The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, May 02, 1867, Image 2

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TTr. .
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V 1 i
4 I 1
. L. JOHNSTON, - - - Editok.
..The Democratic County Committee : of
Cambria county are respectfully requested to
meet at the Court ifouse in - Ebensburg, on
Wednesday the 16th day of Hay nest, for
the purpose cf transacting business relating
to the coming election. A general attend
ances ii reqfic5tL The .following gentlemen
compose eaid Cotomittce: Wm.JBuck, Joa.
Mardis, A- Martz, Francis Bearer, Henry
Bander, Daniel McDonald. P. J. McKenzie
CV 7arner, David Tarncr,' John HDiu-l,
John Devlin, Edward Counery, Peter Crown,
Rees J. Lloyd, Jo,hn Sharhaugh; Joan Man-
Ion, John Cooneyj John II. Kennedy, George
Gurley. Uhariea U'lIagar-.-D. F. Av Gricr,
Hugh Bradley, J. B. IPCrelght, JosBoxler;
James King, Geo. Shaffer. Frxmcia O'Frier,
Thba. Judged tdward Farren,' John White,
James Cbitelowi -James Eurk, John M'Col
g&a, Chmtian" Walters. John F. 'Allen: '
, ' GEO. C. K. ZAH1I, Chairman. 1
-Ia commenting upon tha'advica "given
id tlie last Feeemam to ,the Democratic
Committee .of Cambria county . the, Phila
delphia' Agel after reviewing the shameful
proceedings of Congres3, the. manifest" in
diperence of that boJy to thd best interests
cftb9 whole country, and the plain and
uhdeniabla fact that our . own Legislature,
inr all its acts and . doings, was controlled
. ......... w -
hj bribery and swayed by the most abom-
inable corruption that ever disgraced any
Commonwealth, it goes on tcr.say :' ' 4 c: ;
"' The rallying 'point 'in the e'eming cam
paign must be honest, intelligent, incorrupt
ible men as. candidates for all the ofikts.
No others should be thought of or presented.'
lhey must be sought out in letiremcnt and
importuned to accept , ofiice at this time, for
the good of the State and cation. w Jf this
plan is adopted and adhered to by the Dem
ocratic "party; they can present' tickets that
will command snccess. There are thousands
of tax-payers tired "of excessive taxation ;
mechanics dissatisfied with ' the 'attempt
mads bylhe Radical party to put the negro
on an equality with their wives in the cars,
or their children in jthe public schools j man
ufacturers." whose business has been mined
tf the actionof Congress, and honest men
of all shades cf political opinions willing to
act with the Democratic party if they 'pre
sent the proper kind of standard-bearers this
fall. But we must frejj . ourselves from all
' complications with the bad men who figured
la" the last. Legislature. The peopla know
them.- They cannot be deceived. "If they
roust-vote for a political trader, a inaa who
sells hi infiasnca la the Legislatare, they
w'ul cast their ballots 'oa their f ow n1"' side' of
the house. f ;To insure eucces?,- to'-open the
campaign jja,a; proper -manner,'; we -must
speak of men as they are, and demand-the
sacrifice of all who will stand in the way of
a Democratic' victory in October. 5 The'Cri
slrf demands fearless: action; a 'the 'part' of
those having the - success "of the party at
heart, such action as will make the selection
cf bad candidates an impx)LSiUtity,'and'true
Democrats in all portions of the State must
be'willing to assume a'.full share of the.lre
sppnsibility of such a movement.", r ",.".71,
s" tim .' " '".
