Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, January 19, 1911, Image 1

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Special Letter.
WASHINGTON, JAN. 16. The cordial
expressions of regard for .lolui K.
Tener from his colleagues on both
sides of the House upon his retirement
from membership in that body must
have been extremely gratifying to the
new governor. Mr. Toner's resigna
tion went into effect on Monday. On
the day of his inauguration many of
his friends in the housa wired him con
gratulatory messages in which they
predicted that his administration
would be such as to receive the com
mendation of the people. Some of his
Msocifi'-j > al tj sane fl jral pieces to the
executive mansion. Mr. Teller's rec
ord in Congress has been that of an
able, painstaking and public spirited
official, who has rendered exceptional
service for the constituency which
sent him to Washington.
Members of the Pennsylvania dele
gation in Congress have referred to the
fact that in the gratifi cation of the Re
publicans of Pennsylvania over Mr.
Tener's inauguration the campaign
of slander last fail was forgotten. The
echoes of the abuse and misrepresenta
tion of the discredited political coali
atiou which directed that disgraceful
campaign died away with the an
nouncement of another Republi
can victory in the Keystone
State. Since then the methods em
ployed to defeat the Republican candi
date Lave been recalled at intervals
only by the confessions of some of his
enemies that they had lied about him.
Pennsylvania politicians in Wash
ington state that thousands of honest
Republicans who were misled by mis
representation and voted against the
Republican ticket in November are
now willing to withhold judgement in
Governor Tener's case and give him
an opportunity to fulfill the pledge he
made last fall. It is highly probable
that many of these Republicans have
reflected upon what would have been
the consequences if the campaign of
slander had been successful. If so they
realize that at Ilarrisburg on Tuesday
the shouting would have come from
exultant hosts of the Democracy,
Governor Stuart would have retired
for a Democrat, eager to exert the
power of his administration for the ad
vancement of the Democratic party in
Pennsylvania and the nation. And a
Democratic legislature would have dis
placed Senator George T. Oliver with
a Democrat, who would join other
Democrats in the United States Senate
in the enactment of destructive tariff
legislation. Considering the Demo
cratic landslide in November and the
-menace of Democratic tariff revision
in the next, Congress the inauguration
of Governor Tener is peculiarly fortu
nate from the viewpoint of Pennsyl
French Protection.
Tne revised French Tariff is a pro
tective measure fundamentally and
purposely, and it will he kept within
Protective lines at all hazards. It is
the same policy as in Germany and in
every other country except England
and even there the Tariff is as Protect
ive as England can fairly make it, in
view of her fi iliar -ondltlon of hav
i 14 to buy thn -queer of Inr food
supplies trom wit , >ut her own border-
W 'ile her »• lief industries are manu
facturing and marine carriage. Buf
falo News.
Starling Highl.
We are in receipt of an order from
Dr. Floyd L VanVV M, of Wood lawn,
Pa., for a year's subscription for the
Wert was recently married to one of
Emporium's most popular young lad
ies, Miss Floss Taggart, and they need
the PRESS as one of the essentials of
good housekeeping. Dr. Van Wert
states in his letter that he is nicely lo
cated HI d is getting along very well.
We congratulate the young man and
he well deserves all the good thai may
come his way, and with the help mate
of his choice he is sure to make good.
Koom.s for Kent.
Furnished rooms, single or en suite,
Mrs. Seth J. Hackett, over Fast Em
porium Pottl Office. IM4t.
To the liudiet.
I.adies desiring a mrietl> tailored
corset, mutie to individual measure
ments, can secure the same by leaving
their order with me. Call and see
samples of corsets, *t\le hook and
samples of material. Over twenty
styles to select from Prices from to fl'' 00. Spi eial attention given
to stout figure*. Guarantee against
rust or breakage fur one year goes
with each corset.
Over Ludlam's Millinery Store.
I lay fur Sale.
First-class haled hay for de at Cook
farm. Price, SIO.OO per ton.
Basket Ball.
