Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, January 05, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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    In Black and White
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AN EXQUISITE hat for high ccc |
sions is developed in black and j
white. The shape, of rich white
felt, is faced with black velvet, per
fectly fitted to the broad brim, with i
its graceful curves and flowing lines. ;
Such hats are covered in factories de- |
voted to making hats of a high class, :
and ihe velvet is stemmed and stretch
sd to t the underbriai, turning up
around the edge i-i a tiny cordlike
Most hats ol this character are very ;
simply trimmed. A big spray of feath
ers, a curious novelty in ;;oIJ. cr a
long curling ostrich plume are mosr
often chosen. nig black hats with
gold in a striking ornameni and gold
roses on the bandeau, resting against
the hair, or such ornaments in tarnish
ed brass effects, make superb mil
t nery.
In the model shown delicate gauze
roses surround the crown and cover j
This very attractive waist is of old
blue taffeta with sleeves cut in one
piece with the bod) of the waist
Sleeves and waist are tucked and
trimmed with bands and • traps of
black taffeta, and with buttons and embroidery matching tho blue
Reversible Cloak,
A useful and attractive s':irment.
that can to made at hom* by any wo
man used to simple tailoring Is the
reversible cloak, made scmittuing.
with kimono sleeves, and usually of
broadcloth lined with soft satiti The
broadcloth side is of some dark color
or black. «ith plain 11klit or white
re vers of satin; and it is used for aft
ernoon wear The satin sub- I* in
some Ugh*, evening shade, with satin
revers In a slightly darker color, and
makes a charming wrap for the the
ater, ete It Is not nearly «o hard to
make as It sounds, and is extremely
economical, being really two gar
ments in one
Stripes in Millinery.
New Hidden of n-lti* stripes- black
nnd whit- and blue ami whit* In
smart mtllit>< ry are being devised as
the -.1 hi «h li t--. lb" atrlpt Ima
terial Ink« tu-iuily oatln, and >t may
has" as tl • nu>. r covering Of a hat
ur as » la< !<.,■, »i\ i border a
whin* Iflm A(•i<f. j, in-v\ model is
a t«»iu< t !<• t*itiu.|> bla<k ai.d
«hlf> striped -n In U1..1 I ~~J „
little rose coin ~' i . t<>»» at" I nth-r i
ration> (or tots ar» ai «■ i t n
* tilt h a striped i Jf< et l< proi , , j, v
tin- ill alternate ro. s of i «
* bite s4iuiarh<
j he bandeau Heron aigrettes are ust-d
here, but, as these are likely to fall
into disuse on account of the crusade ■
against them, and a growing public j
1 ;-tntiment adverse to their use. it is'
' best to make another selection. The ,
| feathers of the goura or crown pigeon !
j are equally effective, and may be worn, I
! with a clear conscience, or a compara
lively clear conscience at least.
The wearing of heron, by the way,
is prohibited by law in several stales,
and in July of next year it Is said a
j law will go into universal effect pro
hibitiithe buying, selling or wearing
ot these feathers. As they are very
expensive, it is best not to invest In
th in. There are ro marry - pretty feath
! <?rs to choose from that cannot dis
turb the conscience or call down criti
i clsm, It would seem no hardship for a
woman of taste to make another
! choice.
Has Not a Good Word to Say for !
Frocks or Millinery of
This Season.
It is interesting to note the anima
tion with which women, or rather
some women, attack the present
; styles It is invariably the woman of
. flesh who is the most emphatic in dis
approval Not a good word is to be
said by her for frocks or millinery of
; this season
Hats are imprudently absurd, skirts
Immodestly cut. jackets trivial, and
; even the efforts of great dressmakers
dubbed futile and unconvincing, as she
tells it It Is a season, according to
the woman whose hips refuse tore
move themselves, of grotesque absur
dities The hysterical note Is struck
So why argue?
