The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, May 30, 1867, Image 3

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    '.-f -rt COOKKSPOHDESTS. 'i
i ifl. sk baa been unavoidably denied a
!L this week... The announcement h
7h 'how rame unexpectedly upon tis.
.Jll50" ' J
SvShane ta our colonics to-ujy. . ,
Wtmorujo " - - r - -
sight ia the
fout having real name, 7
"local and personal i
I i Woao roa Ocesixtes. 1 1 it our wbh
,:t.ntion to enlarge the Tbezman to a
ra gojumo paper and ctherwue improve
. ji8 ciwe tit ice are nan year, wnica
A b tn Ju,y nxt cce e eatklish
-f our paper we have vorkcd faithfully
aka it worthy the 'generous support
Stch fcas oeu o usucio
.. ..tfat its columns has furnished
naa "j "
C0 reading matter than any paper pub-i
fj. ;a the county. Stiliio the language
I ooe of our rueionic menus, we uesue to
tilt it petteras goot," and hence our pro-.
t& enlargement. Ia -order to accomplish
iireaisk those of our patrons who have
lot yet paid their subscriptions to do so at
til cartmt cuu tviucuw. s. uo tuiumg tea-
b of Court will enable most of our eubscri-
;ri to either brins or Ben the money;' and
.trust that all will avail themselves or the
oortnnitr. Those who cannot reach ua
i th'u way can remit by mail. ' We do not
Kcktbat any one now doubts the' stability
I our enterprise, and therefore we have no
sitiocy in appealing to all. Will all an.
Win the proper epmt ana at the proper
lie? If they do we shall not be slow in
;S.Iint our promise. We desire not only
print the best paper In the county , but to
rare the largest list of paying subscribers.
'ia we enlarge the Fhf.kuan we shall also
Jtator to enlarge Its circulation. Will
r friends aid us 1 We shall see.
5piino The unusually protracted wia-
jr, which.
'Lingering chilletl the Jap or JJav "
Lit length yielded to the balmy influences
ipnng. Monday morning opened with a
inky and a bright sua. The plums,
iches. ami pears, burst from the buds in
.ich they had so long been pent up, as if
Eagic, and even the red tips f the apple
ssooin peered abroad on the world. ' The
iiered tribes held high carnival, and fur
3td a free concert from many a bough,
Lie their matin song fell joyfully upon the
r, changing gloom to gladness, liavirg
jtotie f her severest wiuters wo can now
v I jrthe illeghanios can afford.
is'tTuat;So7 Nothing in the long
1 e mi
sy oi personal or lainiiT .wants. win. in
nit In frtim hnnut tn nnrr-Ko mi
Lk!y as an article of wearing appaxeL
tnn wanis a cuat, pants, or vest, or all
$ity will, not unfrquntly viit surtie
koesa centre to obtain them, and ' as 'A.1
p ia a business centre which many from
l art idc cf the mountain visif, we ' wih
I m - ' M -M W m
t pi to an aucii mat our menu u. woiu,
I iIin Street, is amongst the moat ileerv-
accimmodatlng and' bargain-giving
ra ia ready-made clothing within the
. of our acquaintance, and fur him we
kit tfc patronn0 c' "eh of our readers
ij viAii Atcoona to urcnate cioimng.
Utivo THECoasza Stosx. In our last
: tformai AaT readers of the con
; j&red ceremony of laying, the corner
Of (M new (JatllOlic chnrr i in thin
acb, which is to take nhice on Tuesdav
l. It is expected that some fifteen or
i clergymen, will he ta"'-altendahcoT-r
ijtlieai a number of the best vocalists
- iKacee and tlie sermon of Father
J cannot fail to . be ' a masterly t effort,
pting aait will fnm one of ihe most
pnt and .prufvand orator connected
ta Cathode hurci. The ceremonies
Jghout will i grand and irq press! ve,
(mm eril uvt
to witness it.
peopi will doubtless
scmt a va Assault On Fiiday even
t a young rata named John M'Bride
fraigned , before fjulre Kinkead. of
place, chanred on oath of llcnrv Ri?er.'
