H Breezy 112 1 County!| Netfs SINN AM AHONING. Mrs. V. A. Brooks, spent a few days with her daughter, at Ileuovo last week. Mis. B eese, of Johnsonburp, spent Sunil with her mother, Mrs. M Baird. Joe Cuunsi! tnade a business trip to Emporium Saturday. Miss Mj IIh: Shaffer visited in Em porium over Sunday. The M (i. It's very pleasantly euter taiocp th.- gentlemen, uu Friday evening, at the home nf Mrs. C. W. Gray. Hprry Knsigu spent Saturday in Em porium. __ Miss Bertha Fulton spent Sunday in Renovo. Miss Neoma Whitmire visited her aunt Mrs. Blum, of Emporium, over Sunday. C. 11. Cordie is spendiug some time in Pittsburg. The Central Pennsylvania Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church meets at Bloomsburg, March lGth, under the presidency of Bishop Anderson, D. D., LL. D. Many changes are expected to take place on account of deaths and lo cation of prominent preachers. The annual meeting of the congrega tion and societies of the church at Sinna mahoning, Thursday evening, was an en joyable affair. Reports snowed that all the societies had been active during the year. The pastor, Rev. R. W. Runyan, gave a short lecture on his ''Trip to London." lie expects to be returned to this charge for another year. XV Z BEECHWOOD. Mrs. John Market, ef Renovo, visited her parents at this place for a lew days last week. Miss Prieillia Andrews and Miss Grace Gueswiuder, of Truman, were guests of Miss Roxie Rice, Sunday. Miss Florence Sanford, of Emporium, was guest of Mrs. Lillian Guinter Satur day night and Sunday. Lloyd Swartz and Miss Hattie Bone, of Emporium, attended the box social held at Paul Guinter's Saturday night. Goldie Rice came home from Empori um, the last of the week. Mrs. Dice, of Sterling Run, was gues of her sister, Mrs. Frank Keptner, Sun day. Oscar Hopkins, of Howard, visited his sister at this place Saturday evening and Sunday. Jay Logan was in Emporium last Tuesday. Clifford Morrison was an Emporium visitor Saturdcy afternoon. Geo. Leavitt was in Emporium Satur day. David Toner was in Emporium one day last week. Guy Brown came down from St. Marys Sunday afternoon. SPRUCE UP. MEDIX RUN. Mrs. Herman Miller is very sick at at this writing. Maude Allen, of Pcnfield, was guest of relatives in town over Sunday. Theodore Lawton, of Austin, is mov ing his household goods to this place, employed in the mill. Mrs. Chas. Barr is quite sick at this writing. Ruth Nyce, of Millers Run, was the guest of her sister, Friday evening and Saturday. Mrs. Dave Arndt and children are visiting relatives here. Hazel Mace is now at the boarding house. The "Silver King" was in town for a week. A silver set was given the most popular lady which was awarded to Miss Phemey Hewey. Eugene Dollinger, who had his arm broken some time ago, is able to be at school again. Miss Pearl Frazier is visiting friends at Sinnamahoniug ami other points. Ray Miller was at Caledonia on Mon day. Win. Arndt and wife are visiting Mrs. Arndt's parents at Morris Run. Mrs.Dan Ross was on the sick list last week. L. B. ltussel and wife shopped at Du- Bois Friday. C. A. King and wife have leftJiere for DP JT , Col. Mr. King has resided here qu.fe a while as filer in the mill. The I. 0. R. M., degree team of this place visited the Wigwam at Hicks Run, Saturday evening. The Hicks Run order took in three new members. The Medix JRun ~ team had charge of the floor work. x.x. Has Millions of Friends. How would you like to number your frieds by millions as Bucklen's Arnica Salve does? Its astounding cures in the past forty years made them. Its the best Salve in the world for sores, ulcers, ecze ma, burns, boils, scalds, cuts, corns, sore eyes, sprains, swellings, bruises, cold sores. Has no equal for piles. 25c at all druggists. CAMERON. All on the sick list reported better. Operator J. F. Sullivan is working thrid trick iu telegraph office here until job is bid in. The township anditors done their aud iting Monday at the Cameron House. Signalman G. L. Page has been work ing at Renovo the past two weeks. Mrs. A. F. Walker visited friends in town Tuesday. The schools left out early Tuesday, a. in., on .account of cold school room, but resumed school iu the afternoon. Ray Dininny, the new proprietor of the Valley House, is getting things in shape for his opening on the first. Clarence Hewlett and Capt. Wesley Barr, of Sterling Run, attended auditing Monday. The I'en Vitrified Brick Co's engine made i's first trip to town Tuesday. This looks a httle like prosperity for our city. Mrs Ray Hazlett and children, of Harrison Valley, are visiting J. E. Lester and