Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, January 12, 1911, Image 5

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I.ook (lut I'orYotirHlOtk an<l
your Stock will look Out
tor Yuu. (iive tilt-in
Daisy Dairy Feed
A perfectly balanced cattle feed of
superior quality, containing over 15
per cent, portein.
Emporium, Pa., Nov. 30, 1910.
NKMOF'IULA, per *ack $ 1 10
Felt'fl PAlley, •* 1 66
Pet Grove, *• i no
Boiler meal •• 80 " 70
Graham M 70
New Buckwheat Plour. 2-1 lb. sack, 75 I
New Buckwheat Plour. 10 lb. sack, 35 !
Coarse Meal per 100, 1 2">
Ch<»p Peeft " 125
Cracked Corn per 100 125
White .>'• Idling i 60
Bran, 136
< Thicken W heat 1 s ''
Screenings " 126
Oil Meal " 1 95
Corn per bushel 7o
Whit < Oatß. IHT bushel, ' >
Oyster Shells, per 100 75
Sterling Chick K< d 2 00
Sterling Scratch Feed 1 80
Daisy Dalrv Feed 11"
Call Meal. 50 lbs., l »<>
Cotton See<i Meal, l 80 :
Mara mot h«' ■ Seed p* rbu 10 68 ;
Medium lover Seed, " 1" 50
Alsyke Clover Seed, " 10 59 !
Timothy Seed. 14 5 00 j
German Millet Seed. " 2 25 |
Contribution* invited. That which you toon Id \
ike to see in this department Jet us know hypo •- j
(al card* letter or personally.
Mrs. John T. Howard, went to Kane
last Friday evening, where she spent
a few days with friends.
Hon. John McDonald, of Driftwood, j
was a business caller at this place for a j
short time last Thursday.
A. B. Brewer, of Ridgway, was a
business called at Emporium between
trains last Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Elizabeth Vallis and Miss Clara
Younge were pleasant PRESS office
visitors last Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Erskine called on
friends at St. Marys last Friday, re
turning home on the evening train.
Nathan Silin, of Sinnamahoning,
was a business caller at this place last
Friday and was at The Warner. I
Misses Rose Smith and Kathryn
Markert spent a few hours calling on
triends at St. Marys, last Friday even
Messrs. Charles E. Leutze, Robert
Weiman and Carl Swanson called on
friends at St. Marys, last Sunday even
E. B McKee, who has been spend
ing the past week visiting his patents
at Pittsburg, returned to this place on
Miss Hazel Crawford, who has been
guest of' Miss Marion Rentz for the
past.:ten days, returned to her home al
Warren, Monday afternoon.
Miss Alicia Swain, of Gardean, spent
Saturday and Sunday in town, guest
at the home of F. P. Rentz and family,
West Fourth street.
A. W. Nebelius returned to Empori
um last Friday, after spending the
holidays, with friends in New York
City and various other places.
Messrs. H. M. Olmsted and J. Ray
mond Cook, of Ridgway, and John
Ellis of St. Marys, spent Sunday in
town, guests at their respective homes
W. H. Marsh bank, who has held the
position of bookkeeper at the duPont
Powder plant at this place, for the past
year, has been tranfered to Gibbstown,
N. J., and will leave for that place on
Lon M. Ent, of Ridgway, Prothono
tary of Elk county, made a business
trip to this place, last Saturday, in re
gard to probating the will of the late
William Buck.
Major Coffenberg, Government
Dynamite Inspector, has returned to
Emporium and will again take up the
duties of inspecting the dynamite
made here for Government use.
F. F. Kirk, of Cross Fork, Pa., a
former business man of this county,
spent a short time in town last Satur
day, renewing acquaintances. He was
guest at The Warner.
Mrs. Claude Lowbangh, who spent a
short time in town last week, at
home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Logan, re
turned to her home at Ridgway, Satur
day afternoon.
