spiced Oysters in can, or half cans, and al most everything in the eating or drinking line. I AH of which will be sold aV small profit.,' - .'.KY'l r.r.il -': v ::;;r bV.vvsirW- Pa . UArtBwjSt, Ebsbceo, : vannary 81, 1957. - -; r- GliO. UURL&xV v -i I iUiruxv i:uu TUiiV xav a x ; JL i f 1 U I 11 1H 1 inim t ia iissiii ;,:,"jpni?; i. T11021AS Takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Ebensburg and the north of the county generally, that he has recently added to Lis stock a large and complete assortment of. SHOES, BUSKINS, .GAITERS, &c, t For. Ladies', arid Children's Wcaf, from the celebrated wholesale manufacturing establishment of Ziegler & Sutton, Philadel phia. This stock comprises everything that is desirable and serviceable in the way of custom-made sevced work, and every article is warranted of the best material and most per fect manufacture, - Iu the sale of these goods the subscriber pledges himself to repair-free of charge any article that may give way af ter a reasouabie time and reasonable usage. The ladies are specially invited to call and examine the stock. - The subscriber also keeps on hand and k 1 prepared to manufacture to order BOOTS ! and SHOES for Gent's and Youth's wear, of the -very best material; and workmanship, and at prices as reasonable as like work can be obtained anywhere Jtrench Calf, Com mon CalfMorocco and. all ether kinds of Leather constantly on hand.' . ' ' f7" Store on Mam street; neiVdoor to Crawford's Hotel; ' " ' " ' ffeb21-tf. nHO TTTF. T. ADIFS OF F.RF.YR - 0 . -nTTPfr iwn vrnTVTTVTT,? I - aj vav a i.i.niiUn aw re- cently arrived from the city with a hand some assortment or spring ana Summer, Mil', linery and Straw Goods, of the latest styles, comprising Bo?inets, Suks'and Vdvcis.'Une JFrcnch Flowers, an assortment of HOAmis, all widths and colors, Ladies plain and fan cy Dress Caps, xntants' biilc and Embroid ered Caps, together with Hoop Skirts, Cor sets, Hosiery, gloves. Ladies' and Gent's fine Linen Handkerchiefs, &c j we invite the ladies of, Ehensburs and surrounding -dis tricts to call and examine our stocky ii the store room formerly occupied by E, Hughes, below the Mountain House.: -,' i : ? We have a fashionable miliaer of esceP Jent taste, who will pay particular attention to bleaching; pressing and altering Hats and Bonnets to the latest styles. '.' ' ' ' ' : , . . : lIns.J.DOYLE, , April 25-3m. - -Miss M. RUSH. - JOHK EOCKETT, , - - - - . P. 3. JSTORM. 7UTOUSE and SIGN PAIHTINGr. JOI1T3 ElCCIXUrT Is, CO, Desire to inform the public generally" that they are now prepared to execute House, Sian and Ornamental Painting, Glazln. Pa- psr Hanging. Graining and Caleerrdning, ei ther in Cambria, Blair or Huntingdon Coun ties, cn the shortest notice, ia the very, best Etyle, end at prices as reasonable as zr.y other firm cr individual in the coixntrv. ! Call at their room in Lowtbcr's builJirsg", ! under Rousii's Urug btore. or address - John Rocsett & Co., AUccra. Ta. April 25, ISO 7.m. . , - J , ; -. NY PERSON intending to build a J.- House or Barn, ' can buy Nails and Hardwars chtap by paving cash at ' i Ftb.23. y j.i'j ..(2 CO. ltUTLEXS, " HEDiCAL PREPARATIONS, ROLAND'S fP - ThiaPreparation i3 the dis--coveryof Rev. J. W. Polasd, formerly Pastor of the Baptist Church ia Gofistown, N. II. a man dearly beloved by .that de nomination throughout N.Eng land.' , He was obliged to leave the puipit and study medicine to save hi3 own life, and hi3 Magic Powdeks are one of the most wonderful discoveries of modern times. It is th GREAT LIVER and BIL IOUS REMEDY, which completely throws inthe shade all other discoveries in medicine; and it affords him much eratiSeation that they