Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, March 09, 1911, Image 5

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Baking Powder
The manufacturers of Royal Bak- |
ing Powder lave always declined p
to produce a cheap baking powder
at the sacrifice of quality.
Royal Baking Powder is made from ;
pure grape cream of tartar, and is j
the embodiment of all the excellence
possible to be attained in the high- I
est class baking powder.
Royal Baking Powder costs only a
fair price, and is more economical
at its price than any other leavening
agent, because of the superlative
quality and absolute wholesomenecs
of the food it makes. 'j
, 1
Mixtures made in imitation of baking powders, but containing alum, r^j
are frequently distributed from door to door, or given away in grocery L
stores. Such mixtures are dangerous to use in food. In England, g
France, Germany and some sections of the United States their sale is i
! prohibited by law. Alum is a dangerous mineral acid, and all !
physicians condemn baking powders containing it.
The label of aluri baking powders must
show thu ingredients.
Contributions invited." That which J/OI vrv'tf
like to ace in this rttfkirtiiwnt,let us knot/ Uy pot"
tril card, letter or per/tonall]j.
Ben. G. Erskine was a business call
er at St. Marys between tra ins last
Tuesday evening.
Miss Josephine Murphy, who spent
the past week in town, guest of her
sister, Mrs Kathryn Bush and other
friends, returned to her home at Ridg
way on Tuesday afternoon.
W. C. Cope, chemist for the U. S.
Geological Survey, arrived in Empori
um on Wednesday morning, from
Amos Bennett, of Sinnamahoning,
transacted business at Emporium for a
short time last Saturday.
The venerable A. J. Bells, one of the
pioneer sawyers cf this section, be
lieves in keeping square with the
printer, just as he did when sawing
square timber for Buck waiter & Tag
Guy S. Felt has workmen busily en
gaged remodeling and improving his
residence, East Fourth street.
Jos. Kaye is expected home from <
Everett, Wash., this week. He will
move west either June or July.
Miss Mabel Butler, who has been I
spending the past month, visiting rela
tives at Erie, Buffalo and Rochester, 1
returned to her home at this place last
Monday evening.
Miss Edna Auchu, acompanied by !
Miss Maude Stephens, of Coudersport, '
went to Philadelphia on Monday,
where Miss Auchu will receive treat
ment for her eyes. Mr. Auchu went to
Philadelphia on Monday evening.
Miss D. Seery, of Buffalo, N. Y., ar-.
rived in town on Monday. Miss Seery
will be chief trimmer in the millinery
department in the store of Mr. R
Mrs. W. J. Taylor was called to
Brookville, Pa., Last Thursday, by the
illness of Mr. Taylor's mother, who re
sides at that place.
Harry M. lugraham, of Union City,
was a business caller at this place on
Tuesday aud was guest of W. S.
F. P. Rentz was a business caller at
LockHavon and Williamsport the last
of the week, iu the interests of the Em
porium Machine Company.
Miss Jennie Connors, of Ashtabuln,
Ohio, was guest at the home of Thos.
Cleary and family, laßt Friday.
Miss Mabel Buchanan, of Sinnauia
honing, was a business caller at this
place last Saturday between trains.
Herman Molene. who recently as
sumed control of the St. Charles Hotel,
the old and well known house, was a
Prkm visitor yesterday, accompanied
by Geo. Costello. They viewed our
plant and seemed pleased with our ef
112 ortß.
Miss Lora McQuay spent a shor
time at Ridgway the last of the week
Henry Robinson was a business call
er for a few hours at Beechwood, last
Miss Lena Bair, who recently gradu
ated from Westbrook Commercial
School, at Olean, N. Y, returned to
her home at this place the last of the
Misr Sarah McCaslin, of Hicks Run,
was a business caller at the county seat
last Saturday. Miss McCaslin is one
of the valued teachers in Cameron
Miss Katie Kraft, who recently en
tered the hospital at Ridgway to take
up her studies for a professional nurse,
spent Sunday guest of her parents, at
this place.
