The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, June 06, 1867, Image 2

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    43 ESS EJ
ebensdcug, pa. i
Thursday, : : : - Jcns 6, 1857.
R. L. JOHNSTON, - - - Editor..
II. A. McPIKE, - - Publishes.
vivc iu zivzinva i .:
After all the radical talk about banging
Jeff Davis "on a sour apple tree," tbe eame
radicals bare discbaigcd bim. Reader, do
you doubt how this thing was done- t If
ao, read and reflect.
, '. Two departments of tbe government at
Washington are in tbe bands of the radicals
-the Supreme Court and Congress. The
remaining branch--the Executive is con
servative. Tbe Executive department se
cured tbe person of Jeff DavU and confined
him in Fortress Monroe. President Jobu-
. boh had no further power in tbe premises,
excepting to pardon him, which he refused
; to do.' The Radical Supreme Court had de
clared military trials at an end, and tbe
radical Chief Justice Chase, whose district
.embraced Richmond, refused to try the pris
'ocer, aud the radical circuit judge. Under'
wood, finally discharged him, the radical
Horace Greeley 'becoming his bondsman.
This, too, after packing a radical jury, a
proportion of them negroes.
The radicals may now say, to shield their
Chases &nda their Underwoods, that the
. Courts bad no power to convict. What then
'becomes of their useless cknior about bang
ing tbe traitor?" Let them reconcile the
conduct of their judges with their profes
ion3, if they can. But if the Courts had no
power to convict. Why did not the radical
Rump Cougress give them power? It won't
" do for them to say the Constitution forbade
it, for they have paid but little regard to
,tho Constitution in their legislation upon
any subject. - Indeed, the whold thing loolcs
as if Jeff, Davis, having furnished the radi
cals with an excuse to dissolve the - Union
is now to be rewarded with his liberty as a
boon for doing at one end of the line what
they were doing at tbe other. ". ,
We hold; with Wilkes, that' "The worst
use you can make of a man. U to hang him,"
- and, farther, that the rebellion being ended,
all further destruction of human life is not
only impolitic but unchristian j but wecon
fess we were not prepared to see the radicals
change Iheif tactics at once and permit the
'red handed rebel" to go "uriwhipped of
justice." -' : :
We are heartily glad the farce is r ended.
The idea of impriaouiaga citizen, no matter
what the character 'Oi"iJ;iirge against
him, for a number of years, and denying
bim a trial, is at war with the institutions
of a free country, and we are glad that the
history of pur country U relieved from any
further disgrace by the enlargement of. the
We congratulate bim on his good
Our RadicarLegislaturo, at its late ses
sion, undertook to. treat Schuylkill county,
,a the Rump Congress has been treating tbe
Southern States. It passed an act (we shall
.not call it a law) ousting the Courts of that
county, regularly chosen by the people, of
iibcrimint.l jurisdiction, and instituting a
raw Criminal Court, the Judge to bo .ap
' pointed first by the Governor, and after-
' wards elected by the, radicals of the adjoin
ing counties. ' V -
Governor Geary was either knave or ass
enough to. sign this bill, and compel the
people of Schuylkill, at much expense, to
appeal to the Supreme Court for protection.
-That Court, a majority of which is radical.
.unanimously declared the act unconstitu
tional.' :'
" The Democrats in tbe Legislature earnest
ly opposed this act when before that body,
out tne rauicaia lorcec it inrougn. it is
fortunate that there are even radical Judges
willing to . arrest these revolutionary pro
ceedings. Cut we appeal to the sovereign
.people bow long our institutions will bear
.np under radical legislation, unless their
.'sober,, second, thought" hurl them from
positions in which mischief may be done.
x ns Bank bcpt LAW.-T-This emanation
of the Rump Congress went into effect the
- rst of the present month. We predict that
' i at will prove obnoxious to the masses, and,
.like former bankrupt laws, will be repealed.
,&j.t. ljeiay, an intelligent, radical I rem one
of the rural districts, is opposed to the law,
f-ud from data in his possession assures us
that the "Bankrupt Law" and tbe "Seven
teen Year Locusta" always appear about the
earna time, and that neither ever last over
year! . ' .
' Tna Lewistown Gazette denies that Gree-
?y and Rotts are the radical leaders. No!
