4 ' " ' '"' ' - - - - , , ; ' ' . i $2 o i i. f i 3 i t r - j 6 k 1 - f in1 c -'- 5 C2 tr "r O .J j i ... 4 -A-Thaytans ilarqalj tf Bala, whcj p'nrul 1 3 ci's cf )ba veaibieH taen'ia ;tbq iLre'a tir.Ic:-3, Las bccoma a ccnvert'to tlia. Ecruia' CathcIIci f4tb i ' j j j The philantlTopistsof MassacLnfetts r ehippin ofTthelr uatnarried wlsita wo--b fciaaL thousanQs totb far west,' ctow-' loliiil IiusbaridiTanJ.aro "filling their places with eranncipated weochcs imported frosa Soc'!i Carolina."- Gr.;:-2 moral idea-1 TL-: r.? stevedores cf New OrIeac$ got op a rici anor.g tLercselvca tl.a'other day anl Lsd! - intterc 1 two pI'ceiaen r bo undertook, t j re?cua ens cf t!.a com4 ' tatants. TLo nilitary'. wera c 'lej cat; It teems tbat tLa sole usa cf tLa staa-inj; rL-j la to keep tha "wards of tla cation"! in .:!cer.t order.- r -s-Suicidea of prominent men have been! Tery treqaent ot late years. v Within two; w yaars. J'restoq l-Tvinlr, Senator James IL! "Lane, of Kansas," and XJollector Stone, of ominous, all leading ana mtiaential taea, . boldiog hish official position, have passed out of life through tbr dark door of self slaughter. Hon. Elijah Hise is now added to the catalogue. : -..,." The SergeAnt-at-Arnis of "the New Jersey Senata, while assorting a quantity r of old papers that had accumulated in the "Kcnata Chamber daring the last fifty or sixty years, discovered the official copy of -tha ratification of the treaty of peace, be tween" lung. George the Third and tba -United "States, acknowledging" the, inde pendence of the latter, - - The New York Herald, speaking of the disgusting wickedness of Key. Serene Howe, charges that "the pretended moral ity or humanity of Massachusetts is noth ing but profound hypocrisy 5 that there is not so wicked a city in the world as Bos ton iand that, with a great outside show rcf decency, and morality, there is a Tast : amount of secret vice." ' A young lady in Kentucky, now 24, has for twelve years slept almost con stantly, awaking regularly twice in every twenty-four hours to receive nourishment, and then falling into a deep sleep again. When awake she converses and takes her -food readily, suffers no bodily pain, seems to be in perfect haahh, and her disposition " to sleep defies all medical skill. , The latent case of a ministerial back sliding .is that of Kev, Serene .Howe, a t' 2iasachuEetts legislator and Baptist min ister. Serene was affiicted with the usual . weakness of the cloth, and his victims are numbered by the dozen. ' He resigned his eat in the Legislature, and left hastily to ' avoid tar and feathers and a ride on a sin gle rail. He has gone South as a mission ary to the freedmen.' - -The remains of Kobert Folger the ourderer of Robert Diilsmore, were buried ; y tha sida of his father and mother, in -Georgetown, Beaver county, on Thursday . evenicg. ? ;The scene was most- sad "and eolsm'n. Tha sun had aank to rcBt and ' the moon and, stars Were.7 the only, lights that guided the Footsteps of thosa bearing the remains to the place of sepulchre. - Lit tle did tha father and mother, when living, think such would be the ate of their son. -HOTELS. RANT HOUSE, : i . IIiiiIocU. Cambria. Co.. F. This House has beea refitted, and oflers accommodations superior to any other House In tb vicinity, " The Proprietor, after Jong experience in the bttsiness,-feels confident be understands the wants Ipf the 'public..'; 'His TABLE will be supplied with tbe delicacies of the season and bis BAP With-the choicest wiaes and liquors.