7TM" : A ' Y. CTTjt' . .... i is . , 7 ' -;t l7iTi?)T! Tl ' '( V "V 7 r 1 ,: v :l f f it; ill' b, rub . J -Democratic 'colily! e7SI:a!;a:,; Divct -.to ' - J' '1 ... i : . ? i r m s.. .i - a, : , , !7 R SA Ml . I .7 i. ' r i. i LL. ii.JJ-i.L- 1-L . .L XI I vxioii "'Till- trxjtu " j.iir: :j rues, iED AX.i. Azi-i .iAir-:3 ' xznsxnx:; VOLUME 1. I.ii EBENSBURPA.; .THURSDAY 00, -1807. VP' r rLETTYSBURG ASYLUM A JT FOR INVALID SOLDIERS, jvorvoraUd by Act of Assembly of the Com- gumvealih of Pt vtsylvania, March 6, 1867. y Th Board of Supervisors appointed by th abate Corporation to carry out. tho ob fecU of tho act of Incorporation, respectfully announce to tbe public that the Legislature ' J PennnyNania. has authorized the raising of funds for the erection, establishment "tad m&intalnance of aa Asylum, far Invalid 'Sol diers of the late war, to be built on the bat-tit-field of Getty6bargand as Inducement to , pttriotic citizens to contribute to this benev olent object, have empowered the Corpora ticn to distribute amongst the subscribers uih articles of value and interest, from as ud'ation w ith tbe late war, or any moneys, effects, property or estate, real or personal, whatever, in the State or elsewhere, at such time or epon such terms, and in such way . tnd manner whatsoever, as to them- shalt item ,any laws of thij Commonwealth to tba contrary notwithstanding. The enterprise is cordially recommended bj the folluwing camtd well-known geutle- Ex-Govartor Andrew G. Curtin, ifjor General George U. Meade, . Major General Galusha Pennypacker, Major General E. M. Gregory, - s ... Majur General Johju K. Brooke, Major General Charles II. T. Collis, Major General Uenry J. Madill, ( Major General James L. Selfridge, : i , Brigadier General James A. Beaver, Brigadier General iloratio G. Sickles, . -Brigadier General Joseph F. Knipe, Brigadier General William J.' ltolton; . Brigadiei General Samuel Zulick, Brigadier General John K. Mnrphy. J :i: . Brigadier General John F. Ballier;. , brigadier General T. F. McCoy, .: 1 Brigadisr Geteral U. E. Wintslow, ; . Brigadier General Henry l'leasauts, - Brigadier General J. P. 8. Gobin, Brigadier General J. M.. Campbell Brigadier General Thomas Walker, Brigadier General W. Cooper Tally, Brigadier General D. M. 11. Gregg, Colonel F. Stambaugh. The site for tbe institution (thirty acres) Las already been purchased, and it is hoped that tbe good work may commence beiore oldsiiBHuer," . ' . ' : - - .' ' Subscriptions will be recei red at the oSce tf the Association, No. 1 12G Chestnut street, Philadelphia, on and after Monday, the 6th day of May, 18G7 : !' Fwr each subscription of five dollars a certificate will be Usued which will entitle the holder to such article of value as may be swarded to its number. The first distribution of awards will , be BAtle Immediately upon the receipt of 80, t)U0 subscriptions of 5 each. The distribution will bo public, and under tb direct Mipervion of the Corporation. . Persons at a distance are requested to re mit their jubscriptione (when practicable) by Post office money order, or registered let ter, to insure prompt delivery. IMrect all Utters to . J. D. HOFFMAN, Secretary Board of Supervisors, . Box 13 1, P. O., Philadelphia. The following is a schedule of awarda to. be made utder the first distribution. Tho itwna of Diamonds and othtr precims stones were purchased from citizens of the South during the war, and their genuineness is certified to by Ilenh & Bros., the most ex Kosive diamond Importers in the country, and by J. Hermann, diamond setter. New York. ' . GETTTSBUSG ASYLUM FOIUNVAUD SOLDIERS. Incorporated ly Act of Assembly of Common- KtaLih of Pennsylvania, March 6, 1867. OfSce 1125 Cheatnut Street. Philadelphia. first Disposmosr. Bgbty Thousand Subscribers at Five Dol- lars each. . ; 1 1 Diamond Necklace, 43 Brilliant, valued at $30 000 2 1 Biamond Cluster Brooch ' and Ear Uings, 15 000 3 . 