| Breezy 112 | County 1 | Netfs| ILL-IISYEPSMSELL HICKS RUN Mr«. Muj - Bailuy is on the si k list. Miss Ethel Hart left on Monday for Klpira. N. V , whore she will attend business t yet able to attend to her school duties. '■rant Dimes, who has just returned from Medix Bun, is now ill. x.x. No One tixpects It. Without tin; use of Sex ine I'ills a weak or run down per-uti cannot expect to become thoroughly strong. Sexine Pills are the Mrone. S. of A. banquet, Mon J day evening. XXX NORTH CREEK. Meetings were held in the school house last week l>y Rev. Hall. Rev. Shares as sisting. Meetings were transferred to the Rich Valley church, Sunday, and to i be continued for some time. Ethel Britton Sundayed at home. Ernest Hotisler and Ed. Cool were taking a vacation* Ed. visited the city Wednesday and Ernest Thursday, of last week. P. A. Levis ltd Henry Carter nIU on friends on West Creek and transacted | busiuess iu town Friday. Lor a and Helen McClenahan arc again | attending school. Both young ladies were very siek last week. Walter Smith transacted business in the city Friday and Tuesday. Kveral llousler and V M Dow visit - : ed the city on Saturday. Mrs. Clius. Itarr had the misfortune to ] fall and break her left arm near the wrist. last Saturday evening. She was taken ; to Dr. Heilmaii's office curly Sunday morning and had the fracture reduced and is getting along us well as can IM- ex peeled. Mrs. Florence ('mil has been quite i siek for some time. J. W, Lewis and Henry Carter trana acted busings in town Monday. V. M. Dow was quite ill last week, but is better again. Mrs. Annie llousler enjoyed a deigh j ride Suuday, Mrs, \ ine SwartwoiMl and Mrs. Vuuii White visited at Mr- McCleuithso * Suuday aim Mouday. After visiting it ih> bone I In- niece CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JANARY 12, 1911. January Clearance Sale $5.00 white check. The regular 50c M Reg price . . . 2.00, sale price . . . r.49 quality, sale price |,VV — Ladies and Misses Suits An odd lot of small colored A 1 $25.00 Suits reduced to sl6. Jsa.oo Black Broadcloth, sale price $1.50 • 1 ni 11 T* All 22.00 Suits reduced to 15.00 r -5° Navy Broadcloth, sale price 1.19 Ostrich rlumes and lips All Suits reduced to. 12.50 1.00 Myrtle Green Broadcloth, sale pr .79 Regular prices from sl.s° to $2.50 per All 16.50 Suits reduced to 11.00 1.25 Urown Broadcloth, sale price . 1.00 bunch or feather. < _ All 13.00 Suits reduced to <>.qß t > t> Iwi ' 1 IUA 0 1.00 Brown Broadcloth, sale price . . .78 Sale price ■ v All 12.00 Suias reduced to 7.q8 en T> iwi i • 1 ' ' 3 .S5 Brown Broadcloth, sale price . . .68 Mens Soft Shirts with Men's Black Fleeced Best quality American Best quality Flaneletes collars, the regular 50c Sox, the regular 15c prints, light navy or j in stripes and checks quality, sale price 39c quality sale price ll c grays s!^^r ei,,s 6c | Oc 25c Children's Knit Golf Gloves Flexible Flyers Less than Cost SI.OO Children's extra heavy All $2.00 Flyers reduced to $1.25 in small sizes onlv. Blacks ah 2.50 Fiyeis reduced to 1.66 Scotch Tam O'Shanters All 3.00 Flyers reduced to 1.98 and colors. Sale price pair Ilc *^^or^i g hi„our.toch,oc,oseout 3^ 1-4 off on all our Q 11 TII |k| T Emporium's 20 per cent. CHILDREN'S K |\lll H 111 F Greatest on all our COATS i*ULIIIILj Store. FURS i ~ Mrs. Solvesoo, Milton lirilliu returned on Tuesday to Rich \ alley, where lie stays with Mrs. Moore, another niece. Mrs. S. M.