RwTAKUSHEn, IRRfI. Cameron County Press HENRV H. Mi'LLIN, Kditoraml i'roprletor Obvillk Phoudfoot, Assistant and Manaßer Ravmonk Ki.bes, Assistant Foreman. W. Scott Htebmf.R, Assistant Local Editor. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY II Breezy 1 I County I I Nerts | MEDIX RUN. Harriet Nefey of tliis place spent day Sunday at Driftwood, guest of her parents. Abel Hartrnan who has been in San Francisco. Cal., in the aruiv was obliged to resign his position en account of his health. He is now visiting his brother at this place. Ed. Caldwell of' Sinuamahoning was a vi>itor in town over Sunday. Francis Doyle of Caledonia is visiting her sister at this place. Mrs Janu liarr wa> .i Falls Creek visitor last week. The young ladies of this place will hold a supper in the band hall Tuesday the 24th, for the benefit of the Band. The band will furnish the music. Where is Dudley. Mrs. Joe Riss who has been siek for .some time does not improve as well as her friends would like to see. Susie Kussell'is some better at this writiiiii: she has been in very poor health for some time. Silas Muun was seen on our streets on Thursday. The band boys held a dance in the hall Saturday evening for the benefit of the band. Quite a crowd was in attend ance and all enjoyed the evening. Ezra Peter? was a visitor in town Sun day. Dan Bliifi "11 of Trout Run.was a ; agues' at the home of W. 11. Kri-e and family >er Sunday. The Pocab Titi~ held a supper in Rob' ' inson's Ha Wednesday evening. Quite a crowd was pri'si-iit (is thi* is just i new ! order i-farting W'e wi>h tliotn success. | They have about lit ni i beta. Ed. Moure. David ('ban and Jacob j Davis ;t» :!i|c"l tl i!.<•.() I L dir< at 1 Bene* n<-, Sunday evening. Mrs. Lloyd Mohuey of Dußois visit ing her parents at this place. Will Pistner was a business visitor at ' Dußois Friday. Bert Russell and wife have returned from Potato Creek. They intend to stay here at their home until sprint:. Mrs. George Seely of Delaware is vis iting relatives here. She intends to soon leave for her southern home. 11. R. HOWARD SIDING. Miss Nora Ostrum and Miss .Mabel Edwards tv,o of Emporium school ■rs, attended revival services here Wed lesday evening. Mrs. Rurkland went to Portland Mills, between trains, on Wednesday. Reports Kev. Sunday Smith improving. Revival meetings are still going ou. Stormy weather and icy roads does not prevent the people from coming out. Larirc attendance every evening. Rev. Lehman i- a man ol God, and is laboring very hard for the salvation of souls. Ei.'lit hav ■ prof vied salvation. We wonder why there are not many more brought to Christ, after listening to such trui'- a- he presents to them. May God ble«> nis efforts. Innrtit' Mat ecu id. attended the u. tii._- veral nights last week, and was guest of i >.. d' 11 On>e. Mrs. George Mattiie,v.i»u and* tor Myrtle spent lust V edoesday in Km pt»i itn, yui ts of A I. t ioodwin. Mis. Wm. 11 Jo) un and daughter Ireie ,of Rrtan II ' vi-itedher m< ill i, Mii. I'll e, SetWiM tr.«ii - Saturday M» S. A 11 tr Ml iml Mi-- I' i• • i■« Edwards, nude a busiue** trip to St Mir. -ii Saturday and returned Sun day. \ornO-iruw and M i-s Kdwurd* remained over and attended revi val services here. Mrs. Clfijrlt n Toner was ijuite -iek ou Saturdu), but i- now much l> Iter. Mi. L. third triuk up«r.< tur. spent several day - last we-k at hid home. Mr. l Huffman, operator at lit-n MBuer and son were gu i-. of N|r- Ii Flakier on Still da} . Rev. Ldiiuan Weiit to St. Mli\ 1 to con-alt Dr Self 11 •> i» having wiiuut Ifoktble with hi* eve* lliibe h> to iy be )>* in-tiill>i and will not be obliged to el OM«' tli> meet! ng*. XXX Th« Browning*. Toitnjr w* all »»t nrowafax'a wlf« klhwo nrawntny MinMlf la (Ha at anil making. t»n «k |«w of 1 iiiv* tlt« <•. Mima* it<»i in tliis place Saturday last. T. .1 Sinter of Beie/• si was a \i>i tor on S iturday. N.H II I Irum of llußois was a eallei ! h'tween trains one day last wi*ek. J tie ( ui-iil and Mont IVasley caught i the first •» triti_• of -ueki <- of lite season. > Mi -\ : i'a of Ark*Udl i> visit i II».- wiili Mr- M id on M 'iid iy. i Ml->«"» 11. lii-uie and KrUiU IJellllett m Hull wood c.t let- I riday. Mi. and Mr». Kphruiin Walker and •' F • ii' i N N visii«4 I in re I I Week M Hl. i M ■ I'ltilip I i n»> i * 'in ClllJVt I If. < '., lie fill lid- In# tliif wick, Tlioiim- Hill and daughter Kthel, ol Hriltwixid, United Ii re Tut»day. Mr. Muter id Halt-tun *i»itcd luii' Friday of la»t week • nor" He*!er e.f tialirt'iii vi»Med with lo- family Mom lay. Ira li. wt> a viiitoi over Suu i day. John l.ou. weiii tut lik lirirtt Mmi , day fdi In I t , (I. John Stt.tii* Wi lit m*l dt> to I" beat uiju at Iho in J itsutiwd w<4dio for my hats."