Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, April 13, 1911, Section One, Image 8

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    jj! Breezy |J
County J]
Netfs |
$3 M
Horace Halcott, spent last Sunday in
Mrs. Mary Biird visited her daughter
in Johnsonburg last week.
Misses Helen Counsil and Kthel Run
yan, spent last Wednesday evening in
John Gess called on frineds in Em
porium rn Sunday.
Mrs. Alma Gore, of Driftwood, speut
Thursday with friends in town.
Mrs. Grant Johuson called on friends
in Renovo on Sunday.
Andrew Harrison and Miss Smith
spejit Sunday in Emporium.
Mrs. H. H. Li;»htner and Miss Nellie
Floyd called on friends in Drittwood on
Monday evening.
Samuel Kreider, of Driftwood, trans
acted business in town Monday,
Miss Bessie Fry, of Dußois, spent
Sunday with her grand-parents.
The "Mother Goose" entertainment
given by the school childron was a decid
ed success.
V. A. Brooks was attending court this
week at Emporium.
The Annua[ Easter Roller Skating
Masquerade will be given on Saturday
evening in Logue's Hall. Prizes award
ed for those having the best costumes.
Music by Bailey's orchestra.
Misses Erma Bennett and Miranda
Mason shopped in Emporium on Tues
Joe Counsil made a business trip to
Emporium on Tuesday.
Earl Graves spent several days in
West Valley, N. Y., this week.
Crum Bro's are in Philadelphia this
week, transacting business.
Mrs. T. 11. Truby, of Brush Valley,
who has been visiting her brother, Rev.
R. W. Rnnyan, has gone to Tyrone to
visit her daughter, Mrs. R. J. P. Gray.
All our farmers are busy making feuces
for the coming season.
James Leonard's children are still im
proving and reported considerable better.
Our schools finished the term Friday
and the children are well satisfied.
Fishing season has evidently began al
ready for some of our anglers.
Alex. Schwab and brother intend to do
considerable farming this summer by ap
pearance of fencing planned.
It is rumored Dan'l Sullivan, dug two
bushels of new potatoes, Friday last.
Dan is always first.
John Devling says it is all a false re
port about him getting a pair of black
eyes, but he was pretty badly scared.
Our Road Supervisors commenced
work Mouday with full crews. Now for
good roads again this season.
It is said there will be a surprise sprung
on our citizens in the near future. We
may be able to guess what it is.
Agent J. M. Schneider left Tuesday
on a two weeks' vacation. Relieved by
Belief Agent Mr. Kensteller.
E. M. McFadden was an Emporium
caller Monday, attending court and other
Mort Dininnv, will hold an Easter
Dance in the K. G. E. Hall, April 17,
and a good time assured to all.
James Lester has the prize cow of the |
town. At the present time she gives '
14 quarts and one pint a milking. Not '
too bad either for this time of the year. !
Mrs. L. R. Gleason and two daughters
Misses Celia and Ruth, left on Thursday
last for Philadelphia and returned on
The schools at Castle Garden closed on
Friday last. The teachers. Miss Hill i
and Miss Kreider, have both been sue- !
eessful in their work and deserve com
Mr. W. H. Mitchell is in a very criti
cal condition. Br. Smith of Emporium,
has been summoned to consult with Dr.
Corbett ot this place.
Mr. Geo. Lesvitt was iu town on Sat
Miss Kotlm Kreider left on Monday
for Lock Haven where she will attend
An Easter program will be given by
the I'niou church on Sunday uight.
The "Five Hundred Club" met at
Mrs. I. 1). \V iuslow son Tuesday uight.
Prof. Plasterer of Kmporium was in
town on Saturday.
S. I*. Kreider was in Emporium on i
Garrett Mitchell who recently accepted j
a position at Jersey Shore, was called j
home on account of the illness of his j
'■Our baby cries for Chamberlain's .
Cough Remedy," writes Mrs, T. B.
Kendrick, Rasaca, Ga. "It is the best
cough remedy on the market for coughs, j
cold and croup." For sale by all dealers, i
.Mr*. Vint; Swart wood returned to her
home in Emporium Saturday, utter -
uiu' a few days with her daughter, Mrs.
