ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure MAKES HOME BAKING EASY Light Biscuit Delicious Cake §j|iQyj»j Dainty Pastries Fine Puddings mQM Flaky Crusts and the food Is finer, more tasty, cleanly and wholesome than the ready made found at the shop or grocery. Royal Cook Book—BOO Rmcolpla—Fraa. Send Mamo and Addraaa. ) ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. 1.0 l AI. I> KI»AItT KKN T . PERSONAL O<>SS!K Contributions invUcd. That which yon uv < itee /o see in this department Jet »/* know by pos tal card, letter or personally . Mrs. A. F. Frappier transacted busi ness at Ridgway last Saturday bet ween trains. W. G. Bair was a business caller at Dußois on Monday and Tuesday of this week. A. E. Sloan, of St. Marys, spent a short time in town last Sunday, guest of J. H. Stephens. Miss Charlotte Spence is spending the week at Williams port, where she is guest of relatives. Mrs. John E. Smith, of Sterl ng Run, bpent a few hours in town last Friday transacting business. H. A. Avery, of Coudersport, was a business caller at this place last Satur- * day and was guest at The Warner. Patrick Dulling made the Prf.6B of fice a business call last Friday, renew ing his subscription for another year. Walter Culver was taken to the hos pital at Ridgway last Friday after- : noon, suffering with typhoid pneu monia. Miss Gertrude Miller and Mr. Clar ence Baker, ol Olean N. Y., spent the 112 last of the week iu town, guests of the Misses Lena and Julia Bair. Rev. Father McAvenue, Rector of St. James' Roman Catholic Church at: Driftwood, spent a few hours in town ! on Monday transacting business. E. W. Jones, County Detective of McKean County, accompanied by j Sheriff Norris, made the PRESS office a ' social call last Friday afternoon. Mr. { Jones is a very pleasant gentleman. Messrs. R. A. Splane, of Philadel- j phia and T. F. Boyle, of Rochester, N. [ Y., were business callers at Emporium j t he last of the week and were guests at i The Warner. Lynn Strayer, who is a Senior at State College, is spending the week in town, guest at the home of his parents, East Alleghny Avenue. Mrs. G. M. Lundy and Miss Hazel ■ Floyd, who were gues •- at the home of E. Mead Floyd and wile, returned to 1 their homes at Olean, Sunday after noon. T. R. Williams, of Philadelphia, is spending some time in town, visiting ' his wife and daughter at the home of Mrs. W's parents, Hon. and Mrs. G. \V, Huntley, North Broad street. Max Spence, who is employed at the j Cameron Powder plant at Sinnama honing, spent the first of the wei'k in , town, guest at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Spence, Broad | street. Mrs. L. L. Lay, accompanied by Miss 1 Rose Smith spent Sunday at Couders port, where they were guests at the home of Mrs. Lay's daughter, Mrs. j Fred Wood and family. The ladies re turned to Emporium on the noon train Monday. T. J. Butler departed for Seattle, Wash., Thursday afternoon, where ■ ho will probably make his future home. Theos. has many friends here who are sorry to see him leave this "neck o" the woods" for good. Mrs. M. B. Calvert, of Bayonne, N. ; J., who was guest at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Taylor, left for Brook ville last Friday, where she will visit relatives. Grant S. Vouglit was H business call er at Ridgway between trains last Monday. Victor A. Brooks, ofSin'vimahorii. ;*, wan caiiiug on oid iiieiiUo iu town on lutsda}. A. L. GotiiAviti bpent a 112 w hours at West port on Tuesday afternoon, trans acting business. Mrs. T. F. Moore spent a few hours at Lock Haven on a business mission last Tuesday. Louis Pierotti, the efficient telephone j lineman, was a business caller at Cam- ■ eron on Tuesday. Miss Ruth Malloy returned home ! Thursday after a six weeks' visit with 1 relatives in Olean. Mrs. Kathryn Bush departed for Du- ; Bo is on WednSsday morning, where j she will visit relatives. Harry Yolhers, night clerk at the 1 Franklir. House at St. Marys, spent a ; short time in town Tuesday ailernoon. Fred J. Keim, of Renovo, spent Tuesday and Wednesday in town, guest of W. G. Frome at The Warner. Miss Elizabeth Budding, of Wrights ville, Pa., was guest at the home of T. B. Lloyd and family the first of the week. Carl Thompson came home from Htate College on Tuesday afternoon and will spend his Easter vacation guest of his parents. W. J. Leavitt and family went to Beeehwood on Saturday morning and spent the end of the week guests at the home of relatives. Mrs. W. P. Nixon, who was guest at the home of her uncle, Mr. John T. Hertigand family last week, returned to her home at Coudersport on Sunday. Bert Edwards, who has been receiv ing treatment at a hospital at Philadel phia, returred to his home at this place last Saturday morning. Miss Josephine Murphy, who has been guest of her sister Mrs. Kathryn Bush for a lew week, returned to her home at Ridgway on Tuesday. Miss Abbie Metzger, who is teaching at Starkey Seminary, is spending the Easter Vacation, guest of her mother, Mrs. Helen Metzger and family, Fifth street. J. L. Logue, of Sir.namahoning, was a business caller at the PRESS ofiice on Tuesday afternoon paying up his sub scription for anottn r year. Mr. Logue was in attendance at Court. Miss Avis