THE CAMERON COUNTY PRESS. ESTABLISHED BY C. B. GOULD, MARCH, 1866. VOL. 45 Caught in the Yard. Mr. Q. W. Metzger, station master for the P. R. R., at Warren, passed through our city Saturday, enroute for York, Pa., where he will visit rela tives and friends for a few days. Mr. Metzger is one of the pioneer railroad men of this country, haviug been pro moted from fireman to engineer in 1863 and has been in railrord service 41 years. Iu May 1898 he had one leg cut off by his engine and in April 1897 he lost the other leg, which left him in bad shape, but with a strong heart that no misfortune could put down, he secured artificial limbs and gets about nicely and one would hardly notice his loss if attention was not call ed to the fact. Mr. Metzger holds a pass on the P. R. R., dated November 1866, which is a great relic. He worked for Andrew Carnegie before entering the service of the railroad company and that gentleman counts Mr. Metzger as one of his warmest friends. The genial veteran is a member of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and is also prominent in many other fraternal orders. He is well known all along the line. The PRESS wishes him continued years of health and happi ness. Miss R. L. Brink,operator at Sterling Run, was taken suddenly ill Sunday afternoon while on duty and at this writing is quite ill. Engineer Jas. Mills has been on the sick list for some time but has again resumed duty. A consignment of base ball suits, shoes, mits, masks and bats consigned to Thomas Law, arrived in town Mon day. Manager Law expects to begin practice in a few days. Mr. Carl B lair the east end tea merchant, has been engaged to coach the team and Charles Jones will captain the force. We are glad to see Agent Thomas Gallagher back at the old stand, look ing much improved and his many friends wish for his continued good health. Agent John Snyder of Cameron left Monday evening for a two weeks' va cation and will visit Philadelphia, Atlantic City and other eastern points. Third trick operator Bitner holds the championship for the best ginseng hunter in eastern Penna. He is a first operator also. Train dispatcher Youug, of Renovo, is taking a three day inspection trip over the division this week. Mr. Young is well pleased with the work of the block system and pronounces the Pennsy system of blocking trains the best in the country. The Pullman private car Etonia with Mr. Eaton and party of Buffalo enroute to Atlantic City, passed through Emporium Sunday morning. Telegrapher Clarence Johnson of Huntley, called on friends in town Saturday. Anybody wishing garden seeds will do well to call on yard clerk Geo. Welsh. Miss Ethel Fisher is holding the second trick at Wistar tower for the present. Mißs Fisher is proving to be an efficient telegrapher and her suc cess is assured. Operator Sullivan while working at Cameron has been obliged to walk home many times on account of no trains to take him up to the "Powder City." iu accordance witii the ruies and regulations he moved under regu lar ordeis, a copy of the last one is herewith presented: 19-Order No. 94. Opr Sullivan, Cam eron. Renovo, Pa , April 10th, 1911. Opr. Sullivan will ruu extra, Cameron to Emporium on eastward track with rights over hand-cars, ground-hogs wild-cats and other obstructions, look out for rough spots on right of way. if unable to run extra on account of sore feet iie may walk extra under above instructions and in panning J.N tower and the yard master ufllcu, will tip hiH hut to tlieopt rators, y.iidmaaler lUid clerks, make Miitublu remarks about the weather and tlie political situation, continuing onto Ins humble domicile, kiss his laiuiiy and take a , lull tank of rolled oata and Arhuckle's coffee and not kick about the hlgli lost of siviug or the Mexican war, and be darn thankful he is lis ing in the good old town of Emporium Signed, J. F O'l.iary. Completed by Thoo. Newton. Geo. Beattie says; We know •>! • youitK . »r jm|witi (, WhwM hall it a are atrt* tly eurrwt all With hla oil! wuullall aurka. Ma |itliliwl a hot bo*, A ait |wt a brmaa iu thv lujccUn A Good Time Coming The ladiee of the Presbyterian t (lurch will give a home talent eulw# tiinutMiit iu the o|iera liuiwo, Wi.iytnna, Florida, fur Home mouths, semis y« editor a lieautiful scene of that popular resort, for which she has our thanks upon the, occasion of an automobile parade along the linueh. It IIIUMI be a lovely place to pasa the winter mouths and we do not blame our more fortuiiaiu' citizens for hiking UJ Florida Cor Sal*. A building at Hiuiotm.tlioiiliig,known aa Hrooks' llail. This building coat l*,OUil, Will he Hold for f'.'