:X33 nix THURSDAY, JUNE: 6,11857. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Thk CoasraTjJiK CebsM9ST In ac cordance with announcement the corner atone of th new Catholio churchy designed w be erected in this place, waa laid with ap propriate and impressive ceremonies, on Tuesday afternoon last, and wa witnessed by a large and attentive concourse cf people. The day was a most propitious one, the God of nature seeming to smile benignly upon the initiatory step there being taken to- wards the erection ot another temple to Ilia y.anor ind dorr. The beloved pastor of the roiresatbn. Rev. R. C Christy, was assist- mA in the exercises by Rev. 5. Wall, Presi dent of St. Michael's Seminary, Pittsburgh, p... Parrfn -Tvrone. Rev. Hushes, Broad Ton. Rev. McGovern, Bellcfonte, Rev. O' WnnrVf. Kittannina. Rev. Biebam, New Brighton, Rev. Tracy, Huntsville, Ala., Rev. rviftanh. Carrolltown, and Rev. Burns, St. Augustine, and at their close a powerful ser mon was delivered by Rev. Wall, from the text, "Thou are Peter, and upon this rock," ic. The sermon was a vindication of the Church's claim to being the one established by Christ upon earth, and" was certainly a most earnest, forcible and eloquent effort throughout, and one worthy cf the .gifted mind, the sincere heart and the sound judg ment of the Rsv, speaker. V have neither pace nor facilities for giving a bjnopsis of the sermon, but we feel sure that uoone who listened to it, though he might take issue with the arguments advanced, could fail to he convinced of the sincerity of the speaker and bis deep conviction of the truth of what he uttered. In addition to a record of the ceremony, a copy of each f the papers published in the county and lso of the Pittsburgh Cath olic, specimens of coin, currency, &c, there was placed in the stone a list comprising the names of the Tope, Archbishop Bishop of this Diocese, clergyman who participated in the ceremonies, architect of the building, as well ax thoa of .National, State, County and Borough ofiiciala. A collection was ta ken up upon the occation, which netted, we believe, a very handsome sura. Il compli ance withrthe wish of the pastor we shall next week publish the names of all persons who contributed one dollar and upward to the fund. We cannot close this hurried account with out commending the good taste displayed by the ladies of the congregation in the adorn ment and equipment of the speaker's stand, and without also bearing' testimony to the profound interest and attention manifested throughout by the large concourse of people lreent It may not be out of place either 'say that our young friend,' J. C. Easly, Fjsq:. has been employed as architect of the new building, and that it is the intention to rect a handsome, commodious and substan tial church edifice which will be an orna ment to our town and a fitting testimonial ut Catholic xeal and devotion. ' Serious Kaiuioad Accidist. -Mr. Hugh Gillin, engineer on the E. & C. R. R., and a resident of this place, met with a most pain ful accident and narrow escape from death at Creesou on Saturday evening last. The fact of the case as we learn them are that 11 r. Gillin had accompanied his wife to the Philadelphia Express east, and was running along the flown tracK lowaras tiisown en nine when he wns struck-in the back by i locomotive used as a "pusher," which was descending ttie mountain ai ine time, ana knocked down, tie locomotive passmz over his left arm, crushing it for the most part in a shocking manner, lie also sunt red a se vere contusion of the head, occasioned no doubt by his fall. Dr. Walter Bell, of Sum-: mitville, was summoned without delay, and the facts being telegraphed to Altooaa, Drs, Gemmill and Camp hell were dispatched as coon as possible to the aid of the injured man. and in a short time the arm was amputated above the elbow and his wounds propeily dressed and bis condition rendered as com fortable as possible. The distressing news was telf grabbed to Mrs. Gillin at Gallitzin, and she returned with her unfortunate hus band to their home here, arriving at an ear ly hour on