Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, December 22, 1910, Image 13

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    The peculiar properties of Chamber- j
lain's Cough liemedy have been thor |
oughlj tested during the epidemics of in
fluenza, and when it was taken in time
wc have not heard of a single case of |
pneumonia. Sold by all dealers.
Many persons find themselves affected j
with a persistent cough after au attack of
influenzi. As this cough oan be prompt
ly cured by the use of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy, it should uot be allowed
to run on until it becomes troublesome.
Sold by all dealers.
Foley Kidney Pills are tonic inaction
quick io results, and restore the natural
action of the kidneys and bladder. I hey
correct irregularities. For sale by Em- •
porium Drug Co.
All persons are hereby forbidden from
trespassing upon the property of this j
Company without a permit trom this
office, or the Manager at the works*
Emporium, Pa., August 1«t 1!»03
Latest Popular Music.
Miss May Gould, teacher of piano
fort has received a full line of the lat
est and moat popular sheet music. AJi
the popular airs. Popular and class
ical music. Prices reasonable.
AT ONCE Local andtravellngsalesmen j
in Ithis state to represent us. There is
money In the work for YOU soliciting :
for our easy selling specialies. Apply
now for territory.
AU.EN NURSERY CO., Rochester, N. Y
)4-m. I
/ We promptly obtain 112. B. mil Foreign /
> hvnd mi "It i, sketch or photo of in Yen'.if w for I
> fr<iereport <,n t»tpntability. IVr free took, •' j
/ How to S'.-careTD fi fIC UHDVO write V !
| The cure that has been continuously
I successful for more than SI years is
I worth investigating. For the drug or
I drink Write particulars. •
1"» Only Keel e y Institute in Western
| reuna. 4240 Fifth Ave., llttsbiirgh.l'a.
i» i »»■» I Ii n r "itrnmnTiimrif
kagigsßKY x*., > -s, T
I PILES *S!« Supposliuryfi
■ * u . Titonifn <n, Sap'lß |
H'<r»4r4 fi«hor ,St .N.C., write*: •• I W i
■|r»-..0n. l»r. h. D. MtOiU, i irkftburK, I« ut . m |
■j »,«-.*! j ri." Patce SO h*nipl<t* Kr,e. .">l4s I ■MM
Sold la Emporium t>y L. T»cq*rt an d If. C Oodio*
r:a* i FOR rRt r H/impi F
Over Half-Century.
Humphreys' Specifics have
been used by the people with
satisfaction for more than BO
y*ars. Medical EJook sunt free, j
Ho. ro» Prle» :
I Fe«er», Congestions, Inflammations I.j
> Worm. » ..nil VtW.OtWM 'JS j
3 I uilf, Crying and v. akefu»u»'*a of Infant* 2 5
4 Olarrliea. of Children and Ailults ...
1 « oachn.OoltU, nronchtlls 2 A
• Toothache, Fa-' «fhf Neuralgia 3A
• Hea4ar-he, Sick Headache, Vertigo 2 A
10 lui!i^(t»o t Wfftk Momich... 3A
13 I'roup. lloaraa Cough, Laryngitis 25
14 ttall Hbeuin. fcruj tlona, Eryhlpelaa... ... 25
1 % Hbrunittilim. or Ah* urnatu Pa 10*.... Z 5
14 fever aa< %«ue. Malaria 35
11 file*. ItUnd or Llaedlng, titeroal. Internal 3A
14 Catarrh, Inß acuta, C tin Head 2A
90 W hooplni 1 <»u|h, iMxiic Ci'ugb '43
37 Rt4ocy Graval, Client! IA
1H Nertoua Deblllly, Tlta! Weakoaaa 100
HO Irlaary lo<untl near#, WntUuf M 3A
34 tore Throat. <,'iinir •nd Diphtheria 4A
77 Gfif, Ha? Fever &«J S«gi«»cr Coldi 39
told r* dmggUU, or scot oft recaipt of price.
112!« KPHKKTT M'KRo MF.DK fNI CO. formal
WUH#M artd ACQ Stweti. Ntw YORK.
L-uic:-.! SiV = P"™cy anJ Set
- v Nbv r • -i-'t t 112 - *,
; Magazine and Usir- P'cCfi'l Pattern*
An* You Loiikiuy
lor a Position?
