u u t . l .u :,-,! ; kl.. A-:i-V ..!' ; t i " ' '"A ; A A 7'" a n ('v-. .. i j " . -.a ,- A - ' -t " ".Si j wi j r.,n3, asjj ai.i. ass. cz.avk3 cr;2ni . ; v " 1 ,-.'' -J ..- . - 1 , ' ; - - - ; - ' . '1. , ' A'A'AA vA-.;: lerr; the of the :b o:, r';ngt!. say c fXow ) .Pa.! infer' VOLUME EBENSBURG, PAV -THUESDAY,. MAY S3, ae37: TIST UJtf ii AJxaiib of For- U rgn nd Domestic Jlrchaadla fa Caia Coooty for tht y?ar 1837 : A; A JoAmtcncn Ltorovgh. nil St Co 200 CS U Cbult Un rmaet 20 CC 11 LLockhartlt 7 C( li Cjnui llwt 7C: 14 8 LeopoU 7 C : 11 Leopold k I Brother - 10 00 !iiHWltert .7 CO I u C T Fraztr 7 00 j ! fir's flerirr- 1 flA 13 JcobFend 10 CO 1 J C Domra 7 CO stner 7 CO 13 CcnriineLanj .- Diroett 10 0 14 nc..!;r.al.?3 7 C3 bersreruiOr 7 C3 H JBFromalJ 7 CO 14 SarTj Dickey 7 CO 14 Jbo Thomas 7 CO M F Border 7 CO 14 WnDrlia 7 CO 13 JoJmDibertlQ CO II Wm II Pik 7 CO 111 J 8 Edwards 7 CO U John A Me. Ill Fred Kresa 7 00; Kinney 7 0 31 l uaiewan 114 u Dibert Zs 12 50 Bcnsbocf 7 CO :mLe: ! erlat. rt ia! Dd, rnia f alia, ' ' CO 4 Co 3 F w uay 12 60 14 D Darnharl 7 CO !;MraMiIlcr 7 CO 13 D Bihert 10 CO j U William U' . j 14 Srol Bbeara 7 CO j ?braon 7 CO 14 Alex Ilont Ml JRdIah gotnery 7 CO Ber 12 CO 14 Jno Ilannan 7 CO hi L Ohla & , , 13 ,C&born & ; s I Brothtr 10 CO, tosher . 10 0 j WUliamUp- HAD Brinker.7 CO j deraT 10 CO 14 John Ccatoa 7 CO II 0 Bnt!ey 7 CO 13 Geo 7chn 10 CO II Adam pharr 7 CO 14 J n Cbmk II CLarleZ:m. j fs Ca 7 CO j mennaa 7 TO! 14 DaTid Creed 7 CO III John Gia 15 CO 14 J UadLsoa& "I Ju J Mar- . j Co " 7 CO ! ,P5 J0 C0 14 liar & Cro 7 CO II Joh J Uw. , j 1 4 p Q'CkmneU 7 CD - tfjy . : 10 CO 14 Lc-in & Co 7 0 ..I M L Gron- ill D UcKenn t m 14 a Hears .- 7 14 Shoeciiker & bon -14 Jane HuiIIa' 7 CO 7 CO 14 E'iz Zi'Intosb 7 CO U Pyaart Co 7 00 14 Wm Tiley 7 COj 14 II UTJUoghIia7 CO v GoZiizin Ticnshh.' 14 J J Troiell 7 00114 F J Christr 7 OA 14 .Taa Murray 7 CC1 4 I'at'k Cn, th 14 J GearLart 14 F J rarrinb 11 J D:wsoa' 7 TbrisBradey 7 CO 7 CO 7 00 liGeor?rkey Lvjll Gia Conrad 7 CO 14 TTT Duncan? CD!!4 J G Adaaa 7 CO i U3.n)ci uiv 7 t: 1 1 1 S Aibaush 7 0 cni:yEnrc3 and. diotilleries. Host A ijst, Concm-5t!!:b Eornu urad- Uertacis: . - .. Is nn 15 CO 5 00 Al the reqosst cf a lady filecd-re rej ro duce from tha Cziurd:j 7Sdsci.r,t, one time literary newbps--:r TLH'Aia, tl Vuzzzxx mora tbaa 1'iirty jcr.r3 ; . The following lines are th production of genuemaa reidin la Hbessbtinr. They wre written, we are to!d, several years ao, wheu the author was but a yotitb, and con- iaia Eucn sweetnesa and poetic beantj. Had ' C3 so tli it L-:L-J Wis T. it.i .!! its , ana ilsj fur TUioinrr . th tnan vfw? AJ with tha ecnvictlon' th5.t I raji til drc-J ta C 3 j Sh. 15 CO I ' Art Cf Pop.trv iitK ea mn . io CO I emnt &a he has !eff1 ta nntv- t.e Ilermaa Yochsr, Oitrbria Boroogb, 1 G J Sctraderer.'ajihincton Turn.. 1 Julie Steicb, Carrc!Itowa Borough, 15 CO Henry Ehm , " 15 00 F Binsetl, l-vtiis Bororgh, . A BILL! A AD TABLE3. 15 00 town, S table. 0 CO IV m 'Ell 14 James John - atoa & Co 7 CO 14, Him?y & A . ircuiiough 7 oo 70 ! berg . . 10 CC I PG Hack 13 CC ' f P -S. "I . . -v J V Luther'. r 12 i J CDitt!bachl9 COi 14 H.7 Uetta l J acoo , rd 10 3 i 4 TLcas & - I l l!Ua llary J . I , m Wearer i , f CO Park 7 CO 14 FItler & ' i .1 C Sappes : -13 CO' . Lewzood - 7 CO :i Emil tor z 7 CO 14 Foe k' t Co 7 CO U A BarcrrA' . 