- constant; attention and Hue care for tbe comfort of bia quests the Proprietor hopes'to Werit a liberal share f patronage... 1 '".i"fmayl8-ly.J ' V.u . i : SCOTT, HOUSE, ; ' Uhin Street, Johnsiovmy Cambria Co., Pa 2 A. BOW '& CO., Proprietors'. : ' 5 'HIS HOU3E ' haVing be'eo refitted and .elegantly furnished, is now ; open for tbe reception and entertainment of guests.-, The broprieors by long expsrience, in hotel keep-lag.- feel confident, theyt taa satiafy a dis- eliminating public. ' - ' -2 VTbeir-Bar ia supplier! with'tbe Choicest brands of liquors and wineW" i 1 v v' ' ' - Jan. 31. 1867. - ; v,; -f " (lyO" . BUNION HOUSE, I BKNSBiniGo Pa JOHN r A. BLAIR, fi'Propietor, spares no pains to render tbis hotel worthy of a continaation of tbo liberal patronage it has heretofore received. His Uble will always be furnished with" the best tba market affords; Lis bar with tbe best ct liquors His stable Ularjre, and will be ; attended by an attentive and obliging hostler. ' - . Jan 31, 1867.-tf. TTOUNTAIN HOUSE, Ebexsbcko. It. P. LISTO.1 & CO., Prep'ri. Th Table 13 always "supplied witb tbo choicest delicacies ; the. Bab is supplied with choice liquor?, and the Stable attended by careful hostlers. . Transient visitors accom modated and boarders takerr by tbe week? month or year, on reasonable terms. feb21 .SHIELDS HOUSE, LORETTO, CAMBRIA COUNTY, ' PA., , r THOMAS CALLEN, Proprietor. THIS house is now open for .'the accornrno 1 dation of the public. .-Accommodations as good as the country will a Cord, ansl charges moderate. Jau 31, 18G7.-tf. UERCHArJTG' IIOTEL. i J. & 7. C. M'KIBSirJ, Proprietors. Fourth ill., tc fen 31.trket and Arch, ihy 9, lS37.-ly. - Fill LAD ELFIIIaI -ISTrOF-EETAItt dr.; s"l "Qcinestic 1 1. t .Ia'C u:;tj for the yp-? r 1 r Wood, Uor-' rcll & Co 200 10 Charles Un- 13 Jacob Fend 10 00 CD 14 J C Domra 7 CO 14 G W Kistner 7 CO . tersest , ..ro -13LCunA?Dsham ' w & Lrnett 10 14 H Schnable 7 14 D W Harsh 00 CO 00 14 Cyrus liar t 7 00 14 S Lecpold 7 00 13 U Leopold & Brother 10 00 berger & Co 7 14 JBFromald 7 00 14 14 14 14 14 ii 14 12 EL Walters 7 00 14 Sarh Dickey 7 00 John Levan 7 00 14 u no Thomas 7 CO 14 F Border 7 00 14 Wm Berlin 7 00 1 STJo"hn DiberUDO U!Jc;in A'ilc- i C T Fruzer 7 C0i Sar'b Oeorrs 7 00 Wet H Pike" 7 CO JSKdrards T C 'jfred'Krei7 CO ETiDney 7 00 TO Stewart 14.D Dibert & & CO 12 501 Renshnnf 1 ftft 12 F W Hay 12 501 14 D Barnhart 7 00 14 MrIiiUer?-x7,C0l?:D Dibert 10 00 14 WiCumJIVl .fl4iaanilJ3eam 7 00 Pherson 7 CO. 14 Alex Monfc- 12 J Kedelsbei- gomery 7 00 Jna Hannan 7 00 Osborne & , 1 mer 12 60 14 13 13.L Cohin St v-V -Brotben f 10; CO f fFisli'er t' 1050 14 A D Drinker f7 00 14 John BeQt6ni7"00 18 William Vp-s I v-, 1 ft h. cesrave 10 00 14 14 14 11 13 13 f 1 Q Bentley 7 00 18 14 14 14 Geo Wehn 10 00 J II Sheak & Co 7 00 David Creed 7 00 AdamPbarr 7 00 Charles Zim- merman 7 SO John Oeis 15 00 J Madison & Jas J ilar- pby 10 00 JobnJMur- Co 14 Hay & Bro 14 P O'Connell 7 00 .7 00 7 00 -phTr. 10 CO 14 Lc'ran S: Co 7 00 ill Grod- F li;D McKenna 7. 00 " "bare 10 00 14 James John. 13 F G Mack 10 00 13 FKress-ColO 00 12 V Lutber.12 60 13 CDittlebaeblO CC iton & Co 14 Hainey & r M'Cullough 7 00 00 00 14 iiiV,K.eim 13 Jacob Wild 10 00 14 Hua Mary J 14 Thomaa 3c Wearer Fockler & Leversood 7 00 Parke 7 00! 14 i 18 u auppea 10 O0 00 CO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 14 L.mu xonng 7 oo, 14 A Enrsraff 7 00 14 Kraass & Co 7 OO1 14 Fockler $ Co 14 J 11 Howard 14 14 David Beese L F Leiten- 14 Geis&Reutb 7 00 13 Mangold & , : !;Co-. 10 00 14 14;Bott&KreI- t -i 14 V- ger- ' 7'C0k 14 G Murr 7 00! 