Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, April 13, 1911, Section Two, Image 9

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VOL. 45
Ask jour Urn**!.! for CTTI-CTtES TER'S A
GOT.D metallic boxes, sealed with Blui\o>
Ribbon, TAKB NO OTHER. Huy of TOW V/
I»rn«*l.t and a.k fop CIU-CIIES-TER 8 V
BiASoMi niiANn Pll,l. H, for twenty-nwo
years regarded a 9 Best, Safest, Always Reliable.
llEMaiMoinidls Fire®
An Opportunity to Obtain ABSOLUTELY FREE Several
Articles of Genuine Diamond Jewelry
Ist PRlZE—Ladies' or Gentleman's GENUINE DIAMON D RING.
2nd PRlZE—Ladies' or Gentleman's genuine DIAMOND Studded Locket or Watch Charm i
3rd PRlZE—Ladies' or Gentleman's genuine DIAMOND Studded Stick Pin.
4th, sth and 6th PRIZES —Ladies' or Gentleman's 20-Year Guaranteed Gold Filled Watches.
7th, Bth, 9th and 10th PRIZES —Girls' or Boys' Roller Skates.
11th, 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th PRIZES—Girls' or Boys' I ngersoll "Watches.
To all others answering this advertisement wo will give a beautiful A DMOLITE DIAMOND
TV • , • Place any number from 7 to 15, inclusive, in the EIGHT vacant Diamonds
I Jirprrinns* on the above or any similarly arranged separate sheet of paper or other ma
vvllullut terial, in such a manner that any way the numbers are added, whether per
pendicularly, horizontally or diagonally, (including the number in the centre square) the total will
be "33." The same number cannot be used more than once. Write your name and address neatly,
accurately and plainly on your answer and mail your solution before 6 p. m. Tuesday, April 18th, 1911,
to the Greater Pittsburg Piano Co., 633 Smithfield St., Pittsburg, Pa. Any answer mailed in an en
velope whose postmark shows it to have been mailed before 6p. m., April 18th will be accepted.
Only one member of a family may enter.
Only one solution will be accepted from the same contestant.
No one connected with the music trade, nor tirst prize winners in previous contests, may enter.
Neatness, besides correctness of the reply sent us will be taken into consideration in awarding
the prizes.
Contest Closes Tuesday Evening, April iStli, at 6 I». M. Try tliis Puxzle. It
ean be done. Send in your replies as early as possible.
633 Smithfield Street, Pittsburg, Pa.
Name ,
Write Plainly 1
Address State 1
Exceptional Inducements to Buy
Spring Garments Here
IyOTHINO unusual about our prices—they are ALWAYS as low as j*
/vMu ' S CO,,,,NEUSURA^E with WORTHY yuAUTY. Nothing unusual !HE
about our values—we always oiler the best obtainable anywhere. jMf 'JT W
V-t v The exceptional inducements are in the garments themselves -»7- '%
• * wjjKff —their winning, graceful styles—perfection in lit—service guarantee " j|
1KV t u,,< ' sha I* features. For our PRINTZESS Suits an<l /& ){■
(FJ| |9 TV Coats we give vo\i true "Distinction in Dress." WV.-MK'I '
, I Leave Orders for Cut Flowers and Plants for Easter (Mm
A new line of Ladies, Misses and Children's ready-made Dresses. j
jj I iy|*ll * f)ur display ol Spring Millinery, we cordially invite you 1 |
I Jlp.! j to come and see it. We will show you a splendid ti u |K\\
I yathi titi of Model Hats from New York and Cleveland. ~ 112 |
yO Coppersmiths rfUl
Fourth Street Emporium, Pa. 0
SBO per Month.
Straight salary and expenses, to men i
with rig, to introduce our Poultry
] Remedies. Don't answer unless you 1
mean business. Eureka Poultry Food j
Mfg. O. (Incorporated) East St. Louis, 1
! 111. n7-4t
Latest Popular Music.
| Miss May Gould, teacher of piano
fort has received a full lino of the lat j
est and most popular sheet music. All \
' the popular airs. Popular and class- j
I ical music. Prices reasonable.
1 44-tf. 1
"Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable." —WEßSTKß.
VVhcu a medicine must be given to
youug children it should be pleasant to
take. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is
made from loaf sugar, and the roots used
in its preparation give it a flavor similar
to maple syrup, making it pleasant to
take. It has no superior for colds, croup
and whooping cough. For sale bj all
In cases of rheumatism relief from pain
makes sleep and rest possible. This may
be obtained by applying Chamberlain's
Liniment. For sale by all dealers.
