. -X r -- v 2 ? . o ",'f O THE BURIAL PLACE OF.EOOTIL General L. C Haker has published 'a diary, in which he details his connection with the "aecret ecrvico' of tho War De partmcnt during the war of tha rebellion, 1 Ho makes tho following etatemenL in re- " gard to the disposition made of the body of John Wilkes Booth : General Barnes, Surgeon General Uni ted States army, was on board the gun boat where the post mortem examination was held, with h"i3 assistants. General Barnes cut from Booth's neck about two inches of the spinal column through which the ball had passed ; this piece of bone, - which i now on exhibition in the Gov- , eminent Medical Museum in Washington, is the only relic of the assassin's body : above ground,, and this is the only mutila tion of the remains that ever occurred. ' Immediately after the conclusion of the examination the Secretary of War gave orders as to the disposition of the body, ' .". which had become - very offensive owing ta the condition in which it had remained after death ; the leg, broken in jumping from the box to the 6tage, was muih dis ' folnroil And fiwnllen. the blood frOOl the wound harircr saturated the under clothing' " With the assistance of L. B. Baker I took the body from the gunboat direct to the old penitentiary j adjoining the old arsenal grounds. Tha building had not -been ueed as a prison for Borne years previously. The Ordnance Department had filled the " ground floor cells with fixed ammunition. One of the largest of these calls was select ed as the burial place of Booth. Tho ammunition was removed, a Jarge flat Btone lifted from its place, and a rude grave dug ; the body was dropped in, the ' grave filled up, the stone replaced, and there rests to this hour all that remained of John Wilkes Booth. Cure for a ISlack Eye. We have never tried tho following cure for a black eye, never having had our optic windows done up in mourning. However, we give the recipe for the benefit of whom it may concern i Immediately on the eve being struck with force enough to make it black, npply a cloth wet with water just as hot ."us jou can bear it'; . keep on applying the waUr for fifteen or twenty minutes, and th coagulated blood will become thin and pica off into natural channel?, and . leave the eve. Derhans swollen, but free from blRuknees. . - Cut This Oct. For a long time hy- i, drouhebia was thought to be incurable, . and persona afflicted with it were either - strangled or smothered to death. , liut German furrcster dvins; a lew years go. ' uiade known a life secret by which be had mnv llvaand which may. serve-a -' good turn to some of our readers, loathe t- the wound constantly with hartshorn, and V give, three or four doses diluted during the ; dy. The hartshorn decomposes cherai i ".cally the virus insinuated into the wound. and immediately alters and destroys its duliriousness. Paatisk lost getting out of bed on frosty night. Paradise regaihed-get linz in aain. ' hotels; Hemlock, Cambrt Co., Fa. JOHN WJLKIN, Proprietor. i 7ThisIIonse has 'Ibeeo. refitted, and ofTers Bccomtnodations superior to any other House in the vicinity. The Proprietor, after long experience In the business, feels confident he nndrtaods the wants of the public; His TABLE will be supplied with the delicacies of the season and hia BAR with the choicest wines nd liqnors. By constant attention -"'and due care for the comfort of his quests -ith Proprietor hopes to merit a liberal share of patronage. - maylG-ly.J SCOIT HOUSE, ... Main Street. Juhnslown, Cambria Co., Pa., A. ROW & CO., Proprietors. nUHS HOUSE-having been refitted and 1 1 elegantly furnished, is now open for the h reception and entertatnmeut of guest3. The - proprieors by long experience in hotel keep- - ing feel confident they can satisfy a dis '" criminating public. ' Their Bar i3 supplied with the choicest brands of liquors and wines. - Jan31, 1SG7. (ly.) S- UNION HOUSE, ' ; T BENSBURG, Pa., JOHN A. BLAIR, Propietcr, spares no pains to render this hotel worthy cf a continuation of the liberal patronage .it has heretofore received. His table will always be furnished with the .best the market affords; his bar with the best ct liquors Uis stable is large, and will be attended by au attentive and obliging Juwtler. Jan 31, 18G7.