* ; oley's Kidney Remedy An Appre ciation. L MeConnell, Catherine St.. Klmirn, N. Y., writes: 1 wish to express ray appreciation of the _:r<'at pi mil I derived from F<>ley'> Kidney Remedy, which I used tor .1 bad case of kiducy trouble. Five bottles did the work most effectively and proved to me beyond doubt 11 i.-> the most reliable kidney medicine I have takeu," Sold by Emporium Drug Co. Saves Two Lives. •'Neither my sister nor myself might be living to-day, il it had not been for l>r. King's New Discovery writes A. D. McDonald, ot Fayetteville, N C., It. F. D. No. 8, "For we both had fright ful conghs that no other remedy could help. We were told my sister had con sumption. She was very weak and had night sweats aut your wonderful medi cine completely cured us both. It's the best I ever used or heard of." For sore lungs, 'ouL'hs, colds, hemorrhage, la grippe, asthma, hay fever, croup, whoop ing couuh, —all bronchial troubles, —its supreme. Trial bottle tree. 50c and sl-00. Guaranteed by all druggists. For either acute or chronic kidney dis orders, for annoying and painful urinary irregulariti -s take Foley Kidney Pills. Ai) honest and effective medicine for kidney and bladder disorders. Sold by Emporium Drug Co. Holey Kidney Pills. N Are tonic in actioD, ijuick in results. A special medicine for all kidney and bladder disorders. Mr. James Cantwell, Williamsport, Pa., say-: For twenty years or more I had kidney trouble and suffered a severe bark ache with annoying urinary irregularities. At times 1 fV'.t miserable and ali played out. 1 finally j;ot some of Foley Kidney Pills and after taking them a -liort time my backache left me and my kidney action became free and natural aud without more pain. I take pleasure in recommending Foley Kidney Kidney Pills to all suffering with kindey trouble. Sold by Emporium Drug Co. Mountain Park Green House. Hidg way, Pa, We have the largest and most up-to <y Paper are always the flrat choice Jn discriminating people. They IBH are by far the finest social corres L are first in quality, and absolutely correct in style. Thsir artistic Hnd painfc y boxi »g adds much to their general attractiveness. Come in ana iet us snow you our line of the justly popular EATON CRANEJ& PIKE papers. H. S. LLOYD, Masonic Block m - -■ mimriimi iiiimnir-nrTiiraiT^w^ Autumn Announcement A Fine Line of Coats, Suits, Skirts and Shirtwaists, just received NEW FURS com ; jnnunt o; new furs that are now open for n.specuon. A (special lisconnt of iu per cent on regular price will *' week. A small cash deposit will -.ecure the vs. Call early. H.A.Zarps&Co 1 „ - _ • Property for Sale. A property on West Fourth nt reef ' ; for sale. Inquire of 38-tf. GEO. BARK SR. J For Sale. Good six room house; gas and city j water, West Allegany Avenue, Em porium, Pa., lot .30x160. A bargain. Apply to Mrs. John lleunessy, Em porium, Pa. I. r »-4t. Warning j All persons are hereby forbidden from trespassing upon the property of this Company without a permit from this j ; office, or the Manager at the works' j KEYSTONE POWDER MFG. CO. I Emporium, Pa.. August Ist 11103 Cedar Shingles $1.50 per thousand at j ; C. B. Howard & CO'H. A Reliable Cough Hedicine. Is a valuable family friend. Foley's I Honey and Tar fulfills this condition ex- t actly. Mrs. Charles Kline. N. Sth St., j Kaston Pa., states: "Several members i of my family have been cured of bad coughs and colds by the use of Foley's Honey and 'far and I am never without a bottle in the house. It soothes and re j lieves the irritation iu the throat ami ! loosens up the cold. I have always i found it a reliable cough cure." Sold by Emporium Drug Co. | ■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■■ EMPORIUM