Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, February 16, 1911, Image 5

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Absolutely Pure
Light Biscuit
Delicious Cake
Dainty Pastries
Fine Puddings
Flaky Crusts
and the food is finer,
more tasty, cleanly
and wholesome than the ready*
made found at the shop or grocery.
Royal Cook Book 800 RecolptaFroa.
Send Mamu and Addreaa.
Contribution* invited . Thai which yon woxi'''
li te to nee in thin <lefAirtnient,let us knov by pot
tal nard,]letter or personally.
Chas. E. Leutze spent Sunday at St.
Marys, guest of friends.
George A. Walker spent Sunday
guest of friends at Oil City.
Messrs. A. W. Phillips and C. H.
Cordie, Sinnamahoning, spent Sunday
evening in town, calling on friends.
Mrs. R. Fisher has returned home at
Howard Siding, after spending a few
days with relatives at Renovo and
Hicks Rum.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Callahan, of
Driftwood, spent Monay evening in
town and attended the production of
"Paid in Full."
Rev. J. L. Bogue preached at the
opening services at the Driftwood re
vival last Monday evening.
Col. J. O. Brookhank, of Driftwood,
was a caller in town last Saturday for
a short time.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo W. Ross went to
Hicks Run last Saturday afternoon
and spent a abort time with relatives.
Wendall Hopple went to Williams
port last Friday, and spent a few days
with relatives, returning home on Sun
day afternoon.
Mrs. Mary Farrell spent Sunday,
gueet at the home of her daughter, at
Profs. C. E. Plasterer, W. Grier
Briner, R. Howard Edgar and Eugene
J. Metz attended the local teachers'
institute at Driftwood, last Saturday.
Robert Weiman, called on friends at
St. Marys, between trains last Sunday
Messiß. Mahlon Ramargeand Robert
Leutze went to Buffalo on Tuesday
morning, where they have entered a
trade school for the purpose of taking
up the plumbing business.
Frank Welsh, of Tusca, Okla., is
spending a short time in the east,
guest at the home of his uncle, F. B.
Hoag and family at Cameron. Mr.
Welsh in company with Mr. Hoag,
spent a short time in town the last of
the week.
Joseph Kayo, accompanied by Hon
B. W. Green, departed for the west last
Saturday afternoon, where Mr. Kuye is
•xteusively intereHted in a lumbering
Chas. Keller has returned from.i
three weeks vacation in Schujlkill
county, where he visited with r« lativcs
and friends. Mr. Keller is a native
of Schuylkill and came to this county
when a young men. He says he had a
very enjoyable visit.
Hon. ami Mrs, F X. Hlumle spent
lant Thursday at Bradford Hospital,
were they visits! their daughter Mrs
Win. DeiUler, who has been a patient
at the hospital for the post three weeks,
having panted through a very serious
surgical operation, Her eondltiou lor
neveral weeks bus bceu alarming, but
Is now recovering slowly. This mm
Mrs. Blumle's second visit to Bradford
within a week.
Mr aud Mm. T. 11. IJuyd returned
home on Wednesday from Wright*
viile, Pi, having tte< n called there to
attend the funeral of the Hev George
M. Hoke, ili'imm) ltelii|f a brother in
law of Mrs. Uuyd Ha v. J V Audei
at.B, pastor of the M. K. Church aim.
attended the fuueral Mr. Hotter!
Iloke, one of ihe -i. n .graplt... in the
effitteof the Keystone National p.,w
tier Company, I* a son of w>* <lece,u»ed.
N. Seger was in a very serious condi
tion last night, but is slightly improv
ed this morning.
Rev. J. F. Anderson attended the
funeral of Rev. George M. Hoke, at
Wrightsville, Pa., Monday of this
week. This is the elevetli miuister of
this conference to die since April 1910.
Miss Mabel C. Butler went to Erie
on Wednesday morning, where she
will visit friends for a few days and
will receive treatment for her eyes.
