"V1 A.. ' ... V Oh 1 i 1 : ' : -W T " 0 , I " "- r j Wi WJ fe.J l i ER 2G. r ' - i f : i ' I yOLUME 1. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. QYJXCXX 1X13, and small pr.orirs. and small rnoFrra ; AND SiIALL;PR0riT3. flURLET'S NEW CI1EAP STO?kl!. ; flURLET'S NEW CUEAP STOTLZ. OUELEY'S NEW CHEAP STORE, EBENSBURQ. PA KBENSBUKQ, PA. EBENSBUIiQ, PA. rv. T-r.t Stock of Goot. The Cost -u:ct nd the Greitesv Ytriety erer .irooght to Town. LARGEST. CHEAPEST AND BEST. LARGEST. CHEAPEST AND BEST, LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST. v GO AND &T.V.: GO AND SEE. GO AND SE3. n,. inl)cribr calls th attention t( the Lvn ta tS fitct. that ho has iut teceWed iai epened out iu his New Store, a Urg Vck of soU, coceisticg of I HOUR, CORN HEAL, CHOP FEED. n. Psh. Bac4n and Cheesa; Euar, Cof H Te. Molaaics. 6picc, Tobacco, .Cigara, fodlea.Soap, Vinegar, &c.,c . NOTIONS, DRUGS, PERFUMERY, THoMwar and Earthenware. '' ALSO, a fina fuaortstent of th best and latest atjlo of ;U. Ha always kep cunstantly t on laJ Bologna Cus3S", Sardine, Fresh and ,?pled Ojstei-a ia ca. or half cans, and al hoti CTerythir j la the ealing or drinltinjr m. All; cf Uch Vr'iW be Bold at mall ' llaiw CrszsT, EsaxssJsa, Pa. Jascary It 1S7. ppor.TAirr toevet.yeody. Tikea pleaur ia anconnclog to the cltlzcoa yt Ebnhnrg and the north of he county Snerally. that he has recently added to hia Aoek. a largs and complete auorttnent of blOES, BUSKING, GAlTEirS, &c, I For Ladies' end Children's Wear, . jfromthe celebrated wholesale maaafacturing subluhment of Ziesler & Sutton, Philadel phia. Thia atock eompriae every thing that i durable and acrriceabla in the way of Ham-made teteed cork, and every article ia retracted of the best material and most per Tct manufacture. Iu the sale of these goods .ire iubscriber pledges hianself to repair free y charge any article that may give way af 'Jtt a reasouable time and rea ton able usage. .The ladles are specially invited to call and t aamioe tue riocK. The subscriber also keepe on hand and is sreoared ta manufacture to order BOOTS ,ad SHOES for Gent's and Youth' wear, of (th very beet material and workmanship, ud at pi ices as reasonable as lika work can ,W obtained anywhere. Fiench Calf, Com mon Calf, Morocco and all ctLer kinda cf jlMther constantly ca hand. J Store ea llala ttreet, csxt door to wford'a Hotel. 1 . ffab21-tf. 1C37. ... ... f rtnf-iy v t. RYRE LA K DELLr rrth aad Arcls, rilla':, - A1S OPENING FOR SPRING OF 1SS7 : S Case Select Shades of SILUS, ;." ; Fashionable PLAID E1LH3,- - - -BISMAJXX, the New Cclor SILK, .. Best BLACII SILUS in Town, -PLAID INDIA C1LKS, Perfect, '. New Spring DR1IC3 GOODS., New Etyle Sprite ClINTZEil, - 0 HQ AN DIES cf Newest Styles, ' Steel-Colored Poplins, for Enits. r N.B. STAPLE lJonseksepin.? GOODS. Frssh Stock CLOT E 3. CACiIli:i:-3. ani jTWEEDS. for Youths. P. g. Merchants ia sairca of ecafce and !3slratle Qoods will find it their Interest to all and exacitna cur stock. . 'p.4.-6t." ' A WORD rcoM kibirSiores in & Scoii U.kiss, St., and on Clinton Street Johnstown, - '-' 5vt constantly ca .hand a Urge and well !ected stock of seasoaable fiw Goods, Bcotsi . Shcis, Grcccne?," ia general variety cf NOTIONS, &c stock consists cf almost ; every article jWAllykeptla a retail store, all of which Wtbeea selected with cars and era cf red 14 Prices which cizact f-'.l to prora itl-.".. 