1 Award 10-40 Governm't Bonds, 10 000 4 Z Diamond Cross set in : KUTer, . 7 000 6 1 Diamond Cluater Brooch, 6 000 Award 10-40 Gofernm't r. f. " " Douds, 6 000 " 7 1 Diaia'd Single tone Ring 4 500 " J3 I liasn'd Cluster Bracelet, , 4 000 .VI Diam'dSingle Stone Scarf Pin, 4 000 10 1 Diam'd Cluster Brooch, 4 000 21 1 1 Biam'd Cluster Bracelet, 4 000 12 1 Pair Single Stone Piaro'd . EarRings, ' " - S CC0 18 1 D'-am'd Cluster Brooch, ' S 009 " 14 J Award 10-20 Governm't .'. v .? Bonds, '3 000 .. 15 1 Diam'd Single Stone Pia, . 8 000 15 1 Diam'd " " Stud 1 3 000 17 1 Dlara'd Cluster Brooch, 2 500 - 18 1 Diam4d Single Stone Ring 2 500 19 1 Diara'd Emerald. Brooch, 2 fcOO - 20 I Diam'd Single Stone Ring 2 000 21 1 Diara'd Cluster RiDg, 1 500 22 ' 1 Long I tid la Camel's liair. ' Shawl, ' . 1 500 ' 23 1 Choice Emerald Stud. - 1 500 Jl 1 8ingle Stone Diam'd Ring 1 000 k 10 Awards cf 10-40 Got'nt ' ' Bonds, each ' ' 1 000 & 1 Thret-sUae Diain'd ani . " i ; Ulu'by half-hoop RiDp, E00 S8 1 Diaia'd SingleRtone iar ' ' : Knobs, ! -'f ' 803 - 87 1 pkir'Diam'd Clnster Stud ... ,C0O '- 88. .1 DUiad singleto&e Iilng,- " ' -'. -star settiaf ;. " - '. . L0O- - .W - 1 Diaw'd single stone Tin, r. ..'500 j 40 1 Diam'd Clutter Bracblet,... tCO ite W 10 Awards 10-40 GovcrAsn't.?.-. ; :;r I Bccda, each 100 61 1 Lady's Diam'd set Watch 62 1 Diam'd singlelstone Ring ! 63 1 Diara'd and Opal Cluster 64 1 Diam'd single stone Ring 65 1 Pair Emerald Scarf Pins, 60 1 Diam'd single stone Ring 57 ,'1 Diam'd Cluster pia, ':- 63 1 1 .Caraeo and Pearl Broocb j an J EarHings." " 63 to 153 100 Awards 10-40 Gov'nk Bonds, each i 15 to 253 100 Awards Oorernment '3 400 5 ! -250 00 200 -150 .100 ' 100 A. ..ICQ Lepaf Tenders'; each 50 5 awards f,T 8,000 Awards Government r '. Bonds, each The d'utribution of tbe above will be made in public just as soon aa the subscription is full, of which due notice will be given through the papers. On and after May 6th. the diamonds will be on exhibition at the oCSca ot the Association-. , The public caa confidently rely , on. Averytbing being conducted in the most boDOTible tnanner Alt the awards will be handed to certificate holders, immediately after the distribution free of all coat, at the -office of the Company, No. 1123 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. J N: CERTIFICATE. ' Y- r v "We hereby. certify that we have examined the DiamondG'Ksdd.. rearls, .Jiaeraldfl, Eii bies, and other precious Stones, ar described in the above list, and find them all genuine. VHENLE & BRO'S, Diamoud Importers, '24 MaVlen Lane; New York, i ! i i J". HERMANN, Diamond Setter, i ) 894 Broome Street, New York ! i - fAGENTS -,W ANTED." j ' "BofAcsjcan be badcnntaiQinj;TR'enty'Cer ti5cate. Gn hundred Ddlart. laAli ordfrs for Certificates must be addressed to' ? r J. D. HOFFMAN, Secretary, 5 n ' Box 1481, Post OCice, Phibx" May 16. 18C7:-6t.- QQft ; iiAnTrosD" LiSlflEK pSMMCI mm. v r 'CASH ciplTAL 1500,000.' 1 prepared to insure LIVE oth Death and "We are now oiuufv against totn lJeatn ana Then, in this live and reliable Company. Owners of stock have npw the 'epportnntry.