PMDEASTpTISS 4 <**»%. Ow»T4i» >IIH» tor M kl IfVH MOW* Tl FAIL. *•*> 1 »* IU fijl V ion ftu»rani«« r Wen#* Moot prrju i ■ fcr t OU r»«r fcx>i * ill Mitd th*m »» trial, t« be paid t»t ■ • h-u ruifc-ffJ. Harnplw Free If jvht dr*ggia» 4** »•* M b»»« ib*«i »*t4 yaar •riar* to ih« UMITCO MCDICAI CO., • T4. UlOAVtCft, »»k ■ mi mm win wni ii -••ir--nr iflinrrll SoW M Emporium by L. Taggarf and R C On'lson CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND /Jffik BRAND <>■ ft*T «?«. o* 1 v i? LADIES t —— r A.l> j""* J>ru««l.t for CIII-CHES TKR 3 A DIAMOND IJKA.N'D PILI sin R: i> Corn metallic t IM, scaled with Btimy/ | Riti rn. TAKB NO OTHER. Buy a? TO«» j >nl »-V for < lII.CHB*.T£u * Vi , IH UIIIMI HUA .Nl> N1.1.5, for TWEATVWA > years regarded as Best, Safest, Always KeltaMe. j SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS S EVERYWHERE V -rz.-y.--. -v . ajgja : WINDSOR HOTEL] ii \V. T. BRUBAKKR, Manager. M fjf I fc* Luropean, ti iO per day and up tg | American, $2.53 per day ;*nd up -. : : •:r *%< fefepr ?i iss^a^l c • s|. M § Midway between Broad Street j I Station and Reading Ferminal lon Filbert Street. B Thl onlf mwlTite priced hotel ol reputation and consequence in | PH ILADELPHIA -riwrruti TiTiT -iff•"•■-? •••?nr(t«TtiriraiMr Ik -I. Liiliiir Furnitiior Tabourettes. / ■ > M \ 112 The Set to Set Before You Ls waiting/or you in the shape j of a nice set of crockery. We are now showing asplen iid stock ! of good sound Crockery, every j sortment in the county at rea» j IM'lMillg liVti. J. Liiliiir Pure Water! DRINK Sizerville Mineral Water t MM, Purvi dud He. Mttttril Wittr Ci J / At By ARTHUR J. BURDICK. p' | \L-K/ : \ . . % \r 112 Copyright. 1910, by American F*»«M AMOCUHOIV A; # # W; * *' J 4 WAS the day before Christmas, and up in the north ith bis presents old Santa prepared to set forth On a visit to children to scatter his toys A-' Ui*§ And to fill with delight hearts of girls and of boys. A LL his presents 1 wer« sorted and labeled with care u • A>"V- And were piled in great Heaps, filling all the space there. V* yi ca^ ,on * niddy, jolly young Nick, ') y^V^ |irr -fJ iMr "Come, bring round my reindeer; make haste and be quick." J '"VY/HY, my father," the rollicksome youth then replied, N.ip* * * "Your good reindeer of age have every one died; \ Also that mode of travel is quite out of date. ,-JL Keep abreast of the times; you must strike a new gait." | • V; ! AIMJ i# /&)?}* §fy. Old Santa looked stumped, and he paused, hung his fp. Then he heaved a deep siah and sorrowfully said, "I suppose 1 must yield, witn the times keep apace, So bring found an auto, if there's one *bout the place. " Nick winked an eye, and he dropped a sly "My good father," said he, "you're off many a mile. jT j| || You'd be thought a back number to auto the trip. , , v To be quite up with style you must use an airship.