The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, June 06, 1867, Image 1

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I 6
prated by Ad of Asssmlbj of the Com
.ytaWi of Pennsylvania, March G, 1SG7.
t Board of Supervisors appointed by
4bove Corporation to carry out the ob
of the set of incorporation, respectfully
ncce to the public that the Legislature
n!i?ylvania has authorized the rauiug
rfs (or the erection, cs tabli.shrn cat and
:ainance cf an Atylum fir Iuvalid Sol
of the lale war, to ba built ou the bat
eld of Gettysburg, and as inducement to
:ic citizens to contribute to thi3 benev-
. obit-ct, have empowered the Corpora-
to distribute amongst the subscribers
irtic!eof value and interest, from as
iiua with the late war, or any moneys,
Sj property or estate, real or personal,
.;ver, in the State or elsewhere, at such
ut upon such terms, and in such vay
iiuner whatsoever, as to them shall
fit, any laws of this Commonwealth to
oatrary notwithstanding.
euierp riae is cordially recommended
ofullowing named well-known gentle-
-Govercor Andrew Q. Curtin,
jor General George H. Meade,
(r General Galuhha Peunypacker,
,:orGoLral E. M. Gregory,
,r General John R. Brooke,
jor General Charles II. T. Collis,
ir General Henry J. Madill,
ijor General James L. Selfridge,
gudier General Jaraen A. 15eavcr,
quitter General Horatio G. Sickles,
gadier General Joseph F. Knipe,
gsdicr General -William J. Rolton,
gadier General Samuel Zulick,
adicr General John K. Murphy,
jadier General John F. Eallier,
fidior Gerjural T. F. McCoy,
gaditr General 11. E. Winslow,
jadier General Henry Pleasants,
filler General J. P. S. Gobm,
gadier Geueral J. M. Campbell
adier General Thomas i nlker,
ailier General W, Cooper Tally,
gadier Geueral D. M. iL Gregg,
jnl F. Stambaugh.
aits for the institution (thirty acres)
ready been purchase!, and It is coped
he good work may commence betore
:nainer, .
rriptioja will be received at the office-'
j Association, No. 1126 Chestnut street.
:ll'LLa, oa and after Monday, the 6th
f M.y, 18G7 : . snbscripiion of five dollars a
cat will be iteued which will eutitle
.'der to such article of value as may be
1 to it numbtr.
i firal distribution of awards will bo
immediately upon the receipt of 80,
ilbcrintions of each.
a dintribution will be public, and under
rect BupervisioQ of tbe Corporation.
ona at dis'.aace are reque&tel to re-
lieir ubccriptioii8 (when, practicable)
t cilice nioney order, or registered !ot-
insure iirompt delivery. Direct all
Secretary Uoard of Supervisors,
r.rx Hbl, 1. O., Philadelphia.
following is a schedule of awards to
ide under the first distribution. The
' of Diamonds and other precious stones
purchased frem citizens of the South
?the war,, and their genuineness is
J to by Ilenle & Bros., the most ex
t diaOHind impor'ers in the country,
J J. Hermann, diamond setter, New
'Mratedby Act of Assembly of Common-
f Pennsylvania, March 6,1807.
1 1125 CheKtnut Street, Philadelphia.
1 Thousand Subscribers at Five Dol
lars each.
I 1 Diamond Necklace. 48
Brilliants, valued at
1 Diamond Cluster Brooch
$30 000
16 000
10 000
and Enr Rings,
' 1 Award l0-40Govemm't
Bonds,. ...
