Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, March 23, 1911, Image 5
That Pecu Lightness an Found in the finest biscuit, rolls, cake, etc., is due to the absolute purity, fitness, and accurate combination of the ingredients of the Royal Baking Powder. The best things in cook ery are always made with the Royal Baking Powder, Hence its use is universal —in the most celebrated restaurants, in the homes of the people, wherever de licious,wholesome food is appreciated. Royal Baking Powder is sold in every civilized country, the world over. It is the only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar. * Royal CookBBooBook —800 Receipts—Free. Send Name and Address. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. LOCAL UEPAKTMENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contributions InvMcd. That which yov would li .'c. to see in this <1 cfnirtmcnt,let v K know by P'»A tal car I, letier or pernonallij. Mrs. Belle Beattie has joined the la grippe crew and is awful sick. H. C. Crawford, of Port Allegany, ia looking after business affairs in town. Thos. Waddington and James Hob son made a business trip to Warren last Saturday.. Chas. Seger had his father at Buffalo last Friday, where they consulted a specialist. Leon Dininny is spending a few weeks in Knoxville, Pa., where he is guest of his uncle. .Dawson Wright is confined to Lis home, with a se% r ere ease of iagrippe. Hard luck, Dawson. W. S. Walker, cf Austin, was in Em porium yesterday, attending directors meeting of First National Bank. Alonzo Shafer and wife, of Detfoit, Mich., are guests at the home of Hon. Q. W. Huntley and family, North Broad street. Harold Waddington, of Rochester, N. Y., visited in town over Sunday, guest at the home of his father, Thos. Waddington and family. Messrs. Will Welsh, Karl Metz and Frank Egan, who are attending Clar ion State Normal School, arrived homo on Wednesday ofternoon, to spend a short vacation, guests of their parents. Miss Alice Quigley, accompanied by Miss Irva Davy, arrived in town on Tuesday evening from the Clarion State Normal School. Miss Davy spent a short time in town before going to her home at Eldred, Pa. Geo. B. Barclay, of Seattle, Wash , visited old friends in town yesterday. < He expects to visit Hon. C. F. Barclay ■ atWashington, after which he will join his wife and daughter at Atlantic City. He is looking exceedingly well. Simon Streich, a former eitizeen of Ridgway, who has been employed for several years past atone of the powder factories in Emporium, was in town yesterday shaking hands with his many friends.—Ridgway Dailv Record. The PRESS greatly enjoyed a visit from our old friend and subscriber, John M. Hicks, of Bennetts Branch. He is one of Gibson's solid farmers, eood citizens and always reliable. He is the kind of man you can always bank on in any transaction. Hon. B. W. Green and niece, MiBS Alice Montgomery, returned home on Monday—the former from Florida and the latter from Harrisburg—from a two weeks' vacation. The judge is as brown as a Jap, a sure indication it is hot in Florida. Miss Alice, of course enjoyed a delightful visit with her friend, Mrs. Libe, at the State Capitol. Ye PRESS editor received a postcard, dated March 18th, from Mr. and Mrs. E. Matley' who are enjoying the pleas ant climate of Bermuda. Mr. M.says: "This is a fine place—just like May at home. We leave on Monday for Pan ama; is a great trip. You should be here for the fishing is great. Water is as clear as a crystal; see all kinds of things thirty feet down. The eating is good hero, much better than on the boat coming down or else I feel more like eating on land than 1 do on water." Miss Elizabeth Budding, of Wrights ville, I'a., spent Monday evening in town, guest at the home of T. B. L'oyd and family, West Fourth street. George Ken worthy, of Sterling Run, was a business caller at the county seat for a few hours on Tuesday. Claude E. Rentz, who has been hold ing a position at Pittsburg and attend ing night school