- by Insur ing with this Company, of obtaining eecurir ty and remuneration for'the loss of their an imals in case of death or theft. J ' OWNERS OF HORSES, ; 1 ManttfacturerB, Farmersi Teainsters. -T2x-prespmen, " Phjsicians," and in fact" all who are to any extent dependant upon the servi ces of their horses in their daily vocstions, should, insure in ..this Company, and thus derive a protection against the loss of the:r animals, which are in many cares the sole means of support to their owners. FARM. STOCK. Farmers and others owning cattle should avail tbemselve3 of this means of saving the value of their stock, and secure an equiva lent for the loss which would otherwise fall heavily1 upon them in being deprived, of their; Cattle, by insuring in this, the PIONEER COMPANY OF AMERICA h By insuring in this Company 2'ou ex change a certainty, for an uncertainty. No man can telljwhether his imimala maynot be' stolen or die through, some unforsetii calamity. ' '; Ogf Competent Agents tcanled, to tchom u liberal compensation teUL be paid. Apply to , v KERR &' CO.; General Agents, April 4, 18671y. Altoona. Pa. &5- Col. WM. K. PIPER, Ebensburg, hEs been appointed, local agent for-the Hartford Live Stock Insurance Company. I N THE ORPHANS' COURT OF H CAMRRTA COnNTY. lCntio ia berebv giyea that the following appraisements of certain perconal properties of decedents, se lected and set apart for the widows of intes tates, under Act of Assembly of the 14th'of April, 185lhave been fded in the Registejr'a office at Ebensburg and will be presented to the Orphans? Court for approval, on Wed nesday .the 6th day of June next, to wit Appraisement of certain personal proper ty of Thomas Rogers, late of Conemaugh towDship, dee'd, set apart for the widow of Safd decedent. : I 'i . Appraisement of certain personal proper ty of Andrew M'Grain; lata of Clearfield tp., deceased. jset apart, foti the iWiJp of said decedent. ; Appraisement of the personal property cf Francis M'Connell, late of Clearfield town ship, dee'd, set apart tor tbe widow cf said decedent. " ! Appraisement of certain personal proper ty of Jocob Burkey, late of Croyle township, deceased, set apart? fr the widow of said decedent.! JAI"3 CIFflN, Clerk. nno,wiio3i it iixy coxcerit All persons knowing themselves ic debted to the undersigned on book account, or by cotes now due, are requested to cal and settle the same either by paying the cash (which, of course, would be preferred) or giving or renewing their notes, on or be fore the 1st day of July sext.'as after that data all acccsnts rer.:rJci".g unsettled will be left in'the'hands cf a "proper xScer for col-' lection, j A. SAUPP. SIT. Auguatlne, May 2. l887.-2m. . BT' J0H2J Saxk. ' -'J -'J 1 There's a game macbj'fai fashion, T' tlilnk it's t. -. called Euchre," ' ' ' v ''. '- " . (Tho I never have played it for plearars cr ' - J lucre,) :- j : ' - j In which, when the cards are In certa'ni po eitioas, " i''Z j The players appear to have ciangedV their conditions, ''V':!' ''.'. " And ons of theni cries, Id a confident tone, ' 'l think I may venture to "go it alone V" I 'tis a whim of 1 .: game, "While watching the , ! the Dara's,:: : ' i .r.ni.. A moral to draw from, the skirmish cf cards, And to fancy he finds bi the trivial strife i Some excellent hints for. th battle of life s : Where whether the prize, be a ribboa or throne .T.'r - ' ' The winner is he ,wh.o can ' go it alone! V "YTieuThegfeal Galileo' proclaimed' that the In a regular orbit, -was ceaselessly Afad got not a convertfor all of his pains, But only derision, and prison; and chains, It moves, or aZZ Vtall" was his answering: Uone,--' " ';; ' For he knew, like te earth, he could "go it alone!" 