Hon. John McDonald, of Driftwood,
spent a few hours in town last Mon
day, transacting business.
George A. Callahan, of Driftwood
was a business caller at the county seat
for fewliours last Monday.
Miss Mabel Marshall' of Brockway
ville, Pa., is guest at the home of her
sister, Mrs. R. B. Winkett, East Alle
gany Avenue.
Miss Kate Murray departed for
Hambleton, W. Va., last Saturday
morning, where she will spend some
time, guest of her sister at that place.
Miss Elizabeth Ludlarii departed for
Cleveland, Ohio, last Sunday, where
she will purchase part of her spring
millinery stock.
Mrs. Arthur Kline, of Sinnamahon
ing, is spending the week in town,
at the home of her purents, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Holcomb.
Mrs. Belle Averill, nee Barrows, of
Washington, D. C., formerly of Cam
eron, who was called to Renovo to at
tend the funeral of her sister, Mrs.
Win. Barrows, visited in Emporium
since Monday last, guest of Dr. R. P.
Heilrnan and wife. Mrs. Averill de
parted yesterday for Lock Haven to
visit relatives before returningtoWash
Jonn D. Klein, of Williamsport, one
of the managers of the Williamsport
Grit, is visiting in town, guest of his
sister, Mrs. P. P. Rentz and family.
Mr. Klein was a social caller at PRESH
office yesterday and being an expert
workman we were pleased tojhave him
look over our plant.
Mrs. Wm. Battles, of West Allegany
Avenue, who has been quite ill, is im
proving, her friends will be pleased to
Cbas. R. Woolley and wife have
moved into the Whitmer residence,
West Fourth street.
Mrs. J. L. Anderson, of Pittsburg, is
spending the day in town and addres
sed a meeting at the Library this after
noon in the interests of tho Children's
Aid Society.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. ('lark, of Fast
Emporium, «pent Sunday at Bradford,
l'a., guest of relatives aud friends.
Mr. and Mrfl. J. IT. Moorrbotipp, of 1
Pittsburg, Pa., arrived in town on
We Ineaday afternoon and arc guests
»t Mm home of Mrs. RI'B parintr, Mr.
aiid Mrs. N. Seger.
Miss Ida Seger will leave for New
York City on this (Thursday) evening's ;
train, wnere she will spend some time
guest of relatives.
Fred Monger, who was called here by
the death of his brother, the late
Dennis Songer, returned to his home
at Kane, Pa., Wednesday afternoon.
Messrs. Seth Huntley and Stewart
Hull, of Arkport, N. Y., are guests of
the former's brother, Hon. Q. W.
Huntley and family, North Broad
Mrs. D. H. Lamb, who was guest at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Jay Good
nough over Sunday, returned to her
home at Qaleton last Tuesday. Mrs.
Lamb's visit was made pleasant by her
Emporium friends.
W. A. Dalrymple came home last
week to visit with his family for a few
weeks, after spending several months
in Kentucky.
Critics smoke "Havana Ribbon" 5c
cigars. 4-3t.
$2,000 Death benefit; $15.00 Weekly
Benefit for Accidents; §15.00 Sick Bene
fit; SI,OOO for loss of limb or eyesight;
§IOO Emergency Relief Benefit, Cost
SO.OO per year. No other duos nor as
sessments. Old established Company,
with §IOO,OOO State Deposit to guaran
tee payment of claims. Men and
women between the ages of 16 and 65
taken. No doctors examination re
quired. Send your application or ad
dress for further information, Dept. A.
American Registry Company, 428 Elli
cott Square, Buffalo, N. Y., or 208
Cadillac Building, Erie, Pa. l-13t.
Good—mild—uniform "Havana Rib
bon cigars. 4-3t.
Resolution Adopted.
