The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, May 16, 1867, Image 1

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I P';;"d ikQi I 1 I I. J
. .-f- -r rm a tt t?t a r tt
Jui dtt ud Domestic Merchandise la Cam
Count for the year 1SC7 :
Xnafow Borough. '
tPnoa.Mor- 1 13 Jacob Fend 10 00
rea&Co200 09
ia Charles Un-
Tenast 20 00
.i T.Lnckhardt 7 00
ii flvrnsflart 7 00
- Washington Township.
U G Hear 7 60
14 Shoemaker fy
s Sou 7 00
H Jane Mullin 7 00
14 Eliz M'Intosh 7 00
14 Dysart fy Co 7 00
14 Wm Tiley 7 00
14MM'Langhlin7 00
14 J C Domm 7 00
14 G WKistner7 00
18 Cunningham
&Barnettl0 00
14 II Schnabla 7 CO
14 D W Harsh-
berger & Co 7 00
14 J B From aid . 7 00
14 Sar'h Dickey 7 00
14 Jno Thomas 7 00
14 F Border 7 00
14 Wm Berlin 7 00
13'JohnDibertlO 00
14 John A Mc- -
Kinney 7 00
14 D Bibert &
Benshoof 7 00
. 14 D Barnhart 7 00
IS D Dibert - 10 00
T" ' GaRUzin Township.
14 JJ Troxell- TOO
14 J Gearhart 7 00
14 F J Parrish : 7. 00
i J Dawson " 7 60
14 F J Christy 7 00
14 Jas Hurray 7 00
HPat'k Smith 7 00
14 Thos Bradley 7 00
ti R Leopold 4
Brotaer xu
14 n Walters 7 00
14 John Lvan 7 00
14 0 T Frazer 7 00
14 Sar'b Georpe 7 00
14 Wm 11 Pika 7 00
14 JS Edward 7 00
U Fred Kres 7 00
U TO Stewart
&Co 12 60
rlFWHay 12 60
Mm Millar 7 00
14 William M- J 14 Saml Bheam 7
Pharson 7 00 14 Alex Monfr-
U J Rodulsbei- j gomery 7 00
mer 12 60 14 Joo DTaanan 7 00
U L Cohln & j IS Osborne- &
Brother 10 00, - Fishsr 10 60
i WiiUamUp- 1 14 AD Brinker 7 00
desrare 10 09 14 John Beaton 7 00
14 G Bntley 7 00 13 Geo Wehn 10 00
14 AdatnPharr 7 CO' 14 J II Bheak
14 CtarleaZJai- J & Co 7 00
merman 7 50 14 David Creed 7 00
11 John Gala 16 00 14 J Madison &
II Jaa J Mar- - " Co 7 00
vdt 10 00 14 Hay & Bro 700
IS JohaJMur- .14 P O'Connell 7 0Q
ehr 10 00 14 Locan & Co 7 00
IS M L Gron- 1 14 D McKenna 7 00
berr 10 00 14 Jamea John-
II F G Hack 10 OOl aton & Co 7 00
It F Krt arCoiO 00 14 Rainey &
11 Y Luther 12 tOl - - M.'Cnllough 7 00
It C DittlebaehlO 001 14 U W Keim 7 00
18 Jacob Wild 10 CO. 14 Thomas &
14 lllaa Uarr J ' Weaver 7 00
Parka T 00 14 Fockler &
It C Snppe 10 00 Levrgood 7 00
14 EmllYouns 7 00 14 FockUr Co 7 00
7 00
7 60
. ' RuJJand Township.
14 Geo Berkey 7 00114 Geo Conrad
i Blacklick Township.
14 T4-W Duncan7 00114 J G Adams
; '. ' . i Jackson Township.
14 Daniel Kiser 7 60J14 S Albaugb
RoBt Rost, Conemangh Borough, 15 00
Henry llannsmaa, Johnstown Boro', 15 00
Graff Uer bach, " 1& 00
J A Stemmer, , . . " i ' ";- . 1& 0U
Herman Vochard, Cambria Boronehl 15 00
G J Scwaderer. Washineton Twp., 15 00
Jnlms Stetch, Oarrolltown Uorough,
Henry Bl'im,
F Bingell. Loretto Borongh,
J Holzworth. Johnstown, 8 table,
J W ilullin, Washington Tp, 2 tables, 40 00
J W;llullin, Washington Township, 80 00
AN APPEAL will be held at the Treasu
rer's Office, Ebcnsburg, on Monday the 8d
day of July next. - -' ALEX. SKELLT,
May 9, 18G7.-4t. Mercantile Appraiser.