7. Call and ezttniza Ux jouystlvc-s. . 23, !E5Tw-tL rr CHT1X3. tf -; - - ... AB f- i"v 1 e tt ' t r-t .."' Bagj.-Battlcjr ad Crrt- Chxla. L. ! ' - "'I " ""TEC ORXSSX - Tha raRea leaked cn the wcrld r.r.-l sneered ; MI c&a gness, b mattered, ."why God is feared." :- -For the eyes -of mortals are fiin to ehua -. The midnight heaven that hath no sun. , I will stand on the height of hills that wait Where the days goes out at the western gate, And, reaching up" to its crown, will tear -From ita plames of glory the brighest there; With the stolen ray I will light the aod. And turn the eyes of the world from God." He stood a the height when the sua went down. He tore one plume from the day's bright crown, . ! ' ' The proad beam stooped till ho touched Its r brow. And the print of bis fingers are on it now ; And the blush of its anger forevermore Burns red when it passes the western door. The broken feather above him whirled, In fiaot-s of torture around him curled, A ud he dashed it down on the snowy height, In broken flashes of quivering light ; Ah more than terrible was the shock Where the burning tplinters struck wave and rock I The green earth shuddered, and shiank, and paled " ' The wave sprang up and the mountain ' quailed. ' ; Look on the hill, let the sears they bear Measure the pain cf the hour's despair. The -Fal ten 4 watched while the 'whirlwind . fanned The puLdng splinters that plowed the sand ; Sullea be watched, while the bissing waves Bore them away to the ocean caves ; Sullen he watched; while the shining 'rills Throbbed through tha hearts of the rocky - hills; Loudly he laughed, "Is the world not mine 1 Proudly the links of ita chaia shall shine; Lighted with gems shaU its dnngeon be, ' But the prida of ita beauty shall kneel to me." That splintered light in the earth grew eeld. And the diction cf mortal hath called it Geld." j Probably the best description to be found of the vast, territory fec60 Pur chased from liussia by our -Govern meat is given in a pamphlet published in 1855, by fir. A. IL Roche, of Quebec. This pamphlet ("Russian America and the pres ent War") was written vyita aJ view of urging tbe British Government to aid in fitting out an expedition for the conquest of Russian America, and its- annexation to jtha British possessions," but the war with Russia came to a close ia the fcllow tP2 year and the project, if ever seriously entertained la En jLmd,1 vraa st course no lender theLt joL i V a; quota frcsi tta pampLlei a description of some features cf the tcrritorr Just ceded to the Udtsd j States: j. r,f, r,,.5 i7!YiiI a coast "oped tLa PaciSc of soma fiHera hundred miles in length, indented by r. a serous sounds and capacious bar' bors,-and ftu'JJsJ vrlti c zr.y J-rS islands of ccisId3ra.UA-resources, -it exlc-ruls back, f4r tbot one thousand railss of that coast, to'a distance of ninebnnIred ra;L.", aad fir the remainicSrHje hundred rauJ of the coast, to thirty miles, the, latter bcicjlthi portion in front of our posses sloes Vihich it ctsts oJT frera the Paci2c ; jcat fifty mlks ia breadth, stretches cut ia the Pa' cilz for cp wards of threa hundred mile?, Iha whola territory. comprissrj a sarfaca cf r'ne hundred, thousand square miles. It is'tl.us about sixteen times tha size cf En-Land. It contains many meuntaia ranges of frca7-it,;"sr.3' Cna Volleys, laai'Scer.tljr k;ahr8sl .nl fariUIrcd by L.rjtJv J.t'ita and " riven b ;' tha "inoaataia ranges ia the opper and broader portion cf the territory having a transversa di rection, and therefora'-LLaUsrinj the val leys from northerly winds, which ia that quarter are cold wind3 ia summer, vrtik extraordinary as it ciiy appear t.3.raany, ia winter t ' nt :Jf c: Jrji in tuo tcrraometer. -at casor Bo'utLerly winds produce ellccta directly eppesita the former, beicj warca mnus ia. trr-Tccr and coll trir.13 xa mater. . A preai r . rtion of this vast rejica (ia tcrzi- placc3-o' witliia a thort distance cf I Aixtlc Ctrc!?V is covered with forests Cf t!:3?.ir ::tt i .bla t :ss. V 4 liaa't ScurJ, ia 61 depress corth l.ti tu'vT"l:tre it ic'-t ba expetsi that tLs kuauca.cftba'i-:1 r.nli:V"ti!J pra- Ttr.t cr 'retard j foucithai Ca-aclaa .hU;-i.-css,CooV f V ca p;na ci a r.t to ,3 r -'t rtca f . 1-3 C- niact:a rcrta l.:.;:u., 1-3 tha :;2 rct ca r.Vr EB3HSBURG, PA.y THURSDA-Y, ! MAY;2,:"18S7. eyed tha ca ur. J, ta could dlstirrskV many extensive valleys, , with, rivers rua nir.2 through tbsm, well wooded, and boundad by tills of a geatla ascent and moderate fceijht. : One of these rivers ap peared to ba cf considcrahla tiz-a. " Eoma cf tha pe; Mho penetratca beyond t.a into me coumry, toana tie trees larger the farther they advanced." In epeakinj cf the resources of Rcssiaa America, fir John Richardson, ia bis work npoa .the 'Arctic searching expeditien,' quotes Doa gard with regard to one portion of it, who says that the 'hill of Y7 estevoi, near Nor folk sounds, in north latitude 58 degrees, which is 3,000 feet, French measure, ia height, is clothed to its summit by a dense forest of pint! and spruces, some of which acquire a circumference of twenty-one feet, and the prodlgous length - of one hundred and sixty feet, and that the hollow trunk of oue of these trees, made into a canoe, is able to contain thirty men with all their household effects 1 ' Sir: Jchri Richards adds : , The climate of Sitka, (the name of the bay as well as , the island upoa which is situated New; Archangel, the chief port of the Russian company, lyin in 5? degrees north latitude,) i very much milder than tnat cf Europe on the came parallel, the cold of winter being neither severe nor of long continuance. The humidity of the atmosphere gives as tonishing vigor to the vegetation, but al though the foreat, nourished by a very moist atmosphere and comparatively high me a a temperature, is equal to that cf the richest woodlands cf the Northern United States, yet ccra does cot ripea thera. This humidity cf the atmosphere, which is occasioned by tha eurrocadlrg ? eea, is douttksj tls causa cf corn cot coming ta perfection at tlika ; fr soma distance ia the interior cf the continent, as far east as the .Mackenzie, ia tha territory occupied by the Hudson Bay Cexnpany, the cereals are successfully cultivated up to sixty da grees north latitude, and '.occasionally ia .soma fctslt37.tsl-rsJ-.d;r?,. ,f'rtb?r north. Ia tha cel-bhcrhsod cf tha Ha keoxie, Sir John Rlchardsea tays that Fort Laird, cf the sixtieth parki; taay ba, considered as the northern limit cf the economical of wheat,' as ia tha interior cf Russian America the climate must be of a drier nature than cpoa tha seaboard, and probably more in the extreme, that is, colder in winter and wanner in summer, much cf the interior may be well adapted for the . growth of the . cereals, although they cannot bo successfully cultivated at the Russian establish meats upon the coast. The harbor of Stikaj and eevsral other fine harbors are open during the . whole winter; thus - showing aa extraordinary 1 contrast to the opposite coast! of Asia; which are ica-bound for tkrea parts cf the year. - Even as Ligh up as Rehriag B traits great difTncsrcf cllsiate exists , fceteca the coast cf tEa' Asiatljj and American coctinests.