The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, April 25, 1867, Image 2

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    5 i
! '
7'' V
1 - t 5
v 1! '
Apuzr. 3, 1C37.
- Editor.
- - publisher.
The Democratic County Committee of
Gimbria county are respectfully requested to
meet at the Court House in Elensburg, on
"Wednesday, the 15th day of "fay nest, for
" the purpdseof trans-acting business relating
to the coming election. A. general attend
ance is requestad- The following gentlemen
compose said Committee : Wm. Buck, Jos,
Mardis, A. Martz, Francis Dearer, Henry
Render, Dai spI McDonald. P. J. McKenzie,
C Warner, David Farcer, John IT. Douglas,
John Devlin, Edward Counery, Peter Brown,
Rees J, Lloyd, John Sharbaugh, John Mar
ion, John Cooney, John II. Kennedv, George
Gurley.-Charles OTIaan, D. F. A. Grier,
- Hugh Bradley, J. B. U;Creight, Jos. Boxler.
Jame3Kicg, Geo. Shaffer, Francis O'Friel,
. Thos. Judge, Edward Farren, Jchn White,
" .James Costelow. James Burk. John M'Col
l gan, Christian Walters. John Fr Allen. .
"GEO. C. K. ZAHM, Chairman;
Johnstown Democrat please copy.")
. Congress has adjourned, and nearly all
the Radical papers that have been en-
j dcrang its .doings all along-, are now com
- ' , , I
pelled to congratulate the country that the
''cuss has been removed-The rnoment
the Radical solons left Washington the
money maraei Decame easier, ana Dusiness
received a tresh- impulse. ;'
Our State Legislature hasalsoadiourned.
and the Radical press, while sustaining it
politically, pronounce it the most Corrupt
body that ever assembled at "Harrisburir.
A at) indlCfllinn nf tllO nnimnn onf nrta ira4 I f
"of the members bv the radical nrmaf the
- kJJ&. I
, btate, the following from the Chambers
. burg Repository will serve as a' fair Sm
pie. Speaking of the dissolution - of the
Legislature Col. M'CIure says
'With heavy hearts andsorrowing coun
7r ', ..wn.o wwuu-
tcnanccH - thev lienl 1Ikii tfna
'ceneot their debaucherr. arid after tir.r I
....'. r . 'wmMu,
'a long, lingering look upon the venerable
-their censtituenta.- I watched them fife out
- liiie 0 manv condemned crimin.-il-i rrnrlitnt
. vo iueir iaie, ana it was pamiul t reflect
a v f 1 ... ..... o
. mai vnose wno couiu go: come with" the
iueir peopie. were exceptions to the rule.
"ct utiore in lae uistory ot lt state waa
' SUCh ft denth rf dpo-rajVi.n nttaino,) V,
any similar ..body, and so bhameless have
4 V. t ll L ...
. tucjueea mat men, women and children
TX-unt f r
1 e trust me itaaicals (the honest rxr
tjoa of tliem, wp mean,) will reflect upon
theso things when new Congressmen and
new Legislators are to' be chosen. Na
tional and State legislation admitted to
.have been a farce during. the. last, winter.
1Tb7 do Lonesi cf.anv party Wto
...... ... . , ....1 I
The Freesi'ak contains a call to the
Democratic County Committee," through
their liairman, to meet at the Court
House in Ebensburg;, on the 15 th proximo.
a hope they will all be in attendance.
Grave questions will,-no doubt, be offered
for the consideration of the Committee,
tion. Belectmrr deleata tr Harrtolmr
o o wv. I
wBiw mc jjemocratic column moves on
T ' .
.'Little Cambr
It there bo a Cvll : meetincr-let tha -
... . , .