$2,000 Death benefit; $15.00 Weekly
Benefit for Accident*; $15.00 Sick Bene
fit; SI,OOO for loss of limb or eyesight;
j SIOO Emergency Relief Benefit. Cost
; s<>.oo per year. No other dues nor as
| seasments. Old established Company,
j with SIOO,OOO State Deposit to guaran
! tee payment of claims. Men and
j women between the ages of 16 and 65
: trcken. No doctors examination re
| quired. Send your application or ad
dress for further information, Dept. A.
American Registry Company, 428 Elli
cott Square, Buffalo, N. Y., or 208
Cadillac Building, Erie, Pa. l-13t.
Saved His Mother's Life.
"Four doctors had given me up,"
; writes Mrs. Laura Gaines, of Avoea, La.,
j ''and my children and all my friends weic
I -ooking for me to die, when my son in
,-sii! d that I use Electric Bitters. I did
| so, and they have done me a world of
j good. I will always praise them." Elec
| trie Bitters is a priceless blessing to
| women troubled with fainting and dizzy
{ spells, backache, headache, weakness, de
bility, constipation or kidney disorders,
i Use them and gain new health, strength
j and vigor. They're guaranteed to satisfy
lor money refunded. Only 50c at all
! druggists.
Constipation brings many ailments in
its train and is the primary cause ofm:>eh
sickness. Keep your bowels regular
madam, aud you will escape many of the
ailments to which women are subject.
Constipation is a very simple thing, but
like many simple things, it may lead to
serious consequences. Nature often needs
a little assistance and when Chamberlain's
Tablets are given at the first idication,
much distress and suffering may be avoid
ed. Sold by all dealers.
Midnight in the O/.arks
and yet sleepless Hiram Scranton, of
; Clay City, 111., couched and coughed.
! He was in the mountains on the advice
j of five doctors, who said he bad con
sumption, but found no help in the cli
mate, and started home. Hearing ot Dr.
! King's New Discovery, he began to use
I it."l believe it saved my life," he
i writes "for it made a new man of me, so
! that Jean now do good work again."
! For all lung diseases, coughs, colds, la
grippe, asthma, croup, whooping cough,
hay fever, hemorrhages, hoarseness or
quinsy its the best known remedy,
price 50c and SI.OO. Trial bottle free.
: Guaranteed by all druggists.
Mouse of Jones.
Jones painted his house last year.
It looked dull, dead; no life in it.
Smith painted his house 10 years ago.
It looks clean; nice, aud don't need
j repainting, because he used L. &
' M. Paint, and added three quarts of
| Oil to each gallon.
The Oil gave life and preserved it,
Besides—adding the Oil reduced its
j cost 40 cents a gallon less than other
: paint.
Thirty-five years use in N. A. & S. A.
Longman & Martinez, —Manufactur-
| ere—The L. A M. Pure Paints, Varn
| ishes and Paints for every purpose.
For sale by Harry S. Lloyd.
For Rent.
Five room house, West Fourth street.
! Apply to Jas. Davin. 51-tf.
How Nightmare*, Hobbies and Ponies
of Beer Were Put on the
City's Pay Roll.
"What's all this talk I hear about
tin horses In Queens borough?"
"I'm surprised at your ignorance.
Tin horses are a mere term used to
designate equines which never exist
ed, part of a graft game."
"Explain some more, please."
"Well, It was like this. If a fellow
with a pull wanted some extra money
he would have a couple of nightmares,
report to the powers that be that he
had a team, and they would be hired,
nt so much a day, for city work."
"Did all of the grafters have to
have mares?"
"O, no; one of the gang had his
wife's two clothes horses, drawing full
"He was a genius."
"Yes, another man had a hobby
about not wanting to work, his son
had a hobby horse, and so he doubled
them up and sent in bills for a team,
at least, so I hear."
"That's interesting."
"Yes, rather. There was a rumor
going around the other day that a
man who owned a pair of ponies of
beer also figured In the game."
"I suppose if one of the gang's wife
and daughters owned pony sk)^ coats
they could have got on the pf£ roll
"Sure thing; it was a pony skin
game, all the way through."
"And all that these fake horses ever
drew was pay?"
"That's true, although they have set
tongues a-wagging."—Brooklyn Times.