14 berger . Eben James Lewis & : Davis GW Walker H Pritchard John Crows Ang Floto F Marbonrg J Williams 13 14 12 W Caldwell 10 E0' 14 WH Lever- 1 14 good 7 00, 14 J Swank & 14 Co 12 60 14 Contmaugh Borovyh. 14 J Widman .7 00114 James Lynch 7 50 14 Mrs L Aaron "T G014 Jno Kingston 7 00 Mulvule Borough. 14 RScb'd Elba 7 00 14 Henry Ginen 7 60 14 GeoWStnt. man 7 00 14 Ualtzer & 14Pt'permitt XPd Bpansler 7:oa Tarlor' Tcum&ip 14 Michl M'Cabe 7 00 14 W Alexander 7 00 14 E 4" H Natter 7 00 14 Peter RubreU 7 00 14 Roberts & Co 7 00 14 A G Crooka 7 60 11 A A Barker 15 C0I1 4 Jos Maucher 7 00 14 And Hank 7 CO 14 FJBarbarich7 00 14 J Buck & Co 7 00 14 F Grosberger 7 00 14" A 'Oswald 7 00 14 Simn Schroth 7 00 14 Jno Wertner 7 00 Chest Springs lS'XinctteriaOOrU J Wagnern 7 0" 14 -Wagner & - l4"John Conrad TC0 Little 7 50J14SM Douglass 7 00 JVhite Township. 14 Geo Walters 7 00114 A 11 Flake' 7 00 f 14 Lsaae Gates T "CC f JT St. Augustine, Clearfield Tovmship. 14 A Wharton 7 60:14 A Saupp 7 00 14 S J Inlow 7 00114 J Litzingsr 7 00 r Ckimhrici'Borotfr'h-.-'- 14 John Bvan 7 60114 J ftrbtii : 7 00 4 John Kurtz -7 00 14-Ignat Kbhla' 7 00 Lorcito Borough. 14 W Litzinger 7 00 14 Pat'k Shields 7 60 14 Chas Miller 7 60 14 F D Saupp 7 00 ' t Trr a.i 1 x 14 O'Friei 7 ETJ v incBiergor oj 14 M Levy 7 60 14 F Jacobs 7 60 14 John Bradley 7 60 14 Jas O'Donald 7 00 14 rail llerzos 7 50 i . Muntter ToyHsXtpZlf (T ff 14 D tF Farren 7 OOllf Jaj-G'BrfenV? 00 SummitvUle Borouah. 14 W M'Connell 7 00114 Christ Reich 14 R Ludwi2 7 00 14 Jas M Gillen 7 00 7 00 13 E Roberts 10-00 14 Mrs" Todd 4 13 V S Barker 10 00 14 Geo Huntley 7 00 14 Jas Murray Tibbett 14 Lloyd -Mul-lin 7 00 7 00 i m If Lexn-frrf ,f 7 00 1 13 R H Tudor 10 00 14 Mills If Davis 7 00 14 R K Thomas 7 00 14. G -li. -.Owens 00 18 JM Thomp son 10 00 13 A A Barker 10 00 14 E E Evan? 7 00 14 Mrs Doyle Miss Rush 7 00 14 CT Roberts 14 Geo Gurley 14 Shoemaker ' i 5" Co 7 00 7 00 7 60 ; Carroll 11 Leib if Hop-, - r - i-ia . ? r e "oumship. 14 Thos Adams -7.60 -Jk-4 WUmote 'Borough! 14 A Bersham 7 50 14 John Shroth 7 00 14 And Cullen 7 00 14 JnoM'Colsan 7 00 14 L Cassidy 7 00 14 KephartCo7 00 14 W R neghcs-.TpiH Jus noruer 7 60 700 7 50 v Vrcyie l cvas. np. '"- 14 Wm Murray 7 00,14 G B Wike 14 P11$J Brown 7 00J14 J M Cooper B ashington Township 14 G Mears 7 60 14 Shoemaker 14 ElizMTntofih 7 00 14-Dysart &- Co 7 00 bon 7 00 14 Wm Tiley 7 00 14 Jane Mullin 7 00J14 MM'Laughlin7 00 Galtitzin ToitmsJiip. 14 J J Troxell . 7 00 U F.J Christy 7 00 14 J Gearhart T ,7 CO 14 Jas Mnrray ". 7 00 14 Pat'k Smith' 7 00 14 F J Parr:shC!7 0 14 J Dawson 7 SO 14 Thos Bradley 7 00 Richland Tmcns7tfr: 14 GeoBerkey 7 C014 Geo Conrad 7 00 RlacJilicti.JZiJiCnship. 14 T4-W Duncan7 O0S14 J G Adams 7 CO 'ison Totcnship. 14 Daniel Kiser 7 f'!1 1 'Hn"a 7 60 "6iFrtrr1EnEWEinrcr I -"-rryT-Ti nt-Ttrrsr.fi i t -------r--.-r-.-: --r-: . Host $ "iSost, Conemangh' Boronsh 's;. 15 CO Henry Hacnsman," Johnstown BoroV 15" 00 Graff $ Herbachfc " " " " " '"16 "00 J A Stemraer, u f15CD Herman Vochanl. Caabrla Boroub.: 15 CO G J-Scwadtrer, Washington Tvrp.t: "15 CO JiUniabtcicb, Carroll town BorocbM5 CO Ilenry Bl'im,' '... ; 15 CO .l.Bingell.lLoretto-.Borongh;'. '15 CO ..'Y;nxiA : J Holzwortb. Johnstownl 3 .table?, j . 50 CO J W MeUin, Washington. Tp, 2 tables; 40 00 "J-W-ilalliai Washington: Township SO CO ;iN APPEAL' will be held Vt the Treasti fer'e Office; Ebensburg. on: Monday the' Sd "day of July text."