On Saturday last, Emporium went to
Weedville and played that fast team
to a standstill. At the end of the sec
ond period the tscore was a tie and
Weedville refused to play for tho ex
tra points necessary to decide the
game, the Emporium team was entitl
ed a victory by default, but on- boys
put up no kick as they did not want to
win 011 a technicality This was the
first game Weedville did not win this
year and they say they will have re
veuge 011 return game which will be
played in Emporium on Feh 4th.
The Score: 18-18.
Pierotti Forward Myera.
Extine, Forward Campbell.
Vogt, Centre Eraser.
Farrell, Guard Carhart
Blumle, Guard Brown.
Goals from field, Extine 4, Pierotti
4, Farrell 1, Meyers 1, Campbell 4,
Fraser 1, Brown 1. Goals from fjuls,
Campbell 4.
On Saturday Jan. 21st., Emporium
will play the strong team from Ridg
way, and although Ridgway beat our
boys a few weeks ago, it does not seetn
possible that they can repeat the perfor
mance, since our team is greatly
strengthened and the team work has
improved wonderfully. Pierotti, the
star player from Kane is now a resi
dent of this town and will be seen in
all games in future.
The following members of the High
School Athletic Association went to
Brookville and Clarion last Friday
afternoon. Messrs. R. H. Edgar,
Eugene Metz, Gordan Vogt, Roy Swan
son, William Howard, Jr., and Oscar
Foster. During the trip two very
interesting games of basket ball
were played. Mr. Gordan Vogt was
captain of the team. At Brookville,
where the first stop was made the
game resulted in a victory for Brook
ville, with a score of 61 to 27. Brook
ville has the fastest team in that sec
tion of the State and have only met
with one defeat this present season.
They played a very clean game and
showed the boys a good time. On
Saturday morning the journey was
continued to uiariiAi, arriving there at
ten o'clock. During the day they in
spected the town and the Normal
and in the evening attended the Li
terary Society and heard a very in
teresting lecture on Nature study.
The game with Clarion Normal was
called about nine o'clock Saturday
evening and the first half finished with
a score of 8 to 7 in favor of Empor
ium, at the end of the second half the
score stood 18 to 13 in favor of Clarion.
Although the boys lost both games
they fought hard to win them and the
teams they visited were stronger than
they are. They expect to have return
games with both these teams in the
near future. The Emporium boys left
Clarion on Sunday morning, driving a
distance of lb miles through the mud
to Brookville where they took the train
for home at 1:05 p. m. arriving here on
the afternoon flyer via Driftwood.
First Methodist Church.
RKV. J. F. ANDERSON, Pastor.
Special m eting are being held
nightly, and will continue over Sal -
bath. JiissJ >m sings at each t rvice
and directs the < ongregational Inging.
All the regular * rvices will be held
next Sabbath, and the Revival ervici s
will continue next week. A cordial
weleomi is extended to all. Congre
gations ar< large and increasing in
size. N ' services Saturday night.
All exchange i, >Ks: "Did you ever
stop to reflect that it was one thing to
talk about people and another thing
to have people talk about you? If
those of ns who use our tongues a little
too fr<;el\ about our neighbors, I would
stop and reflect about this matter and
kt ow tin great evil that comes from
too much gossip and tattling, we are
sure we would call a hall."
Maccabec Installation.
All member# of Emporium Hive arc
requt sted to attend the Annual Instal
lation of Oftl'-i-pi to lake place Friday
evening, Jan 2*l'h, Hill. A Banquet
will be held Immediately after the
ceremonies. Let there be a large at
J AIM IN HOFFMAN, ('ommauder.
Cook Wanted.
A second cook, apply at Hotel
Warner, Emporium, Pa., at once.
Old SolUlei Tortured.
'•For years I i uttered unspeakable tor
tur« from indigestion, constipation and
liver trouble," Wrote A. K. Smith a war
vet. ran at Erie, I'a., "Imi Dr. Kiug •
NM Life Pill- lied IH all i
Tiny n* simply great.' Try tlniu for
«ny "toenaeh, liver or kidney trouble.
< (illy 25e at all ilru;f}{i*ts«.
"Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable."— WEßSTEß.