'i " ' . ... When Kepler, with, intellect piercing afar Discovered the laws of each plane t and star, And doctors who ought to have landed his name Kr--H Derided his learnjcg and blackened his farna, I can wait,'f ha repfod, "till the. truth, you can' own'. ? , .. ' For he felt in his heart he could "go It alone! f Alas for the player who idly depends"5 ' ;, In the struggle. of life opon kindred or friends; Whatever the value of blessings like these. They can never atone for inglorious ease, ; Ner comfort the coward, who finds .with a groan, t ' ' ; That his crutches Lave left him to "go it alone!" - - There's something no doubt In the hand you. may hold -( r f t- . . ' Health, family $ culture, wit, beauty and gold; The fortunate owner may fairly regard As eachtf in its way, a most excellent card. Yet the game intty be lost, with all these for , - juur own,..;"",-;. . , .-, Unless you've the courage to "go it alone !' In battle, or business, :whatever the game : In law or in love, It' is ever the same ; Iu the struggle for power, or the scramble for pelf, : : . ? .". Let this'be your motto. ''Rely on yourself 1" For whether the prize be a ribbon or throne, The winner is he who can "go it alone I" A'HOMILY ON A HOMILY. BY D. A. ivKaisr. (It' at I DOZ. ocbtK i'E rra liovvu just received and for sale low for eash ff.jb.23. 1 GEO. HUNTLEY 3. M-9 Vonr roods br cash at Feb. 28. GEO. HUNTLEY'S. I have read, witty Saxe. yonr last Terseson h uchre a ; game I nave played, - tnov never. lor lucre) -. . . . And if you but knew it as well as I know it You would find, oh most genial and excel ' '"' lent poet,.. " .. , , , . . , -1 It leaches a lesson more useful than one,' " To be gleaned from the sentence, "I'll play ; 'Rf albnel-;; AAA At AM lAAt Self-reliance, we know, la an excellent" trait : The advance guard of science who patiently - '..wait .' . . ' ' ',". ;; Until timev has developed the' truths they ';.. proclaim,.;;.. AA:,:. -, Deserve a high place on the records of fame,' And often in life," as in Euchre, I own: : j Yrou make a big march when you "play it : -1 alonel"-; -'' i .i--v--.t -. -; Bat to go it alone, you'no doubt understand, You "must bold the big knaxes of the pack in . .. ; your hand;. . . ., J. r ' , ' , .. .', -J And too often in life In a similar fix,; . . You depend on such cards to secure von- "the 1 tricks" '; y .. . . . . So that something .too much of the knave T r'.V may be shown . . , -. In' the selfish desire to ."go it alone But the game you describe as a 'trivial : Strife" r .:..;':..', -i'. . '.' i . .' J . . .. - i Has a moral to point for tbe battle of life; It is this--when .the cards are dealt round ' 'J on the stand, i ' . ' . ! And each player looks anxiously into Lis hand How: bravely your partner ill lnck can resist If cheered by the sound of your Toice, i U I assist!" - x " 1 What's the worth of thia world if designing ---," ' and cold, ' . , You selfishly eek all the "honors, to Bold, Repelling your neighbor with glances of stone And. the words harsLly spoken, "I'll play it No. no, higherup on hnroanity's list .( Is he .who caa "cheerfully say "I'll assist V Theri. irUldve, O rashipoet ! if she whose bright yes . SCI -;t 1.1 ,.Yi rjv-.sfe' Are gazing in 3'ours with tender Enrrrise, Should 'apply to your own:- case the moral ; v- - . you ve fbown !: ' And quietly tell you to "play it alone !" ; With what passionate ardor these lips would : -be kissed AA tw'ords,'"!!! assist!" Till tbey ' murmured once more 'the soft Then fcb'oHa the pack ! t Cut the cards once i' fgain ! - .;-. ,' 1 . And let a new mcral awaken, your strain- Go teach to the n-orld that the battle cf Ufa May be 11: ttei to all who take part in tbe ' 7";; 6fr'ifvV';''-'.'.; , ;.?)-;" If'tlia.f.-erov.s li-s-a .hca-iaugbt'bi not -'mibfiid,' "' '' 7 ' w .