T'na Gkeaf Powers seem determined
that a war thai! not,' take place between
Franca and Prussia on the Luxemburg
question. ,u Queen lctoria has proposed a
Congress "of European powers to be 7 held
ia London Tor theX purpo.sb1 of adjusting
the matter 'on. the 'basis ef a'ceotralization Duchy'and it Is stated tha,t,both and; Prussia-, ta.w agreed itq the
cieetbg .id thai prc'posilioa.- TSe trr
rarsment cf. the. "detsib,. however,' will bo"
att-.;d2d th C-3 diCsulty as Loth Iva
pelecn find Elsrsarcfc.ii'lll bai anxioasta
get.tbCEt of tha Jbafgaia. :; -Tlie Hhs&
tcCT5rczt; .Triiibit docs.oot tst.2a.
impeib:Ufj-i is; vre'l- calculated". to ihfsi
the breach, belvv eca Jlxzzzz- -arid - Prussia,
orst h?.st, a!b? cpportuailj to
occupy other srsundj cn.tha vcsiXard
disputed ir3ue,,;Tha tnecfing of tha Con-
gr?r is fixed far .ilaj, and it U Ukeljialij
ica urct powers .mil ba. refresD'niid.
.The: Georgia.. IjrjcxcTroK.;w3S f argtjed
before the Supreme Court cn ihe Cth;bat
went oyer until the 3d of H&j.A Charles
O'Conner delivered !a inoU'pbvrcrYal'ikr
gameot lasting two hpnrs4 ahd-a-Kclf, end
left no unprejudiced inind in doubt ' as to,
the cncansiUcficsality' tifi gros3.-tnfimy
cf tha-cilryerpotisra bill., 'As iho
Court is now cQnstUatoJ,, however i-eir"'
a cere trpend?g to tha Hup-Con-rcL
and hz ir.g cxi?t?cca only at the pkaiure
cf .thit infamous cabal thera is but iliila
prctLillty - th:;S th-o injasclioa Iwiiri-3
- 1 - T ' - . ... .
.iii 1 m-m 1 . i-J , '.) '
Va.' Bctles; t f J.'p-ing;:-J,-;xincis,'a
Tadlcl cf the CiS wa!:r-- end - who it is
taid.m'i C-oO,C30 .t;-t cf ,cx-'.i:.:i .trcsa
fictior.3 !ur;".t!:..3 wrj tt'tL? So'.'k v hrn
a i
cays e-ce.t-j f
thirn f;? t' rr!::f-cf V;
ca the tubsczklicn paper :
"I will tot!:2 c-zv-zl set eppss-ja my
" i - -i vt t i,c t,l"; j
In tie C.u'.h, f 11 . .1 '..:.ia Is xZ
by a ; . :
? -
i i.
2 "frt ..i
the tlarrisburg Patriot " Unic-i an ec
count of the manner ic which tha ti l
changing" the venue of the salts against tLa
Peansylvania-Kallroad Company, growing
put of fhe 14th of September .catastrophe
kt'Johr.itc?.' .i, frota ailjrS? iS Uentra
counties, came to be foisted upon the peo
ple as a law of the Commonwealth. Be-"
low we give a letter from our reprclenta
tive, JCoL John Lintoa, addressed, to
the editors of the Johnstown Democrat,
which fullycrplains how this act became
a law without the aid of and directly con
trary to tbs action o lha, Legislature in
regara to the matter.; -
' ,-UpEES. EsJtoss :Hany persons: hate
inquired of, me for, the particulars connected
with the passing of the bill "authorizing the
PenaV Railroad -toj change-' the", venue in
the actions brought against It' by "those in
jured on the, 14th, September last. T Know
ing it to be a matter of,' general interest in
this ccminunity, kvd knowing also that 'the
circumstances connec ted -with . the , progress
of that bill through .the nouses :ar; to--say
the least,- rery ingxdartt I am . induced to
tnake ihe. following 'statement, i .