-; -Ia, fcls -Traye!.3 1'ear, tha World, Sir Gsora Simpson remarks that, althpi'!! tr j;5S33.r)oiR3;Plirfc '. Ctnuts are only fbrty-fivs :CjiIe s srida,. ia .tha gen eral Epearrn ca c f -tha; two coar.!a fiere is a .inarke4 . .c!i"2rences, . the. .western;. sida beir'g )bwt,ilat. and 6t?rxl?j Vf hila, the. esgt ra is well woodadt-csd iai.eyery "respect better adapted thaa lha other for tha rii3 lenancejof both tin;1 and VbeastvHcre- over, the kail and cllmata improve rspidly on tha-Araericaa ,shcraTES na" descends, and at'CocVs inlet; '.'(". CO degrees 1." latitude,) potatoes may ba- raised ,.WHa ease, altbocgh .they .hardly ' rspeaj ia.' -ny part cf Karaschatka, which exfend3 "cear. inferior to -that eastern Coast4 ;cf -Amsnca aad Asia,-whether Jytrij ia .tbe. ease,, cr in a. much lp wzr, partlleL j Sitka, . for in--Etaac? .tr hi!x is in 53 ..drgtcsa pcrth. lati tals, baa a cllcata . alraoit :si '.Icsp'srata; as that of London, ia 3 ty ;rth latit th and utff.V-'end it has :.elm .about ; as ; rald:,a winter.'-ss tha 1 sra-poriloa -' Japan, situated ia a much lower latituda. Tt-S 4 superiority j however, Ci' deli raaia 'cf "Rusiisa Ara2rica,"'ovr , s ' a the' 'sc LI an-.l cllrar'acf thacr; Las beca cl'ierred frc xjilla ccists cf X attba'tlsa cf Kefs 3- baa'c'a ta tha' prsssat raor ent. - --Lit -?" 1'mTcs ztui tz r3 rtcoiit Ti.ac Cf tl3' . - ai a vft v er'ca ia a L:hL:r t-a- -.ranc:.a' : btltuda. . - - a Ar rclnt R -.rrotr; ia 71 d tii:.-v. C'iZrtr- t' calLj c. ...1 'where 'Her 'tT?ctys t' IV-L-Vrc; .3 caura'mat tbr-ilVcf.'racrr . .J.tl rr.: if .tsa.cegrees sout a. . r- x at?s, , oota , ia sou and'cliniafej; tha' great p'ortioof'..rjlasd2:a Azaerical foorderiss .upon, the sia,' is; net adei 'fthercfcani anaosl tern rcraturecf e fbrtser..beic!45., 'degrees, 44 minutes. that of the latter 49 depress 70 mm- tras experienced at QasbtC; last.' 'winter, . wbre, also,' the. entire quantity - cf .'.saow' wh'ca fill' daring. that psriodwas about Cfteea tisacs greater than that reported as abeva t have fallen daring the winters of 1"2 3; at Point Ranw, tinted; 20 2c,recs farther north',. ;'- - "-; j- ;: Of tha. many larga 'Hrers which flow through Russian America, ; nqsa cf , them, hava been explored to their resources; bat several cf them such as tha Colviiie,' tha CUkioe, the yuea or iCwichpack, and Kukckwin, are supposed to run a course cf cpwards of one thousand tailes,- and to be navigable for a corisiderabla distance: Frost their breadth as well as their length, and the volume cf water which they "dis charge into the sea,' they may certainly ba included among rivers cf the7 first-class. The Cfclville, which wtss discovered by Simpson and Dcese since the Convention of 1825, is two miles wide at its month in the Artie Sea, where Captain McCIure observed its influence twelve, or fourteen milfls but at sea, the water at : thai ; dis tance being of a dirty mud. color, and scarcely salt : The Stikine enters the Pa- clSci at fifty degrees fifty; minutes I north