during the winter months, has accepted a more lucrative position with the West Penn R. R. Co., with offices at Connellsville, Pa. James L. Smith, of Gibson, while transacting business in town on Mon day, made the PiiESS sanctum a busi ness and social call. Come again, friend. Mrs Edward Zwald and Miss Alice Quigley, were pleasant PKESS office callers on Wednesday afternool. W. G. Bair has returned to his home at this place, after transacting bubi at Pittsburg and other western points for the past few days. Ermine G. Rentz, of Detroit, form erly of this place, has been very ser iously ill. We are pleased to state that he is now slowly improving. Leo J. Nangle, a former resident of this place, is now residing at Omaha, Neb. Mr. Nangle is a regular reader of the PRESS and wishes to be remem bered to all his friends. Laura Fitzpatrick, of Beeehwood, was guest of friends at this place on Tuesday. Dr. C. W. Gray, of Sinnamahoning, was a business caller at Emporium 011 Wednesday. The genial doctor made the PRESS office a social call. I Mrs. B. G. Erskine and sons, Masters William and George, went to Warren on Wednesday morning, where they j wil. spend a few days guests at the | home of Mrs. E's parents. Dr. Walter 11. Bush went to Buffalo, | N. Y., last.Friday and after transact i ing business at that city went to Cin -1 cinnati, Ohio, where he is spending the week, guest at the home of his mother. Miss Bertha Sterling, of Sterling Run, was a busiuess caller at this place , last Tuesday. Frank B. Hoag, of Cameron, trans acted business at the county seat last Monday, returning home on the after noon train. Leon L Mills, of ITornell, N. Y., ar rived in town last Thursday and is spending some time in town, guest at the home of his aunt, Mrs. E. M. llur teau. Mrs. Allen Kelley, ot Kane, spent in Sunday Emporium, guest at the home of Fred W. Dininny and family, Fifth I street. Mrs. R. B. Buckley, of West Sala manca, who has been visiting at tie home of Mr. and Mrs Jasqn Loucks on West Fitth street, returded to her home Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. S. E. Felt, who has been spend ing the winter months, guest of her daughter, Mrs. Rena Shaffer,New York City, has returned to her home at this place. Mrs. Alina W. Brooks, of Sterling Run, spent Tuesday in town, having been called here by the illness of her daughter, Miss Xemina, who has been confined to her room with an attack of lagrippe. rA MERON' COUNTY PRESF, THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1911. Mm George Neidllngor spent Mon day «t. Ridgwny, were she win guest, of relative. Mrs. Edward Whiting, of Sterling Hun, was a business caller at Empori um for a short time on Monday. S. J. Hall, of Sunbury, spent a few hours in town last Sunday evening, calling on friends. Mr. Rail is very deeply interested in the Novelty Lamp works, especially the business office. Frank liuberto, Jr., of East Empori um, was a business caller at the Pkksb office last Thursday morning. The Punas will be a weekly visitor at his home. Mrs. T. F. Moore went to Renovo last Saturday, where she was guest of her sister, Mrs. W. K. Wright. Mrs. Moore also visited at Lock Haven and Williamsport before her return to Em porium. Miss Gladys Hudson, of Erie, Pa., ha.s accepted the position as milliner for Mrs. E. S. Coppersmith. Miss Hudson arrived in town last Sunday on the noon train and took charge of tier work on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. James Logan, of Beech wood, were PRESS office visitors last Friday, renewing their paper as well an her sisters, Mrs. D. J. Brodshaw, of Kingston, Fla., for another year. A. L. Goodwin, first trick operator at RM tower, made the PRESS office a business cull last Thursday afternoon and entered his name 011 our constant ly growing mailing list. Mr. Goodwin is an expert in telegraphy and is well known all along the line. Mrs. John Montgomery, who has been spending the winter months at Kingston, Fla., guest of her