15 00
15 00
15 00
60 00
14 A Borcraff 7 CO 14
II Kraaaa is Co 7 00 14
14 Glal;Reath 7 00-14
II Uanld 6
Co 10C0 14
UBottiHrcl- 14
ger 7 00 1
It G llurr 7 00 14
It WCaldwalllO 60 14
11 WHLwr- 14
J H Howard 7 00
David Reese 7 00
L F Leitn
berger 7 00
Eben Jamea 7 00
Lewis &
Davla 7 CO
G W Walker 7 00
H Pritchard 7 00
John Crows 7 00
UJ Swank &
7 00 14 Anc Floto 7 00
1 14 F Marbourg 7 0,0
12 60 14 J Williams 7 00
Gonemaugh Borouyh.
14 J WIdaiin 7 001 14 Jamea Lynch 7 60
14 Ura L Aaron 7 00 14 Jno Kingston 7 00
MHcilU Borough.
HBSeVawlls 7 00
24 Hanry Ginen 7 60
14 Boitzer 8e
bpangler 7 00
Taylor Township.
II Mlchl ll'Cabe 7 00 14 W Alexander 7 00
II Roberta & Co 7 00 14 E H Natter 7 00
HAG Crooka 7 60 1 4 Peter RnbreU 7 00
Carrolliown Borovqh. -
14 P M'Dermitt
7 00
7 00
14 Jos Maucher 7 00
11 A Oswald , 7 00
14 Bimn Bchroth 7 00
14 Jno Wertner 7 00
11 A A Barker 15 00
II And Hank 7 00
II FJBarbarich7 00
II J Back & Co 7 00
14 F Groiberger 7 00
r Chest Springs.
It E&H Natter 10 OOill J Waer
14 Wagner &
little 7 50
While Township.
II Geo Walters 7 00114 A H Fkkei
II Isaao Gates 7 00
SL Auguxiimt Clearfield Township,
7 fO
14 John Conrad 7 03
14 SM Douglass 7 00
7 00
& tira L herebv eiven that the following
accounts ; have been passed and filed in the
Register's Office at Ebensburg, and will be
presented to the Orphans' Court of Cambria
County, for confirmation and allowance, on
Monday the 3d day of June next,, to wit :
, The account of llobert ii. bmger, trustee
appointed to e til the real- estate of Dennis
Dougherty, late of Allegheny twp. dee'd.;
1 Too first and fiual account of Catharine
Dougherty. Adm'x-of John. Dougherty j late
of Chest township, dee'd. ' ' i v :
The final U.count of Jacob Wertz, Guard
ian, cf Harriet Mincely, minor child of Jacob
Miilyi doe'd. i
. The second and final account of John W.
Barnes and Reuben Haynes, Ex'ra of Joseph
Hajnes, lita cf li;Berc:?j;!i cf Johnstown,
deceased. - -
; ITje first and final account of C. B. Ellis,
Adm'r of Reeso Price, late of Cambria Bor
oueh, deceased. . . i
. Ths tirst and final account of David H.
Roberts, Adra'r of Ekanor Jones, late of
Cambria township, dee'd.
The partial account of John Flick and
Henry Bender, Ex'rs of the last will and tes
tament of John Campbell, Sr dee'd. ; .
The first and final account of Mary A.
Conrad, Adm'x of Panl Conrad, late of Clear
field township, dee'd . '
The first and final account t)f Thomas E.
Davis, Ex'r of Evan E. Davis, dee'd. L
The first and fiual account of John Kich
ardB, Guardian of the minor children of Ceo.
Richards, deceased. !
' The account of i William D&vis, Adm'r of
David Davis, late of Cambria twp, dee'd.
The first and final account of John I A.