- : ALEXv: SKELLY, : : May9j 1867. t.;Mercantn3 Appraiser. H EGISTEItS'T NOTICE. No- y tice ts .hereby-given that the following accounts have been passed'and filed in .'the Register's Office at Ebensburg,' and will be presented to. the'Orphansr Court of. Cambria Coufatyj for coiifirmation and; allowance, on Monday' the 2d day of June next, to wit i The account of Robert H. Singer, trustee appointed - to sell the real estate of Denni3 Dougherty, late of Allegheny twp, dee'd. '"The first and final accbunt of Catharine Dougherty; Adni'x cf John Dougherty, late of Chest township, decM. . - : - " - ; The final account of Jacob Wertz, Guard ian of Harriet Mincely, minor child of Jacob Mincelyrdec'dr' v't r" - ' . ' The second and nal aecoiint of John W. Haytea and Reuben Haynes.-Ex'rs 1 of Joseph llaynea, late of the Borough of Johnstown, deceased. : :: , ' - : .- ; ' : - ' ' ' The first and Cnal.account of C. B. Ellis, Adm'r of ,Rees Price, late of Cambria Bor ough, deceased. ;; ' iiii-v --'ic'ri. The first and final account of David n. Roberts, Adm'r of . Eleanor Jones, late of Cambria township, decM. - V ; -: ,i ': The partial account of John Flick and Henry Bender, Ex'rs of the last will and tes tament of John Campbell Sr dee'd. , .The first and final account of Mary A. Conrad, Adm'x of Paul Conrad, late of Clear field township, decM. . ... -. .. Tlie first and final account of Thomas E. Davis, Ex'r of Evan E. Davis, dee'd. The first and fiual account of John Rich ards, Guardian of the minor children of Geo. Richards, deceased. , , . The account of -WiHiam Daviv Adm'r of David Davis, late of Cambria twp, dee'd.' :The first and final account of John A. Blair, Adm'r of the estate of Mary Clements, deceased:;-, i: ; . . . . ; ; . j; ;,. 1 The second account of Jacob C. Horner',' Adm'r of Jonas Horner, late of Conemaugh township, dee'd. . . - The-first and final-account cf Matthias Deany, Ex'rs of Peter Dermy, dee'd. The first and final account of Simon Weak-land,- Guardian of-the minor children of Charles Bradley, dee'd. - ' J ' The first and final account of Samuel Blough, Adm'r of Susan Weaver,, late of Bicblarid township,: dee'd ! t- ; v; . The first and -final 'account of John H Douglass, Adm'r of. William Douglass, late of Clearfield . township, dee'd. . 7- , f , s '" The accmint of Mich'l McGaire and Chaa. McManamy,: Adm'rs of tbe estate of George Bruce, late of Allegheny township, dee'd. J"The account of John E. Lease, Adm'r of the Estate of Susannah Ream, dee'd. ? ' - ' The first and partial account of George J. Rodgers and William Kit tell, Ex'rs of Jane Wherry, late of Ebensburg. dee'd. -V ' ' JAMES GRIFFIN, Register- -Regi?fer' Office, Ebensburg, May 9, '67.-4t, J-, lowing persons have filed,. Petitions in the Office of .the Clerk of Quarter Sessions of Cambria County," to be presented, to the Judges of said Court on the first Monday of June" next:' '"''. ry .;"'; ..", . . ; V"",'". ' ' 1 "':' :'TAf ebw 'Licissi.. ' :; ;;1 '"T'C' Cambria : Bor Adam Kurtz, Ed w Howe, Daniel McDonald ; Conemangh Bor -Peter Mai tzi,. Thomas Gprmanfc 1st Ward, George Kurtz; Johri Fisher; Jos Al wine, 2d Ward ; Carrolltown Bof Lawrence Schroth, Joseph Cole,Lawrence Stelch, Francis P Grossber ger .CaitoUTp-Afcdrew FBaker Ebens burg Bor-rR P Linton It Son, .East Ward, Isaac Crawford, .Geo Gurley, John A Blair, WestWard ; Conemaugh TprLevl Jacoby; Gallitzin -Twp Flavian , Haid, S . A Criste, Mathew. Diman j'Jobnsto wn Bor Richard Jelly. J B M'Creight. Gotleib Lessiger, John Bending, Jos Doubted Ward, Philip ShulU hise, Patrick Kelly John Fritz,Wm Doubt, Remegiua Duraph-,: Charles Zimmerman, sr, D W Goughnour, Wm Palmer. Chas Hoch fetein, 3d