7 CO. 14' J II Howard 7 00 -.4 Krtt iCii;;i 1A;.;.t;J ,.t.9 7 CO i usfti:ath 7 CO 14 L F Leiiea- j Kaopw 6 - hither 7C0 1 V ' 10 CO 14 .Eben James 7 CO rioourU 1 14 Lewis ifc r ? 1 r 7 CO DaYi 7X0 ? H A Olfarr. . 7 CO 'G7Wt!Wr 7 nn ur, j WCaldwail 10 50,14 HPritchard-7 CO Lever- - ,14 John Crows 7 00 roa - 7 CO 14 Ane Floto. ' 7 CO owacx d 14 K iIarbonr 7 rsft 0a , 1J 0 14 J VViliiiais" 7 00 iJWidman 7 001 14 James Lmel T Ffi Mia L Aaron 7 ol4 Jno KiDptoa 7 00 14 Geo W Stura 0'! oox J lloTzworth. Jo J f LuLio, WasbiS'-toaTp, 2 tables, 40 CO tc:j vm alleys. J W Uuaiq, V. ?i'.:2 5toa Towashlo. 20 CO AH AVr,Lt t ill be herd at the Treasn- rera U?e, ' -tsiarff. on llondar tha 3d d,y cf Julyrc.:. - ALEX. SHELLY, t Hay S, l?:7-iL llercantile AppraLer.: profitable, bat more arduous and caetherial pamt, he intent tae attained a Linh rank m the galaxy of Axaicaa".Bard. : , TES ETSAKasa'a OajlV36.-'.:-.:A, j Bsholi 1" amid this solitude' ;V A:; ; ' A ;'. With moss and wild Cowers crowned, :i Yoa heap of earth, unshapely, rada stranser'aancral mound,;! ; ; ITear by ha died fat from tha placs - ' nia youiniui cays wera reared, " ' Whera sot a aingla haraa faca ' : His dying momenta cheered. V - No maa of God to reus a bira ct - ' - - - Ko llsaven-eped prayer to strectLea hops, anu uin soui lor aeata.- 1; ; -. , jH! ; NOTICE. No- tice t her: y givea that he fallowing accounts havs ! n tssed and filed in the iSh-ter'aU -ft , ensbur.' and will be presented ta O.- .ipa Court cf Cambria County, for coura.Uon and allo-A-ance, oa Monday the Sd cf June text, to wit: Tha account of Eobett'EI. Singer, trustee appointed to tull.tha real estate of Dennis Pougherty, late of Allegheny, twp. 4ed. . 4 hw first and .iuA 'arcniint r,f Cath Duj:!;erty. Adtn'x cf Joha Dougherty, Ute I lener wue kneel an2 weep ; cf Ciie?t towi, ' ' o. decd, - 1 - i In sorrow by his side? v : ' - No pioua father to prjppre; t.-l' ''f) " His soul for its last hhtY" - - ' No mother to. behtuw her carar ; And cheer death' gloomy aiht. ; . No brother to attend Lis ted. - '. And heave aCeetiou'' s'h r t::HC- With tearfa!, anxioos'eye." ' The Coal accouut'of Jacoh Y.'ertzGcard- i f L1: to B.,( ti MnryGinea 7 0 - man 7 OO 14 P ITDer mitt 7 O0 Baltaer A opatigkr 7 0" Taylor TctrnsTJ'i . .. . 1 i f. fJ'cnlU'Caba 7 00:14 W A!erander7 00 ? H aooerts & Co 7 CO 1G Crooks . 7 60 14 EfHNntter 7 00 14 Peter BtbreU 7C0 ! CttrrtZtyjcn Soroush. ' A A Barker 1500114 Jos il a richer 7 CO tJAnd Ilauk - 7 tKS(H4 A5we!d 7 CO , r J Barharich 7 CO 14 Sicm Schrolh7 'C0 ; J Buck A Co 7 00 I Jao Wtrtaer 7 00 ; i-w uro&oergcr 7 CO' - IT l,v.., Cfcsf SprtnjT..--; ui'. -'r!i-r '! Natter 10 C0il4 J Warser 70 tr & r ; 14 John Conrad 7 00 Ltttia . 7 SO 14 S 21 Dcuglass 7 CO ! tTTiilt' T-rntip. i ,i , A Oao altera 7 COfW A a FkiaV 7 0 ;IA Whartoa- 7 0!U A Saunp a V ICiow . 