-; f ! t i i , i 1 $ ! ? ! 5 ! n ;-J i .: -I' i ! 4 i i V 'i 1 f i 1 ui 1 1 - . ,, . EUBHCEUUG, PA. TjicsssjAy, : : : . Mat 9 1SG7. R. L. JOHNSTON, - - - Editor""" II. A. McPIKE, - - -- -- Publishes. Democratic Count j Committee. The Democratic County Committee of Cambria county are respectfully requested to . meet at tho Court House in Ebensburg, on Wednesday tha 15th day of May next, for the purpose of transacting business relating to the coming election. A general attend - ance Is requested. The following pentlemen compose said Committee : Wm. Buck, Joe, Alardis, A. Marts,' Francis Bearer, Uenry r Bender, Daniel McDonald, P. J. McKenzie, ' C -Warner, Da-rid Farner, John 1L Douglass, John Devlin, Edward Connery, Peter Brown, Rees J, Lloyd; John Sharbaugh, John Man Jon, John CooneyJohh H. Kennedy, George Gurley. Charles O'Hajran. D.F.A.Grier, Ilogh Bradley, J. B. M'Creight, Jos.Boxler. James King, Geo. Shaffer, Francis O'Friel, i Thos. Judge, Edward Farren, John White, . James Costelow. James Burk. John H'Col gan. Christian Walters. John F. Allen, . GEO. C. K. ZAUM, Chairman. ...jr. THE SOUTH. '-. . .7 The present is the time for cool reflec tion. Business affairs are comparatively t quiet the people hare returned to their a1 N avocations there is no pending ' V ,V ' to evoke a conflict ' of opinion. -Vrai utV?1 Congress has adjourned, and monetary matters have improved in con sequence thereof. This is not an opinion of ours, bat a well established fact, ad mitted b j all parties. ' The Radical Leg- ifllature has adjourned, and the Detno- , cratie and a majority of the Radical papers denounce it as corrupt and reckless beyond all precedent, tike Congres their act of adjournment was the only act that met ... the approbation of the people. . The tax-paying masses are beginning to t compare Radical legislation with that ' of former years, when purer principles pre vailed in our National and State legisla- . tion, and the result of that comparison is : by no means favorable to the party now in power. Radical extravagance ' has added greatly to the burdens of the people, while the course pursued by Congress has rendered the future of our country so an certain as to place nearly all the burdens of taxation on the Northern people. ! ' The, Military Bill, which reduces ten TOvereign States to the condition of terri tories, and substitutes a military Govern ment for the" civil power, contains no pro vision by which the Southern States will be restored to the Union, even after com plying with all the requisitions of the Mili tary BilL, Indeed, Thaddeus Stevens, the acknowledged Radical leader, says ' they shall not bo. Thus, while, according to the theory of President Lincoln end Presi dent Johnson, the former enactments of Congress itself, and the concurrence of the Supremo Court, the Southern Stales were never out of tho Union while the: sur render cf the Southern armies under Lee and Johnston to the Union armies under Grant and Sherman," and the public dec laration of President Lincoln made direct ly after those surrenders, and shortly before his death, recognized the Union as re stored, and exacted no further terms of the seceding States than renewed fealty to the Constitution and the laws, a singlo department rCongress repudiates this theory declares that the Union is not restored, and Ehall not be for an indefinite . period. " ". ' '- -V-" ; ., We are aware that some months since muck was said about tho unsettled con dition of the South. Radical papers and Radical speakers were wont to dwell with much apparent enction on acts of a lawless character ia the States formerly in rebel lion, more especially cases ia which the unfortunate negro" was the EuTcrer. In deed, every "murder, every riot, nay, every assault and