-tf. "P FOUNTAIN HOUSE, Ebensucrg. " uJi. XI. I. LISTON fc CO., Prop'ri. " l ' The Table ia always supplied with the choicest delicacies ; the Bab is supplied with choice liquor?, and the Stable attended by careful hostlers. Transient visitors accom- ' modated and boarders taken by the week, month or year, on reasonab'e term3. feb21 SHIELDS HOUSE, , LORETTO, CA11KJIIA COUNTY, PA., TUOilAS CALL EN, Proprietor. Kill IS house is now open" far the accomrno 1 dation of the public. Accommodations as good as the country will afford, and charges mrxlcrate. Jan 31, 18G7.-tf. LIERCHAraTS1 HOTEL. p J. ti XL C. M'KIBBIN, Proprietors. . , . Fourth SL, bitween Mirlct and Arch, Hay 3, 18G7.-ly. : PHILADELPHIA. TINWARE, HARDWARE, dtd 1867 SPI11SG i I am now prepared to offer suj?mioycmiEfrs TO CASH PCBCHASEB.S OF TIN & SDEET-IRON WARE! EITUEB AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. My stock consists in part of every variety of - Tin,-Slieet-Iron. COPPER AND BRASS WARES, BNAMEIXED AND TLAIV r SAUCE-PAHS. BOILERS, fitc, COAL SHOVELS, MINE LAMFS, OIL CANS, HOUSEFURNISHING HARD WARE OF EVERY KIND. - ' Spcai'f , AnlfOmt HEATING and COOKING STOVES, EXCELSIOR C COKING STO VES, X02LE, TRIUMPH avd PARLOR COOK- INu STOVES, - - And any Cooking Stove desired I will get when ordered at manufacturer's prices. Odd Stove Plates and -Grates, &c, for re rmlrR. on hand fnr the Stoves I I others will be ordered when wanted. Particular attention given to Spouting, Valleys and Conductors, all of which will be made out of best mate rials and put up by, competent workmen. Lamp Burners, Wick and Chimneys WnOLESALl2 OR KETAIL. I would call particular attention to the Light House liurner, wun uiass uone, ior giving more light than any other in use. Also, the Paragon Burner, for Crude Oil. s yrSl'EHTCER'S SIFTER I ..; 'r' It recommends itself. ; , . SUGAR KETTLES AND CAULDRONS of all sizes constantly on' hand. .' k . Special attention given to .1 .' Jobbing in Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron, at lowest possible rates. Wholesale Merchants Lists now ready, and will be sent on application by mail or in person. Hoping -to see all my old customers and manr new ones ;t His bpnng, i return my most sincere thanks for the very liberal pa trouage I have already received, una will endeavor to please all who may call, wheth er they buy or not. - ,:t FRANCIS HAY, Johnstown, March 7, 1867,-6m. GREAT Reduction in Prices to CASH BVYERS! AT THE EIJEXSmJElG HOUSE-FURNISHINS STORE ! - The undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of xubensburg and the public gener ally that he has made a great reduction in prices to CASH BUYERS. My stock wil consist, la part, of Cooking, Parlor and Heat ina Stores, of-the most popular kinds ; Tin- icare of very description, of my own man ulacture ; Haraicare nf all Kind, sucq as Locks, Screws, Butt Hinges, Table Hinges Shutter Hinges, Bolts, Iron and Nails, Win dow Glass. Putty, Table Knives and Forks, Carving Knives and i Forks, Meat Cutters, Apple Parers, Pen and Pocket Knives in great variety, Scissors. Shears, Razors and Strops. Axes, Hatchets, Hammers, Boring Machines, Augers, Chissels, Planes, Com passes, Squares, Files, Rasps, Anvils, Vises, Wrenches, Rip, Panel and Cross-Cut