.OUU cash, if sold within mi day* from date of ihta notice For further particular# appi) tii J. Ik Ligu*, Siuuamahouitig, l'i. t April 11, lull. "Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable." —WKßSTF.R. EMPORIUM, PA.. THURSDAY, APRTL 13,1911. First Annual Commencement. The Frst Annual Commencement of the Shippen High School will be held \ Friday evening, April 28th, at Empori um Opera House. Following are the graduates who will receive diplomas: Misses Dora Bonner, Rena Housler, Aleda Minard, Phebie Hackett and Mr. Carl Zimmer. A speaker of promin ence has been engaged for the even ing. Frof. Eugene J. Metz, principal of the school, has been untiring in his i efforts to make this school year a sue- ' cessful one. A fine programme has ! been prepared by the members of the ! Class. No admission will be charged, i Unaccompanied children will not be | allowed in the bnilding during the ex- j ercises. I Clarion Normal's Appropriation, j A bill appropriating one hundred j and eight thousand ($108,000) dollars to the Clarion State Normal School has J been introduced in the Legislature, j The bill provides: (1) for erecting a i boys' dormitory to cost seveuty thous- J and ($70,000) dollars; (2) for erecting, j furnishing and equipping a gynasium j twenty thousand ($20,000) dollars; (3) for establishing and equipping a water ! plant ten thousand ($10,000) dollars; I (4) for furnishing and equipping an electric lighting plant eight thousand j ($8,000) dollars. This school has had an unusual j growth and the additional equipment j is necessary on account of the increas ed attendance. Within five years the ' enrollment has practically doubled. Free Lecture. A public meeting will be held, under the auspices of the division of Zoo ology of the State Department of Ag riculture, in the orchard of F. X. Blumle, near Emporium, on Friday, April 14th, 1911, at one o'clock, p. m. At this meeting lectures will be deliver ed upon horticultural subjects with special'reference to pest warfare, and methods of practical orchard work demonstrated by special agents of the Department. Many of our citizens are enthusiastically in tavor of an organi zation for the extensive growing of | fruit, believing Cameron county is ad- j mirably adapted to apple culture. Come out friends and learn and ask for information. This Beats Bradford. Last December a man became con vinced that life was not worth while and he terminated his existence. He thought that his usefulness in this world was at an end. But in that view of matters he was mistaken—as he doubtless was in many of his ideas. He was even of use aflet- his death. Undertaker John A. Still embalmed the corpse and is making with it a scientific demonstration. The body is still unburied and in a splendid state of preservation at Still's undertaking establishment. The body is not even enclosed in a casket. It is covered by a sheet and lies in a back room of the j building. The corps has been treated witli , two kinds of preserving compounds - j one intended to mummify, the other | to embalm in the usual way. Desired effects have been produced by both processes and no more convincing il- 1 lustration can be shown of modern j means of flesh preservation. The an-i cient Egyptians' art of mummifying \ the dead was not so effective as the j methods employed by modern under- I takers.