The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, May 30, 1867, Image 2

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Thcusday, ' i i : Uxt SD, lG7.
i - . '
'H. L. JOHNSTON,- - - EciToa"'
H. A. McPlKE, ---.pcausaxa.'
'1 " 1 1 i
There is one subject 'upon" which "nine-
- teea-twentiatha cf the people of Pennsylva
nia, without any distinction of party, are
folly agreed, and that ia that the late Legis
lature of Pennsylvania was the moat corrupt
- body tHt ever, assembled -at Harrisburg.
,Cn i thU' iubjecti but- one -'opinion exists.
Even the Tribune and. AUeghanian ' admit
this. Iay, the latter organ make3 a virtue
d necessity, arid thus claims' crit for , the
rads yfor' admitting- the. 'corruption of the
t legislature. .' But the- -corruptions ofL this
'.Sifilatura were, thar 'act of & "majority of
. its members, and this majority was radical,
'- The. AReghanian don't know a sinsle radU
. o
cal paper; that undertakes "to defend this
Legislature Yes. it does, or -ought to!
i Why the Hessian editor of 'the ' Telegraph,
the organ of the party in the State:' takes rin
'the 'whole list'of Sen ators and Members, of
"the radical faith, and bepralses. and" bepuffs
'each member, giving, seventy-seven : puffs
"for the seventy-seven radical members j and
the Lewistown Gazette, published in a coun
ty represented by radicals, whom it wishes
to do tjpJJrotcn for another time. -defends
the whole corrupt body. . Other .f papers of
yt9 a am kidney In radical counties pursue
.the' same course." "' V'j 1
I It is easy, then, ! for a VadlcaT," paper In
Uambria cohnty; represented as she is by. a
"democrat and an honest man, to try to clear
Its skirts of the corruption with which the
.party is reeking. , Bat let us bring thejnat
ttr down to a point. .. . V ' ; r ' '
' ' "The' Tribune, and AHeghanian will both
admit', for theyannot deny, that CbL'Joba
P. Union, our member, whether considered
as a brare soldier or an honest, upright man.
1 without spot or blemish. "Well, he was
elected by SO 0" majority over John J. Glass,
the 'radical.:. John Glass attempted to swin
dle Col. Linton cut of his seat, and in order
to dp so both forgery anJ perjury were pro
cured,. , Now supposing this standard bear
er of yours had been elected,' would Be not
have made just the' kind of a man your lead
ing organs have been praising 7 And "yet,
that hi and uch as knowingly committed
a high crime for him, are not now' in a peni
cniial " place is .to be' attributed, to a mis
taken clemency on. the part of democrats
who have been fwrpnged and slandered; by
tbem, , ,
f In radical . counties the present corrupt
radical members will be generally renumer
ated j and should, we for our "sins i be cursed
with another-rad leal Legislature, the cor
ruptions "cf ia3t winter will be'perpetualed
and increased. We do ! not charge every
radical withi dishonesty -far ffcm it.'. But;
radical todies of divided resprnsibilty have
always t proved corrupt. v And when you
meet a legislator, of that stripe,-who is poli--tlcally
honest, you may safely use the dis
tich of the.poet as his epitaph. . .
Here lies a radical an honest man . -Heaven
works a wonder for us now and then,
TIXE L.r:T7ITO YTi GA2xrTTi:.r:
Hon; Daniel J. Morrell has been giving
the above delectable sheet a little too tnuch
string, and unless he curbs the machine,
rnay soon havexeason to,cry,'Saverne from
my friends.'. It appears to speak for him
cathedra, and yet does not seemlto know
whereof it Fpeaks. . i Mr. Horrell would' much
better rely upon the prudence tt his mere
sensible and dignified home organ than risk
the ; ranting of this volunfeer ' who : knows
nothing about hl3 surroundings ' " V ; '
The Gazette champions Mr. ilorrell's in
sty;and Integrity, and, at the, same. ;tim
lauds the honesty and Integrity of the Rad
ical Legislatnrei which the radicals here con
demn, as' much as the Democrats. ; Mr.