T. P. Britton, Henry Carter, Wo,
Smith, V. M. Dow, Norman Solveson
and J. N. Chandler were city visitor* the
past week.
Kthel Britton visited with her parents
over Sunday.
Win. F. Lewis and family moved on
Saturday, into the house belonging to
Win. Smith.
Beatrice Taylor visited with her aunt,
Mrs. Alice Hockman, Friday evening.
Karl Bruudage and wile, of West
o'ieek, have moved their household goods
into the house vacated by Wm. Lewis.
It is understood that they have recently
purchased the furm, and will make it
their future home.
Don Morton, of West Creek, was say
ing "Hello"' to friends here Monday.
J.W. Lewis was a visitor at the county
seat this week, attending to his official
duties as County Commissioner, it being
court week.
Ed. Cool made a business trip to the
city Monday. Mrs. Cool is not improv
ing as it was hoped she would. Mrs.
Dow is taking care of her for awhile.
While playing in the yard with a little
cart, Cleo Chandler, four years old, had
the misfortune to fall, twisting his knee,
and is now laid up with a bad sprain.
Evie Brundage. of the Portage, paid a
farewell visit with relatives and friends
here last week. Her parents, Leon
Brundage and wife, who used to reside
here, are preparing to move to Buffalo,
N. Y,
Mrs. Bebccca Spence returned to her
Lome in Emporium Monday.
Everal Housler returned home Sunday
evening from his southern trip.
Harry Hockman was home the past
Mrs. Annie Housler, and son Ken
neth, were in the city Saturday.
Mrs. Ethel Housler visited on West
Creek Sunday and Monday, guest ot
Mrs. Milda Morton.
Reuben Solveson went to Hicks Run
to work.
Will Backus, who is at Williamsport
hospital for treatment is getting aloug
Bert Russell and wife left Tuesday
for Potato Creek, where the former is
employed. They expect to move their
household goods soon.
S. Arndt and family left Friday night
for Hicks Ruu. Mr. Arndt has beeu
working in the tannery at this place.
He intends to move in a few days.
. Mrs. Charles Barr, who has been sick
for some time is much improved in health.
Gu9 Fye, who was operated on for
appendicitis some time ago, will be able
to be at work in a few days.
Mrs. Frank Isinliour of this place is
in New York for her health. She is re
ported bettor. She has been sick for
some time.
Mamie Dellass of Bennezette visited
her sister Thursday.
Mohad has vacated Rusele residence
on Brooklyn Side and moved to Wood
McClellan Miller purchased the lleze
kiah Miller property. The latter and
family left last week for Everett, Wash.
John McDonald was at Driftwood on
business, Thursday.
My it I'ontius Jand wife were Hicks
llun visitors last week.
A dance was held in the Hand Ilall
Saturday night. Being stormy there
was a small attendance. Ice cream was
served on the stage.
Georgia Snyder and daughter Kdith
I who were visitors at the home of W. 11.
| Kriso and family have returned to
j their home at Benezcttc.
Miss Maude McLaughlin, who has
i been suffering with a severe attack of
j pneumonia is. better.
The Bed Men order took in fourteen
members Thursday night. They all re
port a good time.
Clyde Jordan, who was badly injured
a few days ago, was taken to I>u Hois
hospital, where we hear he is getting bet
ter. which is pleasant news to his many
Johu ('hase who has been sick for
some time is reported better this week.
John Daniels was a St. Marys vi>itor
over Sunday.
The Bed Men will hold a public in
stallation April lUth. A bauijuet will
given after all husiucss has been attended
to. The public is cordially invited to
attend. Invitations have been sent to
Weedville and Hicks Hun orders, so we
hope for a good crowd.
B. M. Ford and wife, who have been
at St. Marys for some time, were seen 111
town Thursday night.
Mrs. Sally Johnson, of Medix Buu, is
the guest of Johu M. Hicks and wife.
•lames Kirk has been spending a
week in Duliois, guest of his lister, Mrs. ,
Ktta l.ubolt.
Delos Duell, of Warreu, I'a„ spent
Friday and Saturday with bis parents,
11. J. Duell and wife.
Bayinond Mi HIT moved his family to
llustou Hill this week.