Mrs. Jacob Hoffman, who fell last
Friday near her Fifth street residence,
fracturing his left wrist, is improving
slowly under the care of Dr. W. H.
Mrs. Fred Moore of Buffalo, N. Y.,
Mrs. O. D. Miller of Olean, N. Y., and
Miss Lulu Lewis of Sterling Run, were
in town Tuesday, attending the instal
lation of Gladioli Hive, all being mem
Miss Nellie E. Lounsbury of Warren,
Pa., Great Commander of Ladies of
the Maccabees and Mrs. Belle N.
Dougherty of Corydon, Pa., deputy
Great Commander, were guests of Mrs.
Chas. L. Butler at the Commercial
hotel during their stay in town.
W. S. Walker, of Austin, Assistant
Cashier of the First National Bank,
came over on Tuesday to assist in the
bank during the absence of Mr. T. B.
Lloyd, Cashier, who was attending his
brother-in-law's funeral.
Hon. Josiah Howard and wife at
tended the reception tendered by Gov
ernor and Mrs. Tener, at the Executive
Mansion, Harrisburg, Tuesday even
Henry Seger, of Chicago, spent a
short time in town on Sunday, guest
at the home of his father, Mr. N. Seger
and family. Mr. Seger was en route
for Washington, D. C.
Last Friday the pipe line of the
Standard Oil Company sprung a leak
at North Creek and about 400 barrels
of oil was lost before the leak was
stop) ed.
We regret to learn that Mr. D.
Hayes is confined tp his bed at his
home on Fifth street, suffering with an
attack of his previous malady.
Mrs. I.'. O. Mcixell, of SinuHinahon
ing, WAS shopping in town on Tuesday.
J. C. Henry, Esq , visited his sou,
Mr. J. C Henry and family, West
Fourth street, the past week.
Miss Mary Hlumle and Master IJPO
returned from Bradford last evening,
the former to attend the Hamilton
ball. Sue returns to Bradford to-day.
A tine Production.
"Paid in full," at the opera house,
Monday evening WHS one of the finest
plays presented here in several years.
i)r. ('. A. Barron, of Williumsport,
will lie at the City Hotel, Emporium,
oil Monday, Feb'y ioih. Consultation
in the hotel parlor. Diseases of ear,
eye, no»e and throat.
W. C. T. U.
A Hpeeial meeting of the W, I'. T C
will l»e held at the home of Mrs F P
Htrayer, Thursday evening, Feb. .'M,
lull. All members are e«|>eclsily re
(|ueeted to Ist present.
MAIUI. EpWAHIm, K«« y.
Pur Sale.
Pure Hre«l It. O Ituft OrphiiiMtou
I'm kerels ♦"J.U# M< h. ItfK* #1 "" per
setting of LI, are now ready for deßvi i %
t), I, H« >K IHi t
■ajiw I hI Emporium, Pa.
1870— Moyer's Music School 191 I
00 will pay lor hoard and tuition
for a six weeks' course of music in voice
and all instruments. The Director has
had many years of experience as leader
•of musical departments in several
I Eastern Colleges. Pupils well cared
for. Spring terms begin March 0, and
May 1, 1911.
For particulars, address
Miss ANNA J. MOYER, Director.
1-lt. Preeburg, Pa.
The Churches.
REV. J. L. BOOUE, Pastor.
10:30 a. m.—Morning worship.
11:45 a. m.—Bible School.
6:30 p. m.—Union Epworth League
| and C. E. Societies; topic, "Serenity."
7:30 p. m.—Evening Service; theme,
1 "What God's People Believe."
All seats free. A welcome for every
j body.
REV. M. L. TATE, Rector.
The following services will be held
at Emmanuel Church next Sunday.
There will be an early celebration of
' the Holy Communion at 8 o'clock.
1 Morning prayer and sermon at 10:30;
; theme of sermon, Christ's Cure for
j Anxiety. Evening prayer at 7:30 p.
1 111.; theme, Is a Creedless Christanity
! Possible.