Blair, Adm'r of the estate of Mary Clements,
deceased.:",- i ;
The second account of Jacob 0. Horner,
Adra'r of Jonas Homer, late of Conemaugh
township, dee'd. ' ' ,
The first and final account of Matthias
Denny, Ex'rs of Peter Denny, dee'd.
The first and fiual account of Simon Weak
land, Gnardian of the minor children of
Charles Bradley, dee'd.
The .! first and final account of Samuel
I ffijit ltf s gtgarlmtni.
Z ; ccmpus EiE3icr--.:. '
By the lake whers drooped Ui9 wilbT?-, ;;
Row, vassals, rowl.: ,
I want to bean angel, - ' . . "
And jump Jim Crow. ; V '; .
An old crow sat on a hickory limb, " i .
ione named him but to praise ) . t '
Let me kiss hixa for his mother,- -;
For he smells of Schweitzer kase. . , '
The minstrel to the war has gone,? ; ."
With the banjo oa his knee ; ,. ;
He woke to hear the sentries shriek.
There's a light in the window for thee.
A frog he would a wooing go,
His hair was curlsd to kill;
He used to, wear an old gray coat,
And the sword of Banker HilL ,
Oft In the stilly night, . -Make
way for liberty ! he cried, ,
I won't go home till morning, . ... .
With Peggy by my bide.
I am dying, Egypt, dying, , . , ,
- Susannah don' you cry j
Know how sublime a thing it Is
Tobruah away the blue-tailed fly.
The boy stood on the burning deck, ' '.
.With his baggage checked for Troy, .
One of. the few immortal names,
: His name was Pat Malloy . ; ' -
Mary had a little lamb, ( .
He could a tale unfold,
He had no teeth for to eat a corn cake,r"
' And his spectacles were gold. - :
Lay on,, lay on, Macduff, "
Man wants but little here below, i
And I'm to be Queen of the May, '
So kiss me quick and let me go I -
A etatisticiaa in the Stats Department
h?.s compuwd tn&i a tax ot Halt a cent a j
poanj ca all the ica produced ia this new
temtory would pay cu tha national debt I
ia dx csonths, with a fcatahca luEcient
Since the time when the Ancient Ilr.ti
&er told the terrible tale of the
thSj with iter crew, of ghastly - corpses,
to pay tha ealary cf the Becretary ; of j EO laor tariffing story of tha . sea hes
Sifi " ' i : '"'r ' ' ' i i V -I-been related than that of - tha whale tiip
To sky cothic of the,' income tax that I Diana that recently ' drified into oaa ef
Mt ba'Attllectsd from tha ExanWanxj I the Shetland IslandJ.
; Tli8 f eeuliar wants of tha peopla would
opea a new market for tha products of
American industry.; ) ..-... '-.;.- '
? The principle- diet of tko Kassi&ns is
fhed candies. - ;-.. r..-:,'
Since the iatrodactioa of kerosene oil,
the candle trad a has declined and it is
nothing like what it was whea Garibaldi
inada long sixes at Statea Island, -. c
The anaexatioa to the States of so large
a candla consuming population would cre
ate a revival in the trada. - . .
But. the political advantages arti i still
greater.., , ' , '
TThat a lot of new cfScea will be crea
ted. " - ,'" '"'
.Collectors, Assessoni, Postmasters, and
- The Esqnicaaux are not much, addicted
to correspondence : Lut it wouldn't be ther
":-.A year' the. left the Shetland ca
a whaling voyaja to tha Arctic regions,
baring oa board fifty raen. From that
time nothing mora was beard of her. Tha
friends of those on board became alarmed.
Money was raised and premiums offered
to the first vessel that would bridj tidings
of tha missing ship, but all to no - araU.
Hops was almost abandoned. , .
