Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, January 12, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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H. H. MULLIN, Editor and Proprietor
Published Every Thursday
With motion pictures In the schools,
■who would not be a child again?
Horse shows will never pass away
with the consent of the dressmakers.
"Ball players wanted at Panama."
A good battery could dig In and rnako
a hit.
They are going to try coasting down
hill on aeroplane bobsleds in Massa
That pastor who's going to get a
chicken shower must hope that they
■won't be Hocks.
A Wellesley girl has been expelled
for getting married. That's a fine
state of affairs!
A New York man has been de
clared insane because he couldn't play
fridge. Oh you happy lunatic!
A Chicago university professor re
iterates that the sun is growing cold.
Must have exhausted itself last #jum
A highwayman held up three De
troit women and robbed them. Two
nail files and a powder-rag constituted
his reward.
•Vviation costumes will be needed
next season, and every dressmaker
knows such costumes must have elas
tic necks.
One way to conserve the pine for
ests Is to adopt iron or steel as the
proper material for telegraph and elec
tric light poles.
A young couple was married in an
auto running at 60 miles an hour. This
was marriage in haste and no doubt
a real joy ride.
A poets- union has been organized In
fc'ew York. Only poets who can write
poetry which nobody will understand
are to be eligible.
Kansas City nor/ bars fireworks.
s*"ext July it will doubtless issue a
that people buy their
fchristmas presents early.
One of the daring aviators boasted
because he crossed the Delaware in
an aeroplane. What would George
Washington say to that?
Evidently we are not growing bet
ter as fast as we should. A new fed
eral penitentiary, to cost $3,000,000.
la to be built at Atlanta.
There is said to be a craze in Eu
rope for things American, even Amer
ican slang. But most American slang
is nothing togo crazy about.
While It Is true that an aviator has
flown from ship to shore, yet people
are not yet clamoring to be rescued
from shipwrecks by that method.
Prof. Knox of the Seattle Mental in
stitute, says that if a person will think
it strong enough, he will live forever.
Wonder how soon he expects to die.
Pennsylvania, in consequence of a
big cabbage crop, will be in no dan
ger of a sauer kraut famine, and re
joicing is germane to the occa
A Long Island judge has ruled that
SB,OOO a year is "plenty for the educa
tion of any girl of 16." Some of the
girls will regard him as a mean old
The Panama canal gates will weigh
60,000 tons. It will be some Hallow
een stunt for the international bad
boy to hang them on a neighbor's
A Virginia man is unable to remem
ber his own name. He ought to be
valuable as a professional juror or a
dummy director for some of tho big
It has been demonstrated that small
childn n like rag dolls better than ex
pensive kinds of dolls. At their ten
der age the price tag has not got
them bluffi d.
A man fell three feet last week and
broke his. neck. On the same day a
man fell a mile in an aeroplane and
was iji t Injured Pedestrians should
carry aeroplam »
When men have succeeded perfect
ly I<i • win ming like a fish and flying
like i bird, there *.u:i remain for
mankind to emulate the basking In
Are of a alai.i wider
Sin Krsnelwo iMilnta v. Ith pride to
the fiu-t that lu haw Hire, suburbs
with a combined population of more
than -Mi, ho and In that reap* c-t beats
any other American city except New
I lulu Hum wl;-.e|y t.elleve* that the
from n. v>hi» run to -pend thou
• abroad for Jewelry and gown*
wl'i whlrh <i iw /1»■ ii.i. folks at
hunti rail also afford to pay ths duty
on than.
Prom the later returns It wout4
atd'ii tl lit »||<l lM i»Wi | fOple lif Ktig
land do u< • *• at Ameri. an dol
lars" n»«< b »'-re* than the lability
4f> Tk< - i 'M-"i ink' theui ipiiti *o
• Mini l»*|i< allj< »• the 'lth d il«Bi' *i,
ba> iu»h the/ gvt them lit fttu ,4 mi ail
0t ajJiuutiU.
Republican Journal Strongly Urges the
Creation of Such a Body, and
Gives Reasons Why Move
Is Wise.
The present Republican congress
will not content Itself with the transac
tion of merely routine business during
its closing session this winter. Of that
there is now reasonably good assur
ance. An earnest effort will be made
to comply with at least one—and that
the most Important —of the demands
which were emphasized by the people
at the polls.
