IBHTAitLimrKP. JWSB. Cameron County Press HENKV H. 3HUILIN, KiUtor ami Proprietor O»VUI.K V DFO'IR. A : int anil MANAGER | Hay Mi.Kt) ICi-i.EH, A istmit Foreman. W. Scot r jo ivs, A»Mstant Local Editor. MJBLISII- I) KVKiIY TiIUIISDAY j wm' -v. JBEI saw.' r*a ; nail - ■ r ~" w- : - 7 I Bre|! I Goul;' | Netfs | . . ,|jj| - week, so wcaoj en's will tnak note - til's and i not send 0 • . StNNA«A!.9N!N6. i:; -!!'!•• . iv WU til' Week. MHI daugbte &)..- viaitiii. iri-no at Wyside this week. j Sec. ia) of our t wo people attended ' th> < : rt, v .\»i Saturday eveuiti«r.«| E< i i Towner, i Pnftwou ! was s- tall- : "i at Wvaide ot. Sunday evening. 'V. Jl'.nlu li Id n wuut to Ewpor !( IUUI on Tii lay to visit friends ever j Christ m is. Frank W If wa- 1 I' li!:.'ky one in the co" tteiy. it tit:, liitu 08 cents. ('I an. hut iiuvv it' the others. i t i. L (rit n S-.turday ev< uan-t J> iv be* •; pr ity lively by the looks of it.. ' hi >k yes. Well, l the ; oys must have their fon. J iiti V re, I. ( Wykoff and Mil- i lei*, apturcd twi bin Lick Island! Uuu. !aht week. J. P. W ;i fit bed liliint; his ice bouse IY< .lay. The i:e i,- in good shape for harvesting. Tbt | w-'. i :i ai v iun.eneed eut tir. i.<■ .-li Tii Ceunsil Brothers are busy lilliug up their new store. Thotna-Snyder, | ima- , has moved ' iu ■ his now olfi■ aud is .-tung fixed ! Washington < amp, No. 136, P. <). IS ! of A , ist luakiug srrartgeun.iL. for a pub lio installation of officers. Jas. Don y a lid J. II Li ,;ue came in firom Hunter •> Rest on Monday. They fir t'\ .ir i' is trip. The bear they got fcfet week t - y thought wonl 1 w- igb .il>. ut 250 pout Is. but when weighed ped tin - ait at t pounds. A. poor . uess on weight. The bt . huui .rh are not having very go id iuek as mo. . of the U-urs thoy get after are too big for the d««'-< to stop. Mi - Myrtle Shafer attended a wed ding at Erx.j oriuuft Wedne.- lay. Mrs. T i tmny Piper and laughter loft Sunday for Shamokin. Mra. Milt SnyA?r, c 1 Renovo, vi-'tod re! trive iu t .vn iuda ftilen .Johnson visited 1, >ek Haven rf P.itt-»tdale, in visit ing her brother. Alex A ooirtef. niuy froru Williamsport. .N. .-i.at ai ut to Mount i uton to vi.nl Mn Mstei Mrs. It,- mond who is very ill. M - Mi Luuro left tor ber home Mrs. Howard |rv and aori James of Fairuifut, \\ ■ H a., is vixitiru relative*. U.i I riti.r. ro \i-i* tt.eir held communion services. 8 er ! were up troui West Crock, aud M w Eva Lewis from Emporium. Mr. and Mrs. (; -ue Matthewsm made abu int i trip to liidgway Mon day. Think they were looking for San ta Claus. Mi-. K. Fisher aud daughter Ethel done -Httue shopping in Emporium on j Haturd iy in - o. Miss Ivad 1! Clo- spent Saturday! aud Sunday «u» tci the Mi- Tat! y, ill K liporimu. Mrs. Clo;-e atteni? ' quarterly confer- ] cnee at M. E. Chui h. Emporium on ' Saturday. XXX j CRtEK. Christmas Bells will ion lie ringing. Our people are busy doing their N'MS i -bop; ing. Mrs. SoUi-on vi i ■ I with Mr . Chas. Barr, while bor .sou Norman mad- a trip to tb (ity Thursday. Writer Smith made a trip to the city Thursday. Quite a numb rof our people met at the scb ol hon*- for prayer meeting, but no lender was there. Our Pastor most be excused as another necessary appont meot Japt him away. It L- quite a dis tance i'oi brother Hall to travel. Would it not be wb to ii tvi an assistant in case brother again? J. W. L »wis and Henry Carter went to the city W idnesday. Wm. F. L-ewis finds ir pretty cold ■ \ work getting the children to