The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, May 23, 1867, Image 3

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MAY 2318G7.
rwKocBATic ConrsaEKCB. At a meeting
the Democratic Executive Committee, held
a,. CnarX House, Ebensburg. on Wednes
L 15th task. Capt. II. D. Woodruff was
'i ted Delegate to tbe State- Convention, to
t. held lUh June, 1867; R. L. Johnston
1C L. Pershing, Esqs., appointed Dele
to SUte Convention to assemble at call
(airman of State Central Committee,
j Vtn. Kittell, Juhn P. Linton and John
B?air rq-, chosen Delegates to select Sen
torial Dlegate to tn8 above Conventions.
Saturday the 23th June was fixed for the
, (jjng of delegate elections. Convention
Le held July 1st. 1867. Adjourned.
Geo. C- K. Zahm, Gh. Co. Com.
ABaacs or Accidsxts. On Saturday
morning gn unfortunate young man was
found la 8tat0 ueP?"ded animation on
IliiA street, hia body stretched on the pave
ment and his head reclining against the front
Jour of one of our business houses. Efforts
to raitore hia wandering faculties were for a
tin raia, tut at length he was raised to hia
..t when, with' a sudden effort, he broke
fram those who had him in charge, and rush-
iat Hme distance, fell pmstrate near uiairs
Ilia fail friirhteoed the heree of Mr.
Q W. Lloyd, of Susquehanna township.
vu of our fctau richest citizens and most en
terprising lumbermen, causing the animal to
I've a sudden jump, which broke the girth
ami threw Mr. Lloyd into the air, falling on
Lit back and shoulders on the pavement.
Jit Mr. L. U a man over fifty years of age
sud weifhing 20 pounds, it may well be
imigtned that hU case was regarded with
jfne solicitude by hia frirfida. Dr. Letn
flit. who was suaimoned without delay,
on ascertained, however, that no bones
were broken, aad the patient will doubtless
re long be. himself agaiu. "Vah," upon
fceln j congratulated on his escape, good hu
ooredly remarked that it wasn't much c an
accident after all- ouly a Maplah.' The
cause of the mUhap -or rather the young
man who was imbued with the cause was
' kiudly provided for by the Sheriff, and has
o fair recovered as to We able t he out
'Laded out.
GAUGKSisa, While our radical friends
w troubled with ngr on the brain, the
IuIIm writlimit 4iitincti'Ki of ftartv. have
rtfc a tbe train. Go where you will
you see theta is rapid motion, with seeds,
or sprouts, aoeVers, or sowthing to plant.
Everything they cao get must le jJatrfcd,
looks very ruuen nae -runcing mo
soaped their dutches the other aay uy ueai- i
" . ., . I
ing a rapid retreat, nvcrfy tecae his J
rlothe Iked tteJa ! The ladies are far the J
raiiui nirrni, mini vc .
Uthes Uk.l ttedul Tue ladies aretorine
uxist part iBtellieut upon every ptuer ques- j
. . . . 1
. . ..m: . mim.
Wteraiy-this and aocsr clicamvo.. Wef
overheard the conclusion f a dialogae the
her day, however, which satkofied us that
there is ao young lady at least in thiscom
lauolty eu.-itila on the sulject of gardening.
llr xaitlr was urging her at the time to
fix the led fb garden lK t course.)
auJ as k lruir ree ecclainted r yVh.t
will become of the garden wherr I die" and
Icava it to vou V "Wliy. dear Ma." re,
'plie.rtle alfbctiooats daughterwlie-yon
the garde d I icU Ixftfi ffo inti
MencsTT. Jvrfifeboiy makes complaint
that an Immodest idea as cnnveynl in one
f MadShauc'a letters to the FasCllM?. - Our
coDfittenoein "JXac" Uwich that we pay bat
flight attentii to his JIS., but have since
looked over his correspondence without be
In able to find anytljing ia tb hart tinc
tured with vulgarity. If mr readers take
ids words in their ptdn EoglUli meaning
they will find nothing to make them bJuh
I f. on th other twnd , they ttee.k fr itn mode
allusions in everything tbey read, no eodipo
cition will stand the r Ao old maid once
congratulated Dr. 4tlioti oa having no
vulgar words ia ' lit1 dictionary -"True,
. Madam ,! retorted tle intfeHtfCtuaT runnster.