The bill 'to change the' venue to Blair
county was introduced into the Senate by"
Senator Wallace and was there "referred "to
the committee on Judiciary , local, i Before
this committee Messrs Johnston McLaugh
lin . and -Potts appeared -aMi.made i such-,
statements as induced the committee to re
solve to report the bill negatively.: Appa
rently ascertaining this before any report made by the committee; the'iiiil
road Company caused a motion; to be made
in the Senate to discharge the committee,
which motion, 'prevailed. J The bill 'being
thus brought before the Senate, Gen. White
sought ia vain to defeat it,, but. finding the
influence of the Railroad too potent, he . en
deavored to amend it,by substituting ' some'
other county for Biair. 1 Somerset, 'Alleghe
ny, Westmoreland and Indiana were severally-
voted lown, but at last Centre was
agreed to by a majority.-ti - 1 r.h -ja c.
' In this sliape, changing the venue to Cen
tre county,. the bill :amt.into the. House,
and was referred to. the proper committee.
Without giyin,me notice this committee
acted on the bill favorably, but got.no1 op
portunity to report until the 5th inst. TOn
Tuesday the $thj two days' before the final
adjournment; it came np in order, and On '
ray motion. Somerset coutty was sabstitated
for.Centre, by a vote of.SS.yeaSj, The fact
that this substitution-was made" m uncontro
vertible. .' The ; Journal ' of. the Uouse, the
Record,' the interlineations and marks on the
original bill the vote, the recollections of
the S beaker.-' the "Clerks and: manv of'the
-Members with whom I conversed, all unite
m sustaining the; assertion , Tberecan be
no .doubt, that the amendment was -made.
As amended, the Bill passed . the House by
a vote ot 4o toi to 42 against it, and having
laid ovtr for third reading " till Wednesday,
"was on that day passed by 'the House as
amended:-'''' V' t-o-v (.1
( At iHU' point -the singular part of this
transaction appear' ,Though .the.biil.wa3; above ; stated: and ; though' it
went into the f;ranscribinpj room with these
amendments inserted, it was transcribed and
I returnedtq the Senate as having passed .the
llousa without;; amendment: .This, must
have been late on Vednesday afternoon, and
at a late hour that night the bill was signed
by. the .Govefnprr:who waa, of coqrse, igno
rant of the circumstances connected with its
passage, r On Thursday before dinner; when
trying to learn tha silijation 'of .the bill, I
found that cn ,that morning a certified copy
had already been obtained by .an' ofiicer of
the Company, and that the enrollment - tax
was paid."'- r . .', .v:.-; i ?-viz .;.!;",;;.
: I de not intend to comment: 'Every one
must draw; his. own inferences from the facts
as stated.-;..., , Johx P., Listoh. .
D ESTrrrjTt os At '. the octh rYester-
jday we were shown a letter from k'Wash-
coufirms th worst rumors of starvation in
Jhe South. ho. writer 9f this Jotter; .bogs".
ja tne most piteous language ja$ Taoney to
bay food JorhislsJaji He
'says;. '.'l ata without one cent, andjbave
had nobpni fQtiriR'etks.". J-iTxa1 to
leave 'Atlanta, to avoid starving iodeath,1
Pyjfitsily.Tia here" withoptj'anything
to eat.' All the. work is stopped jbere'and
elsewhere. lam not the onlyone.,in this
but tjaousands more are like, rne.- -. In
j!aip ,word3 there aro aw(ul , times in this
and other parts of the;uth. K' ..Starvation
compels me to ask this favor of you. 'The
facts, here aro areat deal worse than my
pen" can describe..! have beea .13 this
place seven days, and three meals aret all
my family have had since we arrived here.
Xxcus3 if l amimposirg on yps, "put
I cb.tlus tp. saya. my ..fainUy j from'tarT
' , -'1 ;n;,r.M-.v.,., .;
Ac? ahova i3:. a hear treadle g pictara in
dsed, and every purse string in the North
should giveaway, with . thsforco of such a
piteous appeal ---Washington ''Eqntllk'czu
; ! . , : . 0 ,r...
