Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, January 19, 1911, Image 5

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Daisy Dairy Feed
The Undisputed Leader of All Alfalfa- 1
Molasses Feeds.
Keeps Stock in Pink of Condition.
Emporium, Pa., Nov. 30, 1910.
NEMOFHILA, per sack 10
Felt's Fancy, " '
Pet Grove, " '
Holler Meal " 50
Rye " ™
Graham i
New Buckwheat Flour. 24 lb. sack, 75
New buckwheat Flour. 10 lb. sack 35
Coarse Meal per 1 J 25
Chop Feed. .. 1 25
Cracked Corn per 100 125
White Middlings 1
Hran J
Chicken Wheat * ®
Screenings '* 1 25
Oil Meal 4 ' 12 5
Corn per bushel
White Oats, perbushel,
Oyster Shells, per 100 «'•*
Sterling Chick Feed 2 00
Sterling Scratch Feed 1 H P
Daisy Dairy Feed, 1 j®
Calf Meal. 50 lbs... 1 50
Cotton Seed Meal, 1 80 j
Mammoth 'lover Seed pi r bu. 10 56
Medium lover Seed, " 1" 59
Alsyke Clover Seed, " 10 59
Timothy Seed. 41 5 00
German Millet Seed. 44 2 25
112 w
IPure Norweigan
Cod Liver Oil j
Just received. If you I
are in a run down con
dition try a bottle and I
note the quick results. I
I l
Drug Store
Phone 19.
Contributions invited. Thai which you would I
ke to see in thin department.Jet UH know by po..- <
ial card, letter or perxonallu.
E. B. Saunders, of Buffalo, N. Y., \
was a business caller at this place, the
lirst of the week.
Miss Eva Leet spent Saturday and ;
Sunday with friends at Ridgway, re
turning to Emporium, Monday morn
Miss Maude Stephens, of Couders
port, is spending a short time in town,
guest at the home of Henry Aucbu and
Messrs. R. K. Mickey, A. F. Vogt
and B. O. Erskine spent a shirt time
in St. Marys, last Monday, transacting
Messrs. H. C. Fleminings and John
McDonald, of Driltwood, came to Em
porium last Sunday afternoon and
spent the evening in towo.
Miss Edna Auchu returned to her
home at this place, last Friday morn
ing from Philadelphia, where she re
ceived treatment for her eyes.
Messrs. George Marker, Jr, and
Charles Robison spent a short time in
St. Marys, last Saturday. They return- '
ed home on the afternoon train.
Miss Rot ha Krelder, of Driftwood
one of the valued Cameron county
teachers, spent a short time at the
County Heat last Saturday, attending
to business.
Mrs. Mary Hutier called at the
Pkkmi office on Saturday morning
am! renewed her subscription for an
other jear. Mrs. Hutier is alwa>s
very prompt in this matter.
Mrs. John E. Smith, of Sterling Hun,
(•pent a .short time in Emporium l*i»t
Friday, attending (lie meeting of tl e
Cameron C .unty Sunday School A
social ion, of which sht« is treasurer
Hun. N. I*. Minard, of Four Mile,
made the Ph*. i office a social ami
buaii.t-aa cull lant Saturday morning, rt -
newiug ilia auh»< rip! ion fur the I'm
alao that of ills son Mr. Freil Minard,
of Clark, I.a.
(leorge \V. Keith, of Cututrrapovt
»pfiit Wednesday in town, gui-at at the
home of .Mm. S E. Sterner, Broad
street. Mr. Keith pla>rd the vt.din at
the dance of tin Emporium Social
Club, Wednesday evening.
Mis# I'lyiithla \Vu»xl, til Ponder*
port, sjs-nt it ahurt time in town, the
n rat of the week, of h«-r Mraiidmolh
Mm. U 1.. I.ay M ia* VV>«ml was Mr
mwrl) itie litiotv |m operator in liie] fi.t
u r Eutt-rpi t- •• ..s i idt i
end being ißl«u«Us! in in » < i
work msde IN I'm i i.|fu< t Ml
call," Monday tlWiiuun
Mr. M. F. Miller and fami'y spent a
few hours in llidgway last Sunday.
George Wright, is spending a few j
| days at Glean, N. Y., transacting busi- j
! ness.