Strangers are always welcome at
! Emmanuel Church.
REV. J. P. ANDERSON, Pastor.
Regular services next Sabbath at
j 10:30 a. m. The pastor of this church
and the pastor of the Presbyterian
church will exchange pulpits.
At 7:30 o'clock, sermon by the pastor
Philanthropic Plan of Henry Crandal!
Seems Strange but Is Based on
Common Sense.
Believing that if the instinct to
save is inculcated in youth it will
become an established trait through
life, Henry Crandall of Glens Falls,
N. Y., on the last day of 1910
called around him 100 boys from the
ages of twelve to sixteen and made
them this offer: "I will open a bank
account of $25 for each of you, on
condition that each boy add to it at
least $35.50. When this is done I
will add $37.50, thus assuring at
least SIOO. Then for every dollar
up to SSO additional I will add a
dollar, thus assuring at least S2OO.
The account is to remain until the
holder is twenty-one years old and
is then to he at his disposal."
The proposal appeared so fair and
liberal that 50 of the boys have ac
cepted the terms. If they persist in
their efforts it can be seen that each
will have a good-sized amount to his
credit on his twenty-first birthday.
Mr. Crandall has proposed a strange
philanthropy, but it is founded in
common sense and must appeal to
young men who are made of the
right stuff.
A vice is always worst when it is
not recognized as a vice, when men
arc not 011 their guard against it.
The Romans thought cruelty manly.
We sometimes think hypocrisy to be
virtue and religion. We do not
greatly love life and enjov it. But,
oh, how we fear death. This makes
men mean and cowardly and teaches
II low philosophy of peftv cunning,
selfishness, even graft. It destroys
jov and all that health of the mind
which 1 annotget along without joy.
So we think we are doing right
when we are doing wrong and we j
call it prudence. A man always
afraid of death is no good at all
like a bird in a eage. He will never i
irtt lip against anything fir do any-j
tiling unless fear compels. No doubt
the fcar-of-death man makes up the
largest part of the "near-rational"
At Minstill, on the right Imnk of
the Irrawaddy river, about five mile# ;
from Mnndalav, in Burma, there j
?tamU a peculiar pag<sla known as ;
the \Vedding-l'*lte pagoda. It was 1
built in the early part of the nine- j
let nth t i-ntury, ami is in thoroughly j
p,.id |tri 1 uti'in, only a few of the lIIUMU*
lIIUMU* having been broken.
Thf e*lreni* height* to the top of
•the minaret i* HO f»«-t, and the rir
eumferenet about find ft*et Ibe |»a
gotla ittuiid* hai-Jt from the river
,nt, son 112. .i, and it hidden fn>ni it
bv a gfKte « teak tree#. Clone to it
u tin famous Miugun It'll Wide
"Havana Itllitioa" t irf»r» will fleuM
yen. '*MC,
Emporium, Pa., Feb. 1, 1911.
NEMOPHII-IA, per sack #1 35
Felt's Fancy, " 1 50
Pet Grove, " 1 55
Holler Meal. " 50
Bye '• 70
flraham " 70
New Buckwheat Flour. 21 lb. sack 75
New Buckwheat Flour. 10 lb. sack 35
(loarse Meal per 100, 1 15
Chop Feed ." 1 15
Cracked Corn per 100 1 15
White Middlings 1 60
Bran 1 40
Chicken Wheat ' 1 80
Screenings " 1 14
Oil Meal " 1 95
Corn per bushel, 65
While Oats, per bushel, 45
Oyster Shells, per 100 75
Sterling Chick Feed 1 80
Sterling Scratch Feed 1 70
Daisy Dairy Feed, 1 40
Calf Meal, 60 lbs 1 50
Cotton Seed Meal, 180
The Proper Way
For you to make your ap
proach toward the young
lady's heart is to provide
yourself with a five pound
box ot our delicious Sanioset
Chocolates or bon bows.