Sunday morning. Mr. Gillin is one of the tldcst and most proficient engi neers in the employ of the Company, besides being a worthy citizen and neighbor, and the sad accK-ont wmca has oeuuen him is universally regretted. No fears are enter tained of bis injuries proving fatal. The en gineer of the pusher" is severely censured for not displaying a headlight, as well as for neglect of schedule rules, and he has doubt- i .i i j: i l r . v - icsa ere mis ucru uiotuji;cv4 kuui vue cm ploy of the Company. , Distressiko CxsualttI From our Car rolltown correspondent we have the particu Urs of a deplorable accident which occurred tear that place on Saturday evening last, by which a worthy priest, Father McGivern, waa seriously, but we glad to learn not dan gerously, injured. It appears that while at the branch of the monastery located in Hop per Valley, Carroll lowcship.and while seat ed in front of the refectory, at the'time stas ted. Father M Givern was suddenly startled by hearing the discharge of a gun and at the same time felicg a disagreeable sensa tion ia hia thigh. Oa investigation the fact was ascertained that a bey living with the Brothers had brought a shot gun from the house for the purpose of shooting a bird, and while in the act of taking aim was spoken to by some one, and turning suddenly around caused the gun to be discharged, the entire contents of which penetrated the leg, pear the thigh, of -the Rev. gentleman named. He was immediately convened to Carroll town and placed under the medical care of Br. Oatssau, who found the wound, although painful, by no means & dangerous one. Cocrt is at present in session, but owing to several adjournments cn Tuesday, no tas iness of special moment has transpired up to the hour of going to press on Wednesday, A rape ease from Richland township occu pied the principal attention of the Cccrt up to that time, and excited of course the curi ity of poor weak humanity. The attend ae at Court is reatocably laijc. . THE CAIICM;FnEEIl J.. ' ? JOHKSTOWK, JCJfK 3, 1857. Dear Freeman !Ir pen this week chron- icles the death of one who stood high ia the esteem of his fallow men here, and whose sudden demise has deprived a most excellent mother of an only son, the stay and prop of her U6Ci ining years, and society generally of a worthy member. I allude to the death of John B. Fromald, who, on Wednesday last, at the early age of 2S 3 ears, received the fi nal summons which must come sooner or la ter to each and all of the human race. His disease was originally quinsey, but developed itself into inflammation of the lungs, and in its violent nature put a period to his exist ence in a week after its inception. He bore his extreme" suffering meekly and with true Christian fortitude, and being consoled in his last moments by the solemn rites of the religion he professed, death had no terrors to him. The writer of this can bear testi mony to his many noble qualities, of head and heart, and can truthfully say. that his general character was pure and without re proach. His almost brofcen hearted mother has the sympathies of our whole community - . t - ar in her irreparable bereavement, aiay ne tvst in peace. Theo. K. Babcock, for many year3 a resi dent of this place, and latterly chief clerk to the Surveyer General, died suddenly in Washington, Pa., on Thursday last, of dis ease of the heart. - Mr. B. bad many warm 1 friends in this locality, who became endeared to him through the manly traits and kindly disposition he always evinced. " Green be the turf above him! .Thursday last, as all your readers are of course aware, was Ascension day, and was generally observed by several denominations here. The German Singing Association kept up their annual custom 01 ascending the elevation known as Green Hill before the break of day, and indulging in sacred songs commemoratiive of the ascension of " our Savior into heaven. This custom of the Germans is a commendable one, as standing beneath the green arches of the trees, they see the sun arise in the east and survey the handiwork of nature, and of nature's God all! of which is well calculated to turn their thoughts to the great mystery of man's redemption, and to trace out, step by step, the sufferings and the glories of the Man God, until at Ungth they picture the last scene on earth, the glorious ascension. Two men were sent up last week in de fault of bail, for alleged larceny. The affair. as detailed to me, was rather a mixed one, but from what 1 could gather the parties started out" by getting drunk, and when about sretting over this excellent species of runtime and env'vment, one discovered he was minus SIS and the other mane toe start ling discovery that a mysterious .