-Housler has been ill the past week. Winnie Chandler attended the oyster supper held at Frank Craven's reeently. Mrs. Solveson and Clendon Moore visited the city Tuesday. BLUE JAY. STERLING RUN. Carl Cromwell had his ankle injured quite badly Monday, by a piece of coal striking hiiu. John Kbersole ut Emporium was a visitor in town, Sunday. Mrs. Wright of Erie, was the guest o her mother Mrs. llerrick, this week. Lulu Lewis was a visitor at Emporium over Sunday. Mrs. Geo. L. Smith oi' Driftwood, wa» the guest of Mrs lit nick. Tuesday. C. very selious, Mrs. (it'd, Hill ol Diilt* ><< l wa* a visitor on Tiwwlny. Mrs W. L. I'ntn and Kihel Smith were at ih< county *'ai li-t Monday. Mr* Martin li< Ideu has i- iutn i fr«m her \ i-it at Kinporiuiu. IW« lIM( Kenovo, accompanied by twenty-four member* and the drum eorps ol Camp vs were pn-ent. \tter the installation .t • Hi • • 1 by ,\|r. Ilavcr ly, the members listened to some fine ad dres.se* by the visitiug Members and a few selection* by the drum corps, after which the Camp adjoiirued to enjoy the retrenhmeut*, which was served by the committe* asrtMed b) *i-ier* of Camp No ijJ IV O. ol A. Vfter refresh- Utelils llie lime W«s six lit iu Speeches, singing and music by the drum eor|* un til train time, wheu the visiting members lift for home with many hand shake< and pltanant is«*<«l nichl* With an tamest invitation lot Csmp I'Ml lu vi»it I 'amp MS iu Ihe |t t...fit.■ , woodsman and farmer, is doiug a line business this season supplying the good people of Emporium with stove wotsl, which he is cutting from his timber lot. William has purchased the Siople prop erty and intends to conduct extensive farming operations during the coming sea sou, aud also will operate an up-to-date poultry farm agisted by Mr. Clayton Toner. William is oue of our broad guage farmers aud reads the rites- Success to him. Thomas Jalloti killcti a latgu wild cat 'ii Mi lie Hill Saturday < vcnin. Ih* - animals are very numerous this season Mi»» Ethel Fisher look the l\ II 11,, examination tor telegraphy at Iteuovu, Monday. Mi » Fi»her ha* mastered the |irofetw>lol» aud her sUCt'en* is lew ill id. Her man) (fiends eitiutl congratulation*. Julio * liatclicider, ol Stuiiuiiiahouing, itud J bn J< rdau, of Huntley, called 011 t (iterator Sulliyau, at the tower Satuiday tliey art* working on a new prcpaialtou Arthur B. Hopkins has accepted a I position as teamster lor F. J. Norton. S. W. Berfield lost a valuable cow re | cently—%e are sorry tor his misfortune Mrs. Frank Maurer, of Emporium, spent Sunday with her parents. ! Fred Norton's foot-bridge was destroy ed by the high wind Sunday bight. for bear bait to use next fall, which ; promises to surpass all former efforts in ! that line. L. Andrus while bringing a load ot logs from the woods to Spangler's mill Saturday, broke the tongue from hi sleigh and was forced to abandon the load until assistance arrived. Section Foreman John Lawson, of | Beechwood, called on Operator Sullivan at the tower Saturday. A sleighing party consisting ot youug people from Truman and Beechwood, en joyed a trip to Kinporiuui Saturday even ing. Prothoootary \V. J. Leavitt, of Ern poriutu, spent Sunday with parents at this place. Clate ToWDei and Herman Close are the champion dog trappers of this vicin ity, having trapped two line specimens. ; oim' belonging to Toner himselt and the u ther to Operator Mathewson. There is j gome talk of a closed season ou this jsp ies of game during the next lew year*, to give them a chance to in crease in numbers, they being somewhat scarce in this sectiou. T<> help this good cause along Mr. Bert Close has seven uiiO pups about four weeks old, all ot the right s> rt, which we understand he is willing to contribute to the tood cause. Anyone wishing one will receive same by dropping Mr. Cloms a card. I*. S.—Bert says this otter only holds yood for live days so don't delay. J. •». HOWARD SIDIMIi. MaMer George I'iper, of Kniporiutn, attended revival services la>t Saturday evening. llernuu Clum* aceompauied him li'iine, Sunday morning, and at tended M. K. Chureb and Suuday SehiKil. Mi** Kiliel Ki*lier took » huoiui < i rip to Kouovk >'ii Monday. Mr*. John I'tper anil t»n children, ol Ktupoiium, »|h*m Saturday oiuht *iid Sunday with Her pareuU Mr. and Mr*. S. I'arkft. SeVt*ml from Wilt t ie' H atteuded - I vice* hurt Saturday eveniuw al*» Mr*. Mutiny, ol Ktupoiiuut. NV« tt« liaviu «IidIIiHI uieetii), - aud a 1 »