T. J. Butler was a business caller at !
! Olean for a short time last Wednesday,
j returning home on the evening train.
Mrs. Gus Carlson went to St. Marys
lon Wednesday afternoon, where she
i spent a short time guest of her son.
Joe McNarney, a cadet at West
I Point, is spending a short time in town
guest at the home of his parents, J. P.
McNarney and wife.
Misses Ada and Catherine Zwald, ot I
this place, were very pleasant Press
I office callers last Thursday afternoon.
Miss Ethel Blackman who has been
visiting Miss Isabel Johnson for the
past week returned to her home at
Machias, New York. Monday.
Miss MableCummings, who has been
spending some time, guest of her sis
ter, Mrs. G. H. Leathers, at Howard,
Pa., has returned to her home at this
Mr. Alva Hendrix, of Dents Run,
| visited in town Tuesday guest of his
uncle William Swartz and family,
Maple street
George Metzger, manager of the
! telephone system at this place, went to
Olean and Buffalo on Wednesday,
! where he will transact business for a
few days.
Mr. Elmore Hickok, of Oshanter,
| Clearfield county, Pa., visited his
! brother A. L. Ilickok and family a few
| days past week. Tiiis is the first time
[ the brothers have met in ten years.
Miss Anna Welsh departed for
! Mrdina, N Y., Wednesday morning,
! where she will spend a short time,
5 guest at the home of her broteer, Mr.
; Ralph Welsh and family.
Clarence Corson, one of the official
| stenographers of the P. R. R. Com
i pany, from Williamsport, is stationed
|in the freight office at this place. Mr.
| Corson is a very pleasant young
I gentleman.
Messrs. J. A. Fisher and Charles
j Fisher, of this place, were called to
! Plumville, Pa., the last ofthe week, by
the death of their father, whose demise
occurred last Saturday. Interment
was made on Monday and Mr. J. A.
Fisher returned home on Tuesday,
i Mrs. Joseph Kinsley, of Sinr.rima
| honing, is spending the week in town
I guest of her sister, Mrs Clinton
i Ostrum, at East Emporium. Mrs. Kin
| sley made the PRESS office a business
1 call this (Thursday) morning, renew- ;
| ing her subscription for another year. |
Hon. John McDonald, of Driftwood, i
j was a business caller at Emporium to- j
j day (Thurday) and called at the PitEsS i
office changing the date of his prper
well into 1911.
Carl Swanson has returned to his
home at this place, after spending the
past week, transacting business in the
interests of the Keystone National
Powder Company at various places in
(he eastern part of the State.
Miss Catherine Welsh, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Jan. J. Welsh, of this
place, was a buniness caller at the
Pkkss office on Tuesday afternoon, re
newing the subscription of their own
paper and that of Mrs. Brady, at De
troit, Mich.
A. W. Wiilahan, of Port Allegany,
spent the week's end at this place and
Howard Siding, where he was enter
tained as guest of friends. Mr. Willa
han's visits are becoming frequent and
we are afraid that he will soon capture
the heart of one of our fair stenograph
ers Port Allegany hoys are all to the
Miss Myrtle S Sliafer, flour lady ot
the Siunamahonitig powder plant shell
house, who came up to Emporium to
spend Sunday with her friends, was a
Puksh buaim s caller Saturday even
ing, accompanie I by Mi- s Hlanch Lud
uni Both are very pleasant ladies
I and full of busiiieHrt tact.
mmmm t
1 [sp'aking of the j
Divorce Evil
j —I
'I IIIU. t'lt e> il fn tuallMM
w X *,lvri" < H ' 'KP the
e i.-<-I>t th<-1; ■. »1 ,i.>r i- lo
culrapr ri,divnrctJ hia wlte
a- I • e «iit j •»'•«! i> I rip
I he e »! t r.ii*<- hia • hUiiien.
It 11 »t ft. i. is tr I rv f'l
<]< mi >i folia a- I funtral «<-
l-ri ir# in a th«n Uv fc
hta wile in a '. )« iid*
When aJvertiaing ia
dtxHtr***!, hti ttnv»s jiic
c«u 6ecuai«4 fuHurm.