-disappear ance of half a saiV-horse naa taKen place from his mopus bolder. - After cogitating the matter over for a while, eacn came to the conclusion that he -had been victimized by the other, and cross - suits for larceny were forthwith brought. As neither party could procure any person deeply encugh mtert'ed to go their surety, thy were sent to rusti cate in the cheap boarding house situate in your place, until twelve gcod men and true can find oat whether or not -timet 01 the paitiea manip ulated hia comrade's cash, . A couple of old offenders were last week brought before the Burgess for disorderly conduct and indulging m a promiscuous set to with each ether. His. Honor wai hearing the case with his usual urbanity, good na ture and legal acumen, when just in Jhe midst of sojne interesting details from a wit ness who was evidently a reader of a sport ing journal, and who was describing the combat in P. R. style, one of the robustiuua defendants upset the dignity of the pro ceediaga by dropping hit fist in a rude, un seemly and violent manner on his late an tagonist's mouth," rather elongating J the opening originally formed by nature. - The result of this dexterous strategic manouvre fsroved rather disastrous to the man of bel- igerent propensities, as he was immediately placed iu durance vile" to remain for the space of five days, and his less hostile adver sary was discharged. Somebody suggests to persons in anger to count tea ere they act, but my impression is that the Burgess' recipe in tha matter ia rather an improve ment on that style, for if anger won't cool .down in . the 8x10 bake oven, called by courtesy a lock-up, why then it would cer tainly hold out longer than the late rain, and I beard a farmer sa? that was "some The building formerly occupied by the defunct Mountain Echo was last week offered at public sale by its present proprietor. Ft W. Hay. . After being bid up to about $8,000 the sale was adjourned till the second week of the present month, when Mr. U. will doubtless realize the amount at which he values the property." I believe it is the intention of Mr. Hay to commence immedi ately the erection of a larg, commodious and substantial brick building on the old Canal, opposite D. Creed's, "" In rny "personal" last week I mentioned the fact of Mr. Geo. Gurley being in town, and from the rather dubious notice I gave him strangers miht be led to infer that he wasn't exactly a standing member of a tem perance association. I had of course no in tention of conveying such an impression, nor had I the leat idea cf wounding his feelings. I bad supposed it would be taken in'ths spirit in which it was meant. To make the amende, however, I can conscientiously say that Mr. Gurley's reputation lor sobriety is second to none in Ebensburg, and to my knowledge, at least, he has never been tin der the influence ot liquor. Whenever Sku Bal makes a misst&tenseat, or his meaniog is misconstrued, he is ever ready to apologize or explain. Apologetically yours, Sz.u Bal. ' Hejjxocs;, Jcki. S, 1857. Mr. Editor As I have already informed you I have never tried my hand at writing for a newspaper; but when my old friend, the lamented. Charley Hurray, edited the Democrat and Sentinel. I often dropped ia and gave him my ideas cf matters and men, and he would fix up some good things frcra data furnished kirn by his friend "ilordecai." Then I lived in town, however, while now I j ara a resident of ths eccctry away down hers in Washingtoa