llorrcll cannot thank him ; for' making so
close a connection.-,; The truth ithe t7az
Is at' all times ready "ta applaud or condemn,
like old Trapboy, for i--consideralion'. '
But the crowning glory of ;the Gazette's
baMerdash culminates in this : After speak
ing of our Congressman's integrity, (t says
this is "a position from which the combined
wealth of all the old . Canal and - Portage
Pailxoad robbers ia Iluntingdcn,''E!air,,: and
Cambria could not 'move' him." J Doa'c the
foolish fellow know that,' with the exception
of the "Portago Railroad robber; which' the
Kadi, elected Governor last fall th'e leading
" Portage Pail road robbers are n bw i n " the
employ of lis, ZlorrtU,. running Lis political
machine! Tbeso med were democrats while
democrats iad power, and place, and plsiu
der, but when democracy ceased to pay they
fnJ a more ..conge nial party ia the radi
cals. V7e know of those now running the
radical party of Cambria, and in the employ
of lit, lion ell who came to the Porta ge; as
ttiaas a i'ith, and who were filled end -fat-tesed
hj -ihi&zr?.. -ratio party until they
becanje-,203' ; pouu li j when, by 'the very
force of gravitation,. they fell from grace.
and are now men cf. the gre
t veiclt i
among raa:ca!3.'
Datao:ub fcr the
Tu. ' i e have said mora tV.s-i w lr t-f n.J
w. -
. Oar business jj with the political co-urs cf
Jjr, 1'crfdl, and pet. with Jilta feez::.
thh rioiiir, : riot.
Senator .Wilson Is about to return from
bii Southern radical speech-making trip,
having addressed the ex-rebels. white and
"black, at some thirtydiiTerent points,"with-
out -the - least disturbance.- Conrremn
Kelly, of Pennsylvania, undertook the same
'tour, with," the sim$. result,1" esceptlng 'ia a
single lnstance--ai Mobile." ' u --
While Wilson and Kelly are equally radi
cal, holding identical views, the . former; is a
gentleman, while the latter is a blackguard.
In his speech at Mobile, Kelly dealt in very
severe invective and abuse, whenlie was in
terrupted by a "rough" in the-crowd'The
speaker then threatened them with . the
United States army, ,whea 8v ,shot was fireL
Kelly (for' he1 Is & coward aswwelf as a black
guard) bid -under; the' table, and the meeting
became a mpb. Many of the whites and Sill
the blacks appeared to be armed, and in the
melee two or three negroes and a-still greater
number of white men were killed, and many
persons inore Tor lesS injured.' ' ': : ' ;'
'Many' of the more unscrupulous of the
radical papers as. is their wont throws 5 all
the blame on the white men who attended
the meeting. Their more, moderate and re
spectable ' organs, ' sucK as 'the jNew York
, Times,, casts the blame on Kelly. himself, as
; does all the democratic papers; j -r ; ? I
The practice of attending public meetings
armed ts all wrongi and cannot be too strong
ly reprobated. If radical joratofsvi wish to
go down South and make speeches; il is their
privuege, ' icq cemperats 1 tor tne last six
years have been Vainly 'asserting that risht
"against thj radicals' and howf that the radi
cals are beginning t yidld the right 'they
should be encouraged. .' No matter whether
the audience be -black or white, let Jthem
talk and those who do not ,,wish to hear
revolutionary doctrines may remain away,'
if .they choose. : . . I -.,?
It is less than a'year since the -President
of the United States, chosen to that office by
the radicals, in passing through he North
ern States; where he had been invited, was
denied the right of speakiDg-by the party
that elected him hissed, hooted, and, at
Indianapolis, and elsewhere, shots actually
tired and his , life endangered, . We looked
ppon this conduct then as we view it ; now.
But strangely .-.enough, the radicals who
throw up their.hands with such holy horror
when a blackguard Congressman is "on the
stand, applauded the insult and abuse of
their President. - ? , -
- Nofis it to be expected that there are no
rowdies in Ta cityr like Mobile, any more
than in Philadelphia or any of our Northern
cities, - It is .less than three' years since, in
Philadelphia, the home of Kelly, democrats
were killed in cold blood for. no other of
fence than marching' in a democratic pro
cession. :But even if the citizens of Mobile
were blamable, ' the result could 'be traced
to military government. Where - that pre
vails 'emeuies and riots'must occur,' because
people are' always restive and ' turbulent
when deprived .of liberty.." Whereas, in ' the
Northern States we sUll have a-republican
form of goveinment. Jn Mobile, instead of
having a ciyil government, they are com
pelled to acknowledge .the supremacy- of
Pope John, j: j - 'A - io
The poor negroes we commiserate but do
not blame. - J Introduced' t 'our "shores by
the cupidity of Old and New England, they
have been made the nnhanrjv 'Iristraments
of political agitation by those who use them
only .as the .means of .acquiring political
pbWer,.ahd'the period, of their existence as
a race is only being hurried by the madness
of fanaticism., ' ,' - . , .""."-.; r ' . -
';Says the Johnst6 w'n Tribune f-3-? '
( ""We 0 0 0 announce that hereafter this
paper will stand equivocally for Equal Jus
tice to AH Men white and bIack.oVnj.i
town TribinetMay .27..;" ,m.v t;, iu-
vThe IdUeghanian naively retorts zm'U
v Better late than - iiever, friend Swank;
better express yourself awkwardly. than not
at all j and better be a slow coach, than pq
coach at all. , The jilUghanian has been on.