Saws, Chains of all kinds. Shovels, Spades, Scythes and Snaths, Rakes, Forks, Sleigh Bells, Sho Lasts. Pegs. Wax Bristles,- Clothes Wringers, Grind Stones, Patent Molasses Gates and Measures, Lumber Sticks, Horse Nails, Horse Shoes, Cast Steel, Rifles, Shot Guns, Revolvers, Pistols, Cartridges, Pow der. Caps. Lead, &c. Odd Stove Plates, Grates and Fire Bricks, --.Well and Cistern Pumps and Tubing; Harness and Saddlery Ware of all kind ; W ooden and mow Ware in great variety ; Carbon Oil and Oil Lamps, Fish Oil, Lard Oil, Linseed Oil, Lubricating Oil, Rosin, Tar, Glassware, Paicts, Varnish es, Turpentine, Alcohol, &c. ; ' FAMILY GROCERIES, such as Tea, Coffee, Sugars, Molasses, Syr ups, Spices, Dried Peaches. Dried Apples, Fish,- Hominy, Crackers, Rice and Pearl Barley ; Soaps, Candles ; TOBACCO and CIGARS'; Paint. Whitewash, Scrnb, Horse, Shoe, Dusting, Varnish, Stove. Clothes and Tooth Brushes, all kinds and sizes:-Red Cords and Manilla Ropes, and many other articles at the lowest rates for CASH. Cg-House Spouting made, painted and put up at low rates for caslu A liberal discount made to country dealers buying Tinware wholesale. : GEO. HUNTLEY i Ebensburg, Feb, 23, 1867,-tf. , . . C3LZ3 HURTAIIT FIXTURE ! j Has no' superior I in Uie World!! tJ It is pronounced faultless by all who have used it. and it is predicted that it will supersede all other Curtain Fixtures now in use. 1 or sale by LriuU. JtluiSl LJti x . PRAKK-W, HAY, nnOLESALE and RETAIL Manufacturer, I of TIN. COPPER and SHEET-IRON WARE, Canal street, below Clinton, Johns town. Pa. A large stock constantly hand. . ' v ' x lOOCKET lvNIVES,. TAiiLE Knives lL and Forks, Spoons, &c.,can be bought cheap for cash at UEO. UUNTLEY7S. TTF you want to buy goods on long credit j Ji. and pay big prices, don't so to "'ti v fin nrr nTnnTT"rn f ; i - Jtt'D. iO, UiiU. UUiUlliDl O, OOD TUlRxl for cale low at IS VALISES, a. HUNTLEY'S. GENERAL MERCHANDISED 'QUICK. ; :J X-.' 'U QUICKCS AXES, ' ,-; H-.-f ? , r QUIClt SALES, . .. '. ... c and small' profits5- . " AND SMALL PROFITS, , , Y'r ; and small;profits, j GURLEY'S NEW. CHEAP STORE, GURLEY'S NEW CHEAP STORE, i- - GURLEY'S NEW CHEAP STORE, '-"'"' ; . EBENSBURG, PA.: ' ; ; : ' EBENSBURG, PA;,. ; ::l ' ; ; EBENSBURG, PA. ; f ; "'The Largest Stock of GoodsV The Best Selected, and the Greatest Variety ever brought to Town.- 4 ' " LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST, . LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST, LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST,-; - . ., GO AND SEE. ' a'-y. GO AND SEE. -;; ,vr' r: GO AND SEE. - - - The subscriber calls the attention of the tmblic to the fact; that he has just received and opened out in his New Store, a large stock-of goods, consisting of v - ' FLOUR, CORNTEAL, CHOP FEED, Bran. Fish. Bacon and Cheese ; Sugar, Cof fee, Tea, Molasses. Spices,' Tobacco, Cigars, Candles, Soap, Vinegar, &c &c. NOTIONS, DRUGS, PERFUMERY, Stoneware and Earthenware. ALSO, ft hllS assortment of the best and latest style of Hats. He alwavs keeps constantly on hand Bologna Sausages, Sardines, Fresh and Spiced Oysters in can, or nail cans, ana al most everything in the eating Or drinking ine. All of which will .be sola at smaii profit. ', ; GEO. GURLEY,' - ' :MAIN STBEETj EbENSBUEG, Pa. I January 31, 1867. - ; JMPORTANT to EVERYBODY. A IMffiEPIMlISII! JOIir.7 X. TI303IAS Takes pleasure in ahuounclng to the citizens of Ebensburg and the north of the wunty generally, that he has recently added to Lis htock a large and complete assortment oi i?IIOES, BUSKINS. GAlTEKS &c, For Ladies' and Children's Wear, ... from the celebrated wholesale manufacturing establishment of Ziegler & Sutton, Philadel ohia. This stock comprises everything that is desirable and- serviceable' in