—Bradford Era. While the Bradford undertaker may ' lie commended on the success of his t skill as an embalmer, we have a case in Emporium, which has excited a : great amount of comment and wonder ment. Three years ago last September a teamster fell from his wagon, break ing hi* neck. His remains were tnknn to Hon. Geo. J. Laßar's undertaking rooms and his relatives in Sweden notified, who tailed to come down with the cash for ex|>euses. The remains continue to repose in the Laßar Mor gue, in excellent state of preservatluu. Scores of people call to witness the mummified corpse. Evideuely Em j balmer C. W. Rishell, who had charge ofthe case, has struck the Egyptian art. The unfortunate victim's Sweden relatives evidently forgot their way ward brother. A Fine Monument, A large monument of artistic doMgn has reeeutly hnmi placed lu the New ton cemetery Oil the lot of .Mr. ('has J. Howard to the memory of his wife. The wurk was furnished by Foley Hrija. Co., mouuuicui builders of Oltao, N, Y. This firm has just placed uver una car load of uiouuiotuita in the vatiuus cemeteries In this vicinity, (inntliriiiiiiily Clerk. Huyd Fmrlck, ul ('autre county, has accepted (lie position ot i lerk at Cuut uieretal llutvl and entered upuw the diai'ltargv uf tela dutiaa toiuea highly r«* uuiuitntdmi aud appears to t be ")uet the man fur llm plat'* " DEATH'S DOINGS. BHADMAN. Wlnfleld S. Shadman died on April 1, at his home at Dumont, N. J., from a stroke of apopplexy he had sustained three days previous, and his remains were intered in VVoodlawn cemetery, at Dumont. Mr Shadman was in his sixty-first year, and left a widow. Mr. Shadman's death is sincerely mourned by many friends in Williams port, for it was in this city that he spent many years of his life, proved himself a man of sterling character and great kindliness, and launched out in show and entertainment business, which he successfully developed. Born in Milton, which town he re visited with his show last year, Mr. Shadman with his family came to Williameport in youth, and engaged in athletic contebts of various kinds— boxing, and especially three and six day walking matches, which then were high In favor. The Shadman contests took place in the old Ulman opera house. Later Mr. Shedman took up training animals, especially dogs, and at death he had one of the best troupe of trained dogs in the country, which he had exhibited in Mexico, various capitols of South American state and in widely separated parts of the coun try, some times filling engagements lasting for weeks. He was ably assist ed by Mrs. Shadman, who expects to retain the trained dog show left by Mr. Shadman, and continue to exhibit it at vaudeville entertainments, sum mer theatres and as a grandstand at traction at large fairs. Mrs. Shedman writes that her husband left her well provided for, with a home at Dumont for herself, and quarters for the large snow.—Williamsport Grit. Mr. Shadman's death was a surprise to his friends at this place where he visited many times, being the eldest son of the late Samuel and Mary Shad man. BRIGHTMAN. William W 7 esley Brightman of Mc- Millin, Washington, formerly a resi dent of Shippen township, this county, died Feb, 15, 1911, after an illness of almost a year's duration, suffering with heart trouble. Mr. Brightman was born in Mercer county, Pa., Oct. 18, 1844, and later be came a resident of Cameron county. He was married to Esther A. Chandler, eldest daughter of John and Mary Chandler, both deceased, and sister of J. N. and D. N. Chandler, of Empori um. He worked here a number of years in the lumber woods where he made many friends. He enlisted in the Army of the Potomac, with 83d PA., Volunteers, Aug. 29, 1861; served but a short time ou account of disabili ty; re-enlisted, Aug. 29, 1862 and serv ed until end of the war. He was in the battles of Winchester, Chancellors ville and the three days at Gettysburg; was in Libby prison six months and eleven days, suffering there all any one could under the circumstauces; was discharged at New Washington, Pa., June 2nd, 1865. He served under Captain James L. Watson and Colonel W. W. Strong of 121 st Pa., Volunteers, Co. G. Deceased .eaves his widow, one daughter and live sons to mourn his death. Destroyed