Harry Hunes, of New (Vstle, whilo
under the influence of liquor, on Wednes
day last attempted suicide by shooting
himself, itt John Duty * boarding house.
He fired one shot, which w»nt through
his left arm near the shoulder and iriflict
ed a bad flush wound. T. IJ. Jordan
then succeeded in getting his revolver
: away front liitu. Harry Hunes is a
. young man 22 yean old and formerly a
resident of Dent* Kun.
Mm. Lucy Miller on Tuesday of last
week fell and broke her shoulder.
G. K. Heath, ofCorry, Pa., Supt. and
, Manager of the Heath Lumber Company,
was a business caller in town the fore
part of this week.
M. O. Nealy. of < >il City, who was em
ployed as lumber piler at J. E. Dußois'
mill, fell from the trestle on Monday and
was badly injured about the head. He
; was sent to the Dußois hospital on Tues
day in a critical condition.
John M. Hicks and wife will celebrate
their 50th wedding anniversary at their
home on April 2fith. They wish all
their ftl.'ndf, as well as relatives, to be
present. Don't forget to bring a well
tilled basket alonir.
April 11, 1911. B. E. w.
John Laweon made a business trip to
Emporium last week.
Michial Evers, Jr., is on the sick 'list
Misses Golda and Boxie Bice and
Floyd Morrison were tin- guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Bobt. Wylie last Sunday.
Paul Guintor has left the farm and will
goto West Virginia.
Miss Jennet Smith has accepted a
position in St. Marys.
John Beed, of Benovo, was the guest
of his parents one day last wee^.
Richard Lawson has accepted a posi
tion with J. J. Erich.
Frank Toner, of Benovo, was the
guest of his parents last week.
\V illiaiu McDonald, Jr.. killed a large
wild cat with a club.
Henry Market was the guest of Wil
liam McDonald last Sunday.
J. J. Erich's hub mill will be running
full blast next Monday mornim*.
Chas. J. Reed was at Dußois to see
the r'aith doctor last week.
Marion Toner, of St. Marys, was the
guest of his parents at Beecbwood last
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tuner, of Howard,
were the guests of their parents.
There was a dance held at Mr. C. C.
Skillman's last Saturday night and a
large crowd in attendance. All report a
good time.
llobeit Wylie made a business trip to
ltidgway last Saturday.
Clifford Morrison is driving team lor
J. J. Erich.
Miss Erich, of St. Marys, is clerking
for her brother J. J., in the new store.
Frank Gueswcndor and Chance Barr
have been all week calking up their shoes
and grinding their axes to be ready to
cut hub timber the coming week.
Bert Morrison saved Miss Golda Rice
from drowning last Sunday.
Floyd Morrison was a visitor at Em
porium last week.
Miss Laura Kirkpatriek, of Emporium,
was the guest of Mrs. Toner over Sunday.
Sharp Bice has his lishing tackel ready
for the lfith.
J. L. Reid and sons have finished a
large contract of sawing lumber for Mr.
Haherberger, of St. Marys,
Roy Morrison, Clarence McDonald
and Sharp Rice made u business trip to
St. Marys last Saturday night.
Mrs. A. P. Nyhart has resigned from
the store and will live a retired life.
Miss Carrie Hill, ofGrofe Hill, was
the guest of Miss Frieda Collins over
The ' taffy pull" at Mrs. Malvina Nel
son's on Wednesday evening, was a
pleasant aflair. All enjoyed the occasion.
Walter Logue is on the sick lint this
Wright Mason, of l'ine street, was a
pleasant caller in town Saturday and Suu- !
hial Jordan has accepted a position j
with W. W. Jol tusou ou the section at j
this place.
The six round bout between Wayne
Nelson and Lewis Smith took place at
the opera house, Tuesday evening, April
I Ith.
Charles F. Collins and family, of
Hieks'Bun were the auests of his father,
B. .1. Collins, one day last week.
Misstilmlvs Hill, ol Grove Ilill, is
the ijucht of her cousiu, Mrs. W. B.
Smith, thi* week.
Darius Ives, of Grove Hill, was a call
er in town on Suturday.
J. 8 Jordan is busily engaged at tie
making in llig Bun this spring.