"but I pee j on havebeeu lo .kiug for tijera.'
V. S. Sinse writing the foregoing we learq
ithat out motZcircritlc wa Tunfy jw terraioer
tf the FttKEMAW. .Suhscribo and it will be
all right.
A Caubxiak is Iowa,-1-We are in receip
of an intereiing letter fromour old Cambria
friend, Mr, Vm. D. UcaPi. i:. Ho informs us
that many Cambrians are securing homes in
hi neighborhood. Mr, IL is agent for tho
ale of large tracts of Western land, which
he desires to show such of his old neighbors
. a emigrate in that direction. His post of
fice is Millcr?burg, Iowa county, Iowa.-Jtfe
ays that Spring wheat and oats have been
in the ground fur some time In hia vicinity.
' : : .. '::
iMrosiira CEaxtfosiY. Tbe laying of the
corner-atone of ; the new Catholic church in
this place will take place on Tuesday after-
noon, Jane 4ths: A large number of clergy-,
men will be in attendance, and the sermon
. will be preached by Esv. S. Wall, President
of St. Michael's Seminary. An. immense
concourse of. people will doubtless be. in at
tendance, as the ceremonies will be unusually
grand and interesting. ' j f
, Did too Evta see a- greater variety of
good than Is displayed-at the" Jewelry e
, UUUhment of C. T. Roberts on High street 7
, Clocks watches, jewelry, : musical instru
neats, photograph albums,' school books,
tationery, toys, tobaccos, cigars, gent's fur
nishing goods, cutlery,, and a host of, other
thirgs it takes our breath to think, about,
touch less enumerate. , Go and seeforyour
elvea, everybody.' ' . ' . ' .
Th Ekd. Some of the Millerites prophe
JJ the dissolution of all things earthly dur
l0S the present month, and as there are not
ttany days yet to go 00 it would be 'well
'noujh for everybody to buv all they need J
k.ioe c&eap store 01 wuls Davis, on High
freet, before that eventful period arrives.
00 don't put ofT till to-morrow what should
done to-day, esjecially when' time" and
ttoaey are both it stake. .
EDrroia.4LmE3, Local and GirKEiUL
-Radical P&xcEslWour $17 per barrel.
",' D electa blk The Vonirov'ersy Eroing
on between Hoover "of tha ReaisUr and
Erotherline of the Whig. ' ' 'f - J " : ;' j
Jjutf.'Davis-The rebel chief is stop
ping at the, N; Xi Hotel.. V)Il3 has Select
ed good quarters, as some of our Ebensburg
friend3 can verify.- 1 5 J
Candidates. -Our sxchcages are alive
with announcements of candidates for tbe
coming campaign.-. Cambria county don't
appear to have any. ; :i ,
i Goakt Hocsi& We cordially recom
mend this hotel to .visiters at Hemlock.
Lieut. Wilkin is . a landlord who makes
everybody feel at home under his roof. ?
; Cait. II. D. Woodruff was unani
mously appointed delegate -to Harrisburg
by the Democratic Committee. It was
a deserved honor ; and the trust will be
faithfully discharged.'
Caed. Our young friend, "Robert Dev-
eraux, M. D., it will be seen by-his card
in another colamn,, hat put up his shingle
at Suramitville. We predict for him a
successful professional" career. ''.'.
Odd Urotherline of the Wliig "seems
to have got a twinge of the old Anti-Ma-eonic
disease remaining in his system, and
is down en the Odd FellowfC Wonder if
the L O. O. F. will survive it I
Had Treatment of JSVcfltoEs. A ne
gro boy was recently struck by lightning
near Columbia S. C. : This is a new ar
gument that the South is net yet prepared
to enjoy the ''blessings of the Union."
Tempexance.- A man down in Maine
has recently been tried, convicted and sen
tenced to pay a fine of sixteen dollars, for
selling a glass ol sweet eider. "Exchange.