Mrs. M. Epley and children, accom
panied by Mrs. E's mother, Mrs. Kath
ryn Murray, departed for Hambleton,
W. Va., last Saturday morning. Mrs.
Epley will make her future home at
Messrs. Fred Auchu and Thomas, Jr., returned to Niagara
Falls last Sunday afternoon, after
spending a few days in town, guests of
relatives and friends.
S. J. Rail, of Sunbury, Pa., spent
Sunday in town guest of friends. Mr.
Rail makes numerous visits to Empori
um, and he certainly enjoys the moun
tain scenery. Besides the scenery he
enjoys the society of one of our highly
esteemed young ladies Don't blame
him a particle.
Misses Kate Welsh and Grace
Metzger, two of Emporium's popular
stenographers,were pleasant social nnd
business eallere at the PJMSHS on Mon
day. Call again ladies.
lion. F. X. Hl tint 1•• made u bualuetK
trip to St. Al.irjM last Friday.
Mrs. Mury Shadman received her
New Years dinner from 11 sister at
Brookland, Illinois.
Miss Sadie Moran, of Coudernport,
visited iii Emporium over Sunday,
guest of Miss Sadie Edwards.
Mrs Grant S. Vought went to Kane
this iThursday) morning, where she
will spend a short time visiting friends-
Mrs. Wm. Buck, of Ridgway, spent
few hours in Emporium on Tuesday
afternoon, transacting business.
C. 11. Cordie, of Sinnamahoning,
spent Sunday in town, guest at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Seger.
A. W. Phillips, of Sinnamahoning,
spent a short t*ime in Emporium on
Tuesday evening, transacting busi
Chas. J. Lambert, chemist for the
U. S. Geological Survey, arrived m
town, Tuesday afternoon to again take
up his duties.
Mrs. 0. E. Grandell and daughter,
Miss Elizabeth, returned to their home
at this place 011 Tuesday, after spend
ing a week at Pittsburg and Dußois.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hayes arrived in
town on Sunday, after an extended
wedding trip. They are now domi
ciled in their pleasant home on Fifth
Mrs. Evans 1 , who has been spending
a short time in town, guest of her
daughter, Mrs. B. G. Eiskine, returned
to her home at Warren, Tuesday
John Robinson, foreman for the
Ritter-Conley Company, who are mak
ing the repairs at the Emporium Iron
Company's plant, spent Sunday at
Danville Pa., guest of Mr. and Mrs.
William Benty.
Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Heilman went to
Ridgway this (Thursday) morning
where they will attend the annual ban
quet of the Elk County Medical
Society, which will be held this even
Mrs. John Robinson was called to
Detroit, Mich., on December 30th, to
attend the funeral of her brother's
wife, Mrs. Robert Stably, who died
very suddenly, on the 20th.
W. H. G. Walker, manager of the
Penn Vitrified Brick plant at Cameron
has moved his family from that place
to Buffalo, X. Y. Mr. I). H. Robert
son remains in charge of the plart.
Mrs. Nellie Danforth, accompanied
by her grand-£on B:.y Mur ' >agh, wire
PRESS business callers last Saturday.
Mrs. D., reports her mother, Mrs. S. S.
Hacket, very feeble.
P. R. R. Supt. W. G. Coughlin and
party made a business trip over the
Division Tuesday. The train was in
charge of Conductor John Floyd and
Engineer Simon Meisel with Engine
H. C. Olmsted departed to-day
(Thursday) for Lumberton, N. C.,
where he will spend the next two
months, guest at the home of W. E.
Jackson and family.—Mrs. Jackson
being a daughter of Mr. Olmsted. .Mr.
Olmsted deserves this much needed
Miss Violet Swansou, one of the in
teresting little daughters of Mr. and
Mrs. W. Swanson, made the PRESS
office a business call, Wednesday after
noon, renewing the paper for another
Josiah Fisher, who was called to
Plumbville, Pa., last week on account
of the serious condition of his father,
aged 79 years, returned home on Satur
day. His brother Chas. remains with
his father, assisting in caring for him.
