Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, December 22, 1910, Image 21

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    Presents That Please!
Purchase Sensible Gifts at R. SEGER & CO S.
We art' not making a this \ ul^*ti«le Season, leel
, t< 1 -iim- • i. th >"(iw \ 1 ' Iwny-
Aim to Have the Choicest Goods for Xmas.
line of fli ft-cl»8H Clothing oannofc fail to please
j all lovers of stylish goods. Our goods are warranty I ©very time.
8 That's our reputation.
g A Few Sensible Suggestions
iSmokmiog Jackets, Gloves,
Bath Robes. Silk and Linen
Scarfs, Handkerchiefs,
Mufflers, Travelling Bags,
Dress Shirts, . Trunks,
Fancy Ties, Douglas Shoes.
Fine Dim; of Cuffs, Collars, Links, Buttons, &c.
Ask to See the Latest in Suits. Prices Right.
Remember the l'lace- Next Door to First National Bank.
' %S>bs*»bbto mmmmmßmrnmammmmmmmKammmamammmßammw
I t he First Requisite I
' n letter writing is that the paper
used be above criticism,
"ifi Your stationary should reflect
r your taste, character and refine
'£ ment, and convey your personal
The Eaton, Crane Pike Writing g
i Paper are always the firat choice £
mfj ot discriminating people. They I
ffl y hre by far the tineßt social oorrfcH "
>•' ' pondence papers made. They I
' are first in quality, and absolutely
correct iu style. Thsir artistic
and painty boxing adds much to 1
their general attractiveness.
Gome 111 and iet as snow you our line of the popular L/L J '*N
CRANE & PIKE papers.
H ~ ST LL() Y I ), , Masonic Bloc fe J
10-Pound Package $2.00
Delivered by Prepaid Exprcti. . | A
Every housekeeper should read our free ,-r- t^T~"l t'w
"Double Cream" Catechism. It tells /r J T'*""i I '
how "Double Cream" is churned,of what ■*' *- <jZ-J j
it is churned, and why it is pure, sweet, ... !| Vraß
and wholesome. Thi6 is the fancy table \ vi l\
article which is taking the place of high- 71 U■ ' H 1\ ja |\
priced butter all over the country in cities, /1 T I ' ' i ITI \
towns, and oil the farm. Every package r-Vll'i \
bears the IT.l T . S. inspection stamp. Vou jjT ™'lr "ill' \
may color it for hotue use so that even an expert &
can not tell it from gilt-edge creamery butter in
color, aroma, flavor, and texture. Fill out this jaVI
blank and mail to us at once. •. j i|
1 Coloring "Double Cream."
Rtqued for I
Catechitm No. 9 I Name
PU*«. mail m. Street »nd No _____________
roar fr»« "Double ;
Cr«»m" Cal.chuoi. | Poetofllee R.F. D.———
\ Expreu Qfflte - State'
50 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Prize Offers from Leading Manufacturers
Book on patents. "Hints to inventors." "inventions needed.** I
I ** Why some Inventors fail." Send rough sketch or model for E
I search of Patent Office records. Our Mr. Greeley was formerly. I
I Acting Commissioner of Patents, and as such had full charge of I
I the U. S. patent Office.
«> - . . '■■■ ': v -v.'. .. ix
/A# \ m < " *
■■ 'i \ i.v - . ; \
M '■ I? )?;■
• ■ • A f-r.ty \ i
v"V ' t~
k V \ {*'
112 ' \* \/ ■ "i
hm. - 4
j [Copyright, 1910, by American I'resa As«o-
IT was Christmas day, ami tlu* suu
shed a golden radiance over tin-
Arizona divert, brown bivasictl
i and splotflied with mesqulte and
! partus. A (lit- cow pony bore
I Warren over tho indistinct trail lie
I took deep brent lis of the ozone of the
i foothills.
- | "This is living!" sho fried, Btretch
: lug Iter arms to vaid the ti 'es which
] bordered t! • canyon. "It'y grand to
| ; spend Christ nas all alone by ono
j self out on this great desert,
i"To see nio now no one would think
' ine thirty-i! e years old," she laughed,
j swinging llirlitly to a seat on a favor
i ing branch of a lire oak. "The west
! has given me back strength, youth and
—well, iu n degree forgetfulness of tl.e
i past. The change has taught ine a
I wonderful philosophy—not to keep
| trouble."
' She took an apple from her lunch
bat,' and ate it.