Ward, George N. Hoh man,, Henry Scbtfible 4th Ward i - Crovle' Tp---Victor VcegtlyV Minvi!le-iEmatiTl ;Jamei, John Riley; Loretto Bor-Pbiffip Herzog; John B Myers, Florini Bingeil 'Chest Springs -Bor --Marys Ann - MeKenzie,; John -McFeely ; Richland Tp Geo Conrad, Jos'Geis ; Taylor Tp -David Faloon; Lcnhard Kest; Summit villaj Bor--IIenry Hughes j Washington Tp Yeronic A :Reillyt' Owen Sweeny, Wm Callan Geo WMnli in ; Yode'r Tp Robet t Barclay ; Blacklick Tp--Joseph J Duncan. I V 1 TC EATTS3 "BCUS& XTCEKSE. f-" ' "" ' Kbensburg"B6r D. W:Conrad, W Ward; Loretto -Bor James O'Donnell ; Sammit viile Bor Christian ReichV Washington Tp - Mark McLnughlin ;"Wilmore Bor John Schrota? Carrolltown Bor Simon' Schroth; Henry Blum; Cambria Bor Ignatius Kohle; Johnstown Bor Henry Hansman, John A Stemmer, 4th Ward.5 5. j ".GEO. C. K. ZAHM, Clerk. PRIVATE SALE.li-The snbscri- ''ber 'offers 'at Private Sate two valuable tracts of TIMBER LAND, situate in Jack son township; Cambria county, and known as tbe "Lloyd Property." Also Four oth er valuablo tracts of LAND, situate in Cam bria and Jackson townships, arid known as the "Pensacola Property." Also TWO FARMS adjoining tbe borough of EbenEbnrg one containing about 100 acres; the other aboil t '1 CO. acres. ' The buildings are all in good repair, ' with never-failing springs cf water near the houses."'..' V . C" J'Csons ' wishing . to ' purchase ' or sell Fartn3 or Timber Lands, will do well by calling on rnebefore buying or offering them far sale.--, ; F. A. SHOEMAKER, ap.ll.tf.'-- Att'y at Law, Ebensburg. O.OOD .THUNKS AND VALISES, . -.. L l"'"" ' .- AND. SHALL PROFITS. ."If i . U AND. SMALL PROFITS, . ' - di : - AiiD small;profits, .m 4.' '"'gerlet's new cheap store,'; : ;gurleys new cheap' 'store," : ,;gtjrley's:'new; cheap; STORE, . ; :-:r , "1 'EBENSBURG .PA,' V. "t'j ;"t EBENSBURG, TA. - J. --u ! f ; Ih:: irii;-,s-EBENsiBURG,PA..:;;.: . The-; Largest Stock' of :Good3.;.vThe Best Selected and : the - Greatest . .Variety, ever brought to-Town. :..; I ;;i ;rti LARG EST; CHEAPEST AND BEST,' ': LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST, J JxAliUtST, CUiiAi'lIST ANDBEST." 1 UU AN U SEE. fr''J ?T 'GO "AND SEE. ' GOUND SEE. '- : The subscriber calls the attention of the public to the fact, that he has just received and opened, ont in. his New Store, a large stock of goods, consisting of . i FLOUR, CORN MEAL, CHOP FEED, Bran, Fish Bacon and Cheese; Sugar, Cof fee, Tea, Molasf es. Spices, Tobacco, Cigars, Candles, Soap, Vinegar, &c.i &c.uA . w NOTIpNS, DRUGS, PERFUMERY; I Stoneware and Earthenware. ' ALSO, a fine assortment of the best and latest style of Hats. He . always ieepa constantly on nana uoiogna oausages, Sardines, Fresh and Spiced Oysters in can. or half Cans: and aT- toost everything in the" eating or drinkins une. . au, 01 wmcn Will be sold at mall profit. - ' ' i : ' -i 1 ' . ,.: , v-GEO. GURLEY, ; " ! .. i jjltir Stbbkt, Ebbtssbtteo Pa. -! January 31, 1867. . :: : J3IPOETANT to EVERYBODY. JOHS D; TTI03IAS" Takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Ebensburg and the, north of the county generally, that he ha3 recently, added to his stock a large and complete assortment of SHOES, BUSKINS, . GAITERS, Lc, For Ladies'' and Children's Wear ; -from the celebrated wholesale establishment of Ziegler & Sutton," Philadel phia. This stock comnrises isvprvtliinrr Kat Is desirable and serviceable in , the way of euj(wHHi sewea Korfc, and every article is warranted 01 me best material and most per fect manufacture. In the sale of these goods the