RESOLVED, That we the members of
Washington Camp, P. O. S. of A.,
No. 382, in regular Camp on Monday
evening, March 6th, express our appre
ciation of the worth of Brother Rev. J.
F, Anderson, as a man and our high
regard for his influence in the Camp
and community and heartily hope that
he will return for another year.
OF A. •
Special Sermon for Young Women.
Next Sunday evening the Rev. M.
L. Tate, Rector of Emmanuel Episco
pal Church, will deliver a sermon to
young women. The theme will be,
"The Fragrance of an Uuselffsh Deed "
"Kindly Mail Check."
How dear to our heart is the steady subscriber
Who pays in advance at the birth of (.acli year,
Who lays down the money and does it quite
And casts around the office a halo of cheer.
He never says, "Stop it; I cannot afford it,
I'm getting more magazines now than I read,"
But always says, "Send it; our people all like it—
In fact, we all think it a help and a need."
How welcome hiß check when it reaches our
How it makes our pulse throb; how It makes our
hearts dance!
We outwardly thank him: we inwardly bless
The steady subscriber who pays in advance.
"Hanana Ribbon" cigars will please
you. 4-3t.
Much or Llttlaf
The new maid seemed eminently
satisfactory, but the mistress of the
house thought a few words of advice
would be just as well. "And remem
ber," she concluded, "that I expect
you to be very reticent about what
you hear when you are waiting at
table." "Certainly, madam, certain
ly," replied the treasure. But then
her face lit up with an innocent .cu
riosity. "May I ask, madam, if there
will be much to be reticent about?" |
Creased Garments.
Clothes packed away during summer
are often very creased. To remove the
creases hang the article 011 a clothes
line in the bath room, shut door and
window, turn on the hot water tap to
fill the room with steam, and leave the
clothes for an hour or two. Afterward
dry in the open air If possible.
Evil in Timber Fires.
If the first fire had been kept out of !
the state of Washington the annual j
growth of the new timber crop would
be fully the equal of the annual tim- i
ber cut, and the land cut over In the i
fifties would today be ready to vield j
more feet an acre than did the orig
inal cutting.
Submarine Not New.
The man has got to get up early j
who would get there before the Scot.
It Is now mentioned that the earliest i
known patent upon a submarine ves
sel was one granted by a French king j
In 1840 to a Scotsman who had in
vented an underwater craft for flsh- '
lng and salvage purposes.
Sensitive Artist.
A young artist named Ernest Ooess
caused a sensation at an art exhibi
tion in Budapest last week by sudden
ly tearing down his own picture and
slashing ft to pieces with a knife. "I
cannot stand my work being crltUla- j
•d," be said,
Smoke "Havana Ribbon" 5c cigar.
Emporium, Pa., March. 1, 1911.
NKMOl'll 1 I.A, per sack if I .10
••'elt'sKancy, " 1 45
I'et Grove, " 1 to
Roller Meal " 50
Bye " 70
Orahain, " 70
New Buckwheat Flour. 24 lb. sack, 75
New Buckwheat Flour. 10 lb. sack 35
Coarse Moaf per 100, 1 15
Chop Feed '• 1 15
Cracked Corn per 100 1 15
White Middlings 1 60
Bran 1 40
Chicken Wheat 1 80
Screenings " 1 15
Oil Meal " 2 00
Corn per bushel, 64
While Oa>s, per bushel 45
Oyster Shells, per 100 75
Sterling Chick Feed 1 80
Sterling Scratch Feed 1 70
Daisy Dairy Feed, 1 40
Calf Meal, 50 lbs., 1 50
Cotton Seed Meal, 1 75
Buckwheat Grain 1 40
! The Need of Sweets
For Children
When they crave them is now
recognized by ad doctors. One
thing they insist upon, however,
absolute purity of sugar and
other ingredients. That we
guarantee as regards our confec
tions, and we bespeak an early
purchase of a pound or less.
