Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, March 23, 1911, Image 1

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VOL, 45
Makes Everything New.
Old kitchen chairs, old furniture, old
closets, old bureaus, when worn out
made new again at a cost of 15 to 20
cents with a can of either Home Finish
Domestic Paint, Home Finish L. & M.
Varnish, or Home Finish L. M. Var- I
nish Stain.
Directions for use in each can. Any
body can use it.
Get it from Harry 8 Lloyd.
High School Pupils.
High school pupils may enter the
Junior Class of the Clarion State Nor- ;
mal School. This will be the last op
portunity for students to enter upon
the regular three years' course. Write
at once for catalog.
J. GEORGE BECHT, Principal,
Clarion, Pa.
Atlantic City
Cape May
Wildwood, Anglesea, Holly Beach, Sea Isle City, or Ocean City, N.J.
Friday, April 14, 1911
$9.75 from Emporium
Allowed on return trip if ticket iB deposited with Station Ticket Agent.
Full information regarding leaving time of trains on which
tickets will be accepted may be obtained of Ticket Agents, /
or David Todd, D. T. A., Williamsport, Pa.
to attend our Spring Opening and Fashion Show, Wednesday and
Thursday. March 29th and 30th, at which time we will have on
display all the
Newest Fashions in Ladies' Ready-to-wear Apparel and
Millinery for Spring and Summer
On these two days we shall endeavor to SHOW all the goods
we can, without any effort to sell, and hope for the attendance of
every lady who is interested in correct and up-to-the hour clothes
Spring Opening and Fashion Show
Wednesday and Thursday, March 29 and 30.
The Store that Satisfies | j Style Store for Women
———— T~irn——iiTnr— —uTiini i wm> ■» 11 amma——
An expert trimmer, formerly of Cleveland, Ohio, is in charge.
Any one who wishes to be stylishly, correctly and becomingly at
tired will enjoy a few moments spent during either ol these two
days, inspecting the
New Suits, Coats, Jackets, Skirts, Waists, Dresses, Gowns, Kimonay,
Millinery, Etc., Now on Exhibition Here.
for remember, on these days you are not expected to buy*. Just
come and see the new things. The styles are so attractive and
the extra values so apparent, you will be sure to remember us
when you do get ready to buy. This stores mighty power for ex
ceptional value-giving was never better shown than in our new
goods for this season. We want you to see for yourself.
Exclusive agency for the celebrated Printzess Suits and Coats
which are too well know for further comment.
Potted Plants and Cut Flowers. Orders taken for Easter.
Coppersmiths , EMPORIUM, PA.
sAim the C
Ad. Gun
If It's hot weather, ad
vertisecool things.Mr.
Merchant. When it*a
cold, boost warmth.
You know what people
want; when they want
Profit thereby. Send
your copy to-day for
your ad. in this paper.
1. ,1111,111 HI ■WHIBII I*
(Copy right, lyuy, by W. N- U.)
"Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable." —WEßSTEß.
Farming Land for Sale.
I have a few hundred acres of valu
able wild farm land for sale cheap
Farming now pays large returns. Pur
chase a farm and be independent.
5-4t. Emporium, Pa.
For Sale.
Practically new six room house; bath,
gas and water; good cellar; two late,
I 100 by 225; in good repair; concrete
walks and steps; located East Fifth
street, Emporium. For particulars
apply to Edward Viner, Emporium,
Pa. 51-tf.
$2,000 Death benefit; ?1">.00 Weekly
' Benefit lor Accidents; $15.00 Sick Bene
fit; SI,OOO for loss of limb or eyesight;
I SIOO Emergency Relief Benefit. Cost
. s<i.oo per year. No other dues nor as
sessments. Old established Company,
with SIOO,OOO State Deposit to guaran
tee payment of claims. Men and
women between the ages of 16 ard 65
taken. No doctors examination re
quired. Send your application or ad
drees I'or further information, Dept. A.