by Fire. -Yesterday afternoon, about three o'clock, the residence of S. S. Hick's located near Penn Vitrified Brick Co's plant, Lumber Township, was tot< II;' destroyed by lire, entailing a severe losti to Mr. Hicks. Nothing was saved from his home. This is the third time Mr. Hicks' home has been burned out. He did nut have any insurance. Court Visitors. Among the many friends who at tended court we enjoyed a social cull from J llarve Drum, ot Miunamidui u ing, Chauucey K. Log tie,"the mighty First Pork hunter" and Joseph Bowers, who owns and conduct* the "Edg comt> Farm," one of the l«nt on the Pork. Ilaked Sal*. I'he ladle* of th«> Pi'esby teriau Church will have a bread and eake sale ou Saturday, April 14th In Parsons liuaaar Fur hale. I'lm ii uderatgnud otters lor sale her household gouda at Iter home ou went Fourth street. Mn* UAVKV. A tin* Fitter i«llt. Iltvt ytai wcu (hat fruit egg put up mt*K:ially fur Faster gifts? Court Proceedings. Court convened on Monday last at 1:30 p. m., with Hon. Harry Alvan Hall, President Judge and Associates, Hons. Geo. J. Laßar and John A. Wykoff presiding. J. I Hagerman official stenographer at his desk; Fred Yentzer Court Crier. The following attorneys were in at tendance: Hons, J. C. Johnson, B. W. Green, Messrs. F. A. Johnson, J. P. McNarney, F. D. Leet, Michael Bren nan, W. K. Swetland, Coudersport; D. J. Driscoll, St. Marys; E. H. Baird, Ridgway. Messrs. C. F. Pitts and Henry Petit were appointed Tip Staffs to attend to juries during court. Mr. Riley War ner was appointed regular Tip-Staff. Considerable business was transact ed, the most important being the fol lowing: Com. vs W. A. Gill, embezzelment. True bill. Sentenced to pay a fine of §1 00 and undergo imprisonment in county jail for thirty days. Com. vs Patsy Barbour, carrying concealed weapons. True bill. Fined SI.OO and sixty days in jail. Com. vs Sidney Bunce, larceny. True bill. Sentenced to pay SI.OO and costs and serve thirty days in jail. Com. vs Tony Rotunda, larceny. Fined $5 00 and costs and undergo six months in jail. Com.vs Marshall Patterson, larceny. True bill. Sentence suspended. Com. vs W. E. Summerson. Deser tion. Sentence suspended on condi tipn that he return to his family and behave himself. Com. vs Archie Dickinson. Burg lary. True bill. Sentence suspended, on payment of costs, during good be havior, to the satisfaction of court. Com. vs Richard Bingeman. Non support. Bail forfeited and defendant confined to jail. Phoebe Ann Morse vs Fred L.Morse, Subpoena in divorce. Zelda Gore vs Geo. Gore. Subpoena in Divorce. Bryron T. Gitchell appointed Guard ian of William Harry Hogan. Great Treat Coming. "Graustark," the dramatization by Geo. D. Baker of Geo. Barr McClutch eon's novel of the same title, comes to the Emporium Opera House, Wednes day, May 3rd. This is one of the big successes of the year. The play teems with heart interest. All its absorbing situations revolve around the love affairs of the Princess Yetive and Greefall Lorry, a wealthy, dashing, handsome young American. The young lover is falsely accused of having slain a rival. His life is in jeopardy; the Princess' throne is totter ing, when Anguish, Lorry's artist friend, shrewdly guesses the man and wins a confession by running his strong American bluff. The abduction of a Princess, the murder of a Prince, the escape and re appearance of the falsely accused lover and his final acceptance by Princess Yetive and her people are features of gripping interest which makes the play so successful. It unfords a story of a love behind a throne in a delight ful manner, without sacrificing any of the intense interest. Romantically in clineu persons find the play to their liking. Seenically, it is a marvel of that art. The hotel, boudoir and throne room settings are gorgeously artistic, con veying ideas of court splendor, whicn are rounded out by the customes of the players, each being exactly suited t > the requirements of the play. Noth ing is lacking in Hie lavish equipments of this spectacular romautic and quite consistent play. The artists engaged