Organization of
The Pennsylvania Legislature com- |
menoed its labors on Monday evening, j
jOn Tuesday the House voted for j
' United States Senator. Senator Oliver
having received 147 votes, Senator J.
j Henry Cochran, 28, Julian Kennedy,
| Ind , Hep., 20, also a few scattering
I votes. Yesterday at noon the two
H 1 is*s met in joint session with the ,
following result: Oliver, 181, giving j
! him 52 more votes than necessary, i
The result was received with great ap- j
With the election of Uuited States i
Senator disposed of the House Speaker j
cmsfdtj bs read the committee ap-j
| p )intments. Hon. Josiah Howard was J
j appointed Chairman of Wayes and j
M»a»s, one of the very best commit- j
j tied, if not. the best. In addition, Mr. I
; Howard is a member of Banks and j
j B inking, Congressional Apportion- j
! ment, Education and Manufactures.
This recognition of Little Cameron ■
demonstrates the importance of keep- !
ing a good man at Hirrisburg This
county was also honored with one ap
pointment, .Mr. Walter Morrison being
appointed to a place in the poster and
' 112 >lder department.
Immediately after the reading of ap- j
• p lintments and committees 1 lie House j
adjourne 1 to meet Monday evening,
j The sesssion bids fair to be one of
; the most important held in many
i years. Gov. Tener, whose inaugura
! tion was the most enthusiastic held in
years, buckled down to work at once
and cordially received his many visit
ors from all parts of the State. If we
mistake not his administration will be
up to that of his popular predecessor.
Time will tell. H. H. M
Mr. Murdock NcNeil, aged about 50
years, died at the Ridgway hospital
early last Friday a.m. Deceased had not
been in good health for the past few
months, but on Friday previous to his
death he was stricken with appendici
tis, and the following Wodriead.ij '
morning he was removed to the hospi
tal at Ridgway. After a consultation
of the doctors it was decided not to
operate as his condition would not
stand the heavy strain. Undertaker
C. W. Rishell accompanied by Prank '
J. Lewis went to Ridgway 011 Friday !
morning and brought the remains to |
Emporium on the afternoon train and j
they were taken to the undertaking
rooms of Hon. Geo. J. Laßar, where!
| they were prepared for burial, later j
they were taken to his home at Rich j
I Valley. The funeral was held 011 Sun- '
I day afternoon from his late home, in- !
j terment was made in the Rich Valley
I Cemetery. ThePut-.—;extends 'issin
: cere sy> ~ thy to the berea- . . widow
and children. j
* *
! James Caramilla, died at his home '
at this place, Wednesday evening 1
j about 9:30 o'clock. Mr. Caramilla bus j
'ii'cn a s'lfTerev fr m stomach trouble '
for som lime 11 1 for the past four
| months has beau failing gradually.
IDi eea -t d \ is' rninltul March oil,
| 1852 and would have been 58 years old
| this coining March had he lived. He
came to this country about -10 years
ago and four years ago la»t November
j came 1 > Emporium and engaged in the
i fruit and eimdy business, where with
j the iom t: cr of his wis- ai d soil
»'harhst I:< worked up as "d r»r
j lie was a quiet and industrious citizen
j and paid strict attention to business. 1
|He is survived by a widow ami six !
children. The flint ral will take place I
011 Saturday morning at nine o'clock j
and High Mass will be celebrated in 1
1 St. Mark's Roman Catholic Church, by
the Rev. Father T. R Downey, Rector !
of the Church. Interment will be
made in St Murk's Cemeterj
Condition Serious.
The condition of Mrs. W. G. Rait
has taken a very serious turn and 011 I
' Wednesday evening and this morning
her symptoms are very alarming. Dr.
1 MeGriinor, of Port Allegany, was cull- '
ed here on Wednesday evening in eon
filiation with the family physicians at
this place. We hope that she may ful
ly recover.
Attended Wedding.
"Major" Phillip CofTenberg, dyna
mite inspector for the govurmwt at
this place, went to Brooklyn, N.
V., last week, were lie attended the
wedding of his daughter. The gen ill I
"Major" Is very proud of the fact
that Itu wore the same necktie
oil this occasion lis he wore on the
' evening of his own wedding.