the way of custom-made tewed work, and every article is Warranted of the best material and most per fect manufacture. In the sale of these goods rrrir; ter a reasonable . time and reasonable usage. The ladies are specially invited to call and The subscriber also keeps; on hand and is prepared to manufacture to order BOOTS and SHOES for Genfs and Youth's wear, of the very best material And workmanship, AtuTat pricesas reasonable as like worK can be obtained anywhere. Fiench-Calf, Com mon Calf. Morocco zl ll ether kinds of Leather. constantly on hand.' :;Jf "' y A VT7 Store on Mam street, next door to Crawford'a Hotel. : v -' J t Tfeb2 1-tf. nno THE LADIES OF EBENS- BURG AND YIU1N1TX. Having re cently arrived from the city with a hand some assortment of Spring'and Summer Mil- Unery and Straw Goods', of the latest sty les, comprising Bonnets Silks and Velvets, fine French Flowers.' an" assortment of Ribbons, all widths and colors, Ladies plain and fan cy Dress Caps, Infants' bilk and-Embroidered Caps, together with Hoop Skirts, Cor- sets.: Hosiery. Gloves, Ladies and Gent's fine Linen Handkerchiefs, &c ; we invite the adies of Ebensburg and surrounding dis tricts to call and examine our stock, in the store room formerly occupied by E. Hughes, below the "Mountain House.'" - - We have a fashionable mil iner of excel- ent taste, who will pay particular attention to bleaching, pressing and altering Hats arid Bonnets to the latest styles. , April,23-3m. ' Miss M. RUSH. WORD feom JOHKSTOWNf JOUX J. & CO., At their Stores in the Scoit House, Main St and on Clinton Street, Johnstown, Have constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of seasonable , Dry Goods. Boots, Shoes; Groceries, and a general variety of NUXIONb, &c Their 6tock consists of almost every article usually kept in a retail store, all of which have been selected with care and are offered at prices which cannot fail to prove satisfac tory. Call and examine lor yourselves. Feb. 23, 18Q7.-U. . ; ' , b' HA.EVET CHILDS. . . . LOWBIE CHILDS. " V. C. MCRPIIET. CniLD S & ' C O . ', Wholesale Dealers In 133 WOOD STREET, . PITTSBURGH, PA. - Agents for the sale of "Hope Mill" Cotton Yarn, Bags, Batting and Carpet Chain. ' ' Feb. 23, 1867.-tf. , : ' : T V: JOHN GA.Y. AY . . . . WMi WELSH. W E LTS H v Successors to Gay Painter, : , . WHOLESALE - -t '..'. . ' - Grccsrs and CommisEloa Ilercliants ASD DEALERS IN ' FLOUR, PRODUCE. FISH, SALT, CAR - ? BON OILS, &c, &c, . ; Corner Penn and Canal Sts., opposite Grain Elevator.' feb28 Pittsburgh Pa, E. J. LLOYD" ;, nUCCESUii to n. r. UUSN,-jLfeaier in A DRUGS, MEDICINES AND TAINTS. Store on Main street, opposite the "Mansion House," Ebensburg, Pa. Jan, 31, 67.tf. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. O X. PERSHING, "ATTOENEt-AT-; Law, Jolinstmcn, Pa. Office on Frank- lin street,, UD-stairs,' over John Benton's Hardware Store.' Y , Jan. 31, 1867. AMES C. EASEY, Attorey- at-Law, CarroUtotcn, Cambria Col t Pa. Collections and all legal business promptly attended to. ,. Jan. 81. 18G7. . "O" v KINKE AD, Justice of the Peace m bjuJ Claim Agent. - Office removed to the office formerly occupied by M. Hasson, Esq,, dee'd, on High St., Ebensburg. j8l. W. II. , SECIILER, -I TTORNEY " AT LAWj Ebensburg, ' Pa. il Office in the Commissioners Room. Court House. ' - Jan. 81, 67-tf. ; F. 1. TIERNEY, Y I TTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa.-- U Omce 'in Colonade Itow. . .Jan. C, 18G7-tf. . ; - JOSEPH M'DONALD, ITTORNEr AT LAW, Ebensburg. Pa. Office on Centre street, opposite Moore's Hotel.- - ';r - V Jn- 31; 1867-tf JOHN FENLON, I TTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg Pa. il Office on High, street, adjoining bis resi- uence. . - , Jan 81, 18S7.