the equal " suffrage, platform these many
days end wondered why you lagged behind.
Keep" a stirF upper lip, and you may yet get
in e'ght of th -JUeghamam ' v ? v.' .
j But the crowningteauty of the "loving
dialogue is thii from the Tribune" I tz(.:S.
We "lagged' behind," forsooth ,: because
we had serious doubts about the cdrrectnw
cf a political seat'iment which had "the AHe
ghanian for one of its frurnpeters. - c ' r..
i -Jloyr coci and nice! . Anything adrocated
by the AJZeghanian is suspicious, quoth ; the
Tribune. -Verily,- ?!;c; f v.l r. t..
fNaiure'hath framed strange fellows in her
- i timal" .-u-i? hi ': , ii-.w.i oiJl
And our ! b re there cf - the Cambria" county
radical press are of them; : The one a 'e!ow
coach" the' other "causes serious' doubts
about the correctness of a political sen ti
ment" cf which it is the "trumpeterV" '
-fcThese'be. thy; rads'ix Cambria!"!'; '
-rw we tad said as naughty, a thing
about our neighbor here it would have been
dreadful ! It would have been bad English,
bad sense, bad taste--in -short, -a copper-
ceaa. outrage ; ; uat then ve hate "no rights
that a radical is bound to respect !" ' :
Maximilian-,, Mejia," Costello and' Mira
mon are reported to hare been csptared by
lis LiberUs and are ordered to l- il: rt. '
jXAe Democratic nominating convention
of Bedford county will be held on tha, 18th
June next. ; ;
Consistency. After all "the-fuss "about
hanging Jeff. Davis, a Radical Judge dis
charges him and a Radical editor baHs him7
Bully for the Bads -
i .The shops of; Hezekiah .'Crissrianand
Cornelius " Lowe of Smicksburg,- Indiana
county, were entered last week-and robbed
-the former of $50, the latter of So.
The County Commissioners' "of Schuylkill
county have determined to test the constitu
tionality of the ' new Jury Commissioner
law, as applied to that county. -7 r r -;
'V'2Ij7.-i-Cecil nBaaks. son cfiThaddeus
Banks, Esq., of Ilollidaysburg, has received
a Lieutenant's commission from the Presi
dent: 0 Everybody .Is pleajld thereat, except
ing the Whig. man. ----- j
-n The Reasdni-r-ll Patriot Union never
poured much hot shot into the camp, cf the
rebels. -AUeg ,t-,r...;
t May be it had to stay at home to. support
its molkcrL1 " ' ' V's - - 1
John JsrotherlinA. H' 7?.. nronnsp aFtcr
he hangs Jef. D vis, to hang, tne editor of
ine r KKEHAN. in other words, he would
like to continue what he always has been '
a hanger onl : As to giving us'a lift, he had
better try to elevate, himself a little, r-;.' i
1 : "JFe do not know of a single paper ia the
State' that -undertakes . to ; defend the late
Legislature .against . the charges : brought
against it of unfaithfulness and .corruptionH.'
- AUcghaniari. "" '' ' v - ' .1,, .
