u u o cm . i i Is 2 r ; rati; ! 4 - fin lib f J O t 0 i o !i i :: ! ER T'X 1 . v I - --r i- 3 uf 5i f J' 1 to 15" FT-! "1 . .,. lVs - . T:-i : .'" , 1 I I r , j - f a r 9 3 s XS.FXtEEIIAIf WnOH TUB TZLUTIX IIAIIi XTIIeW; D ll volume;!: TT .... .... . - f T ... t .. . t t GENERAL MEHCHANDISE. ?. ' .'' AND 8iIALL" ir.OFlTS., : i I - AND SMALL PROFITS, .and siiALLtraorrrs.c ' GURLKT'8 NEW CHEAP :STOr,n; j OURLEY'S NEW. CnEAP STOUE, GURLBY'S NEV7. CUEAP'.STOniV; :V ;'-: V EBENSBURQ, PA. "t .'V- ! EBENSBURG TA.'! i' ;f,, ; EBENSBUi:GtXA.. ::t ;rs : Tb Lurgest Stoci of. Gopd'al Tie Best Selected aod the Greatest Variety ; ever trough t to Towa: ' '" . -, ' ' ; ' ' ; LARGEST, CT1EAPEST AND BEST,: ' ; LAEGEiST, CIIilAPEST AND BEST, i LAKQEST, CUEAPEST ANDBESTkl GO AND SES. ; 'l ! ' . ' - .; GO :and see. ctj; ; i. GOrAND EES-.-;i j Th snbscrlbr calls tbsi attention of ihe jmbli to th fact, that he has jast received and opened ont in Lis New Store," a large ,siockpf goods,"" consisting f . flourcoii irEAL'ciior peed i Bran. Fish, Bacon and Cheese; Sngar, Cof fee, Tea, MpasF3 Spices, tobacco, .Cigar .Caudlea.Boap, Vioegar, &c. &c. t, ;i . -NOTIONS; DllUGSPERFUlIERy;: j StooewRre knd Earthenware. ALSO'a fine isortment of the best and latest etyle of Hata. Ha ; always keeps 'constantly : on hand Bologna Bansases, Sardines. Fresh and Spiced Oysters in can, or half cans, and al most everything in' the eating or drinldng hne. . All; of which i will be sold at email profit. : - - ' I .-'i .t ' ' " GEO. GURLEY, ' .isnnary.81.18C7Ji' ,: M :'fiBEysBTOG;yp:Tmms& ;T1 N WA R Er ,H A R D VA R E, 1 r1867, trade, j Jg(j fj r . J.apv now prepared to oiler ""'": f -fiUPKHIOH IITDUCEZIENTS ; . TO pASH PUIICHASEE.3 OF r 4 JIN & SHEET-IRON XlMMl M WHOLESALE 01i EETAlL. k I H ; r IXj stock consists In part of every yarle'ly of Tin, 2iect-Zroat i ! COPPER AND BRilSS WABES, i I ENAMELLED AKD PLAIN i O 5 GAucisnsrrorLtms; riJ OAI SHOVELS MINE1 LAMPS, OIL , iiwuor.x UiVLNiauiiNti HARD- i Tfe WARE OP EVERY KTisrn ! 4 - - - a I: HEATING and COOKING STOVES EXCELSIOR COOKING STOrLS; KOBLEjTRIUTPH'a .t rr,nTi mnrrl Atdjany Uooking Stove desired I will. get when ordered at roannfacturer's prices. Odd Stove PJates and, Grates, &c, for re pairs, on hand 1 for Hie Stoves I sell ; thera will b-3 ordered when wanted. Particular Written for Oic Cambria Freeman. I' THE HEART BY SYMPATHY. VOfi. TLcir faces were neither as fair nor aabriqU As Lieanor's, yet they wre dearer to m,' 32- GUnaUEHATinA tllVSli; i iTToEad the! fblloin 4 S intercstIre?,"i"clo. :cnpUoa'atd' Lislo'ncarskctcli of 'thW Sq jucbanni ia, tho TJjtgSlandard j JOhcrs3"ia:' taore :beaatlfal Frot of And when they ell came to my chamber each ca;th tb.an. thal men of .If ax toe ' night. ' - i- ettlQd we Jbavo never seen it From its xo Bass rao lor n-other7 1 never could see . in ners half tho beauty that ehono in- their attention given to all o(wh!ci Lo pades orJi cfbest rnato- -riaas ana put up by competent workmen. Lanip Burners, Wick and CMcmeys TM PORT ANT TO EyERYUPDY,' Takes pleasure in annotinclog to the citizens of Ebensbnrg and the north of the; county genarally, that he has recently added to his toes a large and complete assortment of - , BIIOES, BUSKINS, GAITEI, &c!, For LadU. and ChUJren' Wear, from the olhratl whnlpal