receive the unanimous approbation of olt ittliA lira frtofofl Ti.Y-r - Tl , TrtfriA TT1 ious Powder? are a POSITIVE CURE FOR LIVER COMPLAINT in its most aggrava ted form, and an immediate corrector of all BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS. Excellent for Headache, Constipation JPimples, Blotch es, Sallow Skin, Drowsiness, Dizziness, Pal pitation, Heartburn, and' a most wonderful Cure and Preventative of Fever & Ague J (W e advise all who are troubled with this fearful malady to always keep the Powders on hand ready for immediate use.) . Here are a lew important particulars : 1st. They are the great speciiicfor Bilious Affections. 2d. They ate the -only known remedies that will cure Liver Complaint. 3d. They are the only known remedy that will cure Constipation. 4th, The Powders are so thorough in their operation that one package will he all that the majority of those usin? them will reauire to effecta cure. fith. They are a mild and pleasant yet the most effectual cathartic known.' 6th. Tbev are the cheapest and" best medicine extant, as they, can be sent by mail to any part of the globe for the. price, 50 cents. ? - - - Circulars, containing certificates, informa- tion,olc, tent to any part of the world free aCI T 1 t 1 X 1 , 01 cuarge. ur-ooiu oy an uruggista, or Dy mail on application to tT i: ', -C. G. CLARK & CO., GenT Agents. " Price, 0 Clslper Box. New Haveh. Ct. G OE'S DYSPEPSLA CURE 1 1 This great remedy for all DISEASES OF THE STOMACH ia the discovery of the in ventor i.of Cue's valuable Cough -Balsam, while experimenting for his own health It cured Cramp in the Stomach for him which had before yielded to nothing but choloform. . The almost daily testimony from varieus parts of the country encourage us. to believe there is no. disease caused by a disordered stomach it will not speedliy cure. Physi cians endorse and use iL.' ' Ministers give tes timony of its efficacy ; and from all directions we receive tidings of cares pei formed, "c i ' -Dyspepsia it is sure to cure. Heafffum one dose will cure, YzZadt it has cured ia ihureds of cases; Headache and P7ii9 it St6ps in thirty minutes. A iy omacAH correct st once, lit of ike Food it stop$ immediately. , Disl Acid ising rf the Food it stops immediately. Distress after Eating one dose will remove. Cholera Morbus rapidly yields to a few dosesl V Bad Breath will bo changed with half a bottle. IT IS PERFECTLY. HARMLESS ! Its unprecedented success is owing to the fact that it cures by assisting Naturo to re assert her sway in. the system. . Nearly every dealer in the United States sells it at oue pollas feu bottle. : C. G. CLARK & CXX, Proprietors, March 14.-eowly. . New Haven, Conn. HxVIlD TOLNVALIDS.-A Cler- evmari, while residinsc in South Arner ica as a missionary, 'discovered, a safe and simple remedy for tbe-Cure of Nervous Weakness, ; Early Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train : of disorder brought on by baneful and vicious habits. Great numbers have been cured by this noble remedy. Prompt- by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortunate,- I will scad the recipe for pre paring and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who need it, Free cf Charge. .Address,-''-.:'' - 'i- - JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station, D. Bible House, New York City. I March 23,.1847.