latitude, where it is three miles wide,- and at a distance of thirty miles from, the sea has a width cf . oue mile i but. its .source is ia Rritish Territory.,, Of the Yoken,jor Kwichpack, Sir John , Richardson aays t "It rises to the west of the Rock moun tains, not far, from the union cf the Fraa cis snd Lewis, which forms ..the? Peliy, ilora first ta the corth, and after receiving a Iarga tributary earned the Porcapiae, to the westward, falls inta .Rehring's Sea,', aad thsjt. "ia 60. degrees north, latitude, aad degrees west Ioi?giteda,,, which ia atott caa mila and a quarter wide. -Thera three tasgniScent rivers, .fallirg &to.'difTer ent ecrjs, probably represent thtia distinct river rysteras cf the northwest corner ; of this continent each being fed 'by . cuser oasiaallsr, yet ceaslderabla, ttreamsj. tnd the threa toother, draiaicg . aa extent cf rr r-h Isrtr than -tha whole cf Hr. Itktsr, cf tha Iludjaa Day Company's service, la a' cssmaalcatloa to tha ' Royal' Geogrxhical Soctdty,-' flows from Hasliiia'' America thrcngh tha Rocky Uouatains at the first 'complete break ' in. tha chain xa 67 degress north '.latitude" iatothe" Mac kenzie of tba Rritish territory,' tha tatter liavicz, according to Sir John Richardson, a coarse cf 2,800 miles, (800 longer; than the SL Lawrence) ; and an unbrbkearun ga'tion, t for steamboats,' from 'its em trance to the Arctio Soa to the Portage of the Drowned, a iulstanca of from twelve to thirteen hundred taUasv'-' In addition 6 tha Rassiaa territory being ; everywhere dralaed by tha' flaest rivers,' it' contains many larga lakes' commoaicat'zg with the foraer, aad' Is' iadected with numarccs daep andt spacious barbcrs,"1aad also by several extensive arms cf tha seal L Of tba laitsr, CccVa. Lalet "ruts -tpwardj; cf A wo taaSred.. miles into tha land,'i thesa :. likes. and titers, sad ,thess inlets : aid "t harbors,: may .ta vistred z very ..important: fiatsircs cfCiS-fesaatry.-' lThey;.'cot' caly-asbtto teraper tha! clirsata (tha format by draia ir.g tha! land. -which generally ; shapes,: to- ws.rds tha sea and' ta wards, tha'llackea 2I2, tha tatter by tha 'salt atraorphere, 'UjZ -(tLtlr:, teatcrs , dilTasa : through the intcricr), tat thsy tesd t enrich tha tpll c'poa their: banks, by? a.s.b.5rtr;period;-.cf crerCsw ia tha ppnrgj and may ba taada to sljrl. facilities for.inter-coKniunlcatioa, rer,--!rrirrg aceesgitla tha.mest .retired; and taort thtltaredjTallsys, &xiJot4th .estih llihrseat and active prcsecutioa ef ea ect ward corrraerce. nisrican ' ccatains 'tha foUaWisg account of a very' dsslrabls arti cle fJr every hoassbcld t - :" '':"''I'--"A simple 'attment ' for ;makir 5 '. ar-, llilclal ice; ii nbwr mkatrict sfed ia' Paris',' by which a fceaaiiful eylinder jbf ks 4 pro Vlaced ia tea' minutes, cr a bottle ffwixiar cr '.ether 'rtic!a .'toa ;.b3 jfeduce4'''tMba fresi'ng pcin-t cf water, ia'tha' rama recep tacli. '' 'Tta'' in;trim sat 1 cbngisti "cf two jaetsuto cjiiad; r3 3. 4C. a withlaCa i - r,tha::-r 1st V"a In.