and from I school. | "M"and "R" be sure to "hold your mouths ri«bt' next time and probably you will have better iuck. 1! ■ sure you don'i gui--» at it, for accidents will hap pen. Myrtle and Lillian Cool accompanied I our teacher, Miss Swesy, on her way j houie*la-i Friday evening. Claud Woodcock visited with bis J i brother Ralph, Saturday. , Ethel Briitou visited her parente ov;-r ! Sun iay and also called on Mrs. Solves in. I Clendon Moore accompanied her on her I •,v i- back to Clear Creek Mi- E hel i was a guest of Airs. Lillian Lookwood 1 Sunday eve. Thursday was a very stone; <' iy re- ( j some of our people are aw, r-. Don Morton urtive over from West 1 Creek Monday, with a load ot coal for Mis. Aunie Ilousler. | J. J. Lewis' teams are busy and J. W, i went a-foot to town, Monday. Why did'nt yu fl the tage. an-!-'' There was room tor just one more. 1 Fred Solveson and wife were city visi tor, Monday, i Rev. Hall, of Rich Valley called on the people here Tuesday, returning home Wednesday. Master Geo. Warner, of Emporium, ! wa.> a gui -t of Kvcrul Smith, Saturday. Merric.. NJ—n aud Fred Ostrum pass ed through In i Sunday on their way to ! Crosby. Keuneth, little son of Ernest llouster, has been very sick the past wt -k, tbr at ened with pneumonia. \\ e are glad to : report him a little better. Norman Solve-on and Clendon .Moore visited the city Tuesday. Xiuas ur- EJ. Cool and Ernest Hvusler Suuday , ed at home. e-ick went to New Town to obtain work, t 1 r Cbriitmas. Fred iSolveson is houie this week. How are the girls, Ralph.' Wbieh one did you take? Mrs. Alice Hockmau i.- making ready ' ■ ('i ; N. \ -t;i • Mr-. H -ie Taylor, »od family, and other rel itiv* and irieadb*, of which there are S . in.-, lav , 1' Vh rry Cbrii'uiat to all I'.ike Thin I luiuc and Try it on \ uur F IOI it- VV i»n in iluuM t her .% »i > u will Atop, think, and «j»h- mi), yuu v> til it ltd it the iMJtllHbwt mtvi»«i you hnv® "TUIMJ*, IN th*M anyttitnK A WUUOTN Whulii a«att«irßM, ami v •<»« ean it only in (|HON< '-ut In in) OF thu iiuu«tr«*T mitt UIUI IHIU |>H. . |AMK> UHo Utile lji.it yiHt «»( alt r*• to u.iilvrri-.tro-i. niit) Iwhukt t ••furw vim CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, IQIO. I iMiw . j . ' ; 5 A 112 112 - 'A?- . ' 1 ■ • : ? - hi'- - il 1 12: .. $ f' r : * 1 ?! i ■ ■" a;A'-■■■■', •; .. i M-i ..... - u.-< rua -4 .. -r •,.« • UNITED STATES SENATOR GEORGE T. OLIVER. On Monday the Republican members of the General Assembly, elected to represent the great county of Allegheny, met in caucus aud unanimously endorsed United States Senator, George T. Oliver for tin long term. The great Republican majority in the Pennsylvania Senate and House will ratify the choice of Allegheny county Republicans, af file -aine time carrying out the vislies of a great majority of the Re publican and a lio-t of Democratic admirers of Senator Oliver, who eon eientiously and diligently labored and battled for (bat protection needed by the industries of Pennsylvania, and his great mind anil in : sight into the grave questions puzzling the minds of many older IK ads than his were of invaluable aid. His logical advice to tlieUnited Status Senate was respected and abided by. This"State and the entire nation will be prou lof the record made by George T. Oliver in-the future and his election will be hailed as justice to George T. Oliver—as well as that grand man, IIKNRV W. OLIVI'II, long since passed to his reward. CAMERON. Wm. Mi I'a Mi-tj i- the sick li-t. K >' 1- v a ea!!er in Em p-.riiun '• Ft ' ' Snlli' 11 w - a Driftwei d iiuii ; St- rliiig Kuu v : i'or Tuesday. Mr- (\ B Potter and Mrs S. S. , Hit k-. who have 11111 (.11 tin -ick list are Opi 1 ter J. W. Harvey who i* spend the In lid »s with hi- tauiiiy at Slan , ley, N. Y ,is i' lievid by operator Suili van. Mi • Laura McDonald, teacher at this : p' ice, sprained I«r left ankle Sunday j ,cni -.. 