The iLewistown Gazette I '
' HQ.The Tribune" riV publish l(so itj
says) a temperance address of Judge Taylor
if he is nominated, for Supreme Judge. -If
the address isfood, as we Jbave r.o doubt it
is, the Judge's nomination will jiot make it
any better. Or is temperance to ,be made
.political? . - . '
. The Lemstovm . Gazette, plumes itself on
the very large majority against the editor
of the Fkeemait last election. IIow was it
in Mifilm, Mr. Gazette t Mf all the radical
organs in the district had been like the Ga
zette it would have made our calling1 and
election sure." 1 '.. . - -. .;;-.- ; :
The AUeghanian desires to know what the
Freeman would think ef the nomination of
Jefferson Davis and Edgar Cowan for Presi
dent ndTice. President. J ; , :
Well! it might do!,. ... When the 'radicals
hang Jeff, we would have a. first rate Union
President.' But we thint ff 'Toflr DmU
should be nominated for President, his eld
friend. Beast Butler, should be on the ticket
with him. Or if that would not do.' his
bail. Horace Graelev mlzht answer! Sri!!.
the Freem an would not support any of the
aosve iicKets, ; ,r ., . t - :
-. Not Our Fault. -The .AHeahanian tTrM
U3 to task for referring to the fact that the
Rads. have again changed their name. Let
him attack Frank Jordan for that it is no
faull of ours." The call is in the AUn'krm'lnfi
the people can see it for themselves. By
tne way. i! rank Jordan is too honest a man
to be SUiltv of the falsehood of lonemr bill
ing his , party the Union party,; That did.
well enough during the war when Ve were
fighting for the Union, but now. sine ; the
Union is not to be restored, it' was right to
fall back upon the name that caused scces
sio3,' ' '.. . v " .' : ' '
The rebel Lieut. Tolbert, who bet
500 that he could prove J. Wilkes Booth to
be still alive, is reported to have, won- and
received the money." ' ' " -; ' . " ' "
-The chimney cf the Enfield Comrjau v
at Thompsonville, Ct.V one hundred feet
high, and 'containing 100,000 brick ifr was
removed last week a distance of Esventy feet
wiiooui uamase.s i,;v.. , i
It seems that Radicalism has projrressed
asi far as Ilayti. Jt is announced that tha
first act of the new aspirant for. presidential
honors, Gen. Yictorin, consisted in robbing
the public, treasury of .three hundred thou"
sand dollars'" . . ' " "'
One darkey has been placed unon each
of the twenty-eight precinct election boards
of Washington City, ' The nigger is nof ex
actly in -the woodpile 'now j he's perched
upon the top stick. . The worst of it is he
knows it, anc! spreads; himself accordingly.
- -A colored sergeant 6f the hinth: colored
cavalry i in Texas who was ' to ' have been
reduced to the ranks, lately formed ai con
spiracy with , fourteen vfhis comrades to
murder.the white ofneers of - thejregiaaeut.
He succeeded Jn killing one lieutenant and
was then himself killed. ' ' " '
rA boy aged four and a half, rears -rot
lost in the woods near, Darham, '$t. H re
cently, and was diligently searched for dur
ing the sii succeeding days ' At the end of
that time' the child w&s discovered bv a dcl
still alive bat nearly exhausted from hunger
and exposure. .. He had ; subsisted dnrin
that period.Otj. leaves and berries.; 1 -I
Mr'. Greeley, in his letter to the 'Union
League Club of New York, gives fair cotico
that, he will urge resCnfranchisement of these
now proscribed for rebel lion, as soon as-he
feels confident that this course is consistent
with the freedom' of the blacks. He claims
his going t5 Richmond to sign Jeff, 'Davis'
bail bond was the wisest act' of - at life ear
nestly devoted to the rood of the human
ohn Dipple, landlord of the Blaclc'nrsa
Hotel,' Lewistown, after receiving license,
posted the following -unique notice "To all
whom it may concern"!:; 'jThe undersign
ed, desiring to obey all laws restraining the
Sale of liquors, respectf ully requests all Wda
cf families who have drunken sons, or hus
bands, wives or daughters, to give me the
written notice required by law, ' forbidding
me to sell such habitual drunkards liquor,
with their signatures attached, and I rlede
myself, ray reputation, and-my , property,
that such requests shall be riridiv comnli
with. "I desire to comply with all laws
regulating, my legitimate business, and in
order to do so, request the assistance cf all
law-abiding citizens. The members cf tem
perance societies, who have annoyed me for
liquor, will please me niuch by withdraw in"
their patreas frcsa. cither, me or ti.2 zz-
- The Latest and- est irsw3 13 thit R.
H. Sicg?rr who, upoa-his entree Intoour
town, reduced the price ef horse-shed ag cns
third, Las determined still ta lead the vto,'
and errors to work' 10 per cent, lower than
the lowest for cash, and insures satisfaction.