- iti- T. .ret 1 to tha misters, caa ti-a ia- 'cf tl ciser cjl.sccr ta tta wtir err" 'iitlcbs ta'.jba to rg k"d jc: d,' il'a cove r. is frc tli cti'cr n t::...Z eg! lO ca a til! by-tla Laiid'TLa'tl; f- ;i.r t 'f. i c-i "Wiir, s-- carbc!acf so .!a til r! trl'f. ila k'ac!' HZT " 1 i ? cO!T t-'z"l 'Z'.l'''"' Is i :t n " r---"t.t'r3 rt3 cf r.c --.t -r-!t cct r:;:i- eslZclc"s.J.'ta.?rss icjrt tea . :m t-i5 ir. iy c :r tir ::rH-;nt' ".rcct .ent b-rvrs r?) ccsi'.tra'frsacs. ..Itisc: ' 1 . Six mora cays -six-ssa riiJ End tia t six gloomr teigiSits to tha cllsst toll ers who sit by the filckering light, which consumes the oil cf llf have passed,' to ba cumbered .with tha marry ether half dozens which hare preceded , them- tinea the dawa f creation.; t And. ..reader, Lt us sit together to-night land lock back over tha brief vista of years that ws hava been awake to tha crowding realities sur rounding, us and ask. our hearts if wa have grown older by cxperieacs or better by years more pure by sge aad xrarmer at heart if we have traveled nearer heaven, or drifted farther into the realms cf Doubt. What have ail thesa brief fleeting years done for you and us, cr rather what hava we done for them. Have we done more than live, eat and drink, sleep and wake, struggle and rest, weep and laugh t Have we mada a Sicglo mark or sign ca the J.Iaker's Footstool which shall lead other erring feet? from tha rough and uncertain road which wo nave aver travelad, that will live after us to b!es3 trsf Not one. Twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, perhaps sixty years are goae, never ta ba recalled I They are swallowed cp in the great sea cf Time Uke tear drops ia tha ocean of eternity- gone I Ago is creeping along over these earhly houses in which we dwell; dis ease, lika tha bouss breaker," has cfiea picked the worn locks and entered tha rickety ! doors land ; robbed the body of health -they were but Toreruaaers to tell cf the mortality,, the crumbling nature cf tha hoasa that is built upon sand and can not prevail egainst tha storms cf tin a! We have bees'! warned, aad h0W ciiea leave we tha doers cpea to tha istrasica y,:'enpr-. of the prowler I J Pallid, clai lag disease aot alcaa bks - eat d by, tha doors and.!'wiadaws cf itheca .tenements. Refers it cams lbs STrea and ;-Yialaltoa ' ac3 Erccra. Do' tb:? still' ccsa welccmsJ t'-;xt3 ia iist!d tr.ra- a - rnents thesa eld frames, 'almost past oc- tratloa ?. '.AtiS I -we 'fctr they -rre trra compantoas, and coma still by iavitetjea I It wis but-yesterdaj,"s it wsre, ths.t ysa sad C3, rsader, sat cpoa Cxs msthesfa knss arid dreamed tha innocent dreams cf ca- pbHuted childhood. " Lock at us to day ! It was yesterday as it were that we prayed with baby lips from baby hearts ''Ilal- towed . ts :-;Tby -', hama Thy, .ktcgdaa cornel" B wa still hallow tha Father's name, and pay tint ? the kingdom '. coma Saturday night, whea the toil and strug- g!a of the six days of Temptatioa are vv.z to sleep, is a cood titaa ta thiak! cf these things; :,-,'.'.Tha.' hearth,- with its Hsw- recallinss, and: present forgetting; ia rood ': tima'-to 1 aw a'-thon;-r,t - ta 4 th things. - Here 1 may f we ask oarsolf tha question, what are we living for? Is it merely ta caia food, wealth' axd claca ia the wctU.t i.To climb the.-. earthly emi- E2DCS and reach- their pinnacles a day cnly befurs death I What are all thesa ta yoa and.us, reader, if wa are' to go' to tUip .soon smd'fca known no mora ta ts tad- orfy ' "and 'cacert&Ia exhi'snca " C-ilnd oti Lid juorugsf :i'on A 'GStflSiAi?'