Served him right -why didn't he wait
till it got 4sharpT V i )
Watchmaking &c- We Invite atten
tion to the card of Mr,
and watchmaker. ' Mr.
of Mr. Louis Laekhardt, Johnstown, and
is fully qualified to perform all work he
undertakes.. . : :
Givs rr to Em. Tlie" Huntingdon
Monitor pouring hot shot into the Jour
nal and Lewittown Gazette, in regard to
the Rasical attempt to sell the Hunting
doa 1. O. to a democrat, when they could J
not eet it themselves!
num. AR&i.
The Alleghanian .is hard, to, please.'
: i . i 1 ' ' : - .
U.m'f Iiliora it I eHitnr Mrruili annrnna
of the Acta of tha-Apostles,
Toncco. Anv of our Ci
- 'i r
- i i- .-. - i
Tosacco. Any of our Cana!ma friends
i... - . - .i
" . J .
des;ning to procure tie beet tobacco and
l ai.vam rrl raofinnr tfia rK'ffl man
. . V t -W :
- - n ' Wpir -r
huge tobacco store of Dr. Taylor, comer
r e . .. .1.1. i ' -'.;.': I
of Market & Fourth streets
A WnorPER---J. D. Hick's; writes to
the Leader from Tyrone, that he haa
"learned that there arc over COO whisky-
5eums,Nii u -7;. , . wuui thig Bectioa are unanimous in their appre
embrace1 about ' the- whole eamber of tenl0&3 ar ar0i ef aiiy of their
Ci-oniiEit xyx TAiiiOR.r- The adver
tisement of Mr. Jacob M- Pircher, Hoi!
daysburg, will be fouaj in the iSreanaii
to-day. He it well known, we doubt not,
to maay of ..our reader A, And . those who
know turn will bear as -out tn the asser
tion that he is au honest 'man and a cooh
petent mechanic. . Iiead his advertisement
and make up your minds, when next you
need anythmg in the clothing line, togiva
Mr. L'lrcher -a trial. lie, will be found
worthy of ull that carr be said f dono in
h; ib-i f. f
"IlDNTlKCnoK JouBKAlASJt. -A' Scrap of
lis. History.- Ths Uollidaybburg Whig of
laat wetk says; " ; ' : ' -'
-r".The present proprietora of, the Uanting-
rese nt proprietors Wiwung.
not say it was,stabUs!iea . m 1835
rr,irnv'. "Wt wnrfe.l i:i the tiScc'fcf. tha
Journal in the fallof 1830 and till the spring
of ISSlvfcr'lIeory'L. McConhell and John
G McCiea, who wer then The proprietors; Nothing unusual to disturb the equani
known as JlcOmneir 4S6 McCrea,- apd who nufy and brdar' of pur "lawnlias "recenlTy icva. csuwwnea. ine. concern oneor
two vears or more before we weat theTe,' ,
J", ,,, ,., : . , .L .
m uitvr " L3
the Journal correct, ,WeshalI gjve. accord-
.TrT-pnl1ftct5oa.;a brfef historv-of tha
.arW llnntint'doii newsbaners. 1
Th "Uuntinsdon Bepjiblicanf was start-
od at an early day in nunUngJou'.'andpub
hsbed by J arass iiarbour. Atterwards,
as early we thins: as iszi, tna iwo rivat pa-
pers in Huntingdon were the "Republican
Advocate" publish! by John ilullay, and
afterwards by Mullay & Underwood, which
was known as the Democratic organ. End
the, "Huntingdon Gazette' the Federal or-
gan, published by John M Uhan, and after-
wards by hu son J. Kinney M'Cahan. In
?R29. if we remember riahtly. Henry L.M'
Connell and John C-iM'Creaitarte3 the first
Anti-Masonic paper int Huotiiigdaa ' under
the name of the "Huntingdon Courier," and
not the Journal, as Mr. Brotherline 6tates.