; I Citt. a A;. IL Esrr'cfths 25thlin-;
1 entry,": tcraz
Z St
infiirmea tha' Ilaycr by riet'ter that1 tha
decomtioa. a thorarescf "'
soUkf3 by thd '.Ivies' nast ''bo"'r6tcppedV
Ila s-ys: ; "it becomes mr daty, c t!.3
taiUory rcprcctative cftLa (ru:ttl
. u:Ii- 3.'V.: Htrpy GcVcrn.
:.t hi i 3 r-h a'ri.s .c?.r.ii!o,:cr-l
"irV m ve t;.3
iferiig a oovcrnmsat kca, 'g3 tol
V- -
tcscd!'"' God save-tha 1
; t .1 -..-
' iea-- to'
nny. to 'CI
.cc.j - an
I Some." two weeks agar.- 3 cop!
logtonian in tha'.town of Madison." Georgia,-
nwi vvi " fcUi:y. io announce, iorciuiy
I nr. .73 of the wnr :.v
VThc Herald's special sar : The
parties u ing aa injunction r unst the
reconstrcalon law express cc: .Idence in
their' success; - .'.-U.
jThe President fears that public bosi-
ness will prevent his attendance at the
crejrjPXfJli?? the corner stone of tbo.
ent oi tlifasjierin Iy3rth.Caroa&v
A boy 13 years old, named Thomas
P. Cahiil, while coming but of the Boyls
toa School yard at -Boston n Wednesday
of last week, was struck on the temple by
a portiou of the fence, which a 'gust of
wipd blew down and was instantly killed.
' -Mrs. Dorcas Magilton, Eged 2 years
was brutally murdered, at, f. residence
Ko. 1309 Shippen street, Phladelphia, on
Thursday afternoon last. A, man named
George 'Winnemora was arreste(T .on sus
picion of having committed the horrid
deed. ' V ; " i "V" "
; --The Booth diary, says an exchange,
will be published just aa soon as Holt can
find a man who is-willing to swear that it
has not been mutilated . since - taken from
the body pf Booth and placed in his hands. '
lie is searching Massachusetts now, and
its is said has J found a man who Is" ready
to take the desired oathV , " '' , -. ',
' ,. A-. two-bafrel , liquor : distillery was
lately seized by. the Revenue 0 files rs DGsr
New Vork, and found to have a subterraT
aean pipe , connection r with :a- rectifying
establishment five hundred feet distant,'
into which' eighteen" out of twenty barrels
of the "crittert were emptied, every jday
-a saving Of something like one thousand
dollars per diem in taxes..- 5 iv; r7 t,- , -
. ' At Junction City, - Kansasr a man
namedi Moore, while seated at tha break
fast table with hi3 wife and children, drew
a 'revolver and shot-his' wife dead. In
about two hours after shooting his wife bo
obtained a pillow,' ' laid his wife's head
upon it, laid down on 'the floor beside her,
shot himself through tho"' head with the
revolver, and died ia a few minutes ' t;)r,.