'lilt ,-htiiig f'r u the rain; 1 but we at't pl;,d to hear she i.- able to Ed. Clark is teaching his younger ! brother to trap skunks, and is doing nice ly. Ask Jake—he knows. St 1 1. Howard, ot Williamsport, the old line Insurance Co., was a caller iu town Tuesday. The up-to-date store of Schwab Bros | j prenentb a leautiful holiday appearance,; v.ell kid with a"! kinds of ; ! Xmas uoods. Satisfaction guaranteed. '■ K l. Schwab antl Mi-s Cora Etnig en -1 iy»>d t ,r fine si »bim; Monday by a , drivn to Stcrliug Bun. \\ in. B :ley, champion Seven-up play- I er. was defeated by a second-elan player 1 from tii pi Tuewlay—score, f>—4. Will claims if he woulil have had his spectacU th- score wouhl have tieen 1 | We wit to correct our la.it week's re-! ' jiori iti re.eird to the Bagley— Harvey L-atne. Score should have read in Sttpt. I'. 11. Hob. rtson aud family, ot going to have a Ik- La Champaigne ! B- .tfiiiiii: New Year » Hay the youua r tieti ot 1 kit-1 ron will oruuniie all mitl- . I ill 1 112 r B»l-e tM Uo 1 '.ear. Thi- H a urund tindertalciiin and The nehool ehildreu took up a tub- 1 -eripii iti aiuiittu th»- lowu poi-pl- and »e » cii!« J eti itih uiutiejf t » jiureh%H.' a fie •ly to treat all i The (tucker* th- ir Xu«« enteftaintnent 11 the h.d'l hoU -e 'l u- -iLy afternooo, 1 It.d <■« veral piet-CK »<;*• very well rcodvr -1 Dm. IVII). L«n »a«. Bargain >al« off ine China, in order (A nnk» riMxn for m-w ?. 1 t'hf»«ittia* Kutubi I havti tittatltW to dl < ( . «,t of njf t uiirt line of Im I'rtMk iml Oern >ll iMtnd and rtwuf ' i Wu», r« gar»U«"a of . wot. Ui||lu niwg tietl rrln»y •*'«►*> pl«e«> ..f dun 1 in in) «toro will oifMrwl a Ju»t «MU -1 tit It' of thr r«t|tilkt j>»! H rht» will IM> mu u)4>u(tiiaHy ut a Ufa 11 m» W n«t j . 1 tiiuU Br uliii t»uia at altU'wl t|iv«i away ' prT. j: t%,«« aud ««t Ur«l Found The Place For . good Stylish Suit, Overcoat or Ra!i eo it. Made to P riV'it, at- the 1 .west price-'. Call or address O. A. BLAIR, Emporium, Pa n4O 6t. B 1 —' l- 1 ■ vi. **% A OS, .-Vdfe—fc «£ J& 35l T I h Merry Christinas to All 112 i GIFT SUGGESTIONS Wreaths of Holly. | ;: Mother A useful basket filled with our choice Fruits or with flowers for the Christmas dinner table center piece. Father A box of good Cigars. A jar of good Smoking Tobacco. Sister A fancy box of our good chocolates, a dozen of roses. A set of those Leipsio Post Cards framed. Little Sister or Brother A box ot Home-made candy; a dozen pop-corn balls, some clear candy toys and candles and tree ornaments for the Christmas tree. Chewing Gum, Whistles For the Christmas Table Delicious bon-bons, after dinner mints, salted peanuts, almonds, fruits and nuts. Ice Cream in Molds or Bricks. Our line of Candies cannot be surpassed in point of quality in Cameron oounty; prioe from 8 cents to a dollar a pound. Wo make our own Hibbon Candy, commonly called ''Christmas Oandy. M 2 pounds for 250, 15c single lb. Christmas Letters and Postals for friends out of town SOGER & CO. oNfc. UOOH tAUr Of- POIT Of MCE KMPtJlllliM, »»A | Mice of '.pnlieafion for Charter \ r OTI 'K i*< hereby given that an application w ill be made to the Governor of the Htate of • I'-m -ivlva nia «>u Monday the 16th dav of Janu ary. 1911,1.v \ BRADY, C. J. GOODNOUGII an/! 