Oa the 2d of April tea peopla near
Rona's Voe, ia one of tha Shetland Isles,
' Cbixzss Jugglx3. lis relets, ta '
Arabian . trave!tr nbo rptst tht thirty. ;
years tstwMa 1825 .n-dlS55 ia ikcz-Zh-va
ia.the East, relates that ccs nigti" Km
fell ia with a CLinesa jcIgr. lis cays i
. -liatoc a Trco-ca-ball with "csrerat "
bcks' ia it.: throe h rLich Uz Vicstrs ,
wera pr.ttsl cad laying hold cf thssa elsc
it into tha bit. . It west eo high .that wo
lost Eight cf H' fcltothsr. ' -Thera cow' re- '
mained eniy a liitiaxf tha ad f a thotsgf
ia the cenjurer's band, as j hs desired one
f the boys who assisted fcim to lay bold
of it and mount , lis did so, climbing by
the thon, and wa lost siht & him also.
Tha conjurer thea called ' to him threa
times, but getting eo answer, ha saaished
up s knifa as if ia a great nta, laid hold
of the thong and disappeared also. t By
and by ha threw d3wa oaa of tha boy's
Tfc.o euuucu kd occuig n umu; nisi vi nanq, men a loor, xnen tno tner nana
a ship tailing into- tha. harbor; - Battered andii- -ne"io, thou' fl v"tru;.fc," aad
and ice-crushed1-' kails and cordage cat st$il TLca ho caxa'ddwn
away, boats and epars cot up for fuel himkix, ana all puSn-r tad caatinsr.- with
ia tho tsrrible Arctic -winter, her dacks
covered with dead and djicgr tha long
lost Diana sailed ia like a ship from the.
Deadman's Land. Fifty mea sailed oat
of Lerwick ia her oa a bright May morn-
his clothes all bloody bat presently h
took the lad's limbs, laid them together ia
their places, and gave a kick when, pres
to I there was tha boy, who got up aid-
stood before us. ; "All this." adds the
fault of the Postmasters if they had noth- j 7ear- ot tn9 nny came Dac j Teracioas traveler, "astonished ma beyend-'
ia, to do.' ; i--- '-- : -'. " 1 oa oerca tae second oi Apru, ian yearj- measure, and I.h-
14 A Saopp
14 J Litzmgar
II A Whaxtaa 7 60
liBJLulow 7 00
Cajnbria Borough.
14 John Ryaa 7 00114 J Stibich'
14 John Kurts 7 00J14 Ignat Eohle
' - horetto Borough.
14 V7 Lltrlnger 7 00114 Chas Miller
l i'at'k Shields 7 BO 14 Y U Baupp
7 CO
7J 00
14 C AUleber2or7 60
14 O'Friel . 7
14 P Jacobs 7 B0
14 John Bradley 7 60
HPhllHarzog 7 60
' ' ' " ' Muntier Township.
14 DiJ P Farren 7 0014 Jas O'Brien
SummiizKle Borough.
14 W M'Connell 7 0014 Christ Rsloh
14 B Lodwi 7 00I4'Jas M GUlea
Ebensburg Borough.
14 M Levy 7 50
14 Jas O'Donald 7 00
7 60
ales, Sfe&few; :mWis't :&t.
: COaaYrO'LAOTS' epistle.:
Reflections on he .Election How the Result
; Came Abotd-rliussian America Wealher
l wise end Otherwise A Name Wanted
The "OJTs" and "Skis" A Coat qf Arms
i for lUTrr-State. -
Deaxc Eaoi:; Yu Lave heard of
the result of the election. -I 1 , . ' i ;
' Beecher and I were both beaten. .
Tbero are various ways of accounting
for this result. ;; -
Oaa is that neither of us got votes
enough. , .- - : . ' . . .
That is understood. -
But why? .. . ; :,- : , f-
I'll tell you. It is owing to pur imper
fect system of suffrage. -:
, If tho ladies had beea allowed to vote,"
Beecher would havo been ejected, j, . .
I believe all the ladies, out of gratitude,
would have voted for Beecher. " V
j Except, perhaps, the dressmakers, who
might have preferred Cuyler. ..... .-'.?
If suffrage had been universal, and the
ballot-box had been sent over., to Ireland,
I should have polled a heavy vote in Coa
naught, where tho O'Lanuses 'are affecr
tionately remembered. ,', ... ' ; !