- (assist fw And each rjta to bis neighbor will say "ItL . a r-TrV""T ri r,-?TT'T T fITT I looked at try cfeihbor with considers 13 curiosity- - Kis face indicated : &, s'tnkn cf not oyer thirty years-r-a pGriodTat which r . a are still young, but his Lair- Tr&s .as i,.hito p.s frch fill?n snow, .. Oao seldota tecs even ca,tt-3 lieadi I La oldest taen, hair of ; 8uch".itaci?.culatp Vrbitcne'Vlle sat by my - side in; a car of : the Csreat Western Railroad, ' in Canada, tmd wa looking out at the i-' window.? Suddenly tamic his head he caught taa ia the1 act cf staring at him --a rudeness cf which'I was ashamed. I was aboutto say sotea words of 'apology' when:' he : quietly j marked: ; , ,.v. V, A? f VDon't mention it, eirr, I'm used tojt" .The frankness of this observation pleas ed mei and in a, Tery little while we were conversing on terms of familiar acquaint- me ancesaip, and oetore long ne iiaa toia ' I was a soldier in the army of India : eatii he, 'and as is often the" case )with 'soldiers I was a little; too fond , -of good: liquor. One' day I got ; drunk , and was shut up in the black hole for it. I slump-! ed down upon lh floors of the dungeon and was just dropping efF to sleep, when II felt a cold,- slimy, shape era wU"ng across my right hand as it lay stretched out above my head on the ' flbof. " I Ttnew at once what it wasf-a snake! Of Wurse my first "impulse was to draw 1 away my bandy but knowing If I did so the poison ous reptile Woul4 probably, strike its fangs into mo,M lay. still wilh my heart beating in: my, breast like a trip hammer . Of j course my fright sobered me instantly. ' 1 1 realized all my peril in "its 'fullest "extent.1, j O, how I lamented the hour that I had touched liquor 1 , In every glass," of liquor they "say there is .'a serpent ; but it' does ; not come" .te everybody in the ; shape it cams to me ; With a j slow,' undulating motion the reptile dragged its carcass- j acrpes my face, inch by inch, : and crept dawn over my breast,' ana thrust its head inside my jacket " As I felt the hideous scraping, of the Elimy body, oyer my "cheeks' it was only by . the , most tremendous . et-5 lort that, I succeeded in restraining my self from yelling loudly with mingled terror and disgust. 'At last I felt the tail wriggling j down Lio wards 1 my chin; but imagine what I felt at heart, if you can imagine it, as I realized that the dreadful creature bad coded itselt op under my . jacket as I lay, and had, seemingly gone to sleep, for it was still as death. Jbvi- dcntly .it had no idea that I was a human creature;, if it had it, would not .have acted in v this manner..-: ;All snakes- are cowardly, and they will not approach a man unless to: strike him in self defense. Three boors ". I lay with that dreadful .weight on my bosom,'-' and each ; minute was like an hour to me --hke a year I L 'eeemed: to" have 'lived a lifetime; inVthat brief space Every incident. of my 'Iife passed across my mind 'In rapid succes sions as they say .is the case with drown ing men. Al thought of my mother, away in old England ; my happy home by the borders of the Avon ; my J'Jary, the girl I; loved, and: never, expected, to see them more. For no matter how . long 1 1 . bore this, I felt that it would end in death -at last.- I lay as rigid as a corpse, scarcely daring even to breathe, . and all the time my breast was growing colder and .'colder where the snake lay against it, with noth ing but aTjbin cottpn shirt between my skin and its. I knew if . I stirred it would strike ; but. I felt I- could not bear . this much longer- . , Even if J. succeeded in ly ing still until the: guard .came, I expected that his opening the. door and coming in would be my death warrant' all the same j for no doubt the reptile would, sea that-1 was a man, as soon c.3 the light shduli be let in at the door.. -; At last I heard fact steps approaching.-- There Was; a 'rattling in the lock. " It7" was -tho guard: ,11 e opened the door, ,Th3 snake -a . corlra di capdlo I now eaw--darted up Its huggi hooded; head,, with the , hideous rins around its eves, as about to strike. 