Persons needing tira on their wagons or car
riages, can" savedollars"by giving Mm their
work. "A, dollar saved is a dollar gained,"
and the way to save many of tberrr Li to get
your blacksmi thing done -with Mr. Siogr,"
at the west end of town, Mr. S. is also sell
ing I. C, Singer's unequalled Tire and Band
Bender aTmachiDe which-rsayea ;a igreatr
amount of time and labor and bends the Tire
round and irue of . which Wm. Mvers. of
Altoona, says he would not take $100 and
do VithoUt. AnV amount of tpatlmnn in
lik that can be shownVbttt themachine is 1
its own nest recommendations to a mechanic.
Persons wishing to purchase should call on
.or- address A-IJi'IhBfscEBEbeaaburg I
Territory for sale. For terms address I;
C. SiKGEa, Box ?5,4Altoon3i:Pa.
Ppbusu Them. The State Superintend;
ent of Common Schools says that the section
of the law requiring school directors to pub
lish an annual statement of the receipts and
expenditures of their respective districts. Is
as obligatory upon .the boards as the section
requiring them to keep open schoolsj and a
neglect" to perform this, duty according td
law will subjcct.directors to removal by the
courts, -the same; as for the neglect of any
other duty required by law."
'"'-" ' -r : ' " - 't T ' 7 ;
Notick. I will deliver :Figge' Horse
Hap Fork "and Pnlley to those who have ordered-
them from tneii as follows At Scott
House, Johnstown on Saturday, June 1st;
and at John A. Blair's Hotel, Ebensburg, on
Tuesday, June 4th. 1867. :- J
r 'Joak HcrMrKarrs. 'Ag't for Cambria Co.
LIST OF CAUSES eet down for trial
- at a Court of : Com moa . Pleas of .Cam
bria county, commencing on Monday, the
3d day of June next: : .- . , i'::.
-.- :.- ;?,tFIBST..VrEEK.-i 'j-. s
Jackson et al - vs Jobnspn "et al
Bairdy - ;r. vs Black; . . ; -; :
Delozier ' vs Bvrneetal
.. V3 .Price et al .
1 8COND WEEK. -i3 ' "
vs Swires ct al ' v''
vs Colclesser et al
, vs Swires .
' vs DeKnge "et al
vs M'Hugh et al '
vs Zimmerman ;
; s Duncan v1
; vs.Barto et al : .
,. vs Garvey .
jvs Butlet- . 4
Hoffman - - ; -
Bell. -Higgins
Shriver for use J '
Truby A" "-'-;'''
Cowan s -
O'Neill, adru'r, 'U
Brallier's ;Admr -Pringle
Adm'x . s
r vs Pringle.
y SchoplD Alleg'y.Tp
iieck ,
Cramer , ,
Dailey - - : :
Haddo r'i": J
Calvin v " ""
King' '-'-.l1
Altimus " ' "
Zahm .
Qiristy : '
Litzinger v ;--Dunroyer
. : :
McFeely ;
Garraghan - - .
Rowley V? s
Bendon ; .... . " .
Matiterson for u.e
Walsh y.-''-:;
vs oame .
va Same . ,;
. vs Same
wi vs Same '; "':'- -vs
Same v ' ' ' . ,
;ts School D Mun'r Tp
.Ts"NoeV ' ;
vs Shoenberger's Exrs
" vs Cooper ' t' 1
vs Murray's Ex 'rs et al
vs Christy ' "
; ts, Davis et al . , t ;
. vs Boody - - ;
. vs Sch D Clearfisld
. vs Same . .-, : -. ".
I v Penna R R Co :
? ys McHugh et al
;ts Bendon i - . : '
- vs McHugh
i.vs:Penna:Il R Cqr.
vs. Same
C K. ZAHM.Proth'y. -
( FAS n ION ABLE ' ',. , ,
Has just opened a full assortment of well se-"-:.'.