4 1 Diamond Cross set in
5 I Diamond Cluster Brooch,
ft 1 Award 10-40 Governra't
" 1 Diam'd Single FroneB-iog
1 Di&ca'd Cluster Bracelet,
1 Diam'dSicgleStorie Scarf
1 Diam'd Cluster Brooch,
1 Diami Cluster Bracelet,
I Pair Single Stone Diam'd
Ear Rings,
1 D'am'd Clufvter Brooch,
1 Award 10-C0 Goveram't
1 Diam'd Sing! Stone Pin,
1 Diam'd " Stud
1 Diam'd Cluster Brooch,
I Diam'd Single Stone Ring
1 Diam'd Emerald Brooch,
1 Diam'd Single Stone Ring
1 Diam'd Cluster Ring,
1 Long India Camel's Hair
1 Choice Emerald Stud. "
Z 000
8 000
3 O00
2 500
2 500
2 500
2- 000
1 600
1 Sinpla Stnn ninmM
awards of 10-40 Gov nt
Bands, each
I Threr-6tone Diam'd and
Ruby half-hoop Ridj:,
Diam'd SiogloStono Sax
j. Knobs,
'Diam'd Cluster Stud
1 D.aci'd single stone r.icg,
Dium d eingle stone Pin,
m Ula'd Cluster Bracelet,
'y Awards 10-40 Goveiura't
bonds, each '
Iiii.ihumummmiiii ii i ii inMBn-- f tit i.r, n. t.iM. .. . , . ,, m. ,tv . m iij ( Ii.uij.i mm wluJim t B1-' , -VrUiiLirr- ,l.'jxiiJ.,.." ii ii' iijjjiuiimmiii'h f ' '" ' ' '"" """""""' '!.-
- k J .1 . ; yu-U : -U"l ',V ' - v--". L I i Q 1 I - t ' . A); H " .V.n
Hl Jk. Jk & f
nn is
1 Lady's Diam' j set Watch
1 Diam'd singlejstone King
1 Diam'd and Upal Cluster
51 1 Diam'd single stone Iticg
55 1 Pair Emerald Scarf Pins,
56 1 Diam'd single stone Ring
57 1 Diana' d Cluster Pin,
.'. 5S 1 Cameo and Pearl Brooch
' ' and Ear Rings,
50 to 158 100 Awards 10-40 Gov'nfc
- Bonds, each
159 to 25S 100 Awards Government
I Legal-Tenders, each
8,000 Awards Government
. ' Bonds, each
The distribution of the above awards
will be made in public just as soon as the
subscription is fulr; or which due notice wil
be given through the papers. On and aTter
May Cth, the diamonds will be on exhibition
at the office of the Association. The public
can confidently rely "on everything being
conducted in the most honorable manner
All the awards will be handed to certificate
holders, immediately after the distribution,
free of all cost, at the office of the Company,
No. 11 2G Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
. We hereby certify that, we have examined
the Diamond U xkIs. Pearls, Emeralds, Ru
bies, and other precious. Stones, as described
in the above list, and find-them all genuine."
. JJJSSLE & BKO'S. Diamond Importers,
24 fllauien Lane. New York.
J. II E KM ANN, Diamond Setter, v .
. ' 394 BroometStreet, New York.
Books can be had containingTwenty Cer
tificates. One Hundred Dollars. All orders
for Certificates must be addressed to -J.
D. HOFFMAN, Secretary.
Box 1481, Post Office, Phila.
May 1C, 1867.-CL .......
CASH CAPITAL $500,000.. ' '
We are now prepared to insure LIVE
oiuoiVHgamst ootn LfeatA and Theft, in
this live and reliable Company. Owners of
Btock-have now. the opportunity, by insur
ing with this Company, of obtaining securi
ty and remuneration for the loss of their an
imals in case of dbath or theft.
Manufacturers, Farmers, Teamsters, Ex
pressmen, Physicians, and in fact all who
are to any extent dependant upon the servi
ces of their horses in their daily vocations,
should insure in this Company, and thus
derive a protection against the loss of their
animals, which are in many cases the sole
means of support to their owners.
Farmers and others owning cattle should
avail themselves of this means of saving the
value of their stock, and secure an equiva
lent for the loss which would otherwise fall
heavily upon them in being deprived of
their Cattle, by insuring in this, the 1
By insuring in this Company rou ex
change a certainty for an uncertainty. No
man caa tell whether bis animals may not
be stolen or die through -some unfurseen
CO- Competent Aaenis tcanied. to whom a
liberal compensation tcill be paid. A pply to
KERR & CO., General Agents,
April 4, 1867.-Iy. Altoona. Pa.
CCJ- Col. WM. K. PIPER. Ebensburz. has
been appointed local agent for the Hartford
Live Mock Insurance Company.
PRIVATE SALE. The subscri-
"- ber offers at Private Sale two valuable
tracts of TIMBER LAND, situate In Jack
son township, Cambria county, and known
as the "Lloyd Property." Also Four oth
er valuable tracts of LAND, situate in Cam
bria and Jackson townships, and known as
the "Pensacola Property." Also TWO
FARMS adjoining the borough of Ebensburg
one containing about 100 acres ; the other
about loO acres. I he buildings are all in
good repair, with never-failing springs of
water near the houses.
v CUT" Persons wishing to purchaHS or cell
Farms or Timber Lands, will do well bv
calling on mo before buying or offering them
or, sale.. : F. ASHOEMAKER, Att'y at Law, Ebensbmg.