. O'Pake, who was . confident that I
ought to be elected, engaged an Italian
band of two harps and fiddle to serenade
me as soon as I was declared elected. :
The figures set aide these calculations,
The tsrritory would want to become a
State, and if its sentiments at ail corres
pond with the lattitude, it: would be suffi
ciently Northern ia politics ; to insure
prompt admission to the Unioa. -
. There is a suspicioa that, owing to their
very northern situation, the popular ideas
of the population might run to an extreme
that would out-radical tha Radicals.
Their views oa , the, suffrage queEtioa
might out-Beecher Beecher. - -: : r. -
Suppose, for instance, they insisted on
extending tha franchise, not , only to the
human population of all the racesf ; ages,
the same, yet how different!'
' '. Tea mea, of whom the captain was one,
lay stiffened corpses ca the deck j thirt jr
five lay helplessly sick, find some dying ;
two retained sufficient strength to creep
aloft, and the other threa crawled feebly
about the deck. ' The ship was boarded
by the islanders, and, as they 'climbed
over the bulwarks, the man at the ix-heel
fell fainting from excitement ; one of the
sick died as he lay, his death being an
nounced by the fellow occupant of his
tioa like that
before ia tha
had as attackef calpita
wmca evercama me once
presence cf tho Saltan of
India whea ha showed saa smethiag ef"
the same kind." v
berth febly
dead man."-
moaning, "Take away the
Oa the bridge cf the vessel
and sexes, but gits the vote to the" seals "7 1 oay o capuun, as is nao . urn
and walruses." " ' ; . ' . ; Jior iour maaisa, wua nine i ais eeaa
, Baraum's learned ssal might be i one cf 1 bipmates by hi side, : all 'ceceatly laid
the rlrtt Senators sent to Washington.; : ct by th3 wo sooa expsca ; w snare
- , . . . -. . their fats. ; -
VltMnk. of going eut to the Urrito to wxVxw.cW'
but kept them so that when the last man
A fellow could retire oa the proceeds
of one term.
died the fated ship that had been their
comiaoa home - should bo their cemmoa
tomb. . The Surgeon of the ship worked
The amount of mileage of a member of
Congress from the North Pole td Wash-
!Efiooeff- ' 5 ?T? ' Uithfully to the last, :but cold,-hbngtrr,
j A maa could afford to go through a
great variety of temperature at this rate.
Am Incident or Au Fool's Dat.
The following story -is related to es by an
eye witness : Oa tha first instance a plain .' '
old fkrmar, whila takieg a stroll around
tha market, dropped his plelhorio pocket- -
bock oa Seventeenth street, and the waif
was sooa surrounded by a cTowd cf fua ,
loving urchins wateMiig eagerly fer some . ,
ona to pick it op,' ' ' fcsundry passers-by:
stopped to appropriate the treasure, but
were deterred by the uprcrioas lac-htsr r
of the boys and the shouts of 'April :
Fool," which invariably greeted -then,
After some time, the old gentleman dis
covering Lis loss, returned in search cf his '
treasare, a ad to his infinite surprise-''!- '
covered i$ . lying ca the pavement, sur-1
rounded by the group aforesaid. Eagerlj
grasping it, undisturbed by the laughter
which greeted him, be opened it,, and '
over' a goodly pua of greenback, '
Blough, Adm'r of Susan -Weaver,; late of 1 and the serenade was postponed.!,
Richland township, dee'd
The first and final 'accouat of John H.
Dou!as, Adm'r of William Douglass, late
of Clearfield township, dee'd.
The account of Mich'l McGuire and Chaa.
McManamy, Adm'rs of the estate of George
t-. - .... . r .ii i AtA
And the speech I had prepared for The
occasion was not delivered, r ' ' ;
As I have not been elected to the Con
vention I am not responsible for anything
it may do. . ;
I begin to think that this is aa ungrate-
The new territory has not beea named
yet, and Secretary Seward ia opea for
proposals oa the subject. '"-.
Expecting to represent the country offi
cially, I also feel interested. ' : ' r.
f We would like to have something ori
ginal, and expressive. - U ; V :-
'- Johnsonia has been suggested, but A.
J. is rather played out and the name
wouldn't go down. : - U ;.!