Whether we argue or not. certain
things must be acknowledged The
present fashions in some directions
have reached such perfection that tc
condemn them is ridiculous, to igrore
them impossible So let us forget the
fact that our too comfortable contours
refit e hru/enly to confine themselves
within the slim limits of the present
silhouette and see If we cannot judge
of the fashions of the day with an
unbiased eye. If not with entirely un
trammeled hips
In spite oi criticism and caricatir*
they may alone be called ei>och ma
king Line and drapery have clothed
' themselves In -uch artistic Krace;
color and fabric have attained such !
perfection of combination and weave j
that they take their places with fam !
I ous fashions of other days
They are In a great measure re j
viva!*, yet revival* so skillfully adapt !
ed to our ne i!s and environment that I
ihev are uriepted with enthusiasm by
the IntelllKint few. The lover of eoiot '
uiul line rejoice i In their existence j
the hetmty loving r>st> revels ill then !
softly woven and luxurious fubrh i
I tie ki« at dressmakers have Rath j
ered from ihe Creeks anil Itumana
from ■ !\;t ms and orientals, from
tl e A lex a i drt.h and first empire !
rlods fashion + fables, and color,,
which, when combined and erv«ta|
. H*e I, place the styles of this mi oh j
I uniquely apart
3eaver» T'nt Year.
More fa »ti lon able than the lung nat
l or furry btaver is the one thai h rt »
j litiriei fur and la »uiooth nnd shiny '
These ate called silk beaver* ami
i , rr y beautiful iadi d 'bey Koi„*. 1
) tin i t the under part uf tue brim is ni 1
velvet, a*u»H* black, anu the top ( (l ri
i i* another color or ,iay be black :
11 as one pi tier* This top part, huw
ever. I* of ibis lustruu* silk b*a»ei
ant* (be «rown l» usually iswibo»itl ir
ihe mn material
'tie 1 «" hat > > e cliarmm-; pic a
bat*, and are evi|Ui*He when trtttia*
attb sweet inn plums*
Number of State Institutions la
Double During the Past
Two Years.
Pixteen state ranatoria, 28 county
hospitals and 21 municipal hospitals
for tuberculosis have been erected
and provided for since January t,
190!), says a recent bulletin of the Na
tional Association for the Study and
Prevention of Tuberculosis.
Within the last two years the num
ber of state institutions for tubercu
losis has doubled, and the number of
county and municipal institutions has
'increased from about 20 to 80. The
expenditures of public money for the
treatment ol' tuberculosis also has
more than doubled. Not less that
$3,000,000 of state money was appro
priated for tuberculosis institutions in
1900, when 43 legislatures met, and
over $600,000 In 1910, when only 11
legislatures were In session. The ap
propriations of counties and cities for
tuberculosis hospitals and sanatoria
in the last two years will aggregate
fully $2,500,000, bringing the total
of official appropriations for tubercu
losis hO'-pilaU up to over $0,000,000
in the past two years.
In spite, however, of this good show
ing. the National Association for the
Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis
states that not one-tenth of the pub
lic provision for tuberculosis that is
needed has been made. More than
250,000 tuberculosis patients are con
stantly without proper institutional
In the treatment of affections of the
3kin and scalp which torture, disfig
ure, itch, burn, scale and destroy the
hair, as well as for preserving, puri
fying and beautifying the complexion,
fallible. Millions of women through
cut the world rely on these pure, sweet
and gentle emollients for all pur
poses of the toilet, bath and nursery,
and for the sanative, antiseptic cleans
ing of ulcerated, inflamed mucous Bur
races. Potter Drug & Chem. Corp, Bos
ton, Mass., sole Proprietors of the Ci>
ticura Remedies, will mail free, on re
quest, their latest 32-page Cuticura
Book on the skin and hair.
w W
Choity dim—Beg pardon, my good
man, but how can I fiud the customs
Jack Tar —I'll tell ye, mate; shift
y.r lantern from starboard to porl
Rnd foller the twist in yer face.
Kept Umbrella Thirty Years.
A faithful old umbrella which has
(hieldcd the family of I)r. James A.