'; Sanford Conover," the pefjured 'wit
ness of the "Bureau of Military . Justice -j
has been sentenced to ten years imprison
merit in the Albany penitentiary."- His
counsel have i appealed ' to the ' Supreme
Court of District of Columbia in banCj-Ca"
the Tground tbat he was sentenced -under
special statute after iiaving been tried and
ville captain'; that 'itj3 ;not . known, and
perhaps; may neveVbe,'jwhether the 'crime
was' proved ..upon, him1 or, not. " His'-was
one of tbose-muitary trials 'that constitute
the darkest page in our recent political his
tory, which we .would be glad to blot out
forever from hurjoan'remejnWftaeai);.1
) f-A Wisconsin paper tells the jtoryjof
a man who eloped with another'awife, bat
on gobs ; to , the hotel, break fast' table, in
Chicago, :f where. Isuch " congenial V spijflU
most fio congregate, was : bued. with ,0007
sternation at seeing his own. wife with. then -
.man whose domestic. happiness be thought
ne naa wrecKea iorever..... Alter, consulta
tion each escorted his wife .back to Lis
deserted .hearthstone' .... ".-, . . T
: r-A Httle boy. at NorUi Wilna,; Jefer
s6n county "was killed .by a Angular acci
dent 'on Thursday,, last. '. ,-Mr .Wood had
a batting ram and the boy Tas; amusing
himself by -putting the handle of a pitch
fork through a crack in thet bam door, for
the ram to butt against, .The. ram butfcd
at the handle. and drove one if; the tines
into the boy's eye, ; penetrating the brain
and killing hica Instantly.--v.rr
' A' very singular incidehiocc'urred.t
Bethlehem u'Paij fewc days "ago. ;A
danghte? of EherilEDissoway, aged abbai
tea years,' left ber hom? one mornis'ia her
apparent .':us;iat health;. I 6 ca to';schocl
"Duringh school--hours. he lmplaiaed.iof
painia her eyei,': and ;askeJ permission to.
gb-home.1. The request wcs -grafited tJid
she left the roots, bub' before sSoreachsd
her Lome;. which-is cnlrsbdut -500'Vsrj!
frpa tho school, -'she became -totaUy-Uiikh?
a she' was found' by sbsi'c
she cuiacl ' evea'disiicgulsh a' burnir-g' gaa
light.5 1 1 .t-.3cav.-r ffir.j3 Ion i;r:ti:l
r V mm ' ,, , ,, LJi,.. .
t The bcEaAirCiSE.A WBhinpion
telegram asserts us a probability , that tha
trial of John II. Surratt will pot take piacs;
ia consequence of"ad?ep impression that
hisjnothep was innocent of the orime for
wh ch ih'a". was hurg,'r.n-ihat the trial cf
the son ' would only - mate : the Trct more
apparent."" ."Btit 'the omission; to' iry 'the
son will 'not make, the fact less'apparent.'
The Seep, impression that the mother wr.3
innocent is fast becomicga conviction in tha
public mind.;' The trial cf the son ' would
undoubtedly develop, facts tio render '.thr.t
conviction absolute ; ;the .refusal to try him,'
ia tha fear of uch an'eSict," will result h
thd fine thiog: i' Other way;the jacoh'-i
party, cannct. cscrpp ih Nemesis which is
comipto aveng-ithe death of ndcc-r.i fast ontr' theVullt of heir' c uj
dor cpon.tfcst p;rty. Q'bajo Th?us:,
-Lr 13
nowlcd.i by PhyskLDrf
, ...... ... 1
:rv b-zd.r
t,;:3;-nLo' ever .u.:;
ilea's- Coua-Bh.
cura Co
..... -w.,,-aria 'La
3 Threat aad'Lu-3, quicks"
I ' - '
ny cr rcmcay 'knora.'
oar. readers-' to 'try
aowu:2 it to ba'A
this great :rc:
- . -f--. . . ... . ,
convicted under the'geoera!' statute. . $. ..
'. I The''' Springfield; (Mass.) JlepvlUcan
says of the case of, YV'irz', 'the AndersGn-
person' passing by and-faa home.' ' Up"
to ;thii time alFeCbrta to restore ' her i;Lt '
have proven fruitiest She 13 so 14iadiLk:
Friend Mac lly 'list cc :luded .with
Tore Ar.oa,'" so. here I come r-gain t-.-lthi-
'? Ilid wor caa never Cls; I
,w s 1- CherisL2-and blestr--ii- i.. !x .
. God knows how deep they lie
": Stored ia the breast.'-
-rWe who are.youngand thoughtless, just
entering oi'"on the r.uit'.esonu4 wa havs
f "stilt atouad -us the loving tones arid soIT
smiles of friends wc to whom the trials and
weariness f our path on earth are as yet ua-known--hQwtver;d?ar
to ua may be the voi:
ces of love, however we may cherish the
blessings of home -we do not, cannot know
the full value of kind words. Those only
wh6 hivf fef the want' pf them 6ah know'
theirinestimabletworth.-4 f S-1
.B1.9.!S,JBand, wprds. can never. die."..,:,. ,,,,,,
Though Jong,, long years may have swept!