Being of Eussiaa extraction, a name
with a Muscovite Savor would-be appro
priate. . .'-.'; ... ,
. : All liussian names end with en or eku
This has divided publie . opinion into
two parties, known as. the "of?" and
"skis." ' '
. I belong to the ; "akis. My ?friend
O'Pake, who belongs, to the same, party,
has; suggested the appropriate. 'name of
"Corryolanusku" . . v ,' '., "" '.". " '
JJIodesty forbida my expatiating oa the
euphony and elegance of this name.
. "Grodjinski" sounds well, but bis In
dians don't belong to the Esquimaux
tribe. -: " : - : - " -'-"-l
scurvy aau uy.Barjr w AW pronoacccd U iftI1 1," and declaring
uo V . V - " 1 that ha had no icfca tha neonla la , Hih
The account of John E. Lease, Adm'r of J ful country, and that genius is not appre-
1IF. RoberU 10 00
it VS Barker 10 00
14 Geo Huntley 7 00
14 Jas Murray
If Lemoa 7 00
14 O G Owens 7 00
U J M Thomp
son 10 00
IS A A Barker 10 00
14 K E Evans 7 00
U Mrs Doyle fy
Mia Rush 7.00
CarroU Township,
s iib ar uop-
pie 7 00
Wunort Borough.
14 Mrs Todd fy
Tibbett 7 C0
14 Lloyd If Mulr
lin 7 00
15 R U Tudor 10 00
14 Mills If Davis 7 00
14 R R Thomas 7 00
14 CT Roberts 7 00
14 Geo Garley 7 00
14 Shoemaker
Co 7 60
14 Thos Adams 7 00
A Beraham 7 601
It And VxiUpn t rm!
, HjnoM,Colgaa7 00
I 14 W R Hchea 7 00
14 John Shroth 7 00
14 L Cassidy 7 00
14 Kephart $ Co 7 00
14 Jos Horner 7 CO
Crcyle Township. ;
U Wtn Murray 7 00jl4 G B Wike 7 00
?MJ Rourn 7 0014 J M Cooper 7 60
the Estate of Susannah Ream, dee'd.
The first and partial account of George J. I
Rodgers and William Kittell, Ex'rs of Jane
Wherry, late of Ebensburg. dee'd. : -
ui;iitiiM, itgister.
Register's Office, Ebensburg, May 9, '67.-4t.
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the
Sheriff of said County. Greeting t We com
mand you that you attach William J.Burk,
late of your county, by all and singular "his
goods and chattels, lands and tenements, in
whose hands or possession soever the' same
may be, so that he be and appear before our
Court of Common Pleas, to be holden at Eb
enaburg, in and for the said county, on the
first Monday of J une next, there to answer
Louisa Keepers of a plea of debt ; and, also,
that you summon ' , that
T-r be and appear before our Court oa the
said first Monday of June next, to answer
what 6hall be ejected against him, and
abide the judgment of the Court therein.
And have you then and there this writ.
Witness the Honorable George Taylor,
President Judge of onr said Court, at Ebens
burg, tho twenty-seventh day cf .11 arch, in
the year of our thousand eight hun
dred and eixty-sven.
GEO. O. K. ZAHM. Prothonotary.
Ebensburg, May 9, 1837,-St.
Ebensburg, Cambria co., Pa
i Dealer in Lumber. The highest prices,
in Ca.a.paid for CHERRY," F0PLAR,A-y
dated here
All my efforts to serve the public have
been unavailing. .'' '. "
', . I have some thoughts' of leaving Brook
lyn and going where talent is recognized.
The purchase of Rpssian America opens
anew field of enterprise, :
A splended field for ice companies and
skating-pond proprietors. ' --' : -
Tha climate they say is pleasant after
you get used to it. :
' There are none of the sudden changes
of temperature you experience here.
It freezes steady the year round. '
It never rains there ; snow is tha near
est approach to it they ever experience.
Winter usually sets ia about the first of
November, and lasts till the middla of next
November. 1 ' ;vj. ? -i ' .'.,
They have a short summer about the
first cf August.' '. - ' ''-'-' :'v-.'
Which lasts about twenty minutes. I
The people avail themselves of the op
portnairy to lay ia their winter supplies.
The population ia cf a mixed descent,
like that of the Eastern States. . - , '.-
The principal rases are -Exquimaux,
Seals, Russians, Bears and Walruses.