- J
large and exeseaingty handsome addition to
his euperb stock cf ladies dres (wl '
tides adding extenolvely to -'the general va
riety c: Lis EtocK, and is cow cClerinz greater
iuouceoEis to rurcnaEera than ever
Ths lapt w here' rlere rf mi v ' i.- 3 t
ken has had it rer aired by the purchase of
a iiauuioma urcs ana ctiisr suitable apparel
at the fow priced cash store cf J. II. Thomp-
non.oa y.'-i s-rett. 'iLere is nothing like
tAiying l.cni Jim
, Moskv las Wcome mnro plentiful here
ta'1 .Um i,. ern portion ot isntish America." inolndlntr
. v.uu.ii ub iMUBsj anu nar -uo upu turning in tne Ala- fev,J' l tuo eai oiscipie of ilomns
monlous let all things bo done "decently bama claIms 83 Par payment : of the pur- T thereNihey.:ai"e, and you will possibly
and in good order," and the Wt willb Ltnle
ana wLicU s.mll redeem the country from iron, which has always been -kept a .close shall not .attempt . a description of the
the revolutionists. : . ' secret in Russia, and. has baffled both the magnificently furnished great d?awin2toom
n Z c ' "V, curiosity of investigators and the skill of tbe.fther Partents. - It id Sclent
Dah Rica s Snowjvdl doubtless attract scientific men, has atlenth. been di.cov Q lay-' 7' -H-that;abuodai.t means
many, people to. town who have not vet ered by ' enterrnsW: lr,i - - and ongmaUnd correct taste can make thm
found out that Mills Davis have nowin c?anicwWS -in-shiierfect in-their. way. ,
.tore a-stoc-k 6f good., from which evety SS! i r f? ar6 "?vft 5 And in.tni, beautiful homi surrounded
want may be applied on the most reasonv wtt T CaIf,b oomall, employees hy a charming and. estimable family " the
hie terms. A better assortment or more ?' V."' Borwell & Co., at tbe-'Mabbh-' mirable Crichtbn-'of hfs-profession enbvs
hberal pnecs do not greet customers every in3 iroa works, at Youngstovvn, Ohio. . brief seasons of rest, dispensing hospitality
dy. - Go and see. ; . . . , ; ; . Three thousand negroes and radicals fff f alike th digna-
. We rmiccr the attention of the" ladies to bcU ft meeting at Mobile, Alabama on tCVWmaiig fUTte37; Lj -'y
the adyjrtiscment of Mrs. - J. rovl anj the n"t of thi 17tK L t ' P ?fc to mmh tosy o hlr tat his
Hiss Id. Ilnsh, and the attention cf evil $ f ' 17 M which..tbe...most generosity,, public-spirit and faultless life
bclyto the card of our AUna frilS" Sf7 Tf del?red bave mada hk the Idol of the comSi
2de,srs John Rockett. & Co., which "will be ?hltC3 9nd L!acks Th9 rregroes.were 10 he hves. ; ; '. 7 aU7
found in cur paper to-day. - We shall say armetJ anJ a great many . sbota were fired v Hl3 feIow-citizen3,-whose prosperity has
mere in their behalf next week. rto Ihe nir after the adjournment A-The - cnhaocf h7 h 'aterprfsa and'saa-
1t mat not bs us well known s it should hUcU ni.d,d the right to sit on juries SSI8? ' hV-pe v ? ?ressJ
be that Mr. V.S." Barker h, !,f . . hold office, ride in th, M lJf I3' portant ofSces .upon him. but he hashtthertd
tl, Jit.
is me? st; 10U:
A man in London I'eat h's wife r. ar
Ij to death "for Laving ico'niany children?
Russian America abounds with just
the kind of coal the California, steamers
need. " ' r . :'y:-s . :.''"
The Rev. Dr. Tiraon, Catholic Bish
op of Buffalo, died of erysipelas -on" the
lG'h inst.
Shad cost eight cents apiece in Rich
mond and f-trawberries"EQVfn o
quart in New York.
A young lady near InGianspolis is-
icuiciui jioiii uyuropaoDia by
tiio use cf bromide of potassium.
Charles B., youngest son of Freder
ick Douglass, .has been appointed a clerk
of the Freedmen's Bureau: Soldiers niust
take a back'seaf."'
In consequence of the tumbla in stocks
a iew xorK clergyman has nearly impov
erished himself and wife. : lis had lftf.r
Ftick to hi3 Avh.it3 choker, and le.ayeitocIiS
A man in JSTewr Albanv. Inrl.-r wlw
was.divorced recently, s married , thd only
witness m ipe case oir the Jth inst, his
former tvife acting as - bridesmaid fo her
accuser !, .- :: : Szir: :-:J i
There 13 a deaf arid "dumb "main
l"2 PfYIWl o wlirv l- o Uaaiv Jlp X.A
c"" uii wiuaiiicu tx preacner.
