I R,oy^L v Baking Powder Absolutely Pure The Only Baking Powder Made from Royal Grape Cream ol Tartar. Safeguards the food against alum* Chemists* tests have shown that a part ol the alum from biscuit made with an alum baking powder passes Into the stomach, and that digestion is retarded thereby. Read the label and make sure that y&ur baking powder is not made from alum. * lv *_ i* UK HitN U( . (.!■> >• ■ biiti'nt u; tf '■ 'l. T.' iti u'Atc/, pen uoulc jik ■ ''i 'n- 7»'.iV/rO,i ..... , . iff I, Ol• tali- •/ „r . R* Vger was a business caller ;.t Ft. Marys on Wednesday. Fred J. Kime of Renovo, called on frien ISIM TOWN I '/nest of her i ifev at f!*, M yr., l.iat S.V.K v'nv evening, Allan S. Randolph spent Saturday evening calliug on friends at Port Allegany. Mrs M. A.Rockwell and Miss Lil Lillian Perkins spent a snort time at St. Marys, Sunday. Miss Julia Bair, Hppnt Sunday at Olean, N. Y., where she was guest of her sister, Mrs. Rose Lupole. A quilting was held at Mrs. H. W. Graham's, March 29th. Covers were laid for ten. "Call again ladies." Mrs. Edward Zwald and daughter, who spent a few days at Ridgway, re turned to their home at this place on Monday afternoon. Mrs. Julia Nellis was a business call er at the PRESS office last Monday afternoon and renewed her subscrip tion for another year. J. P. McNarney hasendureda severe seige of the lagrippe during the past two weeks. He is now attending to business but phould be in bed. Isaac 11. Leggett, one of our respect ed West Creek patrons, called to see the PRESS on Saturday. He always keeps square with the printer. Lewis Leutze, who recently met with a serious accident at Howard's & Co's saw mill is recovering very nicely, being able to walk around town. Miss Hazel Floyd, of Olean, N. Y., is spending a short time in town, guest at the home of her brother, Mr. E. Mead Floyd and wife, Sixth street. Mrs. Jacob Zerfiuh and children, of Ridgway, arrived in town last Monday afternoon and are spending the week here, guests at the homes of relatives. Grant S. Wiley, who for several years has made his home at Austin will again return to Emporium. We welcome this family back to our town. Mrs. W. W. Williard and children, of Schnectady, N. Y., and Miss Marion Williard, of St. Marys, were guests at the home of Mrs. Susan E. Sterner, last Tuesday. W. F. Sehweikart has resigned his position with the Furnace Supply and lias accepted a position at Kane, l'a., and departed for that city this Thursday morning. Clifford Burkhart has accepted the position in the store of the Furnace Supply Co.,vacated by W. F. Sehweik art. Mr. Burkhart is an industrious young man and will make good in his new position. F B. Housler, who recently went to Buffalo to assist in caring for his brother in-law, E. E. Swartwood, form erly of Emporium, writes the Pni'-sthat Stub its he Is known here issiitVeriug with cancers, two having already been removed and two yet remaining for another operation. Mr. C. A. Mathewsoii and family are ■pending a lew days at this pace, guests at the homes of Mr. M's sister Mrs. A. L Goodwin and brother, G. K. Mathewsoii and family, at Howard Hiding. Mr Mat hew sun is oue of the Peiiusy's c Sic tout agents ami opera tors at Powlervllie, N. Y., on the Rochester Division. W. A. Anderson, of Buffalo, N. Y., representative of the Keystone Nation ■I powder Compauy, was a hu-lntw. caller at this plate the Una of tin week. Mr. AuderMin made the PkMr oflli u a eall on Monday and added his usi >e to i in in. ding list and will h**ri r ktmf iu touch with his Kui|Hiriuui friends. Harry M. In-jr.-ihara, of I T c:oa City hp lit Tu.wl.iy evening in town, m of V. S Sser r. Mirto Mattie M. Collwis at >luilt' V, Wll"ro :>iie W»» !."iest th> h .ijn ot relatives. Howard M Sohriner, of Port A lie ! ruiy, w'K gu-.'pt. af iho li« rue pf Mrs. H ilen Metzger and family over Sun d iv. Harry Marshall, of Brockway■ ville, P w»< at the home of Mr. and .die. u. ,j. WiuJiett, 11 r a ahoit tin., last week. George Ken worthy, of Sterling Run, transacted business at the eoui ty seat last Saturday and made the PRESS of llce a social call. Miss Gertrude Hackett,of Driftwood, was guest at the home of her sister Mrs, J. B. Mulcahy, Maple street, the last of the week. Miss Ida Seger, who had been spend ing a few weeks at New York City, guest of her brothers, returned to her home last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Matley returned to their home at this place last Friday, after a two week's delightful trip, which included the Bermuda Islands and Panama. County Commissioner George Min ard, of Four Mile, was a PRKSS busi ness