subscriber oledres himself tn of charge any article that may give way af ter a reasouaoie ume and reasonable usae. The ladies are specially invited to call and examine the stock. The subscriber also keens nn Imnrt n,T ia prepared to man afaetura tn nr Pfinnj and SHOES for Gent the very best material and workmanship. uu ri prices as reasonaoie as lite work can be obtained anvwbpre . Fipnrh Paif rrr, V - - - VMVM 'WMftV VVill mon Calf, Morocco and all ether kinds of Jjeathor constantly on hand; ;. ' fTT" Store ' on Main ntrwt. . , - j mm.m lJ Crawford's Hotel.- : " ' : ffeb21-tf . .- . . -- s , O THE LADIES DP EBENS BURG AND vicinity: -Hav ctntly arrived; from the city with a hand-, some assortment ot Spring and Summer. M(t linery and Straw Goods, of the latest styles,' comprising 'Boimets; Silks and Velvets; fine xTcncn iowers, an assortment or Mibbona; all widths and colors, Ladies' plain and fan cy Dress CAfDsrlnfants' Silk and Emhrnid. ered Caps, together with Hoop Skirts,' Cor- Bc, iiosiery; uioves. Indies' and Uent's fine Linen Handkerchiefs, &c , we invite the ladies of 1 Ebensbunr and tricts to call and examine our stock;in tbe store room formerly oceu pied by E. Hughes, below the Mountain House. '" - :? t - We have a-' fashionable mflinpr tt ptpT. lent taste, who; will pay particular attention to bleaching: pressing and altering IIat.4 anrl Bonnets to the latest styles." - u ' ' : i-.x- r. v 1 Mas.' J.' DOYLE, j -April 25-8m.- "' ' ': MtssM. RUSn." "' . WOKD from: JOHNSTOTO! At heir Stores in fii 'e Scott House,, Main 'SL, ' T and on CUntoix Street, Johnsioicn "' Have constantly ba r hand a large and well selected stock of seasonable... j - r , f , Dry Goods,- Boots, Shoes,' '.(Groceries, and a general variety of NOTIONS,' etc. -Their stock. consists of almost - every article usually kept in a retail store.1 all of which have been selected with care and are offered at prices whicli cannot fail to prove satisfac tory." Call and examine fur yourselves, " s X' erj. 23, 1867.-U. ' - A a. HAXTEY CHILES. LOWRIE CHILDS. c hied s & co Wholesale , Dealers In ' . . ' is m.m: m m mm, 133 WOOD STREET. ; ;:: :- y ; . Pittsburgh, pa. Agents for tbe sale of "Hope Mill" Cotton Yarn. Engs Batting and Carpet Chain. - Feb. 28, 18S7.-tf. - JOHK GAT. ' .' -WM, WELSU. '(HL'A Y A&r " ? :V. E LSTI V Sccer t Gay ds. Painter, , - -,:;-- r' .KOESALK ' ...... Grcccrs and Ccsmisniea Ilcrclicnts . AKP DEALERS IK FLOUR, PRODUCE. FISH. SALT. CAR- ; . , -;, - EON OILS, &c, . Corner Pena- and Canal Sts., opposite Grain .Elevator.; . f&b2S : Pittsburgh. Pa. , : : n. j. lloyd, SUCCESSOR ' to R. S. EcsNV Dealer in h DRUGS,. MEDICINES AND PAINTS. Store on Main Ktrest, opposite the "Mansion Ucuse,,f. Ebtcsburg, Fa. .. , Jas, 81,.'e7,tf. ( L.:rEnSIIING; Attop.ney-at- ?v Iixv?, Johnsioicn, Fa. .Office'an Frank lin street, up-staire, over Jcbn Benton's Hardware Store. : Jaa. 31, 1SC7. TA2IES. a EASLY, Atxdiixet- J;at-Law, CjurroIUoicn, Cambria Co.; Fa. Collections and all legal, business -promptly attended to. r- o-v - 'sM Jan, 21, 1867. 3 -.Tf-4j ij IvINKEAp, ; Jv$ice .-pjTxtkt Peace S-h-f and: ClaimJtgenL-r-OSuCe Temoved to tlie office formerly ,occu pied. by .11. Hasson, Esq.,- dee'd, on High, St.,' Ebensburg. r-jai. 1:1: J ,W. II. tSECIILEH,.:t V; ATTORNEY AT LAW, JensSurgPa. ji- Office in the. Commissioners' Room. Court Uotisc. ,v jJan."3i;'67-tfi da .'.ft v : F. P; TIEHNEY; r. . ITTOR'nTTT AT LAV; Ebenshurg;Pa ;fl Office in Colonade Row.' "";-"' - -'0 - Jan. 6, 18G7-tf.-- - --T ."- '"-' ;.