— New York Press. FIGHTING UF:G EATTLE. Of Thing 3 Thnt Mut 8e Done Taclrle thd Hardest First. 1 know a very sue . -y.!nu. ll< made this the test and would never allow his moods or itjehiij;* lo stand in the WIIJ of hi 4 Judgment, lie forced himself in the linbit of prompt ly doiug everything, n» mailer how disagreeable. If it would further his advancement. people who consult thelf moods, tfA-1 r preference* ..r their ean«> never make a *f**at success In life It is the I . II T«' > '|f lo il>> (he thing that will ultimately In- best for him who *ii' <*. The in iii w ho t.'' throiiu-li life |t|cLlnu out the Howers and avotil Int! the thorn* in In* <>< cupatluu. al way* doiuu the easy tiling first titut delating or putting off altogether If po»«Hi|«. tin- hard thin„, »|oi - iioi ile velop the Htreiigth that would tenable lillit lo do llard t lilliU* w lieu lieeeKnit)' forcei Ihelli Upou h 1111 It l( m ... jr alwaye la to tuckl« the IttriWil ililHyi tnt. THE BIJOHHIST HADES. Eight Easy Stages of tho Most Awful Kinds of Torture. The places of torment to which all wicked Buddhists are to lie assigned on the clay of final reckoning is a ter rible place of punishment. This Bud dhistic hell is divided into eight "easy stages." In the first the poor victim is com pelled to walk for untold ages in his bare feet over hills thickly set with redhot needles, points upward. In the second stage the skin is all carefully filed or rasped from the body and ir ritating mixtures applied. In the third stage the nails, hair and eyes are plucked out and the denuded body sawed and planed into all sorts of fantastic shapes. The fourth stage is that of "sorrowful lamentations." In tho fifth the left side of the body and the denuded head are carefully roast ed, Yema, the Buddhistic Satan, su perintending the work. In the sixth stage the arms are torn from the body and thrown into an immense vat among the eyes, nails and hair pre. viously removed. Then in plain hear ing of the sore footed, blind, maimed, roasted and bleeding victim the whole horrid mass is pounded into a jelly. In the seventh stage the other side of the victim and his feet are roasted brown, and then comes the eighth and last stage, in which the candidate is thrown into the bottomless pit of perdition. DEADLY MINE GASES. White Damp, Firedamp, Black Damp and the Fearful After Damp. "White d.-iiiyi is the gas most feared by the miners, for its properties ren der it difficult to detect, inasmuch as it is tasteless, odorless and colorless and when mixed in the proportion of about one part gas to nine parts air is called "firedamp" and becomes explo sive to a degree hard to realize unless one has seen its effects. Black damp, unlike white damp. Is heavier than air, a nonexplosive gas which may be detected by its peculiar odor. Again, unlike the other, its ef fect is to suffocate and extinguish lire. This gas is so heavy and moves with such a sluggish flow that occasional ly, when miners have been trapped in a mine following an explosion and have detected the black damp creep ing in upon them by its smell, they have been able to stop its advance by erecting dams or barricades along tho floor, building them higher as the vol ume of gas Inereast il and keeping the air within their liltle inclosure com paratively clean by rude improvised fans. Following an explosion, ihese two gases become mingled and form a mix ed gas, possessing all the dreaded qualities of each, which N known as "afli ." damp." and it is the mixture of g.-iscs which 0< :fro t vs nay life that, may remain foil i-ving a mine disaster —Atlantic Monthly. Late Riswg Birds. A pair of singing birds had been ad- I vertised for sale. "The property of a late rising fami ly," the dealer stated. "I wound up with that clause," he said, "so possible purchasers would j not be scared off" by the prospect of an unearthly chattering at 5 o'clock in the morning. Birds can be trained to keep any kind of hours. If they are brought up by a family of nighthawlcs they learn togo to bed at midnight and get up at 0 a. in., along with the rest of the folks, but if they are tuck ed In right away after supper they wake up the neighborhood at a cor respondingly early hour the next morn ing. It is advisable for any person who is likely to lie abed until noon to inquire into the early training of a bird before buying."