A full line of home-made can
Phone 21
Godson's Druy Store
Corner of Fourth and Chestnut St*.
No Cause for Alarm
Eruptions on the face, dizziness, etc.,
are merely symptoms of impure blood.
You need a blood purifer and spring
tonic, and in other words, you nead
POUND, which will purify your blood,
clear your complexion and make you
feel better than you have for weeks.
Whatever a good drug store ought to
have--and many things that other
drug stores don't keep—you'll find
here. Come to us first and you'll get
what you want.
Graduate Prescription Service ONLY
When Did You
Come Across
When did you come across
that cold? When are you
going to get rid of it?
Better attend to it now.
You will play the game of
lite a great deal better if
you get rid of that cold by
White Pine and Tar
Cough Cure, 25c
ImTV nn A o»r« gu.r.nUrd If JO« !!•• ,M
PILES TC'!.Supposlt°nil
l». Matt. ThumpK'O, Hup . I
Graded Rahnola, ftlat*artlla, N. C., wrltaa: "1 can hj|J
ttiejr do all »»u clam, for tin-in." Br. R. M. I>eVor< ■
h»vn Hoflk, W. V»., wrl'ra; •• Th*f unit* raai h*tn P*
fMilan." Dr. M. D. McGIII, Clarkalmrg, Tenu., write* I
"lu a practua of IS jeara, I h*v« found DO r. mad/ i •»;
»|ual ynura." P«ic«, 60 Oa«*Ta. H*wpiea Fr<®. j
Said in emporium by I. Taqqmrl and K. C Dodjor
C4U FOR f»tf tAMPtf
Goods for Lenten Season"^
0IL ' 25c ™. _ • r . DRESSING I
I The Satisfactory Store
50c and 75c w 20c Bottle ■
Particular Attention I
Season and the approach of Spring. KEEP WATCH. I
Come to our store when you can but if not convenient J
I to come, use the phone or ask for our order clerk to call A
Economy Prices for Friday and Saturday 1
251b bag Best Granulated Sugar $1.45. I
£ "Clover Hill" Butter the best butter made, lb. 30c. A
I Norway Mackerel, fat and white the 10c kind, M
each ioc. 1
15c Imported Macaroni, any style, lb 12c. S
20c Burnhain and Morrill's Pork and Beans can 18c I
7 lbs best Rolled Oats 25c. I
20c,Red Alaska Salmon, the can 18c. £
"Hamburg," Petit I'oisPeas, two cans for 25c. A
17 cakes Lenox or Acme Soap for 25c. A
Fancy 30c Washington Naval Oranges doz 26c.
Large bright Florida Grape Fruit each Bc. 4
50c Bottle Wright's Silver Cream 45c.
45c Galvenized Iron Chamber Pails each 38c.
Regular 15c Towel Rack each ioc.
IIWJ fnrn Tot ie ordinary tough, tasteless kind A
but something fine. Has the real gen- ■
uiuk sweet, juicy corn flavor—"Just like mother used
to make." It's 15c the lb. better have some in your M
next order ?!
Sanitary Baltimore Shucked Oysters, Booth's Fish.
Leave orders tor delivery Friday a. 111. a
WANTED —Fresh Layed Hen's Eggs—WANTED
Delivery to all Parts of Town Twice
Each Day.
I Our service is at your command.
You Get Better Values Here.
J. H. DAY, I
6. Kmporiun^Jj
j Jasper Harris' J
P Opposite Post Office, EMPORIUM PA. ||i
j J
W 9
i 1
ASpring suit is what you're thinking |
about. If you take the time to come *
If to my establishment, I'll show you 602
different fabrics in all the new colorings, M
'| that will give you a choice bound to catch I
jjl your eye and purse. « 8
i Jasper Harris |
fl^ -&■■■ ■■■ ** ■■■■■ *■ -- ■■■' ■ ■ ••• ■■ ■.>>:•«-\>^l§ii