..n cauuui, kimj uis pantomime
is said to' be exceedingly intellWble and
eloquent ? J tdi 1 i
President 'Johnson has accepted an
invitation to gcr to Raleigh, NCL to wit-
ness the layinz of the corner-profm vf '
monument, to bs dedicated to the memorr
of his father.1 ' J
Jonathan liarclerof.d nf. flnloraJr
. - .
lunuBUi j, ueuiora couniv. eauorht tinrt
r ... . . . : " -n-- j
f v
ime except old bampson.
... ti; - "".' r - i I
elected at WatervIeitTew Yortj afc the j
late municipal 500 majority f
-t" gam of C03 since last fill!, vvhen Fen
ton,,Rad., had 101 majority, jwm !
..m .jv,,,'
-.- . .i. nuuuuuui ecuo' in me i
.nullum aoMin. xevaaa 'i h irnn 1
-..tktu ' - - ... . "1
, ....Muc. U LiUiia I
Washington's birthday did not I
ttcic urcu inert! on ine mnmin!- rt t
reveroerare mi eight o'clock in the eveninj
. . . .
, Archbishop t;
" St. Anthony. MinueyhXJ:"
cratic with a -ram : so toaRpdWn
& , ey uuts vuauieia ana,
Mankato, "also with gains. The North-
west is getting out of the' darkness I of the
Radical wilderness.' - ' - ' 4 ' - " i :
wit n a tram nf Oil . o ,T -'u i i
' n ' ': '-,;:':'-t I
Albert Teufel wasexecuted in Hnvl-.
frt i Ti...:;-. ..r-yv-I
A-' , -, . v.- j .i.- .
farmer named Martin Cane, sixtv
years old, residing at Mount "Morris, near
V aynesbunr. . .. Greene I
his wife, with an axe,, on 'Sunday, night J
y - utuutcumiij) 015 sua- i
penders to the limb of an applo-treel ' J
W4ely -- W
imams, aiea in L'lke mimhr iuv..
lams, died in Pikeconnfir. tww
j i i . J 1
day, who had lived sixteen wara. I
- . " . . . 1 I
tWn htlnrfl-tXl VQl-rfa f . I
.... .v.. m vi uo iuiuora l
ana never visited it during that time;;: A
large amount xi gold was found? pon his
person. . .He was one of the Williams
rp, e ... . , " iuiams.
" -The fast line from ta P J-..t
T . , . - - uuo.uv
. '--o uix ine tracs
near Grnsburff. ani
bankmeniVoae thirty feet, -breaking the
engine ana aemo'ishmg two passenger cars '"" -"ptnie-uKe portraits, valua
which were crowded with "traveW SJSWfiiKl1 V PIates here and
. .. J?"
slide was trip, ne.u :j.: . .
me araueat I
T- O .T-rt i. - . I
..-w. ... .kj uatitL ill
Vlu,s lu purcnase an the west
. . . - . J ....
tion of th h;rirr""
o ;:. . l" tKjiuat.ivir.
will cure txnrths, Colas, Aslhrna; and all
denses of the Throat and Lun quicker
... w uii
1 1 " . " '"J ,a"u. ,
l.-u wu-aia recommend .cur rni:p- t.
thu re me
uj,. Jinowir? it ta fcc A
I No. 1.
- . .!uucVUTerBAS". ofily difficulty the- couhtrv:- Ton a,i l?!"?-u.
dared that th !c ,a!1 -Political -, tlon..
taeiv demands were not. speedily satisfied, and as such not. a proper-subject "f- Str
: :.. m. -.' . honors. , When lis counsel is solicited as
a is rarely gratified ia its eager
icarn something pusi'.'ve and defi
i regard tr the privat a lives of its
. and alwara nppr:; x?ifK i?;.jfw.
behind the domestic curtain whichhide3 the
hearth cf thehousehold gods of great-men,
when some more, favored hand, delicately of
r,u sood- cdtitredly, 'or impertinently,"
UXO.WS U aalic." -' - '-. r.- ... .:..: ' i .