-3nu; : :1 TT 1 i t. i i I Has no superior j I in World ! ! It is pronounced faultless by all who have used it. and it is predicted that it will supersede all ether Curtain Fixtures now in use. For sale by GEO. HUNTLEY. TTIIOLESALE and RETAIL Manufacturer, yof TIN, COPPER and SHEET-IRON WARE. Canal street, below Clinton, Johns, town. Pa, , A largo stock constantly hand. - , " - - - , . . " OCKET KNIVES, Taxxe Knives and Forks, Spoons, &c, can be bought cheap for cuh U GEO. UUNTLEY'3. . I sic" KJ-K Vtv'v' . SZh, ,- MISCELLANEOUS. onni m ff f FACTORY. UiLnii i '"i ; i i'f f ! ! W 'J mmw3 ua - J oor.'sxoirrj ia. mm m such as common Winsor Chairs, Fret Back : Chairs, Vienna Chairs, Bustle Chairs, Rim r. Backed Chairs, Sociable Chairs, . - : : mt IJnt ' ;HJn; . ; f - ROCKING CHAIRS, OF EVERY SIZE SPRING SEAT CHAIRS Settees, Lounges, &c., &c. : CABINET FURNITURE . of every description and -. of latest STYLES, WITH PRICES TO SUIT THIS Tastes of all. Thankful for past favors, he respect fully tolicits a liberal share of public patron-' age. Clinton Street, Johnstown Cambria Co. Pa. Jan. 31,1867. EBENSBURG LITERARY DEPOT! JAMES MURRAY, '- BOOKS. STATIONERY. CIGARS, TO- s ' BACCO. PERFUMERY, FANCY I ' SOAPS. &c. &c. j In he Loom formerly occupitd ly Dr. Lemon .. - as a urug &uret ' ' Maim Jstbket, Ebsssbukg, Keeps Blank Books, Envelopes, Paper. Pens, Ink, Pocket Books, Ras3 Books, Magazines, 1 Newspapers. Novels, Histories, Prayer and Xoy Books, &c. fjcj-Stationery and Cijrars sold eitlier wnolesale or retail. j feb21tf. lO R E I G N SHIPPI NG EXCHANGE;: OFFICE. 1 We are no v.ci!ing Exchange (at New xoric Xtates.cn England, ; : Ireland, Wales, Ji Germany, Austria, -. .' r i Bavaria,: Baden, r ....a-, Utssen, Hanover,- , Belgium, Scotland, Prussia,' Wurtemberg, baxony. Switzerland, Holland, . Norway and France. 1 And Tickets to and from any Port in England,. .Ireland, ; Scotland, ; Germany, France, , California, . New South Wales or Australia. : - ; ; KERR & CO. IOHN HICKEY, Altooxa Pa., DMlcr lu all klndi Household Furniture ! SCOT AS LOUNGES, ! TABLES. I BEDSTEADS SOFAS. BUREAUS, JS, j WHAT-NOTS CUSHIONED, CANE-BOTTOMED AND COMMON CHAIRS, &c. NEW FURNITURE WAREROOM,: . JULIA BTEEKT, KEAE HAE11IET, . Opposite the Protestant Episcopal Church, March 7, 18S7.-ly. EAST ALTOONA. Lime for Safe. EHHE undersicmed is rrenared to shin Lime 1 from Lilly Station, or No: 4, on the Penn sylvania Railroad to Lbenbburg, Johnstown, or any otner point on tne reuna. xt. x;., or Its branches.. . Address, WM. TILEY. ' : Jan31,-tf Hemlock, Cambria co., P. WHOLESALE rEOGEES ?.1ARBLE WORKS. "PRICES GR&ATLY KEDUCED ! AT THE- JOHTiSTOWrJ UMIBLE T70aKS ! The subscriber has just received a tr. Italian and American ... . i . , MARBLE, j comprising the largest and fine&t stock of the kind ever brought to ; f ( ALL jm ..... r Johnstown, at his establishment La rr c. i. i : r. i - with an adequate force of experienced and 1 f ! Sr ijfiS ft '-f J " vjj.p nVilfnl workmen, tn (Tprn all tina ni ) Lw J IU, tuufii, Ik..! bwJ MONUMENTS. Mantels, Tombstones. Ta ble and Bureau Tops, &c, as cheap as they can be purchased in any ot the cities. , A largo .stock, of Gbxkdstoses cn hand and for sale low. ... - ' A room has been opened in Ebeo&burg, a few doors west of Dr. S. S. Christy's Drug Store, where articles of my manufacture are kept ccustantly on hand, to which the at tention of purchasers is invited.. 7" Prompt attention paid to orders from a distance and work delivered where de sired. :f JOHN PARKE.' LORETTO r.UE UNDERSIGNED begs leave to inform X the citizens of Cambria and adjoining counties, that he has ja.st received a stock of the finest Italian andoLher Marbles At his Establishment in Jboretto Cavibrla co.. Pa.. ' Monuments, Tombs, Grave-Stones,-' Table and Bureau tcps, manufactured of the most beautiful and finest quality of Foreign and Domestic marble, al ways on hand and made to order as cheap as they can be purchased in the city, in a neat and Workmanlike manner, and on the shortest notice. The public ara respectfully invited to gii e me a call before purchasing elsewhere, as I am confident that my work and prices satisfy any person dc tiring any thing ia Una cf busmen. Kou is the time io qct a cheap irbi JAMES - WILKINSON." HOFESSIONAL CARD' TAKES J. OATIAv TTM lender his professional ferricT, 5i bioiaa and Surgeon to the citizens rf p tewn and vieinitv . 