112. fl. Mlif i I M amler the Act of Assembly of ti»" 1 IN IIM ilth <>f Pennsylvania, entitled I mi. v • i prov de for the incorporation andregu j ' '1 ceif in corporations, approved April 29th, IR7I, and the supplements thereto, for the cl> iritr iif an intended corporation, to be called | i UXA< 1. SUPPLY COMPANY, the Character and obj'-ct of iv hied it Don lint? in General Mer ' chandlse* mid t'»r these purposes to have, jx»s»ess and enjoy ail the right*, benefits and privileges | of the said Act of A - ivrnbly and iU. supplements. JOHNSON «& McN VRNRY S< :ici ors. ! Emporium. Pa., Dec. 20th, 1910,—45-4, uare Deal 1 Mills v JRIUM, PA. E. J. Rogers, Prop'r j I OUR MOTTO:— It'.mt- 1 Weight and Honest ! ! |i Clood, ! " i uu triad our Buckwheat nr 100 por cent, pure. Put up ij no 10 niy ke you our perrnai >nt customer. m ! 112 prize Collection it^-1 U •«; - wrf.?i», 7 spli"ui. i; Onicn. a varle- " tied , . Viin.. •••■»:>► i'*' I- -Uft var ctiefl iu aU. (H Alt WTK' t> TO PLJ AHU j Write ia-day; Mention this Paper* j S END" ICTCEMTS'' ' 1 i* >. ■ fl pacr X >T,I lßC«ive tlifH i aluahfc i ( I r n of poitpohl, together with i y t • /[ % IIJ-I M'tlw, I F» « ' ;CI Plart p. t- t! • .V . , » • * 4 ■ w. ism::,' u %m $ ; i'\ jr. -vt >•' j in . wvm wmmiow. "VriyriCK IH HEREBY OIVKN O.at tlio fol lowiiif named person H have filed their peti tions for Liquor Ucen.«os, in mv office, according to law, for the term of January Court, 1911: HOTEL LICENSES, Spring, Hotel i import urn, Hast Ward, Hotel Licenses. 'Jit pli Carney und Herman Muline, Si. Charles Hotel I Charles F. Farley An rieari House , Daniel A. McDonald, Cenlial House i inporium, .Middle Ward, Hotel Licenses. ' 11. W. Smith "STew Warner ' Michael J. I). Tin City Hotel John Cumminfe Con ~; e Hotel I I>. W. Donovan, Emporium ROOM Ob&rlm L. Bntler,. Commercial Hooee WHOLESALE UCI NSES. , A. A. V. -D'.i.ald, ...... Emporium F. X. Dlumle, Khippen Township WILLIAM J. LEAVITT, Clerk Q. 9. Notice «>f IMs olution. "V* O'l I'.'M is bereUy uiven 1 .> tl. •, ntm isbip ■li lately suhniKMn^rbetween WaJterG. Morn- I son ami Hubert Ci trk, of th> Borough of Em poriatß, Cauit.ioin i unl;, I'. ii' ylvaiiia, undt ■ the fli.u n»!M • «"C!:tri i Morrison, wasdl-soh !ed on the twontv-fir.-t ,of I) -cmitcr, 1910, by , mutual c> i- nil. A i : bt- I. 1 „ : ... : . the -ud partnership are to be reccivt I by the said Robert ■ ' i •! i in are to be presented to him fur pnvment. lIOBKItT CLARK. , WALTER 112. MOIUUSON. I Emporium, Pa., Dee ilst, 1910. nl'>-4t rsasans; 3sssae:;rr ■■ ,|A OU'-- r.y ' • i r ■ i I ; ip" NIGH § 112; i MOVES THt: BOWELS IN 9 THE MORNING ; • 'l' "!■I—II i r -* OVF -R 65 YEARS' x ' " vjV EXPERIENCE i vd j >&zf si B FT|H n; 4 4 +*.% |y&L~ TRADE MARKS DESIGNS FvvTi COPYHIGHT S ifce. j Anyone r < iliitf A sketch and description mny I quickly »«■ ertaln our opinion froo whether an Invoi • pr'bfthly puiontable. Oomnmiiln lion* i *tly < (intidentfftl. HANDBOOK oil IV ts> i seiit free. oMost airency forßecurmgj>atcntn. ! feiits takon through Muun & Co. rocolve t\>'' ial notice , without onarye, lit tlio i scl€«{ific JJmwicai?. Ahnndsomely tllnstrnted weekly, furw't cir culation <>f any ficientlflo Journal. Term , |ii a y» «r: four months, sl. Hold by ail newtnlt niors. TON i Co. 36,8 ' Now York dranch offlct;, F Ht.., WashlDKton, I). C.