We have an apt illustration of 'thiajire
pressibla proclivity to play the woman, hi
the constant inquiries cf which that. re-,
nowned wit cf "the areaa'and truly estima-
fcuaycujau, voionei uan usee, is the un
provokinsr cause : anrl hiriT in rmov.;n.
of the dissipated, literary humor to-day, bor-;
Bering upon the chatty, we are, tempted tb
usuus-ujiua. lue.cnatcy, we are. tempted HO
lay aside the pea renortoriah rsnlitiral in.
strnctivs; argumentative " anT critical? fir
thscace, and Without "seriously rattera'pt
mg the biographic amusa oiirelri.j snd th
curiosity of our many readers, by playing
narrative with the ; types, so fir ,&sk that
proper courtesy which always" respects the
sacredness of home permits." . """
After this philosophic and explanatory in
troduction, it, is, perhaps; if not strictly ma
terial, proper to mention that Colonel
islnGt, to atay alarming or inconvenient ex
tent, defuXct. aP Some nf his pnflrMiarTirr.faa-
sional brethren ;in whota.the wish may be
father to the fonndleKs
, ' - VUI-
cally announced,'ever since this 'free. people
iurgofc lue simmcuceoi a. Mexican dollar;
but 'is jEnffering: extremely froni a violent
and prolonged attack of perfect health, and
notwithstandins his hercnf&an anrl Sr.
labor3 in, the amusement field, is' in the verv
j - v nwaoviusu uciu, i m me very
Tj J .-!--b -v, w.ramjr upjbsi-
i r letlB0r8 igorous, brilliant anj fascinating,
iu "!s na J "than fever
Thus revivified by us. he residesat 'iim
oeautiful arid thriving Village of Girard, in
I lce county ot l,ne, and State of-PcSnavIvk
v1!. h. Vas wcf: large farms. The
iertue news or the smaller one smile sunnily
t &f tTiA hwn o -ff.. ; -.
LiniU mil nOTlr. TOOfta r.f ritrt.t1. 1 1"
1 way. ana is ine winter hom fif t fBA
l,r. - . - j ,-t,. , -v, 14UJCU
f ,v Muains.aoiaein cents witaDan and
t- t IUC
of all people as verily. they are, .
- xae Lionel's residence stands a short dis-
tan"5 c?cfe; Tm tbe principal villiga square,
l(?et,7 erbere-J il? coble shade trees.
:o"h oy acres 01 park: parterres
- ana ; lawns maKe lealT labvfinth-i T
sinuons nonp-es feorrjpnno- .iu
j-" 7 7. . 7 0 "v"
viiiv . . .
. -The house, thus embraced br-aTaWVp.--J
,,ir.:-i " -
' IS mpss-noceaoieaa-a suggestion of
-l" A ,rr"r- rotWD
1.... TH..1..I1. i . . . . . . rr v
aw iooks us Dest in loosing just what
lt la the commodious and comfsrtat home
ffi hospitable country Tgenilimaav: The
tatch-stnng hangs putside the door : Ict us
pou it and step. across the threshold.- Yon
n.r..i,i :n . ipu
vujr wui. expect toe atmos-
A'single elance wfll
rtiu.Ao-A hah - . . . 1
wu. won t nna even a euspi-
fe'.sawdusVx Oa the contrary it
' uuce eriueni , mat- you are beneath a.
roof where wealth TlrZZ?-
so rarely united in these days of mushroom
fortunes harmcniouslv
numerous are the "gems of art rare
. jr. jsuuvcuirs, mat- tne
house would be almost a domestic museum
r v. PC.CM
rti..v j. '. .
A 6vu"" mau iaose oi tne witty
owner. - - t , J
- - ivi z'. v;'1' ' ; i r
Tha ... Ij.'. t ..." . ' i . ' .
, b auornKi wujo. the works of
- ,st5' conspicuoas among which are
V "TV ,F4LU, waicn oavans certify
M far; - Vi? DaUl dar of the
mummy with which Albert Smith held foo-
tt pv - j . "muuuew no-
wmo, uu uu8 wonn-a turn reaching
l ucjwuu u euitor s comprehension of
rcolden thousands- .i::,-i
. The P-cture gallery is: a repository of glo
"-tiere uainiy dies of sculpture ratrTi lf
u?. " a . . . . ounaauon or
"i0 ioj-lic tueriis ine special StUdV of the rrirt
nmstonT'j .,r , t ... .:. .