7 CO 14 J Litzinrer -, " v ' . ' ai 9. - it: John Ryan 7 00114 J St j't wota KurU 7 CO 1 4 fgaat Kohla 7 CO 7 CO 7O0 7 &0 1 4 Ch HiSr 7 0 14 F D Saunp ,7 00 14 CAttleKbcrgsr7 50 14 Jd Levy 7 60 14 JaaO'DoaaU 7C0 flu.... Shk!ds7.ECi f Jacob . A. 7 0 jwohn Bradley 7 0 . aii llaraog - ,7 60 i tv ' Kwitr Tottnsh tp. ' D 1 P Farrf q 7 COj 1 4 J CBrWa " ' Su.fnnulsu.l4 Eorcvj. ' . : jy U'CoaneSI 7 C014 Cha-it Reich Ludwij: 7 CO 14 Jas 11 Gillea .1 tie secnud arvi Enal atc-ntnt of Joha XI. Uaynes and Reabca Ilayoes. Ex'rs of Joseph Ilaj ne, late of the Borough ' of Johnstown, -The prat and Stial account cf C. B. Ellis, AdrnV of Eeej-aTrice. lata oL Cambria Bor eas . rieceaeil.' " . - Tus lirst and final account of na!4l Tf Roberts, AdtnV of Eleanor Jonea. lata of wmona townsmp, pec'd.A The partial aceont' of John FKrfc-and Henry Cn.W, Exrs of the last will tad tev tameotcf John Campbell, 8r;. dee'd. The first and final accxiat .of Marv A. Conrad, Adm" of Paul Conrad, lata of Cf car- field township, decM. ; 1 , A,A llie first and ana! aceooat of Thomas E. Dais, Exr of Evan II Davis, dee'd. The first and 2ual account cf John Rich ards.Giardiaa of die minor childrea of Geo. Richard, deceasedr V The account f IXasi Dar!s.JAdmr of DaTid Davis, late of Caaabn'a two. decd. ne nrst nri Lnai account of John A. 1 liUir, Adcrrte the estate of llarv Cements. deceased. ' A ' : J A " ' Tha icood eccoant of Jaob C'llorner" Admr of Zcny Horoer, late cf Conemaush T&a rst and f.sal accosirst f If atth'a Dejiny. Ex'rs cf Peter Dernv. dacM. Vhefirst sdCns.1 aceountof fimon Yre'ak- ta4, .Gtrirdia cf tLe cxinoir childrea of Charles Bradley, dcVL.T'.. 'f ,,A , 'A iiie iirt tui l tjMil .tecount,;cf Barnuel Blongh. Adoir . of Susaa Wearer, late cf Itichfoad to'Tnshin. dtte'd. . ! .. j : .The irst an4 final 'aoeoant.'of John H. JIss, Adoi'r of Williaai Doeglass, late of CliarS.eld township, dee'd. A The account of inch! lIGuira and Chas. Ucllanamy, JLc?nr eft be estate cf George Brtice, late of Alicgheriy township, dec'-d. 1 The acconnt ( Jcim E. Lease, Adiar of tha Eetate of Sasancah Eam, decdi J; The first and partial account f GeoVga J. Bodra and WilUana Kitteil, Ex'ra of Jane Wteny; late of Ebeisb4r. decM. A u .:i JAMES GRtr.FUI. Roister. ' Register OSce, Ebensfcurg, lUy 3. 67.-4t. j.i 7 CO 7 CO 7 CO Lbtnslurg Borouah. ' f -T :5rts 10 CO 14 Ifrs'Todd'"'; l Barker 10 CO TtbbrU 4 7 CO ;;Q 'Huntley.. 7 or- u tbvd a. , aiorray . 1 I n . 7 13 It JITndor 10 CO l4UiUs5-paT'3 7,C0- 14 RK Thomas 7 CO 14 C TEh?rfi. ,7 CO 14 Geo Gtsrley 7 CO 1 -..: 'i-oh . 7 CO sMThomp1 A 3 ' 30 CC A Barker 10 CO : mi UM- 7 CC .asiiash: 7X0 lit.jt -CarrcU ' r-RCTti . r ' . . ' -V',: , j liop-.-: IHThcsA-s 7 CO 1 4 r..'. 4rCo 7 Z0 i.1 tqi4 JobaChrcth 7 CO I ill? 7 .CC14 LCasidr 7 CD liXJofraa 7 CC 14 K&nA ri J . . . r w vy I V I rHAiiBiiTAcomrrr, saThe H- Commonwealth of I'eDrsylrania to the Sheriff of said CountyCr'ry,' : We com mand yoa thsX yoti attach William J. Burk, lata of your county, by all and singular his gooes ana chattels, lanoa and teaenrent?, in whc$3 bands or possession Soever tha fame may be. sa that las be and appear before our Court cf Con: men Pkasto ba ho!du at Eb easburg. ia atjd for ths t i-.j coi:atyt ca the ,rst Monday of Jana next, thera to acswsr Louisa Keepers of a plea cf d.ht ; acd, also. that you summua ' ...... .. , that ha and appear befure our Court on the fidCrst llonday cf-Jiu:e cext, to answer what shall -fed Objected against bi:n, and