mftnnrkrf.tirf rid totabl'uhroent of Ziegler Sc Sutton; Philadel- fbia. -,; This 6tock comprises everything that w oearable and serviceable in : the way of custom-made tetctd uwrk, and every article ia warranted of the best material and most per-J feet manufactnjQ, ; Iu the sale of Iheso gootls the subscriber pledges-himself to repair, freo of charge any article that may give way af-i er a reaaouable timo and reasonable usage.' The ladies are specially invited to call arid' examine the stock. ' - - ' The enbscriber also keeps on hand and Is' prepared to manufacture to order BOOTS md SHOES for Gent's anl Youth's wear, of tb very best materia! and workmanship, d at prices as reasonable as like work can w obtained anywhere.; Fiench, Calf, Com-! oon Calf, Morocco and all ether kinds of Leather constantly on hand. v.j'.:-ij; ; C7" Store on Main street next-door to' Crawford'e Hotel.;',-. .ffeb21-tf. ; 1867. EYRE i LFoarl SPRING. v 1GS7. I wonld call par ticular attention to the Liht House Burner, with Glass Cone, for Riving more: light than any other in nse. Also, the v j Paragon J3arner,ibr Crude 0' i r- II if- ? i LL. Hit'-:' ' eyes, j ruago that will iiever ccasa to be ro' Kk&Uer all hWfth i Bran . ,sighs, And tears in her lashes, received my em brace. . . ; '.rn -"nnT-r - - . . I ebenld have told'firsY, bat lzf lonely heart shrinks Prom this sad remembrance, their mo the? was dead : . - j The.-chain, that (fflpn I i ' "bright licks" l . j : - tl H; 1 i celebrated 'in the ,New, Pastoral. - and iU .. ! v, ; t-j- KArUf was u 'gcae,: ana instead; : ' ; ! . : area an, Otsego TLake,) where' the Went American' novelist has deWribod it In lan- 4i the emung intersects the North Branch: whose beauties, hiave " beon: embalmed . bv one ofjGur rndst graccfsU ipoctsVbyttie Yalley of '.Wvoming, which liveaiforever in. the imagination of .Campbel 1 but which is fairer even lhan thejEcmi-tropicaVfancy of t wWli hoi was .enamored ; on'by tjie bold scenery 'of the meeting of;- its . waters at ;N6rthbmberIand, ,"tp its - brpad lo'ry,! ly lart dearest dster bad left ma jthis band i . U'o : jva'ar. 1 watc'a ever, ead to be lov'd byj An I taolher raora '.terser ct'tr lived, ia' the ; f JL BVrCZlZl g?.TER I It recommends itself. ! SUGAR KETTLES AND CAULDRONS ,. .. J of all. size's constantly en fcandX J i f Special attention given to: Jobbing in Tin, Copper and Sheet-lrcni J - afc lowest possioiQ raif5. - f -i ?nOLESALE MERCnASTS LlSTS now ready, and will be sent on application j b7 Srja person. , .' r rdloping to see all my old customers; and many new ones this Spring, I return my: most sincere thanks for the very liberal pa J trbuage.I have alreadv.receiM endeavor tQ.pjeasejari. wbniay call, whcth-l si vimy Duy or not. u i i m FRANCIS W. HATi J ooanKiown. JVlarch 7. 18r.7 m ; . - - - w o v . . v .u , r- t- EAT'REDtcriOJf in PmcrsI J.XJ UAStl IS DYERS 1 ! AT THE EREXSDURQ f pilSE-FURMiSHIiQtOUE! . The undersigned respectfullv informs the citizens of EbenBburer and the nublic fpnpr! ally that h bis idida i ifrcat reduction in prices to UASU BUYERS. My stock wilt consist, in part, of Cooking, Parlor end HeaU ing Slaves, of the most popular kind3 j Tin vare oi every pescnptioo, cifmy own man ufacture; llardiiare of, ajl Jdnd. 6uch aa Locks, Screws, Butt Hinges, Table