- JOSEPH M'DONALD, ITTORNEY. AT LAW, 'Ebensburg, Pa. Jl Office on Centre street; opposite MooreV Hotel. - . ' - 1 Jan. 3i; 1667-tf J i JOHN FENLON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg Pa.- Office on High 6treet, "adjoining his resi dence. ,. ; . Jan. 81, 187.-tL GEOKGE SL HEED, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ebensburg, Pa. Office on Main street, three doors East p Julian.- ". . .. Jan. SI, 1867.. , .: GEORGE Y: O ATM AN, ATTORNEY AT LA W, Ebensburg, Pa. Office in Colonade Row, Centre street. - January 31, 16G7.-tf. ; . . . . ' ; ; WILLIAM KITTELL, ITTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa. U yjuicv m woionatie iiow, uentre street. : Jan. 31, l867.-tf. F. A. SHOEMAKER, ITTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg ; Pa fl Office n High treet.ne door East of the Banking House t.f Lloyd & Co. -January 31, 1S67. tf. B.& JOHXSTOS, :. . J. S. SCANLAK. JOHNSTON & SCANLAN. " Attorneys at Law, . s,; f . Ebensburg, Cambria co., Pa. Office opposite tbe Gmrt Hense. Ebensburg, Jan. 31, 1867.-tf. - JOHN: P. LETON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Johnsioum. Pa. Office in building on corner of Main and Franklin street, opposite "Mansion House, second floor. Entrance on Franklin street. Johnstown, Jan. 31, 1867. tf. D. M'LAUGHLIN, ITTORNEY AT LAW, Johnstown. Pa. Jl Office tn the Exchange building, on the Corner cf Clinton and Locust streets np stairs. Will attend to all business connect ed with his profession. ......... ; Jan. 31, 1867.-tf. . . . - S. BELtFOBD, DENTIST, CONTINUES to visit Ebensburg personally '.on the 4th Monday ef. aeh month. During his absence Lewis N. Snyder, who studied with the- Doetor.'will remain in the office and attend to all business entrusted to him.' - ; - ' Jan 31. '67. : BANK NOTICES; WM.j.lC. IXOTDv - .... ,.r. President. ; J. T. CALDWELL, . ' . 1 - Cashier. "PIRS T NATIONAL B AN K DESIGNATED 'DEPOSITORY OF THE , ...,:..t ; ..... lil 1 rL - p i A.-! 13 - ... . '.-., , Corner Virginia .and Annie' Streets, North i Liu- IVard, .Attoona.Fa. J-y ; 1. Atithorized Capital, - : - - '$300,000 Cash Capital paid in,) -. . v- - 130,000 ; All business pertaining to Banking done on favorable-terms -- ; . - r" i Internal Revenue Stamps of: ail denomi nations, always on hand.- " "! .'. i .': To purchasers of Stamps, percentage, in stamps," will be allowed, as follows : i $50 to $100, 2 percent.; $100 'to 4200, 3 per cent. j; $200 and upwards, 4 per cent,; Jan; 31, 18G7-tf. - '; -v iL- V.. Of JOHSSTOWNi CAMEE.IA CO.. FA. Capital. 60,000 Privilege to lneri ,! to Sioo.ooo. . - : . ' Inland and Foreign Drafts furnished. . 1 Gold and Silver bought and sold.- Collections made, at home and abroad.- -tJ. S. Bonds and Securities of all kind ob tained. . . :. . ! . . . ', . Deposits received and money loaned." A general Banking business transacted. :. - ' : : DIEECTOES. - , V; D. J. Morrell, i Isaac Ivauffman. George Fritz, ;" John Dibert, E. Y". 'Towcsend. : Jacob M. Campbell, Jacob Levergood. .-. , D. J: MORRELL,' PrM."'; II. J. Roberts, Cashier. jan31T67. tiOTD li. CO.. Il:5r:pr.' ' ' , 7 r . ' ' " - Kr.!T-ip.f'tf: Pi' Gold. Silver. Gorprnmpnt T.nanc ar.A other Securities, bought and sc.ld. Interest allowed on Time Eeposits. G-I lections made on all accessible points in the United States, and a general Banking business transacted. ; January 31. 