P.IIU Xhe .judgment of the Gurt : tl.crda. And bays yoa theo;an there this writ," - Witness -the- Ilontsrab Georga Tay!or, PresiJcat JaJ-3 of our said Court, at Ebena. bur. the twenty-f 3?eath day cf llarch. in tha ycir of our Lc-rd boa thousand eizht hua- dred and fixtv eren. ;. . ' ' u kivsb ms eyes in taeir lass sieer?. And mourn for him that died ! ;v AHl'o, tLsra w&i tt auaVfric-I'-To shed one kindly tear ; . '.; 1 No drops from pity's eje dssceqd!; T, . Ca hi uahoncred tier. - f -..A M tha i -r.dir.; . J Ci i th3 li- rrridz ca&nFr:' a ni-bt-rpsrttt a - "I rzi ia lata c t Ir- fjp a-ted ,'..: f t Jl i.. t , A-A: Ci: r ... " c3 i ' - CU3 f -'chins ? orer taa rr"r; rcuuaOdd 'rv:crs C3 ? : ' Yt",;' C-i to discard those iUcs. I f:-.As tiand the pew rent,: tad I.V" - A I .." '" - :"; . ' . WE! I, " ,Ar. Twsta, I zzx ezrpn.Zl A "J : ,"1I6!J year clatter I . I tcU you: yoa " ! -n't Jtrin clio ia upoa the Tamil by 'cf dl?2facefixl cttecpt to s!tat?, f prawi- err: 1 v. I Co to sleep till I know And here no cocsscratsd "gronhd.'i' ' 3uJ J Receiver tha humble dead , . J V; No mockeries cf art surround !" , J Tho "stranger's lowlv bed. No marble slab preserves a'niae to read tn after times - ' A ''. 4 1 IILa worth and virtues to proclaim,'' A : "- But to conceal his crimes.5 -A . ' ..,. . ; His fellow worms, whvn here they stray, I - llay thoughtless view the spot,; And wild beasts roam above his clay,. . Ytt ha regards them not. fle sleeps amid the forest's glocraiM i And peaceful be his rest; May earliest wild flowers deck tha tomb -1 . , Above the stranger's breast. , R. L. J. ; alts, :Hts, gtttebcitsd r.vVOhl. go to elecp yoa eld fboU!V r ' v"iir. X wain, : l . sm sarprissd sad grieved - to --. --'j ; (Don't interrupt xae'Cwomaa f"I tell yoa it is absurd you learn to. sk&tal You'll be wanting to ' play .Cdry: ia the Black Crook nexC , I tell yoa skatin" is an accoraplish ment suited only, to' youth ana. grace ana cymeJines3 ef lace and sym metry of figure.. -;Nothins is so ch&rain as to see a beautiful jjirl, in the coquetish costume of tho rinkswith cheeks rosy with exertion, and eyes beaming with ex citement, skimming the iea like a bird and swobpingj down cpon a group of gen tlemen, and pretending she can't stop herself, and landing in tha arms of the very young man her father don't allow her to know -and darting away eain and on her head and exposing herself using herself to remarks about her l U7 T mm. ' .win vu uvi i-cr 'Nftwn 70C114 J , x U tp- vpys 3 cucni..; j. iwr"1 7 C0,U O B Wiks 7 60 . ' 00 7 to Clio. C. E.ZAIIM, Trot L.ayfi, ir.i7.-st.-. o.aotary. 5 on rii co., I j r- nTT " ;.Leait.ia. Ijunccr. .,3 t.;c::rst rne-, ji C2.; piid fcr CiuTIY, I" w'XjAa.AEI rd LIND LUHIZH fallin exjjosicg berself to remarks about her carelessness, Madam hold your tongue I and always taking care to fj.Il wLca that young man is close by to pick herd up. It is disrmixrv 1 A They lock pretty I and interesting, too, when Ussy are jast learning when they stand still a Ion-' lima ia cna f.zze, En j then' 'start est .foot out gingerly, end it makes a break for the ether sido of the pcad rd laavts the bal ance cf the girl sprawling ca this side. Hut you I Yoa lock fit , tad awkward and dismal