--f having been granted to the undersigned
on the estate of Edward Shoemaker, late of
Ebensburg, Cambria county,, dee'd, all per
sons indebted to said estate will make im
mediate payment, and all persons having
claims against the same will present" them,
duly authenticated, to the subscribers at the
cfiice of F. A. Shoemaker, Ebensburg, Pa.
&f All persons indebted to the late firm
of E. Shoemaker & Sons are requested to call
and settle their accounts. .
"JhENTISTRY'Dr.-D. W. Zels-
ler. having opened an office in rooms
over R. R. Thomas' Store, offers his profes
bicral services to the citizens of Ebensburg
asd vicinity.- ap.18.3m.
eician asd Schgeok, Summit, Ta.
Ofuco east end of Mansion House, on Rail
Road street. Night culls may be made at
the office.
"jjv!- TlfMrtrfrTftif
I heard a moonstruck chap the other day
(writes Darby Doyle ) remark that he loved a
certain young lady well enough to dia for bur.
Now, I love somebody very much, and
I'd 6wear for her, .
- - I'd tear for her,
The Lord knows what I'd bear for ber ;
I'd le for her, - , "
I'd sigh for ber, ; I '.; .,
I'd drink Rock river dry for her; . -.
I'd pray f.n- her,., . . -
I'd stay for her, - ', ;
I'd watch the house all day for her j "
I'd "cuss" for ber, -Do
4wus" for her, ..' .
" I'd always have a "buss'' or her; f
V I'd heap for her, "
I'd weep for her, ' .';
I'd go without my sleep, for her ;. ; ; :
I'd fight for her,
" . I'd bite for her, ' V7 "'. -I'd
walk the street all night for her ;
. I'd plead for her, , u;
I'd bleed for her, " ' . ''
I'd do without my 'feed" for her ; ;.
' . ' I'd shoe t for her, ;
j,- ;v I'd boot" for ber1 ' ; 1 v : y;
" A rival who'd come to "toot' for ber;
f , I'd kneel for her;, ' ; 1, ; '
I'd steal for her,' ' - ';' ;
Such Is the love T feel for her ; '
, I'd slide for her, T . T t
t: pj ride for tor, ' ; '-'.:V '""
I'd swim 'gainst wind and tide for her ;
. . ' .. I'd try for her,
, .' I'd cry for her, !i
Bat hang me if I'd die for her . y.
N. B. Or any other woman. .
Catherine Elizabeth McAuley was born
io 1787, near Dublin, Her father was
a mnn ot small independent fortune -ami
the descendent of a long line of Catholic an
cestors. I bough he died when his dausrh-
ter Catherine was onlj seven years of age
one custom of his made an tndelhble im
pression on her mind". 'It was his habit
on Sundays and holidays- to collect the
poor of his neighborhood ond give them
instruction in the reqsirements of their
religion. , Her mother, it appears, was a
woman of fashion, who was far from ap
proving her husband's Sunday schools.
"How is this, sir? 'she would say, when
she saw the swarm of ragged' pupils ap
proaching. '31ast my house become a
receptacle for every beggar and cripple in
the country T- . It is certainly very unsuit
able for a gentleman 'in your position to
continue these absurdities. I don't know
how you can enjoy yourself with these ijw,
ignorant creat ares."
The little Catherine listened every week
to these altercations, and, though fondly
attached to her mother, always sided-in
her heart with her father. Four years
after ber father's death, when Catherine
was 1 1 years of age, her mother also died.
Her death-bed, we are told, was terrible,
and she died in all the agonies of remorse.
The scene, we are informed, impressed the
mind of the young girl all the mora from
the contrast it afforded to the joy and trac-
quihty of her father's death, and it was one
of the most powerful incentives to her future
ife of piety and benevolence. The death of
her mother left her. a poor orphan : for the
estate which her father left had been mis
managed and , lost through her mo'ther's
inexperience, and profusion. " , '"'She- was
taken home by a relative, who afterwards
became so poor that she frequently suffer
ed from want of food. " . j .
At sixteen sne was one of the most
beautiful girls in Ireland. She was beau
tiful at all periods of her life. Her form
was erect and symmetrical and her noble
countenance beamed with intelligence and
benevolence. Her portrait, taken late in
life, shows her to have been a most comely
and grand-looking woman ; and I Can well
believe that, m :ier youth, she must hava
been splendidly beautiful. Ilerhand was
sought in marriage by many admirers,
but neither then or at any future time did
the show any inclination to matrimony.