lected and most desirable ,
; Gents and Boys furnished with CLOTH
ING, HATS, SHOES, &C, of the latent
styles and best material, at the LOWEST
caswprices. ; ; - ; ; 1
a tauietx of piece goods,
which will be old by the yard or made" to
order, in the most approved manner.;,. . : . (
1 . Having given full satisfaction to his cus
tomers fur more than. twentt?five teabs,
Jie guarantees the same to all who may favor
htm with their patronage in the future. '
CO-Store on the. west side of Montgomery,
street, below Blair," next door to Masonic
Hall, Hollidaysburg, Pa:. lmy23tly.J 1
OTARSr FOR SALE.' The siib-
M- scciber offers at private sale bis FARM,
situated in Cambria township,' two miles
east of Ebensburg,:on the road ' leading to
Loretto. The Farm consists of 80 Acres,
more or less, about 54 Acres of which are
cleared, tinder good fence, -and in a good
state of cultivation. The : balance of the
land is well set 'with sugar, Chestnut," locust'
and ether, marketable timber. There is a
comfortable FRAME HOUSE and a Framk
Babu on the premises, and an. Orchard of
choice Fruit. Trees that have never yet failed
to bear, here is also a never-failiqg spring
of pure water and.. other necessary conveni
ences on the; premises.' ; The Farm will be
sold on f-iir.trms and easy payments, and
an indisputable title will be given. -. What
is known as Bradley's Station on the E, &
C Rali.rtoadri3 located cn this land.' ' t - '
t Further information can be obtained by
applying to i CHARLES BRADLEY.
Cambria Tp., May 23, 18G7.-tf.
TT 1CENSE PETITIONS to be present
ed on the second Monday (1 1th day)
ef June next :; -v ' : , ... : .
' -. ,,- - tavehn ticsjrs's-- - f -.V: '
. : , Allegheny Tp F A Gibbons ; " Cambria
Eor Vv'illiam Gallagher; Cheat Tp Jacob
Glass; Conemaugh Bor Francis Seitz, 2d
ward Johnstown Henry Fiitx. S3 ward ;
Richland Tp Peter Helm. .
: ' 1 EorjSB LICSKS3. ' "' '
Cambria Bor Geora Neich ; 'Johnstown
.Bor Adam PLarr. td ward ; Znilvnie
Joun aisa; Wseh!rt-n Tn L-'-'res A
nel.' ;: GEO. C. H. 2AH:L Clerk,
! 7. 'i '
OF 10G7.
C L 0 T II I N G,
ITOTlblTS, 6c,
: and lavite tho." ' ;
. ... i
! . . i l. t , '
! 17
f t 1 1 : nT p 1 fS fSf ' fl
4 y ,
i I U J i i i I
, cl sundry writs of Fend.' Err!
- i Vend. Eruon. issued cut of ,uf 4L
mon PI -as of Cambria countv an.. Co5
rccte,!, there wiU. beex5ed to pj?v&
Rt the Court House, in Koensbnre iS1
-DAYthe 3d dav of J IT vw Jig' ca
A. M., the following Real Estate To
Jtf the right; title And intent a T'1' '
Appp, of, ia and to aact of WJ.
VP Clearfield township, Cambria conntT
.ioinmg lands cf Timothy Cawlev" Yr
Glass, Murray Hoffman, and "others2"'
taininz sixty-four acres, more or less '
thereon erected a one-and-a-haf storrl4
log house, log stable aud a double bZj ,
in the occupancy of the said Andrew v0
Taken int? ecution and to he tf
suit of Daniel Redman for use of L. t .
Redman.,. .,-,-,;.,, .v . J?i'U.
on the north, having thereon erected a ttU
story frame tavern stand and frame sun?
now in the occupancy of the said MicU.i t
Smith....:-:.;.. - ... , . . - !CuMt'.
.Taken into execution and to bt sold t i
suit cf J. Adler & Cn. - . - : Mlu
. . .v .. .1 s ALSO. - . '
All the righ t, title and interest of Tuoinu
J ones, of , in and to a piece or parcel of kad
situated, in Jackson township, Csmbikci.
adjoining lands of A. Dunniire, 8, Diri
and others, containing twelve acres, moreat
less, having thereon erected a one-and-i h;f
story plank house and plank stable, sot not
x en pied. .; . ; . .
; Taken into execntion and to be old n
suit of David Leidy.
- ALSO, :
All the. right, title and interest of h(u
Woodcock, of. in and to a piece or parrel
land situated in Washington township,C3.
bria county, adjoining lands of Etm E.
Evans, Jeremiah M'Gonigle, aud ctiien,
containing fcrty-five acres, more or'ka,
about two acres of which are cleared, Let'
ing thereon erected a tne story plank hoia
and water saw-mill, 'now ia the occupacrj
of John Wilkin..'