-tf. GEORGE M. HEED, ; I TTHTJ'K'nV AT LAW. Ebensbura. Pa. i ft nM. nn Win sf root . fhrofl rtnnfft T.ast I of Julian. dan. .5.1, 18b . LTTnTTTi:v AT LAW. Kbensbura. Pa. ! i Office in Colonade Row, Centre street: January 51, loo7.-ti. ; -. WILLIAM KITPELL, I TTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa. Office in Colonade Row, Centre street.- r Jan. 3i; i867.-tr. ' .-. . ) F. 'A. SHOEMAKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW,' Ebensburg, Pa Office on High street, one door East of the Banking House of Lloyd & Co. - r : January-31,' 1867.-tf. - - - . B. li JOHXSTOS, ; J E. SCAKLAN. JOHNSTON & EC AN LAN, : Attorneys at Law, " 7 , t : I -,,", Ebensburg, Cambria; co. Pa. i " Office opposite the Onirt House. i Ebensburg, Jan. 81, 1867.-tf.- v 1 JOHN R LINTON, mmA t r a - r . i m T 'r Y l. -f.,m Xy tt oec -m bunding on comer of .mm? and Franklin 6treet, opposite Mansion House. second floor. Entrance on Franklin street. Johnstown, Jan. 31, 1867,-tf. ; " D. M'LAUGHLIN, v I TTORNEY AT LAW. Johnstown, Fa; ft Ofiica in the Exchanee building, on the Corner of Clinton and Locust" streets up stairs. Wilh attend to all business connect ed with his profession. ' , .. '. .' , Jan. 31, lS67.-tf. " . ., .; " s. belfordJ dentist,;; : EONTErjES to visit Ebensburg personally on the 4th Monday of each month. During his absence Lew js N. Snyder, who studied with the Doctor, will remain in the office and attend to all business entrusted to him. ; - . Jan31,'67. .. " r BANK NOTICES, r WM. X. Iit.0TD, . . .. , . T. CALDWELI . '; . ' Cashier. " r.' President. , TO I EST, . NATIONAL BANK DESIGNATED' DEPOSITORY OF THE UNITED .STATES.; , ' . Corner Virginia and' Annie Streets, , North ... H Ward, Alioona,iPa.,, ,.' j Authorized Capitalyi - $300,000 Cash Capital paid in, : i 150,000 - All business pertaining, to Banking done on favorable terms : ' . ? J - Internal Revenue Stamps of all denomi nations, always on hand. . 1 ; To purchasers of btamps, percentage, in fctamps, will be allowed, as follows : $50 to $100, 2 per cent."; $100 to $200, 3 per cent. ; $200-and upwards, 4 per cent Jan. 31, 1867-tf.- -J - : V j : LiI J TOIUST.; ..I7AT10XAI B AT IS. JOHNSTOWN, CAMEBIA. CO.,' or FA., Capital, $CO, 000 Privilege to Increase ; . . , to $100,000. . Inland and Foreign Drafts furnished. Gold and Silver bought and sold. Collections made, at home and abroad. U. S. Bonds nd Securities of all kind ob tained. ' Deposits received and money loaned. ' , A general Banking business transacted. - ' .; " . DIRECTORS. ' . - . . D. J.-Morrell, - George Fritz, ' -John Dibert, - -E. Y. Townsend, i Isaac Kauffman. Jacob-M. Campbell, Jacob Levergood. D. J. MORRELL, Preset. H. J. Roberts, Cashier. , . JanSl'S?. Tf IOYD & CO., Hanliers, " Gold, Silver, Government Loans, and other Securities, bought and sold. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. Collectians made on all accessible points in the United States, and a general Banking business transacted. - "January 31, 1867.. ; W " EI. t.l-OYli ' &' CO., " ' -V V Bankers, Altooxa. Pa. - Drafts on the principal cities and Silver and i Gold for sale. Collections made. Moneys received on"deposit, payable on de mand, without interest, or upon time, with interest at fair rates. jaa31. Miscellaneous. CHAIR : F.1AIMGT0RY, ALL KINDS OF CHAIRS, tuch as common Winsor Chairs, Fret Back Chairs, Vienna Chairs, Buf tie Chairs, Rim ' " Backed Chairs, Sociable 'Chairs,';- : ; m t,S tat ; 6 ain,;: ; ROCKING CHAIRS, OF EVERY SIZF. SPRING SEAT CHAIRS Settees, Lounges, &c, &c. . CABINET FURNITURE . ; of every description and of latest STTLES, WITH PRICES TO S U1T THE Tastes of all. Thankful for past favors,, he respect fully tolicits a liberal share of public patron ace. " Clinton Street, Johnstown Cambria Co. Pa. , I Jan. 31.1807. "Jtfi BENSBURG LITERARY; DEPOT f DB1LEB VS. BOOTTS. STATIONERY. CIGARS. -T0- ntrrr PF.RFnMERY FANCY- SOAPS. &C. &C jn ie Iloom formerly occvjn$a oy ur. Vernon J as a Drug Store, Main tbeet, Ebssseup.o, Keeps Blank Books, Envelopes, Paper. Tens, Ink. Pocket Rooks. Pass Books, Magatines, j Newspapers. Novels, Uistories.