. fjredey's ihe head and Botts the tail of that
'fats? csilxtg party. The Gazette pronounces
,VdflCljoa, intelligence and convictions o
rjht" tha hodcrs cf radicalism. As ta the
first two we hay, aaver seen them in "that
connection," b.ut have known many radicals
right," to. . ' '--
' . Foestett's Utie thculd be jefcaegd from
sJaad dues to live gobbler. He soLblsJ iip,
it is E;id, I2C0.CCO cut cf
th Baltimore snd Fctciaac
ine in5c:.;.i3 o
RaillidCo, '
PAT-TSioTic-r-The Radicals of Armstrong
county have nine candidates for Sheriff and
seven for Treasurer.
The temperance "folks and saloon keepers
had a fight at the Huntingdon Court last
week. The saloon keepers won.
A horse fancier in this neighborhood
keeps his bridle and saddle in, his bed room.
He calls it bis bridle chamber.
Liberal. Westmoreland county has con
tributed nearly $1,000 to the relief of the
South, blow much has Cambria given?
Licensing Cbime. Theodore Til ton. edi
tor of the Independent, a religious paper, 13
in favor of licensing houses of prostitution. G. N. Smith has obtained a lucra
tive position in the Custom House" in Phila
luck. '
v Ret. Dayid Habbisou, formerly of Ebens
burg, has been installed as pastor of the
Presbyterian church at Salem, Westmoreland
county, . . . ; . . . ... . -.
' A PPLE3.-The prospect of an abundant
crop of apples was never so good in Cambria
county "within the recollection of the oldest
Libebal. Bishop Wood, of Philadelphia.
on the eve of his departure for Rome, dona
ted $500 in md of the famine stricken people
of tbe South.
Pages. The Vermont radicals have nom
inated John B. Pago for Governor and John
A. Page for Treasurer. As two vanes make
one leaf we hope the Green Mountain State
will turn over a new one.
Wm. H. Wilet. at oue time a citizen of
Cambria county, has been confirmed as Col
lector of Revenue for Lancaster county. Ste-
Tena fought him to the last, but Camr.ron
was too tcXy a politician for old Tbad.
Pcoa. Juniata conn! v is' comrr'U;.! ta
sell her roor hoUSe and farm. Wa wp.ll no
personal property connected therewith, to
liquidate her indebtedness. All goes into
the hands of the County Commissioners. '"' .
Chaikmak. -At the Social Brass Bind
festival in IIoHidAysburg friend Traugh'tooi
(he chair! A 'deserved com nliment t. a
worthy man, a sterling democrat and a
Jivq editor. Lons may he live to occudv it.
A mt
Pictorial. Five hundred ajrenta are ad
vertised for to sell a portrait of Thad.Ste
Tens. vlt would make a nice radical parlor
ornament, especially if accompanied bv bis
"bosom companion." What does Mrs. Smith
QftAH T . ' TT. "
'wsf riJUAciGs. we cava tne pro
ceedings of the lata Court held in Meigs
county, Ohio, in which many of tbe criminal
cases are marked "Nollied." This, in an
old fogy State like Pennsylvania, would be
marked "Nolle prosequi entered." -
Both Alike. The .unrepentant traitors
of the South refuse to employ anv' black
man who" avows . himself; a republican.
Press. And the unrepentant radicals of
Connecticut refused to' employ anv white
man who voted the Democratic ticket in that
StatP. ; ' ' -J - -
vAjidxafl.ther mistakes, or worse, of the
late Legislature was giving members extra
pay for praying. beveral preachers are now
out rampant for seats in the Legislature, on
tne precedent sh tnera ef getting 51000 for
making bad laws and $300 extra for bad
Consistency. During the winter Gov.
Geary established printed rules on the sub
ject of pardons, and asserted that he.would
not deviate from them. The other day ho
pardoned a convict, in violation of bis own
rules, because he was a radical. . Courts and
juries might us well suspend when radical
ism reigns. . ,
Mast papers have stated that the fees of
Jurors were increased by the last Legisla
ture. They were not. On the contrary,
that body, in keeping with its grand moral
ideas, took some pains to dispense with ju
ries in certain cases. God knows when we
will know what that corrupt body did, or
how they did it. "
Previous Tarpon. Daniel Tarr was con
victed before Judge BufiSngtoa.'in Westmore
land county, for refusing a vote from a le
gally qualified voter. r Gov. Geary pardoned
bim before sentence, and the Johnstown
Tribune, we are sorry to say, applauds the
act. Friend Swank seems to be Tarred
wltb the same etick."