1 shut my eyes, and murmured & short prayer Thca it glided away. with", a .swift motion,: and disappeared in the darkness. I stag gered to: my f set, and ' fell swooning into the arms of tho guard. ' For weeks , aflerF I wasery'skk ;;.and when 1 was able ta be about," T found that my hair was, white asi you see,'iU.,MV.have'; never, touched, a drop offliquor Elnce.',----rm,' Wirt Sites. TLa Cleveland Iterate xsakestLe Al lowing ' Sensible' remarks ia relation ' to local newspapers -r'It matters not Low rsany'newepapers & man takes, his list is cot complete I withont i his home paper. Every citizen-, who: wishes- well -for Lis locality, should give a generous support to his home paper. If that paper is not juet such as r he would wish, -he should feel that himself and neighbors are responsible, in. a measure?"for its short comings. ( Give a paper a riberal Support, aa active sympathy,- and it will instantly respond to such manifestations.' - Let an editor feel that his efforts are appreciated,; and he is the most responsive bing eri earth ; Lis paper being a part cf himelii he is as sen sitive tpt praise of . censure aa a doting father. . , Nothing csn supply, the place of the home paper, , It is the mirror in which the town and neigh borheod , news is re flected;, in the social, political and religi- ous circle weie pnniea, it niis a, piace that no other paper 'Can,'' Wiien'.a need of economy ; compels 1 the ' curtailment', cf yoernewspaper lisf, strike off every "other one before' yon Say to the "publisher' of your home journal : "Stop my paperl" The man -who does cot.; read the adfer tisements in his homet paper, c4'a never be said to be .well . posted. ,s The; ady?rtise ments indicate not only the-business en terprise of the place in which, they are published, but .the enterprise of the adver tiser!" When you see a man who 'adverr tises liberally j yda ;may be certain of SSnding a good stock of goods in his slore tharbe keeps op with the market, - and sells cheaper than those who do not ad vertise. If . you;! want ; goodi bargains, always patronize those :who avail them selves of the advantages afforded ; through the advertising columns of,: the home psper." . ?j , : 'r . . .: A' . ;Thrb Is'ia'.dog in Edlcburg which fur eight .and a half-years 'has kept nightly, watch over the grave of Lis master la the Old Grey'frinfs'. churchyard,t AU ervdaav ors to "induce him tov' relinquish hia vigils have been uoavailing, even ia the most inclement' Weather7 IIo rfcams: ahoufty day and is fed by thb pedpld rwh'6'have become interested in hi3 remarkabla fidelity- ' . AK -IJkFORTCNATB PKIZE-IIoLrjltH. A man who lives in one of the rural coun ties of Ohio drew tbe: priia of t20j000 acres of land in Pike County Kehtncky," in tbe recent gift enterprise scheme in that vicinity,' He called upon the managers of (be. enterprise and told them ' he didn't want the land, and they, might keep it by giving bim .2,0Q0. . - They declined the 'offer, , generous as it was, and then' ha dropped.to $15,000, and. finally, to $10, 000, declaring that he "aoped never, to see hia wife and children if he would take a cent less.' ; tThe gift men didn't; want the land. : It was" worth double the price he offered to take for if, of course,; but theyihad other uses for the -: money and couldn't invest. He took the deed for the dahdwbuld gladly have taken the will for the deed,; that is, if they willed to give him the money and went to Pike county to view bis possessions.