Tia« |«|*i h biiM' % y»a«
■« -1 ■ l«» i
I •> i it ball |i t* t. .i
' an •*!'». k ■ w M.m i>«t
I I,« i - ■ m li 4. bant,
« it V M.CM* <1 at% - IttMnf.
r A MFRON COTTyf y PR!'. C >«. TTT ttt> J ANUARY 19. 1911.
Too Public For Him.
He was a mild inuuiicred little man. ■
; short, with gray hair and spectacles j
! It was 110011 on Washington street,
anil, as usual, the crowds were shov- >
ing and pushing to got somewhere.
The little man was trying to worm his
way through the crowds.
A well dressed woman, accompanied |
by. a small boy, was mixed tip in the j
crowd. She wanted to cross the street, j
The boy stopped to look ill a window. >
The lady reached down aiul grasped
a hand, saying, "Take my hand, dear." '
"Not right here on the public street." |
she was startled to bear some one re- '
j Looking down, she saw that she was ,
• clasping the hand of the very inoffen- j
sive little man, who seemed to be j
much confused and embarrassed.
"Sir," she said haughtily, 'I don't
want you. I want my son."-—Boston .
The New and Old Geology,
In its early history geology present- i
ed two schools mi" iiisistinu on a doc- j
trine of "catastrophes." the other 011
a doctrine of "uniformity." The for- i
nter regarded the changes which have j
manifestly taken place in our planet j
11s having occurred at epochs abruptly,
while the other school, reposing on
the great principle of the invariability i
of the laws of nature, insisted that af- 1
fairs had always gone on in the same |
way as they do now. It is hardly :
necessary to say lha the latter theory >
has driven the old theory of catastro
phe completely from the field.—New
York American.
All Fixed.
"I think I'll propose at the party to- ,
"No, you won't."
"Why won't I?"
"My sister knows the young lady in
question, and it lias boon arranged for
you to propose at the ball next week."
—Kansas City Journal.
Restaurant Repartee.
"Tea or coffeeV" demanded the bus
tling waitress.
lie smiled benignly. "Don't tell me;
let me guess." lie whispered. Brook
lyn Life.
Where the Shoe Pinched.
Crawford Does your conscience
trouble you for losing that money?
Crabshaw—No, but my wife does. You
see, it was her money.—Judge.
The fewer desires the more peace.—
[From our Regular Correspondent.]
AVASIIINGTOV, Jan. 'j:s, 1910.
International Exposition boomers for
■ the celebration of the completion of
j Panama Canal are at work in Wash-
I ington. San Francisco and New
Orleans are the contending cities. The
capitol of the United States, where the
exposition should really be held, is net
saying much San Francisco is nour
ishing seventeen million dollars as her
claim, while New Orleans with ten mil
! lions insists that this amount will go
further owing to the proximity of that
city to the rest of the world, than will
seventeen millions on the Pacific
An advocate for New Orleans puts it
that Congress will be responsible in
saying which city is most accessible to
all the people of the United States,
claiming that New Orleans is two
thousand miles closer to the center of
population, and two thousand miles
nearer to Panama than San Francisco
and that the latter city is more than
three thousand miles farther from the
principal nations which are likely to
send exhibits. It is claimed that the
center of population of the United
States is near Cincinnati and tiv® hun-
VVhen You Want Flowers
You Want US
We have everything you may want
in Flowers, Plant-, or Hhrubery, nnd
make a spi cialty of choice Funeral
Work or Decorations. Express pre
paiil on all orders of SIO.HO or over.
| < >rder direct of
Mountain Park Greenhouse.