C. W. Barr has finished making ties
for W. R Smith and is now putting theui
to the railroad.
Caution Notice
All persons are hereby forbidden front ,
trespassing upon the uro|H»rty of this
'tompauy Hinnatnahoning Works, 1
Emporium Works and Keystone
Works, without a permit tront this <
office, or the Manager at the works. <
Emporium, I'M., Jan. Ist lull
Cedar .Shingles p««r thousand at 1
C.H. Howard & Co's.
(JIOOSG v.. Easterf-J.
Easterf-J. ' f^pl
j 1)1 112 H
%!$£ Where You will Find the very latest in Spring i
Millinery and Ready to Wear Garments at prices within Reach of all
New Kid Gloves, black and white and all colors - SI.OO.
Niagara Silk Gloves, the best made 500 l l£sS£? - - SI.OO.
New Neckwear and Embroidered Collars - 10c to SI.OO.
New beautiful Silk Parasols, - - $1.50 to $5.00.
New Lisle and Silk Hosiery for men and women.
New colored* Silk Taffeta and Messaline Underskirts $4.00, $5.00
New Muslin Underwear, Gowns,Skirts,Corset Covers, Drawers
Special Display and Sale of Lace Curtains
If you are in want of Lace Curtains this Spring, now
during this sale, is the time to make your selection. These
Curtains come direct from one of the largest mills, are all up
to date patterns and are priced unusually low.
Arabian Net, I Ecru} Lace Curtains per pair 49c, 59c, 85c,
95c, 98c, SI.OO, $1.50, $1.75-
White Nottingham Lace Curtains per pair 59c, 75c, 85c, 95c,
SI.OO, $1.25, $1.39, $1.50, $2.00, $2.75. $3.50.
Ruffled Muslin Curtains 25c to SI.OO per pair.
J. B. Council was a caller at Empori
um on Monday.
Several of our town people are attend
ing court this week.
F. L. Miller attended court this week
on the case of Poor Master vs Summerson.
Jeff Askey, of Keating, is visiting his
best girl this week.
Geo. P. Jones, General Manager of
the Cameron Powder plant, was a visitor
on Thursday.
Nace Drum, of Dußois, was a caller
on Tuesday.
Anthony Penrith, of Lick Islaud, is
digging tor gold'at his place. He has
about 75 tons of ore (?) out at present.
Mrs. Sadie Johnson visited her son
Karl at Westport on Sunday.
Miss Bcnettie Bennett visited at West
port i'ti Sunday.
Burt Perry, of Keating, visited iiis
sister, Mrs. Carrie Wykoff, this week.
Miss Agnes McDonald, of Driltwood,
spent Sunday at Dr. tiray's.
i*lrs. Edna Pitts and Ethel Smith
were visitor* at Driftwood, Tuesday.
Dr. C. W. Gray spent a few days at
Pittsburg, last week testing a new kind
of giant powder.
Jas. K. Bat'heldcr, D. D. <i. M , of
Cauu ron District, installed the officers of
Lin pot iu ui Lodire, No. !M4, I. <> O F.,
last Thursday evening. He had a j *»s
ant vi»it with the brothers.
Mignou Uebekah Lodge, No <7> }
had twenty-six propositions last Fnday
evening. The new lodge is certnlnlv
booming and it keeps the secretary pie
The following officers ol Sinnamalu <
ing Lodge, No. 11' IS, |. O. (). p,, wi-i•
installed hist Saturday evening by D. i>
tj. M., James It. liatehclder P. <•
Herman Lose*; N. G., William Win ■
ton; \ . G., J. G. Johnson; Seeretai
Trox Fulton. F. 8., Douglas MeCi-
Treasurer. Arthur Bailey, and Trust.
Jas. H. BaU-helder.
Arthur Bailey is laid up with a ca«
i»l" lagrippe this week.
The iller school closed a very pr-.s
perous t«rm last week with Miss
Sadie Pitts as teacher. The term has
been very successful, with all the pupilt
laking an active part in their studies.
Phe childrcu respect their teacher very
much and made a unanimous request for
tier to teach agaiu next term. A gom|
eaeber makes a good school.
The Sinnamahoniug Graininar School
•losed last Thursday with Prof. Karl C.