The Gordlan Knot.
The famous Gordlan knot was made
of leather taken from some part of the
harness belonging to the chariot of
Gordlus, king of Phrygia. It seems that
this knot was so tied that the ends of
the leather thong was not visible hence
the difficulty in loosing It. Many must
have tried to untie it, for its fame as
a "stickler" at last reached >lje great
Oracle, which declared that th*> lucky
experimenter should be rewarded by
the kingship of Persia. Alexander,
trying his hand and meeting with no
better success than the others, drew
his sword and cut into the knot until
he found the ends of it.
"Mrs. Pufferly is tickled to death
with the way she fooled the customs
"How did she do it? '
"She didn't buy a thing abroad **
Don't Have to Wait for Weeks. An
Emporium illustration.
Waiting is discouraging.
Prompt action pleases everybody.
A burden ou the bai:k is a heavy
Hard to bear day after day.
Lifting weight, removing the burden.
Brings appreciating responses.
Emporium people tell of it.
Tell of relief that's quick aud sure.
Here is a case of it:
G. F. Balcom, Sixth St., Emporium.
Pa., says:"For about three years 1
have used Doau's Kidney Pillji, procured
at Taggart's Drug Store and have found
them to be a reliable remedy. I would
not recommend this preparation if I did
not have the strongest faith iu its curative
For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents,
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. New York,
sole agents for the Tinted States Re
memher the name—Donn's—and taki
no other.
Lives Without Heart.
We have heard of people living with
out any heart in the purpose of their
lives. If you lack snap and ginger in
your worldy pursuits, it may quickly be
supplied by using Sexitie 1 'ills, the tonic
that cures all forms of nerve weakness.
No matter what your weakntss, is, il it is
at all of a nervous nature, it cau be cured
by Sexine Pills. It they fail, the cou
pOUH in the boxes are good tor the return
of your money. I 'rice, $1 a box, 6 boxen
$5, with full guarantee. Address or call
at Hudson's |)rug X»ore, Emporium. Fa.,
where they sell all the principal remedies
aud do not substitute.
Makes Everything New.
Old kitchen chairs, old furniture, old
closets, old bureaus, when worn out
made new again at a cost of 15 to 20
cents with a can of either Home Finish
Domestic Paint, Home Finish L. & M.
Varnish, or Home Finish L. <% M. Var
nish Htain.
Directions for use in ea<h can. Any
body can use It.
(tot it from Harry H, Lloyd.
I.4UU' Shouldrr i« marly always du- to
rh< itniufi»iii of tie- iuu»cU«, and quit kly
vieMs to lite fr< > application nt ChaaU r
' iio - Liniment. I'or » il- Lv wit deal-r*
TERMS: $2.00 —$1.50 1N ADVANCE.
.A} 1 Announcements under thin head must be
signed by the candidate and paid iti advance to
insure publication.
l-'or AHNoclate Judge.
La BAR, Emporium, Pa.
Sublet to the decision of the Republican elec
tors at the Primary Election.
* *
C. J. GOODNOUQH, Emporium. Pa
Subject to the decision of the Republican eiec
tors at the Primary Election.
G. P HANK BALCOM, Emporium, F'a,
.Subject to the decision of the Republican doe.
tors at the Primary election.
\\ ILLIAM BERRY, Lumber Township.
P. 0. Address:-Sterling Run, Pa.
Subject to the decision of the Republican elect
rs at the Primary Election.
For Sheriff.
ANSON O. BWARTWOOD, Emporium, Pa ~
ors U at j fS^rmrafrEl i e oct,on 0 ct,on. ,he
JAME.S W. WYKOFP, Gibson Township.
ors"!lf c t h'.l' decia, °" o ßepublican ciect-
SinnamahonhigJ'fv """"" '* ° A " diee "-
JOHN I). 6WOPE, Emporium, Pa.
«rs".^fhi t D.^ edec! ? iou ofthe Republican elect
ors .it the Primary election.
Shippen Township.
~ . . P- O. Address, Emporium, Pa„ R. F. D.
tnr, ». » C hi D!! 16 deci «j ou 01 the Republican elec
tors at the Primary Election.
I'or County Treaiturer.
~ , . , , „ Emporium, Pa.
Subject to the decision of the Republican
voters at the Primary Election.
J. A. FISHER, Emporium, Pa.
B - he decision of the Republican elect
ore at the Primary Ejection.