American Registry Company, 42S Elli
cott Square, Buffalo, N. Y., or 208
Cadillac Building, Erie, Pa. l-13t.
has Millions of Friends.
How would you like to number your
frieds by millions as Bucklen's Arnica
i Salve does? Its astounding cures in the
past forty years made them. Its the best
I Salve in the world for sores, ulcers, ecze
ma, burns, boils, scalds, cuts, corns, sore
j eyes, spraius, swellings, bruises, cold
I sores. Has no equal for piles. 25c at
i all druggists.
For Sale.
Pure Bred R. C. Buff Orphington
| Cockerels, $2.00 each. Eggs SI.OO per
; setting of 13, are uow ready for delivery
50-3 m. East Emporium, Pa.
Smoke "Havana Ribbon" oc cigar.
This is the Case With Many Empori
um People.
Too many Emporium citizens are
handicapped with a bad back. The un
ceasing pain causes constant misery, mak
ing work a burden and stooping or lift
ing an impossibility. The back aches at
night, preventing refreshing rest and in
the morning is stiff and lame. Plasters
may give relief, but cannot reach the
cause. To eliminate the pains and aches
you must cure the kidneys.
Doan's Kidney Pills help sick kidneys.
The following statement should con
vince every Emporium reader of their
efficiency. I
F. D. Swcener, .Market St., St. Marys,
l'a., says:"l was subject to severe
pains in my back and sides and it was
only with great difficulty that I could
straiuhten. Headaches also bothered me
and I was in bad shape. When Doan's
Kidney Pills were recommended to me,
I procured a supply and it did not take
them long to drive away my trouble. I
cannot praise this remedy too highly aod
I have often advised other kidney suffer
ers to give it a trial."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents,
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York,
sole agents for the United States. Re
member the name—Doan's—and take
no other.
Throwing His Fortune Away.
Throwing away what one has is not
always the only way to lose a fortune.
Being unable to see an opportunity, or
to grasp it when seeing it, is more often
the cause of losing out in the world. A
person who feels too sluggish to make
the best of time ean quickly improve by
using Sexine Pills, the great tonic that is
guaranteed for all forms of weakness in
men and women. Price 81 a box; six
boxes 85, with full uuarantee. Address
or call at Dodson's Drug Store, where
they sell all the principal remedies and
do not substitute.
List of Jurors.
The following is a list of the jurors
drawn for the April term of court, be
ginning, Monday, April 10th.
1 Baihy.O. L Landlord Grove
2 Bennett, Amos Laborer Grove
3 Ba'dwin, Allen Laborer Emporium
4 Beldin, Sylvester Farmer Shippen
5 Com ley, Fred Carpenter Lumber
6 Diuinny, Fred Plumber Emporium
7 Davis, Allen Farmer Snippen
8 Doll, Amandus Farmer Shippen
9 Farr, A. H Laborer Emporium
lu Ganey, Joseph Landlord Emporium
11 Housler, J. W Laborer ..Lumber
12 Husted, R. C Clerk Emporium
13 Housler, Franklin. ..Farmer Emporium
14 Howard, John Clerk Emporium
15 Johnson, Grant Laborer Gibson
Its Krebs, Charles Farmer Gibson
17 Lorshbough, B. 8... Farmer Grove
18 Logue, James Laborer Gibson
19 Ostrum, N. A Farmer Shippen
20 Parks, S. C Farmer Shippen
21 Riley, T. J. Landlord Driftwood
22 Shatter; J. A Farmer Gibson
23 Thomas, R. L Shoemaker...Driftwood
24 Vrooman, W. S. Laborer Driftwood
1 Angevine. W. E Farmer Shippen
2 Barclay, Arthur Foreman Grove
3 Bowers. Joseph Farmer Grove
4 Burns,H. L Gent Emporium
5 Brooks, V. A Surveyor Gibson