Aaaon lowcaLtp, wilo tang appropri
1 tstig pwn behalf and behoof certain
of wearing apparel belonging to the
Mi Rager, and with having eubse
.tly conuniitted an asaaBtt on the plaintiff,
f hearinn the accused was held ia$ &00
'er-at Court. - ' '
fiw were there only two vowels t , In
Jiof no s (Noah), before and yoa
0 ere born, or before passing time was
jd by aach pretty mechanical contri
r. Vnthe shape of docks and watched,
r. Roberts has fee sale in great profo
und very cheap at his establishment on
Mtreet. Cham., by the way, has-jut
pdfrom the east with a rich profusion
. IU Ml. IUC " UIVII ii V w lit kJiCilbcH
ry tor me inspectioa oi customers.
I'pUy.for th(
4er was a
tll induct'
anything ia a Dame'teonle
induced tn beliave that rtir-inri;
... - j M w
i'ltreet was an impossibility, but' as
(raon'.y used to distir guish one thin
Jher, the -.fact tLat- Jas. II. Thorn p
is on High street does not by anv
Be uiat ha will cot mi as cheap,
leaner, than "snv ntJi mm Tin.
feHow, keeps the best kind o"f goods,
- n reasonable prices. . .
L - .;
Show CoMi.vo.'Whitbey &
l ybiued Circus and Menagerie is an
iL CI'bition in our town on Mon
next. J. Uernandez. Geo. Derious
'iipw elue8trian3 and gymnasts con
C ti- exmtition. a"e undoubtedly
L .formers on thia continent, and
Li ry of zoological wonders stands
radn in Dcmber Rnc variety
j tbe ahow by all means., y
. "
CptpTbe Etna Mower and Reap.
-Un.rif VJ Atay iuaguire.
is erre-
rnachine norv bcfiwo Ha
ai.l i i.
'tanahingtolookatlt, "
tj -y:" v.".:' JoHsTowi, ITax 27,1337.1 ;
' Dear Freeman The usual iaonthrypay
ment of employees at the irpa works came
off on Saturday laat, and for the tiraa beiag
a fresh impetus has been given to business
of all I notice a commeadable fall
ing off ia police arrests this time; and it is
to be hoped that under the vigilant eSorts of
our oCcers and the severe accommodations
and high prices incident t to a short sojourn
in the borough jail, the bad practice of a cer
tain class of men who earn by hard toil the
accumulation' of a month j and by means of
a few drinks of ' bell broth ' frequently loss
every penny, of heir earnings, rnay at length
be discontinued.- Were it not for the kind
Besa ef .Maj. Iiyckman; who as a police cQ
cer stands at the head of hi3 profession, many
more of ; this class would recover from their
intoxication In the stone jug, although no
partiality is shown, and it ionly the ob-:
streperous I.ndividaals,who perforce become
quarrelsome or obscene, who are jugged. I
believe the Major to be a man who .takes
particular pride in preventing this species of
crime, yetlt pams him to punish it. Unly
five cases, were confined Saturday night all
for ."mild: but sweet ebiiety.", Upon pay
ment of fines and a promise to go and sin no
more they were to-day released. . ., , . : ,
The expected steam; fire engine arrived on
Friday, and will be tested to-day under the
superintendence of employees of the firm by
whom she was constructed. The engine is
one of the finest T have ever seen, and if her
utility is as perfect as her ornamental ap
pearance'oor citizens may well be proud of
their purchase. 'In addition to the engine
we have two beautiful and serviceable hose
carriages; one cf which now carries seven
hundred feet of first class hofe. The engine
is a greater curiosity to. soma of our people
than were the sacral cattle of Rice's circus,
and anxious crowds have been besieging the
engine house to get a view of the steam squirt.