While Ehe was living in these narrow
circumstances at the house of her relative,
who was a surgeon, there came to live in
the village a gentleman, with his wife,
who had made a large fortune in the East
Indies. They, bought a handsome house
near by, and soon became acquainted
with the family with &hom Catherine
lived. In the coursa of a few months
they became so attached ta this interest
ing glrL that their chief happiness seemed
to be in her society, and they finally
offered to adopt Ler as their daughter and
heiress. The ofTer was accepted, and ehe
was soon established as an inmate in a
sumptuous and elegant abode. As she1
grew in years her attention was" drawn
more and more to the deplorable condition
of ths poor. Ireland svarms with the
poor;, and the. wonder is, not that Cather
ine McAuley should have devoted her life
to their relief, ;bnt that any wealthy per
son in the country should sit down to en
joy life amid such scenes, content to .wit
ness misery without making an effort to
relieve it. ' -. ": "
Visitbg one of the-parish schools of
Dublin, she noticed with pain That , many,
of the pupils were insufficiently clad. In
stead of giving them clothes, which
might easily have done, she rendered them
a better service by going to the'sfchoal and
teaching the girls to sew. - '.Many of them
were soon able, not only to make and
mend their own clothing, but to " do plain
and fancy knitting, of -which was
a benefit to their parents." Sihe establish
ed also,- a repository in one of the school
rooms for the sale of the articles made by
girlsr and induced her friends to come and
purchase them. When she had estab
lished this 'system'" th one school and saw
all its pupils well clad, she' introduced it
into others, and was thus a great bene-
i1. 'ill ' xi . -r-v , - T ;. , . : -t ,
factor to the p or of DublinJ
' Her attention was also povverfully call
ed to. the case of poor girla who need pro
tection against . the danger to - which
poverty and. beauty expose them : and she
long cherished the project of establishing
a home 'for such a kind of benevolent
intelligence office, in. which they could be
sheltered until respectable employment
could be obtained for them. , . Her adopted
iaiuer atiieu ner one aay wuat sne in
tended to do after his death. . --
" tnuiK. saia sne, fi,stiau take a
small; house, and support a few . poor
women, whom I could instruc! and teach
to work." -
, o w mucxi uo you inins,-.. us asKea,
-would support establishment T
'I think,!' she replied, after a little re
flection, "the interest of a thousand pounds
would quite sufficient.
'Catherine-,' said he, "your desires are
very moueraie ; due ii ever you possess
t .
weaiui you wui ao good with it
Xiot long after this conversation her
adopted parents died: and she found her
self the sole hcirets'of all their wealth.
It Consisted of an annuity of six hundred
pounds a year, thirty thousand pounds in
money, the mansion in which ehe lived.
several policies of life insurance, and a
considerable quantity of jewels and plate :
a fortune, equivalent to . more than half a
million dollars of our present currency.
She was then thirty-five years of age. y
The sudden acquisition of wealth is one
of the severest trials to which poor human
virtue can be subjected. Catherine Mc
Auley bore this trial nobly. She dressed
more plainly than before, and was more
assiduous than ever in her labors for the
relief and instruction of the poor around
her. Unsatisfied with these comparative
ly desultory efforts, she" now determined
to carry out her early dream of founding
an institution in which poor children could
be taugnt to read and sew, and in which
servants and other women of good char-i
acter might,: when out of employment,
find a temporary home. Aided by, the
advice of an excellent priest, she purchased
the necessary ground for 5,000 sterling.
ana employed . an architect to con
struct the desired edifice. She told the
architect that she wanted three or four
large rooms for poor schools; four large
sleeping rooms for poor young women :
one Iongtand lofty apartment for a chapel ;
and a tew small rooms for anvladip whn
u wisa to aid tier in taking care of
care ot
the poor. In due time the buildinir was
finished She sold her handsome abode,
dismissed her carriage and servants, and
nrCi,fc iu icsmo ui iub lostuuiion sne dad
The first inmate painfully . illustrated
the need of such an institution. Visiting
the sick one day in a poor lane, she saw
a little ragged child crying bitterly. Its
parents, she learned upon inquiry, had
just died in a cellar, and the landlord had
thrust the child into the streets to make
way for some new comers to whom he
had rented; iv , Miss McAuley took the
chiid in her arms, in all its rags and filth,
and carried it home as the first of her or
phans. ;, .... J .