I The Courier passed through several hands in
its rather brief career, and tn I&34 was pur
lished by the late Dr. Jacob Hodman, un
der whose control it- went down.' -In 1835,
as the Journal states, A. W. Benedictcotn
menced the Tmblicaticn of a' new Anti-Ma
sonic paper under the title of the ''Hunting-
don Joumab" , We recouect v;ell tha advent
of Mr. Benedict to Huntingdon, as editor of
the new paper. 1 As a declamatory partlz-aa
writer he had much ability -,' and soon gave
himself and bis friends some trouble" Jby the
severity xf .Li3' 'personal attacks. K re
mained several years editor of tbeournaZ.
and afterwards commenced tbe practice of
law. He had many good, traits of character
which will keep Lira long 1 a tae memory
. .1 :t.- w, v;. -v
v 1 Z,,
-v.iM I. Jj..s .ji .... ..
JonKSTowN, Mat .20, 16 C
Dear jPVefman rThe jiew Lutheran
Church hvthzs place Was dedicated yester
day. A large concourse of, people were
in attendance, po .services .being bell at
any of the other Protestant ch rches. F. j
W. Conrad, !D. Dlof Philadelphia,
preached the dedicatory eermon,' nd de-.
livereda; niosS . eloquent! and acceptable
discourse; IThls handsomer church edifice
has been erected at a cost of; 30,000, of
which but 3,6.00,' X am told; yet remains'
unpaid. Tha . members . of . this congre
gation have-certainly great causes to- be
proud of the result of their labors As Well
as of the promptness with 4L which they
have me( the outlay , consequent upon its
erection.;! ' ? ;vv t .?' ' I
. A fair bqfc.fcail creature named 5 ancy
Norris was taken; to tho ,1'oor House the
other day. .She hails from New Flor-!
ence, but was 'splurging" about our town
for several days and was finally committed
ior vagrancy. - one is oniy auoui i years
of age, but is a most pitiable bject,1 and
her career is another verification of the
adage that "the way of the transgressor
is hard." ' , ' XW .i I
" Some eight 'cases" r wcra confined; in
the lock-up on Saturday nigh tl . Two of
these were young-men and strangers in
townJ ; Their actions " exciting suspicion
they were arrested and held for examina
tion. ' The rest were the usual 'drunks'
which visit the leck-up monthly or oftener..
, The excavation for a new house on the
ground Made vacant by the burning of tbe
old Hamilton property, on Main street,
has been made, and a large business stand
will be immediately erected thereon.' The
building will be a plank one,- and will oc
cupy the entire front of the lot. The
Mechanical Works have the contract ;
The house and lot occupied by A Yea
for a hardware store and removing thereto
The Drs.r Y.: have built themselves an
oGce adioiniui.. - ' '.!
Geo. C. JI. -Zahm; onr popular and
efficient i'rothonotafy, sojourned a faw
days with lis last veek. i Our coqnty
cannot bcaet' a ciore etScient fncer or
... f .
better man than Mr, Z,. -,,,;
Siiu Bal.
Dear Freeman Although the crowded
condition ,bf your', colums prevented thfl
appearance fit . ''Iago' for the past; couple
of weeks, yet he feels that in the perform-
. e i , . . . . . . . .
gnmirnnnn rif- anmiLFnnra. njrM'it rrsra.
fully yielding to that which alone ' knows
fixcluded or post ponad-.
.' It ia the painful duty of 'your-corresi-poodent
to lament the unfavorablft weather
cf thft nasi' thrift wcfks unJ ihs -ill result
tht promiw to foUow to the agricnltural
interesta ot- the Country. Our farmers in
crops," heretofore, their ciiief reliance,. and !
many cf them? feel -so -much ;djscruraged
as to avow their doubts as to the usual re
turn, for their: labor in. any of ihej.chief
staples of -this, eectioau , Not a-grain, of
corn yet planted, in ' many , instances oats
yet unsown, and in no instance the usual
amount of plowing oc preparation -of the
ground for the planting of crops, owing to
me consiani rains ana.uniavorauie weamer
which still continues.. Yet, llope , the
j charmer, Lingers still be
behind,'? and it may
be tiiat tho fears of: the present may be
dispelled by tho fullest fruition in the fu
ture. At least We? may feel so and if
aisappoinieaj we nave uma exioua ior
regrets when fears Jaccome , realities.