Court Holds Commissioners Lia
ble for Own Expenses
While Traveling.
Should the higher courts sustain
; Judge Fanning, of Bradford county, in
an opinion handed down in Tonawan
da, that no county is liable for the per
sonal expenses of county commis
sioners in discharge of their public
duties, it will make a sweeping change
! in customs which have prevailed in
j nearly every county of the State for
I years.
The decision, while involving only
' the small amount of §1.75, affects the
I entire state. It means, in brief, that,
if upheld, when county commissioners
| are away from home on official bnsi
| tiess hereafter, they will be personally
; liable for individual expenses. In
other words, on county business, the
J county is liable for mileage and noth
i ing else, and that food and beds are
' for the commissioners to pay out of
their own pockets.
In common with other counties,
! Rradford is divided into three poor
districts, and each commissioner looks
after the indigents in his subterritory.
A woman residing in Commissioner
1 Marsh's division was declared insane,
i and it was incumbent upon him to re
| move her to an asylum, which he did,
j rendering a bill of $1 75 for meals on
the trip. The bill was attested by the
commissioners' clerk, and drawn on
the county treasurer, who refused to
honor the order on the ground that the
law did not contemplate paying the
commissioners' individual expenses,
The case hinges on the construction
of the words "traveling expenses ne
cessarily incurred in the discharge of
their official duties," which Judge Fan.
ning holds does not iuclude eats.
Hereafter, Bradford commissions can
not eat out the county treasury, and
must carry full dinner pails en route
on county business or take their lunch
in a rag.
Whist Party.
On Tuesday afternon, Mrs. Grant S.
Allen entertaindd a party of lady
friends al lieu pleasant home on West
Fourth street, from three to seven
o'clock. Whist was played in which
Miss Mora McQuay captured first prize
and Miss Maude Steck received second
prize. A delicious supper was served
at six o'clock. Those present were
the Mesdames I. K.. Hockley, J. D.
I.bgan, 10. I). White, Allen Baldwin, C.
J. Goodnougb, J. H. Day, Geo. Metz
ger, Jr., Alton I lousier, Alex. Mac-
Dougall, 0. H. F« .t, P. O. Judd, T. F.
\losre, Laura Bryan, Lizzie Hlnkle and
Misses Jettie Wiley, Maude Steck,
Lora McQuay and May Gould. Mrs.
Allen is entertaining another party at
bridge whist this Thursday after
A Good Concert.
One of the Quest treats that the Em
poriam pdopje have had for some time,
1 was tlw concert given by the Elina B.
| Smith Concert Company at the opera
house last Tuesday evening, under the
auspices of the Ch istian Fndeavoi of
the l'r "'.bvlerilin and Rapt is t Chun lit s.
This is the second appearance of Mi s
Smith upon our -tage and she was well
rf ceivi d. Her reading were delightful
and entertaining. The musical num
bers on the progamiue rendered by
Miss Smith's company were most ex
Former Hcnuvo Man Ke-Appoint
ed I ligh Priest of Masons.
At the annual meeting of tiie Grand
' chapter of Royal Arch Masous held at
Philadelphia, on Dec. 2(5, Geo. W.
V'ernes, of Williamsport, formerly of
j Reuovo, was reappointed district
deputy grand high priest for the
Eleventh district, comprising counties
of Lycoming, Clinton and Centre and
Tioga cha| ter at Weilsboro and Troy
1 chapter, at Troy, i'a. Renovo Record.
Union Friendly Society.
This coming week the t'niou Friend
ly Society will have two sociul func
tions. tin Tuesday evening, Miss
Helen SIIIIIU will entertain the Society
at her home on Wi-st Fifth street. On
Friday eveiiiug, January 27th, the an
nual blow-out will lukc place at lite
Theatorium Hall, at which time danc
ing and cards will lie the chief features
••I the evt'uuig. A hullui lunch Mill be
servt d. Several Invitations will be
sent out for thin occasion.
The Late S. S. I Licked.