u.;ry occurring in theae States 'itemed a God-send to tbes3 cCl'.crs aJ craters, as teadirg to shew tkat perfect ordsr wa3 not restored in the South. ' Now, wa cheerfully admit, that many violations of the law. have occurred in these States since the closa cf the rebel lion, ri many . p:rh-p3 as before it cora menced cczrly as many, perhaps, pro corticaatdy as coTr occur in Ilasracha tzits, XCew Ycrk, cr Pennsylvania. " And fxli msy. expect to occur h:rc -r.;r, wherr the otithcra i&ic3 hi tnzzzizl in Coz-:z"i cr n:L - , that lTrln x?zvz t - llj Cztlt with hi lie it tL-j vera ha:3d net cc!rJ iaio eccicfj cot even lowed to r--.!; H tha ibuih. And Lenc0 it was 'efg-ed thi js Scth v;zj net re-ccr-iruetc1, cd thai I- z.zci'.i wcra ct'to rj5y th3 cf tLa UrJcn. Bat thcee changes havo vanished from the 7 ' ; radical pnpers,r and you hear nothing of the kind trom tiiat -quarter. Indeed, radicalism itself Las furnished the best contradiction to this assertion. lHenry Wilson, the Senrsr .frcm Massachusetts one-of the most violent and . vindictive radicals in the Senate is even .now mak ing a political tour through the Sou th delivering radical speeches at every town to mixed assemblages cf white and black auditors. lie preaches radical doctrines from every stump as freely and as fiercely as he did in the Senate. And yet he is never molested he passes along with the same impunity as he would in his own State, makes his speeches, and transmits their substance to his friends in the North. Judge Kelly, of Philadelphia, and other radicals are to follow , him. These men are not the least afraid to go down among the - "red banded rebels" of ' the Sooth when a political purpose is to be gained by it Then what becomes of their argu ment against a government of the "Consti tution and the Laws and in favor of a military government ignoring alike ' the lines and sovereignty of the States T Their own conduct is the best reply to their ar guments. Then what is the cause of the madness which "rules the hour in refer ence to the restoration of the Union ? What is the motive that produces the de lay in reaping the richest harvest of peace resulting from the glorious terminatien of the war T The' answer is plain it is purely & question of power. ';, Radicalism must elevate to the Presi dency in 1868, Fred Douglass, or S. P. Chase, or B. Bottle Butler, (we put the best man foremost,) and in order to do this the white man in the South must not vote, and the negro, in the South must vote. It is well known that the majori ty of the slaves in the South were rebels so far as they were anything, and espoused the cause of their masters. Notwithstand ing this, while the legislation , under, the Military rBill would deny white' rebels a vote, the whole negro vote, rebel or net rebel, is to be polled. No difference how "red-handed" the rebel is, if he is also black-handed, he has a sure thing of a vote. This is the game that is now being played, and he is at least purblind ; that cannot see it ' ' 4 -" 1 We ask the people, j t ,ia the honest yeomanry cf the country if it is not time to stay the destroying hand of this angel of darkness ! whether it is not best, ! the war being ended, to reap the fruits of peace ? whether it is not better to still keep an eye on the Constitution and laws cf our fathers, and maintain the integrity of the flag of the Union, without erasing a stripe or blotting out a single star from the galaxy cf States ? . v'j : -'..Let; the. people ponder! We are no alarmist We never, have for a single moment despaired of the Republic But we do believe that it will owe its salvation in the coming struggle to the conservative sentiment of the country, and that the elevation to power of such men as Ste vens,' and Butler, and Sumner, without