Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, January 05, 1911, Image 8

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    M« Worried the Judge.
A story was recently told of the elder J
Judge Peekhaiu, father of the supreme
court justice. In the early days of
dentistry a hickory plug was put Into
the cavity to fill the space where a
tooth ought to be. This plug had to
be gently pounded Into Its desired po
sition. The old Judge was somewhat
addicted to strong language, and when
the dentist began his wor kthe Judge
Indulged in some classic comment. As
the tapping of the plug continued he
threw all dignity to the four winds of
heaven, and his language became de- ;
cidedly "more forcible than elegant." j
When, however, he arose from the j
chair after what seemed to hitn an
interminable period of agony he pulled
out all the stops In Ills vocabulary for
a grand climax. The impression on
his listener seems to have been deep
and lasting. As the judge passed out
the dentist grimly remarked to a wait
ing patient:
"Wasn't it beautiful? It wasn't real- j
]y necessary to pound half so long,
but I did so enjoy his inflection that 1
almost pounded the hickory plug into |
splinters. Wonderful command of \
language the judge has!"— Case and j
Crossed by the Corpse.
Most of Walthamstow is too modern
to have much mystery about it, but
the Walthamstow strip" of Leyton
preserves the memory of a curious old 1
rule. Barely a hundred yard-* broad, j
this strip of land, belonging to Wal- i
thamstow parish, ran right across Ley- |
ton from the lea to Snaresbrook, par
allel with tlie southern border of Wal
thamstow. now came Leyton to be
crossed by this alien strip? Leyton, j
it was said, had once refused to bury J
a body fouud in the lea; Walthamstow ;
came forward to do It. And in such
cases it was the rule that the volun- |
teering parish might take from the j
other as much land right through to j
the other side as the men who carried
the corpse could cover walking in line
hand in band arms extended. The
inconvenient result worried both par
ishes until the growth of population
made new parishes necessary.—London
Wasted on Him.
"Occasionally," remarked the visiting
Londoner, "I see in some American pa
per a supposititious colloquy referring
to an aeroplane line to Mars. Do you
know, that strikes 1110 as being exceed
ingly funny. Evidently the writer is
ignorant of the fact that our atmos
phere does not extend upward more
than fifty or a hundred miles and be
comes more and more tenuous as it
nears the limit. lie does not seem to
know that the air is absolutely neces
sary in flying an aeroplane. It is high
ly probable that uo aviator ever will
ascend to a higher elevation than teu
or fifteen miles even if he can endure
| Beginning Friday 7 , January 6th, we Offer the Following Goods at Closing Out. Prices
Ladies and Misses Coats I Very Special Sale of Dress Goods MILLINERY
All $5.00 Trimmed Hats $2.50
All $25,00 Coats reduced to $r6. 75 29c All 98 Trimmed Hats ..98
All 22.50 Coats reduced to 15.00 * , All $?. so Trimmed Hats 1.75
Black and White and Brown and white checks and gray • u „ t ,. , „ -
All 20.00 Coats reduced to 14.50 . , _ . . . . All $2.50 Trimmed Hats i.2 0
mixed wool Dress Goods 36 inch vyide, oq All #2.00 Trimmed Hats 1.00
All 18.50 Coats reduced to 13-75 The regular 50c quality, sale price All <1.50 Trimmed Hats 75
All 18.00 Coats reduced to 13.50 $2.00 Black Broadcloth, 54 inches wide, $l5O All $1.25 Trimmed Hats 62
. ' $1.50 Navy Blue broadcloth 54 inch wide iQ 50c Men's Soft Finished Shirts 39c
An 15.00 Coats reduced to 10.00 ' s a ] e price |
All 13.50 Coats reduced to 9.25 SI.OO Myrtle Green broadcloth, 54 inch wide 1 .1! ~ ' "»1 (ji..ilit\, nu.t pattenis and ha\i tin 11
All 12 .,0 Coats reduced to 8.98 •* »"« \
aii u.oo coats reduced t„ •••... 7.98 5W " ch " ,ide SI.OO 15c Men's Black Fleeced Sox lie.
All 8.75 Coats reduced to 5.98 SI.OO Brown Broadcloth 54 inch wide yo These are our regular 15c quality; too many in stock that's
All 7.50 Coats reduced to 5.00 Sale price .13 the reason for this reduction.
All 5.98 Coats reduced to 3.98 85c
No. 9, Striped Belting and Tie Ribbon, light ground with
arid Misses* Suits All Remnants of Dress Goods 1-4 Off cross stripes. Regular price 25c, -sale price sc.