enough anytime'; bat ivLea you are on skates yoa wsad!a c.Ta3 ttoSy, cad stupid - end ungainly ' as a t urr?rd that's Lad half a hcrs3 far dinner. ' I wca't bays it,'Madaal And yoa get endsr a-; llttla- precaricss. headway cnl then put your feet together and drift along, J stowptng your Head end shoulders 'nad holding your arms' ou like you expected a churth was going to fill on you it t yravs!ea the IIiAj out cf 'ire !.' , And Tus- fe.jtyt-.wa?n . I rss. ara-eaorih to rct.oa cyrJf, c.ii kic!:;d tha IrishC'lr eye cut tha Cszt, dib, tad Lt ca try Izzl - around with yoar big feet like a cow min her way down - hill ia slippery - :hsr. 2Uay be -you woulda't be -jo'-about dlcplaying those fest of roara ilj oa knew what occurred whea I took yc-cr shoes down to get mended., t " i , MThat was U ? Te!l rae what it was ; te2 ma what it was this naioutelr I jast krow it's one cf yoor lies ! , ; ' ' - t ; rOh ! ' don't mind ; it aint of any con-, scaence ; : go to sleep."; ' . 1 '.V ' ' Bat it is of conseqttenca f ToaVei kit tiiw j jruu taga s . ajgrasto ma th s wayi I won't go to sleet what it was, Oa I it wasn't anything. A ; Cr. Twain, I know- better t You're juA, coing this to drive rae to distraction. What did that sliaemiiker say about xay I What did Im do! A Quick l". A J . : f ' e!l, if you must know, , he -he-f. Lc aver, it's of no conseqaecce,. ?x. , : 1 1 Viell, fcehe took it and'gtzsd cpon it a lang time1 ia ; silence1 and; put his .ercaict to. his ''eyes and burst , ioto tc j." A :A AA'A A A ', '. " .. r W7t yoa .bom Tool I , Twain, . are ? poing stark,, staring crazy T!V t; ; ATa just stood there and. wept as lif iaky -cocdoU l-'-Thtre ' saw,- iei s go to sleep." v A :"r A1 $ ; A S2e2p, yoa ' lunatic ri'll never ' dose qy eyes UUJ know what' thtiididt was crying ..'aboatrraod ypd.' 'won't ''either': I can. tell yoa that.!! Qomoli ,j V.V.,.? ! 'Oh I-it don't xaatter." :t ri i , "Mr. Twain; if yoa sa that again;: I lay I'll make yoa sorry for it'; "what 'was that' numskull cryihgabodtr ':"ir' f i " VelL; hehe-- c : V-e-H, her Out with III do yoa want me to to Twain. I'll snatch them pet fringes off till Jhe sides of your head's as bald as the top of it !. ........ . A ..-. Well, ho poor fellow i-he said ho doted on' bis dear grandmother fairly doted on her. She had nursed him, you know, because his mother was ' alwavs feeble, and so-- ' WtU, he; came to"' this j: country fifteen years ago, and first ho set wj mi; e Teeiaute uae, ana got along pretty well, and was about to send to n2htad-foe tha old lady, when hard times came and be got broke. ; He weht into frui; then, and after that into milk--into all sort3 of thingsyou knowf. bat hVg'ot disappointed every time till this present business fetched' bira 'oat at last; 'all 'H'uht. and he sent right off for ; be," eld woman, i bos lded here four weeks ego,, but died the very same night. Alt was - hard, yery hardy-after all his waiting and toiling for fifteen years, to get her over here at last and"haveher die en his ' hands- 'He he well, be was disgusted. A Uoweyer be laid her but, and he and fc! friends '. tat" op with her, and by and by "tlia memory ef'ber virtues softened hisrhUteiT.e?s- and turned it to a tender gritf