Hinres, Shutter Hinges, Bolts, Iron and Nails, Win dow Glass, Putty, Table Knives and Forks. Carving Knives and Forks, Meat Cutters, Apple I'arers, l'en and rocket Knives in gTeat variety, Scissors. Shears, Razors'aud Strop. Axes,, Hatchets, Hammers, i Boring Machine?., 1 Attgers. Chlsach, (Planes, Com passes, Squares, Files, PaspsAnvils, Vises,' Wrenches, Rip, Tanel and Cross-Cut Saws, Chalna of all kinds. Shovels, Spades, Scythes uui ouams, XwaiiCS,, Jr orKS, bloiga liells, Shoe Last3, Pegs. Wax Bristles, Clothes Wringers, Grind Stones, Patent Molasses n 4 jo on1 IfAA.t,. T - 1 fii 1 4- & LAND ELL; tit and Arcb. Plxlla'da. - ASB OPENING FOR SPRING OF 1867 : &CasM Select Shades of SILKSr l.. Fashionable PLAID SILKS. .- , BISMARCK, the New Color SILK, Best BLACK SILKS in Town, . PLAID INDIA SILKS, Perfect, V- New Spring-DRESS GOODS," r ; 7 New Etyle Spring CHINTZES.. , ... i ie. ORGANDIES of Newest Style,, , Steel-Colored Poplins, for Suits. - Bj STAPLE Uouekeping GOODS. rh Stock CLOTHS. CASSIMEEES. and TW-fEDS,forXouthsV; -j ;.-.;! P S. Merchants in serrch of scarce and ceeirable .Goods .wiUfind, it their intercut to lan- eSnmiBeour stocks ''.4.-61 ' A AVORD PE03T-JOIINSTOWN1 joux-j. irjRpnY & co - hir Stores in the'Seoit House? Mat nSC, . and -in Clinton Street? Johnstown; - "Te constantly on' hand a large' and.' .well lector? KfneV rf i!nnnW "' ' - 4-1 J.t der. Caps Lead." &:d')ddAStovQ Plafsi Grates and Fire Bricks, Well and ; Cistern. 1 . J P Or better beloved by her children than L ' The youngest were twins and resembled sa much ; The mother whoTglve them to me, that deemed . A kiss from their lips, or their hands light! est touch A thing ta be prized,,, for her eake, and So cheerful and happy, their slsferBo shy, So cold and reserved that, while all were caressed, ... , . . t The heads were held fondest that JovM best .to lie ,: ::J . v, r Together, like choral-v'each hlght on my Bat bno Eummer'day, wLen.her sifters were! magnificent umoni " with th.'Chcsapeakej cTcry oi ine cusquehanna is beauti fuL . "Other f!veVg'..'bave;, their" points pf loveliness' or of ' grandeur, 'tfxi Sasqnehani ca has every formv of beauty Vor sublimity that5 belongs'1 to rivers, j We- have 'seen them, ' all r ' Copnectict,lHddsbri;,TDela ware; Oh&, Mrssis8ippj?''SIissonfiL " ,TherQ 3, Nothing' like the Susquehanna on" this continent 'Its peculia'r'cHaracter'de-pe'nds fapoa its origin m Hha .New York' mead ows, ' its passage'Uhrough'V the- magnificent' Pennsylvania ".; highland and' (!he;moun tains. , Every where its course is deflected ;? it begins a' wooded lake ': It winds a lira- pid brook by .meadawa, and over "' silver uwira -iyaivesHS i Way inrouga moun tain It loiters, restingly y their bases? ;! it sweeps in broad' courses by the' valley.'' Ijs -ilwih, 'in'itsmad FpringYreshets,5 when:;.swUch;y:-them rosues from'the hills" with iivJortxj Away o'tTfiho meadow, for dairies thev My Eleanor sat 'coath a tree in the lawn. As fair as the white llosgomi .over her head My window was open, and softlv WAS lvwri The sound of her voice to my ear, and I urew , . Mpre. close. to thexasemeat that-brisht sum S--' r mer incrd. ' r ; . -.i . -4 TEat'-each woid ifcLe-uttered 'might come to me too. i nmps ana rubing ; Harness and ScuVteru Ware ,of all kind ; Wooden and WUZow irdre in great variety ; Carbon Oil and Oil Lamps, Pish Oil, Lard Oil, Linseed Oil. Lubricating 1 Goodsf Boots, ' Shoes,' Groceries; fit "general variety of -NOTIONS &c 0 red HP i'.Tct ail stored 4,11 'Va Jbeetj Bclectcd ita can and are offe 5es'w4hnridt fU to pro,ve satis rac-QalUnd-e -Mcie fur yousaves. Ji-'rt LOWtlB CUILCst ... w. G iitjnruEY. - 4 Wkolesats iu Dalcr WoTRkt4! ; -. ! ; 1 pitt sb uiiair? pX. TaVf f sale of -Ifope Mill" Gtt4 2i; iSi??." 0arpt aa5n- QilIlosin, Tar, Glassware, Paints, Yarxiih, Turpentine, Alcohol, d'c. v ;J ; , FAr ' ? r ' : CCS j fc'icli as Tea, Coffoe, Sugars, MolassesS'yrj rps Spices, Dried Peaches, Dried Aprles, Fish, J Hominy, Crackers, Rice and Pearl Parley; Soaps, Candles; TOBACCO and CIC IRS; Paint, Whitewash, 5cmb. ULrseJ Sbc, Dusting, Varnish, Stove. Clothesjnd d er Tooth Brushes, all kinds and sizes; Be Oor?s an'1 ?T3tsULi Jpes, nd w.my cthe trt: ;Ies c t: -3 vt- -w" v Zi.,ag Ladejp'rdntod and -j-ut nji at low rates for cc5. A liberal discount tz-'i 'to country dealers buying Tinvfare v::.ulc5ale. r --7 -: C". IlUNTLEr i Viuensburr. i ; i ; OCTvET KNIT2S, Taelc Kmves -- and cheap fcrcU'at rvOL0J li HUXLEY'S. OOD TRUNKS AND VALISES, for sale low at G. HUNTLEY'S. Oh ! never a ballad more tonchins and sweet! Than ' Rock me to sleep " has a pcetesai .1 . 1 v.- -. i And softly I wept'as t heard her repeat The beautiful lines, from beeinninc tn pnd The voice, full of tenderness, mournful and low, Iiefroacb?dnSe--:S juInKt gentle' ; heart wrong-: I ., u-; . I Knew' that deeDfeelinff alane 'could bctnw The tremulous sweetness that dwelt in; uer song. She met my dimyesa-fihe rose to come in And hers became moist when she saw that 1 wept I felt that this moment was piven to win The heart of the cxphauand, qu4ckly...l stepped - V ?i V v ;; t Across the low porch and extended my" arms; w i.u tceir yearning embrace like bird; " My mother!' the mem'ry of that mo-i meat warms ; rh $t fr- f My heart to this day feiih tha love in that wora. -;' 'Tls years since the warm tears of sympathy -. -".ai,.. - ...... f, 7b p'i'ehd . reserve that had kept her from nirff . ... .... ! And often she tells me that morning wa3 sent 10 teacn ner she had a fond mother In me. My beantifnl children, they still come each m night OX- v - i " T kiss me for mother," and I am so ; blest, : ....... - .: ... '. So proud of their tenderness, truly I writa ; V f-prrrrivl lovTne ox wHc!M A caso similar to that of Enoch Ar4 den, thouglvkss poetiein-its-dstaila and terminaContjii:lxj?rrUat New barybort, Mass. A man at that placd who had a wife and four children, ran away, and for seven years no tidings wera heard of him, and he was eivea cn for dead. Ia the mcastimr a brother of tha truant husband had supported the family,; and finally married the imaginary widow ' Many months had not elapsed, however when hpml cajna hssbd israber 6ne.: and, ctrar taall ;rdmintrcj--recedent made ! himself ikndwnSindSEialmed hij ppouse. expostulation trom the happy, couplo wa3 in vain. lie couldn't eeelu'V but took pes3ssin rhouso and wife, and lclt bis cuaruaud brother out in tha rr.h! 1 u-uelhj:ngbtfat-wandU5n out a town on the spot and with singular -v.vuu-ufc.ijci, spun; six acres on a noble hill which'rises on the iibrthWesC which he conveyed