The best cure for hard times is to cheat
the doctor by being temperate : the lawver
by keeping c-ut -of debt; the demagogue by
young ior nonest men, ana poverty by be
ing industrious and saving your money by
buying all you need at the cheap cash store
of James M. Thompson, on High street
especially the latter. Try Jim first, though.
Whitbey & Co.s Show. From all points
at which this mammoth show has been ex
hibited comes tbe glad tidiDgs that it is one
of the best and most entertaining that has
ever travelled the country. To see the
Baby Elephant, which is the smallest ever
exhibited on this continent, is alone worth
the price ot admission. Don't forget next
Monday and the great consolidated show.
Enlarged. The Lewistown Gazette, evi
dently impressed with the justice of our re
marks about so small a paper undertaking
so herculean a task as tbe defence of the late
Legislature, has recently been enlarged from
a six t a seven column paged paper. No
-l r rt ... .
use, iox. urazcue ; u your pages were as
broad and as long as the mantel of charity
itself it could not cover up the iniquities of
mat iniamous ooay.
Tee Evansville (Indiana) Seniinel-on-Vie-
li order is one ot our very best exchanges.
It displays an amount of talent, raciness
and fearlessness that should secure it the
support of the Western Democracy, The
weekly, just issued, furnishes more sound
political reading than any paper on our list,
while every column sparkles with wit and
uumur vi i no -crsc water." it is a power-
iui auxiliary in ine poatical revolution cow
sweeping ifce lioosier State.
The Scripture Fcx filled. "Uron thv
belly Shalt thoa go. and dust shalt thou eat
all the days or thy life." Genesis, in.. 4
- At Mobile, Bill Kelly
Fell fiat on his belly.
To render the prophecy true :
And through all hia career
Poth the serpent ftppear. " '
- " - For hs's still been a dirt eatsr too.
lioocrta' on
things mnumera
Do It.: During the present and coming
week many of the citizens of the county
will visit h-bensburg, and to all such we
would say, it will do them no harm and may
be a source of profit to them to visit the
cheap mercantile emporium" of Mills & Da
vis, on High street. Tbis firm has a stock
second to no other in the town, and as thev
desire to build up a trade for- themselves,
they are disposing of their merchandize at
the very lowest figures." ;'r . y '
Gpdey's Lady's Book.- Tbe June num
ber of this admirable periodical has been on
our table-for several days,- and we have
scanned its contents thoroughly. It is an
invaluable treasure to every family of ladies,
whether yetrag or old. No soft moonshine
stoiies fill its pages, but substantial practi
cal information of the greatest value to
every lady who is, or ever expects to be, at
the head of a family. Furnished to sub
scribers at $3 per year. Address L. A.
Godey, Philadelphia. : ' " - ? -
How; to Decide. The Reading, Oil City,
Pittsburgh, Kittanning and Greensburg ed
itors are quarreling about the beauty of the
ladies in their respective localities. Sup
pose, gentlemen, you leave it to men let
them sit at Ebensburg and if they canuot
decide the question they can do better by
compromising, and deciding that in loveli
ness of feature, in purity of complexion, in
gracefulness of physique, in elasticity of
step, as well as io joyousness of spirits and
purity of mind, they must all yield to the
superior attributes pf our mountain beauties.
.' Unfair. The new anti-liquor law pre
venting? the opening of the bats till sunrise
gives Ebensburg topers two hours advantage
of the came class in Johnstown, as the sun
appears that much earlier at the county seat.
Ihe word "sunrise" in a law cf the kind
a quetir idea at best, and perhaps a.
consr-jQjj woull. pT; Qt Bara being open
ed at all on cloudy days. If legislation of
the kind is needed why net say six o'clock,
or some other fixed time, instead of having
a different hour for different localities, and
a difference between, summer and winter.