V UV VUI bAA, OIUW rAX 1i LIJ C TV liCiA 11;
were 'spokea 'though the; lips" that' gave
thera utterance may have long been hushed,
the heart from which they flossed been long
buried beneath, the greea turf,, yet they are
not lost--their memory still lives a cherished
and blessed memory of the past.; We need
them, all along pur way on earthin joy and
sorrow. 'Alike are" lhey Welcome at "the
wedding-feast and the burial service. ' Ke
joicicg with them that do rejoice and Weep-'
ing With them that do weep." . Could we
only know how.much usefulness lies iarour
power ,by; the simple means of Jove, how
many we might bless-with our . sympathy,
we sheuld not be sparing of it..,-
Oh !. deem it not an idle thing - ; - ,
i An" angry, word to speak j .. '. . -
The look you wear, the thoughts you bring,
A heart may 'heal or break." ' d. Ai c.
Stock. In another col ama-will be foend
the advertisement of the Hartford Live Stock
Insurance Company,; .which is ia operation
at Hartford, Connecticut, -with a Capital of
$500,000.'- Same of the .wealthiest men Ja
the New, England States are Stockholders,
and Directors of this Company. Their names
and resources afford'ample- evidence that its
business will be wisely' and justly conducted,
and all proper claims.upen it promptly met.
It will insure the owner of valuable animals
against losses by death and theft, and we
are informed that the premiums it asks are
quite moderate. . Its business is already large
an'd'rapidly increasing.' - Many horses of
great note are insured. Among them" may
be mentioned Dexter,-Dan' Rid, Stonewall
Jackson, jLvey, -e&,-: We have no hesitation
in -declaring our ,belief that here, at last, is a
company, for the insuring uf Horses and other
Live Stockl which is calculated to meet the
wants Of the community Had' it been in
existence some' time ago tho owners of ; tbo
very fdmbus,' -valuable; and comparatively
young Horses, -Malrownie and George M.
tion of the heavy, loss thev suffered. ATw
. I The Latest and; Best'News is that B.
H. Singer,' who,' tipon' his entree isfto our
town, reduced the price ef horse-shoeing one-
i-Aii r". n ah ;ei.t;rLLi tneu Biiu Ki isaa me van.
and oers-to work 10 per cent, lower than
the lowest f jr cwAf and insures 'satisfaction. I
Perspns neegiog. tire on their wagon s or car
riages, can aave'dollara by giving him their
work. , V'A dollar saved is a dollar gained,"
and the. way to save many of them is to get'
yar blacksmithing done with Hr. Singer.
at th'e" West end of town. " Mr. S. is also sell
ing I. C Singer's unequalled Tire and Band
"Bender a c machine-which: saves a great
amount of time and labor and bends theTire
round ' and- true-of which Wta. JIyer3, of
AUoona, says he would riot' take $ 10 D and
do' Without.; Ahy'amount of testimony just
like that can bo shown,' but tha machine" is
its own best recommendations to a mechanic.
Persons wishing to purchase should - call on
or -address r,R. H. Sijtger; Ebenshurg.;
- Territory for sale. : For; terms address I.
C. S-orsxRi Box .85; AltotJna. Pa ! at. -M
1 In addition to our main business bf VIlQ-
'quarters for. the folio wing, Sriijov iio. si ii
cf American and" Fcrelga .'Cities '"'and';Land
j 't ''ecapesj Jroups, tstatuary.'&dl"- ;
j paigns; a'ad -forming' i complete Photo- -
v grapaiuuiisoryoi iae great contest.- r--'
Adapted 'or either the Ma'gic Lantern or the
Stereoscope."14 Our Catalogue "will be sent to
any address on receipt of Stamp.1-:; -;"h- a.
j We-rnanufacture inore largely' than' 4ny
other house,1 about--200 varieties,4 from." 50
cents to 450 each: Our ALBU11S have the
Tepntatioa of being superior, in beauty land
durability to.any others; . --; t f it
Car rnotorrTris ef Oeneralt. States.