township -and cf course havent it so handy as I had then. But no '.irf thAt -vemr csi -l-.hi.r c-f tha ASczman Lai a ttpcrttf hers, I thci;;l.t I would try my handand let you have the benefit of the weekly transpiring iu this old Democratic stronghold. It seems so strange that none of the leaders (?)"of the party in this district find time to report anything to the demo cratic papers, though 2 suppose none of them want anything from the party, and having got tired suppcrtinn it. have laid it down just to rest themselves, and several so forths. But now for' the news, . ) ' : The weather for the past week has been somewhat improved in this locality that is it don't rain quite so heavily nor incessantly as it did during the last month- and every tiller of the soil is now busily engaged put ting in the balance of "the spring crops. . " - Coal Mining and Shoddy. .-The coat miners here, who had only partially recovered from the effects of a recent "strike were forced to stand another blow on the 1st ult., the re sult of which was to send a number of them elsewhere to seek a living for their families, some of whom were actually suffering- want from the effects of Shoddy - rule. This 'strike," it appears, was caused by Shoddy, instigated by Rothschild or Devil Bug, post ing notices announcing that on the first day of May the Baid Shoddy wculd reduce the price for mining -fifty cents a yard.. This additional outrage the miners determined to resist, and nobly did they stand out for three week?, some of them living on the generosity of the others soulless Shoddy even refusing to ' assist ," ' . .-- ' ; HymauaZ Lieut. John Lynch and Miss Maggie llmds were married by Father Ryan at Summit church, on Tuesday. 2Sth ulfc. I hope John has gone to glory, and although have no pretensions to poetical talent, I cannot refrain from saying to him that . 'Tis very cruel, this Lynching, Hinds ' ouch deer creatures you should neverharm: But in your modus operandi maybe she finds bometbmg that mitigates the pain, as by a charm- Educational (?) Tha new School Direc tors of this district are to meet to day to or ganize. - There is a regular system practiced here in the selection of these officers. A sort of menagerie has been established in the central part of the district, from which are selected periodically one or more of the cutest animals, whop through the influence of the managers, are to lead the honest; unsophis ticated members of the iioard. This year, "Oh, shades of Brutus ! . -They have, taken a Guyascutus Now, Mr- Editor,: I don't want to excite tho envy or jealousies of your traveling cor respondent, MacShane, but if he is miffed I can 1 neip iv. 1 am no; going to hide my light under a bushel, or conceal it ia any measure, in order that his may shine. ' So be it distinctly understood between us that I am also a travelling reporter for the Free- man. I shall take care, however, to keep clear of his territory, and don't want him to intrude himself into mine- . At the-last .ac- counts he was in Washington. Well, he can be there a long-time, figuring about - the White House, and colovging .with Andy Johnson, and associating with members of the R. Congress, without being in tho slight- t daiifer of having his path, crossed by : ir. Tvirj. t me. ror my p. i-wuior, a am m the habit of picking cj company, and gen- erallv make it a point to coSOse only what" is ceasidered" honest. r Hence, thereiur, &c. I'll not go to Washington 'very soon. Well, Mr. Editor, as I meant to say, I was out in Old Westmoreland lately stopped at tx-jsnenn uuston's tiotei m JUatrobe, and was of course treated like a gentleman. The Sheriff knows "how tokeep a bote!,,' though his house is wanting in at least one of the conveniences mentioned by xiacbhane as fuund at a certahV establishment at which he says he saw them drink ia Philadelphia. A person gees op stairs here without the aid of either tcrenches or wen s. Ill cot say any more that fastidious -young man of the A'leghanian m:ght have his nervous system injuriously affected by the finishing of that word. You know, Mr. Editor, he