The chief productions of the country are
ice, furs, ice, aurora borealisas, ice,
whales, icebergs, whale-oil, and ice.
The ice crop is tbs largest ia the Usi
ted States. - : ; .
first victimj and died blessing bis men.
Then the others fell, one by one, until the
ship was tenanted only by the dead and
dying. "One night more, at sea would
have left the Diana a floating coffin. Not
one cf the fifty would havo lived to tell
the ghastly tale, .
1 ' "1 in 11 1 1 ' 1
; Points or Honob. -Col. Montgomery
was shot ia a duel about tl dog; CcL Ram
say ia one about a recruit; Sterna's father
in one about a goose; and another gentle
man ia one about aa "acre of archovies;"
one ofiicer was challenged for merely ask
ing his opponent to enjoy tho second gob
let j and another was compelled to fight
about a pinch of sauST; General Harry was
challenged .by a Captaia Smith for de
clining wine at a dinner ca a steamboat,
although the General had pleaded as an
excuse that wine invariably made him
sick; and lieutenant Cowther lost bis life
in s duel because he was refused admit
tance to a club of pigeon shooters. Ia
1777 a duel occurred in New York city
between lieutenant Featherstonhouzb, cf
tha Keventv-ninth. and .Cantaia McPher
"Highlandry ski" would be very appro- BOn of Forty-second British regiment,
pnate. Jin regard to the manner cf eating an ear
This name was suggested by a report f onn rnntsndir that the eatics
that Joe lieeve was geing out to tue tern- wag froin the cob, the other that the graia
tory to try and induce tua Esquimaux 10 skouId be cut off from the cob before eat-
adopt the paid fire department system. -lR Tjeutenant Featherstonhough lost
i-ne "o&j" cave a great- many names. h-a firm ,uB hfln from hit antajronisfs
.m. .. w. r- - 1" " a . . .. .
-jjamiongwayou is i.kuaian, peculiar, nictol fibatterin? . tha 1 mb dreadfuilv. as
and expressive, ' . I much so, that it had to be amputated,
'li.versoraroS" is not So empnatic . Graham. Maior Noah's assistant editor ia
. T . - 1 ! iL I " .
jumpingou is not oaa xor me ex
tremity of creation,
The subject of names opens a wide field
for discussion, and I will leave it to Con
gress,, who is paid to attend to such busi
I have, however, devised a coat of
m - - . w .
arms for the new State :
mond were so nonest, , went on hu way
rejoicing, leaving the urchins to cast won
dering glances at each other and endeav
oring to discover where tha -laugh came
in.-12ichm0hd HZiquircri D .: ;
Spict. There was. a knot of ervcap
tains in a store at Ilonclda, the keeper of
which had just bought. a barrel.'of black
pepper.. Old Csptain ; cf Salam, '
came m, and seeing the pepper, took cp a
handfulofit. .. "What do you buy such stuff as that
for t" said be to tho 'storekeeper j it'e-
half peas." -: .' , " '
. "i'eas !" replied the storekeeper ; ,'thera
11a t a pea ia it.
: Taking np a handful as he epoke ke
appealed to tha companj. They ail looked
at it, and plunged their hands into tke
barrel, and bit a kcrsel or so, and thea
gave it as their universal opinion that
there wasn't a pea ia it :
"I tell you there is,! said the old eapv
tain, egaia scooping up a handful j "ltd
Til bet a dollar oa it." : f : ,
The old Boston argument all over th
world. They took bim cp. : . . . ?
, "Well," aid ha, "spell that," pointic
to the word f'P-e-p-p-e-r," painted on the
JB . a s ft" 0 . m . 9d 's
side ot me barrel, "ii 11 wa t can. p
thea I'm no judge, that's alL" f
The bet was paid. r . . ' .
the National Advocate, lost his life ia 1827,
at the duelling ground, Hobokea, with
Bartoa, the soa-ia-law of L,dward Liv
ingston, in a simple dispute about "what
was trumps" ia a game of cards t
A Londosi corref poadeni writes that
m . ' . . . . A
one ci taa main aiiracuons ai vovem
An iceberg illuminated with the rays of 1 Gardaa Theatre is the donkey ia "AH
tha aarcra berealis, , a walrus rampant, Baba and the Forty' Thisves." Fcr a
Rnd the . universal xankee seated on a 1 ctEe conker the animal is really xairacu-
barrel cf whale oil. whittling the north 1
pole with a jack-knife.