- ..lie found twenty thousand acres, of barren rock and mountain, that would hardly afford, sub eistance for a. rattlesnake. ' He couldn't find a level spot Tbf ground lha,t afforded sufficient space for the ' most economical garden patch, but he could instead -' I j. - . ;'See rudely. swell ., ,,. , . .,. ! Crag o'er crag, and fell ber fell." " And nothing else. - Ie wended his way back again the way from c Pike"--and offered to let the gift managers have tbe land for 800 hoped to die if he'd fall another cent. They declined the of fer, singular aa it may appear, but finally agreed to take it oST his hands and pay him $500.' ' This he indignantly refused, and io he siiU retiains one' of the great land monopolists'" of the day, the owner of sin exceedingly picturesque and undu lating farm of twenty thousand acres. Turf Fktdtnd''IfcrnL.;.Ax V.-'i t About (wenty mile from Carson City, Nevada,- are some mineral; springs called Steamboat Springs, ' from the noise ' they make, which sounds like several steamers discharging - steam. These springs cover an area of about three hcres. The water ia boiling hot, and the escaping steam caa be seen tor several miles, keiora sunrise, and the atmorphere iq the vicisityia filled with the smell of sulphur. '.There are crevices in tbe rocks where the water can be Eeea boiling at a depth ef thirty ."feet. Theire is also a epricg which ia. called Breathins: Spring. v It . is, shaped much like' a well- The ..water recedes .to the depth ,of tsn or, twelve feet remains for five minutes, and then commences to boil. arid rises till it shoots' into the air "about. tea" feet," and ia tea minutes' it begins to recede nviZBJZsA-ti .1 ' ? . !. .'1 - ' 1 . t. . - . ct f-.mrr..' "Thsv bars & curicua rz,y cf CJA f: 3 c ra taeir tatssrs lss.zsa to Lis fcca-ia-uw tLree acres cf land, to he tUhtsd' with ccro and to ,ta cultivated by hio.at ta- halves. Ia tl 3 I ia- i: I" thr.frs.3 t!:3 3 ever wcrieJ ca t i- v:.ut be, I worked hard, all .s'umrher end st harvest time, when jfe' cace to tlivids fth3 crop,. Icot only Lad no corn left -far, my self, but I had to go fcnd buy five bushels ci aneisa corn io,m&&e cut my tatser-in- lawa bASA:- AfifA;v lA A A - Here" is RnotW caaPiUustratin? th workings of. this ''pecuirarrmstutiaaM of doing things ca shares Farmer X happened to'havaTaore pigs than'Le could keep, while his neighborrB' fcad more milk than he could dlpssa c -day, A brought - two" pigs - over and deposited them .in B-- -'s pen, eayic that he wished B to keep them oai shares and that he might heep theni to months and have one of them as bis share, H - replied that, as Le bad .plenty .'cf feed, he would keep them four, months and have them both, as,'' of; course' '. hat would amotiht to the samVihing! - A ---- left, saying that he supposed it: wai alt right ;; bat guessed he wouldn't bfic an-o'qre.v,r i ' --'Xr i In a certain school ia Springfield, Mass.! the lady teacher," a fa w days since; bad oc casion to punish one of the littla bbys"'.for using profane language. ' ' Thers bsin a knot hole in lha floor, she conceived lEV idea to make, him 'think ha had got t o stand near by with a -pair of tcbgsand' watch until ha caught a r rat that should come . p , from Jbelow. , Stationing hinv she gave him strict .injunctions to remain, until he accomplished the feat, calculating of course, after he had stood there a couple of hours, to send him to his seat . Judged cf her surprise" when; two minutes afler he fastened the tongs to a genuine live fallow -of -the ;rat:i kind 'with enormous whiskers and tail, and holding him up,' exclaimed,vBy;G d I've caug'Ht himl"- V Tub MEiioRT Of . AIotuce. When. temptations assail, and when you are al most persuaded to do wronsr. how often a' dear mother's word, of warning will call1 to mma vows that are rarely broken 1 Yes, the" memory of a "mother has saved many a poor wretch from from? astrav. 