-Prajer and Toy Books, 4e. . CCS stationery and Uigars Bold .either wholesale or rets.il. . "feb21tf. F KEIGN SHIPPING EXCHANGE OFFICE. : -. We are now selling Exchange (at New York Rates on . ; - ; r . England, , r Ireland,-:v-Scotland Wales, .-- . Germany, , ;:, Prussia ' . -j Austria, -: Bavaria, - Wurtemberg, Baden,- - .;;...Hosenf 't , : Saxony, Hanover, Belgium, ; Switzerland, Holland, ' . Norway and France. . - i And 'Ilckets to and from any Port in" England, ; . , Ireland v " Scotland, . Germany, -r.,r France ; ..California, New South Wales or '. . . Australia. .' ' , ; . . ..' KERR & -CO-.; JOHN IIICKEY, "Altoqxa Pa. , .,. Dealer In all kinds , . Household Furniture ! " ;. - " ' SUCH A.3 ' " LOUNGES. I TABLES. - I BEDSTEADS SOFAS. BUREAUS. WHAT-NOTS CUSHIONED, CANE-BO1T0MED AND ' ; ' COMMON CHAIRS, &c. , NEW; FURNITURE WAREROOM, ; . , JULIA. 8TBEZT, SEAB HARRIET, Opposite the Protestant Episcopal ChvrcJi,. ilarch' 7, 1867.-ly. : EAST ALTOONA " 4 ::vs Lime for Sale.- -: fpHE undersigned is prepared to ship Lime i from Lilly Station, or No. 4, on tho Penn sylvania Railroad to Ebenbburg, Johnstown, or any other point on the Penna. R, R., or Its branches. - : Address, . '.WM..TILEY, ; Jan31,-tf ' . Hemlock, Cambria co., P ; WHOLESALE MARBLE WORKS, PRICES GREATLY REDUCED! , i . AT THE , '.. J! J0HKST0WH iniAIlBLE WOEKS ! The subscriber has just received a t large and i- handsome . 'invoice cf ' Ttdl in rm A rrArif!tTi I ;! 1 KX 4 T? R T . T! t 4 A I" comprising the largest and finest v -OK, Btock of the kind ever brought to; t Johnstown, at hi3 establishment LiS- on Franklin Street, where he is prepared. with an adequate forca of experienced and gkilful workmen,' to execnte all kinds ot MONUMENTS, Mantels, Tombstones. Ta ble and Bureau Tops; &c, as cheap as they can be purchased m any of the cities.' A large stock of Guinestoxes on hand and for sale low,- ' A room has been opened in Ebensburg, a few doors wess of Dr. S. b. Christy 'a Drug Store, where articles 01 my manutacture are kept constantly on hand, to which the at tention cf purchasers is invited.' , . ' ITT" Prompt attention paid to orders from a distance and work delivered where de- sirea.- , t)jii jriuii.JLi 1 -.. TAT1 T- . 1 LORETTO tiny. IT1HE UNDERSIGNED begs leave toinferra j, the citizeias of Cambria and adjoining counties, that he has just received a stock of the finest Italian and other Marbles at his Establishment in Loretio Cambria co., Pa - MonumenU, lombs, Grave-Siones, Table and Bureau tops, manufactured of the most beautiful and finest quality cf Foreign an Domestic marble, always on hand and maa to order 63 cheap as they can be purchased in the city, m a reat-and -workmanlike manner, and on the shortest notice The public sre respectfully invited to give me a call ocuore purchasing elsewhere, as am confident that -my work and prices w ausiy any person cceinrg any thing m my tine ot business. ' ; - - - -Now is the time to net a elieapjoh - -JAMES VtlLLwIiwO m medicau preparations;' n Aiisa f rv:arauOQ u tii c very of Rev. J. por luiuitr.v i aaior oi lk r..