in the interpre tation ot the different charactess are thoroughly fitted for the parts they are portraying, each having been carefully selected for their capabilities "Graustark" should prove the big gent dramatic treat of the season when presented at the Emporium Opera House, .May 3rd. A Fine Machine. The Tbeaturiuin Company will in stall a new machine within a few days that will enable them to run day light pictures. The iu w uiachiue is an up to date IHI2 model Canieragrapb. Flowers. We will have in stuck ou Friday, April I Itll, the hm st rolled ion of Car nations, I tost"*, Violets aud cut flowers over abowu til town Com* early mid get y .ur choice We put up boxes for out of town delivery timm— I 4»in l lowers. All kinds of putted plants aud cut dowers fur Mis. Jollll •*« lit m lips <>MI fr Mini », » sit Ku t < rtucu, Pi SECTION ONE TKRMVS: $2.00 —$1.501N ADVANCE. THE WEATHER. FRIDAY, Rain or Snow. SATURDAY, Rain or Snow SUNDAY, Fair. ABBETB First National Bank, EMPORIUM, PA. At the close of business, April 12, 1911 $953,531.15. In the Springtime of youth men should sow the seed of economy that they may enjoy the fruit therefrom during the winter of old age. And the success of the harvest depends upon the cultivation of the crop—eternal vigilance in curtailing extravagant luxuries is required. A savings account will encourage thrift and ie the most feasible plan for the wage earner in building up a competency for old age. SI.OO Starts an Account. 30 INTEREST PAID ON SAVING BOOK o ACCOUNTS AND CERTIFICATES OR DEPOSIT. DR. LEON REX FELT, DENTIST. Rockwell Block, Emporium. Pa, DR. "H. W. MITCHELL, DENTIST, Office over A. F. Vogt's Shoe Store Emporium, Pa 12y Entertainment. To be given by pupils of the High School, Thursday evening,. April 20th at eight o'clock, in the High School Room. Admission 10 cents. Proceeds will be used for the purchase of a man ual training bench. PROGRAM. Part I. Comedy. The Teeth of the Gift House. Cast. Richard Butler, a young business man, Howard Bingeman Florence Butler, his wife, Bertha Kenley Marietta Williams, his aunt, Nancy Turlej Anne Fisher, a friend of the Butlers, Agues Cleary Devlin Blake, a friend of the Butler's, Chas. Casselberrj Katie, the maid, Helen Vought Vocal Solo Marguerite Williams Piano Solo, Nora Grace Part 11. Ye Village Skewl of Long Ago. Ye Liste of Ye Characters. YE MASTER. Mister Wilkins, George RisheU YE SCHOOL COMMITTEE. Deacon Josiah Partridge, Luther Tate Zebadee Von Pelt Charles Spence YE VIBI TORS. Mrs. Humility Partridge, Addie Prosser Mrs. Rndnrance Peterkins, Jessie Clark iMrs. Hannah Parsons Hilda Kuehne Miss Charity Horuwell Edna Johnson Mrs. Doolittle Ellen Swansou Penelope Horuwell, Kathleen Baldwin YE PUPILS. Abraham Whitestone Fred Strayer Jonah Partridge Arvid Nystrotn Ebenezer Doolittle Basil Egan Peler Paul Peterkins, Robert Pearsoll Obadiali Von Pelt, Roy Swanson Melchizedeit Littlejohn, Charles Cuminings Temperance Whitestone, Carolyn -Moore Judith Doolittle, Mary Nangle Deliverance Doolittle, Helen Orr Salvation Doolittle, Julia Bair Prudence Peterkins T\ Irene Webster Dorcas Skinner. Nina Hertig Deborah Tubbs Orma Seiiriert Our Youngest Subscriber. Mr. Qordan L. MacDonougli, the youngest subscriber 011 ou. list, made the PRESS office a business call last Friday afternoon and paid for his paper for another year. Gordon presented a live dollar gold piece in payment and nearly took our breath away. VV'e requested our "devil", Riley Murray, to skip out and get some change hut he was afraid it was no Kood. However it proved to be al! O. K. Gordan is one of Koiooritim's rising young gentlemen and is the valued assistant in the store of the Em porium Drug Company. We enjoyed his visit very much. Call again. Open for Bids, The Post Office Department is now open for bids for location iM a new pout office for Emporium, Pa. Flans and specifications are now ready, and may be seen at the post office at this place. Can Nest Now. The candidate* may now take a good rest from their labors, the primaries having btrpitigioi,» K»Uttt*lr*»a utraiu. E. J IU*INM