,: .,3aV Actor, &c., fce. ' , '
f ' Our Catalogue "embraces over five xaous
axd different subiects. inclndir! rpnrrvln.
ions cf "'tha most -Celebrated Bn-navin
Painticgs, Statues, &c
Catalogues sent on
receipt of ft-rsp. I -v
' 1 hatogranhcrs .end"Gtrirs r,1prin-fv?a
.C. O.D., , will, plea-cj remit 25 per cent, of
the amount with thc-ir'crder. ." ." ""
Tha prices a:..i quality 'of " bur :good3
iot fail to" satiafyi ; - apr25-ly.J "
; 1", OTICS -is licrcby givca that the
':- Furniture and ether honyrvl.1 r
Icitia said G;V,MIcrty du
ring cur 'pleasure; V
- V A T
VC-.1 end far sa-a low f-r
!-l and
fr.b-3.J GEO, liUKTLrr'S'-
Prom . negatives made- id" the various earn-'
soia.!ry;thet.enlT, Fcb.,ieth,,lSS7,afcthe
res:aeuco of G. W. Kerly, Es-t., in the Bor-p-a
of Wunor. ar.d nurchs-1 hv ti.-f
''IT f ' -f ' Tir "f A ";'
!- -i ' .- 4: iT ' ' '
rr M"l !'( i inTH ii 1
I pJ I l W k-
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roii the
.7; QriC
1 V V
?!'.''-' ".?,.'t:,..-r-'r-
IIOTIOilS,; &c0
and, invite tlio
1 klitu -L-iilr
t j4 'bit -I W fc 4'W fr
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; ,tl ..f!'j'a lit
J . ! r -.' " . .
IA J mm mtieh
i. 3
?' ,
COL. D.u niCE, Director.
1 M
IS''-- :
' The franco nf Above named Institution w
imporUnco to Cittpublir, M,? Qraakati ,
tiiiin kit lhat is - "t
Moral, Instructive, and Entertalnir
and di.-cardin? s!l t.h elements ((unci 5n M miE.f 6
elm? exhibition") tar -would in tha slightest iSL '
prove oTcncLvc to tht rnrt eniu've mf pjoa, 5s' ;
The grat bow nivl nimal school, nnder the iaisei?
Bupeniaioaof tha diaiiJDsiiisUed scholar md hsS
claim superiority over all Hi rivali Li kU tte ! '
essential 10 the pwfrctioa of - t
The rreat erent of the amusement wcrid for tSaw!i
ton of'CT i the re-cntrc cf . i
DA fl1 RICE,
tn hU popular rolo rt tiff Axrn ca rtrsom J
brocgrri a?xp this mwt ameft pcmiuion iai 1
Hone 'thoaM fill to hear his hnmorons and lemtfe
positions of the Obeat Evists or tux Dat. lien,
oer, therefore, tliat ',
most rosmrELT appear at ear h and erery nif
tion of the great ehow, ftMaredly without lail, u Cwr
TO THE AgtNA. ' i
The perfect eaclpmcot of tbo entire exhititi"
been the study or the management, aad everytliiiij :
be found complete and elegant. j
Thjs Wakoss, TRAPPrsoa, &c. hare been mxnet
and equipped in the u.cst tt riaia kaxxek; indisik j
Crand Etroet Parade,
which will take place da'lr at abont 10 a. wJJfcn.f
blaze of splendor seldom if ever equalled. i
The JLaninioth Pavilion -w-.H be complete lata is "
detaUa, acd will be to arranged aa to afford the tat p;
ible accomodations to the pntile, while
xat wuo. ts raoriDED roix ALL. i
The Ring Performanca,
wbicbls nnder the practised eye of CXL. DaN EIS,
xfill posiuveljr De, beyond couot, tha Debt in AE'..-.a.