a settled mel ancholy that hang about his spirits like a p&U for. many days.;: However, by pa tiently striving to keep ad thoughts out of his mind, he was finally beginning to regain some little cf Lis eld time cheerful ness, when your shoo : reminded him so painfully of his poor sainted grandmother's cofSn n- - . -r .:A;,; s-'--t' ' it t. '--'J zi.u dira hep es ; wtiua setting them, down, I accident! y upset the matches, and 'on picking them up tound l bad jmt eighty-two. How I cams to count tliem I, don't know, but I distinctly recollect the number. After my usual devotional exercises, I blew out the ugut and retired. Hardly" had I lain down ' than I felt Socethinsr crawling Hastily striking the light, I discovered the intruder to be a bedbug of enormous pro portions, and net her.r tt. U FnpnJl, wWt, this kind cf companion I drocoed him in the water-pitcher, and also the stomp of ma maica, to prevent accident from fire nothing like being careful you know. Hardly lain dawn again before another nip, another, light, another bug same disposal with both. The operation L keot op nip, a light, a bug, until my match es gave out, when 1 weakened .and drt'p ped asleep, in spite.ef the many hints I received tliat tha enemy were still ia tha neid. How long I slept I know vnot ; when I was awakened, by strains cf the sweetest and most delicious music' Igot up and took 'a. look! to see if there was net esme rband serenading' either, Qiieen Emma or -myeelt; but failed -1 see it' Still the Eame.masio 4xys from' our men-" ct-war, tseoght I, as I recognized the air to b riaallcal But jast then" a fresh bnr?4cf taelddy. fcreke forth' s'eeminsty "in my very rocsj. 'tapping trp to ray pi t ch e,, what .was,iay sarpriia ta see the. bugs with the matches formed into a raft, aad sitting upon it, ; wills.' their beads thrown - : sninnrv x A- Ufa pa tha ocean wave."1 Taka that, yod brut a ! and if you dare ta come back here I'll kick yoa out again ! Too degraded eld ruOan !" ' I I llaEsTwAn.' ,whs.t covet and' .romantic '"raarriago took : pusca in aluwankeet T isconsin, about twa Weeks since, .which may interest the lady porwon ei oar- readers.;; ik weadisgj .tkas aadpuficcd to take place" ia tha evening at cne ofha'ehurch-&nd of; course' the seats crowded for; there :'are iLou .fctnda' of persons. wbo will go to'tcVa'mah married ef hanged who would net venture out on any ether ordinary .or eitrofdlaary accasicSi ; Among the spectators were a widower and widoWf both in the noonday cf life who happened to sit together ia the same pew. ; .They bad a slight 'fccqaaiat ance, and very naturally, ..whispered," to gether upon the appearance cf the .bride groom at the alta. At about the Conclu sion oi tha ceremony tha gtstm&n sighed very aadlUy and whispered to bis -com-paniah, Poor things I I bate to'see' them start put in.the world atone; I'd li'e to keep the poor, creatures' conjoany to-night" "So .would J,7 sighed the widow. ii'lTien" say rr e do,5 aid : the 5 widower A bright idea striking him, ''Agreed, responded the widows The first ceremony - was tip sooner through, , accordingly v -"liaa-'up marched tha hero aad heroine cf bur story to the aUar,' end in less time thaa a trice were made one, fiesh, to ho utter bewilder ment 9.the?suisemblag9, .Jt, r f ' ' i ;r Fexx l.fiPPT.'