DRUG I COMPANY || We are busy tak ing inventory and assisting our new manager Mr. Robt. H. Winkett to be- Icome acquainted with you. Call please. I I :| a j 'A i-j ■ H W i u * % I p § I Emporium Drug Co. | SEBts«R3 •j'wiiir-wjaK •' CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY. JANUARY 12, 1911. Making a Major. John Eat i> 1 «Mil by his wiger readiness t<» undertake [ Stuart's inosi perilous missions. It was in recognition of some spe I ciully daring service of I bat kind that I Stuart gave iiini bis promotion. The ! delightful way in which the great boj | isii southerner did it is best told in I Mr. Egglestoil's own words. "You're about in.v size, Cooke," Slu | art said, "but you're not so broad in ! the chest." "Yes, 1 am," answered Cooke. "Let's see if you are," said Stuart, i taking off iiis coat as if for a boxing I match. "Try that on." Cooke donned the coat, with its three , tftnrs on the collar and found it a fit. "Cut off two of the stars," Stuart roinmanded, "and wear the coat to Uicbmond. Tell the people in the war department to make you a major and send you back to me iu a hurry. I'll need you tomorrow." How It Feels to Be Run Over. "When 1 was run over," writes a j correspondent, "1 had not seen the car approaching. The lirst thing I knew 1 was that I was on the ground, kicking upward with my legs in an effort to get from under the car. Then I felt a wheel going over my chest, which bent as it passed over. In the inter vening second or two 1 went through several minutes' worth of feelings. 1 had the sensations of astonishment at being on the ground, of wanting to roll aside and away, of bracing myself— and my chest especially—stiff to resist ! something, whatever it might be, while | a lightning tlasli of fear was dimly I there and a subconscious query, 'What on earth next?' Yet it was hardly fear, because there was no time for such a durable sensation. It was rath er a sense of being suddenly confront ed with a grave reality, of doubtful, obscurely terrible import." London Chronicle. Origin of Coal. Coal is of vegetable origin. When j vegetable matter accumulates under j water it undergoes a slow process of j decomposition, giving off its nitrogen, i hydrogen, oxygen and some carbon, j the result of which if carried far i enough is the formation of a mass of j carbon. Peat, found often in swampy i j tracts, is the first stage iu the coal j ! forming process, and the further j I stages are formed by the burial of I these vegetable «! its under great loads of sediment. \\ ere they be ;ome subject to pre- sure and sometimes to , beat. Til's effects a series of changes, | i consolidation ami I ss of oxygen and I gives a series of products whose na- I i tnre depends on i! e degree to which | ; the original vegelabl • matter has been | ! changed. The pr . w'thin himself | i a man's worth Honiethlntr. Mrownliig. Why He Wanted Reference*. ' At a eriMil i *ti' - i.inn r one of the Veterans loiil this s|or\ ; - in the rcc< a Ktruction days a man from a Missis sippi valley to vn > ame I > our w• .j|« . house one day. We had sold him be fore iu a small way, and he alwayi paid, lie bad enlaruid bis business be told lis, and wanted a idgg ! :: than usual, but before making his s« lections be w.inte I us to give liiiu :ef erences. We expr a urpn.-e such an unheard of de .mad, but !le said, 'My two brotia rs in law ii. >e gone in with . and :he. 't\> \ ; tr ticular as to wiiotii i <■ > I osih *hs with.' So we sent bi..i in c l.i i:s. and lie caiiie back, sain e . cu- ill right, picked out a be. line • . •. . and in sixty days he in; ..i„ We couldn't colh-ct a doli.ir. 'i \>o years later 1 met the man in I'i.i- '.in ;i . .d told iiini we had be. o; i.