1 '* *Si'dii<-iil. a stir
f' V'V hi the manzanita
y bushes behind
j J " s her attracted her
-J 1 attention. I'eer
a J I . W ing throuiih the
I 1 S leaves of her re-
I }ss treat I.ela saw a
| l>f{ tan. well built
h nian In hunter's
1 f''%< ft, K a rb picking his
/' ' s jJ ,j v\ ay, through the
chi ; arial directly
*' 1 ' toward her tree.
v W/i\\ lie approached
v -Jlsj with the elastic
tread of virile
manhood, resting
i A T AM. MAX ix his ritlo against
I lrtiNTF.H's OA an. t |„, onk- Tll( . n ho
tlung himself at Its trunk and stretch
ed his limbs upon the earth to rest.
For a minute she studied the In
truder. debating in her mind the best
tnenns of acquainting hlni with her
prior occupancy of that retreat. Sud
denly a Hplrit of mischief overcame
Iter, and she let fall an oak ball she
had plucked from a nearby twig. The
small green globe struck the man
squarely on the head.
Instantly he sprang to his feet,
caught up his rifle and began peering
np throngh the live oak's branches.
"You can't challenge mo that way,
Mr. Squirrel," he said, pointing the
rifle upward; "not with impunity."
Lela gave a little cough. "Don't
shoot me, please," she called dowu. "1
plead guilty."
Bhe encountered a pair of surprised
brown eyes looking up at her. Prop
ping his ritle to his side, the man lifted
his hat politely,
"1 never shoot dryads," he answered.
"I suppose," she said, a smile hov
ering on the lips, "that you are per
fectly familiar with dryads."
"Hardly," he answered, smillug up
. thoy are said to live in trees. Are
! tho other live oaks in this canyon lu
J bftblted by your cousins?"
bine eyes. "Possibly," she returned:
"you know we have family trees."
•T>o they all have turquoise eyes like
A frown t ros«ed the dryad's face,
but the man's good Matured playln -
pardon mo If i have seemed overpre
stimptuous. Having no curds with tue,
I'll introdm-e myself by telling you 1
urn the mining engineer from the Cop
per Knight property. 1 eiime over to
tlio ni!ne> to do some con traction
w, ■ • ■ 11, fi d"-sei' i ' l. • r ;i
holiday, so in sell defense I turned
uiinrod mid found a dry,".d."
Froi i I r leafy j • rch tie- dryad
watch d the man as he wont whistling
away over to the spring. There was
something In his half playful speech
and the easy s« lm: of his gait that
seemed strangely familiar to her
lie was building a lire between some
rocks when he called to her.
"If the dryad will look I'll show her
bow io coo,, uatoe without pot or pau.
An tndinu guid, show d 'me, ' be ex
Over a tire of dry hark and twigs lie
fixed some green mesqulte sticks to
wlrfr h the game was carefully sus
pended. The aroma of the broiling
i i.i v y -nfli' ient to cau >■ the
dryad to descend, for the ride across
the foothills It td Liven her a vigorous
"1 will spread the table," she an
nouin ed, spreading paper nap!. Ins over
a smooth roclc. "Here are beef sand
wiches. olives, cheese, crackers, tig
wafers and one large apple," she con
tinued, taking the various articles
from her lunch bag and arranging them
ou the improvised table.
"A feast for a dryad," said the man.
"And a nintrod," she added, meeting
tile boyish smile on his face with con
fidence. "It will be a unique Christ
mas dinner."
"It will be the most delightful one
ever, eaten," recklessly declared the
man, deftly turniug the broiling game.
When the game was done tho two
sat down and ate together with no
constraint and with real congeniality.
As she stood under the live oak fas
tening up her abundant light brown
iiair, which had provokingly tumbled
down, the man gave her a peculiar
searching gaze.
"I have certainly met you before,"
he said abruptly,
t Y\V "but before you
V } ("Sf/ enteret tho
answered, mas-
factory mass of
f\ \ he cried, his faco
xJßaefiji i] | ®' ow ' n '» with
!'•! 1 wondered from
iiij the first if I y
y '"Arsis'" hadn't met you
J* in some aeon
long ngo."
"LEI A WAN«R..\!" LIT "And you are
CRIED. j 0 h„ Fletcher,"
she returned, shaking hands. Then
her eyes fell under the radiant light in
his. "Your beard prevented uiy rec
ognizing you before," she added.