can't bear anything that is very highly scentedi The first sight I stopped there I was late, and took supper and roomed with a Mr. Smith, and the next night with Mr. Jones." : And this I think accounts' for the many long tatles the Sheriff is obliged to spread for the entertainment of hia guests. JL suppose he has the patronage of all the Smiths and Joneses, and that you know is a "big thing." - ' ' . . I stopped and dined at the Scott House at Johnutown-on ray way out, I didn't see so very much of -a Row as MacShane alleges is always kept up there, but suppose when a character of his distinction stops there the Row is greater than when a common ma. a puts up. I think so. It is my intention, Mr. Editor, to be-cut again this week and shall not forget you.: "Muchly f yeurtf, i- Mosdicai. VisrrcBS. Among the visiters to our town during the present week, not attracted hither by the Court now in session, we had the pleasure of greeting Mr. William Mur ray, formerly of Summerhill, this county, at present of Altoona, and our genial youner friends, Capt. Morgan McDonald and Mr. A. J. fcpigelmire, of Philadelphia. The for mer gentleman is the eenior member of the mercantile firm of Murray & Belford, Altoo na, and the two latter represent the whole- sole dry goods bcuseof M. Cress well & Co. and the extensive grocery establishment of Gillespie,-ZelJer & Co., Philadelphia. "We commend the former to such of our friends as make their purchases in Altoona, andtbs two latter to those who buy. to sell again. They are all three clever, deserving men, and practical friends of the t rtcmmi. Mat has retired from the scenes of actual life, blushing like the rose and beautiful. wafted along by bland breezes and spring zephyrs, and though during her visit she shed many tsars, she parted from us in a fit cf joyous , laughter, and left us with the gratifying knowledga that V. S. Barker still continues to sell clothing, boots, shoes. cry goods, groceries, etc, just S3 cheap as , 3 . ft" anybody can at present pretend to ecu tfceta or hereabouts. His stock is we, I wcr- thy of examination, and hi3 prices very low. AST 01 car cany or weekly eoicn: poranes wishinj: to pscure a regular letter, racy, chatty and iaterestin, from JohnstowTJ, can V-a acccraaodited for a reasonable cc: cnOiua by fiddresstc- tlas c 4 Lifs lKStraiCK The advertisement of the Home Life Insurance Company cf New Tork, which will be found elsewherf ia our paper to day, sets., forth facts well i worthy the consideration of all to whom thy come greeting. It is "a cuty which every man owes to his family. to endeavor to leave something for their support in case he should be called away by death, and there i3 cer tainly no more safe and satisfactory method of making this provision thaa by securing a life insurance policy. ;; Mr.' Benjamin ?E. Davis, who is at present among us as agent for this Company, and who has just arrang ed, as the following ceruacats will Ustify, the clainxof the executors of E. Shoemaker, Esq., dec d., is endeavoring to convince rnr citizens of the' great advantages of life in surance, and we imss win succeed n enroll ing many of them as "patrons . cr this first class Company. LBEXfrBUBQ, June 8, 186T. -Mess! Esleb & Coltox, Gen'l Agents of Home Life Insurance Co. Gentlemen : I de sire to express my thanks to you for your promptness in adjusting the claim under Policy No. 11096 on the life of my father, and would recommend your Company to the citizens of Ebensburg nnd neighboxhood as not only sound and reliable, :but prompt in the payment of losses. Tours truly, , t . A. fcacsMiKiB, Att'y tor instate. "What Advebtisikq will Do When our young friend, F. Sharretts Dvsert, house and sign painter, first came among us, the opinion was freely expressed that be would find little to do in his line. .Nothing daunt ed, however, he first procured a shop, and then announced through the local papers what he was prepared to do, and in a short time his hands were so full of work that he was compelled to employ three journeymen to assist him, and he is now fully convinced of the efficacy of