W. E. Gore, of Cross Fork, made a
business call to Emporium on Wednes
day and did not forget the PRKSS of
fice, having called to pay his subscrip
tion for another year. Mr. Gore is one
of the valued employees of the Good
year Lumber Company.
Mrs. Seth J. Hackett and daughter,
MihS Alfietta, of East Emporium, were
the guests of Mrs. William V. Harvey
at Austin, Pa., lasi Wednesday and
Thursday. They attended a social
function on Wednesday and Thursday.
E. E. Breene, a former clerk at The
Warner, has resigned his position as
clerk at Hotel Clinton, at Renovo, and
has accepted a similar occupation at
Rochester, N. Y., with W. G. Gilbert
at Hotel Eggleston. Mr. Breene spent
a short time in town the last of the
week, calling 011 112 riends.
Miss Edna Auchu, accompanied by
her father, Mr. Henry Auchu and Dr.
W. H. Bush, departed for Philadelphia
last Sunday evening, where Miss Edna
is receivtng treatment at Medico-Chi
hospital by Dr. 1,. Webster Fox. Mr.
Auchu returned to Emporium, Tues- !
day morning and reports Miss Edna ■
doing as well as can be expected.
Fred J. Keim, Jr., formerly with the j
Emporium Drug Company, spent a \
few days at Austin last week. Last
Sunday evening Mr. Keim departed I
for Philadelphia, where he will spend
a short time. Fred made many friends j
in Emporium during the time he has
acted as manager of the Emporium
Drug Company's store and we regret
his departure. We sincerely hope
that he may decide to locate in Em
(i o. A. Walker, while very busy , CAMERON
with county matters refer* ill intern- Tie ('anii icn bey.- will have to "«i n
gator* to Jan. J. Cwighton as tore- neW roost j Dt , p | a( ; ()i K ,| [ ,j„,
P»rt« concerning private social mat- ■ ... « •' , J
lers. (Jeo. begs to be given more " " (, i'
time, while he reports progress along We uru sorry to learn that Mrs. .John
the line and will make good in the , Schwab is on the sick list. We hope for
future. The Pkkhs readers may ex- hor hpP( . dv recovery,
pect their barronial envelopes in the ; ' * i
near future. Ask Creighton. < W. H. («. Walker has moved his
Joh. M. Hutler, Henry Ely and WM. family to liutlalo.
Mangold,-of Port Allegany, Pa , were We arc L-lad to see Miss McDonald
guests of Chas. L. Hutler, at Commer- , .
cial Hotel, Tuesday evening. "Mending her school again.
Miss Helen M.J ones, of Morris, Pa., Mrs. Maude Mer»er and Mrs. li. F.
will sing next Sabbath in the First < omley were Emporium callers this
Methodist Episcopal Church at both week.
the morning and evening service. .. .. . , ,
Miss Jones is said to be an evangelistic .' ", 0 • ' <,un o roade a business
I gospel singer of more than ordinary tn P to Hcuovo one day last week,
ability. j Susie Sullivan went to Port Alle
| gany to work with her sister at the Sart-
County Auditors. : we || |Jott?l
The County Auditors are in session, . ... , , ~ , , .
... .' Gertrude Iloatr returned to her
tussleing with the accounts of the ■ ■ . , , ~ ~, i i .
. .. . >. .. • .! school at Lock Haven. We are dad to
county. Mr. J. M. Davison, the expert ( „ , • , • , • ,
J . . . , „ , in ar she is making good success in her
accountant, is acting as clerk for the slu ,]j Ct!
board. I George Walker is learning telegraphy
w. j -tr *r. | under teacher Harvey.