The fire apparatus is in the hands of a com
petent company, under the name cf "Assist
ance No. 1," and will doubtless be able to
arrest the progress of the fire fiend, should
occasion offer. . . ;
Last night I witnessed what was to me
quite a novel scene the baptism by immer
sion of eleven persons in the Stony Creek.
The river was considerably swollen by the
recent rains, and some difficulty ;was expe
rienced in securing an eligible point for the
performance of the sacred rite'. At the foot
of Main street an eddy in the river wasound
to answer the purpose, and thither the large
concourse, censi sting of members and spec
tators, wended their way. ' Arriving at the
water's edee.' the minister made a briff
prayer, and after delivering a few-remarks in
justification of baptism by immersion, pro
ceeded to''ip" the candidates. The muddy
waters rolling swiftly by J lit up by the lurid
Elare of torches the bold outline of the hill
beyond and the dark, threatening, clouds
o'erhcad the voice cf the officiating clergy-,
man repeating the formula prescribed by
their church-the eleven canaidates , (seven
men anil four females) walkirg waist deep
into the water, and each in turn-for a mo
ment oisappeanng iroai yitjw uu,.nicn, is
turning to the land chanting a hymn express
ive of their joy all formed a scene partaking
of the romantic, and one which will not soon
be forgotten by the many. who impelled by
piety or curiosity came to witness it.
A young m?n named Myers was caught
a' few days ago in a piece of shafting connect
ed with the rolls at the' Mill. and - miwio a
narrow escape from death, The engine dri
ver was fortunately at his post and promptly
stopped the engine, but not until Myers had
made several lightning-4ike evolution. , He
was- completely exhau?ted when, detached
from, tha; machinery, and it was some time
er die .realized the appalling .danger .from
which h hl becir bo opportuce'y rescued.
Three boy were -arrested last week for the
alleged robbery of a man who' is partially
deaf,;and who resides below Mill v il le. - ; The
boys are accused of knocking the man down
And takicg'frora him a box of cigars! and , a
small amount f money.- Affr a hearing
they were released on .bail to answer
I Some "shovers" of counterfeit money paid
our town a visit last week, and as a small
token of remembrance left several counter
feit $10 bills on the Third National Bank
of Philadelphia. Two notes of this denom
ination were taken by Mr- Spigelmire and
forwarded to the city firm he represents, by
whom they were cent back as counterfeit,
I was shown these two bills, but not pro
tending to be a judge of money I could not
distinguish any differenca when compaied
with a genuine note..: Mr, Swank was also
victimized to the tune of ten dollars.
The poles for a telegraph Una from Wood,
MorreU Co.'a new store room, connecting
with the woolen factory and brick, works at
Wood vale and. the oSlces of tha Company ia
Millville, were last week erected, and the
wires and instruments will be put up during
the present week. . This will prove a great
disideratnm to the large and fiourishing coa
oera represented, and will obviate tho neces
sity of the great amoant of travel heretofore
required between these distant points,.
I I see by your last issue that a Mr. Hicks
makes a statement to the effect that we have
here over 600 whisky shops. Now Mr. IL
ought to draw it mild, fr I do not think: he
could scare up 200 dram shops within a Ta
dius of. ten miles, with the market house as
a given point. Tyrone called by courtesy
Tyrone City is. I .believe, the home of the
statistical. Mr. Hicks. Now I will wager
our bob-tailed rooster egsinst a pint cf pea
nut hel!s that there is more reeking corrup
tion, profligacy and crime ia Tyrone ia ne
day thaa there is ia JohEton in s'x.
Johnstown has not within her limits a house
of ill-fame, and if reports be true prostitutes
are almost as numerous in Tyrone as fiddlers
are said to be in a region "unmentionable.