Town Clocx. The-County Commission
ers of Blair county have resolved to pur
chase a town clock and place it in tbecupalo
of the Court Houje at Hollidaysburg. t . We
have not heard that our County Commis
sioners intead to do likewise, but we have
beard that every man can be master of his
own time if -be only has the good sense to
select an indicator, in shape of a clock or
watch, from the large and complete stock
cow m store at U, 1
street. Cham, has other
ble comprised in big assortment, and everv-
POdy Bnomq vase a iqob; at them, ruy or no
buyv;- "; ' ;;' ;
, John Beotheblike, Esq., has been ap
pointed Register in Bankruptcy of this Dis
trict. The appointment is a very ; popular
one, the appointee being the weightiest law
yer in the district. Apropos of this, we are
astonished to see ths Tribune giva all . tbe
credit of the appointment to Judge Taylor,
and protest the entire innocence of Mr. Mor-
rell in the premises. There were five rea
sons for Mt. B.'s appointment i ' j IsC He
was a friend of President Johnson.: 2d. Of
Chief Justice Chase ; - 3d. Of Hon. D. J.Mori
rell ; 4th. Of Judge Taylor : and 5th. Of
John Brotherline, Esq.' We trust if it should
be our. fate to "go through," the-Register
will consider the above puff in the way of
fees. - : " r, -. -
. .
BlacSIiano In Washington,
Called . uext upon the Secretary of the
Treasury. This officer iust now fills a most
important niche in the eyes of the people,
being the divinity that presides over the
Temple of Mammona6hrine that has more
worshippers than that of Mars, - Neptune
and all the other divinities ; for "where our
treasure is there are our hearts also." This
department of tbe Government has, since
1881, been filled with more acceptation than
any other, and, it is uuderstood that Secre
tary Chase provided for the exigencies of the
war Plainly1 through the ability and fore
sight of the present Secretary. Mr. McCul
loch ha3 nothing marked in his appearance.
He isbout the ordinary size, plain in bis
manners, unassuming in bis address,' and
wears" quite a business air. He devotes
himself entirely to his . bureau, and neither
knows nor cares much about matteis outsido
of it. - Indeed, President Lincoln'described
him well to a friend, shortly after he had
appointed him. "I have secured," said he,
."the right maa for Secretary of the Treasu
ry, i He. knows everything . about financial
matters, and nqpiing about anything else."
Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, the Secretary of
War, is the only member of Mr. Buchanan's
Uabinet that holds a place under President '
Johnson. He is said to have sympathized
fully with the views of the former, as he
now does with those of the latter. I found
bim a heavy, thick-set man, a little under
the ordinary height, with a sensual face, the
lower section covered by a heavy black
beard, and a pug nose. The latter facial
ornament gives bim a ptrnacious appear
ance, and a cast of dogged stubbornness
which is "really characteristic of the man.
He ha3 managed the affairs of his bureau
with much force and little feeling. ' It was
reported, during the war, that be bad an
assistant at bis elbow, named Halleck, but
on tbe most careful icquiry I. am not able
to find, with any degree of certainty, that
any such person ever lived at Washington
city; and .when I edd that I have never
seen his picture in Harper's -Weekly, and
have not seen hioa named for Piesident in
any radical paper, I conclude him a myth,
and that the name will never become his-
torical. - . ,. . - .
But I must visit the patriarch of the
"Navy department, '
Mr. Gideon D, Welles wears a long gray
beard, which descends upon his breast, and
reminds you of the picture of the Wandering
Jew, though the aspect is mere.-pleasing.
Indeed, he is a mildly mannered man; and
is said by a brother Yankee to ba a very
"knowledegableV man in the performance of
his cdcial duties, so that car vessels of war
are said to bear the "Sword of Gideon I "
Ue ia said to have acquired bis first ktiowl
ed9 of taval affiirs at LewLitown, Fa.
Browning of the Interior Department I
failed to see. I called to see him, but, like
many others. I found him cut. I ccxt es
sayed to fcee the
in which I was more fortunate. Mr. Ran
dall is of medium size,-with -a ruddy com
plexion, a high forehead, aod features, of a
very lively cast. He impresses 'you with
the idea .of . a testy and irritable temper,
though in my presence he was uibane and
courteous. But
: :r:- ATT'Y GEN. STANSBERRY, , ; -.
is perhaps the most noticeable of thesa officials.-'
To see him once is to remember hiro
a lifetime. He is thin as a lath, straight
as an arrow, and -tall a3 a grenadier. His
clothes, like himself, appear antedeiuvian
the oldest possible fashion, the neatest
possible fit. His neck is long, but h"i3 stock
or cravat was made for a still loDger. one,
and compels him to hold up his head like a
soldier on training day. Idx. Stansberry is
a model of politeness and courtesy, acd ia
much esteemed by his professionU 'brethren,
who concede to him legal talent of a very
high order. He is perhaps more of a lawyer
than either a statesman or a politician. I
had the pleasure of bearing him argue- a
.casein the Supreme Court the next day,
and such was my impression. MacShank
The Latest and Best News is that B.