to- the Stab1' for " public par-poses,- v The Cap! top. of Pennsylvania isi now built -ppon it,:and the city of Ilarris burg bears his "name. ',' :-., V " . j ' THE AGE: 1 Shak&pearQ was' rather a "slow coach in giving; tha ages of man, ase only gave $evenY ' " .".' " ; ' " .,5 Congressmen cOvet the rmle-age. Tailor admire thegarb-age' ' s f ' -5 j" U Brokera revel in the bond-age. ' -''i; ; v Letter-writers look to their post-age. s j n . WriterSjShouId.mind the .dot-age (i i r, PHzfr-fighters, aro" suited with pound ae.' 1 "i ''" .' j t-ii. i.i i i 'it ThS .EDgnEnmaatjoiccs!rin-flia' per- Bqys like, to reach; the: Itoretage .t.jj We'd all like to reach the coin-afo. I , School children &re mostly in tha rerbi- j age aa-age'ana carn-age. ' - ! '1 Deadheads delight in the 'pass-age,: ! ui Impudent peopla attain lo'.the sau3-ags! h yioibbors rejoice., .to . reach a good old port-age.," ',' ;; 1 " ; , . , . 1 ' Hotel-keepers aro happy in tho cott-agel and do Well in'host-hge. - ;i : i $ IcSeldiefs Soften: attain! to faV-age 'and carn-age.-. f?r;' -ill b-.uk "At . j Editors delight, in. press-ae.? . . , ! "'Liquor dealers'don't admiro' the stopp- . Creditors don't like the dunn-ae: V ! ; Apotheenes-aU thrive ' in ; tho -piU-age pnerman's Yvummerswero all on the fbr-age. " , -' . " ; :iMos of ns-'aro pleased;at honi-arre. ' i Gamblers alt attain to the paoV-e.' (u uiayaiors ra xao grape enjoy i"w:--3int- Cooks lire through a pot-age. ' 4 j - .Ladies are'C, Vvl-ro thv marri-se and w.Th'e folIo.wIng'homUy ; we eive .as we found it leaving our sober feliow citizens to warrant for the truth it contained : .SjThe most foolish' predicament a man can get'into is to 'get .cVunk; U drunk, enness every jn an shows his strongest' and V saro lis kind Cl runi.ards, an J -if-joa wiirgo ' Into a city drinking placa where there are a dozen men under the imlnsnee of liquor, you!vvi!l be sure to Had these' six differeni. character?,' representing difTerent- animals. ()l?The first is ape "drunk. Ila laaryiartd singand yells, nnd .dance?,,ma4 sons ot grimaces and cutting npAvf " -of "monkey-shines" to excif'tfbf 7 CO i of his fellows f ' Terriul y ell! fa 7 60 i eaves, with ita faTTa. 1str?n are siven ta l VM i- i - i its channel, of the richest greer - p:diauica!i 'a-viiuaVo pdl lv-??1iversal surpassing: 'beauty :". while ' thosTna' p; rsufi-2:ei ,r";;;! -:W''vr'? ,- 1 I " f - r.l K f Y j T 1 ) i ,,i.vow MvrKrq iyi;u oi jue cerer-ae.' I " f J V ' i - . ' ,(..... o . through the"' mountains "afford." points "of; scenery mr1 fLnefhan any ono. would be lieve " them Jto be from-Any , He'scriptiOn If uuk ocvu iuem, , , . . r f - n -,! The Sasquehahna'-'makes 'this 'grandest ? '.f?"sages, '.Jose elo'w . the . mouth of the J uhiata.' Its course there ia sevprkl xnues long,- belore it entirely disengages hself -from "the. rapids; recalled s Huntexta aii. WBinn nro thn rnm a . a J - VV1U J. Ut .LiiM barrier "which once resisted its wa'v.""Enw tirely4t 'liberty, ?f pours ats.''stream., a sixty feet beneath il3. bank. . " Aboutsereii5 mUes. be!oy ;ih3;'Amountains7' at "point whera 'they.look ' Woe in " tlie diRtance.-'-a! flowtf in 4 little Etreara wHeb. the" tndia'ns cIed"Fexeang,;PaixtaDr:pax This mountain is the ' northern" boundary cf the great valley; which;' underlaid with blue limestone;. 