-.."Wisdom and BeRe .. I .-iI
a i ij i.
domiciled m a study containing one cf the
313 .uuABO any ot your
w,tluufJ v-uougnt acquaintances in
best for tbe hapPW?3 and TtVS tK
.le couniry-neither ifeIe
. , ., vr icrca
kjU!UI "-"nt. -
It Is not in ths arena js.1nn lr. . !
tm t..-. .7 . w Lionel
u.ciudms pre-rmsneLiiyr lli3 rroro""
knowledge of mcnr unerring icttntic-ajscb
a no
nits v.1
i tillatir wit, power of rej rtee ar 1 inex
I haustitla fund of anecdote, make r im ors
t of the most brilliant conversational; : scf hi3
I time. His p. ?rers cf fasci :ilion"f a as t
j tent . ith individcaii as with audie: ces. r.d
snouu any ci onr readers . ever -4 joy the
privilege of a social visit beside his fireside,
they-will find themselves charmed with an
absolute forgetfulness f the flying hours,
"and awake 'ocTy.. tc anathematize th4 tell
tale hands cf. the .in.e5oraUtt.clockrpoiuiing
far in the direction of dawn.
Row does our pen portrait of Colonel Dan
and his biirrounding?, now that we have for.
a brief moment1 drawn " aside the envious
curtain referred to in the opening paragraph
of this hasty sketch, accord with the preconceived-notions
of. many of. our readers 3
CI '"ttT -iy-h
-i. . .... 4 . - . I - I - - . ' 1 M II
' v . : ;. ..
- """... -" --:.'"- . k- v?i w,!5iff'sra . i
VLy Lin A-tr.. t ,-r, n ' W - -.-:-1 npirv ; - ,i
-THAry;t: V ; :; -T- Gdnipstltlonl
WM&MS rg. G00DS 0RRIfjES :
-rr i .".r''" .l:7-" ' ' aa Invite the : ..: -y
- 'Swli i "M: ::":v;; -V:M '-;v:-:-
;"'.:..": . -r .'- m- ...op,. n
(DIEiII)-IIi;n--n7! alJiJiillb::Nl.(JtiV w
t V - I r ft I I !U"auu pavin? t
i 'All
of hew
TM wfTN. f TTN"'TS
ron the
' CAMOHfA CO., PEfjr'A.
ft f i I :l i
hP si ; ""firifl.
Carroll streets, in said Dorbi,.- 8
Be it ordained and enacted by th. r?
and Town Council cf the Bohrf?
rolligwn, and it is hereby oHaiiSS v Cat"
authority of the same. That ts
missioner shall; on or before the fA
May next, proceed to grade the ridel,?
Mam street not heretofore Taderf 1 kon
ingat the.Poutheast roraerefC
oy Mips Judith Wnelan.andcontinn.
ward .vithout InterrnptWX'S
ng to the Monestery, on the nrr,nEtti
Frederick Snyder. i . I P.roPty. of
Each towrrer of 'Jot or lots irameUn
fronting on said part of Main f'J
quested to proceed immediately
grading .U completed to lay a plrenSt .
2 inch plank, on 3 inch , tiej SS"
4hem down with 5 inch spikes
walk shall be eieht feet wide plS
s:de by side snd shall be com plewd bv'J
first of September next ensuioo- 'nn,Cu
penalties-prescribed .by the Orlina
ed and published the first day 0f aIm
r. 18G7... . " - - Wi.
Given under Tmy hand and seal of '
this second day of March.' a. d. 18C7.
u. svitsklL. Bur-ess.
-Jonx E. Matj-chek, Clerk!
. Z-..?!! ZrftJM two vaJcab,
situate in Jv
son township, Cambria coucty ana V
as the -Lloyd Property." Ai'dfe
er valuable tracts of LAND, situaU in
FARMS adjoining the borough of Ebenbnr.
one containing about 100 acres; theot
about 150 acres. -The buildings' ft
good repair,; with 'never-failing sprli,-, 5
water near the houses. "
IC Persons wishing, to purchase or '!