JOHN McDONALD, Driftwood, Pa
Subjecct to the decision or the Republican elec
torn ut the Primary Election.
I'or County Commissioner
o. It. rANNEE, Gibson Township.
Subject to the decision of the Republican
voters at the Primary Election. P. O. Addrow
JOHN W. LEWIS, Shippen Township.
P. O. Address:-Emporium, Pa, R. F. D-
Suhject to the decision of the Republican elect
ors at the Primary Election.
•S. P. KUEIDER, Driftwood, Pa.
Subject to the decision of the Republican elec
tors at the Primary Election.
• 4 »
Lumber Township,
uu- 4. P.O. Address, Sterling Run, Pa.
Subject to the decision ot the Republican elec
tors at the Primary Election.
WM. H. LOOUE, Gibson Township.
P. O. Address: Driftwood, PR , R. F. D.
Subject to the decision of the Republican Elect
ors at the Primary Election.
i'KANKLIN ifOUSLER, Emporium, Pa.
Subject to the decision of the Republican elect
ors at the Primary Election.
OEORGB MINARD, Shippen Township.
P. O. Address: Emporium, Pa.. R. F. D.
subject to the decision of the Democratic elec
tors at the Primary Election.
A. F. ANDREWS, Emporinm, Pa.
Subject to the decision of the Democratic Elec
tors at the Primary election.
I'or Supervisor.
JOSEPH STRAICH, of Shippen Tu p.
Subject to the decision of the Republican
electors, at the Primary Election.
P. O. Address, Emporium, Pa.
Shippen Township.
„ . . *'• ■«. Emporium, ! a., R. F. D.
Subject to the decision ol 'lie Republican elec
tors at the Primary Election.
« mimam mm —ll u_ —u
For Constable and Collector.
ELIHU CHADWK'K, Shippen Township.
P.O. Address: Kmoorhim, Pa., K. p. j).
Subject to the decisn u ol the Republican elect
ors at the Primary Election.
Notice to Contractors.
OKA LED btdi will ba r«ceivfd bj K. Cran
>T> dell. Secretary of tb. Borough i , uncil ni
KmporHim. PH.. at theCoum il Chamber in saiil
Borough until 8 o'clock, P. M., on the 17th day
of April, mil, for furnishing all material and
labor necessary lor the construction of the fol
lowing work to wit:
Excavating about 2200 feet of trench.
I.aying about 2200 reel ol 21 iuch sewer pipe.
Bu ldingficatch basins.
Building about 10 cubic yard*of retaining wall.
Plans ami specifications, form of contract anil
form of bids can be hail at the Borough Clerk's
office, at Kui|H>rium. Pa.
Bidders are required to use the form of bids
furnished by the Borougli 1 lerk. I'll.' right is
reserved to reject any or all bids
By order ot the Hoi Council of Emporium
Secretary of Borough Council.
hxtTulrix Notice
NOTICE »S hereby given tlmt letter* testa
in wit ary to the estate of Matilda Wvkofl',
late ol tirove Township, defeased, have been
granted to tile 4Ubicfilicr. All persons indebted
to the -.lid estate are requested to make mimed
late payment and thotc having claims or de
maims against the estate of the decedent will
make known the same without delay to
(IHHKK A Km 1 Attorneys,
Emporium. Pa., Apiil «. 1911- Hi.
■election of County Nupvrlu
'l\i tht Si W» lhi«rtori of I UHMTHII (Axifily
M*etioli I>l tile n 1 ..1 \Uv M, IH'.I yo.i itii' he, ,by
liotiltetl t.. im rl 111 I<■ it\ riitloll, at the - t
liouM. in Km.. »if 1. iii#* ■ •«.(
Tut «lay in Mn, A.D.. Itfll IfIDK the i ml titty ol
th« taoiitb. ami »rl«H*l, hm dcnn*. by a mainrity ol
llie Whole till fuller of tliret'loti pi IHi ut, ~u < , w r
Mill oMit<r«r> tit.l -cleolte<|tnrt iiteiit*, ami
of hH ill ami • I pent > re ill lhe *rl of te.u hit** an
county ftiiimrtnltnMh nt. for (he three « e< tltii*
year* 4it.l 1 erllfy Hi* 1 r*»ult Io the Htati* Muurrin
tnitileut, «' Hiffulitiri, »i UKitnretl by the thirl*
ninth ami fortnMH v.iiu.u %*h| i
M \ ft U M COIXJNft,
NO. 9.