B Cavanaugh, J0hn,.... Farmer Shippen
7 Card, Frank Laborer Shippen
8 Caton, J. H Farmer Portage
9 Drum, J. H Clerk Grove
10 Dodge, George Laborer Emporium
11 Dulin, Patrick Laborer Shippen
12 Dougherty, Thomas..Laborer ...Gibson
13 Friendal, Joseph Plumber Emporium
14 Gross, Addison Clerk Emporium
15 Goodnough, C. J Supt Emporium
16 Gregory, Ed Scaler Emporium
17 Haviland, Charles Laborer Emporium
18 Housler, G. E Laborer Snippen
19 Huupt, H. O Laborer Emporium
20 Jordan, William Farmer Shippen
21 Jollotf, W. H Farmer Shippen
22 Logue, C. E Merchant Grove
23 Lupoid, W. H Laborer Grove
24 Law, James Barber Emporium
25 Lord, B. E Laborer Gibson
26 Lechner, Joseph Merchant Emporium
27 Lamb WarretL Clerk Driftwood
28 McCormick, 171 ward.Laborer Shippen
29 McDonald, A. A Merchant Emporium
30 Moore, T. F Clerk Emporium
31 Miller, C.J Laborer Gibs >n
32 Piper, T. H Clerk Gibson
38 Shives, Frank Merchant Emporinm
34 Bwesey, Frank Farmer .Shippen
35 Strawbridge, J. R Watchman Lumber
36,Sheddy. H. P Farmer Gibson
Mere Trifle#.
Passenger—Any danger on this trift
Cap? Captain—Well, there's a plrat#
balloon above us and a submarine un
der us and we're carrying 20 tons of
dynamite. Outside of that there's no
cause for nervousness. —Baltimore
Old English Inn.
The "Seven Stars" is an inn or pub
lic house in Manchester, England,
which has held a license for 540 con
secutive years. It served as the meet
ing place for the Guy Fawkes baud uf
Mean Suggestion.
Wives frequently talk of the gilded
cages In which they live, but we notice
they look frequently at the cuttle bone
and bird seed with which their cages
are provided before leaving them.—
Boston Globe.
To do something, however small, to
make others happier and better, is the
highest ambition, the most elevating
hope, which can inspire a human be
ing.—Lord Avebury.
Why "Secretary Bird."
The secretary bird is so called be
cause of the tuft of feathers over its
ears, which much resembles the meth
od generally adopted by clerks in dis
posing of their pens and pencils.
New Industry In Prospect.
In China the fiber of the
j stalk is woven into beautiful fabrics
[ and it is believed that by the use
) of the proper machinery it might he
j used mo tit profitably in tills country.
The Koh-I-Noor.
The Ki h i-noor diamond originally
I weighed soft kara';-, hut bv Sucre-' ve
j cuttings hus been reduced to 100 kar
Beauty of Color Painting.
Nice shades of color like L. & M.,
| Tuxedo, Yellow or Silver Gray, and
! solid trim of Olive or Shaker Green,
j both ornament and wear, when used
; by adding j of a gallon of Oil to each
' gallon of the L. & M., color* as pro
duced at Factory.
Then the paint cost only about $1 50
Iper gallon because the user himself
makes about half the paint used, and
reduces cost by adding the Oil.
Thirty-five years use In X. A. it S. A.
Our sales agent is Harry 8. Lloyd.
If you hare trouble in g'tnng rid of
your cold you tuay know that you art* not
treuiilig it properly. There i» no reu-oo
why a cold »hould liaug on lor weeks and
it will uot if you take Chamberlain's
I'ouu'li H' ini dy. For sale by all dealers,
la Cleaner Than Carpet.
I'uint your Hour around the border
of the room with 1.. & M. Floor I'aint.
t'i iHt« about 50 cents.
It gives a bright varnished finish.
Cover the center of the room with
your home-made carpel rug. Looks
Out it from Marry H. Lloyd
Orittoa Mtitoke "llavaua Itibbou"
i h '.ir* 4 tt
TERMS: $2.00 —$1.501N ADVANCE.