Muliican of Greenwood a\enue from
the storms of 30 years, was stolen on
Sunday. During the rain on that day
the physician lent the umbrella to E.
A. Seek, and while the latter was in a
store some one stole it.
"The umbrella belonged to my fath
er and has been in the family for
more than thirty years," said Doctor
Muliican the other night. "It has been
covered several times.
"To persons who are unable to keep
the same umbrella for more than thir
ty days this may seem incredible, but
it is true." concluded Doctor Muliican
with a smile.—Chicago Tribune.
The Modern Way.
A couple of young men on the Mar
ket street viaduct the other evening
offered a new version of an old saw
After they had pasted a couple of »u
burn haired damsels one of the young
men took his stand at the curb and
gazed up and down the bridge.
"What are you looking for?" In
quired his companion.
Pointing to thi> red-headed girls, th«
young man answered: "I'm trying tc
see a white automobile."—Youugstown
found the Answer Was "Coffes."
Many pale, sickly persons wonder for
year:, why they havo to suffer so, and
eveutually discover that the drug caf
feint -In coffee Is tho main cause of
the trouble.
"1 was always very fond of coffee
and dr.tnk it every day.l never had
much tlosh and often wondered why I
was Always so pale, thin and weak.
"About lire years ago my health
computet) broke down aud 1 was con
lined to m„v bed. My stomach was In
such condition that 1 could hardly take
aulflt ienl nourishment to sustain life.
"iJurtug this time t suis drinking cof
fee, didn't think 1 could do without it.
"Alter awhile I came to tho conclu
sion that coffee was hurting tue, aud
decided to give It up aud try Postuiu
1 didn't like the tut« or It at first, but
when it was made right boiled until
dark aud licit I soon be. uu.e n»nd of
"In one week I began to feel belief
I could »*t more and sitep hotter My
ska headache* were less frequent, and
within live tuuuth.. 1 looked and Kit
llfc. i 4 u« * I. in*. h< adavbw kpultn et>
tirtfly gone
"M> health e. n tinned to lmp»uv»und
I .la* I mii welt ami «tr ng, weigh l«»
pound I attribute tny pre ent health
lit «td "1 he iioatd |u WsUtrilk*.* la
t »or mill ik> aliuit Ivit.r I .% «>«
»«» t«Kt t It Mitt lu ttMM In.'l
■>" k-'tml*»i low, «m 4 full ■( km...u
Boy— This Is a good place for fish!
Angler—What can you catch liereT
Boy—l don't know, bui, it must ba
a great place for fish, because I nev
er seen any t>f them leave it. —Comio
Resino! Ointment Cured When Nothing
Else Would.
I have had a breaking out on my
neck every summer with something
iiko Eczema, and nothing ever cured
it until I used Rcsinol.
Barbara Carpenter, Ogdcn, S. C.
Of Course She Must.
"What time does the dance begin?"
"Nine o'clock."
"Then we must be there at 8:30."
"What for?"
"I must have at loast an hour in
the dressing room to rearrange my
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for
infants and children, and see that it
In Fse For Over 3<) Years.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
How Ho Lost Out.
DeShort—Don't you—er —think you
could learn to love me, Miss Oldgold?
Miss Oldgold—Well, I don't know.
DeShort—Of course you can. One la
never too old to learn, you know.
Miss Oldgold —Sir!
Its Office.
"This cork is very tight in your
brandy bottle. I can't budge it."
"Yes, that's the nature of cork. It
was put there to keep the bottle's
spirits from going down."
His Talent.
"Is he a great artist?"
"No "
"But he gels good prices for his
"Yes. He's a great salesman."
Aromatic Spirits.
Mrs. Tarr —Sistah Lobstock has jest
got a divo'co fum her husban'.
Mrs. Wombat —Don' say? How
much ammonia did de cou't done grant
her?— Puck.
Professor Munyon lias engaged a staff of specialists that are
renowned leaders in their line.