We can offtrr yuu C
Paying I m|»l«»y»mnt
th.u p,u will enjoy ,uul
lilL MloiiliUL
'1 4 ''S
HE, hunrf in Ih* castle halt.
The hotly branch <Acn< on the old oaK l»alt.
And the bason V w'ainer* t vert blithe and gay
yV nd )Keeping their ChrUltna4 holiday.
Cfhe baron beheld u>hh a _/other's pride
His beautiful child, younjf Lowell's bride.
While she tuiih her bright eyes seemed to be
The star of the rfoodty company.
"I'm tveary nf dancinjf notv." she 'cried.
"Here tttrry a moment —fll hide. i'H hidet
jAnd. I*o+>«ll. be sure thou'rt first to tract
The clrbf to my secret lurHjnjf place."
A*»>ay she ran.and her friends began
Ketch tou/er to search and each nooK to scan.
Anrf j'can/J Lot Jell crledt "Oh. inhere dost thou hldet
I'm '«n«/ciN* t without them, my etvn deur brnle."
They sought her that nigbt. and they sought her nejrt day.
A nd they sought her in %>ain tvhen a t»-eeK passed ate/ay.
In the highest, the lotvest. the loneliest spot
sfoung Loxfetl sought bulldly. but found her not.
And years fleto by. and their jfrief ut tost
XXJ*±s told u a sorrotvful tale long past.
And h'hen lot.'el I appeared the children cried t
"■Seel The old man toeeps for his fairy bride."
. ,"V" 7' —'—®
At length t»n «al chit that had long lam hid
®'' ,w to\tnd it i the sustie, t"hey rt&ised the lid.
And M t. etvn form laj mi 'dering there
In the mridol tureath at/ that lady fmir
Oh. tad io4*s her fate! In sportive test
%"hm hid /'mm her lo tl in the mid wuA chmst.
It tlfsed u-ith «. titling, and. dreadful doom,
{ he bride /«> tlusped In he' lining tomb 112 •
j Worse than an alarm of fire at night is |
; the metallic eolith of croup, bringing j
I dread *o the household. Careful mothers i
J keep Foley's Honey a Ik) Tar in the !
' house and give it at the first sign of dan
j ger. It contains no opiates. Sold by
I Emporium Drug Co.
Banks On Sure Thing Now.
I "I'll never be without Dr. Kind's New j
Life Fills again," writes A. Shingeck,
f»l7 Kim St., Buffalo, N. V. "They
cured tne of chronic constipation when
all others failed " Unequaled for Bili
•ousnesss, Jaundice, Indigestion, Head
ache, Chilis, Malaria and Debility. 25c
at all druggists.
The greatest danger from influenza is
of its resulting in pneumonia. This can
be obviated by using Chamberlain's'
. ough Remedy, as it not only cures in- -
: fluenza, but counteracts any tendency of !
i the disease towards pneumonia. Sold bv !
; all dealers.
Bemernl • r that when your kidneys are
1 affected, your life is in danger. M. May
er. ltochesler, N. V., says: "My trouble
started with a sharp shooting pairi over
uiy back which grew worse daily. I felt j
sluggi.-h and tired, my kidney action was
irregular and infreijuett. 1 started usu
ing Foley Kidney Fills. Each dose
seemed to put new life and strength in
to me, and now I am completely cured
and feel better and stronger than for j
years." For sale by Emporium Drug
F.nds Winter's Troubles.
To many, winter is a season of trouble
The frost bitten toes aud fingers, chapped
hands and lips, chilblains, fcold sores, red
and rou'_'h skins, prove this. But such
troubles flv before Bucklen's Anica
Salve. A trial convinces. Greatest
healer of Burns, Boils. Files, Cuts, Sores,
j Fez ma and Sprain-. Only 2">e at all
| druggists.
A spiained ankle will usually disable
i the ii juied person for three or four
i weeks. This is due to lack of j,roper
: tieatimnt. When Chanil >er'.tin's Lini
i merit is applied a cure may be effected in 1
: three nr four days. This liniment is one
: of the best and most icmarkable prcpara- ;
! tions in use. Sold by :»11 dealers.
| If you are suffering from biliousness,
j constipation, indigestion, chronic liead
i ache, invest one ceut in a postal card,
scud to Chamberlain Medicine Co., Des
Moines, lowa, with your i atne and ad
dress plainly on the back, and they will
forward you a free sample of Chamber
lain > Stomach and Liver Tablets, So'd
by all dealers.