visitor on Monday. He informs us that he has moved to the old home stead with his mother, widow of the late Judge Minard. Miss Mai guerite Metzger, who is at tending Starkoy Seminary, arrived in tow a last Saturday and is spending a few days here, guest of her mother, Mrs. Helen Metzger and family. Mrs. Walter Morrison departed for Harrisburg, last Saturday, where she will spend a short time guest of her husband, who holds a position in the Folding and Pasting Department under the Legislature. Miss Kate Metzger, who is attending Oberlin Music School, and Mr. Clark Metzger, of the Chamberlain Military School at Randolph, N. Y., are spend ing the week in town, guests at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Metzger. Mrs. llertanzie Harbot, of Buffalo, N. Y., formerly of this place, spent last Friday and Saturday in town, guest at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Peter Murray. Mrs. Harbot returned to Buf falo on Saturday afternoon. 11. C. Olmsted, who has been spend ing the winter months, guest of his daughter, Mrs. W. E. Jackson, at liUmherton, N. C., returned to his home at this place, last Friday. He is delighted with the North Carolina climate. The Rev. M. L. Tate, Rector of Em manuel Church delivered the sermon at a special Lenten Service at St. John's Church, Kane, on Tuesday evening. Rev. M. L. Tale has been obliged to decline several invitations tu preach because of the illness of Mrs. Tate. L. B. Heibert and daughter Mis® Frames, of Coudersport, were guests, at Hie home of Mrs. K. E. Sterner last Thursday evening. They were en r >ute for llarriahurg. Miss Heihert is contemplating returning to Emporium, where she will prttsent a play "Fun in a Theatrical Ottlee," which will be under the auspices of the Presbyterian ladies. Win. J. Jordan, of Moore Hill, where he is hewiug oui a good farm, was a business aud pleasant soeiul caller i 11 Saturday. His aged lather, Allen Jor dan, of Wharton, will read the PKKS* another year and we ho|te many more years. w W Van Wert of Hi/erviile, visited Ins many Irieuds iu town on Saturday. Mr Van Wert has pa»«eJ through a xerieus tin* - "hull g IIM- past two > ninth*, having IK » he loatuiuil to sound health, CAMPION COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1911 Earl E. Simons, who has bwn ill with the grip Is reported a little im proved. (1. 8. Felt is spending the week at Westboro, Win., in the interest ofC.B. Howard Co. Thomas J. Lawler of Coudersport, was a business caller in town the first of the week. G. F. Carpenter, manager of the Em pire Pool Rooms, Lock Haven, trans acted business at Emporium, Tuesday. Messrs. J. P. McNarney and Jacob Huffman were in attendance at a con vention of the K. O. T. M. held at Johnsonburg on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jessee Loucks and children arrived in town on Tuesday morning from Binghamton, N. Y. Ttiey will visit relatives in town a short time. Mrs. Clara Logan of Spring Creek, P:'., and Mrs. Nora Bradley of Port Anegany are spending the week in town, guests of F. D. Logan and family. Thomas Kelley, ot Dubois, arrived in town on Wednesday, and will assist in the plumbing work at the shop of Fred W. Dininny. Mr. Kelley is a fir it-class plumber. Guy S. Felt, who has been spending the past few da 3's transacting business at Westboro, Wis., returned to Em porium to-day. He was accompanied bj .Joseph J. Lmgle. Messrs. Robert Leutze and Mahlon Ramarge returned to their homes at this place last Tuesday from Buffalo, N. Y. The young men have finished a course in a plumbing school and have received their diplomas. We con gratulate the young men and wish them success. Ye editor is in receipt of a post card from our subscriber and old friend, N. J. Swartz, who recently moved to Nia gara Falls. Mr. Swartz says: "We are getting along fine and have chang ed our address to 656 19th street. Mrs. Wm Swartz is here from Emporium and is going to Buffalo to spend a week before returning to her home." H. C Jones, of Austin, was in town on Thursday last and, being a Pre«s patron, called to renew his paper well into 1912. Mr. Jones and his mother leave in the near future for Oregon, where they will reside. We wish them prosperity in their new home. Their object in moving there is mainly be cause a daughter and sister reside there. The Pkess will keep them posted. Death of Timothy S. Clark. The death of Timothy 8. Clark at Williamsport, March 28th, removes one of the most public spirited and popular citizens. Mr. Clark was a member of the well known lumber firm of Brown, Clark & Howe, for many years interested in this