Taken into execution and to be sold at tk
suit ot Warner Bender, for the ue of Lst
Eger.. . -, . 1- ' -
. : . '. .-. . ALSO, :
All the' right, litle and interest of Jaieu
Crura, of, ia and to a tract of land linked
in Croyle township. Cambria countT. ,L
joining: lands of James Burke. Eph:n
Orum, and others, containing one hundred
and twenty acrea, more or leiis, about fifty
acres .of which are cleared, bavin? Hip
erected a two story log houae and log barn,
now in. me occupancy of liiram Crum and
Nancy Crura. . -
Tiikn into execution and to he anM it tV
suit of Joseph. Horner.
All the risht. title and interest nf SmniJ
Ripple, of, in and to a piece or norcel of land
situated in . liichland . township, , Cambria
county, adjoining lands of Gerxge Ow,
Lenhart Hiiffecker. and other. . contain??.
two hundred and fifty six acres, more or 1&
about fifty acres of which ara clparsil. htv.
ing thereon erected a l..g hnse and log bam,
now in the occupancy cf John Murphy. .
Taken into execution and to be sold at ta
suit of Wm. J. Baer. , .
AH the n'sht. title and interest of William
Riddles, of, in and to a piece or parcel d
land situated in Yodcr township. Camhrj
county, adjoining lands of Jacob Crovlf.
riederick render, and other,.: contanx?
twenty-seven acres, more or less, about
A . - 1 T , .
fcwemy acres ui wuicn are ciearea, nr!H
thai eon erected a two storv Josr hrjiM in!
log barn, 'now in the occupancy cf Robert
jones. .
Taken into execution and to bo sold at ti
suit if Paul Andrew Schnable, for use tf
liichard lUddleil. : -. -r - - .
.. ..' . ' " .. : ALSO, . :. -
All the right. title ainl interest of Jme
Burke, of, in and to a piece or parcel of land
situated in Summerhill township, Cambria
county, adjoining lands of Ephraim Crum,
Enos Ellis, and others, containing two hun
dred acres, more cr less, about i,e Landred
acres of which are cleared, having therein
erected a two stcry log house and log barn,
now in the occupancy of the said Jas. Burke.
Also, .a piece or parcel of land situated ia'
Summerhill township, Cambria county, ad
joining land of Jacob Weauer, John Knep-i
per, and others contrining four hundred,
acrea, more or less, having thereon erected,
plank house, now in the occupancy of Jaraei
enormia ami L,ua3. lerbel, an4 a steam saw
mill, now in. Ibe occupancy of the said Jf-
Burke. .. . t . . - . . . . ; .
; Taken into execution and to be sold at Ui
suit of J. Y. 21'Laughlin & Co.;. for 0S8 of
Wm. F. M'Laughlin.
: ' JAMES MYERS, Sheriff.
; Sheriff's Office, Ebensburg. May 16,1351.
having been granted to the undersigns!
on the; estate of Edward Shoemaker, late of
Ebensburg, Cambria county; dee'd, hUjf'
sons, indebted to said estate will mak j10
mediate payment;. and a!l persons haricg
claims against the same will present tbem,
duly authenticated, to the subscribers at tb
elSce of F. A. Shoemaker, Ebensburg, P
t ELLIuH J. MUPwRAY.01"1
O All persons indebted to the late r
of E. Shoemaker & Sons are requested to C&3
and settle their accounts. "
-;''-".' H. Ai SHOEMAKER A CO.
WOTICE. The Register of Cm
bria County having gi anted Letter?
Administration to the undersigned on th
estate cf Andrew 2.1'GraIn, late of ClearfUl"
township, Cambria county, dee'd, cotice i
hereby given to persons indebted to ssW,"..
tate to make payment, and those bsric?
claims against it to present them duly au
thenticated for settlement. -;
: '::- . . -"' ELLEN M'GRAIN,
Adm'x cf Andrew M'Graiu, dee'd.
- Et.' AugusUne, May 16, 18676t
- ler, having opened an oSce ia roep
over P.. U. Thomas' tore. cfTera bi V
etoral services to the eitizet.s cf Ebecifcs
All the Tight, -title and interest cf y'v.
J; Smith, of. 1rr(and to a lot of ground V
ated ia villa-e of Gallitiin. Catnbri, .,3
fronting on Main street and extendineui
to: Jackson street adjoining lot cf Tn
Christy on the south and PnK