'eovered orirnnallv with tha- richest and noblest 'forest growtfi, ahd in'-: eluding within " it J the garden ' f all the Atlantic slope' extends from EaPtnf.1 on the Delaware, 'by Eeadingj' Lebanon ' and pcaser y;ilftrrisburg,. Terk-an-d Ca? hsle, by Chambersbunr. Hairerstown nnl Wiiichesterruntii fit'ldoses 'itself in the North Carolina hjlis.'.The point of creat- est beaqty is the epot ' where :it is cloven by the Susquehanna.' : V A-Aare.Q(3 ort7 jears ago, 'an 'en terprising young man, from Yorkshire, in England, r by. tIescentj probably, ; one of those Scandinavi8n3,.who, under the (great Uanate, he!4YpossessIon'of the 'North .of England; and gave its. mV icha'racter' to it, maae bis-vay to Philadelphia:" He married hera -a: lady who 'came 'over" with a..Wpll-Udwl''cikthirev;famifv-cF--th;ti. city. i-imrued bv thd inri, xfk? picit "that broht him from'tbeold whrirh and UEincr the inevit?i!vfi pta ttkT-'.'wW chsraeisri of fcim. ha wthi to ha Krk pf;.th?.?Sa?4cliariBa,-ia flersettieJ: fbrvf paripd at :ai pe't tibcVo'.-Colambia, ' whereto vlUs-eof Bairihrif now ataftd.r - i . . . . . a piace m' Dog fanciers eroy the cour-ago. . " l Card-players"ahd Httle' phitdnn.delight' in tbecH&b-ag.' i " :v ; .-.y;FIshermeiLare foSdof the Ibe-ne. nl Pjsoldiers.werqjn: therxnt-age.-.. "iv j ".. Misers delight in;the save-age. ; ,:. jj'n,, j Sweet sixteen with the girls is a prim (e) Porters thrive most fn the lugg-age." -- ! a All have tdgdnthrough with 'the Kis4 Sculptors rejoice, ia a rood im-ae.. .xn.e oiacas nave outlived "their. vassaH is ;s. ? '-h - ; i V 'i mi : i I1 r -.I ' .. ; a2:e. ' 'l:Fanneri and ' to any 'clerks' ;go "throubJ the tnige?' v:''tr -.. "r1" Qi alealersjgrow sliprt'in4 their 'ton- rn'hot'jclimaies' we siga, for:3 the f umbr-) "age: ,;; 1 - '-'" ; ;- i -J i; ' -"And we are-all golhg through lifVs voy age. or awafcra Infiiaos. Eat -ha 5f aa-not tned,,wlth 'this ..location,,-Exploring cpwards along . the "eastern bank; ptvJa' Ba.quehac"na, hedvanced' uct'L 'instead ot; the ,Conewao.aliiIl at his;-back ecd'n tco opposite side of the river, he fbys-J tha entrance- optics Its ..t .lt,rm. r.f-.ui ifui yallsy already deriVe'L-with two . imo streams.f.tjfan dntot the- river about five milia spart, nnd on Jh casern ted ? pj -tca-r :nn:urpaa:X'ia ;! . MortAt;Cocf.AGti -General Sherman 'W'J?ti k1? ! teman ever. made on hls'Horatycoarage; was -'Under, the following-circumstances :.JrTbe; citizens , of San Francisco were; celebrating the foWrth 'Sf July In the large American theatre, which was packed to, its utmost capacity. Gen eral Sherman; was! chief marshal, and oc cupied5 & seat n'ear the front , of the ' stage." The orator had completed hi S ora'tioril- 'the poet" b'eganf .his -song, 'when bne,pf bis aids,: whits'with fear; made '"his"' wa v. ' down- ilia -middle ais! to;Ke;foctlights, and beckon- mg me uenerara' ear. 'whispered 'to'him that the theatre had settled a foot and a half' in oha orthe sidoVwalls; under .the weight of the IcroVrL'and mr'ht be' exnp.-t- ed at any moment to tu'mbb'on 'their heads jiuius.- jtue general. commanf?