—New York Sun. American Golf. Certainly you are in good luck as a golfer if you goto America at all, for they are gloriously hospitable in that land, and. so far as I could see, the idea that some have here—that the American's notion of tho object of playing a game is purely to win It, not to enjoy the playing—is perfectly mi i!;cn. I never had the impression in ■re strongly anywhere of being in tin- company of men who were play ing the game for pleasure, not f'>r the mere ike of winning the match. Unt | then II is certainly true, as i heard one ! of their judge-: 11 mean a legal judge. : though he a judge of golf, tool say in 111 Iter dinner speech that it ; is "the cleanest -port In America."— Horace ITui till 'it in London Tele graph. The Voice of the People. Lady John Russell visited Paris as a ' nirl hi IKH) and witnessed the soiue ' what artificial enthusiasm for Louis Philippe, v. ho had just been placed on | the throne by the revolution. "It Is said," we are told, "that any small boy In those days could exhibit the | king to curious sightseers by raising ' a cheer outside the Tllilerles windows, 1 when his majesty, to whom any maul testation of enthusiasm was extreme ly precious, would appear nutnmitti t ally upon the Italcouy ami bow." Oni Formality. "Oh, |o\ ' She hi written n letter ' laylllff site will marry lue." "< "< MI 1: r.'i 111 In I lon s \V lieu V" "Well er ).in her father has to Indorse 1 Ids proi»il»»"rj u<>t« lie for* It's good " Cleveland leader. Haw Ma Haaamblad Him. "*1 "iiuuy, you don't tuUu nfier > our fut her lunch, do •.»»>" *'StlM iilit Hull M'*\ "»U ill lu gKlmftf# HE PUNISHED GRANT. The Cadet Was Guilty of Dismounting Without Leave. While a student at West Point U. S. Grant excelled In mathematics and horsemanship. He jumped his horse over a bar five feet six inche3 high, which made a record for the academy and a close second to the highest jump ever recorded in America. He receiv ed little houor for some of his efforts, however, notably In the case recalled by Nicholas Smith In "Grant, the Man of Mystery." But perhaps the humor of It reconciled hi in. The riding master was one Ilersh berger, "an amusing sort of tyrant," | and on one occasion, whether seriously 112 or as a joke, he determined to "take down" the young cadet At the exercise Grant was mounted j on a powerful but vicious brute that ; the cadets fought shy of and was put 1 at leaping the bar 1 The bar was placed higher and high er as he came round the ring till it passed tho record. The stubborn rider would not say "'enough," but the horse was disposed to shy and refuse to I make the leap. ' | Grant gritted his teeth and spurred I at it, but just as the horse gathered for j the spring his swelling body burst the 1 girth, and the rider and saddle tumbled | into the ring. Half stunned, Grant gathered him j self up from the dust only to hear the I "strident, cynical voice" of Hershber j ger calling out: "Cadet Grant, six demerits for dis j mounting without leave!" BEAT HIM TO THE STATION. I The Message That Got There Before j the Patrolman Did. "When I was a patrolman," says a j prominent detective, "there used to be ! a sergeant on the force who had it in I for me. He reported me for various ! delinquencies, and—well, lie's dead 1 now, and 1 won't say anything against him. lie got sick, and it was reported j at the station that he wasn't expected ; to live. So the boss called me aud told me togo around and see if I ; coulil do anything for the old fellow, j J I called at the house and asked If I ! j could see him. They let me in.l tip j toed into the room where the sergeant ; j was in bed aud said. 'The lieutenant j sent me around to see how you were 1 getting along.' "He spoke with difficulty, but I could make out what he said. 'Go back,' he grunted, 'and tell 'em that I'm getting along line. The boys have fixed me up all right, and I don't need anything. I'm fueling better ' "So I went 1 nek to the station. I ; was stopped a c< uple of times on my i ! way and got in about half an hour ! later Then I ■: ide mv report 'He says lie's better and doesn't need any- ! thing." says I. Thp lieutenant Jumped 1 up. 