So remedy your own discrepancies, friend
Hicks, befora you bunt for tha mote in your
neighbor's eye. We may drink a little
perhaps occasionally too much but then;we
have the bright and shining examples of
Yates, CLiandU?r, and hosts of other scab-
throated so called statesmen who misrepre
sent the country, and who ars par ezcdZcnee
the drunkards of the day. Don't fly off the
handle, Mr. Hicks, but take a wea Breather
of Bourbon mild and it will cure you cf the
bilious disease with which you seem to suffer. 1
; Theodore B&rnett, formerly a printer, fuvi
a young man much esteemed in this conimu- i
dry, 'died at Wilmore on Friday last of con-
sarnpt'on.' II'u remains" were brought to
this place and interred in Sandy Tala Cem
etery yesterCy. -
I noticed ddz"n la!rcf-yrar town pen
ambulating ourtrests & fev days ago. Mr,
B. is a whole-souled genial-companion and
a life-long consistent democrat the latter
the best recommendatidd'I could give any
man. May fcefprcspef. Geo. Gurley was
also "bobbin' around,"- and-1 believe left
town duly sober.' Signed cu oath, . '.
I am'rathcr" epposed to indbcrlminata
pudng, but if ku Bal" makes a statement
I doubt not jyonr intelligent readers will
place confidence ia it.1 This L preliminary
to the announcement cf the fact that if any
cf your youthfsl readers contemplate matri
mony, and are casting around where they
can get the best and cheapest, "set up" in
the stove and tinware linger if the culinary
utensils of your more sd readers are about
worn out, they should each and all . pay a
visit to the establishment of Hay Brothers
of this city. A more clever young man than
the junior member of this firm, Lieut. John
B. Hay, cannot be found anywhere, and he
will "do .the nice" to all who. visit their - es
tablishment. ; . ; : ' Bkc Bal.. ,
; 1 Carbclltowk-, if a-T 27r.l86V.',i'
Dear F f ecmari At last the rain has ceased
and good weather supervened,' to lingef , it
is fondly hoped, for at - least twenty-four
Lours. . And now the question suggests it
self, when, will come goo.i 'reads ?. It is a
positive fact, and at tha same tuna a super- ',
lative disgiace to those interested,- that the
roads leading north from Ebensburg isolates
Carroll town and extreme points almost to
the Jsarne extent as the snow driftsof the
late severe winter cut us off from the rest of
thej world and New Jersey. -.Is there no
remedy? Perhaps it is not important enough
to call for reflection on part of those who are
draining cur country of, its natural wealth.
It is the painful duty of y our correspond
ent to record the somewhat unexpected death
of Mr. Jerome Buck. ; Mr. Beck was but
thirty-three years of age at the- time- of Ms
death, which happened on Saturday last,
about 11 o'clock. a.- si. ?T He leaves a wife
and two children to mourn his untimely de
miss, and a large circle of relatives and
friend3,'who knew him but to love him, join
them in lamenting the" early passing. away
of a noble, generous and manly soul. 'Peace
to his ashes, and may He who is father , to
the fatherless -comfort and protect the-bereaved
ones who wept o'er his bier. ,t , .
, It is also our duty as local correspondent
to notice the death of Mr. Francis Glosser,
who died at Glosser's settlement on Sunday
morning at 3 o'clock. Mr, Glosser leaves a
wife and twelve children to lament his death.
He was about sixty years of age, ! Both of
the deceased .'were buried to-day. ,.' Iago. , t
Wayside .(Qleakuigs. Becj. Ciabaugh,
' a switch-tender at the upper end of the yard.