0 i w V, tewn and vicinity.-OSice ia rear of in occupied by J. Bacfc & f!n roflfi Iight calls can be made at the hotel cTi rence Schroth. May 9, ISeS I lONTINUES to visit EbensLUrir . f b on the 4th Monday cf rach him. ENTISTRY.Dr. D. W5 ler, having opened aa (Sc in ,J i over R. R. Thomas' Store, offer sional fcervices to the citizeus of Zhezih , . nr.'!. 4 DEVEREAUX, JL IxTKf SICIAN A'D SCBGEOX. 5uJ7I5ji- t'i OHlce e&st end of Mansiou Bouse ca if : Road street. Night calls may he mii . the office. - rjy2s.tf 1 n. ti johxstox, . j. fic..., I JC HNSTON & SCANLAN. I A 'I tnrnpv a.t Tjiw. . I Ebensburg, Cambria co., pt Ofiice opposite the Gurt llouse. Ebensburg, Jan. 81, lSC7.-tf. D. M'LAUGHLIN, 1TTORNEY AT LAW, Johnston, ?4J il Umce In ine L.xchance buildiar.ot' ' Corner of Clinton and Locust streets- stairs. Will attend to all business cenr rd with bis profession. '. Jan. 31. 18C7.-tf. , j JOHN V. LINTON, i 4TTORNEY AT LAW, Juhnsiorn, PiJ Office in building on corner of iUin j Franklin street, opposite Mansion K;-. second floors Entrance on Franklia in Johnstown. Jan. Si ,1807. tf. F. A. SHOEMAKER, 1 ITTORNEY AT LAW. Ebend,ur3, hi 11 OfSce on High street, one door LUcL1 Banking House of Lloyd & Co. j January SI, 18C7.-tf. W. II. SECIILF.R, 1 ITTORNEY AT LAW, Ebenlur " fl Office in the Com mLeionera' Rem.C,;: House. . , Jan. Sl.'CTi" - F. P. TIEHNEY. ITTORNEY AT LAW, Ebenslur3,h JJ Office in Colonade Row. Jan. 6, 1867-tf. JOSEPII M'DONALD, ITTORNEY AT LAW, EbasslwrgM H Ofiice on Centre street, opposite Hoc: ; Hotel. Jan. 3J, 1867-t ITTORNEY AT LAW, Ebenshurg h H Omceon High street, sdjoininp ban deuce. . : Jan 31, 18C7.-C GEORGE M HEED, ITTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pi U Office on Main street, three doon L ot Julian. : Jan. Sl.lSi'l GEORGE W. OAT3IAN. ! ITTORNEY AT LAW, EbensluryM Ofiice in Colonade Row rCntric. January 31. lSG7tf. WILLIAM KITTELL. 1 ITTORNEY AT LA W, Ebensburg, h & Office in Colonade Row, Centre street Jan. 81, lSG7.-tf. J (5 L. PERSHING, Attoenh V Law, Johnstoicn, Pa. Office on Frt 1 in street, np-stairs, ever John.Cn" Hardware Store. Jan. 31, lS'i AMES O. R-VSLY. Attoem: J at-Law, CarroU'oicn, Cambria CoJ Collections and all legal. business prof.; . attended to. Jan. 31. is- "Of KINKEAD, Justice of tJ I iuLm anx Claim Agent. 0 free recnevt the office formerly occupied by M. Esq,, dee'd, on High St., Ebensburg. .; MISCELLANEOUS. HABVET CmiDS. . - . ; LOWBIS Cfi. TXT r XCTTCPITTV. H. CHILD S .& CO VVkoltle Dealer W 199 wnn s:rrTirrHT . . PITTSBURGH, 'Agents for the sale of 4l!op Ui'l".! Yarn, Bags, Batting and Carpet Feb. 28, 18G7.-tf. - J. JOHN GAY. . . . - . - A Y vfc- -W E i;? Successors to Cy f0 - - WH0LE3ALS . iVikl (Wit V.au-i.Ki1' , j AXU DEAiEES IK . FLOUR, PRODUCE. FISH, SA& BON OILS, &c, &c, Corner Penn and Canal Sts.. opp. . -m - . - L , H. J. LLOYD, (SUCCESSOR to RrS. 'Bess h DRUGS. MEDICINES AN TT;sa Flrfr.slv.ir. Pa. . J31 Jm Ebcn.Lurg, wo,.-- Dealer in Lumber. The i - ' . .....; to., ' tn CasA.-naid for ClIERSl.i' and LIND LUMBER. lv DOZ. Woopem just received and fxhl "' a ti will -a my . iULriuL; ilia augunce lewia Pi. Say-'a- j studied with the Doctor, will renTaia k ofiice and attend to all business pi-tTr . FTF you want to buy goods o . U. and pay big prices, don t' ji Feb. 28. GEO. U1 ' " . - r :