daughter, Mrs. D. J. Bradshaw, returned to her home at Beechwood last week. Mrs. Montgomery has boen absent since last September. George Deike arrived in town last Saturday evening from Kittanning, Pa., and spent Sunday in town. On Monday morning Mrs. Deike and children, who, were called here by the death of Mrs. Alraeda Taggart, ac companied Mr. Deike to their home. Mrs. E. H. Hughes, formerly of Jthis place, is spending a few days in town, guest at the home of Mrs. Laura Bryan and daughter, Miss Nina. John Reiley, of Driftwood, spent Sunday evening at this place, calling on friends. Miss Mayme Cummings spent Sun day at St. Marys, guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Lion. William Munsell spent Sunday at Jamestown, N. Y., guest at the home of his sister. Mis« Esther Nystrum has accepted a position in the store of Mr. R. Kuehne, beginning her work last Monday morn ing. William Monuahan, of Belfast N. Y., spent Sunday at Emporium, where he was guest of friends. Martin L. Cummings, of Hyner, Pa., a former resident of this place, spent a few days in town the first of the week, guest at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cummings, South Broad street. Miss Lulu J. Lewis of Sterling Run, spent a few hours at the county seat last Saturday, calling on friends and transacting business. Mie;s Sarah McCaslin, of Hicks Run, was guest of friends at this place last Saturday evening. John Ellis, of St, Marys, spent Sun day in town, guest at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. \ lark Ellis, West Fourth street. II M. Olmsted, of Ridgway, was | guest at the home of his sister, .Mrs. C. J. Goodnough over Sunday. J. Raymond Cook, of Ridgway, was guest of his parents at this place last Saturday and Sunday. Prof. Ezra Smith, principal of the schools at Sterling Run, was a busi ness caller at Emporium last Saturday and made the PRESS office a business call. Miss Emma Ellis went to Williams port last Friday, where she is spending a short time guest of relatives. Miss Marion Judd and brother Warner went to Wilcox last Friday, where they attended a party in the evening. Mr. Judd returned home on Saturday morning and Miss Judd re turned on the noon train on Sunday. Harry Anderson, the obliging and efficient day clerk at The Warner, spent Friday at Allegany, N. Y., guest of W. A. Flynn, formerly of this place. Miss Ethel Turley, departed for Weedville, Pa., last Friday afternoon, wiiere she is spending a few days, visiting relatives and friends. Miss Pearl Lewis, who has been very seriously ill, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacDougall, is slowly im proving. i John Ebersole, of Sterling Run, was I a business caller at the county seat last 1 Saturday. Hon. John McDonald, of Driftwood, transacted business at Emporium for a few hours last Saturday, returnii g home on the afternoon train. Miss Lora McQuay and Mr. Russell M. McQuay were in attendanca at a week-end party, at Portville, N, Y., 1 guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. [ Earl B. Saunders. Mr.and Mr- 1 . P. E. f'r'ndell spent Sunday at Williamsport, where tl ey wore entertained nH gutsta of Mr. Cran" dell's mother. Mrs. Cramlell remains there until thin evening. The occaHion of their visit Saturday was in the na ture of a surprise, participated in by many Williamsport friends of the family and was an enjoyable affair. "Hanana Ribbon" cigars will please you. 4-3t. Herbert Spencer Was Human. Herbert Spencer in the attitude of juperlntendlng his household affairs was practical and amusing. At one time the poulterer had not been giving satisfaction, so Mr. Spencer called his housekeeper and gave her directions to transfer his custom to another tradesman whose shop faced the de linquent's. "And. Miss Smith," said the author of "Synthetic Philosophy," "be particular that the first poulterer sees you giving your orders to the sec ond poulterer!" Always Lucky. McConnell—Sure, isn't Larry always th' lucky b'yV Murphy—Lucky, do ye call him, whin it was only yesterday that he fell, breakin' tils leg an' hi i aarm? McConnell—Faith, an' wasr t he lucky on that occasion, wid th' ic eldent takln' place within twinty fate r>f th' hospital?