Dodson, daughter of Mrs. Mary Dodson ia very ill, suffering with typhoid pneumonia. Miss Bertha Sterling, a trained nurse, has been call ed to take care of the patient. Miss Marion Brady, of Washington, Pa., arrived in town on Wednesday morning and will spend a short time here guest of her father, Mr. A. Brady. Michel Huggler, of Ridgway, spent S uuday in town guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson, Sixth street. Arch F. Andaews, manager of the opera house, returned from Buffalo last Friday. He reports his father greatly improved and expects to soon leave for his his home at Bliss, Wy oming county, N. Y. Major Philip Coffenberg, of Gibbs town, N. J., transacted business at this place on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. The genial Major will be I in Emporium during the month of May j to inspect dynamite for the U. S. Gov ernment. Miss Frances Seibert, of Condors port, arrived in town on Wednesday and has started the work of putting on '•Fun in a Theatrical Office." Parts were assigned to the characters on Wednesday evening. CAMKKON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, AI'RIL 13, Ujii. \V. M. eing only a question of a few hours, ' Wantki> -Agents to represent Insur ance Company giving health, accident | and death benefit. Very attractive plan; all or part of time in your own j locality. Liberal contract and cash I i weekly. Address Box 543, Williams- j I | port, Pa. 9-It. If you are repairing your house this spring, we have the wainscoting you will need. C. B. Howard Co. For Sale. j , Pure Bred R. C. Bull' Orphington j Cockerels, $2.00 each. Eggs SI.OO per ! I setting of 13, are now ready for delivery j C. L. Bortrke, 50-3 m. East Emporium, Pa. i MEN and WOMEN, sell guaranteed hose. 70 per cent, profit. Make §lO daily. Full or part time. Beginners i investigate. Wear Proof, 3038 Chest- i nut St., Philadelphia, Pa. 51-13t. Rooms for Rent. Furnished rooms, single or en suite. Mrs. Seth J. Haekett, over East Em porium Post Office. 49-18. C. B. Howard Co., have wainscoting j for sale. mn—■ i—— —l—— ! All Hands are Pleased | With the abundance, richness | and flavor of the ICE CREAM we will supply on Easter Day. Packed and delivered to your j homes. 40c per quart in cans. 50c per quart in bricks. 60c per quart in fancy bricks. We also have moulds in Easter designs at $1.20 per dozen. Leave orders so that delivery can be made early Easter morn ing. SEGERS Fourth St. Emporium, Pa. Phone 21 ' A GOOD GARDEN j Requires not alone good soil, j thorough tiling and fertilizer, above all GOOD SEEDS must j be sown. < ! LAKE SHORE SEEDS ' j have given the greatest degree j of success for two generations < and are to-day considered Atner- | idea's Standard Seeds. < Your merchant will supply j j vou. I LARGEST PACKAGES. Best Quality. Ask for Lake Shore Seeds i EMPORIUM MILLING COMPANY. I'RICE LIST. Emporium, I'a., NKMOI'HII.A, per duck 110 ! i Kelt'sFaucy, " 141 | Pet Grove, " 1 50 ; ' Roller Meal " 50 | ' Rye " 70 112 (Iraham " 70 I I | New Uuckwheat Flour. '24 lb. sack 75 j New Uuckwheat Flour. 10 lb. suck :i r > ; Coarse Meal per 100 1 *2O Chop Feed "... 1 20 J j Cracked Corn per 100 1 '2O 1 White Middling* 1 00 I llran. Ito : Chicken Wheat * IMO I Screenings " 120 ' ! Oil Meal " 200 ' I Corn per bushel, 07 ' i Wh". Oats, per bushel 4S I •Seed Oats 4S ' ' Oyster Shells, per 100 75 Sterling Chick Feed 1 -*0 | •Sterling Scratch Feed 1 7 > i Daisy Dairy Feed 1 i(l Calf Meal, 50 lbs., 1 So Cotton Heed Meal 1 78 I | Biles tJniou Oraius 1 70 DAY'S | Good Things for Easter " PREPAR,TION FOR vou I Strawberries, Pine Apples, Ripe Tomatoes, Florida jig- Grape Fruit, Fancy Apples, Sunkist Oranges p Choice Bananas V I Cucumbers, New Bermuda Onions, Celery, Radishes, A Lettuce, Green Onions, Spinach, Pie Plant, I Parsnisps, Carrots, Beets, Cabbage j; New Maple Sugar and Syrup, Pure goods. 112 Butter, Eggs and Cheese, best grades. 112 High Grade Teas and CoofFees. ® V Delicious Boneless Bacon ft Cooked Ham, Etc ■ Economy Prices for Friday and Saturday 251b bag Best Granulated Sugar $1.45. A "Clover Hill" Butter, the pure kind 28c lb. a California Ham, trimmed shoulder specially cured for Easter a lb 12 Pure hog Lard in bulk i2 l /£c. lb. Elite brand Fancy Main Corn, can i2j4c. 1 lb carton Niagara Corn Starch 3c. Sunkissed California Oranges 30c size, doz 26c. Ka-u-Ka brand Coffeeßest for the money—4 lbs for I SI.OO. Compare this brand with any 30c coffee. House Cleaning Requirements at Special Prices 40c Brooms, No. 1 Special each 35c. 20c Bottle Parsons' Household Ammonia 18c £ Large 5c cake Wrigley's Scouring Soap, 04c. 25c package of Dust Down for Sweeping 20c. 3lbs Washing Soda fcr sc. Delivery to all Parts of Town Twice Each Day. Our service is at your command. ft You Get Better Values Here. J. H. DAY, S L Phone 6. Emporium. ® • ■HMinHMmniflJ J Jasper Harris" jj| 0 pposite Post Office, EMPORIUM PA. |jj || 112 ( |i ASpring suit is what you're thinking | I about. If you take the time to come g ! /J,! II b m to my establishment, Til show you 602 different fabrics in all the new colorings, '{| 1 that will give you a choice bound to catch your eye and purse. Sj i Jasper Harris •••>; • i * . ' « « <6 •.v >8 v■■ -• r ' -j