An organized movement to reunite
the Republican party, on the tariff
commission issue, has already made
good headway. The insurgents have
taken the initiative and their efforts
are being seconded by the president of
the National Tariff Commission asso
Out of 219 Republican members of
the house, 169 come from states whose
Republican conventions have indorsed
the tariff commission principle. Of the
62 Republicans in the senate, 46 have
been commanded by their state plat
forms to vote for a tariff commission,
or something of the kind. With regard
to the 16 others, the state platforms
either have not mentioned this sub
ject or no platform has been adopted.
The final showing is that the tariff
commission idea has been approved by
©very state in the middle west and ail
but two of the eastern states —Maine
and Pennsylvania. These two have
not opposed the plan, but merely ig
nored it.
Support is expected from Democratic
congressmen. In 36 Democratic con
ventions no mention was made of a
tariff commission. Utah and Califor
nia indorsed the principle. In Minne
sota, South Dakota and Wisconsin the
Democrats denounced the Republican
recommendations of a commission as
a mere subterfuge, leaving the infer
ence that they favored the plan. In
seven states no Democratic conven
tions were held. It. is ditftcult to be
lieve that all the unpledged Democrats
in the house will oppose what is so
apparently the popular will regarding
such a tremendously Important issue.
Some of the standpat senators and
representatives are already admitting
that tariff legislation may be expected
this session. Moreover, President Taft
is letting them know that he intends
to stand firm in his demand for a per
manent tariff commission. He is in
sisting that it shall be created during
the present session. This is having
an effect on the standpatters, as few
of them wish to come to an open break
with the administration.
A poll of the members indicates that
a genuine tariff commission bill can
pass the house. The hope is strong
that the scrate may be forced to ac
cept it. The outlook is promising that
congress will accomplish this great
work of taking the tariff out of politics
and placing it on a strictly business
basis. The opportunity here presented
to the Republican majority to redeem
their party and themselves in the eyes
of the people should not be sacrificed.
—Cleveland Leader.
Tariff and Cost of Living.
If the Payne tariff act is responsible
for the advance in cost of living which
has taken place In Kngland, Germany,
Belgium, France and the other indus
trial countries of Europe, then the
United States must be a larger factor
in the world's economy than any of
our spread-eagle orators imagine. Ex
cept as it has given more employment
and better wages to workers the tar
iff has not advanced the cost of living
in the United States. As the tariff
furnishes more money to the worker
than he would otherwise have, It en
ables him to eat better things, to wear
better clothes, and to have more con
veniences and comforts for himself
and his lanii'.y. To the extent that the
worker Is enabled lo make more pur
chases and enjoy more of the desir
able things of life, the tariff has ad
vanced tho cost of living. The Amer
ican worker who is willing to live in
the same style and to suffer the same
discomforts as bis European counter
part will find the cost very little great
er here than he does there. Hut
what American, native, naturalized or
alien, Is willing to live in th<- squalid
fashion of men in his craft in Eu
rope? Let Democrats turn to this as
pect of tho question and tell us what
they think of it.
Wage Earner In Good Position.
The v ape earner has something left
ovr after paying th<- high prices the
Democrats inaku so much of, as Is
shown by til.) SJ,O'O.OIIO.IIHO of depos
its In American savings banks In
freo irad< Great llrltain the wage earn
have hud to stop eating ham and
bacon They cannot pa> tho Increased
prices l.ipton's i Limited t, one of the
largest «<f Drills!) wholesale grocery
hnufcts, reported at Its last annual
meeting (hat Its sal' s of ham and ha
. on had lulli-n off ■ •• ♦. i, • ■ in*.-
of poverty among *ag» earners Hut
th« protected «uik« earners of tin-
I'ultcil Htut> i have not stopped buy
ing and fStliiK hams aud bacon Their
w>,K<-s will buy more than nw i>*
I lent* >'f ats who are In the minority
>n the pre '*ni house of represent*
itves, have ali . ad) obsiiucilv
: Hi* Well, the spectacle of Itemo
• Mil' coti it reus Mim proposing v> t»-
•rui Ilv.. S. WOII would fce tiuiv<|Mig
*rw w*4 rav). Mould il not?