5 Tall grass may be growing over, the haI-.: lowed spot where her earthly remains . repose : the dvmrr leaves of autumn ma - be whirled over them, or tbe white mantle ot winter mayxoyer them from sight ; yet ner spirit appears when he walks in the right path, and gently, softly; mournfully calls for him when wandering off into tbe ways 01 error. .., :-; ti , ; ; -; ? Save Yo'cs Old Beead. Everv housa-" keeperperhaps. does not know tb&t ri.' ces of old bread, crumbs, &'c,, cn' being" soaaea ana mixed up with dough in ma-" king new bread, improves it very' much. ' We would advise all house-keeoers: who read this recipe to try it and our; word for" it, they will never allow a piece of dry ; Dreaa to oe lost atterwards, especially ia these hih prices, when flour is from er- . enteen to eighteen dollars per barreL ? Let .. economy te the watchword. , ... rT, . Sons cf our fiiends who dellcht ia ' flowers, ought to try an experiment rec-1 emmecded by one . of our exchanges. - If successful, the result will be a gralifying"' one. . it says;. Jiny, lady who cultivates arose ia her aDartments will find that fcV . ' planting an onion in the same pot, the fxa- I 1 - F . t "ti . . . . grsnce vi iu rosa win increase a liuncre J ; per cent. 'Why this is so is mora than we can sajA'A "A : A A' '".' ,. ' Is Profarsor Phslrs bock, entitled ThaT Still Hour, occurs tbe fjllowirg scntencs: rFhe Etillr:es3 of the hour 13 the ttilloess-i of a dead clan -at iea.',-: The printer, aud . cot ' l!V author, was responsible for the' substitution cf "clam." for calra... . . . A Ves you're' a married man, Sammy, you'll understand & great many things as you don't understand tow; but vether it's vortli Vila to c iirotsga so mscn to ieara so little.' as the charity bbr:aid when -ta got to tl.2 cad of the alphabet, Is'a mait of tasta. " I ' How, like thz shadow epea' iba 'dl&l. i thought is ever returning1 to tho plaea'cf 1 begisning where 'we first bejea to livt, ' where we first began to love ; to the hems- ' stead audi tho trysting place,' the. pbyl ground an3 . tho graveyard. t,v,' .f.,. i : A DkcsKEK fellow, sitting n'tha.ttep't cf ;a church in-'Bostoa,' the cold 'winds'!' blowing chillicgly retmd'the corner i ; If ' Heaven (Lie) terspers ths wiiid to tha (his) shorn htsb, I wish the lamb (hk) wcn' this corner.'.! ,; .. - ;" -T11 3" spring ' faslnon, fecctiosly." re-7 narks the the Krie OUnyer for l'27i"ftr very, attractive particularly the ctaitk-ns. . Ths Ra-lical party U like thaTsrn-,!- icn-'I. net "growing-stn'atl by degrees arid beau tifully I2.J." j assembl rhaycr y eveiil : which t 'vhich f Jiavo - iSsed : of . pectator: ; cage cc , "C3 .were a 1 . . . iv xhibit hi a. Tlie i and ac i of theis j f the lion i tractable full conf ? ?m, cntes v ;egan to ' k All !kt lenga ctionr r. .Vhitesti 1 I a whir .'spring n t:er withl . vould a bis back 7111 of hot ' se of. sp j ted; mm .blisbmct I itenanccs I I others n Vainly h I lion tan i" ly awai x!y awj j for. tlie f i paws i f ,:n and I -:e terrib f ferocio 53 was 1 f most of I ?one of" ppened f 5 an 1 ast the 1! ; "rinimpl ;jold.I -: iined his I pants of led blov . suprems 1 ig of be 'It wouh I such a: I be dis .. dangen ,Ie, but i jiterial l i Injured, nted"h:i: lesh in ;. liing the :i nlmos . jl the ol .cccdcd : I Lfickil ; lonesscs ' ad only ipellod t! , ith thoi ; 4 feeding iding tl: -, turn. ; not till be pcri Oi Wiite f contc: aAer lc: ' I to tho now lie f is undo has ret i 3 to rc ; 'y sou! : ocntcr ? dread io clav mal is ; and ! una h: ions.' H celeb: 'aria, b , usual s present; ' f delina. , fdotal 1 ' -o hat; ;! odiate! I 'te, an I l :not?i '- rasa ' J Io cure ' 1; f.ock 1 1 .TOW 3 l".r - ro rc t - ix r7! : cto th t, in 7 if 17t A v-l . :': 1 1 .H. -An r.n 111!