1SG7. . . .. Basxees. Altoova . Pa Dtafts on tha principal cities and Silver and Gold for sale. Collections' made. Moneys received on deposit, payable on de mand, without interwt. f-r txn ttt-o -tk intemt at fair rat - -. -7n?!Ain:r lumping " H i;'Ur" sacb a common Winsor Cha"r I tC TTacii i Tairs7ociaWY ROCKING CliAlRSr oF eW , C ::inii,u:?Ljr:w MC"'-W8 "Junges; 4-c.;&c.,." i - CAB! WET FURNITU , of yery. description and ofkJLS STYLES, mTJl PRICES TOSCZ ':vi;:V: Tastes of all; 1 Thankful for past farci h8 fully solicits a liberal share c'publie " aze. . Clinton Rtrt jJ." J T io i C Co 'Z3 Pa. "wi'iawwa ijijj- ;' : I Jan. Sl.lsj' lr7..o.R e i gn; shippis EXCHAriGE OFF1CF i i1. W o ra viad T 1 u ,li ,:s. :c m ?f ro: h? u "'r rj '' j York Rates on , 6 1 Ene'land. Ireland. Scotland Germany, Prus! ' Bavaria, AVartetfJ Hessen, Saxopj Belgium, , Fwitiefc? Norwjtv anil r... i Wales, t. Baden, Hanover, Holland, And Tickefa La nnd t " run 1 England,, , Ireland, Scotland,! Germany France, California ew South Wales or Antnl!l . ,;,:: -'.-" KEUR iixf fTJ ARD TOINVALIDS.-AfV gyman, while residing ia Sf-uthii' ica as a mi6sionry, discovered a iafs t simple remedy for the Cure of XKt! Weakness, Early Decay, Disease fj Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the train of disorderj brongfat on by Is, and vicious . habits. Great nnmbersL been cured by this coble remedy. Tir ed by a desire to benefit the afflicted i unfortunate, I will fpnd the recip fcr paring and using ihis, medicine, in envelope, to any one who need it, Ire Charge. Address. I . JOSEPn T. IN MAX, ! Station D, Bible House, Nev Fori L March 28. 1847.-3m. . JOHN HICKEJY, Altooxa pi Dealer la all kind - Household Furnitur; :"gi id .In :h in ;r la . 1 I .Tt aC L W 3 I LOUNGES scch as TABLES. I BEDSTEi: SOFAS. . I BUliEATTS fjnsnrii'MPM nivP RmTnucn t . ..a., & A. V H . . ,COMM0N.CJIAIRS,4e.; I NEW FURNITURE WAREROOF JVLlA BTBEKTkeaB HABRIET, I Opposite the Protestant Episcopal CAur ' March 7, 1867.-6m. , EAST ALTOO. Lime for Snf.. 1 rjiriE undersigned is pVepHred to ship t 1 from Lil'y Station; ot No. 4, on tha ft ' sylvania Railroad to Ebeotabuvg. Johhs or iany oiner point on tiio ibm, R. li. its branches.,, i - ' : " - -: Address, . : WM.TILET. JaaSl,-tf UemIock, Cambria cx,F WHOLESALE 5 mm MARBLE WORKS. f f, PFJCES GHEATLY REDUCT' r-.;'K ri ! A.T THE . -'"" I jonnsTOTTn ; iiarble won, The subscriber has just. receired larg3;,and . handsome.: invoice ifjp? Italian and American - - : MAR B LE, . I " comprising the largest. and fineU' stock of the kind ever -brought tol Johnslown, at hU establishment Li on Franklin Street where be i p-i;' with an adequate force of experience skilful workmen, to execute all MONUMENTS. Mantels, Tombstos ble and Bureau Tops, &c as cbep '. can be purchased in Rny of the cities, j A large stock of GaiJfDSTOiiis on-, and for sale low. ..-. . A room has been cpened in Ebeiss-, few doors west of Dr. a S. CbrUtyV Store, where articles of my maDBfe kept constantly on hand, to which tention of purchasers iainvill. .' , Ep" Prompt attention paid to ordf a distance and work delivered wef; sired., . JOHSPAE'., K. ? s ! I 4 i it : J7 !8 :o ii is i (J 5 V'y LORETTO 4 : i ; r.IIE UNDERSIGNED begs leave tst I tbe citizens of Cambria ana counties, that he has just receive! ' of the finest Italian and other MirMf EsfnUishnent in Loretto Cambria Monuments, Tombs; Grave-SU'. and Bureau tcps, mannfactared w beautiful and finest quality of Domestic marble, always on hano' to crdtr as cheap as they can in vac -cuv, in a ucav . ma tm confident that my work ndL,j atisfr any person dehiring sny iioeoi cusioess. .if i'.i? i ft" a Afflr& . r-1 -,!" JAMES 'WlbW'.V t b I i 71 Mi I i i i, I i 1 WORK nner, and cn the shortest xiot.t-. . Too public are respectfully in'j