There is no question about their ability, they are tho finest phy
sicians that colleges and hospitals liavo turned out and receive tho higliest
Ho offers their service to you absolutely free of cost. No matter
what your disease, or how many doctors you have tried, write to Profcs
6or Munyon's physicians and they will give your case careful and prompt
attention and advise you what to do. You are under no obligations to
them. It will not cost you a penny, only the postage stamp you put on
your letter.
All consultations are held strictly confidential.
Address Munyon's Doctors, Munyon's Laboratories, 53d & Jefferson
Streets, Philadelphia, Pa.
Be Wise in Time
You cannot keep well unless the bowels are regular.
Neglect of this rule of health invites half the sicknesses
from which we suffer. Keep the bowels right; otherwise
waste matter ami poisons which should pass out of the
body, find their way into the blood ,->nd sicken the whole
system. Don't wait until the bowels are constipated; take
They are the finest natural laxative in the world gentle,
safe, prompt and thorough. They strengthen the stomach
muscles, and will not injure the delicate mucous lining of
the bowels. Deceit; til's l'ills have a constitutional action.
That is, the longer you take them, the less frequently you
need them. They help Nature help herself ami
Keep the Bowels Healthy
Bile Active & Stomach Well
In tkijca lu*. nod ttfc. with full dltMtiuas
C*lM IMP* »o4a M«MM •«# eel»r» thin I*l othtr <•«. On* 10c mcUm c*l*r* *ll RMrt. Th»f «>• In ctld altar battar tlm «n, athai d>a V.u can Jf«
MJrW*«Mtrl Wttto (w IIM U 0i«. Much Ml MM Uw*. MOMROM OHUO ©0.7 oilmmy, Itllmmlm.
A Tripe Famine.
"I wnnt to get two pounds of tripe,"
said the lady, entering the shop.
"Sorry, ma'am," replied the keeper,
"but we haven't any tripe today."
"No tripe? Why, it's in season."
"No, ma'am, there's no tripe being
shot just now."
"No tripe being shot! Why, what
are you talking about?"
"I—l should say, ma'am, that the
fisheries commission won't allow tripe
to be caught now."
"Are you crazy, man? I don't want
fish! I want tripe."
"Well, wiiat in thunder is tripe,
ma'am ?"
"Why—why, I don't know just what
it is, but if you haven't got any I'll
try some other place."
111-Mannered Chicken.
Little Robert, 3 years of age, went
with his grandmother to the chicken
park to see her feed the chickens.
When the little ones 'jumped upon the
water dish and dipped their bills into
the water, he cried: "Oh, grand
mother, they are putting their feet on
the table."
Cause and Effect.
"He's a poet of passion, isn't he?"
"Yes; I've seen him fly into one
when his verses were returned."
Vanishes Forever
Prompt Relief-Permanent Cnra
rion — improve th« complexion brighte®
eyes. Sibal] Pill, Small D«»e, Smali "rio?
Genuine «nu>tbe« Signature
si mn &ilr:J? r or tQ oXJ
nitkmatlo fymptoma.
Whetzel of treatment approved by best U.S.
medical uutl.orlt lee astheon 1 j systom known to perm a-
Including xnvdiciuee,prepared for any ono<;!vinc? a full
description of the cane and s»nd!nir name* of 2a*thnia
llo sufferers. Address FRANK WHETZEL.M.D.
Dept. Z, American l.xprca* Uulidlna, tbicuge.
KVEKY ? n : - uvl INDIVIDUAL noods
our imiMsi ii.i U&COUb. bend 60c. Ag^iaa
wanted for apeciaitios. EWINO CO., fc'retnout, Ohio.
W. N. U., CLEVELAND, NO. 52-1910.
| ■Me—i' ■wi'i l ■' .ureirra
Rich anu Costly Furs j
pOSTI.Y FURS come from YOCP. PART 1
OF THE COUNTRY. Ship them tothe S
HOUSE. By shipping direct to US, you 3
receive far better PRICES than you have |
obtained elsewhere, because w- s-11 DIRECT
ASK FOR IT. Our PRICES are N ETto YOU. |jj
rtl I u.l mth r-t. Capital-nnn '!