Rockwell Block, Emporium, Pa,
Office over A. F. Vogt's Shoe Store
Emporium, Pa 19y
All Announcements under tin# head mum he
signed by the candidate and paid in advance to
insure publication.
For County Treasurer.
Emporium, Pa.
bubject to the decision of the Republican
voters at the Primary Election.
J. A. FISHER, Emporium, Pa.
.Subject to the decision of the Republican elect
ors at the Primary Election.
JOHN McDOJJALD, Driftwood, Pa.
Subjecct to the decision of the Republican elec
tors at the Primary Election.
For County Commissioner
O. B. TANNER, Gibson Township.
.Subject to the decision of the Republican
voters at the Primary Election. P. O. Address
JOHN W. LEWIS, Siiippen Township.
P. O. Address:-Eraporium, Pa, R. F. D.
Subject to the decision of the Republican elect
ors at the Primary Election.
* *
8. P. KREIDER, Driftwood, Pa
Subject to the decision of the Republican elec
torn at the Primary Election.
Lumber Township.
P. O. Address, Sterling Run, Pa.
Subject to the decision ot the Republican elec
tors at the Primary Election.
WM. L. LOGITE, Gibson Towuabip.
O. O. Address: Driftwood, Pa., R. F. D.
Subject to the decision of the Republican Elect
ors at the Primary Election.
* *
Subject to the decision of the Republican elect
ors at the Primary Election.
For Sheriff.
Subject to the decision of the Republican elect
ors at the Primary Election.
JAMES W. WYKOFF, Gibson Township.
Subject to the decision of the Republican elect
ors at the Primary Election. P. O. Address
Sinnamaboning, Pa.
JOHN D. SWOPE, Emporium, Pa.
Subject t l > tbe decision of the Republican elect
ors at the Primary election.
Shippen Township.
P. O. Address, Emporium, Pa., R. F. D.
Subject to the decision of the Republican elec
tors at the Primary Election.
For Associate Jurtae.
GEO. J. LABAR, Emporium, Pa.
Subject to the decision of the Republican elec
tors at the Primary Election.
* *
C. J. GOODNOCGFI. Emporium, Pa.
Subject to the decision of the Republican elec
tor* at the Primary Election.
For Supervisor.
JOSEPH ST RAICH, of Shippen Twp.
Subject to the decision of the Republican
electors, at the Primary Election*
P. O. Address, Emporium, Pa
Shippen Township.
P. O. Address, Emporium, Pa., R. F. I>.
Subject to the decision of the Republican elec
tors at the Primary Election.
i Cr Constable «tncl Collector.
ELI til' CHADWK K, Shippen Township,
P. O. Addree-v Emporium. Pa., R. F, 1).
Subject to the decision of the Republican elect
ors at the Primary Election.
I J at April Term of Court for 1911, com
mencing M inday, the 10th.
No. 17 -January Term 1910.
K. L. MeCr. < k- 11 vs F. I>. Leet,
J..1. Kintner, Em]., for Plff.
F. D. Leet. EM)., for Deft.
No. 38 January Term 1911.
Ura<e Burnside v* C. K. Wing.
Johnson & McNarney, Att'y* for Planum.
(Ireen A Felt, Att'ys for Defendant.
No. 31 October Term 1910.
James Fit/Patrick VH George H. Spring, Owner
or reputed Owner and Contractor.
D. J. Drtscoll, Et*q., Att'y for Plaintiff'.
Measrft. Green 4t Felt, Att'y* for Defendant.
Prot ho notary.
Cuitoni.-r I want a material (feat
won l fthow tbo dust. I am , tin* to
tlio 1 Mii-B • good bit tit iho ai'iltiK,
TitiHii 1 prelum* >uu havu uu ub
ItM'llix to ptrtlil «.h do". II
NO. 6.