Cedar Shinnies $4.50 per thousand at
C. B. Howard & Go's.
'[gift hints]'
j I Our exclusive lines make | '
J tliis drng store the popular I
I I Kmporium for Xmas Shop- 2
i ptrs *. .. „. i
I Al*cw (i !f( 11 i II(n |
s Hudnut's Superb
; Toilet Waters,
I Perfumes and
j Toilet Powders. j
j Sammuri Japanese j
j Toilet Articles,
j Wuest's Crushed
3 Fruit Chocolate
• Candies.
Giffons Warranted
- Manicuring
Postal Cards
» and Booklets.
I Stationery.
htaudit in tut, j and I
y* to ttte ho\.
An early ctil will con
utiiv yutt.
Only at tin
New Drug Store '
i tn imii iit hi Mrnil I •>.
:> P«*l <l*t» »»ha»« 11 1
_ — mmm mmmmmmmmmQ
<m W % mm mm mm wmmm** *
Warns to ht.lp Some One.
For thirty yearn J. F. Buyer, of Fer
tile, Mo, needed hely and couldn't find
it. Thut's why he wants to lieip some
one now. Suffering so long himself he
fV'el.s I'or all distress from Bacbache, Ner
vousness, Lo«s of Appetite, Lassitude
and Kidney disorders. He shows that
Electric Bitters work wonders for such
troubles. "Five bottles, be writes, v/hol
ly cured uie and now I uiu well aud
hearty." It's also positively guaranteed
lor Liver trouble, Dyspepsia, Blood Dis
orders, Female Complaints and Malaria.
Try them. 50c at all druggists.
You Hust Read This if you Want the
.J W drier, Greenwood, L;i., suffered
with a severe ease o! 1111 *> ■ '-The
pains were so intense I was forced to hy
podermic injections foi relief. These at
tacks started with a pain in the small of
my back which gradually became fairlv
parhzing. My attention was attracted
to Foley's Kidney Remedy, and I am
glad to say 'bat after u-ing tlii- wonder
ful medicine I am no longer bothered
in any way by my old enemy lumbago."
For sale by the Emporium lhug Co.
' 3 wjm— .iMESgayMH
Autumn Announcement
A Fine Line of Coats, Suits, Skirts
and Shirtwaists, just received
A large consignment of new furs that are now open for
I inspection.
A special discount of 10 per ceut on regular price will
g be made to those purchasing within the next week. A small
& cash deposit will secure the furs. Call early.
j H.A.Zarps & Co J
Why Not? j
Since the tendency of the Holiday Gift
r I lias turned toward the useful as well as
J I the ornamental, why not first consider &
A our great display of
I Practical Gifts 112
| for Ladies |
! Furs GloOes Handkerchiefs I
SI.OO 25c 5c p
1 to $25.00 to $3.75 to $1.50
t ?
| Kimonos Bathrobes
| 75c to $2.50 $2.75 to $5.50 I
Suits and
I SH.SO to $29.00 fc
i >
i S
I Fourth Sire VI, /'.t fl
; t s fitter '
A Simple Safeguard for Mothers.
Mr*. Gilkenson, 326 Ingles Ave,,
Youngstowu, Ohio, gained wisdom by ex
perieoce. "My little girl had a severe
cold and coughed almost continuously.
My sister recommended Foley's Honey
and Tar. The first dose T gave her re
lieved the inflammation in her throat and
after using only one bottle her throat and
lun«s were entirely free from inflamma
tion. Since then I always keep a bottle
of Foley's Honey and Tar in the house,"
Accept no substitute. For sale by Em
i poriuui Drug Co.
Saved From Awful Death.
How an appalling death in his family
! prevented is told by A. 1). McDonald, o:
; Fayetteville, N. C. 11. F. D. No. 8
"My sister had consumption," he writes
"she was very thin and pale, had no ap
petite and seemed to grow weaker every
| day, as all remedies failed, till Dr. King's
N't vv Di-eovery was tried, and so com
pletely cured her, that she has not been
' troubled with a eougb siriee. It's the
best medicine I over saw or heard of."
! For coughs, colds, lajirippe, asthma,
j croup, hemorrhages—all bronchial troub
j lea, it has no equal, 50c, Si.oo. Trial
; bottle free. Guaranteed by all druggists.