** **, O \: ' v 1 <,■ ' < a moment the old man did not speak a word. 112 ; >;» With violent emotions his bosom was stirred. -"V* \ But at length he looked up, gave a toss of his head. MsJjf' \ "Bring hither an up to date airship,' he said. YV/HEN the airship appeared Santa said, with a grinr * * "Now, my son, she is ready; make haste and jump in. fa In this newfangled sleigh o'er the world you may may roam "%• And distribute the presents, and IIJ . S I j\\ A i H l >ME, ''; i TOtet -{: x * *' * i iimniP Pl'pi^TMA^ unuLL o«m J UiiMoimfla. By ROBEHTUS LOVB. r\UD UNCU. SAM, th«t bu»y wight *hii« MM HW I«I hui. jjvm*. App«\ * "Nowmuill h«al«." '*' wA «fi«# line It -f»- J J , "Uu vMtw chick m AM 4 PlWti luiwy p»<-i wit h «r«**urt» »t\ * W Tu««. .wift ih***gik «®L? .' * *~"2l •wirr i <•„. „ ...... *f -MIV *l' *i%fM * * ' (w»« -J# k*J», CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22. 1910. "H*t Up lo '<># or *O," S.tt4 Uiicl* S un, "my wurk wu -ion* With i hit, Km now I I m*t ho, hoi My tttk it scarcely yet bcgtuiF' So oil h* utM «r«u th« OI taity willrt, mill on null, An 4 l t»«ry fh k j-.ierp In i rt» Rkh « placid ol«. And .*4u>g Mk * Trl KI A/ \, w*m!? w *** Wk> 94 H*m*u rt ' * *•* > * WHAT CHRIS I MAS MEANS TO ME By AN OLO BACHELOR, i>l'l»«»rtUDUy f**r kiiutiie** WHAT? NICER I A ONE NEW J i V' > 1 ft JUST ASK YOUR WIFE IF SHE WOULDN'T LIKE ro HAVE A NiSW RANGE? SHE'LL LIKE THE KIND WE SELL. COME AND SEE. WE HAVE THE BEST, jl WE CARRY A FINE LINE OF HEATING STOVES FOR ALL KINDS OF FUEL. ES EC IALLY A FINE LINE OF WOOD AND COAL HEATERS. , A FULL LINE OF BASKETS AND MEASURES FOR ALL PURPOSES. A FULL LINK OF GAS HOSE. COAL FAILS AND AMMUNITION OF ALL KINDS. I Plumbing, Tinning, Steam and Hot j| Water Heating a Speciality. jj The Most Complete Line of Hardware II Never Las our establishment been better able to meet the I jl demands of the tra 0 than at present. We have the largest and || most complete line of everything that should lie found in a iirst- |j || class Hardware store. Drop in and see us—no harm done if || : || you do not purchase. I F. V. HESLMAN & CO. V Next door to Geo. .1. Laßar s Furniture Store. COMPETITION DEAD! —- Groceries Canned goods, strictly pure, conforming with the pure , food law, intr oi Tomatoes, Peaches, Pears. Succotash and Corn, Cornell and I tried Heef, \ ciil Lmif, Salmon, Sar- lffi| dines in oil and mustard, Piekles by the keg or in bolt!#*, all .;••• kinds of Fish, by the piece or pail, Hams, Paeon aiid Salt jQij 1 Pork, or anything you desire iu Ihe t ifucery line; alsu Hay, 5 Foml, Oats, Straw and Flour. I Clothing Our stock of Underwear in complete. National Wool, **•'' Fleece lined mid Ballbrinan Shirts and Drawers which cannot Over Jacket*, Pants, Work and Dross Shirts. Wool and Cot tun Socks, (1 loves and Mitts, will surpriw you in price and & Sboe. and Rubber* Men and lin\»* work and dret"* Shoes, lAdie- and C'hil **• \ ■ I : M- and all • UuLU ■ - . < 'I, |,|, ( nit nd I ir < i'i'i v Dry Goods , ' n darnini; needle to a machine. Our line of Krabroj* 1 ■ dfi ii 112 and liiHertioUh are < >»mi»li»t' t 'ouc* look our ! Hardware W>. Shovel* Unit llitmin'ii Halcb.U all kind*- -ft n der>t and «d»all cnd««¥«i m gi»» out ' V 1 il* the futulM *« W« L«»« in lite y*«4 * t, It. HOW AMU CO, k£.. Jr», ■ m • * Ik* •