It had never been her intention to found
a convent, still less a new Order of re
ligious Sisters. The institution seemed,
however, to take that form by a kind of
necessity. , The ladies who came to assist
her in teaching the children and in caring
for her poor women, i'eli into the habit,
first, of taking a plain meal in the institu
tion a3. a matter of convenience. Some
of them necessarily slept there ; and as
they were all devoted Catholics, their Ufa
Within the institution rradually arranged
itself after the manner ef convents. In a
short time, through the aoncv of ter
w w
ii. C'kJ .J
Archbishop, the Pope gave the institution
his especial sanction, and established a
new order of nuns called the Sisier3 'of
Mercy. The ladies assumed a nun-like
dress, made the usual vows of chastity
and poverty, and gave themselves up for
life to the holy; work of solacing the mis
erable and instructing the ignorant?
Various circumstances contributed to
give immediate celebrity and success to
her institution. The spectacle of a lady
of rank, wealth and beauty " renouncing
the pleasures of the world and dedicating
her existence Jo the, poor and miserable,
is one which always captivates the imagi
nation. V Daniel O'Connell, tooj who wa3
then in the zenith of his renown, became
acquainted with the new Order, and pro
nounced ome fine eulogiums upon it in
his public addreeses. W'ben. the Order
was but five years old, the first cholera
broke out .in Ireland. Never has there
been a more terrible scourge. For a con
siderable time "the deaths in' Dublin av
eraged six hundred, a day,"ahd the whole
city was in consternation, - Such was the
terror of the people at the awful mortality
in the hospitals that they conceived the
. . - - ' '
impression that the doctors;were. murder
ing the people and large numbers refused
to allow their sick to be treated by them,
r Then it was that the Sisters of Mercy
exhibited the most sublime and heroic be
nevolence. 8 They did not visit the hospi
tals ; then lived in them. Some of them
remained in the hospitals for months at a
time, .and they never discontinued their
exertions; as long as there was a 'patient
to be benefited by them.. It is a remark
able fact that not one of the Sisters of
Mercy took the disease ; although when,
some years alter, Ireland was- desolated
by the famine fever many of them per
pAjatnenne McAuley lived hSty-four ye&ra.
Toward the end of ber long sickness, her
joy, it is said, became rapture ; and, when
one of her frieads asked her if she felt
any of that fear of death which she had
once experienced, sue said; - ... ; ;
'If I had thought, death ' could be so
sweet, I never should have feared it !'
This remarkable woman was in the
habitj toward the close of her life, of
whipping herself as a mortification for her
ems. Un tbe day befure she died he gave
her whip to one of the sisters, while it
was still wet with her blood, and ordered
ber to put it into the fire and see that it
tyus burned.- On the same day, she gave
to another sister a parcel carefully tied up
which contained her shoes, which she had
also converted into means of torture. Her
amiable and gifted biographer tells us that,
when life was extinct, her shoulders were
found to be scarred aod her feet lacerated.
Her mortifications of this kind were a
secret known only to herself, and she al
ways discouraged penances which lowered
the tone of the bodily health and incapa-
ciated the sisters for endurance.- During
the hours of recreation, she was one of the
merriest of the merry she would sing a
lively song, tell a funny story, and relate
her. early experiences in the world to the
delight of all who heard her, and she
would write merry letters, in rhyme, to
the sisters in other convents. ' - : ,
Strange Fijkak; of Nature. There
were in J,hi3 city not long since three chil
dren, all of whom were joined together
at the hands. One hand on each of the
right and left figures was perfectly formed
as tar as the anger loints. where thev
mr J
united with tbosa of the central figure---
the hands of thq thrca heinfr thna firmlv
clasped together. The centr
clasped togetner xne central tmure had no
fingers, the end of the arm resembling a
ball when clasped by the hands of his two
companions. The arms of the trio were
ooneiess irom ine snouider to the finder
ends, and could be bent or twisted into
any conceivable shape. The limb3 from
the knees' down were also boneless. At
the knee3 there is said to have been a large
protuberance, as if nature had intended
them to act as substitutes for the boneless
les and useless feet. They are entirely
blind, the whole surface of. the eye-ball be-
iEg ot a deathly .white color, and contain
ed no pupil.; Their heads and bodies
were perfectly formed, and the organiza
tions and functions appeared perfect in
each.- They were visited by a number of
persons, among which was our informant,
wfco says they were still-bcrn, and vouches
for the assertion. There was. we under
stand, no medical examination of the case,-
which is to ba greatly rcj-rstted. Tbe
parents have left the -city, taking with
them the remains of the
dusty Register.
party that' is goinz
visit the Ivocky Mountains this summer
wouldn't let Den Butler go alonj, fearing
that when they would get hili up among
the clouds ha mi-ht pocket thaeilver lining.