Altoona, was run over by the front wheels
of a locomotive, on Monday morning of last
week, And had both legs so Fevertdy crushed
that he died the same evening. t He leaves
a wife and three children. Six more con
ductors m the Penn'a R.R, have been pre-:
"sented with $100 each by tha Company as a
recognition of, their fidelity and efficiency
Corporations may hava no souls, but this
one at least has the heart to bestow favors
when the faithfulness ol its employees merit
them. A young man and young woman
named Bosh, residing about six miles from
Greeusburg. died recently, it is said, from
that terrible disease, trichina. A young la
dy who attended them in thefc .sickness' is
said , to be dangerously ill of the . game dis
ease. : ; Joseph Martin, a brakeman on the
Pa. R. B., was instantly killed, on the. 1 5th
inst.,by;his bead coming in contact with a
bridge near Millwood.Westmoreland county,
while passing over the freight, train rttpon
vhiwh he was employed.. He was & youjg
man and resided at Bolivar.-- Six car loads
of oil caught fire near Kittanning Point, "on
Friday , night week, and some two hundred
barrels were consumed. The barn cf Gil
son Lightcap, Union township,, Westmore
land county, wa3 struck by lightning, a few
days ago, and with its contents entirely destroyed.-
-A young man named Alexander
Shoupe was literally cut to pieces by a cir
cular saw, at Homer, Indiana county,' on
the I7th inst., while attempting to remove
a plank from the saw frame. His legs, arms
and the upper part of his head were severed
from the body. Charles Chase has been
found guilty of murder in the first degree for
killing an pld woman named McDonald, in
Jefferson county, and sentenced to be bung.
Fel ty Smith of Ne w ton HamiIton,at
tempt'ed to commit suicide, a few days ago,
by cutting his throat with a penknife. Be
ing a Good Templar, and impressed with the
idea that some medicine he had taken con
tained brandy, and that the brandy would
"send fclm to hell," he endeavored to facili
tate, matters by taking his own life. , It is
thought ha will recover. The. L. Cald
well, cashier of Lloyd &c Co.'s Bank, Tyrone,
a most estimable acd trustworthy young
man, died of brain fever in that place, on
the 20th in?t., after one, week's illness.
Gold. and silver has been found in iron ore
taken from the mines of Gv Roody, near Mt.
Union , Huntingdon county. The ore is said
to yield $12.80 in gold and 80 cents in silver
to each ton. -Dr. J.M. Gemmill has been
chosen delegate' and Dr. R.; Clark," Thomas
M'Kiernan And O.A- Trauh democratic
conferees from Blair county. V . . ; ; ,
-. K teLW MM M. M - . . . . -
ed. with 'the- subscription. Echools'cf llisjes
Maria and Lizzie iioLtrls march
ed in procession, from the public; .school
house to one of the groves ..adjoining town;
on Tuesday morning lastwhere .they enjoyed
themselves in innocent "recreations and so;
rial festivities during the balance of the day.
The, procession moved off amid , the bolster
ous booting and blasphemous .greeting's of a
lot cf unmannerly boys who diily centres
gata on tha school - grounds to indula ia
base ball ahd profane bickerings, much to
the annoyance of ; the ec he o'.s. aforesaid and
decent. f citizens; generally.-; We commend
those among them who have a penchant far
playing rowdy to the attention of the police
authorities, if parents fail, to take iccgni
zanca of their doings. Trv : ? , '.r. ' . ,
r. M i
j 1 '
In Carrcll township, at 1 1 i)Mock on Sat
urday morning of a pulmonary disease, Mr.
Jebomb EncE, aged about S3 years. The;
deceased was much estmed in his neigh
borhood. ', His . remains tver s interred ,in
Carrolltown churchyard; on Monday morn-'
ing, whither they were; followedby a large
concourse of relatives, and neighbors. '- j
In Chest township, at one. o'clock on Sun
day morning, Mr,- Fbancis Gloeses, aged
about GO years. .-. ? ; j- it
. At Sonman, this county, on Monday last,
Mr. WrixiAa Bdrk, aged about 3 : years.;
Hobace GsESLKy once recommended as
a matter of economy that men should go
Zii . m jf . m. 1 v -
wjiuuu urawers. . x ui migas oe aa
ant mode' of saving, but ' the lare idea of
such a thing in this cold climate makes U3
shudder.., A more certain mode of econo
mizing in this region is to buy your drawers
and everything ele you need at the cheap
mercantile mart of V.' S. Barker, ' on High
street, where everything from a needle to
a barrel, of. flour, can be ; purcliased at the
lowest cash prices.