CtlllA 1 1133v3 L/Ulvo , *» . i Inch wide velvet Ribbon 111 navy, brown, light blue and
i ..... c . . from Regular Prices. • Kree „, pr i ce per yd ioc.
4 <_, inch all silk Glace Ribbon, ill various shades; regular
Best Quality American Prints 6c P rice w* SaU ' P rice loc
Navy blue and white, gray and black and liyht Shirtings White Ostrich Plumes
1 '-5" » 111 N ' a jj j„ neat patterns, absolutely fast colors /»
All 13.00 Suits 9.98 Sale price per yard " c $5.00 White Ostrich Plumes, sale price >2.50
All 12.00 Suits 7 <>B $3.00 White Ostrich Plumes, sale price 1.00
— checked and Striped Flannelettes per yard 1 Shell Goods, Much Below Cost
Children's Coats, 1-4 Off Bargains in Table Damask A t»we rmi »i curved nam.-te», c..mbs.sue
* etc. values up to 511 c. Sale price 10c.
From the regular prices Mercerized Table Damask in lengths of 2, 2 «.»',•# 00 Crepe, IScsl t l ua,lt >'«
I and 3 yards, excellent patterns, Sale priee per yard . OJC regular price 18c per yard. Sale price 14c.
All linen Table Damask 6s iuclic- wide, of very goo«l ■ #■■■■ llft I ■*" r ,
iD 1/lirUMr Emporium'. rsrr* J ' 4 .'D If liniNl Em p° riums
n KUrnNt Greatest Store ' i,y Ul 62c ;Ha IV. UE.IiIM L ■ Greatest Store
Ili lIU la Ilift lay ureaiest j ■ 7
the excessive cold he will enconnter at
thai altitude. The idea of sailing an
aeroplane through the Imponderable
ether is Ineffably absurd." Chicago
Help the Children.
"There is nothing in all the world
so important as children, nothing so
Interesting. If you ever wish togo in
for some philanthropy, If you ever
wish to be of any real use in the world,
do something for children. If you
ever yearn to be truly wise, study chil
dren. We can dress the sore, bandage
the wounded, imprison the criminal,
heal the sick and bury the dead, but
there is always a chance that we can
save a child. If the great army of
philanthropists ever exterminate sin
and pestilence, ever work out our
race's salvation, It will be because a
little child has led them."—David Starr
Strange Storehouses.
In the old birds' nests that are placed
near the ground in shrubs and small
trees close to hazelnut bushes and bit
tersweet vines one will often find
a handful of hazelnuts or bittersweet
berries. They were put there by the
white footed mice and the meadow
mice, which visit these storehouses reg
ularly. Very often a white footed
mouse will cover a bird's nest with
fine dried grass and inner hark and
make a nest for Itself.—New York
Three Inscriptions.
On the doorways of Milan cathedral
are three inscriptions. The first, placed
under a carved rose wreath, ruus, "All
that which pleases is only for a mo
ment." The second, under a cross,
reads, "All (hat which troubles is but
for a moment," and under the central
arch is the inscription, "That only is
which Is eternal."
A Popular Game.
"Many games originated from an
cient forms of worship, human sacri
fice, marriage, burial and other cere
monies," Dr. A. O. 11 addon remarked
in an address at the Royal Sanitary
institute. "Leapfrog is a game com
mon to almost every country, Includ
lng New (Juinea and Japan."—London
Dying of Love.
"Och!" said a love sick Hibernian
"What a recreation it is to be dying
of love! It sets the heart aching so
delicately there's no taking a wink of
sleep for the pleasure of the pain.—
London Telegraph.
i 1
Not Jealous.
Mrs. Jawback John, I do believe
you are iealou- of my first husband.
Mr. Jawback—Well, no; I don't believe
: I'd call it jealousy. Envy is the word.
-"•Cleveland Leader.
Saves Two Lives.
' Neither my sister nor myself might
be living to-day, if it had Dot beeu for
Dr. King's New Discovery" writes A.
D. McDonald, of Fayetteville, N. C., It.
F. D., No. 8, "For we both had fright
ful eonghs that no other remedy could
help. We were told my sister had con
sumption. She was very weak and had
night sweats but your wonderful medi
cine completely cured us both. It's the
best T ever used or heard of." For sore
lungs, coughs, colds, hemorrhage, la
grippe, asthma, hay fever, croup, whoop
ing cough,—all bfonchial troubles, —its
supreme. Trial bottle free. 50c and
SI.OO. Guaranteed by all druggists.