wife the past few days. C. W. Rishel,of Emporium, made a business trip to this place Monday. BILL. SINNAMAHONING. A. J. Barclay visited the couuty seat last week. Amos. Bennett went to Emporium one day last week. Alex. Shade was a caller at Empori um last Monday. Riley Warner, of Emporium, was a visitor in town on Tuesday. George Huff was called to Nesbit on Saturday, owing to the severe illness of his mother. Rev. liunyan visited with J. R. Batch elder and wife Monday evening and sampled some of his northern spies. Make preparations to attend the home talent play, "In the Shadow of the Rockies" on Wednesday eeening, March 15th. Don't forget the date and bring your best girl. C. W. Rishell, of Emporium, was a visitor in town, Tuesday. John Clontz was a visitor at Sterling Run, over Sunday. C. R. and William Crane have finished their wood job and moved home. Geo. P. Shafer, salesman for the Silin Wholesrle Manufacturing Co., is canvas sing the western part of the state this week. Don't forget "In the Shadow of the Rockies" in Logue's Hall, Wednesday evening, March 15th. The blue birds made tbeir appearance here last week. They will have cold times of it with zero weather. ' Jeff Askey was up from Keating over Sunday to visit his best girl. The lunch and smoker at the I. O. 0. F., last 'Saturday evening was a success and all present bad a good time. J. R. Batchelder extends his thanks to his friends who gave the surprise party last Thursday evening. L. C. Wykoff, of Lorshbaugh, was a caller on Monday. Grove Supervisors met last Monday and settled up the accounts for 1910. W. H. Davis chanced oft his talking machine on Monday evening. Glenu Espy was the lucky man. The pupils of the Enterprise School are making preparations for a fine enter tainment on the last day of school. Proi. R. W. Smith, of Huntley, was a caller in town last Saturday aud called on Council Brothers and looked over the new store. It looks as though the farmers were goiug to do something around here this summer by the way they are ordering phosphate. The American heus around here have done nobly this spriug, putting the price of eggs from 40c per dozen down to 20c. j l'rof. E I']. Graves has his incubator working in good shape. He has one hatch oifi' and another one on the way. DEBSE DRIFTWOOD. The Fancy Work Club was entertain ed at the home of Misses Laura and Flora McDonald on Saturday evening. A few of the friends of Hon. John McDonald were also invited to spend the evening. A very pleasant time was enjoyed by all. Mr. Purcell, the well known lumber man of this place, died very suddenly on Monday morning, while at the camp at Laurel Run. Interment at. Renovo on Thursday. John Ililcy and Eldrcd Kreider were in Emporium on Sunday evening. Miss Ruth Gleason was in Penfield one day last week for the purpose of re ceiving instructions in music. Fiorence Kauffman, of Lock Haven, called at the home of Hon. John Mc- Donald on Friday last. The Ladies Aid Hall has been greatly improved by the addition of a new kitchen and stairs, serving as a fire escape. It is now a very convenient and desirable place for public gatherings, suppers, etc. Commissioner S. P. Kreider was in Emporium on Friday last and on Mon day. Mr. Noble has been visiting in Pitts burg. Audrey Hill and Erda Labord spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in Hicks Run. The Five Hundred Club were enter tained at the home of Mrs. Osburn on Tuesday evening. Besides members of CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1911. the Club other friends of the family were alxo invited. The winners ot the first prise* were Mrs. Harry Mutthersbaugh and Arthur Arnold. The booby prizes were uwarded to Miss Myrtle Smith and rion. John McDonald. After the game, delicious refreshments were served and the. rest of (he evening was spent in sing ing. Mrs. Unburn proved herself to be a very successful uud pleasing hostess. S. L. Wilson, who has had a siege of Irgrippe, in able to be out again. X. X. NORTH CREEK. Horace Burch visited friends here re cently. Yere Swesey visited with Grand ma Carter Friday, and accompanied his sister home. Mrs. Snlveson suffered a relapse but is convalescing again. Mrs. Lottie Lewis and children visited Mrs. Carter recently. Wrn. Lewis, T. F. Brittou, J. N- Chandler, V. M. Dow, J. W. Lewis, Henry Carter, Norman Solveson, OliAa Cool, Walter Smith, Willis McClenahna and Riley Housler were city visitors the past week. Fred Solveson spent a few days at home. Hazel Chandler spent a few days in Sizerville, guest of Leatha Victory. Mrs. Lylab Pondas, of Hicks Run, returned