an executive arm to stay their, revolutionary principles, will be the darkest day for our future that ever dawned upon our beloved country. ' . Tiie records of the . War Department show fifty persons are now confined at the Dry Tortugas nine citizens and forty-one soldiers. The former are Mudd, Spangler, Arnold and O'Laughlin, the conspirators, St Leger Greenfel, sentenced to hard la bor for life for conspiring to release pri soners of war,; John P. Adair, a South Carolinian, sentenced to five years for rob bery; John Walters, ten years for man slaughter, and Sam Henry, three years for assault with intent to kill. - Of the soldiers, eighteen were sentenced for de sertion, seven for assault with intent to kill, and six for robbery. ' : . .Ixis ackno w ledged by Physicians, Drug gists, and everybody else who ever used it, that Dr. Strickland's Cough . Balsam will care Coughs, Colds, 'Asthmaand all senses of the Throat and Lues, ouicker and Loiter Vaaa eny other remedy known. Vie would recommend our Teaser to try. this great remedy, knowicg it to be A Lo. l. '"'"" Ira..'. Lancaster struck the Radicals & heavy blow cn Friday last - The lata Legisla ture gerrymandered the city ia the most infamous manner, and Lced. in' that, war to secure a majority in tha Councils. Bat iu3 democracy tvere wide 'awake, and swept, tha city -by ca ovcrwhtlmisT -xaa-jority. AH toner to them 1 I:t T7Ar:::::arc:i there era, mere rris tcred crr3j voles thzn wbita. If lha c--cc3 tJ, tha' ccrntr thzlloa vets - for one cf their oxm color far ilaycr, he will b3 elects J, tnd political c-uality, . ia tha matter cf culce fcoldb-, thus estiva' its Crst prr -tic-l ill-trnlba U tLa crritd cf tii ei'.1:3 ... -... - S., . Gen. Rosecrans, says the TrZune, whd has recently resigned his rank as Briga dier General ia the Regular Army will, perhaps, be referred to in after time's as a conspicuous witness, if not cf the ingrati tude of the Republic, at least cf tha fact that war, like all other professions,' Is a good deal of n lottery in which it is . not always the deserving , who win .the, suh stantial rewards. Victor in the first im portant engagement which resulted favora bly to the Union.arms in the war cf the Rebellien ; planner and executor of four distinct campaigns, three of which were eminently successful j. hem .of several great battles, neVer decidedly beaten in" anjren gagement, frank and resolute in his patri otism, and idolized by a hundred thousand veterans who fought nnder him- General 0 . , Rosecrans, by a strange combination- of mistortunes, uas never been in favor with his vfScial superiors, and never obtained even from the people a fair recognition of bi eminent services. ?. It was less than sixty: days . after the attack upon ; Fort Sumter when he did us the first great ser vice in , Western Virginia by compeliir 1 the surrender of General Pegram at Rica Mountain. The planning ; and iighticg were both exclusively bis; the reward was given to filcCIeflan. After McCIellan had been transferred to the Potomac, Rose crans fought the battle of Carnifex Fer ry, drove Wise, Floyd and Lee acroskthe mouatains, finished - the ;campaiga with brilliant rapidity, and when there was hardly a rebel picket left on this side cf the Allegheny Mountains," was . relieved for no fault of his owni' that a Mountain Department might be created for General Fremont ' He fought and won the battle of Iuka in September, . 