, Houses, stables, fences, etc., are just "now
ornamented with immense posters setting
forth tha fact that another show is corning
but strangely enough they fail to say any
thing about tha great show cf goods which
is open to frea inspection day and evening
at the cheap store of Mills & Davis en. High
street. . This latter exhibition is th f?nc-rf
the kind in thls.toeighborbood-, ' and is -well ;
.worthy tha inspection, of all persons eetkicg
g-jed goods at low prices. - j
1 FARM f FOE ' SALE.-The Farm
owned andoccupied by the subscriber, situ
ated in Munster township, Cambria county,
four miles south-east of Ebensburg and one
fourth mile from Samuel O'H&ra'a Mill, con
taining 121 ACRES and allowance, is offered
for sale on "reasonable; terms and easy pay
ments.... Eighty acres of 'the above land are
cleared, under good fence, and in excellent
farming condition. ' The improvements con
sist of a two-story PLANK HOUSE and a
large FRAME BARN, both in good preser
vation, as well as all other necessary out
buildings.' An extensive orchard of choice
fruit trees and never-failing springs of excel
lent water are on the premises. :r Further in
formation can be obtained by niaking appli
cation to 5 i i - DANIEL O'HARA.
j Munster Tp.; May 30. 1867.-tf2 '
. The subscri ber offers for sale hia Farni
situated in Carroll township, Cambria coun
ty, about 2 miles from Carrolltown borough,
on the road leading to Hinebaugh's Mill.
Said. Farm contains over 82 acres, most of
it cleared and under good fence, with a'eohv
fortable twostory Plank House and Log
Barti thereon erected. There is 'a large or
chard of excellent fruit and several springs
of pars water on the premises one of the
latter close to the hotss aa well as a stream
of water running through the middle of the
land- This property ; will be soldi oa'fiir
and easy ;term8. iFor ; further: information
apply to the undersigned at Lilly's Station,5
oi to Archibald Smith; on the farm. : '...C
-:iny0..8in?. DAVID SMITH U
tera Testamentary on the estate of Nich
olas Weilandt,. lata of Susquehanna,' town-:
8hipi Cambria county, deceased, have been
granted to the undersigned by the Register
of . said county'., ' All persons havingclaims
against said estate will please present them
for payment, and, these owing the same are
requested to make settlement without delay,
i , PETER SHERO, Executor. ;
j 1 Carrolltown, May S0.-18676t.
Having been appointed-Administra-torof
the estate of John White, late of Black
lick' township, Cambria county, dee'd, the
'undersigned hereby' notifies all persons in-
debted to said estate to make payment with
out delay,, and. those "haTing claims against
the same are requested to present them pro
perly authenticated for settlement, v ., .
; 'v',V' JA'MES IL WHITE,,:' -;
;rt-"' Adm'r'of John VThite, deo'd.'
j May 23,'1867.-6t.q -V !: ,'.'.'. V V- -
Letters of Administration on the estate
of Henry Krise,.!ate of ; Clearfield township,
dee'd, have been granted to the subscribers,
residing in said township Those having
blaims against said estate will present them
properly probate!, and those owing the es-;
tate are requested to mate payment V ;' r '
1 - I fl! .JOHN J. KRISE. V V '
) .t v YM. G. ERISE, Adm rs-1
t -May 23, 1867-6t. ' -s '' - - ' -- ' -
"iqiXECUTOR'S ; NOTICE ; Letters
--- Testamentary on the estata of, John
Cunningham, late of Susquehanna township,
dee'd, have been granted to. the undersigned,
residing in Carroll township,' Cambria coun
ty. ; All persons having claims against said
estate will present; them properly ;proven,
and those indebted to the same ars request
ed to come forward and make payment. .r
-- HENRY BYRNE, Executor.
May 23,'1867.6t. '. ;...r -.'..