"1 was a mere stripling in those
days and you a girl just through high
school," he t>aid. Then he asked with
gentle reproof: "Why did you sell the
old home. Lei a. and go away without
leaving one word for me? When I re
turned from Kuro[M» l searched every
you had gone."
A shadow from the past crossed th«»
"Of course you heard that my brotli
er defaulted Mother aud 1 sold the
old home to settle up for him." she el
plained "Then we went to Chicago
v, he: * i taught boo! After moth
Mountain Park
Green House.
Rltlgway, Pa,
We have the largest arid most up-to
date GREEN HOUSE in Western j
All orders left at Geo. J. Laßar's, ,
Emporium, Pa., will receive prompt
and. careful attention.■ Satisfaction '
guaranteed, 52-] y.
Reduction in
A big reduction of 20 I '
per cent, will be made B !
011 all enamel and tin I <
ware and in fact all B j
articles in the hardware fl
line. Save a dollar
here on every five dollar fl
purchase. A trial will
convince you.
F, W, Cininny
nil 1111111 imn—iiii i■' inn aim iwi
mini' mv
I Canary Sirds \
■ If you wish a Canary
;j for Xmas, consult us. We
I are on the job with a fine I
I imported stock. I |
Drug Store
1 he Bread
That Nourishes
and that haw that deliciout* flavor in
the bread that ia made from the ■
PET GROVE flour. Yon get the f>e«t
nutriment from the choicest wheat
that ia raited and makea your bread
really the »taff of lif« when It it*
made from PET GROVE flour from
your Grocers.
Kuiportam, Nov. 30, 1810
NKMOI'IIIIApcwck 112 1 W
* • <v* H'fcncy,
tvtarove, lac
Roller Mea1.,....." 50
** W>
'i nihil m. TO
" ■ ■" ■' 1 11
The hI Always
i Fa!! and
l| Winter Goods
; Now in
■ ' If you desire a good fit
. ting and stylish made
Suit that is stylish, give
1 John Edeltnan a call at once
and don't wait until the
season is here and have to
wait. Call at once.
. ~~ ~ :
FaU Goods now in I
j Suits made to Order g
Prices from $25 to $45 1
We guarantee otir work I
and if you fail to get a good
fit you do not have to take
the suit. Remember, we
guarantee to give you a good
fit, for we employ none but
the best workmen. They
all reside here, spend
their money here, pay taxes
and help to keep up our
county. Encourage home
Jno. Edelman
| East Emporium, Pa.
Foley's ;
What They Will Do fcr You
They will cure your backache,
strengthen your kidneys, cor
net urinary irregularities, build
p the worn out tissues, and
liminate the excess uric acid
hat causes rheumatism. Pre
/ent Height's Disease and Dia
bates, and restore health and
strength. Refuse substitutes.
Emporium Drug Company
Foley's Honey and Tar
lor children,safe,sure, No opiates.
Taking effect Aug. 22. IVOB.
fi 10 2 4 5*
r. M, A. M. P. M. a.M.
\>rt Allegany.. Lv. 2 :i3 11 37 7 12 900
Jheraicsl Works ... *2 34 00 °
lurtville, 2 44 11 *» 7 32 8 11
Roulette, 2 •* 11 57 7 .<< 9 »
Kuowlton's. "SOU 12 01 00 °
Mlna 3 06 12 07 7 40 9
Olmsted, •:! 10 1? u *7 41 9 *7
. . 3 1H 12 20 7 62 » 4%
Couilersport. 'A.M. ....
* Uv 6 10 12 37
North Couder.port, ' ° ... *l2 41
Prluk's, *5 50 *l2 iv
Oolesburg, S .'>7 .. .. 12 57 ...
Seven Bridges *6 02 ..... *1 02
Ilivniomls 6 12 > 1 13
Uoid. 6 17 1 IS
N'.wield ! 1 23
Newfleli) Junction. 6 27 • t/
I"erkin>, .:... *»' SO *lB5 -...
Cnrpeoter'n 00 *1 W ....
('rowell's, •# as .... *1 42 ..
Dlysses ; '2O .... I"it
f'*»itAllegany, .... 210 H
Chen, i< at works ...
! Burtvillf. 1 'i7 *37
! KnowJUm'o,. ...... l 4/> w iv,
iLv I .*> *l4
' Cott<tor*port, \
l kt
< olfttburf, ......... .... •? ..... K *)*
..... ..., +; :i?
•"* M
j N*#wfl«*lit . . ,