'Do yon moan to say that you | i saw him?' says he '1 did,' says I. j j 'And he told you he was all right?' i 'Yes, sir.' "Yon blamed liar!' shouts I the lieutenant "I got a message ten ] minutes ago that he was dead!' I"And it was true. What do you think of that old scoundrel trying to get me in bad with his dying breath'/" —Cleveland I'lain Dealer. A Picture of Night. Along tho high hedged lane John I Strong swung, the June gloaming deep ening into night. He loved to shovo his face Into the night. He gloried in the uncertainty of night, the iudefi -1 nlteness of night, and his soul cried j back a wild answer to the cry of the j nighthawk and the owl Night is more primitive than day; night is more calamitous: night is a savage; night I everywhere is the true aborigine. Day j has taken on civilization Night hurls the world back to the day of the war I club, the flint arrowhead, the painted visage. John Strong loved the night [ with an almost malevolent love. In ■ the night he could hear the Valkyries screaming, the witches riding their broomsticks, the ghouls scraping the mold from off the new burled coffin John Strong swung along, his face set to meet oncoming night.—Adventure. Where He Drew the l-ine. Thomas was an old gamekeeper on Sir Grevilic's Scotch estate, says Sir William Kennedy iti "Sport In the Navy " When he was sixty years old lit? contracted measles and was very ill for a time. Sir Grevllle. ". ith char act eristic kindness, sent the old man some hothouse grapes and a pineapple. The next time the two met Sir Greville asked Thomas how lie liked,the fruit. "Weel, Sir Grevllle," answered the gamekeeper, "t'• • • plums was good, but I 1 dinna think much of the turnip." Ulterior Motives. "See, here." said the kind hearted lady. "I gave you u piece of pie two i weeks ago, and you have been sending one or more of your friends here every clay since." "Vouse do me a Injustice, ma'am." replied the husky hobo "Dem guys wot I sent wus ine enemies."—Chica go News Not Familiar With the Quotation. "Mi. Mr Blink-.," said the fair MM lightly. "I *e«» you wear your heart j upon your sleeve" Mr llllnks looked bewildered and hastily pulled down Ills curls "I sue** may lie II wus my red flan nel underwear you noticed " he lamely reiiiurked Cleveland I'lalu Dealer Tho Bad i'l<- I>l |a lan Ma uf paradoses. m I quit It with 11 >t we make up our I uilitda ever) (tight to lenv« It enrly, ' tint hi- litKtt* up our btsile* utHfy morning i» keep 11 lute < bli»ii Council Proceedings. Minutes of meeting of Borough Council held Monday evening Jan. 2, 1911 Meeting called to order at 8:150 p. m. Members present: Messrs. Haupt, Howard, Mullin, Mumford, Cummings and T. H. Norris, President. Members absent: Messrs. Cramer and Pearsall. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. The following bills were read: WORK ON STREETS, James Davin HO oo Owen Nangle, 14 go Dan Shugart 17 00 John Fleming 4 00 Mike Mulcahy, 1 oo Wm. Murphy, 1 00 Stif Bednar, 3 20 Sttf Rosnack, 1 60 John Katoge, j oo Joseph Waite 1 00 ■Pete Rosnack, 4 00 W. H. Cramer, Invoice. Streets, 5 75 T. H. Norris, Invoice. Streets 2 28 T. H. Norris, Invoice, Expense, 3 36 SEWERS. St. Marys Sewer Pipe Co., Invoice 8 3X Emporium Machine Co.. Invoice 3 90 ELECTRIC LIGHT. Emporium Machine Co., 25 Ed. Extrom 1 50 Moved by Mr. Mullin,seconded by Mr. Cum) mings til at bills be paid as read. Carried. Ayes and Nayes were called. Ayes: Messrs. Cumraings, Haupt, Howard, Mullin, Norris. Bill of \. H. Shafer for services rendered ill regard to the filing of the municipal liens against property holders on Broad street was read. Moved by Mr. Haupt, seconded by Mr. Mullin, that bill of Mr. Shafer be referred to Street Com mittee. Carried. The report of the Burgess for the month of Dec. 1910 was read showing sls 00 in fines and |l9 00 in licenses collected. Moved by Mr. Howard, seconded by Mr, H aupt that report of Burgess be accepted and [ placed on file. Carried. Council then adjourned. C. E. CRANDELL, Secretary. It is Serious. ! Some Emporium People Fail to Real ize tlie Seriousness of a Bad Back. The constant aching of a had back, The weariness, the tired feeling, | The pains and aches of kidney ills Arc serious—if neglected. Dangerous urinary troubles follow. An Emporium citizen shows you how to ayoid them. Mrs. «J. F. Peppcrraan, Fourth Street, j Emporium, Pa,; says: "My back was j weak and lame and my kidneys were in | bad shape: 1 had but little strength j and was lceling poorly in every way when | 1 procured Doan's Kidney 1 'ills at Tag gart's lb tig .Store. They benefitted nie i greatly and in return I hartily rccoiu ! mend them," For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents, ! Foster-Milburn 00., Buffalo, New York, i sole agents. Remember the name— J Doan's—and take no other. (Jeo. J. Laßar FlirilillllT Tabourettes. il« |'„k\ 14 .1 M I I H N 1 * ' ™ »M PAKftt fi<«i lutiii ..»•!! 1 I | ll««, Sh k 11 r#li| ♦ (1111111 till*. KMnry tad Ill»«r I ruubh U ily ii CtiMi. J