Mr. and Mr- Karl IV llackett, of
Dlllldee, lif., received Into their CO*y
little home, January 18, ?:80 a, m., a
nine |iollud buy, wlione name is Sev
more Ha x 011 Ifnckctt Mother and
child IHIHI doing tine
Substantial Memorial.
Ye editor very recently visited New
| ton Wiley cemetery and while a
I blanket of snow covered the ground,
we noticed very many beautiful tokens
j of affection deposited upon the resting
' places of dear ones Beautiful, impos
j ing mausoleums, monuments and head
i Btones dotted all portions ol the "Silent
I City" and while we drove through
j the avenues we could not but
j think of the very many departed
. friends wiio rested with the dead,
! where we all soon would be number
ed. Would doubt if more beautiful
monuments can be seen in any ceme
tery than one notices there. The lat
est to be erected is a handsome Barre,
| Vt., granite monument recently placed
l on Hon. B. W. Green's lot, in memory
of his wife. It stands about six feet
and is a very massive, one of the larg
est in tiie cemetery; of elegant design
and the best of workmanship. The
monument weighs over ten tons and
required strenuous work to place it in
position. The Foley Brothers Com
pany, monument builders, Oleau, N.
Y., were the designers and contractors.
While writing these few words the
situation as to the future comes to our
mind very forcibly: We remember
when Newton Cemetery was located
and deeded by T. L. Messereau and
wife to John B. Newton, and by deed
from John B. Newton, June 29th, 1881,
to the Borough of Emporium. A
major portion of the lots had been sold
by Mr. Newton yet a large number of
unsold yet remained. Long since all
of these lots have been disposed of and
a large plot of land, owned by the J.
S. \V iley Estate added. Naturally the
owners of lots in the two cemeteries
wonder what will be the future pro
visions made to care for the cemeteries.
It has been suggested that an organiza
tion be formed and both cemeteries
secured, and a fund deposited as an
endowment, the interest to be devoted
exclusively, for the care and improve
ment of the resting place. Another
suggestion has beeu made that a large
plot of land, sufficient to last for many
years, be secured if possible near the
original Newton Cemetery. Who will
move iu this matter?
Engagement Announced.
Last Thursday evening, Mr. and
Mrs. Bennett Leutze announced the en
gagement of their daughter, Miss Em
ma to Mr. Ross, of the placo.
The announcement party wa3 held at
the Parish House of Emmanuel Church
The wedding is to take place on Wed
nesday evening, January 25, at eight,
o'clock and is to be a quiet home wed
ding. only the members of the fami
lies of the contracting parties and the
1 most intimate friends of the bride
i :nid groom are to be present. The
i ceremony will be performed by Rev.
IM. L. T.ite, Rector of Emmanuel
' Episcopal Church Another feature
of the evening was a farewell party in
honor of Mr. Howard Hutchinson, who
has been employed as operator at this
place, for the past few months Mr.
Hutchinson lias been transferred to
Ludlow. The evening was spent in
I playing cards and dancing. Refresh
i ments were served. The ]<r ■ peetive
hride nd groom received the congrat
j ulati ■! sof their many IViendf- About
75 people were present and all had a
1 -.ost enjoyable time.
Handsome Present.
Col. Andrew Brady, was recently
j presented, by a number of his friends,
with a vi. " handsome leather Sleepy
Hollow chair. Of course th > genia}
gentleman was delimited with the gift.
■ The donors wore: Messrs. D. R. Rran
son, A. 11. Forbee, O. J. Howard, Geo.
A. Walker, Jas. p. Creighton, K. K.
Simmons, C. J. Goodnough, Guy S.
Felt, E. 11. Hughes, Dr. 11. S. l alk, Dr.
11. W. Mitchell ami C. H. Cordie. The
presentation speeches are said to have
been gems of oratory and the occasion
was oue long to be remembered.
Tiie W. J, Frederick Music Com
pany, of Williamsport announce that
they have for sale an elegant line of
pianos. Twenty-live makes to select
from, among these are the ('bickering.
Kwtbe, Hardmaii, Htrich and Zeidler
also the Estey and many others For
further information address Mr.