A Reliable Cough Hedicine.
Is a valuable family friend. Foley's
Honey and Tar fulfills this condition ex
actly. Mrs. Charles Kline, N. Bth St.,
Easton Pa., states: "Several members
of my family have been cured of bad
coughs and colds by the use of Foley's
Honey and Tar and I am never without
a bottle in the house. It soothes and re
lieves the irritation in the throat and
loosens up the cold. I have always
found it a reliable cout:h cure.'" Sold
by Emporium Drug Co.
PINEULES for the Sidneys
Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right
smmm&j ■ wmmmm 111 IIM>
|||| Season - End Sale, of
ds:L, Ladies Suits and Goats
high-grade ■=— =- ■
/" I ;l
garment at the . / j J AT PRICES ONE-FOURTH LESS THAN REGULAR. The best styles .
P"ce oi (112 j j 11 and the newest fabrics—our entire stock, every garment in the
the l| . kj ! store has had the price slashed to the limit The sooner you
commonplace. |jji i| come, the better the selections.
112 J ,1 Coppersmith's
For either acute or chronic kidney dis
orders, for annoyiug and painful urinary
irregularities take Foley Kidney Pills.
An honest and effective medicine for
kidney and bladder disorders. Sold by
Emporium Drug Co.
You Can't Be Downhearted.
That is, you can't while you are taking
Sexinc Pills. They dispel the despon
dency and by their fine tonic action re
place that worn-out, "all-in" condition
with buoyancy, vigor and good cheer.
Price 81 a box; six boxes $5, fully guar
anteed or the money-back plan. Ad
dress or call at Dodson's Drug Store
where they sell all the principal remedies
and do not substitute.
Foley Kidney Pills.
Are tonic in action, quick in results.
A special medicine for all kidney and
bladder disorders. Mr. James Cantwell,
Williamsport, Pa., says: For twenty
years or more I had kidney trouble and
suffi ret' a severe backache with annoying
urinary irregularities. At I felt
miserable and all played out. I finally
got some of Foley Kidney Pills and after
taking them a short time my backache
left me and my kidney action became
free aud natural and without more pain.
1 take pleasure in recommending Foley
Kidney Kidney Pills to all suffering with
kindey trouble." Sold by Ktiiporiuui
Drug Co.
For Ladrippe, Coughs and Stuffy
Take Foley's Honey and Tar. It
civcs <juick relief and expels the cold
from your system. It contains no
opiates, is safe and sure. Sold by Em
porium Drug Co.
Foley's Kidney Remedy—An Appre
L. McConnell, Catherine St., Elmira.
N. Y., writes: "I wish to express my
appreciation of the great good I derived
from Foley's Kidney Remedy, which I
used for a bad case of kidney trouble.
Five bottles did the work most effectively
and proved to me beyoud doubt it is the
most reliable kidney medicine I have
taken," Sold by Emporium Drug Co.
Solves a Deep riystery,
"I want to thank you from the bot
tom of my heart," wrote C. R. Rader,
of Lewinburg, W. Va., "for the wonder
ful double benefit 1 got from Electric I'it
ters, in curing me of both a severe case
of stomach trouble and of rheumatism,
from which I had been an almost help
less sufferer for ten years. It suited my
case as though made just for me." For
dyspepsia, indigestion, jaundice and to
rid the system of kidney poisons that
cause rheumatism, Kleetric Bitters has
no (final. Try them. Every bottl.j is
guaranteed to satisfy. Only 50c at all
Mountain Park
Green House.
Ridjfway, Pa,
We have the largest and most up-to
date GREEN HOUSE In Western
All orders left at Geo. J. Laßar's,
Emporinra, Pa., will receive prompt
and careful attention. Satisfaction
guaranteed. 52-ly.
~* r * ,o r
00 Day Tomato . . . . 20a |
1 pkg. I'rineeM Itndish . . • . IMr
1 pKg. SclMirowlntr Celery . . . SOt
I pk*. Early Arrow-hrad Cnhhar* • . . tfi*
1 |>kp. FullfMnn Market l.etture . . . 10#
Also 12 Varieties Choice Flower Seed* . . 2:.r
Writ® today! Send 10 cent* to help p- pottage and
parking and receive the abovo "Faimn:« Collection," to
gether with o«r New nnd 1 fisrd n (Jui'lo.
I 476 Uose St. Rock ford, Illinois [