- c Church inGoSstown.?? vf q j man dearly beloved by thatdt. land. - He was obliged to"l..e the pulpit and study medicine to tare hi, own life, and his Magic Powdf.es an ens of the most wondetful discoveries cf ate.',. times. J It is the QREAT LIVER if IQTJ3 REMEDY, which complettlr tl ibthe shade all other diswveries in aedicicf . I and it affords him much gratificatioa tA they receive the unanimous approbation cf all who have tested them. -The Marie l loos Powders are a POSITIVE CURE FOTJ LIVER COMPLAINT in its most aggrarj. ted form, and an immediate corrector'cf i'i BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS. Excelknt for Headache, Constipation, Pimples, ZZcfcj;. ts. Sallow Skin, Drowsiness, Dizziness, ij. pUaiion, Hearilt.rn, and a most wonderful Cure and Preventative of Feverfc Ague ' - - "v.4 ilu fearful malady to always keep the Ponders on band ready for immediate use.V Here are a few important particulari : 1st. They are the great specific for Bilious Affections. 2d. They are the ouly known remedies that will cure Liver Complaint.-. Sd. They are 'the only knowu remedy that I will cure Constipation. " 4th. The Powders ar so thorough in their operation that one package wia be all that the majority of those usinz them will require to e fleet a cure. ii. They are a mild and pleasant yet the most effectual cathartic know'a. 6th. Tbey are the cheapest and best medicine eitatt, as they can be sent by mail to any part of tie globe for the price. 50 cents. Circulars, containing certincates, informa tion, oto., fent to any part of the world free of charge. rUT'Sold by all Druggist, or ly mail on application to , - - U. U. & tU., lieu'I Agcnte. Price, DO Cts. per Bex. New IUves. Cr rioEs DYSPEPSIA CURE .... . . t, . This great remedy for all DISEASES C? THE STOMACH. id the discovery of the in ventor of Coe's valuable Cough Balsam, while experimenting for hia own health. It i cured Cramp in the Stomach for hira which had beforeyielded to nothing hut cholcform. - The almost daily testimony from various parts of the country encourage us tobelieva there is no disease caused by a disonlert"! stomach it will not: speedily cure. Physi cians endorse and use it. Ministers give tes timony of its efficacy ; and from all direction we receive tidings of cures performed. . Dyspepsia it is sure to cure. Heartburn one dose will cure. Sick Headache it ba cured in , hundreds of cases. Headache and Dizziness it stops in thirty minutes. Acid ity of the Stomach it corrects a t onc6. Rising ff the Food it stops immediately. Didrus a fter Eating one dose will remove. Cholera Morbus rapidly yields to a few doses. Bad Breath will be changed with half a bottle.' " . IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS 1 -. Its unprecedented success is owing to the fact that it cures by assisting Nature to re assert her sway in the ystem. Nearly every dealer in the United States sells it at oxe dollar ter bottle. : . C. G- CLARK & CO., Proprietors. March 14.-eowly. ' New Haven, Conn. ft ' CARD TO INVALIDS. A Cle eyman. while residing In South An; ica as a missionary, aiscovercu simple remedy for the Cure of erro- Weakness, Early Decay, .Diseases of v Urinary and Sf-mmal Organs, and tce; train of disorderi brought on by and vicious habits. " Great numbers been cured by this noble remedy. Prompt; ed by a desire to benefit the afflicted unfortunate, I will send the recipe for F; paring and using this medicine, in Ee&iec envelope, to any one who needs it, ftt Charge. Address, JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station D. Bible House, New York m . March I817.-Sm. . . " . ft 0BER.T E.- JONES. l'Cm 4 - Ebensburg, Cambria co., r" Dealer ia Lumber. The highest in Cashed for CHERRY, POPLARA-' and LIND LUMDCR. , A KY PERSON intendins toaUiJ J-.-IIozsb or Barn, can buy NVu8 & Hard wara cheap by paring cash tt Feb. 13. GEO.HLTNTLET3. f-TtOOiaNG, PARLOR AND HEA O ING STOVES, ct Cost, for Cas ir2 now until the 1st cf May, at 'xrs' - Feb. 23.-;- v : GEO. HUNTLEY QUG All KETTLES AND SUGAl PANS, low for cash, at m:alve Feb. 23. . GEO. HUMZ-E .. . mmmmm 'si .sf tJV i