Ithlt>\%a.v, I*ii,
TIIB Imperial Kitchen Elevator
§ Holds Everything for the Table
It i» out of Night ami out of miiitl
until you puxh tint button, then ini
tuutliiiti ly iu rcHt'h, m itliout }ihy»luiil
• itoit. It cliiiugt'ii ill health to good
lllttllll, 11,1' I U<lO|.ir to it |j|t'U»Mllt (iIM
The (k llai is the Ht'tit I'luce
U» Keep for ihi* Table
Ntitii* outs iHb»t l«'« h thttiu mill Uku
Ihttlll tutilk MgMiu, It U li.U'U brwill
tun, iiiim l foimuiiiiiiu, ilev itululuy
rout ttttt work, null tl»« rimigy »*
i isi 11 h & wnicarr, i>i»trtot a*C»u>,
i in p.. 11 >llll i' i
dred miles from New Orleans, while
San Francisco is two thousand five
hundred miles from this center. With
in nine hundred miles of New Orleans,
it is said, there are seventy cities with
a combined population of twenty mil
lions, while within nine hundred miles
of San Francisco are only eight cities
and their combined population is one
million. With Washington as a start
ing point, it is said that it takes four
days to reach San Francisco and only
a little more than one day to reach
New Orleans, while the cost including
sleeping berth to San Francisco is §93,
and to New Orleans s4'?. All these ar
guments to the pocket are important
but apply with still greater force to the
selection of Washington, which is clos
er to the population of the United
States and to the world than either
New Orleans or San Francisco. To
those who have followed the social,
industrial and political tendencies of
the Pacific slope for the last five years,
a serious objection to holding an in
ternational exposition in San Francis
co is that that city is rantankerously
opposed to the Japanese, Chinese and
other Orientals who necessarily make
such a large part of every internation
al exposition and that, should the
exposition he held there, there
would be perpetual danger of
artificial earthquakes more serious in
their ultimate effects than the catas
trophe which destroyed San Francisco
a few years ago.
Statistics show that our exports to
China have /declined from fifty-eight
millions five years ago to fifteen mil
lions in 1910. The Chinaman is fre
quently referred to as an enigmatical
creature, but those who have studied
him in his own habitat realize that
there is a great deal of human nature in
him and that he has abundant shrewd
common sense. The Chinaman is not
a first-class fighting man, but he is not
unresentful of wrong. He has been
outrageously treated in this country
and especially on the Pacific coast and
organized into unions as a European
army into regiments, the word has
gone forth to boycott American wares.
It is as nothing to the average China
man or to the Chinaman much above
the average, that this country remit
ted some millions of the Boxer indem
nity. That was a State affair, and the
average Chinaman knows nothing of
state affairs, and there is no word in
the Chinese language tor patriotism
because the idea is totally non existent
in the Celestial Kingdom.
The President has sent a message to
Congress urging fortification of the
Pan am i Canal. Ifo want- five million
of <l>....irs Lu stii.'t the work. Nothing
will (j li'tl ly enlist sentiment in
fivorofe rthworks and guns for the
e in il than the opposition which is ap
pearing in the British and Japanese
A fine fresh line
of Samoset. Two
brands, "Chief of
Them AH" and"To
the Queen's Taste."
We still continue
to make our own
"home-made cand
it . i
Phone 21
I® White Lilly Flour Always Pleases
1-8 Bbl Sack 85c; 1-4 Bbl. Sack $1.60 I
Purchase price cheerfully refunded if not satisfactory in I
every particular. i:
The Satisfactory Store I
22c Lb J 15c Doz Y
■ "Business" ' s unian service. Only the busy are I
happy generally speaking. Systematic I
daily occupation is our greatest blessing." For more
than twenty years we have been "busy" giving to the |
people of this vicinity otir best linn/an service" and
are still here to continue the same.
Watch for our week end special sales. Take ad- I
I vantage and save money.
Here's the List for this week
"Peerless" Evaporated Milk, tall cans ire.
Fresh Fig Bars or Atlantics, 15c Goods lb i2]/>.
35c "Suukist" California Oranges doz 30c.
Pure hog Lard in bulk i6c. lb.
(Walter liaker & Co's Chocolate the lb3sc. ■
1 lb carton Niagara Corn Starch Sc. ft
15c High grade Wet Mince Meat, a lb £
Proctor & Gamble's Lenox Soap 7 cakes for 25c. ||
Three 10c packages Roses Roasted Rye for 25c.
■ eis 110 substitute for Rye, once the taste is acquir- ft
ed. A IOC package makes eight pounds of cooked food
One $2.48 Pioneer" Clothes Wringer, $2.19. 3
One #3.80 Anchor brand Clothes Wringer $2.89. ft
One sl.lO Mrs. Pott's Sad Iron Set, 3 sizes 98c. A
Sanitary Baltimore Shucked Oysters
& Lake Fish
Delivery to all Parts of Town Twice
Each Day. |
I You Get Better Values Here.
J. H. DAY, ■
0 Phone 6. Emporium. ft
jasper Harris*
Opposite Post Office, EMPORIUM PA.
1 ■ 1
i ■ i
v *i i
Jasper Harris