to her home Saturday, alter visiting a few days with his sister, Mrs. Housler. Burton More spent a few days here, guest of Fred Solveson and family, Miss Ida King, of Clear Creek, came over Saturday and took her nieee, Mrs. McClenahan and her children, to visit with her at her home, bringing them back Sunday. Clendon Moore visited his mother this week. Mrs. Fannie Haskins, of Four Mile, visited at the home of her son, Ed. Cool, Saturday. Her daughter, Mrs. Abbie Ivesler, accompanied her. They return ed home Sunday. Mrs. Laura Brundage, West Creek,is truest at the home of her father, F.A Lewis. HICKS RUN Born, March 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Huron, a son, To Mr. and Mrs. Ilay, mond Miller a daughter. Mrs. Anna Farren of Red Bank is visiting relatives at Hicks Run. Jas. Kirk, who has been confined to his home for the past two weeks on ac count of sickness is some better at this writing. Mr. Ed. Gregory of Emporium, candi date for the nomination of County Treas urer, was in town one day last week look ing after his political fences. Mr*. O. H. Jordan of Huston Hill was a business 3aller in town on Saturday. Chas. Connor, who has been suffering from tuberculosis the past two years, is very poorly and confined to his bed and cannot speak above a whisper. Harry Pontis has returned from West Virginia and will not move his family to that place. * On Thursday last about three p. m. Chas. Collins' dwelling house was discov ered to be on fire. The fire alarm was at once given and the quick response oi a crew of men near by, soon had the fire extinguished. The fire done but little damage, except burning a large hole in the loof. Our school opened on Monday, after being closed since Feb. lGth/on account of the scarlet fever. The Indians of the Hicks Run Camp, No. 461, recruited by il! new members and ii inlorced by the Medix Run Camp, were uiiatde to carry away a single salp on Saturday. March 6, 1911. u. E. w. HUNTLEY. Geo. E. Wylie, one of our township auditors, is busily engaged in settling up the township affairs this week. The Driftwood callers this week were: B. J. Collins, W. H. Logue, Dan Kil bnm and John S. Jordan. Wright Mason, of Pine street, was a pleasant caller in town on Sunday and made the flower garden a call. He j picked out one of the most beautiful flowers for a bourjuet, but when his lady friend from Grove Hill arrived the buu xuet which he had picked out did not suit him very well. So he threw it away. What made you blush, Wright? Mrs. M. M. Hill, of Medix Run, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. W. R. Smith this week. Lial Jordan, who has been staying with his brother Albert, of Grove Hill, returned home on Saturday. Mrs. Leslie English, of Castle Garden, was the guest of her parents, J. S. Jor dan and wife. Friday, returning home on Saturday. John Devling, ot Sterling Run, was seen on our streets on Saturday en route to Fink Hollow, where he expected to lodge for the night, provided that Henry Logue, of Sinnamahoning did not object. Clarence Johnson was a caller in Drift wood on Sunday. Lial Jordan was a caller in Sinnama qoning on Sunday Mrs. W. R. Smith and daughters Thema and sons Robert and Arthur were callers on Grove Hill over Sunday. Misses Gladys and Carrie Hill, of Grove Hill, drove through town on Sun day afternoon. SPORT. ASale of Fine Embroideries When in New York we bought over 4,000 yards of beautiful fine quality Embroidery. By taking all the Importers had of each lot, we got them at greatly reduced prices. That is the reason we are able to sell them as follows: I i I 28 inch Flouncing with Ruffle. Very handsome pattern with small AA LiOl 1. pink or light blue flowers. Regular price $2.50 yd. Sale price . • • j ,1111 I 1 O 26 inch Swiss and Nainsook Flouncing, very pretty patterns JIA LOl Lf Regular price 69c Sale price I 1. O Swiss and Nainsook Flouncing. Very fine work and exquisite AA L«Ol J. patterns. Regular price SI.OO per yard, Sale price Ijyjj I j. A 26 inch Flouncing. Rich open work. Irish Crochet patterns A 4 AA LiOl T l # Regular price $2.00 per yard. Sale price > g b |IIJ I jl C 46 inch wide Swiss Embroidery, very neat patterns. Regular price AA LOl D. $1.39 yd. Sale price [ I -.1. I? 3000 yards of yery fine Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Edging and Insertions, LiUl U» widths from Iyto 2 11 inches. Regular price A A 4 A A■■ 15c, 19c and 25c. Sale price. . IUC IZC IvC No/»lri*rnov H . and Embroidered Collars. Reg. price SI.OO "| Sale Price lICCKWcdX Fine Embroidered Collars with Ruching, Reg. price 50c ! Fine Embroidered