• raves as teacher. Quite a number ol
uinils made good this tern. The school
■ndeil with a play on Friday eveuitig in
I'hieh 85 of the scholars took part, j
■Mother Goose" aucient rhymes were
| given and all the pupils appeared in cos
tume. The livintr rainbow was one of
| the finest aet.s that has been seen in our
! town for a- long tijne. The entertain
ment was given at Logue's Hall, which
was crowded to its fullest capacity. The
children all took their parts with natural*
! tiess that would be hard for grown peo
ple to assume. Prof. Graves and wife
i cannot be too highly complimented for
| making the play a success.
i Mr. John May is visiting relatives at
Williamsport this week.
, (J. C. Smith, who is attending school
I at Pittsburg, is home tor Kaster.
Miss K. L. Brink, first trick operator.
| is ijuite ill this week, some better at this
j writing, J. !• Sullivan, of Emporium, is
working in h< r place.
i '
A. A. Smith spent Sunday with his
| parents at Beech Creek.
Little Margaret N'eenan is <juite ill at
; ibis writing.
llev. .J. Kim ,-y Weeks, of Ktuporiuiui
will preach in t M thodist Church next
Sunday at -4:0; I o'clock, lie will preach
••very Sunday during the ab> nee of Rev.
Geo. Straw bridge and wife was called
to \\ illiam-|i irt Monday, on account ol
the death <>f their nephew, Karl Miller,
i Ihe Mt. Hope Coal Co, bad a wreck
t Friday. A large steel cur loaded with
coal ran oil the track, caused by the rails
spreading. It was difficult to get back on.
the rails, but they succeeded iu doing
i Saturday and was ready to resume
work ou Monday.
Mrs. N. 1). Jordan is <|uite ill at this
J. K. Strawbridge attended court this
Lev. Lehman expectsto r« turn from
the hospital at I'hliadelphia Friday, and
will iireuach iu the Mcthodint Church,
Sunday evening, April 18, at T *lO
81.1 K Bti.U
Is Cleaner Than Carpet.
Paint your floor around the border
of the room with L. A M. Floor Paint.
Cost* about 50 cents.
It gives a bright varnished finish.
Cover the center of the room with
your home-made car|>et rut;. Ixioks
(let It from Harry 8. Lloyd.
We have Oak, Aah, Cherry, Birch
and Maple Wainscoting for Hale. >ou
will need some for that addition you
are goiitk' to build.
O. H. HowAHU Co.
Kicked by a Had Horse.
Samuel Birch, of Beetown, Wis., had
• a most narrow escape from losing his leg,
as no doctor could heal the frightful sore
thfit developed, but at last Bucklen'e
Arnica Salve cured it completely. Its
the greatest healer of ulcers, bums, boils,
eczema, scalds, cuts, corns, cold-sores,
bruises and pili son earth. Tiy it. 25c
at ail druggists.
Never Out of Work.
The busiest little things ever made are
l)r. King's New Life Pills. Every pill
is <■ sugar-coated globule of health, that
changes weakness into strength, languor
into energy, brain-fag into mental power;
curing Constipation, Headache, ("hills,
Dyspepsia, Malaria. On y 25c at all
('<>n>tiputi >n brings many ailments in
its train and is the primary cause of much
sickness. Keep your bowels regular
madam, and you will escape many of the
ailments to which women are subject.
Constipation is a very simple thinir, but
like many simple things, it may le.ul to
serii uscons<l|uetices. V,' itt;reoft. i, iued
a little us>i>taneo and wb u ('b.imbi-ilain's
Tablet* ar<> uiveii at ihe Hist idicntion,
luueb distress and suffering may be avoid
ed. Sold by all dealt TH.
f||i fe
'V.•'A / S#
NCrT" & ;
■ . 7 | e
Don't Wait
for Spring to remiud you that
housecleanitiK time has arrived; a
|{linicf! at the new line (if e**eutial*
is all that is Decennary. Vuu will
immediately want to get using the
nice new brooms and brushes,
sweepers, dusters, scrub*, etc.,
which we have ready for you. Al
so everything necessary in soaps,
*»sla, lye, cleanser*, ammonia, etc.