(d h'm Id feitddvri where he wasi'-withont turn?? his pani'c .smitten face to ih.rii4rce' and iOsay hot xjnejr ird, J He then oiaieav Wnt yiii out. vurepor? xne condition. . of - tho 'wali;rthen gave h-s' apparent attention to the poea, .expecting .e very xBoxacnt,Vs be -.faid,rto Ihd. tU!ars rralin -and tho roof .falling n, ..bfit.Etmthdcis cirtain thaft;hy .generapand.Eudaearaovsment' and -fri -ht c:. ic& people x-o-Jld Lcitca tha catasr- a a -i - ' The second is tiger :c:. unk, H? breaks the bottles, breaks the chairs, breaks the bead of .his fellow carousers,. and is full of blowl and ; thunder. ''Ilii' eyes are ;tired with vengeance, and his soul raves with' "mur derous fury. Of: this sort are those who abuse their families.; :.. ; T1h.eith.ird i3 bo2 rrunk. . , He rolls in, tho dirt on the floor, slobbers, grunts, ind on going into the streets makes bis bed m the first ditch: or-filthy" corner he" mar happen to faiL into- Ue'fe heavy, lamp, ish and sleepy,;and ia a grunting - way, asks for a little more', to drink. v . . .... 'The fourth is pappy'' drunk" ' 'He, will weep; for kindness,;and whine his love and hug yon in his arm?, and "kiss you with his slobbery . lips and.' proclaim how- much he loves y.pu.-.Xoi.are.1jtKe best man he ever saw, and be will lay down his money or; his life for you: "! v " V , -1 - ; The' fifth ia owl drunk? lie wise m bistowtj conceit.' ": No-man mast dlfTer with hirn,- for his word islam fllaUtrao in politics, , and in ail m alters : must ) be vuisea as autnontv. ifia arm ;a strongest, bis voice the sweetest, has Corse the fleetest his turnip; Ihe'Iarg-st his foiie tlie .Ssesvof all ia'tho room. It ..;- c.';.The sixth and last snimal-.iii the aen- agerie , ia, the.. fox .drunk -,raaiw, pa . ja crafty, ready to trade horses, and cheat f can-' '1 Keen to strike a "barfrain.' leerin-r , raround -with low eunning,j peeping'' through j cracks,, listening uades'tha ''eave-' watcli- insior gome Su?piciOU3 tlung, sly s a fox, sneaking as a. wolf. ..II3 is tbe-.TSujJ drunkard of them alU " - - i - iii 'fc--!.!t i . . : .. r-.-., .... -;.,, i , r t -,,,.,, "owto . Wjiitixe, Only , th is -morning I faV in the depot, ' waiting for the tram. There had .bc-en 'an 'accident on the road below- and1 scattered th'aVocHl aroupd in a .very:crooked wav;?ft that the passenger train.cculd not get by, :and so we had to wait, and wait. a weary while.' ; Some folks read their" paper: some Fpenttheir time in making : the air bad wjth vile tobacco smoke. -But there was one .boy, with a. shy and a. discour aged look, that sat and whittled, He did nqcot his stick r.ail to. pieces, as some people do when they, whittle,' but he carved oat two nice little tied runners, two IncbeV and a half; longr and th'eV bade1 cross pieces, and ftted them in the runners by dovetailing. ?! Then he; whittled a. round piece, and bored small holes in thn ft end of each runner, and inserted theJ end Of the round piece: -!' The sled, when com pleted was a very neat' piece orworkman- r.u.iu wn atcracteci . the --attention; of the gentlemen in the depot. It .cam- cnt thf t the boy was looking 'for. a place to work for bis "board and clothes." Every body 'w&j pleased5 with" -thV led, '"and everybody was disposed to heir hirri. -He umx uu,Eeveotytnve,cents4 and; with thia- n anefs. in With a wif3 the Hwjer is more trus-i ty, the aocfvi t.i.pc.v..5d and useful the eiechanlclcaore iauditrious, and the ' taan without a wifo is co man at ail UttLvPaxton f.o -Wld,-..r.1thrthe ,1 :;w:r" at the l:f,'3cf ri f 'i- !pe.;or!