Congress Will Do Well if It Provider
for a Permanent Tariff
Apart from the motives arid Inten
tions, there is no inherent conflict be
tween the position of the president, as
taken in the message, on the ques
tion of immediate tariff policy and the
resolution introduced by Senator Cum
mins. Indeed, a joint rule precluding
"amendments" calculated to reopen
the whole subject and insuring delib
erate revision "schedule by schedule"
was advocated by Mr. Taft himself
early in the congressional campaign.
However, the uassage of the Cum
mins resolution would not entail any
actual work on the tariff at this ses
sion of congress. The tariff board,
we know, will not be ready to report
on any schedule between now, and
March, and we also know that it is
studying the very schedules which, ac
cording to the administration itself, de
mand iirst attention, being "indefens
ible." The suggestion that congress
should ignore the board and go ahead
on its own account is irrational, since
—nothing would be gained by such a
course, not even time, while much
support and public confidence would
certainly be lost.
The president recommends the
wisest policy. This session would do
enough for downward revision if it
would convert the board into a perma
nent tariff commission of experts and
clothe it with adequate authority to se
cure information. What all want is
trustworthy information and revision
with a minimum of friction. That de
sideratum would be subserved by a
strong commission and a joint resolu
tion committing Congress to the princi
ple of piecemeal revision. Those Dem
ocratic senators and representatives
who are indorsing this program are
sagacious and broad-minded.
They Opened Up Our Zinc Mines and
Improved the Lithograph
Just two instances of the benefits in
a few things on which the tariff was
raised, Senator Depew writes in Les
lie's. The zinc industry in the United
States had been wiped out because
zinc had been discovered in Mexico,
and labor there is 60 cents a day
against our $2.50 to? 0. The Payne
tariff raised the duty on zinc to an
amount sufficient to open the mines
in the United States. Tha result is
that they have all been opened dur
ing the year and thousands of men
have been given employment. There
were 50,000,000 of postal cards sold in
the United States, and all manufac
tured in Germany. An American vis
iting our national capital bought, to
send to friends abroad and the family
at home, postal cards containing pic
tures of the White House, of the cap
itol of the treasury building and
of Mount Vernon, and on every one
was "Made in Germany." The litho
graphic business, employing tens of
thousands of men, was practically ruin
ed by the cheap labor of the German
lithographers. At the request of
these workingmen we raised the duty
on cards, with the result that
the lithographic establishments are re
opened and the lithographers of the
United States are finding employment
at remunerative wages and the Ameri
can citizen is buying a postal card
upon which are pictured the historic
buildings at the capital and the his
toric sites of the revolution, made and
manufactured in America by American
As a Democrat Sees His Party.
Senator T. P. Gore, Democrat, of
Oklahoma, in a speech delivered at
Dallas, Tex., in 1896, said:
"The trouble with the Democratic
party is it is a party of statesmen
without statesman ship, patriots with
out patriotism, heroes without heroism.
Their policy begets farmers without
farming, laborers without labor, free
men without freedom. . .
"Tho I'ifty-sccond congress had a
Democratic majority of 148, and if it
redeemed a single pledge, observed a
(single promise, kept a single com
mand, or discharged a single obliga
tion made to the people of the United
States 1 will quit the stump and re
tire from the canvass. . . .
"The Fifty-second congress was
elected on retrenchment and econ
omy, the free coinage of silver ami
the repeal of the McKlnley law. In
iho matter of economy that congress
exceeded the Republican $1,000,000,
000 congress by $-10,000,000."
So much for the Fifty second con
Kress What of the Fifty-third when
both senate and house were Demo
cratic with a Democratic president?
Well, they gave us the Wilson Gor
man tariff which brought a deficit
every year; which closed our mills,
threw millions out of work, reduced
the wages uf those left with jobs
giving the farmer no market for his
products and brought ruin and misery
to the entire country.
Further Success Unlikely.
Arrangements for Ibe "national Item
nrratir celebration" to be held In Hal
tlmoio January 17 are bi-lng pushed
along, and efforts are directed toward
turning It into a great jublla'lou < vet
tjie results of the recent flections
Hut ther« Is a strong under tune ol
doubt about the advisability or good
tggte of len'h a demonstration Thli
may be due to «h fill thai so in,my
Democrat* r..alt with vivid memo
——————————————i The hundreds of millions of Andrew j
, —Carnegie, which he has declared ha
will give away before he dies, will be
come, it is believed, a perpetual power
for the good of mankind, a fund con
trolled by a self-perpetuating board of
trustees, the income from which is to
be used through the centuries to aid
human beings in ending war and com
bating all other evils that stand be
tween them and the good of a perfect
This belief Is based on the broad
terms of a deed by which Mr. Oarne
gio has transferred to a board of trus
tees $10,000,000 in Ave per cent, first
mortgage bonds, the revenuo of which
will be used first to "hasten the aboll
~ tlon of international war and establish
a lasting world peace."