— Chicago News. On the Other Hand. "On the one hand." said the t'.-acher, pointing a long finger to the nap on the classroom wall, "we have the far stretching country of Russia. On the other hand—what do I see or the other hand. Tommy?" "Warts!" hazarded Tommy, hopeless with flight Superstitious "What! Did you let :he examina tions go by again, CarlV" "I'll tell you, father. On the way to the college 1 met an o'd woman, and then 1 turned back"—Fliegende Blatter. The Usual Course. naughty Lady (whc has purchased a stamp)— Must I put it on myself? Clerk (very politely)— Not necessari ly, ma'am. It will probably be better If you put It on the 1 jtter. Fie has not learnei the lesson of life «vho does not every day surmount a tear.—Emerson. Critics smoke "Havana Ribbon" 5c cigars 4-3t. EMPORIUM MILLING COMPANY. .'RICE LIST. : miorium, Pa., March £22, I'. .1. NBMOC I .A, per sack Jl 30 felt'sFni.-.v, " 1 45 I'et Grove, " 1 50 Roller M':%l " 50 It>e " 70 Wrahr-m " 70 New Buckwheat Flour. 24 lb. sack, 75 New Huckwheat Flour. 10 lb. sack, 35 t ourse Mcid per 1«0 i 20 Chop:: H " 1 20 Cracked Corn per 100 .... 1 20 White Middlings 1 60 Bum. 1 40 Chicken Wljeat I SO Screenings " 1 20 Oil Meal " 2 00 Con. per bushel 87 Whii '■ Oats, par bushel 45 Seed Oats 48 Oyster Shells, per 100 75 Sterling Chick Feed 1 SO Sterling Scratch Feed 1 70 Daisy Dairy Feed, 1 40 Calf Meal, 50 lbs 1 5o Cotton Seed Meal 1 75 Biles Union Grains 1 70 It Touches the Spot When you have that thirsty feeling come straight to our foun tain, and we will hand you a long, cool refreshing drink that touc! es the spot. Our many pat rons say we sell the best soda in town. We would like to have you call and try it. SEGER & CO. Phone 21 ■ =-lj BABY CHICKS-ONE DAY OLD Eggs tor Hatching. FARM RAISED White Wyandottes, ) p g . 0Q White Leghorns, S. 0., Barred Rocks, ) per l °" Baby Chicks, 12 cents each. Langshans, R. L. Reds, Orpingtons, Brahamas, Cochins, Baby Chicks, 15 cents each. Eggs, $1.50 and s2.< 0. Address, Silver King Poultry Yards BROCKWAYVILLE, PA. Always Uue "White Lilly" Flower 1 I Manufactured at Groveland, N. Y. by Ewart and Lake j® and sole! in Emporium only at I FRESH Cranberries I POTATO / J JT Cucumbers' • CHIPS - A , , Radishes 8 The Satisfactory Store 1 5c PKGE Parsley K I "There is no'l easier way to make money than to ■ save it." Look ovec this list, make comparisons and 9 see if there is not an opportunity to make something. A Economy Prices for Friday and Saturday # 251b bag Best Granulated Sugar $1.45. Van Camps 10c Mook Turtle Soup the can Bc. Dold's Compound, for shortening a lb 12c. a I "Peerless" Evaporated Milk, tall cans 11c. 13 "Fresh gathered Cameron County Eggs for 25c. 50c quality Tea, Green, Black or Mixed, lb 40c. 10 cakes Proctor & Gamble's Polo Soap for 25c. 7 cakes P-ioctor & Gambles Lenox Soap for 25c Hershey's Coco, none better, 15c tin 12c. Large sound juicy Florida Grape Fruit each 7c. 0 125 c can Burnhams Clam Chowder 22c. a 50c Bottle Wright's Silver Cream 40c. 40c Brooms, select No. 1 each 35c. Regular 15c China Cup and Saucer with floral decorations and gilt border each 10c. • PrattTAmmai Regulator d °™ | | give more milk. Prevents disease A I Pratts Poultry Regulator I I Peerless Crushed Oyster Shells This ideal pure food for chickens, has made Poultry I" and eggs the farmers greatest money maker. Delivery to all Parts of Town Twice I Each Day. I Our service is at your command. A You Get Better Values Here. J. H. DAY, % 6. EmporiunK^® Jasper Harris' 0 pposite Post Off ice, EMPORIUM PA. |l II P 11 I!!! jjjjl fi ' lii 1 m ASpring suit is what you're thinking 5 about. If you take the time to come to my establishment, I'll show you 602 ft different fabrics in all the new colorings, ; 1 that will give you a choice bound to catch your eye and purse. Jasper Harris j