- > |Tf ;||| <■- r"- • -?r\>-- •»> //P X >*/ . ■ ; ->• C : ;, : V "o?^^J \ : -J» J" - v ~ '"*i')W3L '- V;ii' A * ' \ / •''V \ ,' /' • «r»t / , t t , ■ ' —-"""• ' - "—* • tp ~ v...„. /J t» ■ ffjk %\ " > / * ' "i* V \ SI C"^A\. • (]J\ m%k ' ' ' 'J.'V '. i fe'. % P 1 ' N •/' t" yajj|k vyVT X. \A ygife 112 ■■-•.- : n v ■ 112 %#)) ph x < ■•m*b "AA *M>--f>.f V/ (•' 'f|ls7) /7T •wSra # j CAMERON COUNTY PRESS. VOL, 44 _ No Paper Next Week. As customary, we Hiiall not issue the "■ PRKSS next week, yet onr business of s flee and jobbing department will bo in iull force, as usual. Our faithful em plojeea wo hope to give as much rest as possible, after the arduous work of ~~° the past year. We hope all of our cor respondents, will make-a note of this jj-. fact and not send their letters. We ■J. thank our large force of correspon dints for their newsy letters. Wish ing jou all a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. THE EDITOR. Basket Bail. On Monday evening, December 26th, a rousing game of Basket Ball will be N played at the opera house, at which \ time Emporium will ' - up uiih the str a. d will -l : : "" ed that Mr. Ghering was a • ry 112: -I and i ndable player. With this valuable addition to our air. a'y good team, no doub- the game wilt bo most inter' ting. Ail l urn OUT enjoy the game. Don't iorget the date, Monday evening, December, 26, at the Opera Hou-u. State As.v< . "ation. i'he Meeting at Harrisburg During Week of the Christmas Holidays. The program for the meeting of the Pennsyh ni ; ! i Kdieat' U A i ' ciatiou which is to be printed in thii ; V iscue of Thv Journal should make n , iv4 j strong appeal to till who are iutej s-Med in educational progress in th g.-<--diy commonwealth. The forth Ming meeting should be perhaps the mor>i important of its kind that has ever been held in the State. The time is opportune tor a great meeting-~a meeting laige in atteni' and pow- ! erful in influence. The next h„; !a- ! ture will consider school legislation,' and it is the duty of the school inter stand equate!} back of these opinions. Committee Appointed. . ' Smith, of Sti - ting Hun, have been ap r\ pointed the Sn icii«iCommitter ?:;. SO, 1910 Tickets SI.OO. Supper 35e MUSIC liY GERMAN IA ORCHESTRA OF LOCK HAVEN k 1 • - ' v.V ■, " M;-- - ■w4 / ■" / *' " ■■- 7 / f-r ' \ V: J- • > * > ■-> . V. i <■ Jy * j 'it- ■ if-v %.«» V v ■.* * \% *• s " - i -t '» ' 'tv fiti Ll > •• ' .• ; M/i" ■ ~ ' "V-( < ... , «-. •< -T- TI. - .. J.- ■' . * * ?ij. >i V? f**: *'•/. TU K;( » ■■ ■ - '2* ■ ->» \- • \ /#-; ■; m.; 11% \ *, * : , i \ ■ - .FV ■ . -v. #'• ■s' ■ ##\* ••••« \- •; *\% I -nMM- ■ ' ""■**'+ I Jh.- .• ' ■ , ■ 112 -, • .... I■ I w ' 'i j k | . 112 ' •' V'" ' .V Vti- '. - fef A »'s- t ff" ~«J ■ I V- 'K./- .. . -. U-. 1* r 112 ,1- rW' • V t=< Mi W- I J ,| ■ i |. • j \ I | <• ,'s 4" '* «fI« je, *!&% 4 \-> "ijf '' *• '<*'{"'*■ . H / .M KM \7| ' - : = '% •• „ / fr^L .. ' •• . "V fM'£sk ¥ \; -.a .■■■ • AM^t pIB^-• me, :-.; .-v,- , n y.' - i/ 1 1-'»' * •>. ? t TA wiivn unMR if jnL ' a«£i & i 2^*^"^C j1 Officers Elected. Lut>t Monday t-vningat the regular meeting ot Washington Camp, No. 3hi, one uf Ihe muiu h'utures oi the even el.; 1.1 ,t1.., Mr Ihiiry Ludluiu; V. Pit - .d» ii.ii '*l .8, hi. uier; Master ec; l'||j..iH-, ertilarj, ... . . b. liisid - mi, M:>ry Welsh, Anna Weixh, Beanie MeQu. /, Rett a il? art. All the iu> mbt i oi lie Application for Charter. It will be seen by referring to the le gal ativertisineuls of this issue tiiat Mt ssrs. A. Brady, C. J. Gooditough and J. 1). Meittel will apply to the Gover ernorof Pennsylvania on Jan. 16th, 1911, for a charter for an intended cor- i Permanent Ciltnens. MR ami .Mrs. J. li. Muiml lune uiov 28 PAGES THK WEATHKK. PRIDAY. Rain or snow SATURDAY, Snow Flurrie l SUNDAY, Fair. AtiaE.ru First National Bank, EMPORIUM.A. At the dope of business, Dcr. 21, 7910, $885,543.82. TO OUR CUSTOMERS. ; '" iat we appreciate jour patronage, your loy alty and iteadfastness, ftilly as much a~you ap preciate the help we ! arc at times been able to • turnisii you, goes without raying. However, we want to take th f * pub " of thanking yool'or past patronn - th fuil ice wopltd);. yiuoi r best er,.'loav.,.f. in ill- ":itu,, j as you have hay the j-iui ; plaee at tbi family refi ' j East Fifth street. The foliown. < aro j thoeo v: to wil be in attendance .Mr. ■ , and Mrs. J. M. Bair, Mr. John Vt > • ■ roan and children, Mrs. Hone i ;pn • f.'i * : Oleau, X. Y., air. and Mrs. Albert j Bair, oi Jersey Shore. The cmldren who reside in town wil! also be pres ent. These pleasant reunions take , place ever year and %vhat time is move - j appropriate than the joyoos festival of j Christmas. Historical t\ tnts. L:iFt Thursday, Decern b< r li .. it i the Nation's Gieat Hero i F;. ;:..r of bis Country, the noble Wash i&.on. December 16th wa;. tie . 7:h an . . f tho Boston studied history as a QoL.ble e. . oi the time. To-day, December L. I, i# j just 290 years since the iuudiug o« Am Pilgrims on i'i;> mouth Ilock. .tn >ary oi ibo great buttle oi i i'6ol ir. Re-appointed P. stmaster. A Special Services. There will be an onpe ially int ?e«t- > ing service held at Rmut innel Ch&fch on next. Sunday at 5:00 o'clock rinwe ; will be special music. Miss E abeth Crandell, of onr pity, will sing a b».mti> ! fbl solo, entitled, "The Song the - .. | ■, ~M , , |!» ( .~u HHi vt' i \® / |g|p \ i /j i \ Mf/" * * ':fo . ■■ ■ % ;v».» NO. 45.