H. Singer, who, upon his. entree Into our
town, reduced the price ef horse-shoeing one
third, has determined still to lead the van,
and offers to work 10 per cent, lower than
the lowest far cash, and insures satisfaction.
Persons needing tire on their waa-ens or car
riages, can save doll: by giving him their
work. ' viOllar Saved Is a dollar rained ""I
. , . ,
I ana thd way to save many of them is to get
your blacEsmithing done with Mr. Singer,
at the west end of town. Mr. S. is also sell
ing I. C. Singer's unequalled Tire and Band
Bender a machine which saves a great
amount of time and labor and bends the Tire
round and true of which Wm. Myers, of
Altoona. says he would not take $100 and
do without. Any amount of testimony just
like that can be shown, but the machine is
its own best recommendations to a mechanic.
Persons wishing to purchase khould -call en
of address R. H. Singer, Ebensburg.
Territory for sale. For terms address I.
O. Singer, Box 85, Altoona, P. .
llobert Hendershott, well known as
the drummer boy of ths Rappahannock,
eloped from Poughkeepsie, N. Y.t with a
rich merchant's daughter on Friday last.
They were married at Newburgh. The
interesting pair are "scarce nineteen years
old." . -
. Accounts of suffering from the want
of food still continue to pour in from the
South to the Northern committees of relief.
There is urgent need of- funds and food
over a large district in three or four South
ern States. -
-Stanton, it is thought, will be, through
ihe pressure of the President's friend?,
forced to leave the Cabinet. Gen, Georgs
W. Cass is strongly recommended : as his
. FARM ' FOR SALE. The Farm
owned and occupied by the subscriber, situ
ated in Munster township, Cambria county!
four miles south-east of Ebensburg and one
fourth mile from Samuel O'Hara's Mill, con
taining 121 ACRES and allowance, i? offered
for sale on reasonable terms and easy pay
ments. Eighty acres of the above land are
cleared, under wood fence, and in excellent
farming condition. The improvements con
sist of a two-story PLANK HOUSE and a
large FRAME BARN", both in good pieser
vation, as well as all other necessary out
buildings. ' An extensive orchard of choice
fruit trees and never-failing springs of exceb.
lent water are oa the premises. Further in
fer mat iorr can be obtained by making appli
cation to UANlfcL UUIARA.
Munster Tp., May SO, !8G7.-tf2
v The subscriber offers for sale bis Farm
situated in Carroll township, Cambria coun
ty, about 2 J miles from Carroll town borough,
on the road leading to Hineba.ugh'8 Mill.
Said Farm contains over 82 acres, mct cf
it cleared and under good fence, with a com
fortable twosstory Plank House" and Log
Barn thereon erected. There is a large or
chard of excellent fruit and several springs
i-of pure water on. the premises one of the
latter close to the house as well as a stream
of water running through the middle of the
land. ;,This propeity will be sold on fair
and easy terms. For further information
apply to the undersigned at Lilly's Station,
or to. Archibald bmitb, on the farm.
tera Testamentary on tbe estate of Nich
olas Weilandt, late of Susquehanna town
ship, Cambria county, deceased, have been
granted to the undersigned by the Register
of said county. All persons having claims
against said estate will plea&e present them
for payment, and these owing the same are
requested to make settlement without delay
. PETER SHERO. Executor.
Carroll town, May 80, 1867.-6t.
Having been appointed Administra
tor or the estate of John White, late of Black
lick township, Cambria county, dee'd, the
undersigned hereby notifies all. persons in
debted to said estate to make payment with
out delay, and these having claims against
tbe same are requested to present them pro
perly autnenticatea ior settlement. :
Adm'r of John White, dee'd.
May 23, 1867.-t. . . .
-- Letters cf Administration on the estate
of Henry Krise, iatecf. Clearfield township
dee'd, have been granted to the subscribers
1 a m
resiuiDjr m Eaa township, a nose havmsr
; claims against said estate will present them
i properly probated, and thosa ewisg the es
tate are requested to make payment.
' . WM. G.' KRISE," Adavrs.
May 23, 1857.-St
h M I- m; if H.n
OF 1087.
sTocn os"
IT0TI0IIS, &c,
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C nn prit t
1 A
If 1ST OF nAiTRrvi ... .