Its Your Kidneys. .Mi*» Mildred Hazlett hi.s accepted a
position at the Alpine House at Sterling
' Don't Histake the Cause of Your Imn- ,
Toubles. An Emporium Citizen I'red Armstrong and George Edwards,
Shows How to Cure Them | of '''Uporiuni. were town callers one dav
Many people never suspect their I la *' . weok> Boy's stay away from the
kidneys. If suffering Iron, a lame, weak : ch, J. en , wh V re ~u;re " ru ~ ad ( »« 8 -
or aching back they think that it is only j . :}'** ll , ose 00(J wa , B il btcrl,n - llun
a muscular weakness; when urinary ' VISI / °" C th . ,s Week ,
trouble sets in tl.ev think it will soon cor . L K t . , I , " nniD I ,ado a justness
rect itself. And so it is with all the other tr, «' at ' hls l' 1™? J'"
symptoms ot kid,a '-orders. This is j >Jr ' au ' l ™ r *- '' iirve y . Ku "
just where the da, lies. You must | »« vo , «P e "t Years with his sister,
cure these troubles they may lead to '. s , V. w lV' ~ ..
diabetis or Bright, disease. The best I KM * and
remedy to use is Doan's Kidney Pills. J arre ° McConnell attended Court at
It cures all ills which are caused by weak ' •<niporiu,n on . (),h ay.
or diseased kidneys. Emporium people i A "> '"A v ' kmr ! n S - ood call
testily to permanent cures. on lvi. krapc. l-irst treat meat free of
G. F. Baleom, Sixth street, Kmpori- 1 I,ir ?- ( -
um, J'a , says:"For about three years T 1
have used Doan's Kidney l'ills, procured Look foT the Be"e Hive.
at 1 aggart s Drug Store and have found , ,
them to be a reliable remedy. 1 would „° D th " 112 J a K« W,ICD >'" U bu >' , 1,ol( ?y 8
, • .■ ... i . Honey <ioil lar tor coughs and colds,
not recommend tins preparation it I did v • > T T . n
,i .i . v-a • •. 1 None genuine without the Bee Hive,
not have the strongest faith m its curative i,, , . „ , , ~ ,
• - ! Kemember the name, J'oleys Honey and
For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents.! '!> rand r ' - i( ; , ' t ""J Sold by
Foster-Milbum Co., Buffalo, New York, _
sole agents Itemcniber the name / Latest Popular Music.
Dunn sand take no other. Miss May Gould, teacher of piano I
•—-• j fort has received a full line ofthelat
Old Soldier Tortured. eßt anfi m ° flt popular sheet music. All
, t ,j i iii t* lo popular airs. Popular and class-
I'or years I suffered unspeakable tor ; ca ] mUrtic . Prices reasonable,
ture from indigestion, constipation and j 44-tf
liver trouble," wrote A. K. Smith a war :
veteran at Erie, Pa., ''but Dr. King's MARRIED.
New Life Pills fixed me all right.: TTTTi . ,>,> v. .>
„ . . . ~ n iMcl.fc.OD—l OH Ml. At the parsonage of the
I ney re Simply great. Iry thorn for First Methodist lipiscopal Church, of Kmpori
,my stomach, liver or kidney trouble.! SMs MirlS^iiSlS;
(July 25e at all druszuists. 1 both of fJrimwood, were united in mar
nage by liev. «F. F. Anderson.
Death in Roaring Fire A E? T- •
may not result from the Wurk of tin?- A FREE TRIAL j
bugs, but often severe bum- uio caused "*T PACKAGE Hcrb°?ia
tllJlt make ;) rjuicjc Deed l<jr liuckleu ' >c ® cn ' anyone who will write
Arnica Salvo, the quick est. suro>t cun: L Royal Med. Co., I.e Roy, N.Y.