. travellrg " to Piltib -I f a toxa csas brtha'kelshbericg towx tti--ed to sce'a 'tnend, ksd US Lli L'6r'is: tkd ca tha rc -Oa Lis'"r&lira Lo : U tha 'auimsl-id' sap-pea - Lis ' tnoa, W hIla;ia:oarch Cf 'ham 'fca'rraet aa Irkh pedestrian, cf whom' La " inquired' I ""Have yoa- sscal a 'slraaga'c reatura 'aay where hereabouts, with'' tiddls ca J his back!' -'' w'-rf!;v:!;u ';a i:-'' : ) 'Och,L'by the poVersyysmiy'tay tlat, rtpIiedPat; - -:"-;' ; , Wbera-f"- 1 ' ; -'v':' -M Jcit-ycadsr. t I inybd'thdw-Eia'thplacaf- !;'? J Tbit I; wrJ,'l ia' -lessl'thia no tlmaAM rild tha man, approaching a small vrco1 cf youo. j Umbr-MAy; thsra' La' is,: sera eacu;Vtc3ey.H;,Iii! u' n: 1 -vr'i' 7' :1 V '- TLe t'ct&coaa-boocl. x.?? so.I-1:- ;" ! 1 "I el cci 'see LIui.'! u Ir-"'''l!i'';' '"'"'':'" f I Thea,-byCaint ptricVya taast ba tiled: Is' i Hot 'io-s-- tlmfl Jcst'cast .'yon? eyes ia izzi c.resttca. uoa, cy ta pow ers cf mcd. V5hn,fs ts t!?r-Jt eotvT-. U.?ly :y, &r,.u ...I :4' ... f.0 h'rtl -v i .- 1 . " t rr3 .a . rsl :ro a 5 il I in a T: -'l 1 f- r t: iT' irs criy, "3 C"5 ;ons j: a con if yoa u:n't t,.3 ysa may S'0:5 cts :!! ro 13 tL3 cIotU 4 " r" i ..A 1:11 rtnj ttlcr Wit or tzizrzs ft;r.3 es dloCnct E2 rcr- ia tLt tlr. ' j .-Stop cha'csr-vrith thsCx--r, End'prt's. ths clbcr to tha end cf a brj stick cr pk: a ' cf uesJ woc-I: and if a watch ba held ci tha ether end cf tha wscd, ticking will beardf whatever tha lrr-.h ef tharl:. cf wood."-., ".;;;.:.. :T5 .!rT:s" - -Tisa poicr'ca tla raidd!s cf a clna cf flannel ttra cr t' f? your thumbs cr fingers" into yes?? enra kTTT? 1 r,j .. ' I 5 ' ...... - - , . jvaawicsweFttkertsaiast ta'iroa - fender, snd yoa . wHi b:r - sotxrid I"ks3 : that cf a heavy church bslL 77.- ' 7" - ! ' Thesa cxperimts 'provs ' that wator. 7 wood, and fkaael era jcd co-J --'-3 cf ' sound, for tha sesmdef tha b!!, tI.aV.:7.ch. : as-4 tha fender . pass . throrh' i tha tr ' - aad alocg tha deal and flansl ta tb.ae7r ' ' It most ba observed that a body ia t"s , act of sounding is in a siata cf .vibration, which it communicates lo thasarroundir ' ' air, the sadalatioas cf tha soaadsiTocUha" ear, and exeit in us tha ssass ;-cf sct;-i' Scusda of all kiads, it is E?srtaiad, tranl at the rata cf f.Aeea miles ia a mmuta x thessfttst whiter fcavels'as fast as tha -most toaeadous. thunder. Thekaowh-y cf this fe:t has beea applied ta tha msol ursmcat cf dlsiaaee.- - .. .- -..v' --.,- l Suppose a ship ia irsss flres a rsaV ' ths bght cf which is tsa ca t!i ers, cr by aaother vessel, tfrenty esc?rids befcratha report is beard, it ia known to ta eta-di tanca cf 7.C00 yards, cr ilttla mere thaa four an I a qnxtor miles. ':--. ,- - - - .. 1 --!raia, if wa sea a rtvU C.-. r - tmg, :asd ta lira teecadj hszr a- tremoa ' eus cup cfthuadr, W knovr'ihat tLs thsador cloud is cot mora thaa '7C0 yards from ilz plasa. wLefa ie are and tra shaall :. instantly retire frcra aa erpesed sltattioa. -rScieni-& American.. - u- ? ' I VTc:C-IIai.f. ITrs;li: T- stcry cf tha times, a la' iacidrnt,." which mutt ret ba Icrtl la tha -midst cf ta -0.. ;.:', cX j.j Cico;- everybody, tlo hi sdl.ths fptnj t tha dos .iato tha bask cf . which La vr&i r.- boldcr, and. thrasticg a ctrtlfleaia lata tha ' clerk's fics; ta raid, ia' rreat bs-ts ;'".--' j;"Here, ploaea transfer" half cfftkU 't James P. , Smith. , : i -;.'- : ! :Tha clsrk locked at it, -and aikcir --- ! f Which, half, Mr. Jones r - ' ! "I don't cars which hal" replied Jeaes, puzzled at tha inquiry; ; ' - -' " ; ' ; . , OToa had bitter go W tha.' Courts ; t " can't make the transfer without a !jal decklca. If yoa really wish to tranii?" your ether half ta Hr. Smith," wa conns t r da it Lore.' i ..,.'