-rid-'3.'cf lan i-.-'IIcre. ho ?--tt.;ur r.d the .ferry -acrcps tnorlrcr :tD: tLo entrance of the...Cambcr!-;4. IValley' was called after him. His son, ih first whita child born west of tha Conewag hills, subsequently kid ta agravat tha rum while; by tho rdi ary slo w- raeii oOr cf dispersion,- tho !d.-n-might pcIUy Lj...cscped.o -Tho exer cise continued ca'Iyi to thi Zhss..-' T! audience Ieft-thobitermrtly-witboat eu?pectmg-their peril, and tLscrV'iU-s de stfnciion.wai averted by fhe''jie.;Hn'':-c'f Tind,-;th3:-sc:f-ccrd.i of th Irnvooul i-oiiuw k .s..j;aA?,-ueeU2d unc.n'te-1 It- v3 . r.frt , p.-... t . , , ' T" . , 'Rr--i!--'tuwitaoujcrl Tvhst's to n? . r?1 th? oeiraypg g-aw. or-"(;c -.chore-js ch'iigj cf i "To pny--fo .;v t" e-cIniAd't'-Vr.' complexion, the uncertain, , trcmenJ.us - olhbg, of 'cJurle-thh'u a U&'tf consequences. ' vmv:- '' .of r.toi-0'glar.pj r.U 'tha X. e was roic'? to tha irrcnt n;f o tlem&nrcave him soma l-Jh-' t-iiA ' cered lum a " WeckV'work';: 'Finally, a he, was tia.son of. a wl low, and did -not w-uut to.be a burden to fcls r?ow .t,:. last gentleman rave hirs a rhce,irrhi own famTlv? 4a wAfW'! ' . v uuiuy, w wors m .summer, and r to school in winter.' iv - .-P - And so the boyHvhUta'hlckir into :a tit-cation. ;..2li3 madj sersfthmi:.i -Tt.i3-a ,iir?i-rtq ralo to ah JX yays. .mas e- .f?om,;ihir; lave fomo object, evea ia whittling 1 iJ stands on my desk. 'while. I wr'itej'and an 10 iiccp ir, -enj watch t till I sto 'Whether -Ee i will nc: wk ay to saecess in life. Xh.-.Ii s84 t V :A CAT.iror.-i Stost trlh cf a n bo resp.vecl to r-.:it drlr.km.r,; and' wen? !- a notary to pet him to draw up an lavi IO luiS ttt. " it.3 t,; rend" i;., ;c:-itw&3 th Fiu,i rtny held c :murmarcd the .wn. Lis consequences. Esadiko BIaxtijI on every pag IOTP." "NTntV.tr.. f.-. f, .. --- -- -...... j .j; reinrnei tfce grataful but very forgetful nCiant, "ron'-a a brick. Let's take a drink 1" i . ,ayer jj . i f evenin; slnch tbs i hich eve have fc : sed : off ectators, -age con f 3 .were Charles libit his : ; The c and ncti f their he lions : ractable. ill confid' i 3, cntere 1 jan to p , All pi length ion ant , hite stru i whip ring nnC . with his .id a ca back ur. of horro I j of spec j M; many t ish merit ; I :nance3 a Lbera ru&I r -.Inly hop; n tame: ' 4 awaitee y await r. tho mi r jaws, up i and . ret f terrible ; erociou3 1 1 was cvi i est of h I So of th: ened fort i J an iror f I the lion' i im;l wa; ld.Mn"s ! J ed his fee ) I ntsofthe ? i blows 4 f. i premacy, i; of .ten!. t woula I,. i :ch an c s 3 di?pc: i ngerou.3 f i but he ; al to j I ired, th -i i his-: ' it,. ? in a t j ng the be i i almost u. i the obvic 1 t;ded wit ? l"ickl!yth " ' :.?S3es I-" i ' only , v I tiled the s . h their a; f'(-eding th i 'ilng them V tirn.. Ho M-t till the: ! -e serious ' White d: n contempo f fter leavui j--' to tho NV 1 .2 ow lies th . 3 under th I i to. restor I'.: I sound c f iter wit! ' -readfull' claws c i 1 ! M -1 13 of j I ; d Las 1 f ,1 Hoc t 1 lebrate' , by e! ! -1 sc!en- ?nted r. . no. D J battalior ly cxt ' 3, and an ?ts,, th3 - uaa to re J cure whe "0'3 : ' -V3 ttlov 3 rock t. i h-tab-or ' tha f-r. ! in tl.2 a I i hohj fcr: ; i; ;er.'i ! 1 iivr..i 2 c