THE CAMERON COUNTY PRESS: ESTABLISHED BY C. B. GOULD, MARCH, 1866. V0L.44 That Proposed Gun Tax. EDITOR PRESS:— I wish to reply to an article publish ed in your paper, Jan. 26, 1911, refer ing to btie item relating to the propos ed "gun tax" under the caption of Sinnamahoning news items and signed "Debsc." Tuts item I regard as a libel on the citizens of our locality and do not he.itauj to say that it has no stand ing iu fact. A few days ago orts to a reliable source. Direct Inheritance Tax Hon. Jusiah Howard has introduced in the legislature a direct inheritance tax bill that should pass, it would bring a large sum of money to meet the Increasing demands upon the state. Another great loss to this state is the millions of dollars that are given as "dot money" to the horde of foreign Lords, Dukes and rake* with our American girts. A heavy tax should laid upon every dollar given thusly, if it can INI done legally. If not legal, make It legal. For Sale* Two drt nsers, two white iron beds two spriugx and twu maiimanus, ail iu |r La»( (Cot |M»rlum Post t MBc* in 41. TKRMS: $2.00 — #1.501N ADVANCE. THE WEATHKR. FRIDAY, snow. SATURDAY, Cold Wave. SUNDAY, Fair. ASSETS First National Bank, EMPORIUM.PA. At the close of business, Feb. 2, 1911. $878,559.29. Sate Deposit Boxes j Is more requisite than insurance for your val . 1 uables. No amount of money can ever replace I the ancient heirlooms, valued gilts, or rare gems j which you value so highly not only for their in | trinsic value but for the memory of those who 1 gave them. Rent one of our safe deposit boxes 1 for $1.50 a year and keep your valuables, also | your deeds, tire and life insurance policies, notes 1 and receipts, Ac. SI.OO Starts an Account. 30 INTEREST PAID ON SAVING BOOK O ACCOUNTS AND CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT. j DR. LEON REX FELT, DENTIST. Rockwell Block, Emporium, Pa. ; DR. H. W. MITCHELL, DENTIST, ! Office over A. F. Vogt's Shoe Store Emporium, Pa 12y ( Notice to the People ot Emporium Borough. I The following rules of the Boaril oi' j Health will be enforced in the future ( and the people should not forget that when notice is served on them it means exactly what ib says: Ist.—No person will be allowed to keep pigs within the Borough limits. 2nd.—Garbage muse be kept in water tight receptacles and must be screened | from flies. Garbage must be removed at least once a week. I 3rd—Barn manure must be boxed j and screened from flies. Not more j than two loads can be accummulated { 011 the premises at one time. | 4th —No privy vaults will be allowed where sewer is accessible Closets and , sinks must be connected with sewer | and have water flushes. This closet regulation will be enforced alter May let. sth. —Chicken houses and yards must I be kept clean and lime must be used at : least once a week. By order of BOARD OF HEALTH. Jan. 25tb, 1911.—51-2t. Going to Niagara Falls. N. J Swartz and family, wh£> have | for many years resided in Emporium, ; leave on Friday for Niagara Falls, whore they will make their future , home, in order to be with their chil ( dren, who are located at that place. I Mr. and Mrs. Swartz and family have many friends here who regret to have them leave us, yet wish them unbound ed prosperity in their" new home. They sold their East Fifth street prop -1 erty to Chas. Newton. Scholars Wanted. Mrn. S. B. Kackenmeist<-r, who hap : charge of the musical department of | the Emporium High school, has room for a few pupils in her Saturday class. I Instruction also given in drawing and water color painting. Apply for terms. These lessons are given on Saturdays, ' yet a few private lessons can be arrang ed for. MRS. S. B. KAC KENMKISTKR. ' mm Pianos. The W. J. Frederick Music Com pany, of Williamsport announce that they have for sale an elegant lino of pianos. Twenty-five makes to select from, among thfse are the ("bickering, Knabe, Hardman, Strich and Zeidler also the Estey and many others. For further information address Mr. Thomas J. White, 187, Centre Street, St. Marys, Pa. n 411-41 Coming. Dr. C. A. Barron, of Williamsport will l»e at the City Hote.l Emporium ou Monday, Feb. #th. Consultation in the hotel parlor. DiseMes of ear, eye nose and throat. For Kent. Five ruoiri house, Wn»t Fourth str« el Apply to Jas IUVIII. >1 tf. I lay tor Sale Fir*t 11 iius li.iitt.l h,i_\ tor •ale at t'ook farm. Price, t'jo mi p<-r lon. Good Piano tor Sal*. A Bradbury Plauo 1 square) in Kood oi«d it ion. Apply »t oMi.f, 7 tr.ll "ll* van a Itibbou" t igsr* will plea»t you ll *iuok« "Havana Hlbh. u" it? cigar NO. 51.