! - Jcns was ccafssmded." '"-ira'-knew :tha-:" basks were alltaa xaaddla,-.but .this trs.'? too d??p for Urn, Ha took bis ctrtlf onts : frcm. tha teds cf tha emiiir? .clerk, snd : ca locklrg ca it,' la 1.' it was his marrk-s. cerdoaia!- Eekj a "prlntod- furta,- Za; flna pnptr; and . pet -ar'Lli prirnts- r pn-en, ti .'was-, tha. rs thlog that - :ir.-' -Jcns lo'd bnnl ca wLna'ka vraet to'lZs'- -rficrotnry for bank stoc trip; - dla' trr-f ' Loms, kimsd Lis r.-L:.'i;Ud ia Cn3 rs--". Uiln- tl-3 r'-Lt rnnors tLls t-ros. Loo: do?ra tc?ra la tlma to r:t it! sll ctra!; traa r.er.r. ' Lis' ll;ola : JoLnnr fscits Lis Cnadav ' e5:ci.l Issssmo-- It was ia tha 'ISth'tLiVlnr'-cI Xliitheirr; wLsrsIa it roloUs cf -tha-m-ol-dons ialiTidsil wha !wen$ -aoot sowing tares, Co. "'-' - . " ; ; '"YTLat; is ;a:tara tha jarontkU? : j Jchsrny LeEltrtsd.; . ;r i;;.c ! ' fTCl m?, ny.rna, what a tars is. - , ) Tca' Lava' Lad 'm, , f.'d. Jc!ony, eaoolo' C0T?a Lis eTss and 'wri'-'!ir- L's- : ! "irod,emi' toll thsart wbat'ds yea mean, 'Jc-Lnny ' -: i " . , i 1' siMl coLsr toll t.v Ccana j-oa vrns 'c'ca , . , , t:.: ; "win hi safe sgoS 4Accc-r-:-a ta Tltr-, .Eva- fcrrtt!-. !;VHar:;ataLt tr :'.or.l b!r f';M; a'f;...,,Looo? ta a Looy L-L-i-Vt-d tl :a'sj- ' : a es u .s tl r ? f f - - - - .. - - 3 , '' ? L?, "b-t t'J trila v.I"i t:ll Jea thai tea . - - f . . . . : . 9 - - - - --- ra t-a -a o c-n;. .a c yen w. - . . .exi cr e!I - 4 T . -K 1 f evening wcra - ' - Inch they Lr.J ; uch cvcrjlody : , havo forgone- t sed'ofT to t! - f ctators, i.nd ' rage containing i . aver . iOvcs f 3 were drawn ? Charles White, . hibit bla control : i i Tlie animals . and nctive ia ,. 5 ; ?,C tlieir Fpecle3 .he lions is rc ir i ractable. TTr. I dl confidence in t i, entered with j i gan to pat tho All proceed - 1 length ono of '.t f Ion -and diso- !-! :iite Struck hin I" I whip. Sud- 1 r!n nnd sei2scd I t with bis teeth, 1 ilJ a cat, nnd r i s back upon the f i 'of horror pa3 .? f ? cf fiectators. I I; manypeoplo I I Ishment ; some ; f :nances awaited t -j ihers rushed in- , ! linly hopinto ii n tamer irora 5 , r . . . ... i i ; awaueu lata. " ; j awaited tho ' tho moment,- ; aws upoa L:s i and . retaining 4 I if terrible jaws. j- erocious beast l was evidently i I ost of his cp- I 3 .Of "tL3:To" ; f 1 - 1 r . f ; i na ircn bar, I :; the lion's head in1:! was sur i 'Id. ' In an in J J-.ed Lis fcc"hnJ J fnts of the crge. ! j blows cf Ills . j premacy, and i f of Jbef.3Av "would Via-, " "' i ? ioh an c: diSpCi 'I I ngerous HbutLe! ; I " !al to j il .ared,th I ; h in a j ; nS the hy ;1 nlcnost uo: l fho obvious, il J-dod with -; i 1'icklly therv ; -!;esses t-'l f ! I i-only; 1 - :;a 'f. illod the 3 i , h their acts if f eding tl.-.i n -;t 'i'ng the cer t la ',i Prn.. ila then ; " -t till then was, it' 3 furious cl,a?- if Hiiiie Uii nnt conterDpcrarlca. ter lenv'i - tl a to tho N::'T-r-al )w lies tl . j '" 8 . '' -lundertlaro ji'r 5 reduced tho j 1 a to. restore tha IS j: sound ccndl I f iter with tha r. claws cf tiio" 1 is of a pe "1 Laa ccrn J Iain vlor- 3 J2oc!iCsicr t lebrate-d by tU th- I so'cmnIf. 1 nted at tL3 j During j I procession i battalions cf lately ordered nd amid a . tha regi aan to rcceiva J enre who v,a3 'al - J. i II f I -"3 t-clow this f rock about 14 111 . Jt above tha -'-' '-jn-n, f tha ferm cf In tl r.ct c: bla for: j ;or.ranc3 it:-c. . 3 1 evf n"" two