Collars with Ruching and Jabbots, | Oil A Regular price 75c. ) £vG "Chantecler" Waist Fronts. white Batiste, made to sell for 11C New White Goods at Special Low Prices Several patterns of handsome open work,woven stripe white goods, Reg. price 25c ||A Sale price Fine sun bleached Nainsook per yd A A I Fine sun bleached Nainsook per yard AA or SI.BO per piece of 12 yards |QQ j or $2.25 per piece of 12 yards.' £y C New Wash Dress Goods. New Wash Voiles in latest patterns A A Near Silk, looks like Foulard A A per yard | ||Q per yard |qQ Monseline Bordeur, fine striped ma- AF terial with side border, per yd . . Linella, pretty flowered and dotted A I? Irish,lJuette with border, small dot AP patterns, per yard IDC designs, per yard fcDC Voile Antoinette with border, polka AF Fine Baste and Dimnity. A F A A dot designs, per yard fcOC Handsorae flowered designs | JJ|j | Q|J Our Great Sale of Fine Silks Continued this Week I Samples mailed to out of n - . , I on H, mm, c«Es,.« STERLING RUN. Perry Mason, of lienovo, was a visitor in town Tuesday. v Mary Summerson and Mrs. Ed. Whit ing visited their sister. Mrs. Fred Hewitt at Ridgway, the past week. Frances Barr closed a successful term jf school at l'ine stree Thursday. Frank Wade, of Emporium, was a visitor in town Tuesday. Zeolla Mason and Mrs. Kd. Whiting are visiting friends in Williamsport this week. Mildred Berry spent Sunday at Em porium, guest of Marie Donovan. Floye and Nellie Whiting and Gladys O'Keefe spent Sunday at Medix Bun, guests of Mrs. E. P. Brooks. The Lady Maccabees will hold a pin social at the school house, Saturday even ing, March 11. Everybody welcome. Wm. Bagley, proprietor of the Alpine House, is remodeling and papering the building. When finished it will be a great improvement. Margaret Summerson entertained the Junior Sewing Society, Saturday after noon. Mrs. Podolfand daughter Irene, were visitors in Sinnamahoning Sunday. L. C. Summerson butchered a fine hog Saturday. John Anderson's mine caved in this week, audit will be impossible for hiu> to do any mining at present. M. A. Barr was a visitor to Emporium Sunday. BLUE BEI.L. HOWARD SIDING. Several of the young people went to the social on More Hill, Saturday even ing. Mr. Joloff went to Williamsport Hos pital, for au operation, on Friday. Mrs. E. Close attended the Sunday School Convention held in Emporium. George Mathewson, second trick oper ator, spent a couple of days last week at Ischua, N. Y. Henry Joloff gave the Howard School a sleighride to Beechwood. They took refreshments and spent several hours very pleasantly at Mrs. Clarence Morrison's. Rev. Lehman preached his last sermon for this Conference year on Sunday. The wish of all is that he may be re turned. Ralph Ostruni, of West Creek, attend ed church here Sunday. M. E. Close was called to Bryan Hill last week. Her daughter, Mrs. John son, fell and sprained her ankle. Mr. ard Mrs. J. Thomas and children, of Emporium, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Parks on Sunday. No school on Monday. Mrs. Heideck is reported sick. Wash. Selfridge has completed his work in Hieks Run aud is at home again. Have new neighbors in the cottage near the tower. Wonder how they en joy cooking and dish washing. Max Balcoui was seen on our streets Sunday evening. Foley Kidney Hills. Just the riubt medicine for bachache, rheumatism, Bright s disease and all uri nary irregularities. C. C. Mackey, 8l 1 Locust St., Williarasport, Pa., says: "For the last two years I have been afflict ed with u severe case of kidney trouble. There were severe aching pains across my kidneys and back, my ankles pained me and were swollen up and I had shoot ing pains in my sides and other parts of the body. After taking live bottles of Foley Kidney Pills the paiu in my back has vanished, the swelling in my ankles is gone and they are normal size and the shootiug pains have bean cured and I feel full of vitality and many years younger than before taking them. I cheerfully recommend Foley Kidney Pills. Sold by Emporium Drug Co. Foley Kidney Pills. Neutralize and remove the poisons that cause backache, rheumatism, ner vousuess aud all kidney and bladder ir regularities. They build up and restore the natural action of these vital organs. Sold by Emporium Drug Co. For Sale. I offer for sale my farm, composed of 110 acres, 50 of which is cleared; locat or) main road,about two miles west of Emporium on P. & E. R. R. Farm and buildings in good condition. Wil *> sell to suit purchaser, including all stock and implements if desired. I. H. LEUOITT, »-tf Emporium, Pa., R. F. D.