-r-A clergy maq in an'ad joimng town, who is beiug biestd with a revival cf riliioa in bis church, went one 'evening1 to "attend a neighboring prayer meeting.' The'bo'us'e was ifuilj- and all present ( seemed deeply intcrrsicd in the exercises. " At the, close of the meeting ha ivi:'ed 'all those who tdesired to hold a personal conversation wit h hi m a3 to the state of their feelings to. remain." .' Quite a number did so, and among them a 'hardy ton of toib,. whom ; we will call Ir. i B. ' The good minister, ini bis round cf con ereat ion with each cne, came to him, and upon inquiring tae state ot,las 1 "tit: ' '-. .hi e - t sea. -Ha t;'i A." . - Vi fci r t;?ar. hc! l i.-i ty. r,x-. the same distance.. : . Ha will tick arav .between a. frid'.Ar- thumb at thirty jstrCs. with cnerViV , t -.,7 . ' " " tr- frienc at a quarts and tciuimir. i t.a .'-.. i.t , proppea cpn-Lt trom a fiksd-g head. Ha wul kill a musquii;? ca the wull as far as hcaap the "anamilaV nd all thfa thm-s he will da in -acy attitude yoa please-he- pistol held on a level with kia forehead and turned upslda down, fired off between his legs, in a -reccmbest posliba in fact, in any way or every way that wu only ahow cne ghthca'cf ths c"'t;-' ' eye along , the barret Give him thrS shots with a crocked plitoi to r-ts la inacccracles, and ha mill use it &3 rT"-:iy as ttemost&mi!iar;wsapim:'2 Ihdd ens ff bra favorite pistola is a little ircr-tllted repeater which throws nearly five feet cut -cf 'gu?.?e in .a distance cf thh-t wr.. Judge Hackett has ascenained and exact aUowanca fbr thti cccsstiicity, aai would just as gosn shoot & ; tzztvh wit! and this kner wespon es .with the ccit aten JJerrmger cr Ilantcn ia his ar mbry. " ' .i Ia; t4t;s-tha fi!?owi sentiaesta are.from !f...T-,-!t. r entitled The Ki-ht ef"fT" U f . - a.s is ftiil touches cf tenderness t'"X is dark when iha-fconelt asd 'ienoralla man sees the results of long, years: swi-s ". .-Uiui cruelly, .away by tha ess adversary. fcnavi ft U ,vU the clonds cf ecrrow'.'gathec round, r- d Lr.owstht'.th'e LA-es .:;!' . : c.CA.i r. . a '? . will be a;trqe cooUtio34 rrd s.ssur4lia eve? here ca earth of gleams of tha i'-t cf heaven.' 'It is;Car.k whea the csar voi cf that street child, er,ce'so'; fsadly ioiii, is no more beard around ia faarticfa, "Dark: when, tha. !?-ht pnltsring. f.rt Ea more .rewound r without ( the threshold, -or a-cend step by step, ii? the stairs. Dark when, soma well known air" reels' the strata "ence oft attdried'by a ch'njl&h voice Eow- hushad ia- deaihl, Darkheps ; but csly the , gloom: which , -now irors Ids-, the day-spring of immortality and the iafinito light of Leaveaim'J ; ii ; - to rus' Esix The paly UtpZcrU respcnsiLIe for the follow in anecdote, if 'net f.i- fs tif.. pair'efthose tnteres.t'mg,eaterUimcgiidU who seeSi to carty en o lare a fcusicsa m tna way of procuncg-eabscri I'ons "ft or new works, and who are so fisciiatir' in manier,'a'!d6:ightfd:ylmpcriar.aie,eo. Ve&ilj ttaJget-rid-abla, called a fe w mora- since, at; a-youcg. jaWyt-'s .cSc-for .. the p of which;! 