The lofty purpose expressed by the
ironmaster to make this foundation a
J continuing force for reform suggests
Andrew Carnegie. the Probability that this $10,000,000
may bo only a starter in a movement
to which eventually he will devote the greater part of his riches. The
method by which the annual income of $500,000 shall be expended is left by
Mr. Carnegie entirely in the hands of the trustees.
Mr. Carnegie's gift of $10,000,000 brings the total of his benefactions to
something like $180,000,000. The endowment recently announced Is second
in size only to three others of his—the $10,000,000 foundation for the advance
ment of teaching made in 1905 and increased to $15,000,000 in 1908, the SIG,-
000,000 endowment of the Carnegie Institute in Pittsburg and the $12,000,000
fund for the establishment of the Carnegie institute in Washington. Mr.
Carnegie's gifts to libraries during the last twenty years are estimated at
$3G,000,000 for tho United States and $17,000,000 abroad.
r — Edward Douglas White, whom Presi
dent Taft has appointed chief justice
tof the United States Supreme court,
is a native of Louisiana.
lie was born in the parish of La
fourche, La., in November, 1845. In
his early youth he attended the school
at Mount St. Mary's, near Emmits
burg, Md.; later he entered the Jesuit
college in New Orleans, and finally ha
went to Georgetown college of Wash
ington, D. C. Justice White served in
tho Confederate army during tho civil
war and practised law among the
In 1891 Mr. White became a national
figure. A senatorial contest was waged
7 in Louisiana and Mr. White entered
/ ' tho race. Ho had managed tho cam
paign of Governor Nichols for re-elec
tion and had been prominent in the
reform element of his state. He had
■ 1 -rr-ri B-J fought in favor of tho anti-lottery
Chief Justice White. movement. The legislature finally
chose h!m to succeed Senator Eustis.
Chief Justice White has been on the Supreme bench for sixteen years and is
the oldest justice in commission whose age is less than seventy. Justice
White graduated from Georgetown university. In addition to practising law
in lx>uisiana h<> was a sugar planter. He served In the Louisiana legislature
as a senator, served for a number of years on the state supremo court bench
arid subsequently was elected to the United States senate. He was serving
his first term tn that body when President Cleveland appointed him to tho
Supreme court bench.
- Frederick W. Lelnnann of St. Ix>uls
as been appointed solicitor general
of the United States to fill tho vacancy
caused by the death of Lloyd W.
KM Mr. Lebmann was born in Prussia
Vv in 1853. He camo to this country with
Wfr , his parents when a child, his father
W/ settling in Ohio and subsequently re-
VIT moving to Indiana. There, at tho
Kf-jf work bench, whilo his father was en-
V Mt v J B a scd in cobbling the brogans of a
k JL i -y I farming comtni nity, was laid tho
Wfi'ffW.u' lf*l grouudwork of Fred Lehmann's educa-
I tlon. By tho aid of a primitive Egyp
tian lamp—a woolen rag floating in a
e —the youth devoured
//infl BUC ' I books as came into his posses
,/j A sh " rt t,:m> ,n tllt) ro<l school
jfrh I! I 1 Mil I house and he started for the west, de
yw/Z/flllllii 'HIIIIIIII termined upon acquiring an education
!' ' 1 j//! I!J' t\ without the alii of which he could not
v f '1 ' 1 i • hope to achieve success. On the plains
Frederick W. Lehmann. of Nebraska he herded cattle, with a
view to acquiring the necessary funds to carry him through college. Day
after day he rode after the herds, a "quirt" in one hand and a book of classics
in the other, reading whilo the stock grazed.
Mr Lehmann was a member of the directorate of the I/mlslana Purchase
Exposition company and chairman of the committee on tthnology of the
world's fair, lie is a member of the Mercantile, University and other clubs.
a« well as prominent In the St. Louis Bar association
politics aside, the case of the new
( governor of Tennessee goes to prove
that the day of equal opportunity has
not entirely punned In this country
\ The new governor signs himself "Ben
/r ' \
'/ \ name Is. no one knows ll« does not
kmiw himself, and although
' ILJ >>-> Knoxvllle and committed to the <"sr<-
• vfffllWnJi' a " " r l'han asylum, whence h>' wa»
WlntV' taken ten Mart later by l*ni iln II- >p
//// WjWt yd * r of Newport. Tenn . who gave him
,■. j l '* name and educated hint Prom
. iN.