county. Years ago Mr. Clark was interested in lum bering on Bennetts Branch, where he married his wife, who was Miss Smith. Mr. Clark is survived by his widow, two brothers, Charles and Alvin, of Solom, Me.; a sister, Mrs. Angela Blais dell, of Oakland, Me., and a half brother, Fred, also of Solon. Death was duo to a complication of diseases from which he had been suffering for the past two years. Injured at duPont Powder Plant. About one week ago Mr. J. N. Pep perman, of this place, met with an acci dent at the duPont Powder Plant- While carrying a large box of dyna. mite he slipped and fell and in trying to avert a serious accident, or an ex plosion, received the injuries which re sulted in bruising the right leg very severely and also injured him other ways. Mr Popperman has since been ' confined to his home. It was lucky that the explosion was averted but un fortunate for Mr. Pepperman. We hope for his speedy recovery. I fc Ads. as Reputation p-Props^i Let us build you an inch ad. in this paper; a col- i umn ad., a page ad., or any old size ad. Let it '.ell in forceful termed I What you've got lo sell Whal it'* worth Why it's l>est at that price i Such an advertisement in this pai»er will brin* buyers who hardly knew ' you existed before you J advertised. ™ , < —J j .*> uf m s i ,j Hake Your Room New Mantels, Chairs, Wood-Work, and small rooms, can be quickly painted by any one with u small can of our Home Finish Domestic Paint, in all colors--15 to 25 cents. Makes all Interior wood-work bright as new. Get it from Harry S. Lloyd. Missionary Meeting. The woman's home and foreign Mis sionary Society will meet in the Pres byterian church at four o'clock Friday afternoon MRS. HELEN DAY-METZOEK, Secy. For Sale. Pure Bred R. C. Buff Orphington j Cockerels, $2.00 each. Eggs SI.OO per setting of 13, are now ready for delivery C. L. BORTREE, j 50-3 m. East Emporium, Pa. Dress Making. Mrs. J. F. Sullivan has opened a dress making establishment at her home, next door to Emporium House and is prepared to do work for ladies and children. A specialty is made o ladies up-to-date tailoring. There is a cleaning, dying and pressing depart ment in connectiug for both ladies and gentlemens' clothing. Prices reason able; satisfaction assured. 6-3t MEN and WOMEN, sell guaranteed hose. 70 per cent, profit. Make $lO daily. Full or part time. Beginners investigate. Wear Proof, 3038 Chest nut St., Philadelphia, Pa. 51-13t. Booms for Rent. Furnished rooms, single or en suite. Mrs. Seth J. Hackett, over East Em porium Post Office. 49-18. Easter Flowers A large variety of cut flowers and potted plants. PRICES REASONABLE Leave Orders Early For Easter Delivery Seger's Phone 21 Emporium, Pa. Lake Shore Seeds Are liandeled by all leading; merchants in your town. A. fine line of these, the leading Garden and Flower are on display. LAKE SHORE SEEDS have for a generation been offer- j ed through your merchant an- j nnallyand have given satisfac- j tion by their uniform purity and | growing quality. LARGEST PACKAGES and | VARIETIES. Don't be misled by fancy catalogues. Patronize , wntr home merchant. Insist on ' Lake Shore Brand EMPORIUM MILLING COMPANY. PRICK LIM-r. hinlxiriuiu, fa., March. 'ft. 1911. i NKVfii'iilL.A, |tt' k ....# I lo rail'ifaut ). " i M Pal drove, •• I M H"llrr %(«•»! ".... '»o w i. iraham, 70 NYw lliKkurliaal Khmr 41 lb. «« k, 7s Saw Huvkwlit'al Klour lo lb »,ick, . *5 •.arM> M.*l par |uu, I jg [*lmf» l*Veftj. . .. .".... I $$ rarknl i 'mu par 100 I Willi.) Vi.MhnK* I tin itrax I to liii ki ■> Wlirat I as VFt't'lllhtf. >' | g, ill Meal " 1 uo Wu |..itiu.li«l «' k* I' '* ■ • !*!». |»c, tiuntlr! ...... I. tav.l Oat ft ... ~ la l)»le» Mliella, tta> IM tlarliug * kln <1 . |«. UiirHM Ktifftli i> Pmm! hit*, llaift Vv.fti,..,,, . ~ t t' all M»«l. * lt»- ... ~,,, | II ... M Mi at KMm I'ttioti Utftin. I 7a The Satisfactory Store I Busy taking annual inventory ® of stock, but prepared to care * for your wants as usual. Look for our regular Week End Special Prices. There I will be substantial savings for you. Choicest Fresh Fruits and e I Vegetables- • All that's Best in G-soceries I House Furnishing G-oods, China, Crockery Glassware. Notable Kitchen Specialties I Delivery to all Parts of Town Twice S Each Day. —_____ 1 You G-et Better Values Here. I J H. DAY, I 6. Kmporim^J I Jasper Harris" I £ Opposite Post Office, EMPORIUM PA. ¥ I I I I ASpring suit is what you're thinking about. If you take the time to come to my establishment, I'll show you 602 different fabrics in all the new colorings, that will give you a choice bound to catch your eye and purse. Jasper Harris