1862, while his superior officer, Gen, Grant, . was lying inactive- with his troops four miles from the field of conflict, and although for this engagement he was made a major general of volunteers, there sprang put of it ajnis?. understanding with Gen. Grant .yvhich had much to do with . the marring of all Rosecrans subsequent career. ; The next month at Corinth he beat Van Dorn and Price with but little more than half as many men as his adversaries, gaining the most important victory of the wax " op to that time. Recalled 4from thepursuit, greatly against his own judgment, by Gen. Grant, he was relieved of his command nine days after the battle and ordered to" mcmnatu .:t . ' Two "months after . his appointment October 30th, to the "command, cf thj Fourteenth Corps at Bowlin? Greeni Kentucky, he had coqverted a demoral ized rabble into a magnificent army,' andL led it across the Cumberland ' The four" days battled Stone River wa won " noX more by the intrepidity of the "soldier than by-lhe' personal valor and skill of Rosecrans himself, and was a magnificent prelude to the brilliant campaign of tha summer1 of 1863 by . which he drov$ juraggs army out ot Middle Tensessee, and across the Tennessee River. The battle of jChicamaugua in September was a bloody encounter, ia which both sides were too badly crippled to continue tha fray ; but it secured us in the possession of Chattanooga, the objective point of the campaign and the key of all the; country south of the Cumberland Mountains. Nevertheless, Rosecrans was again relieved of his command, and for several months was allowed to remain in obscurity.1 Then he was sent to Missouri, where, be sides doing' eHicient military service, he discovered . the secret conspiracy cf the Knights of the Golden Circle. Yet be was once more removed, and has heTer had a command since; ; - Whether General Rosecrans unfortu nate relations with the War Department and the Headquarters of the Arrav er t "bo traced to any fault of hi3 own, we have no means ot knowing. We only know that of all ot our generals he b&3 uniform ly been one of the most. fortunate in.. 'the field and the most unfortunate evervwhrr else ; and thai his. retirement ought to awaken in us a double regret that We have lost tho services cf an accomplished ciucer, ana nave rewarded so inadequately what he has done for U3 hitherto. , ) ; The dead body of a female infant was touad near Ureensburg a few days ao. : Mr. George Peabody ' departed for England in the.steamerScotia, from New xoric, n veanesday week. 1 ' .;. , Irwin Davis formerly a waiter at the Massasoit House, in SpringSeld, Mass., is now one cf the richest men in California, his income being from. 50,000 to 00,000 . ; , A keg powder exploded near Fort Lee, Niv York, on Tuesday, blowin" a maa named McCalley fifty feet into the air and "landing" him in the river. He swam ashore and i3 still living.,-'-.'. 'At Sandyville, Iowa, recently, a mr.n who T.-Z3 annoyed by the crybg of hia child, four or five monthes old, at cirht gfit cp and " deliberately" strangled -it to death.". lie. "has "been- arrested for tha crima. , :-' '-. Oa Thursday evenirg last, in a Lsuta cf evil repute ia Pittsburgh, a ' ycur-j woman ' named illcllle - Giia cr Ilocra committed saicida by -takb' laudanum. Shama' at the Iif3 tha'iad -beca Icadir-, end a lack cf resolution to abandon hef Cbsolita crjrctr, were the'pretabh reasons that - indacal eelf-dcstructica, , Che i?as about twenty-two years cf e-3. as 3 a ca. itive cf Akrcn, CLb.:- - : .- - c- -. i ; 1 ) ! -! f j!i M : ! ! : ; Mi r:07 COr?i?LE7E! X ..." 4 t r . INjPRICES tTtibmpsoii's 0T00K 02 (Disiis.iPism THAM 1 0 ITiLiviilil mm f 9Sh - -. f TTT TTTN 0(0) V A i f: ' ''- 1 I - ' n H i mm i n n : - OF ITET7 raff TRIBE OF 1087. 1. s AHEVAND: . stocs o DRESS GOODSi '..,, CLOTHING, 1I0TI0ITS, k., N 1 DEFY Connatitioii! EITHER. IN GOODS OR PRICES r 1 i S ' -3 f: OF r-UEOnAosns 1 TO 2XT EBB STOCK A a U 1 n b -t i-i i. M ij a. a. A V 11 i v. , tif I UUlJ i 4.1 .- ' 4 M Jut R D H H H R npo THE LADIES OFEBm BUKG AND VICINITy.