New York City l 2 e lat piT. 3 U,U U U J
- ~ai. - »w as!?
The Farittsr's Son's
Sreat Opportunity
--i,. WJiy wait for the ohl faro to become
your Inheritance - r< c!n now to
pr»i>aro I r your future
' ' 5 v:v;
wafe* Tfej
''"J* • •. vrhcn lat:d \vi lii-li
mmSL.-i.Kj. T:mm n.uis •urt;«J
-A from ttio abundant crops of
*--fix*: ■?< Wlm !jt, OalH mid Itiirky,
as '.VI'II a H cat tin nisitu:, nr.)
J causing a stcudy ad \unco i.i
* \ price. (3oY*»rmr.'nt k tnin.s . i
* "CVM thai the Jiumlvr of *ottW ra
*»] in Western i 11 ida fro;p
v '-i/x/)fSf-'ZA tlio 11. s. vas tj'J per <-«*n i.
tut■ £"•;-* J hire* ; In 11HO than the
P r< " v lolj M « ,nr *
t ■ 'Many farmers lin-vo paid
rfufor their land out of the
7tf f'/ "a proceeds of one «?i op.
wK' // ?3 Free Ilomettt t ;u!" of I6C
r f7'.>v 112 73 acres and iirr■-«mptioiiK of
lfiO aei« sat >an aero.
I/JW " J Fine climate, good *r!io»)s.
}'*, I excellent laihvay fadlit i< •*,
it low 112 rat<*«; woo<1« *%v»-
t-'iisr '"o* Si ter and lumber easily cb
»K r ftm talned.
lii&t&wi'tl For pumpblet"Last Host \V ?.t, *
/ particulars as to suitable locution
-u'sn iNVji and low settlers' rate, apply to
i'ff ir*' Ilu ll Hupt of Immigration, Ottnv.i,
*llfi jl\h*l Can., or to Canadian Gov't \gont.
fir if irJl ar(^n(r ßuilding loledo, Ohio
ffU'M Use address nearest yon. 37
in the dumps
—from over-eating, drinking-*
bad liver and constipation gat
many a one, but there's a way out
—Cascarets relieve and cure
quickly. Take one to-night and
feel ever so much better in tha
Cascarets—loc box—week's treat
ment. All drusrsrlsts. Bluest seller
in the world—million boxos u month.
W!ie»e forhin«« «ro made on iiaall farrai
fflf ft" growina Oranses. Grape Fruit and Vrg-
J elablea. Cheap lands now available. Qyicli
m transportation—low freight rates to Eastern
and Northern market* via S. A. L>. Ry. Two
three cropt a year, net S3OO to SISOO
r»sjSrjL\ per acre. Ideal climate year round —no
heeret—no extreme heat. Write for illui-
t —it's free —address.
mjjT J. w WHITE, Geslbiuliia! AfU
Remedy for the prompt relief oi
Asthma and Hay Fever. Ask your
drußglst for It. Write tor FREE SAMPLE
Than you ever dreamed possible decorating
china, burnt-wood, metal, pil!o\v-toi»s,
in colors irom photographs. Men succW
ful as women. Learned at once; no talent
required. Takes like wildfire everywhere.
Send stamp quick for praticulars.
CI. M.VALLAME CO Mi" ANY, Klklwrt, luX
¥more eggs
I havo diseoTered a great soeret
how to mako 100 heus lay SO i-eji
a day in winter; failure
I prove It by vending my method OK
PR EE TRIAL; you don't have to pav till
your hens lay. Send for it TODAY to
Mrs. L. Alley, Uepi. 10, New Madrid, Mo.
Self-reliant men shave with the
|| 1 YPSITC!' K.Calrman.WMlH
rfl I til 1 Xih,»
I I fcl* ■ wtrf I<a.muut». Ueat )•«.
I Thompson's £ye Watar