Tbe work at the addition Jto.the church
, .progressing aa favArably as
, LB . . : .-,i.t.!
irpecrnit Tbo. snp ,01,0 the
chargeppf Mr. BreL,Snyderr is undej;;tuJl
.headway and, ere,,long..thaXounditjoiir.of
the improvement will Jbecomplete.
tp . although we1 are fed to expect
I v -, , 0 - , , v .a-
I a -breabh in -the monotony of our lives
here the arrival to-day 'of the celebra-
.ted horses and the exhibitiohLa
is to be given of their docility and obecli
1 ence tinder the directions and confrol 6f
professional horse taciers.:; ;v.. Mago.! 1
I '- ' ' ' - ' ; : ' '1
I Impobtant.- We were just about com
pieting arrangements for, going, to; press
whea it occurred to us that we should by
means let nm reader tnnwthat James
m. Thompson, on High' street; still keeps
his complete slock of merchandsie .vp to the
highest point in quantity and dow n to the
0West point In", prices' In this good (work
'Xvax deserves to be encouraged, .
Deied AJirD'CAiJKEDFaurTS.;--In addition
to his immense stock of staple goods. Mr, Y.
S. Barker has recently received a prime lot
tf dried apple3," peaches, prunes, currants,
canned fruits ana vegetables, . raisins, etc.
Whatever is needed for personal comfort or
family consumption .may be found at .his
establishment "at the very lowest 'prices.
J rj
j ,
' KOTicjE. I 'will deliver ' Hgge's Horse
Fork and Pulley toi tho6a who biv3 or
dered Ihcra froni me. as follows : At Ccott
House, Jehrstown, on Saturday,", Jcne 1st.
and at John A.Blair's Hotel, Lbsneburg, on
Tuesday, June 4th 8G7,'.-mj -
Jcnx HcjMPiiiiETS.-Ag'tfor Cambria Co.
. . i - - ' ; lt ?v,J- i;',;l " ,
L. W.'Wiu.iAks',"Eipresa Agent, Pa. R.
"n:. -while'Iockuis cut of the car door, tear
MarysviU-s," oil tha 17t'a was strucx ca the
1 head bv r:
read or a rasbic. irnsa ana sq terwu.
; 'jarei tUt La dl.i ia a day or two tiur.
. " Zolner jeweler I Ie7 & brother pn the corner of niam ami
Z. is a graduate Clinton streets, f ha I been pnrcaasea Dy
fiir. dwrdk, wnoaesigns numg -u up
j. t - r- ' ! ... .
T'w b't -Pooler.-wa executed in-Wash-n
jpZtlv, Va orrtLc i ISth'Jn'for tbe
cf Robert W. Dmsmore. Ha
rltU.i Vonfesska ia which hi tllrj"-
ges a r?n cf Hon.- ,T7nj d riqntgomery
with .ttZrg.a participant. rin. the .oarder,'
and tv.D others of his ions' with being ac
cessor!. 3 'before the fact.' Young Mont:
gcr-;!rv'v.:i3 trial Toftbk'critis tonie'tlrnai
since, ti Fcgler refused to : bear" witness
again; t him and he wa3 acquitted.
. In (learfieldtewnship, on Sunday, 12th
inst.,.Ur.5lENBt Kbise, aged 'p 7 years. ;
"' "Thcr has departed knothef of the pioneers
f Cambria county.ufter having lived almost
a century, ;tnpre than sixty years of which
have ,pasedTsmce,h.e opened tut ths farm
upbn 'hich ho ,die4.,"--ZIay he rest in peace.
O L'L I D A Y S B U E Gr !