- r o icne l to our loss. iSut will you please tell me,' 1 asked, 'why did you want references iis to our credit?' 'Weil, you see," lie answered, 'I wanted to know if you could stand it. " Kxcbatige. No Law's Delay Here. In Perak, in the .Malay peninsula, lawyers find no business, for a modi lied form of trial by ordeal decides all disputes. In place of the legal practi tioner the pleader is a native boy who is assigned (o one or the other of the sides and is given a bamboo tube in which is sealed the pleading of the person or party v hom lie represents. Wlan all is ready two stake.; are driven into the bed of a stream, and by aid of a bamboo pole the heads of the two boys are submerged at the same time. Ity grasping the stakes they are enabled to remain undoi wa ter for quite awhile after their natural Inclination would bring tliem to the surface, but at last one of them gives in and, releasing bis hold of the stake, comes to the air. He is Immediately seized, and the tube he holds is cast aside. The other lad is led ashore, his tube opened, and the document con tained therein stands as the decision in the case. Scott. Relics at Abbotsford. The present estate of Abbotsford was formed during the years 1811 to 1817 from various small farms, the lirst one purchased bearing the "inharmo nious designation" Clarty Mole. After Sir Walter Scott's death in ISDI a com mit lee of friends collected £B,OOO to ward the redemption of the estate, and Mr. Cadell, the publisher, contributed tile rest on receiving the rights over Scott's works. The library and mu | scum bad been given some years be | fore by the creditors. As his son, j Lieutenant Colonel W. Scott, died on I his way home from India, the prop erty d< fended to J. U. Lockhart, his son-in-law, and thence to his daugli i tor's husband, J. 11. Hope-Scott, whose j daughter held the estate for some ! ye r.»:. Many Scott relics are preserv- I ed in the house, notably his chair and I writing table In the study and his hat j and gloves in the hall. —London Staud j ar; 'c, m n "LF COPY Addreas NEW YORK CLIPPER Nnw York. N. V. ' 1 The Iti-Mt Alwavft Fall and Winter Goods Now In If you desire a ,, T nidL2io"y » "E "52 What They Will Do fcr You They will cure your backache, Btrengthen your kidneys, cor -1 -ect urinary irregularities, build p the worn out tissues, and liminate the excess uric acid hat causes rheumatism. Pre sent Bright's Disease and Dia bates, and restore health and strength. Refuse substitutes. Emporium Drug Company Foley's Honey and Tar for children,safe,sure. No opiates. COUDERSPORT & PORT ALLEGANY R. R Taking effect Aug. 22. 1909. BA8TWA111) a 6 10 2 4 18 STATIONS. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. 'ort Allegany,. Lv. 233 11 37 7 12 900 'hemicttl Works.... •'2 36 °° °° ° jurtville, 2 14 11 48 7 22 9 11 Uoulette 2 56 11 57 7 30 9 23 Knowlton's, *3 00 12 01 00 ° Miua 306 12 07 7 40 9 C 33 Olmsted, »3 10 12 11 »7 14 9 37 , ... ' 3 18 12 20 7 52 9 45 Coudersport. • . A.M ' 6 10 12 37 North Coudersporl, J ° ... *l2 41 (•'rink's, »5 50 *l2 19 Colesburg, 5 57 12 57 Seven Bridges, »6 02 *1 02 Raymonds, 6 12 1 13 Hold, 6 17 llfl Newfleld, 1 23 NewtialdJunction,.. 6 27 1 32 Perkins *6 30 "1 35 Carpenter's OJ »l 39 Crowell's, »fi 36 *1 42 Ulysses 7 20 1 52 J A. M. P. M. ■ I WESTWARD. Ji 1 5 I*. M. A. M. p. M. Port Allegany, 2 lo 8 50 5 10 Chemical works 00 °° Brrtvllle 1 57 8 37 4 57 Roulette 1 f,o A 11 4 50 Knowlton's, 1 45 00 *4 45 Mina 1 10 S 21 4 40 Olmsted '*lßs 435 I Lv. 1 : t »rt V'u i'an\ *vith IvntisvlvaDia ii. Ft., north nalo, O • ta. Bradford aid Sin6th] »ati. for K«-.tiiu|f Summit, Au*tin, Kmporiui t vnd Penn'a !?.. R. t poiuu. •JH. A. MeCLI KK.C u'l«tint < oti«lertf» »rt. 1,1.