Thomas J. White, 187, Centre Street,
St, Mar>s, i'a.
11 ItMt.
Will Operate trains by Telephone.
We clip the following from the Re
novo Record of last week Arrange
incut* are being made by the I'. It. K.,
Co., to iiiMtall the telephone system In
tweeu this place ami Kane for the pur
pose of running trail -lead of by
telegraph, as Is Uouw at preswut.
TERMS: $2.00 —$1.501N ADVANCE.
First National Bank,
At the close of business, Jan. 18. 1911.
— A saving account in this Batik keeps your
money always working. No money comep eas
ier than interest mouey. once you have made a
start. It does not require a large amount to be
gin with, and tht re is no vacation period.
It keeps right on working for you, Day and
Night. Sundays and Holidays. Make a deposit
of whatever vou can spare, add to it whenever
possible, and in time your success is assured.
SI.OO Starts an Account.
I Rockwell Block, Emporium, Pa.
I Office over A. F. Yost's Shoe Store
j K.i poriom, i . l'2y
Emmanuel Church.
This Thursday evening a social will
j !>e given in the Parish House by Hon
; Joeiah Howard's Hible Class. All the
members of the Pariah are invited to
To-morrow, Friday evening, the
usualjservice will be held at. Emman
uel Church. This service is meant for
every member and friend of Emman
uel Church.
A special sermon that ought to be of
interest to those not members of the
Church will be delivered at Emman
uel Church next Sunday evening. The
subject will be "The Hypocrite- Shaii
the Church Cast Him Out?
The purchase of raw materials for
making the Lime-Sulphur sprays now
occupies the minds of many orchafd
ists in the Stat*, snd in reply for info#---.,
mation on ♦ his subject by an inquirer
from Lehigh county, Prof. H. A. Sur
face, State Economic Zoologist, Harris
burg, Pa., writes the following letter,
which may be found helpful to others:
"Limestone is composed of various
properties of calcium oxide and mag
nesium oxid together with other
chemical elements which occur as im
purities. For making the Lime-Sul
phur Solution the essential elements
in lime is thecalcium. Theretore, lime
burned from 'imeatone containing the
higher perct ntage of calcium are call
ed pur r lime than those containing
consid- rabl n» n< ium in combina
tion with oxygen, and in selecting your
!inu* lor us' in oi !i>. «■ Lime sul
phur Solution you will ./ tting more
loi your money by purchasing calcium
time titan magnesian, since it is the
calcium which unites with sulphur in
forming lue caicium supt ie, tnd this
is the active agent in destroying the
scalo insects in this spray.
"The terms "Italian" ui "Ameri
■an" when app;: I >. .n indicate
their origin and nt eir quality.
There are three grui c n< sulphur
which can he used in »■ > ;r the Lime
sulphur Solution. The ghcr priced
is the "sub!im< d'', or * Flowers" of
•Sulphur, which - made h evaporating
the native sulphur . I i (l-nsi.ig it
in cooled cliaml) -H, pi walls of
which it is deposit- ii j rtk'les.
"Flour'' of Sulphur i- g! tod brim
stone, and is as pure as the "Flowers."
Powdered Commercial Sulphur is made
by grinding or milling the native sul
phur as it is taken outo!the mines, and
is uot purilieil, e>>ntainh g, is it does
about one per cent, t l in; pi;: '.ilea or
insoluable material Ail three of these
grades of sulphur can be used in
making the Lime sulph;'." spray*, al
though the lower priced grades may
require a few miuutes longer boiling
than the more expensive Flowers ot
For Sale.
A farm consisting of 170 acres, ii) of
whieh L cleared, also house, barn,
stock, furniture and farm implement*
Situated about e-gui union uorth ot
Emporium. Apply to Pim-s ottice-.
Emporium Sui.i.l Club,
latsi eveuiug Weduesday the Em
purium Social Club held one of their
enjoyable dancei at opetu house A
large crowd wa« present and had a ttne
time. A three pie e orchrwtr.i furnish
etl the muMie for the IMCIIMOII
Court t'ldilo It r > lie
A Hradtmrv Piano is . nrei In good
NO. 49.