lias ju t opened a full assortment of well se-
' : ' lected and most desirable , '.,
Gents' and Boys furnished with CLOTH
ING, HATS, SHOSS, &c4'of the latest
styles s-nd best Tnaterialr. at tho -X OWEST
A TlltlETy OF piece Gdobs,
which will be sold., by the yard or made to
order in the moit-approved manner, r
- it-; ;. t . ..i.. -i.: l.:,
tcmeri for more than twentt -five teabs,
be guarantees the same to all who may favor
hua Fitll their patronage in the luture.- -u
; : 05"toraoni the west sida of Montgomery
street, ' beldw Blair, next ' door to 'Masonic
Hall, Uollidaysburg, Pa. lmy23.1y.J
"PAllM; FOB SALE. The sub-
Bcriber offers at private sale his FARM,
situated in Cambria townshlp.vtwo .Tmiles
east cf, Loensburg, on the road leading to
Loretto. The Farm consists' of 8ff Acres,
iaore cr less, about &4 Acres of which are
cleared,' tinder good " fence',' and in a good
jstate cf cultivation. . Tae I balance of . the
land Is Wf 11 set-with sugar; chestnut, locust
and other marketable -timber. There is a
comfortable FRAME EOySB aad,a;FaiME
Bash, on the premises, and an Orchard of
choice Fruit Trees that have never yet failed
to bear. There is also a bever-failing spring
of pure water and "other necessary eoBveni
ences on the premises.' :,The Farm, will be
sold en fair terms and easy payments, and
an indisputable title will ' be riven. What
ia known as Bradley's Station, on the E, &
Further, information can be obtained by
Uamna ip., xa.ay .zij, iso.-u. .
Tf ' ICESSB PETITIONS to to presenV
-L ed oil thtf ecoad Monday (11th day
Ofj Cat J r rrr- Pi-,
Bor -William Gallagher ; Chest Tp Jacob
Glass ; Conernatigi Bor 1? rancis bcltz,' 'id
ward 1 ' JohnEtown-iBenrt Fritz,' Sd, waid ;
Bichland Tp-Peter Hcv!?; "',3r
Cambria Bor Georce Kesci ; ? J ohnstown
Dor Adam '.Pharrl . 3d ward ; IiJlviII--,
"John 'Walsh, j. Washington TpLizarus a.
Having oeca appoiusea 5.uininii.tia
tor'of the estate of John White, late of Blabk-
lick ; town ship; Cambria' county 'dee'd, -""the
undersigned hereby notiiies; au persons in
debted to said estate tp make payment with
out (Jelay, and those having claims against
the same are requested to present' them pro
perly authenticated for settlement. '1 -,
;'., f": Adm'r of John White, dee'd.'
Hay 23, 1867.-t. 4
Letters of Administration on the estate
Af Hen ry.Krise, late of ClearSeld township,
dee'd; have been granted to the snbscribers.
jesidiogi in isaid township.1 1 -Those having
chunks against said estate -win present tnem
properly1 probated,- varid' those owing tho es
tate am requested to maks payment.' r?r
i;fM:i !;;.! jJOHN JOvRISEls ,U
i'nVii-WM. ovKRiSE;r.4
May 23, lSQ7.euAL : vv;vir a
TOKC'UittlTlCE; letters
.-Testamentary on the .estate- of, John
CLmiiinghaui j late of Susquehanna township,
'dee'd, baye. been granted to the undersigned,
residing in CarroU iowpship.Cambria coun
ty..,; All persons having claims-against .said
estate willj present them; "properly. proven,
and thoseindebted to the same are request"
ed to come forward and make payment. -'
' - , ; HENRX,BYB.KE, Bxecutor.,
;.; May,23, 1867,-6t. -
Has taken the room on High street, opposite
" :' V .! ' V
the Mountain House, recently occupied by
It. J. Lloyd as a Drug Store. - Watches and
Jewelry repaired on short notice and at the
1,-iwpcf-. mfM'ind: all 'work: warranted- -i -1
-Ebensburg, Hay 23, 1SS7. ,
EicrAN aso Stm'aEOSr ' Summit,' Pa;
Office east end of Mansion House, on iiau
Road street.' Kight calls may be made at
the office; ,.y : : rr..' ; .
House, Ssn and Ornamental Painter.
Graining. Glazing. Paper Hanging, and all
other work, in - his line, promptly- executed,
snd "satisfaction guaranteed." LhcpMa ths
basement cf the Torn Hall.' ' !
Ebensburg, May 9; 18S7.-Cm.
THjENTISTRY. Dr. D; W. Zei--,ler,
having opened an office in rooms
over K. IL Themas' Etore, C-T.-ra tis prcies-
fclcc'a! services to the ciUzsns of,;Si-J r
ana v iciSity. - " a-.u.x-i.