Parma or Timber .Lands, will doiS W
calling on me before buying or offerinst1
for sale. y. a. SHOEMAKER.
' Att'y at Law, Ebensborp.'
unotfsigned Auditor appointed brtk
Orphans' Court cf flamViri J
distribution cf money in the hands of Dial
JJon3 and Sarah Ann Thomas, Admicb
trators of John R. Thomas, dee'd, henij
notifies all persons interested that ha wia
attend to the duties of his appointment it
his office , n- Ebensburs: borough, oa ITei
nesdayihem day cf May next, at 10o'M
x. m., when and where all claims anfot
the estate of the said decedent most U in
serted, or.they will be debarred from L.
April 11, 18G7.3t. .. Auditor "
signed Auditor appointed by the Or.
phans Court of Cambria county to report
distribution cf
L. ifcomas, Administrator of James S. Todd,
late of Ebensbunr. der.M. "ht-r-r .n
. -J , uwuura All
v-v. uo win aiiena to tc
dutiet of said appointment, at the eEe
iumw xviuen, tsq., m the borough of Eb
ensburg. on Monday the 23ih inst.,.. 2 o'clock
tC ,wheH and where they mnst preset
their claims, or be debarred from cowiajis
lor a snare of said fund.
. , w H. SECHLEK, Audiwr.
April 11, l867.-3t.
signed AnAif-m tfv. v a.
phans Court of Cambria county to report
distribution of the money iv the bauds- oi
Wm. Kittell, Esq., AdmiuiitTator of Juha
Eeese, dee'd, hereby notifies all persons in
terested that he will attend to the duties of
Said appointment, at the oface of F. A. Sboe
maker. Esq.. in the borough of Ebensborg,
on Friday the 26fA iW.. o nVl.vV
when and. where they must present their
claims, or be debarred from comioff in for t
share of said fund. WM. H. SECHLER,
' April 11, 186 7.-3 1." ; ; , Auditor.
Xi-k. undersigned Auditor appointed by tbe
Orphans' Court of Cambria couDty to repcrt
distributiou of the funds in the bunds of
Mark A. Will, Administrator of Anthony
Will, dee'd, hereby notifies all persens inter
ested that he. will attend to the duties of 6a
appointment, at his office in the borough of
Ebensburg, on Friday llu Zd day ff Ih'J,
18S7. at 2 o'clock p. wheaan wbere
they must present their claims, or be delsr
red from coming in for a share of said funi
: , utu. v. UATMAN, AnditOT.
April 11, 1SG7.-St.
"undersigned Auditor appointed by ii
Orphans' Court cf Cambria county to rep1
distribution of the money In the hands i
Jacob Ruber and John KarIheim,EsecsW
of Bernard Karlheim, dee'd, hereby gi
notice to all persons interested thatie 2
cis-tuvi to .iiv uuiies oi saia appointment t
hiscCice in Ebensburg, on Saturday tfo & I
aay cj j:,iay, lb 57, at 2 o'clock p. a
and where they must present their cltizA
or be debarred from coming in for a sba
said fund. GEO. W. OATMAN,
: April 11, 1SS7.-SL ; . . Auditors
1 - All persons knowing themselves in
debted upon the bock r,f th rndersirM
are requested , to call, and make, iraiae4
-w v Uitir accounts, eitcer -j .'j
isij t-h.8 Cash fir' iitm! H-.tV Tinton. IS I
&ire to close out my business as eoob MP
sible. Persons; ccIcetiEj thi3 notice y
find their accounts 'in tbe hands cf PF
ofaccr for collection. FELLX JACX03.
Loretto, April II, lS7.-3t. -
30CKEt KNIVES. Tabxx Ksovtf
-i- and Forks, Spoons, etc.. can be borS-'
cheap for cr,gh at . GEO. nUTLgT
DOZ. VrooDcx Bcttek B)J
iust received and for sale low for
ff;b.3. 1 GEO. HUNTLEY.
BARGAINS can be had by
' your goods for cash at '
Feb rs. r.rn TTTrTLtTS-
tor sals low st G. v