will daSy iatrodace to Lis patrons '' " -
Tbe ccV on- Ja; Ann '-n. r.;! r"--ort to 1he eo-s
notw-i'hst3tuii:;sr.- ;.li;.l.Ai: t.ikV Wr-nre wu
that hp 'r.t:y lertor 0:1 1V:r history and peei fc
1 ";-i- t ' H vYv v,' .-o.-:--
i . .EXCELSSOJ7, Jr.
A description of this inreUic-rt rr-aruro woaW hX
r.o ptn can tNTlte or t iiiiiv I'-ecn .c his surprisirfW
nibuionof rquinclctellireiH-3.-
? -DAN lilCE wilt aleoiuUvducc the tborour-i-Ti
Arabuin,- . . ,'
' ' ' : STEPHETi A.! DCUCLASI " 7
The criinai ctJiric Jiv.-.'es, ' ''- - - - - '
- v . r pf-TE AND DAllNEY, '
the only onea ia Amefira. r.U r4br.t btln' fcrt i
imitator. viiU also bo Jtui-duted in their iiUe-tp
coniicaUtics.' ; - - .
1 llHl
'Che.'XqncstrJao corps &3tt5llIfc'.fc2owfc2
Known aim r ;c FTUitai . r r - t
' M'LLC 'ELVIRA,' f-'i ' ' " ?
' J f ..." 'The beauUft'irlremiore EcnciWe
Y.i r? . r 1 b h a d h ri" i n c s, :
.Tho Konpariel llorsomau r.:d Srashed Tit'-EcpeAs
j The graceful tna?ter cf the School Crta
MR. JOH II FOSTEt?,' ' - ;
' .--,- '- The merry ClovsL and aJ1 v. h. Youfic; ; ; ! -
j J . - I The excellent Gymnast au l skfLod raaW
f. rs r r r- r r-nBj i"-x - ..--."
t - The dachinsEqw5-'-
I , : . . The ablo and cfiicicnt MateT of tit1?
MR. jag. coor'nn, ' . ,.J
" ' TLc'2-lidcrn-AU.fete.- Ttertt T f
hulk. wA.-?!vn. r.Xz?:rT.i.; la fetits i
l . .5. . LV CiAiiS. v f 1 i
ij t3?"THCcr;AriD ORCHESTRA"
Of the freat show i A juarkci featara, headed f'T t
Oreat Jiaistf. - ' -. . ;
.. r FHITZ MEYER," Esq. " -
The Earilioa wiU io brulisuU y idamioated toB1!
iayr. .: . ' '
.' Ft-n-I flToTwt, Poiali "apdHj1'
E..l..- rl .1- "' lU'thlatotmtrf. -''' ,S
DciVt Fcf; t tho.Day.and Dat
Arlf-- -cf,rlvr-r- I tf EANrJC'Sfc.e
p.utv, liAOTiU .UOiUiLwIl. '- - Jr- Ail 'u
. A V s J
on Zrr7.
a Ioor-ra at a and 7 o'tloa tLW-fcertM"" !
.Cosnmv-Jv-e half an boor later. - t
l Aci.ti.3n, cei.s; ti.J.rea under slM J6 r
. ,CCiVt.-.;:... ; - - v ' : - Y''
;, ! vili-' n rriiBiT v a 1 !
ijjs. I.. . -AJ j
. . ....i;
Af-" i.-ri ccd'-'an ciSsein.
.'over F, lL,Thcn?..s Strrc; 2ers his
,!ani vicliiiv;- -k biin ? p.l!.3';;