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4ve C"-5cf ,1? Ccr'cf Carter Sesskts
ot Larabna County, t9 be' presented to the
J nd?s ff.siid Court ca' the. first Monday cf
fja tcit: , . .. a . . .. .r
, Cambria Bor AdaniHurtS, Xiw Uow .
Daniel MeDinaM Coner.acjh'.Bor Teter
Haltzi, Thomas Gorinia,- 1st Ward, Cecrge
Kurtz, Jo.ha Fitber, Jos AJtnse, 1-1 V.'crd ;
Carrc'Hown Bor Lawrence Scbreth, Josfpli
jDole.'.Eawrencq'Steich, Focis P.G.rossber-
geri Carroll Tn Andrew F Baker r Ebens-
burs Bor R F Lintcn'Ss 6on, Cot 'Ward;
Isaad Crawford,1 'Geo G orley Jol.a: A-' Elair,
West Wafd ; iConetsari Tp -Levi Jaccby;
GaUitzin Twp Flavian Haid, S i. Criste,
Uatfcew Dlrpan r JohEatoa Bsr Kichard
Jelly, J B M'Creight, Gotleib Less! -er, Jchn
j Bending, Jos Doubt, 2d Ward.Fhilip Shslfc-
fcise. Fatrics: Kelly, Jcbn Fritz, V ta loubt,
Bemcgius Durach, Charles 'Zlmrserriiari; sr,
D W Gouhnour; WmFalnier,: Cha3 Hoeh
etcin.Sd Ward, George N Ilohman, Hfnry
Schnable, th Ward ; 'Croyle' TpYictor
Voegtly 1 rMllIviilei Eman') 1 James, ; Jphn
ITp -David Faloon, Tjcnhard Kest ; Suinnr t
.;'t r.TTn-.. it,,v. . xtr.v, it
Bor Henry Hughes j Washington JTp
Veronica A lleuly, . Owen Sweeny-win
Qall&n, Geo Wliallin ; .Toder Tp Ecbeit
Barclay ; Blacklick Tpr-Joseph J Dunsrt-?.
" ' vattko nots tiexjesa. -
. Ebensbarg Bor-D W Conrad,; W. Ward) 4
Loretto Bor James . O'Donnell ; 'Sarnmit
villa Bor Christian Belch Vashington Tp
Mark Ucljanghlin r Wilmore Bor John
fschrota': C&rrolltown Bor Simon Schroth,
I Henry Blum; Cambria Bor Ignatius Eohle;
Johnstown Bor lienry liansman, John, A
Stsmrser, 4ih Ward- . : v.'U -1
GEO. C. K. ZAHM, Clerk.;
Tf1 1ST OF CAUSES set down for trial
at a Court cT Cc'mmoa Pleas of Cam
bria county, commencing ps Uondaf.'.ths
&a cay cf June next : - - ' .
TI2ST WZEiC - - i4' -
j. tb Johnston" etal-'-il .
, ,r.ts Black ; :v a 1
j. TS Byrne etal,. Vw?t...
T vs Price tt aL ,- 2' - 1
secoxd'wzek.. :' ' 'J'.'1
. Ts Swires et. ti , ' '
' 1 v's Colclesser et al
'.'X'vs Swires '' :
Jackson e tab
Baird ;
Brotherline: .
Hciltaan-' ' '
Bell I '
Hlgglas .A
frva Delacgaet al;' 1
Sari ver for. cjs hi
ts H'XIugh et al . ,
vs Zimmerman ;5 ,
H&rabeTger, :.,
iruby : -;v. .
Cowan ' - . "
vs Duncan
vs Barto et al
4vs Garvey
vs ButTer.r'
' vs Prinele' :
O'Neill adm'r,
Erallier's Adtars'
Pringls Adm'x 1
H'Carty l
its School D Alleg'y Tp
J.TS, Sams ;:-:r3?
Beck - 1
rs Same ..
. vs, Sam
"vs Same
.vs Sams
-'vs Same'1
Hall,,,, ..