I ll
ll ,n,J * ,,nl N,r ll , * , l*er lli«» .»•
CiuvSrnor eltct Hooptr. r#« ord and roli*«',t|toiU> frit*
mien Hu- aHUougii h» not a figure of eoNMttaiiditMl pr«»i rtlons In ten
ne» •• before hU •omlnalloa. Mr Hooper I- i»o« wlth. itt p«llite«l .xi -rh ne®
T*'iity *< #r« **o he r«*| ri«ntt»d hU MWUIiWi» In th» ••»*«» *•««»•
Ills i hlef riallil *o dlHtlnetloli «a» l ow-M r, tbe tuv I ttowt He «u > .V
a ooii j ait) in the tHaiil»l» Au.< rU an »*f.
When Papa Hears It He Urges Only
Son to Grab Girl
The only son had Just announced to
the family his engagement.
"What, that girl!" remarked his
mother. "Why, she squints."
"She has absolutely no style," com
, mented his sister.
"Red-headed, Isn't she?" asked
: auntie.
"I'm afraid she's flighty," was grand
ma's opinion.
"She hasn't any money," said uncle.
"And she doesn't look strong,"*
chimed in the first cousin.
"She's stuck up, in my opinion," as
severated the second cousin.
"She's extravagant," was the opin
ion given by the third cousin.
"Well, she's got one redeeming fea
ture, at any rate," remarked the only
son, thoughtfully.
"What's that?" chorused the charit
able band.
"She hasn't a relative on earth."
Papa had not yet spoken, but now
he did.
"Grab her, my boy, grab her," he>
The Professor —You are better fed
than taught.
The Stout Student—l reckon you'r*
right. You teach me, but I feed mjr
He Won.
Ex-Gov. Rob Taylor of Tennesse©
was once entertaining a northern
guest, who was rather skeptical about
the prevailing dialect in stories of
southern negroes. He thought it over
drawn. To disprove the contention,
Mr. Taylor laughingly made a wager
with his guest that the northerner
would be unable to Interpret the lan
guage of the first negro they met.
Accordingly, they set out and present
ly came upon a black man basking in
dolently in the sun. Telling his
friend to pay close heed, Mr. Taylor
stepped up to the negro and demand
ed, suddenly:
"Weh he?"
The negro blinked his eyes stolidly,
and then answered in a guttural
"Wah who?" —Everybody's.
Breaking It by Degrees.
Edmund Yates used to tell this an
ecdote of a physician who was a per
sonal friend. As the story went, Yates
once saw the doctor operate upon a
man afflicted with blood poisoning,
when he amputated the patient's leg.
"Do you think he'll recover, now?"
asked Yates, after the operation was
"Recover!" exclaimed the physi
cian. "Why, he never had a chance
to get well."
"Then why In the world did you
amputate that leg?"
"Why," said the surgeon, calmly,
"you must not tell a patient the
truth all at once, you know; you must
first amuse him a little."
A Dodger.
"Fine weather we've been having."
"Yes, but we'll pay for this fine
weather later on."
"I won't. I'm going to Florida for
the winter."
Those who admire knowledge for Its
own sake ought to wish to see its
I elements made accessible to all. — Sir
I William Hemchel.
Cured in One Day
"I r#ffar<l my culd ear* aa hrlu* ktl-
Irr than a* la»araa.-» »•.«»!.•«
HI >*M.V
As * rul* * (nr ikuM »»f Xtuu\on'a
tail Cui« will (>r**k u(> am vt l •'> !
I»t*vvnt pneumonia It rm«v*a tU* )t*a<i,
tin at ami lun*a ui.t tt.tlv
llltl* »<i*»r pilWta .-an t* e
earned m ik« v*at p » !•# u»* at any
ill ll#*|»U.
I If > .11 M*t l|*.li*al Uvu-. »til< to
I jkm**') iwt<>r> hi«
| M . ..... M«»»J.* >• « > •« I •»
| HI at ST Ml QIC I Nf
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