; -; f
. W ....
P. fTr f'"TT-' f
Al WiiW i A, c
J m.. I
' A Richmond (Ya.) ptper pays' J TLcrd
is in this city a you r.g - married weeaan,
who is very strongly af.licted with a mania
for imitating the crowing of the morning
cock, while in a state of somnolence. Wo
are assured that at the hour. appointed
by Nature for chanticleer to frighten away
the midnight prowlers from yawning
graveyards, the fortunate husband of the
crowing wife, on the first nisht of hi3
marriage, was roused from his
by a most lusty crowing.. On opening
his eyes, what was his astonishment" tor
behold his better-half seated in the middle
of the connubial couch of conjugal bliss,
flapping her wings and crowing in a most
loud and clear voice, stretching out her neck
after the most approved rocster . fashion.
Thrice did she thus "herald in the mora,"
and then sank back and slept on. . In the
morning he spoke to her about it, and
was hot more surprised than amused to
learn that ehe had been born in the coun
try, and that a favorite Shanghai which
roosted with hi3 feathered' family in the
hen-coop, near the window of the maternal
bed-chamber, frightened her mother by
his loud crowing, and thus tha chiid was
"marked." And ever since yes, even a
babe lying in the cradle she has been
wont to wake tho echoes of the coming
dawn by imitating "ye rooster" and
still, each mom ehe "Haps her wings aud
crows." As the business of the husband
requires, him to rise very early, . ho is
rather pleased than otherwise to "find
his wife possessed of this additional ac
complishment, which dispenses with the
necessity of an alarm clock, though havicg"
heard his grandmother say that the "crow-'
bg of a hen indicated ill-luck, unless her
hfead'.vfas immediately -cutoff, " he is in
sonie doubt, whether, in order to insure
godd fortune to his household, he is in duty
bound to stop his wife's crowing by sev
ering her. musical throat . We advise him.
to let hi3 "1 erf r.l2r s I--r as sha
question the truth of this remarkable inci
dent, but we can assure such that it is
true in every particular, and can be
vouched for by responsible parties who
.have known the lady from infancy ; and
the moral of it is, that ladies who do not'
desire "crowing" children should not sleep
too near the h?n-coop. ' .
A Scotch paper, the Haddington Courier,
has an extraordinary story of the escape
of a miner who fell down the ekaft of a
coal pit, near Tranent. An old shaft wa.
made use of to open up a communication
with ? a new pit recently sunk. About
half way down the shaft, which was two
hundred and Eeventy-six feet deep, a wood- .
en staging, composed of "strong two-inch
planks, was built, completely intersectisg'
the down shaft, to afford a firm footings
to the miners entering the side shaft At
the bottom of the down shaft was a con- '
siderable accumulation of water, as is usual
in pits which have not been worked for
some time. . . On the occasion in question,
a young man named Mylne, rather thai
wait for the comparatively tedious process
of being lowered down by the windlass,
said -he would slide down the rope. Disre
garding the advice of his companions, he
.got upon the rope, and they were in an
other moment horrified to see that he had
lost hold of it. . ' " ' '
" The crash of his body against the wood
en staging was heard, and they were mak
ing preparations to descend for the man
gled remains, whsn a cry for the assistance "
was heard coming cp from the very bottom .
of the pit The rapidity of his descent of
170 feet had propelled him through the'
two inch boards as neatly as if Lis body
had been a rifle bullet, and with about sa
little injury, for not a bone w&s broken,
and,-excepta small scratch on his chin, -his
person did not bear the slightest cark
of coming in contact with anything during
the descent. Falling into the water at '
the bottom, he had, on coming toihe ear
face, providentially thrown his arms over.'
some wooden frame work which happened'
to be there and had thus been saved. The
man was found here end was conveyed;
home quite- conscious, and nndsr medical'
care was soon able to go out of doors. -
The story has certainly the fippear&hca'
of a fable, yet if it i3 possible to sLcef a
candle through a two-inch heard, why
cannot a man be shot through a two-itih
plank 1 The narrative is at least asausi.'ig,
and anybody who chooses can have'tha
liberty of doubting that it i3 wall authen
ticated. DoUon Advertiser. -
Br'doir.j; pood with his money a cart
etamp?, as it were, the imrv;
oi boa tr
on it, and it passes current m ctU
for him an abundant share ia tbe ft!'
of Heaven.
I' I
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der w
ii Cth.
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