-H centlv arrired from the citv -;.. vr.. some assortment of Spring and Summer Ml linery and. Straw Goods, of the litest stjU comprising Bonnel9 SSk and VdteU ft c . i jr. j . . . x rewtv x urwers, en BPsoriment or Ribbn all widths and colors, Ladies plain and fr.' Asress imams" due and Embrai ered Caps, together with Hoop Skirtj.Ca sets. Hosiery. Gloves. Ladies' and r..J fine Linen Handkerchiefs, &c , we inri"t lauies oi i.wcsourg ana snrronnding tricts to call and examine oor BtnrV a. store room formerly occupied by E. HurU We have a fashionable mlliner cf eioi. lent taste, who mil pay partienkr atteatia to bleaching, pressing and altering H&tsKj Bonnets to the latest styles. - - i ' "Me3. J. DOYLE,- April 25-3m. : Hiss MiUSH. 1 N THE ORPHANS' COUBT OF CAMBRIA COUNTY. In the matter of the application of John O'Connell, Jr,fcf decree of specific performance, notice lir been given to the heirs and legal represeta. tivea of Charles Heyer, decd, onmotifiati P. A. Shoemaker, W. II. Sechler, Eq,ij. pointed Commissioner to take tectimocj & proof of contract. Ey order of the CocA. . . .. JAMES GRIFFIN, Clek. Ia pursuance of the above, notice u be, by gien that I will attend to the datia rf said appointment at the office of F. A.Sia maker, Esq., in Ebeitfburjt borough, Thnrsday the 23d day of May next, thet and where those interested may attend, W. II. SECULEIJ, Commiaaonei. -May 2, 18G7.-3t.B-- PRIVATE SALE. The buIscd. 11 : bcr offers -at Private Sale tiro va!nb! tracts of TIMBER LKD tDf, in M son township, Cambria cotraiy, mod knows as the "Lloyd ProreTiJ.f, Also Fonrotii er valuable tracts of LAND, situate in Ca- ona ana Jacsson townships, and known u the "Pensacola Prowrtv." Arxn TTA FAEMS adjoining the borough of EbenihTj one containing about 1C0 acres; theotli about 150 acres. Tha bnilHInirff ore ill i good repair, with caver-failin" spring! l water near the houses. ; .. , . . . Sy Persons wishing to purchase or ft Farms or Timber , Lands, will do wj; i calling on me before buyios; or offering &es for sale. . . , ; F. A SUOEMAKEB. , ap.ll.tf. . Attry at La, Ebensbmj. (TJ ABD TO INVALIDS. A Oer- gyman, while residing in South Amer ica as a missionary, discovered a safe ai simple remedy for the Cure of KerrcB Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases of tin Urinary and Seminal Organs, and thewhok train of disorders brought on by bant$ and vicious habits. Great numbers l been cured by this noble remedy. Prompt ed by a desire to benefit the afflicted im unfortunate, I will send the recipe for prr paring: and csinz this medicine, in a sealav envelope, to any ona who needs it, Frtt jf Charge. Address. - JOSEPH T. INJfAN, -: Station D, BZlc House, Kao York O.1 March 28, 18473m. JOHN F.OCKETT. .- "Ot OtTSE axd SIGN PAINTHG. JGIir? nOCKSTT & CO. Desire to inform the public generally W they are now prepared to execute & Sian and Ornamental Painiivij, GlazbgJ per IZxhffinj, Grcim'nj and CcdeemimM, j tber in Cambria, Blair or Huntingdon Cc j tie, on the shortest notice, ia the rj style, -.and at prices as reasonabla 3 ether firm or individual in the coniitrj. . j ' Call at their room ia Lowther's bu2i ; under Eoushs Drug store, or addre ! Johk Eockett & Co., Altoona, April 25, lSS7.-6m. rjHO WH03I IT 1IAY COXCx j AH persons knowing themsefr81 f dibted to the undersigned on book 9tc&; i or by cotc3 now due, are requested to and scttla the tama cither. by 'pajSi cash (which, cf course, would be prt' or giving or renewing their notes, on fore the 1st day cf July next, as ft JfJ date all accounts remaining unsettled" , . lea in the hands cf a proper officer Jfrf i lection.'- -: A.SACT?' St. AccHist-ns, Hay 2. 1867w-2ffl. WHOLESALE S,. TV- -1!.- 5 t i rr-i VtrhPSl V1 .r ? in Cail, paid for CHEESY, POPLAR am li:;d lu ii Bi:r.. ClOOD TRUNKS AND - r. s. rrcss i