iI. SEGER i> GO'S. THIRD ANNUAL This includes our entire stock of Clothing, Etc., all newly purchased for our trade from! It le best manufacturers of the country. We are determined to reduce our stock and pro-! pose giving our customers the benefit of the great slaughter in prices. First class, reliable 8 goods at low prices. Call and see us, the prices will do the talking. 1 I Men's Suits snd Overcoats Men's Overcoats and Raincoats Children's Suits at Sacrifice Prices I ■ s Black Thibets, reg. price $lO. Sale price $7.75 Men's Fine Overcoats, regular price sls, $16.50, $lB and S2B. Children's two-piece and three-piece Suits, to sell for $2.75, ■ .ffii '* I )re ~ > Worsteds, all colors and sizes, value 812. Sale <, . . A-1 q 1 q pz.r\ 1 r\ r\ -1 j+i -1 q •>.•>'». 3.7;), 4. (Ml, 4. •>( 1, and 80.00. Sale ' | dSQ/m Sale price^l^.OO,l3.so, 15.00 and SIB.OO cbi r/c O/IE or»c 00c T /1 /IK 1 SB-49 Mou's linin c™ts. ,» e „ia,- „,i«s sio.oo to 820.00. s»ic i'™* " sl-75. 2.45. 2 95. 3.95 and 4.45 g t' nth' - Dre-« Suit-, -old for 87.50, lO.tlO, 12.00. Sale ' ' i I jni.-c. - - $ and 8.49 Y fi \ u. ' Pants at Prices Lesss"Than Cost to Make. | ■ • v i outh s good wear and dressy Overcoats, bought to sell for ■ I di. Fine Wor.-teds. Vicunas and Thibet.-, bought to sell for _ _ Men's Work Pants, 81.00 values,.. 89c R 1 B . ' >(»..>(>, (..»(>, 10.(10 and 12.00. I 810 S|.|. SI.-,. „„d $lO. ml» price. SIO.OO to 15.00 „ . . a . „ 0 , no „ nn , onn Men » AVoretcd oncl Cotl,more rants, «LU)O to 3.00 volueo. - - . $1.50 to 2.00 $1.25 tO \ big line ot Children's Overcoat*. .Ages 4to 14. Begular Men's Dress Pants, 83.00 to 3.00 val., from $2.25 tO 3.75 | M, . Fine Overcoats reg. price 813.(0., Sale price $9.98 price 84.50 to 8.00. Sale price - $2.98 to 5.98 Children's Panto. 30c, 78c, Sl.OOval.. 39C,59C and 79C I " ~ ii Wnndprflli ur re P u^a^on f° r selling reliable goods is unquestioned. We handle only . ' o the best makes and have no old goods to unload on you. Come in and a look our stock over and see the wonderful bargains we offer in every department of our store. | A List of the Many Bargains that Await You, so Come Early B Men's Fit Lined Fn lerwear, 50c val., sale price 39c Men's Heavy Wool Hose, f>(ic values - - 39C DOIIPI SHOFSI Patent Colt, Velour Calf, I Men'n all wool Shirts and Drawers, SI.OO. Side price 79c Men's Cashmere Hose, 25c values - - - 19c Box Call and Gun Metal I Men s Fine Medium Heavj Weight Underwear, value 81.50. Men's Heavy Wool Hose, 25c values - - 19c Men's Shoes, regular 82.00 at - - - $1.79 I sale price .... $1.25 Me 's I Hack Dress Sox, 25c values ... 19c Mc i's Shoes, regular 82.50 at - 1.98 |l I M.-n's Overshirts. sth values - - - 39 C Men s Dress (iloves. regular 81.00 and 1.50. Men's Shoes, regular 83.00 at - - - 2.49 B M< i - lilue and Orav Flannel Overshirt-, 81.00 val,. 79C u •w i ■ <-i , - , Men s Shoes, regular 83.50 at - - - 2.95 ■ _ .Men s Working (doves, regular ode and SI.OO kind. Novv .... 39c ind 79c Men's Shoes, regular 84.00 at - - 3.25 $1.40 and 1.60 Men's and Hoys' Caps, regular 25c, 50c and SI.OO kind. I Men's High Top in Tan Rlucher. reg. $5.00 and (J.oo. now 400 I 1 !1 vid \VL te Work - 39C Now ... 19c to 79c ' ' 11 || 30 C Men's $2.00 Black and Pearl Stiff and soft Hats - $1.49 Neckwear 100 tO 390 | * ply Linen Collars 100 11 and 2.«' MI Shirts. Men - $2.50 s«»ft and Stiff Hats, all color- - 1.79 Umbrellas Trunks, Batfs and Suit Cases at I 1 1 * - 790, 1.19. 1.79 Men's $3.00 Soft and stiff Hate, all colors 2.25 Greatly Reduced Prices. " 1 [I AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED DOUGLAS SHOES j . 4r 'r„,.*v « PlcaS£ Roi,lembel ' date, January 14th, 1911 iwt '«** "» I trntu a county will ur °P ei " n g l> e a re( l letter day. Profits thrown to the wind. This quick move Opening Date, vtji uuve nil i Reduction Sale will abound with saving opportunities, which will surpass anything ever SATURDAY Jan Clothing opportunity held in this county. It will be wise to come early and get first choice, as the best usually goes first; but come anyway. We will have bargains enough for all. NO 14th 1911 El R SHARE GOODS CHARGED DURING THIS SALE. EVERYTHING IS STRICTLY CASH. At BA. M. R. SEGER & CO. Next door to First National Rank EMPORIUM, PA. ' II - *- J**- - t •» HB - ■ * ■■■■■• WMVMMM4I ■ vr JH*. mj | CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY. JANUARY 12, 1911.
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