..r. suarhctts DsnnT,;:v;
HooseSign and Or'arricntsfjPaintsr.'
Graining, Glazing, Paper Hanging, and all
other work ia. his line; promptly executed
and satisfaction guaranteed.- Shop in the
basement of tha Town Hall. .f : .i --j.-j.-;
Ebcnabnrg. May 9, lgS7.'6m.
17atehmker and Jevrtltr.
Has taken the room on High street, opposite
the Mountain House, recently occupied by
R. J. Lloyd as 'a Drug Store. - W atches and
Jewelry repaired on short notice and at the
lowest rates, and all work warranted. . ..
Ebensburg, May 23, 18S7. , .. .
TTA3IES ; J. .OAT3IAN," M. :D..
tenders his professional services as Phy
sician and Surgeon to the citizens cf Carroll
town and vicinity. OfSce in rear of build
ing occupied by J. Bucs & Co. aa a store.
Niht calls c;n be made at the hotel cf Law
rence Sch roth. ' . ' rMay 0. l57.-tf. -
v. -
It I f
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tttinmn ihiA. in uy eencerr ia Anrie. A' -
Z KT hw jurt imporUd. ' Amonf th lealuraa r
Aa Cnwr.nad Clf.--Firt Afnrn"E'rh,t Tr r5- tj
Isnj. Your.ftit and traiiiiit im Mrr Only 1
tasntht old. Stands 2d inches hijh. and wtigha -
, v., S3J p?ttad, nd tha wond.rfal frTformim . ,
Trainad Monter, ' . - , ' '
at t "'f yrai rr' TT T'-Tf :-' 9
i -.-' i.-n ii A Coloaaal Aaiatie. , ' ' hjj
lng ton amall to t'ar.l or foot. WJil not b- hn la
. laa faraia, but wiU ba perfarmad ia tha iticf attack
ii -
-;r -a
Wat fa all J '
i r
h 11
. , t
"1 Vi
I. h I
"I i i
i i
I. j
?: t
f ijj
.- !
sic ian akd- Sueqeoit, Summit. Pa.-
OiZ. c east end of -'Mansicu' House, ' cn Hail
Road eti tat. TNiht. calls m sy . be mada X
f ... . -M- I
7 : y I ci
, -? J $2
a . - - -- - P-
a isit u m man Siia uv
T2kIarn( Animal Conqiiaror, iriil at ftrh ExtiiVitfaav,
Btartha Den, cimtaininy I.IO.NS, TIOtBS, i.EO?i
ABI A N ii PANTHK8S; and (Ira a Thriilinf
- . ; farformanaa ih ha Fiarca and 5aT.a--Monatara
Tha Fra Di.pIaT of WtU AXTMAXS an4 tlM
: - ; , us ba jlTn l!torjaici:on -who u:a -
The'&ani -fill coataln a IIagnlflciit Zcbrct a
Ttwirint Oatrlch, Whi'e Flamed, Ta Yot
Hlta;rur Afrii5aa I,ion Six Blonxba oW)
,jnan. flnet and )rrttieit ipcimin in ar
ilanataria; Sacred Cow aa.1 Calf; Lonj-lvlw-td
Klndooatxa IlaT enlr A nlmala r tha tlfed
known to ijlit; Tn Krebuaor JelUlmclcLloai
a DomlDiio Alpaccitf lv "Ship or the Ds
rt" a Dromartarv cf Sahara l Kiaelr, Africa
aadAsia.Ua I.iona and Liccce t l:eng(ilTl- tWff
arr ; Sn?itl and Bantlj Amilcan i-opard 1
iilacir, Oriiilr and Cinnamon Ue&ra; Mriped aav
aadspotttd Hj-anaa ; 1:1k ; - Fallow arsdBpotwd
3TTf ('ubin'r Ooiw; Wo1t; JJEibra 1 3
JToxaa; Cooni ; InchnenmoT-a ; Confonn ; JJ- t
"rarat Mooiti&Tlt ?tt Prlr4 loe,
Wttn aFULL AVIAU.Y OF BIRDS, and all th vT
lira variaty mt Apca, Babooaaaad iIoakj
a- -
wham ara SIX STAU LaDIFS. mora than araf
- aaaa anjjad in on EQCtSi hlA.N ihU if ;
Il'lloCarlottaWliitbry, !