3 FTose of getting. "bim . to rybscrib auueca.iaa:e.y ratine, the pHrtnarf.hfj tn- t;un.tl2 ici.iUr, imprudei: ca to ksizi a has latthy.Leen. so new work cf thsir own, wh! qusnee cf the enormous expense attsndic! its illustration, 'embellishment &c httn completely crippled ni- "Then peihaj,s, rephed thaacgillc canTasers,'.-wa csild Af jexenAxes says the following is an excellent .'-reaps" fbr croup ; ';. Wrirg; a cloth ccttoa" will da, ; but Hoen is preterabLs oct cf cold , water, fold h so as to make several thicknesses, and place it on' the chili's throat and chest, then fold a dry flannel -and wrap carefully over j it. Warm ths child's fiet with Lot 1 ma .'-j. s.ones u cece?.3ary and cover with plenty ef bed clothes and let it go : to sleep ; you car.net perceive when it wakes thai it hssi It att3 Ilka n charm. . n & : even a cid received the reply that he" 'fc!t. bsppy" "Ab, indeed." said the preacher ; "I aa ( rejoiced to.bear. you say ebi'may" I in- quire now long , yoa xave enjiyea this frame cf mind V Ierhap 3 mostly sinca last, week,' said -Un IX ' Weil, py friend, raid .tha 'clergyman To what particular event'or "circumstance,", cr. oc casion do yoa traca this happy ch-J"3 in ycac. feelings f ;' Wf X ilrf. Jlinisl-r," replied-: Ur.- B., ; . reckon : perhapa . the news ef.tho' c!ection4-cf Iir,r English for. Governor cf the State of Connecticut was about the spot "to 'start' from. '.Tha min ist:r Lit bis lip end pa??od ens to ths issit. IdsirrA t AtaTHMSTxe-Teacb er"Leck here, C1iirnesnpposmg you bad twenty sagar-pTuiii?,' r.nd yoa; wanted 'to idivida them' into' four parts.' .; You ' pive five ' to baby and ve to Cnrrie-i-now what 'wculd yua da' with ether. sa..tl . . - Ak enterprising thit f in' Ly nchbsrg has been depredating upon tea roosts ard ether roosts for some time putt in ' tte.'gu'ws cf a Leg.- i A fw n'jhts ago ta was d-tcct- c J, threw ciT h$ dirty blanket, and went cii ca good biped " tim. v Tfct r'eq-2t:d la' 13 wa ta cs.d tj r: procure yea sec?; fibscribers. : .,T1;cJ dcr ypa-caiiyoor werk- '.?WcI!-w9 .bsva not fully, determined on that -yet,"" tut I gneis I'll let my, wife have Urcwn wlyr and call it after ca-Cbar! JI-rj.V- ' 1 ' ,; ' ' " m-r - - - 4 r r r . n. .was fc CiJTisat.inT CSl .cpforttmats.fy Is.eyery year-cr two hd awy by ths.wjlss cf IGrg.Dourbm, -"nd whea his. periodical fits come ca is west to shut timsdfcp in a:rccract erbis"stor fto tlcep UcX-' Oa c:;a cfthbe cccaskss he gave his pirtnsr-retrial vnlzn cottt aUoiv any cr.s ta into'h'.s rc:m ; but ra!d,he,rb:txtirg, .-"if; my. wife co-ea down yoa may let her come ia rVs o- ; . -.'- '" " - rr.--:- - - -J -'Ah ct'thuilistie eld fellow- and IfjL-j recently visited Kl-gara TsZt. They trcr shipped tha falls alj day, from the J--in front of their room end ret'r I tIAI-- over lis wenrs. At en early he mornirg,:tha eld'gtatlemaa was r, csss ca tha t-i t'ti-f, .and as 2ca as ! j't-iff-fvtf "" durned if ths m' that dim!'- b't-t:::: !: I'll hi CTt ex;' -.r. r; !cfa':'-A' T riwccai:: ttarsf, i 1 ". ": h : :n t th r it 1 n - 7 I f. ' i -a JU $ 5 f -Oi I i s J i it: i ir lld -." et int il Jpt I o. T w ' i :c i .alt ic t d; I IC t O! t lie t ' f : ec 'In t :rr A-ot - i 3 f . ; S W! . ( t cot A -aer "i to t 7 -s ow ' -. 5 'X to ; . . ' it ; c' t 1 V. : 'x t , i I 3. a t I Ct3,