The Churches. EMMANUEL CHURCH. REV. M, L. TATE, Rector. The following service will be held a Emmanuel Church next Sunday—thi Third Sunday after Epiphany. There will be an Early Olebratioi of the Holy Communion at 8 o'clock Morning Prayer and Sermon at 10:30 Theme of sermon "Four Friends o Jesus. Evening Prayer and Sermon at 7:3( o'clock. Theme, "The Hypocrite- Shall the Church C r r Him Out? Strangers aro always welcome a Emmanuel Chir oh. BAPTIST. REV J. L. BOGUE, Pastor. 10:30 a. m.—Sermon. 11:45 a m.—Ribie School. ti:3o p. m.—Praiss Meeting, 7:30 p. m.—Sermon, "Thermopylae and a Greecian Lasson in Courage." Thermopylae was the narrow pass thru which the Persian Host nndei Xerxes must pass if they hoped for the conquest ot Attica. The narrow past lay between the devil and the deep, deep sea. The devil in this instance meant that small band ofGreek Heroes who had determined that the knee ol Greece should never bend in submis sion to Persian Rule. Leonidas, the leader of the Immortal 300, at the be ginning of this historic scrap took a square look at the Persian four-tlushers, ran his eye critically over the 300 who were destined to sit at old Pluto's ban quet table that night, pulled up his belt another notch and said * Well come to the service Sunday night and hear what he said. School Report. The following pupils of the Moore Hill School, did not miss a day during the fourth month: Jennie Skillman, Susie Skillman, Esther Skillman, Edna Reed. Etta Card, Phoebe Skillman' Julia Skillman, Elsie Skillman, Lena Card, John Reed, Grover Reed and Sandy Reed. CLARA EDWARDS, Teacher. Honor Roll. Honor roll for the Sizarville School: Peter Af'liardo, Frank Thompson, Medford Ostrum, Louie Villella, Max Oatrum, Arvilla Kephart, Marie Pros ser, Kafhryn Kinsler, Frank Raszman, Harry Thomspon, Grace Ostrum. LEATHIE VICTORY, Teacher. Wanted. Man with ability to write Life Insur ance. Liberal Contract. Apply at oace to PRLSS office in writing. 48-2t | - =—==—AT _ _ Beginning, Jan. 23 Ending 28, 1911 neighbor, before it is too late and let us do thewi| c at all druggists. Warning All persons are hereby forbidden from trespassing upon the property of this uy fK iS Ufc a P ermit from this office, or the Manager at tho works- KEYSTONE POWDEK MFG. CO. Emporium, Pa.. August Ist 11103 CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JANARY 19, 1911. The Blind Leading the Blind. Jimmy and his pals were playing marbles as the new minister came along. "Boys," said the newcomer, "can you show me the way to the post office?" Jimmy pointed the way and then re turned to his marbles. "Little man," said the minister, don't you know it is wrong to play marbles; that it is a form of gambling. Come with me and I will show you the way to heaven " "Ah, cheeHe it, mister," said Jimmy, "you show me the way to heaven' why you don't even know the way to the post-office."—National Monthly. Look for the lies Hive. On tlie package when juu buy Foley's Iloucy and Tar for coughs and colds. None genuine without th- I! .i_Flive. Remember the name, Foley VII ~H y a „j Tar and reject any substitute. Sold by Emporium Drug Co. Latest Popular Music. Miea. May Gould, teacher of piano fort lias received a full line of the lat est and most popular sheet music. All the popular airs. Popular and class ical music. Prices reasonable. 44-tf. We Recommend Sexine Pills. It makes no difference what is the cause of one's weakness. If it be a tonic that is needed, Sexine Pills will do more than any other tonic. They are the one tonic that strikes at the bottom of all weakness, the nerve centers. They send new vitality bounding through the bodv. producing a glow and tingle that revive the languid energies of youth. Sexine Fills begin by bringing quiet repose to fluttering nerves, and inducing restful and refreshing sleep. Price §1 a box: six boxes 85, with full guarantee. Ad dress or call on |{. C. Dodson, Druggist, Emporium, Pa., where they sell all the principal remedies and do not substitute. Saves Two Lives. "Neither my sister nor myself might be living to-day, if it had not been for Dr. King's New Discovery" writes A. D. McDonald, ot Fayettcville, N. C., It. F. D , No. 8, "For we both had fright ful coughs that no other remedy could help. We were told my sister had con sumption. She was very weak and had night sweats out your wonderful mcdi ':ine completely cured us both. It's the best I ever used or heard of." For sore lungs, coughs, colds, hemorrhage, la grijipe, asthma, hay lever, croup, whoop ing cough,—all bronchial troubles, —its supreme. Trial bottle free. 50c and 81.00. Guaranteed by all druggists. Cedar Shingles §4.50 per thousand at C. B. Howard & Co's. | I —tr Property for Sale. A property on West Fourth street i for sale. Inquire of 38-tf. GEO. BARKEK. For Sale. Good six room house; gas and city water, West Allegany Avenue, Em porium, Pa., lot 60x160. A bargain. I Apply to Mrs. John Hennessy, Em- I porium, Pa. 4 5 .4t. We beg to announce the arrival of many Novelties in Spring Dress Materials which are now on sale. IUSORA SILK in all desirable shades including Evening Colors, either P !ain or in rich brocaded paterns, per yard 25C and 37tJ , FRENCH DRESS GINGHAMS in latest Patterns, per yard - 100 || AMERICAN DRESS GINGHAMS ill handsome new patterns per |... - - _ ji BEST QUALITY PERCALE in the latest style, per yard - I II SG3SE7IE CLOTH in all colors, this is the best washable Goods j !| made, per yard - New Lace and Ruffled Curtains in latest patterns. Just opaned. January Clearance Sale of Winter Goods Continued. R. Kuehne, Greatest Store. ||| I Foley's Kidney Remedy-An Appre ciation. L. McConnell, Catherine St., Klroira, •112. V., writes: "I wish to express my ippreciation of the great good I derived I'rom Foley's Kidney Remedy, which I used for a bad case o(' kidney trouble. 1 Five bottles did the work most effectively i and proved to me beyond doubt it is the ! most reliable kidney medicine I have i taken. Sold by Emporium Drug Co. j Death in Koaring Fire roaynot result from the work of fire bu>;s, but ofteD severe bums are caused that make „ quick need of Bueklen's Arnica Salve, the quickest, surest cure lor burns, wound*, bruises, boils, sores It subdues inflamuiaton. It kills pain. It soothes and heals. Drives off skin i eruptions, ulcers or piles. Only 25c at | all dru^^'ists.