jx Petito Loule. ' ; ; 4 - - ?
i : Ii,eIarsrtircttatorIoyTje,
ITUe Elvira, - '
; .t 2H33Jtiiiette ?laylnnl.- . t '.'
! ,7; audr.l'nie Clcmene Kab ler
jT-wo - " Oood . Clowxio,
; lcte Conklin S Cha. Morgan.
, : Z , '.' .Tolin C'buklin. v "
i TIm AtMata and Canaan Bail Juai;m!aaa
! t . " 7.' Ilernamlrz, . , V
; , ; . ChampioA Eara Hacc lii(ir. v -' ; -
Drlus, Omnr DflisJ. La'.'.ew. Sttv-
,tr.3 llantar. S Hiia Ion, ?lrrr J aii a
fr. Dunbar, ilona. Prrill. W. Rlcha-rdica,
AlMter Charles and Mr. Ii. Whitbcjr, -
Aad thn, fsraiaWne all thtt ia Kna-al, AtaiuUB( sal
, feiaiulaurd l tha lUjuMtxia Act. , - : ;.
Will t zaada vton 1b J-afaa Into Towa
Conali tins of v
i .
DrawnbTEIxtssaAratUallcrgea, contalnirs
. Elejanilv psiattd ani ornnmt4 : O
An inacaifl atocic of
Tr-Jusd Blooded Circus Ilcrssa g
- - " - ' " And a . ' , : ."
io::d luxe or "wagoiis, CAnn; &s.,
Tk wUoleformin?nPt.T.II;rAKAU2.wrii: -
a day' jour ny vritaaaa. i
All tna ;Ifnj:8r(i and nremn tt uai .
j ----- - .. ; - , m
Tant fur On biuRla Pric ol Aalkilaaisn.
'i. wo lcnoi niuncc ', .
O...C IL. v ull Cv.A,V I -.i u M - I " W v
- '; Doers cp&u. one h.ocr previous. ,1.
f far a!! whoconf.. .i'lR!y cf Eot,
ADf4I5S.CN. - - -. - COCENTG
Children, under iO years, 2iiCsrt5
3 Ell
S nzzczm
f r
TLajcr '&..
1 1.; which "ihi
I which eve
! ihavct fi
.12CJ " Oil
I con
I . -cs .were
4 Cliar!c3
! -xhibit his
i. Olio t
nnd Ret!
of their
f the Hons
full con He
' Scgnn to j
is. All r
pX length
White stri
i a whip,
r i s-pring nn
? Jer with h
tould a c
' his back t
zlll of hon
of EpC
;";ed; man;
others ru
.Vainly ho
f lion tam
ly await
.xly awa
for the i
3 paws i
fn end . i
I e terrib!
I I ferocio!
a was t
Ifmost of
1 1 one of
t pcned ft
jig rtn ii
nst the Ik
. anim;.l v
- lined Lis
ants of 1
-. ; ted blow
i hgcf Le
It wouL
sucli a:
;i iq dis
; dan jerc
' le, but !
j Serial tc
; ;lesh in
j hing the
i nlmcs
jl the ol
; Acceded
; ; Luckir
j lonesscs
lid only
i felled t;
1th thel
; 4. feeding
' v3ing tl
. turn.
" not till
: ihe ferii
:4 white
; after le
1 to the
. now lie
i3 und;
'iss rci
3 r
: s-ou
- -xir.tcr
. 3 dreac
o cla
; nnd
line L
; -j--
: hto t
--f, in
if Ly
f - 4
n si