printer's ink, in securing employment. Mr. D., as the work already done by him will convince anybody, is a proficient mechanic, and needs no further commendation to secure him plenty of work m our town and neighborhood. We trust he will be patronized as he deserves. s At her mother's residence in Ebensburg, on bunday . morning . last, ilra. Jake O'Niell, - daughter of Mrs Susan Rbey, aged 42 years. The deceased was beloved by all who knew her forber many virtues, and her loss will be severely felt by a large circle of relatives and -friends. Her illness was protracted and borne with Christian for titude and resignation. Her remains -were interred at St.-Patrick's Church, on Tuesday morning, .with appropriate ceremonies. Re quiescat in pace. : ...;.-,;..-' r-: ..' ; '- A MAN . DOWN- LIFT HIM I -- "Circumstances compel .'me to make pei.me to mase a Ion? call, a strong? call, and & sinnera and determined call to all those knowing them- 1 selves indebted, the subscriber having liabil ities to meet and drugs and other articles to buy, requiring cash and nothing but cash, although greenbacks might - do. All the . money that I have received from my patrons since my debut in Cambria couotv has nt?t been sufficiecTto clear my drug bills." ' I do assure rny friends that it is not my pleasure to harass of distress any one, but my neces sity. I therefore hope thiicall will be 8uf5 cient notioe to all. , J ..J. KRlSE, M. D. . , St- Augustine, June 6,.1867.-lm, . lQIE LIFE INSURANCE CO, Office. No. 2oS Broadway Neva 'York. PhU- Qd4.ph.ux Agenttf, corner tourm and Library Streets. The Homx Lite Ixsukance Compant de sires to call the attention of all persons who may feel interested inithe subject' of Life Insurance, to the following facts and consid erations:,- ... : : . .Tins HoifB. was organized May 1, 1860, as a Mutual Life Insurance Company, in the best sense cf that term. . , Ths Hons is now seven years old, and by the wise and prudent management of its President and Board of Directors, has taken its position in the front rank of all the best Life Insurance Companies in the united States. - . The Home divides its profits among its assessed members, annually. Dividend, May 1, 1867, forty per cent. cash. -The Home had May 1, 1867, assets 'amounting to One Million Three hundred and Eighty-seven Thousand Dollars, all se curely .invested. Thk Home has now 9,000 assigned mem-. ' bers from $1,000 to $10,000 each j total insurance, 20,000,000 . Tee Home promptly paid losses last year, amounting to $146,800. Present Advantage and. Fntnr Re sults ot Iitr Insurance. U is a safe and certain method of provid ing, after death, for Wife, Children, Parents, Brother, Sister, or Friends. The Merchant and his Clerk, tho Minister and all Profes sional Men, the Mechanic, the Farmer, and the Laborer, taay avail themselves of it to soms extent with ease and the greatest ad vantage. - . . , A Life Policy soon acquires a cash value, and on a great pressing mergency may be converted into money. ' It3 benefits are felt in many a widow's chamber and orphan's horns. Tt alleviates the anxiety of parents and fosters the spirit of self-reliance. - . omCEKS OF THE HOM : WALTER S. GRIFFITH, President. ISAAC H. FROTHING HAM, Treasurer. GEO. C. RIPLEY, Secretary. WILLIAM J. COFFIN, Actuary. -E3LER & COLTON, Agents for Pennsyl rania. New Jersey and Delaware, Corner 4th & Library streets, Philadelphia.. G3-Tks Hosie refers to Rev.Tbos. Carl ton, D: D and Bishops Jane3, Simpson and Kingsley.t-f the Methodist Episcopal Church; the iioa. Judges Strong and Ludlow, Rev. Aldert Lames. Rev. T. De Witt Talmadge, it. TIT win & Co., B. B. Coraesys, Esq Cashier Phi!a. Bank, Messrs. E. W. Clarke & Co., Drescl & Ou, Bankers, and Samuel Welsh, Esq., ths most -of whom, and hun dreds mors cf prominent men in the Church and Statsara insured iaTHS Uome.- 5 AUG AIl'S can ba had bj bnyr rear t . J. oca nuKTLsrr's. Hit! I III ! ' ? i I' M UOVI COMPLETE I r l. i J- 1. I T3i 1 m PRICES M Thompson's AN , -IMMENSE" STOCK OF p h WW AT 1 " THAN win if! v- DOWN! BO ! BO TO (DILIID 111 WHITBEY fi CO'S 'CONSOLIDATED. SHOWS ;OIEGTJSES 3 axi : : : M f Tht largest Exhibition in the T70rld ! . With a ModI Mid CuanpUH : ME N A 'a B K I E And Conr.dtioacf tli ldin Tlt ibre4 l- .