II'Goughv '
.7 UT
vs School D Usa'r TJ
r--f f-rvs ;hosnbcr.gcr's - HxVs
J ou TS. Cooper. " A '
. j,p .. ,vs s Murray's Bxlrt et ,sl
Zahm t. a
vs L.nristy ,
vs Davi3 eta!
Dunmyer vs Boody
McFfelyT1! ns'Sch D ClearSsfdkTp
Twnr --J f Un Ram '
vs Same
Garraghaa'"" A ,Tnna? R TTCoT"
Rowlev ' vs .McHugh et al V- 5i
Eendoa; li ?rs ;Bendca :vs:i- '-""?
Ma&tcrson for -cse -vs McHugh .
Walsh ,f,? V'rsrPenaallRCo
Quyrk? rr jvs r3a2ie - ; - t i T
v ; f '; GEO. CK. ZAHMProth'y
CAMBRIA COUNTY. Notice is herehy
given that- the following appraisements of
certain personal properties of decedents, se
lected, t spart for the wiuowa of intes
tates, under Act of Assembly of the 14th f
April, 1351 have been led in the Register's ,
office a5 Ebensburg,4 aad will be, presented
to the Orphans' Court for approval, ion Wed
nesday the 6th day of June next, to wit :
-Appraisement cf certain ptrsonai proner--ty
' Of "Thomas' Rogers', late pf 'CoYiernangh
township, dee'd'sefc apart for the' widow of
4H&. Sicedsnt. Jliulit V IV u t't. t .f
Appraisement certain ncrst"Cal proper
ty of AE-Irew;M'Graini late cf CIcarfiWd tpn
deceased, set apart for the: widow f ald
.decedent, : j 'io ikz-j-iUifJA c .:; vl.j
' j. Appraisement' of thepersoi3al property cf
Francis M'Ooncell, late of Cleardeld tbwnW
ship, dee'd, set, apart for;the widow of Vsaid
A ppraisement c f certain 'pers'cnaT vroriLr
ty oi Jocob Ecrkey, lateof Cfoyla t&wnsbip.
deceased,5 fet apart for the 'widow cf 'said
decedent.- JAZU2 GIIIFFI3
O.RANT- HOUSE; : l-i - i
'' J0IUJ WlKlN;rrtpriibr:
This House his . bee a red tied, end offers
accommodations, tsupcrior'to any cth-et 'ITquso
la the Vicinity." . The Proprietor, after- long
experience ia the business, fcsls coaCientke'
nnderstands stia wants ci the public ' His ;
TABLE will-be-'supplied with, thedelicaeiea
ex tub Eeasca and tis l Ait fflth Ux9 choicest
wines., and liquors.. I By constant attentioa '
euu. mo lara ior iaa coxuion Ci -liiS -gaesIS
.1 r : t, : - i: i t
hjsj i luiituji uvjuaw mcrtb itucrai snare
of patronage. r v fmaylG-ly'.J"
i i vx iXi.--xiiu xiegiacer oi uarn-p-
' brla Coaa ty having granted Letter? cf
Ad rainUtratioa - to the uadersi-sed -ra' the
estate cf Andrew M'Grani, late of CkarCeld
township, Cambria 'county, decd, notice is
hereby giyen to persons Indebted to said es
tate make paytrsent,- and: those havlc'g'
claims against it to present them duly :an
thenticated for settlement." ' " "
. j:LLENii?6!un:JIV
TTArPTriTi . mi , n -... it
;- .am'x w t rew sxurain, cec'd.'
St. Augr:.tit'e..M2.yl , ' SG?.-6t
Tf -A2IE 'SAJlTi -p'-AtX I- S'v
. p r in- $ r-3
I I Li ' i,
C, fir - f 1 ! if r p- r--
HI A. ; ,l-
;1' tt-5Tj.2i 1
tola '":i;i:lurg ty
Wm; J. Williams
KUey j Lrffetto ISorrhilap ilerzes Jcbn IS
,fY0rm .TTTnTtni TlinffreTT sKrcf .CJnrMa Tnv
I jrary ; Aha", jiclvenzie," "John UcFeelyj
I Biehlatid Tr Geo Conrad. Jos Gels i Tavtcr