CU ta Court of cEnaSiW
hrni county, commencing ou
Sd uay of June next: -;!
v Swires et aj
V 'reu-
Snnwr for uss V8 M'n.,.
Jarn wrtmi' n- " w U
O.Weill, adm'r. .
Brallier's Admrs
Pi iogle Adra'x
Hall ...
Dai ley
King '
A Itiaius '
Sic Fee-ly
llastersou for use
vs Z mmcrmia
vs p.arto et si
T Garvey
vs P,uUer
s Print-!.
vs S;mi(
s Sataa .
vs Same
ts Samt -vs
3 School D 1-
rtti i
vs Shoenberw f
VS Oxwr ' 1
vs M array '8 j f
vs Davis etal
vs Boody
Sch D Cs-i-'
v Penna R Be
vs Mcllugh ett
vs Becdoa
' vs PenaaEHc
vs Same
scriber offers at nrirnteui:""i.1
situated ia Cambria township,
east of EUensbur, on tlie Toad W'
Lore! to. The Farm consists cf sH
mora or less, about 54 Acres of
cleared, under good fence, BJ il
slate cf .cultivation. The balance '1
land is tvcll set with sugar, rtesto'l
aud other marketable timhr. 1V!
comfortable FRAME HOUSE awU r;
Bark on the premises, and sn C-; 1
choice Fruit'Trees that haveneverl
to War. There is also a never-fai'icj -f
of pure water and other !
ences on the premises. The Tux4
sold on fair terms and eay p,nyir.f'
an indisputable title will be given. I
is known as Bradley's Station" cvi
C. Rail Road, is located on this lad I
Farther information can he ul'i '
applying to CHARLES BKALli
Cambria Tp., May 2a,"18Q7.-lf. 1
ed on tl,e second Holiday (U;
of June next: j
Allegheny Tp F A Gibbccj; d
Bor William Gallasber : Chest Tp-I
uiass j uonemauga-Jtior i ranas &
ward ; Johnstown Henry Fritz. Si
Richland Tp Peter Heim. .
Cambria Bor fl
Bor A(!ara Phm. 2d ward- Mi! '!
John Walsh; Washing 'on Tp Lei
MOTICE The Hcafeterc'
' briSL County having gi anted Lt j
Administration io the unuersignr-d r
estate of Andrew M'Grain. late of C--'
township, Cambria county, deed, c t
hereby 'given to persons indebted ios;
tate to mak payment, and lhl
claims against it to present llieai j
thenticated for Rettlement.
Adm'x of A ndrew M'Grain, i
St. Augabtine, ilay 16, 1S67.-6J J
All persons knowing therr
debted to the undersigned on botk ;
or by notes now due, are request 'j
and Kettle tbe same either by pan ;
cash (which, of course, would hep;
or giving or reuewing their notfs. e
fore the 1st day of July next, es &
dat all accounts remaining unseJti i
left in.the bands cf a proper rEcer'j
lection. A. S A" l
. . St. Auguaine, May 2. 1867.-2aj
- Testamentary on the estata c
Cunningham , late of Susquehanna to" j
dee'd, have been granted to theundf
residing in Carroll township, Canibr.;
ty. All persons having claims agi-,
estate wu present, inem proiwiy : ;
and those indebted to the same are'
ed to come forward and make fijz--,
Hay 23. 1867.-6t. J
Ml - -
House, Sign and Ornamental F-
Graining, (ilazing. Paper Bacg-.nj;
other work in his line, promptly cj
and fatisfactlon guaranteed. -?'!
basement of the Town Hall.
Ebensburg. May 9." l867.-ea3J
Has talien the room oa High str5
the ilountain House, recee'dj ff ';
K. J. Lloyd as a Drug Store. ;
Jewelry repaired on short notice1; i
lowest rates, and all work warrar-
Ebensburg, May 23, 1SS7. A
tt a nr "P c;. tt T) A 'i
y Ieler ia rn.ll ,
Yard Xc3. S14 end 816 A' I
OBusiness attended to i a -Wm.
J. Williams. J5
tenders his professional ewj."
slcian acd Surgeou to the cipci ,
town and ticiaitv. OSce ia re
r,z occupied bv J. BhcS & & Jjf
Kight ca'.Is can'be noade at th fct.V
rence KclrcOi. .
itift recurved and fr .fl.-flf :
(feb.23. GE0.UUj