--OX 22. O S J Prntin( nor. Kara nd Cytioua Anifn!. Intpailn tliai n.l Kaptilm and norii Varied 3iJ .Varal . irmaBf l-ua in any tostern la Aiatiua. A ' - - tnajur portion of th ' zooLidaiCAi, sPEcnrsNS i - Hay baa a just Imported. ' Amor.f t!ia ikaturas r THE BABY ELEPHANT, , Aa Unwaitaj Calf. Vint Afn-n K apliiM r tap turaJ, Tour.taal " and tmil'jsl tv e-n " -.ly IS - month old Stand Sd inch Mn' and Vita SJ0 fouaie, and th wi ndtrful fii?mu , , Trained Monatcr. A Colciiii Aalatic. . fETTHE BABY ELEPHANTS Bring too nallt trTl en foot. WJU rot h-tm la tk f axarl,, but Will ba prform4 iu & miu al ma Exhibition . . mm fc. iJ ana Th Drif Anljaal CcaijaBToTv ViU ch rxhiiti. . AUD AND PAXTUllKS; and ir m TbTiUiuj rrirman vith thaa Viarc and aTa; ..MonsUra . - J Th Tt9 jDUplay ef WILD ANIitAI.5 anj t! FEEDIK'G CF THE WILD BEASTS Will ba gWan ia ccbjaactioa CONTINUED AND VAPJED .. . ENTCHTAINKENTS. - Th Den "will contsin a Marniflcnt Zbr ; a Towering Ottrlch, V hue l'lumed. fc"eu JTt High Threw Art-Scan. Lioa Six lXonth old) "" Kitten, finest and ret'icat pcicin In tay MB(ri ; Sc(-1 Crw d Calf; LoejL1j ped IIiadrftlRaIJ'"ara only A-rsimal ot tha kind " Inorato exist; TU Ere-bnt or Jet Black LJom &:IoialDiqu Alpaora ; ti:."fcMp cf th E rt" a. OroraciUry cf fahnra ; lilclr, fricaa T-!tu I.im, fpd I lon.r..- t 1 ? ! V fir! rinnfmnn 1TI ; -tripea f -. --: ' - I. V- - y. V---V I Hi Foxes; Conui; Inehumoi!; I'onconra ; Ilea Terai MoiiCiit X'nto; pTTiri? l)ot. vrf , with . VUI.L AVIARVOriilKliS, and mil the kiora Tarlety (Zfti, j;BoeiiiHu iuwaaajaj THE CIRCUS TROUPE ! ConaUU of FOiiTV 1 r-RtNflPAl. ARllsTD. ia wLsntr SIX ifAK LATIIP.. tnn fht ta era bn cn(ad i on EQUEMhlA.N SLOW , ZVIIq Carlotta 1Yli(tb y, t-a I'etito l.ouie, BlM'o MargurettaTe Mojne, iriloKlvim, - " Miss Jnnnrttc Blaslainl, - -aud ai'nie Cleitii-ito Fab lr. '3? w o G-oocl Clowns, l"ete Coi.klin S: Cliaa. 3Iurjan. Jt?in t'onLlln, ' " ' . lb A'.tlata and Cannon Ball li:?m'itf . - V f f A r ,1 1 a. Cfcairpi -n Ear liacSc l;iIrv Geo. Detlja, Otut DelUl", I.j'ow, ?",,lv ter. C Hunter. It liar Ion, JMerrt, Jee. 1'o.k-, ford. Dunbar. Most. P. rrillr, W. r.i. Uardsem, Alaiter Ch&rlee and 24r. 11. Wtltbty,- -A4 other, farnihin all that 1 ft n ret, Attaandinf d 6ta.nd.ard in the- tjuUia . A G-KAND PKOCESSICTT "Will te Hiiue upon 1 Entree Into Tcwa DAY AT TEFJ O'CLOCK, A.M., THE MASSIVE TEMPLE Gr'wUSIO, " r-N JDra-vrnby Sixteen Arabian Horeea, contclnlnc BRITNER'S PHILADELPHIA COR SET BAND. TWENTY SUPE KD niiN3, XU-An'ly painted and oi natented ' TIIS TEAM OF ELEPHANTS. An linaeui attic k ot . Trained Blooded Circu3 ilcrs3 XOIIG LIUS OF TAG03, CAES, &. The whole form ir- nPUKLIC P Alt IDE, ta-vrth a daj- jourury ts wttnete. . All the Menr'JrcriP A 'lrcn tine'er Ofi Tct fur Out i'ri'.i' "f AinLimn. Tavo Perromnancea, ' Aflsraoca'& Evening at 2 &7 l-2oclk. Doors o?sa cr.e hov.r pre?:cm. . ' Kraiifor a!lwbof"nc l'inty of iiom. ADfAlSCIOfi. - - " to CENTS Chiteren.untlcr 10 years, ; T5 Centi i:, rat 3EB 1 i Wea a . 4 asscnib' TLajer xf even - which vvhkh e Lave I issetl ' o' tpcctatoi cage c ; rcs wef V., CLsrlc; exhibit h J 3. The j . t r.nd a o P- a o o I : -: -f il..: . Ut ItlCl if the lioi itmclab' : full con Jm, entc ' cgin tc :U All : Ht lengt ictionr : White s: a whi X s-pring t tier with ,rou!J a !us bacl; ail of he io of f; ited; run j.bllshmc itenancc I others i fvainly 1 i lion ta . ly awa tSoly aw 1 for t!ie s paws . rm and ge terri fcroci o waa j most c tone of Opened fist the 1 !animrl ;jioiJ.: ined Li e-4 PS B I o O i . sunren: .iig cf t , It wou' i such : :4 be d 5i danc: tie, but sterial ; , Injared rated-.: I ilcsh ir iiing th almo il the c iiceeded j Licki ones3C-: d onh spelled : "ith the feedir ,1 ding t ?" turn.. :t not ti! the per 1 Whit J? conti after L ?1 to th ' now li a ia ury; I 'ias rc ;;a to. ! SOI ocntci ' 3 drea I'iO da i mal i- fl and ? ane 1 CT3 O P & o o B o o fi cdel runs, i 13 O o lets. Is En rows u wbc