Thus armed, call on her with
confidence that your advaces
will be looked upon with
Phone 2 I
Against Coughs
Don't make yourself miserable
both day and night with that in
cessant cough—get rid of it as
soon as possibe.
Cherry Cough Syrup
(lives Immediate Relief.
rids you of all mucus deposits
in the throat and prevents fur
ther accumulations.
Noxious secretions and de
posits accompanying colds and
coughs are dangerous--get rid of
of them—if not, germs lodge in
the eecretiontt and are carried in
to the bronchial tubes, stomach,
and lungs.
Protect yourself against
further complications,
Severe Sore Throat,
Tonsilitis, or Bronchitis
Use Nyal's Cherry Cough Syrup
with first appearance of cough—
keep it handy and settle it early.
There are Two sizes 25 and 50c
Besides good goods you get
good treatment at our store. Al
ways glad to have people come
in and look around, whether you
want to buy or not. We wait on
you promptly, give you what
you ask for but never tease any
one to buy anything.
Dodson's Drug Store
WW A common, annoying and 'Hif
W embarrassing baby ailment, yield- V
■ ing readily to the antiseptic, healing 1
I and soothing properties of Dr.
I Hobson's Eczema Ointment.
E One or two applications often
The Purest Drugs Always
Prescriptions Carefully
I aIU Victim to I hiaven.
S \V. Ili inU, nf (Vml City, Ala., hit*
jiixlitiiiblii tMit'Vauoa. Two tlt it; vex ittolu
Itif lieitlilt lur lw> Inn yeai-.. Tluy wen
« liter ami kidney tiuublu. Tlit'U lh
Kill, * New I. ill I'lIU lllltitlli d thrill
ll> * wuJ U'l* I lirivftittt lor
II It \ H«*iii|jt'lti I»)-||'| -11, 'J.'l
ill all driiK^uu.
UIMMI- uiilu uulkfm "Havatua Hib
ult" ni(|i*i'». AO-If.
Fresh Crisp Crackers and Wafers •
■ POTATO /J /\ V HILL Purity 1
A PKGE SR The satis factory Store *
■ PKeE SC : I2c CAKE.
I ~~ = •
8 Something N<*W "Clover Hill" Beans, baked with
■ iieW "Clover Hill" Butter and rich I
B Tomato Sauce instead of pork, imparting a most deli- ■
V cious flavor not attained by any other beans on the If
A market. The can 15c. |f
j Economy Prices for Friday and Saturday $
I 251b bag Best Granulated Sugar $1.45.
p Dold's Compound, a substitute lor lard alb 12 V<c. 112
A 20c Red Alaska Salmon, the can 18c.
I Shredded Wheat Biscuit, 1,5 c pkg 12c.
J 15c Mince Meat, the lb 12'< c ™
Diamond Brand Cleaned Currants lb i2>ic.
10 cakes Proctor & Gamble's Polo Soap for 25c.
ioc Grape Fruit, bright fresh stock, each Bc.
V 3 oc Washington Naval Oranges doz 25c.
A "Clover Hill" Dairy Cheese lb iSc.
■ "Peerless" Evaporated Milk, tall cans 11c; dozen fl
■ $1.25.
Regular 15c Sanitary, Gray Enamel Grater ioc.
Regular 15c Kitchen Brush ioc.
Regular 15c Rolling Pin ioc. I
V Regular 15c Stove Brush ioc.
Sanitary Baltimore Shucked Oysters
Booth's Lake Fish
9 To raise Poultry profitably Feed "Peerless" Crushed
A Oyster Shells and Pratt's Poultry Regulator.
112 Delivery to all Parts of Town Twice I
Each Day.
Our service is at your command.
You Get Better Values Here.
I J. H. DAY, I
L Phone 6. Emporium, ft
| Jasper Harris''
j| Opposite Post Office, EMPORIUM PA. ||
| l
1 B
I v m
$1 f 1
?i 1
Jasper Harris
" 4 «•i * w -r Ml' -m i *- #: **■;■'* MI