1 This old established preparation lias
for burns, wounds, bruises, bolles, SoICS. ** achieved n lariie sale on aceount of its
h il, •ji |. |*i) . • 3R. PARK great merit in all cases of C«nstipa
sutxlues mflummaton. It k|ll> jam- a Famous lion, DlfioiJhness, Sick Head-
It HJOthes and heals. Drives off skin £ crm ® n ffhe. Nervousness, Kidney and
. / v i rnyhiciaa Liver trouble. Only 2s Cents.
eruptions, ulcers or piles. Only Jac at
all druggists.
or™» i pnntiniiorl
Mr. S. D. McCoole, whose illness lIBIRII 11111 II 8 I
was caused by a fall, has been in a W 1111 11 U
serious condition for some time, but is
now improving. Oa|
County Commissioner Kvcider is l I JI 111 Iff Jt ILJ
spending the week Emporium, wUIIU I ffl 11|
settling tip the accounts of the year. J
Mr. B. Nefcy, who slipped on the ice | j <
and fell, was confined to the house for In OrQCr tO CICSn
Beveral days out our entire stock
Miss Hall and Miss Adelaide King, of "UIOUI CIIIII C 51UCIV
Pittsburg, were guests at the home of q£ IJ |MPJAW
the Hon. John McDonald, a few days . . t
last week. lates, regular prices
Mrs. Ilimes has sufiiciently recover- CO/» A CO
ed from her illness to be able togo to OUC ailQ OUC^
Medixßun. offer for sale at the
Several of the Driftwood boys atten- J 1 • C
ded the meeting of the Mite Society at reuUCed DfICCS Ol
the home nf Rev. Runyan, Sinnamaho-
ning, on Friday evening of last week. _ ..
Mrs. Earl Saunders has been visiting JDC Dei" iD
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Brook- on r
bank, this place. 3 luS 101' SI.OO
Mrs. J. D. Winslow visited in Em- , -
porium on Wednesday last. Other Candies at Reduced Prices
Mrs. P. O. O'Connor, who has been I _
in Williamsport for some time, has re- ; jfcjlx Qi CU«
turned to her home. I Phone 21
X'. X 11 |
|l| The Imperial Kitchen Elevator I
§ Holds Everything for lire Table
It is out of sight and out of mind
until you push the button, then im
mediately in reach, without physical
effort. It changes ill health to good
health, bad temper to a pleasant dis-
The Cellar is the Best Place
to Keep Things for the Table i
Some one must fe f ch them and take
them back again. It is back-break
ing, time-consuming, devitalizing,
routine work, and the energy ex
pended shows no reault.
FISHER & WRIGHT, District Agents,
Emporium, Pa.
<JTff*?* r iCPirTi'X# fBHU jyn~.t J. ~
i "Peerless" Crushed Oyster Shells |
This ideal Pure Pood for Chickens has made Poultry
and Eggs the farmers great money makers
Er% T) A E
I guaranteed' 1. Jl down" 0
Producer The Satisfactory Store
give more
milk, Prevents Disease H
I PRATT'S the world's standard 39years 8
Close Prices for Prompt Payers
Friday and Saturday, this week
I "Clover Hill" Butter, the pure kind 36c lb. ■
7 lbs best Rolled Oats 25c. £
. Ka-u-Ka Coffee, compare with any 30c coffee. 4 lbs £3
for SI.OO.
10 cakes Proctor & Gamble's Polo Soap for 25c. I
X S C Imported Macaroni, any style, lb 12c.
120 c Burnham and Morrill's Pork and Beans can 18c
15 can Rum ford Baking Powder y> lb 12' >c.
5c Sardines, packed in oil, 6 boxes for 25c" H
Regular $1.25, No. 9 Wash Boiler 99c. " A
Regular 14 qt "Old English" Gray Enamel Dish I
Regular 10c Drip Pan size 10 x 12 inches ~c.
_ Regular $2.50 Decorated Toilet set one only $1.69
I Sanitary Baltimore Shucked Oysters I
& Lake Fish
I Delivery to all Parts of Town Twice g
Each Day.
I You Get Better Values Here. 1
L 1 ' lone 6. Emporium. ||
m mtam © •■■■■• ; r ohhhhhi
———— m
Jasper Harris'j
Opposite Post Office, EMPORIUM PA.
s P
1 Jasper Harris 112
ji,, _ _ ....... »
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