Motto : sJtat justiiia'ruat teal-umT-
'Let justice be done to the seals." , ts
Yours, on ica, ' . Coset O'Laxus.
; Brooklyn Eagle. "TT
By the acqsisitioa of Russian Amsr
ria tha TTnitp.d Statea ' fhv? has -been' ad
vanced to within thirty-six miles of Asia,
and the srea of the republic increased trom
2,925,103 square milos to about 3,350,-1 way to the Empire city, and no 15
COO. "'"' ' ; '.v .: "- cine agents will be very badly sold,
lous. .' It is compof ed of two small boys ;
but its chief charm is its tail, which works
with a string. That consey and erpe
cially that tail has set all tha American
theatrical agents perfectly crazy. Every
one cf them must have a dsakay to Uka
to I18W Xcrk, and every oaa religiously
believes that he is the only egcat'who has
ara now on their
gad no 153 than
thought cf the donkey.';, The cosisquecce
is that no iesa tha Eine donkeys of tha
Covexit Garden nodal
A Chilt's PaavER. One of the most
estimable of mea soma years ago died aad
left a wife asd Esvsral children. ' Amocg
the latter was a boy of eight or ten years,
who was the very personification cf mis
chief His mother, finding sha could cot
control him, put him in charge of a rever
end gentleman of the neighborhood, who;
mada it a ruia whenever the boy ccmsit
ted a fault which required correct lea tar
give Lici a tasta of the rod, aud thea tsak
him gst ca his knees acd aik God - to for
give tha sin committed and tlacs hii cor
rector. Tha boy proved to t too much
for the reverend to manage. lie wa3 thea
pLxcod in chargs cf a very excellent lady,
who waa dlstirguished for a Icrg aad
pclnled nosa. Shortly after sha took him
in ch:irga she "was cLIijcd to give him
fioggicg. -; As sooa as it was 'through, she
was surpriied ta :see-bim drop'' ea hi'
kaee3,:ar:d perhapa mors surp rl,.J to hear
bim pray to be forgiven for ?Lat ha had
djn and "U.:j Lira. ( J, , :ttJ lengthen
out her days as louj c Lsr ttzis, only aot
naite so sharp l" " '' :--
- I
I l layer
(I f "evcnlp;
t- - i-hich -tin
1 iica eve
havo f
f. 3edr c(T
cngo con
- 3 .wera
: 'libit his
; Tho r
' and acti
of their
' he lions
; mctable.
! all confid
1 1, enter
I to 1
. All p;
. i length
i ion?- r.ra
s liitestru
t i whip.
. ring nnc
with hi!
ild a cs
t back u
I of horrt
I of sjcc
I ; many
I Ishmcnt
t: nances 0
t ihera rus
f inly hop
I n tame
!.! awaltei
y await
r tho in
J aws up
j I and . re
l ' terrible
1 jwas cv
I ost of 1
I ie oftl
I bned for
f nn iro
I I the lion
I iimr.l wr
"l Id. 'In
-4 ed his fo
f ats of th
i blows
i rremac
X of bcrv
. would x
I ich an
; J disp
f but he
" "al to ;
I ired, tl
I ih ina
i ng the b
i ilmost 1
the obv'
e:ded w!
""!-esses h
.'only , c
tiled the
li their ;
r (reding i
!ng the 1
4 3rn.. 11
i A till th
a f?cnou
VTiite t
"ter leav
to tho N
i 3w lies t
, 3 under t
j ;. 3 redu
. i to. rest;
2 : sound
"iter w
1 is cf
id ha
3 lain
, by
; 1 sole
t no. ;
1 ..1 pro
i hattali
aiatcly c
'3, and :
ot-v tl
-nan to
i euro w
.1 m
? ays :
I vabel
tho I
in tht
1 bob i
I ?earar.
f -
-, -1
1 fi
1 It